3 minute read

Back Talk: Celebrate Your Child’s Independent Health


ell, the weather is getting hot - or should I say it’s hot here in Hotlanta! Music is pumping, bands are W thumping, and all the kids are outside playing and having fun! We are in the heat of the summer and for kids, what's better than that? I can remember living for the summer. It was the absolute best time of year - being out of school and being free! I still enjoy the benefits, although I don't get my summers off and I'm not quite as adaptable to those hot summer days.


The topic this month is children's wellness. Many kids are outside playing sports, whether they play competitively or just for fun. As adults, we love to see our kids be active, socializing and having fun with other kids. Most kids are extremely resilient; kids can do crazy things and not have repercussions, unlike their older parents. But children can still misalign their spines minimally and not immediately realize this. Any sports that involve contact, such as football, soccer, or basketball, can cause micro-traumas that misalign their spines. Why is this important to understand? Because their first subluxation can occur with mild trauma. What is a subluxation? These are spinal misalignments that can put pressure on the nerves affecting how the body functions. The sooner the child’s spine is checked for subluxations, the better opportunity for the best health. Subluxations can be mild at first but over time can lead to decreased health. It's easy to check children's spines for subluxations and easy to correct. We use an adjusting instrument called an Activator that gives a very mild impulse to the spinal bones, which realigns the spine and takes pressure off the nerves.

So, when is the best time for a child to get checked for subluxations? Just like any condition, the earlier it is found, the easier it is to correct. Once an infant starts to walk, they have many small falls (usually onto their bottoms), and this is where the first subluxations can occur. Later in life, as a child plays sports, mild to moderate trauma can also misalign the spine. The longer the spine is misaligned with pressure to the nerves, the more damage to the tissue that nerve supplies. If the nerve is going into a muscle, the child can experience spasm or weakness. If it's going into an organ like the lungs, it can create dysfunction like asthma. The children who have had regular chiropractic care are some of the healthiest children I see.

So, when is the best time to have your child’s spine checked? Again, the sooner the better!

Happy Independence Day, America! May we continue to live strong and free – and healthy!

DR. KARL SCHWARTZ is a graduate of Life University in Marietta, Georgia; he has been practicing chiropractic in Tucker for twenty-one years and a resident here for fifteen years. His office specializes in preventing sports injuries and maximizing performance by analyzing posture, weight bearing, and gait. If you have a question you would like addressed in a future column, please email karlschwartzdc@gmail.com. Note “Back Talk” in the subject line.

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