Guide to Maritime Software

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ShipInsight Critical information on marine technology and regulation

June 2013



The latest in research, technological advances and regulation


Malcolm Latarche

Introduction SHIPPING IS often described as a conservative industry that is loath to embrace change unless forced to do so. There may be some truth in that although caution, rather than conservatism is often the root cause of what appears as reluctance. Shipping has certainly not been reluctant to make use of computers and IT in spite of what some may think. Many systems on board ships from alarms to engine monitoring and diagnostics make use of embedded software but it is the user selected software that is the subject of this guide. In 1998, the IMO Maritime Safety Committee approved guidelines for the on-board use and application of computers having recognised that ‘the advent of inexpensive personal computers has resulted in rapidlygrowing usage aboard merchant marine vessels for many shipboard applications, including cargo loading and trim and stability calculations. For this use of computers to have come to the attention of the IMO and for the MSC to have prepared and approved guidelines, it is obvious that computers had been in use for the reasons mentioned for some years. And since Microsoft had only introduced Windows in 1992 and many offices were still not fully computerised by the mid-1990s, far from being late comers, the shipping industry was an early user of computing power. Today computers are essential both ashore and on board ships for all manner of applications. Trim, stability and stowage are obvious areas where the necessary complex mathematical calculations can be performed quicker and more accurately by computer than by the crew and modern programs are even able to monitor changes dynamically and make recommendations. In navigation, computing by way of ECDIS has just become mandatory and there will doubtless be more similar developments in the future. | July 2013  |  1


Contents Editor: Malcolm Latarche Head of Design: Chris Caldwell Layout & Production: John Amy Advertising Sales: ShipInsight Ltd 145-157 St John Street London EC1V 4PW United Kingdom The Software Guide is produced by ShipInsight Ltd. Care is taken to ensure the information it contains is accurate and up to date. However ShipInsight Ltd accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies in, or changes to, such information. No part of this publication may be produced in any form or by means including photocopying or recording, without the permission of ShipInsight Ltd. Register at to receive the next free guide.

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Chapter 1 – Regulations........................................ 4 The rules governing the use of software and what is mandatory under SOLAS Chapter 2 – Ship Management .............................10 From in-house beginnings the market is now well covered with an extensive range of products Chapter 3 – Regulatory......................................... 34 Using software to meet the many demands of modern shipping regulation Chapter 4 – Performance Management............. 43 The newest breed of ship software monitoring fuel use and KPIs in real time Chapter 5 – Chartering/Broking.......................... 54 Specialist products for voyage estimating and preparing charterparties Chapter 6 – Miscellaneous................................... 63 A small selection of niche products covering various aspects of ship operation

Collisions are still taking lives! The only ECDIS with advice on course & speed change

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Chapter 1

Regulations Image: Napa Oy

WHEN TALKING of shipping software it should be recognised that some will be used on board and some in the shore offices of operators and other organisations such as crewing agencies and shipbrokers. What is used on shore will mostly fall outside of any regulatory regime although where it is part of an ISM/ISPS safety management or security system there may be some requirement within the system itself for some form of official approval. Shipboard software is also not subject to very much in the way of regulation but it is of course at the heart of so many modern technologies and since some products used on ships are subject to IMO performance standards and type-approval. The software on which these systems rely is also subject to scrutiny. The best examples of this are perhaps in loading computers and ECDIS. Possibly the first use of software on board ships that was a result of regulation dates back to 1998 when, following a string of bulker casualties, the IMO determined that vessels above 150m must be equipped with a loading instrument. Although the terms is a little ambiguous, it is generally accepted as meaning a PC with a dedicated program to calcu4 Â | Â

Regulations late hull girder shear forces and bending moments, and to more readily compare the values with the permissible limits. The IMO rules came about more or less simultaneously with requirements from IACS contained in UR21. However, the IACS requirement applied to vessels above 65m in length and not only the 150m required by the IMO. In the near future tankers and passenger vessels will also be required to carry computers and software able to make stability calculations for ships in damaged condition. By 2006, the IMO had developed guidelines for the performance standards for stability instruments which were release in January 2007 in MSC.1/Circ.1229. The following year, the IMO produced its International code on intact stability known more usually as The IS Code 2008 in which a whole chapter (Chapter 4) deals with stability instruments. The code is almost 100 pages in extent and therefore not suitable for reproduction here. Furthermore most of chapter 4 deals with aspects of the calculation rather than the software directly. The software is nevertheless subject to regulation and must be approved by the flag state when first installed and again if there are any modifications to either the ship or the software. It also has to be tested against more traditional means of calculations. The most relevant aspects of the code as regards the software are listed below. 4.1.6 Approval procedure Conditions of approval of the stability instrument The software approval includes: .1 verification of type approval, if any; .2 verification that the data used is consistent with the current condition of the ship (refer to paragraph; .3 verification and approval of the test conditions; and .4 verification that the software is appropriate for the type of ship and stability calculations required. The satisfactory operation of the stability instrument is to be verified by testing upon installation (refer to paragraph 4.1.8). A copy of the approved test conditions and the operation manual for the stability instrument are to be available on board. | July 2013 Â | Â 5

Software Specific approval The accuracy of the computational results and actual ship data used by the calculation program for the particular ship on which the program will be installed should be to the satisfaction of the Administration. Upon application for data verification, minimum of four loading conditions should be taken from the ship’s approved stability booklet, which are to be used as the test conditions. For ships carrying liquids in bulk, at least one of the conditions should include partially filled tanks. For ships carrying grain in bulk, one of the grain loading conditions should include a partially filled grain compartment. Within the test conditions each compartment should be loaded at least once. The test conditions normally are to cover the range of load draughts from the deepest envisaged loaded condition to the light ballast condition and should include at least one departure and one arrival condition. The following data, submitted by the applicant, should be consistent with arrangements and most recently approved lightship characteristics of the ship according to current plans and documentation on file, subject to possible further verification on board: .1 identification of the calculation program including version number. Main dimensions, hydrostatic particulars and, if applicable, the ship’s profile; .2 the position of the forward and aft perpendiculars, and if appropriate, the calculation method to derive the forward and aft draughts at the actual position of the ship’s draught marks; .3 ship’s lightweight and centre of gravity derived from the most recently approved inclining experiment or light weight survey; .4 lines plan, offset tables or other suitable presentation of hull form data including all relevant appendages, if necessary to model the ship; .5 compartment definitions, including frame spacing, and centres of volume, together with capacity tables (sounding/ullage tables), free surface corrections, if appropriate; and .6 cargo and consumables distribution for each loading condition. Verification by the Administration does not absolve the 6 |

Regulations shipowner of responsibility for ensuring that the information programmed into the stability instrument is consistent with the current condition of the ship and approved stability booklet. 4.1.10 Other requirements Protection against unintentional or unauthorized modification of programs and data should be provided. The program should monitor operation and activate an alarm when the program is incorrectly or abnormally used. The program and any data stored in the system should be protected from corruption by loss of power. Error messages with regard to limitations such as filling a compartment beyond capacity or more than once, or exceeding the assigned load line, etc., should be included. If any software related to stability measures such as sea keeping abilities of the vessel, evaluation of in-service inclining experiments and processing the results for further calculation, as well as the evaluation of roll period measurements is installed on board, such software should be reported to the Administration for consideration. Program functionalities should include mass and moment calculations with numerical and graphical presentation of the results, such as initial stability values, righting lever curve, areas under the righting lever curve and range of stability. All input data from automatically measuring sensors, such as gauging devices or draught reading systems should be presented to the user for verification. The user should have the possibility to override faulty readings manually.

Preventing Problems Regardless of whether or not software used on board is subject to regulation, the most important thing is to ensure that it is protected from data corruption by equipment failure or virus/malware attack. Shipowners | July 2013 Â | Â 7

Software and managers should ensure that their ISM procedures protect essential equipment and in fact identification of essential equipment is a part of the ISM Code itself. Where computers are considered essential equipment they should be password protected and only persons with administrator rights allowed to add or change software. On no account should unauthorised and unlicensed software be installed as often this will be a potential route for viruses to infect the system. The computer hardware will, if type approved most likely have a protected power supply but if this is not the case and the software application is considered as being essential to the ship then actions should be taken to protect the hardware.

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Chapter 2

Ship Management Image: Omega Shipping

SHIP MANAGEMENT for the purpose of this chapter covers both the activities of traditional ship owning concerns and those which undertake the management of vessels for investment companies and speculators. It is an area that many software providers see as providing lucrative opportunities for sales but comparatively few achieve much success. This may be because the ship owning and operating sector does not have a standard model operation with practices that can easily be computerised or because it has devised its own in-house software. In many instances, those devising the software have a background in ship ownership or management and while they can appreciate what was needed in the type of organisation they themselves worked in, some do not appreciate that others have different ideas. Some software providers are in fact spin-offs from in-house departments of shipowning companies. Ship management organisations come in a wide range of sizes with some managing no more than a handful of vessels while others may have several hundred ships in management. Some of the software these organisations need could be bought off the shelf at any software retailer. 10 Â | Â

Ship Management Accounting, payroll, maintenance and stock control and purchasing software designed for general use is perfectly adequate for most shipping companies’ needs but because there may be some that prefer to be able to integrate different activities, a purpose-designed suite of software may be more acceptable. Coming under the general heading of Shipmanagement software are the following five activities:Finance and Accounting Purchasing/e-commerce Document Control Planned Maintenance Crewing/Payroll There are also some programs specially devised for ISM and ISPS Code administration that might overlap with some of the above and which are covered elsewhere. It should also be noted that some areas, in particular the last three categories, could be considered by some to cover operations as well as administration. This is because some documents may be needed to obtain port entry or clearance and much of the maintenance will be carried out in service. From a crewing point of view, illness or other incidents may mean there is a need to replace persons outside of normal crew changes or certificates may need renewing. With the coming into force of the MLC 2006 in 2013, there is also a requirement for limits on the hours crews are permitted to work under normal circumstances. Some crewing software already records working hours and produces reports which could be acceptable to PSC inspectors policing the MLC.

ABS Based: US Website:

US class society American Bureau of Shipping has an extensive software section that provides several class-related products as well as a | July 2013 | 11

Software full featured ship management/operation suite. The NS5 management suite includes all of the five features mentioned in the introduction with several enhancements. Maintenance Management includes optional modules and utilities covering; Maintenance & Repair, Drydocking, Hull Inspection, Hull Maintenance and Drawings Management. Document Management is a browser-based application that is fully integrated with NS5 and provides a repository for documents that align with a client’s equipment hierarchy. The module has been structured to allow for additional equipment information, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) specs, photos and PDF drawings, which can be easily stored and accessed. A simple link within the hierarchy provides access to the document repository. Workforce Management suite helps ship managers improve their operating efficiency through the simplification of crewing administration, reducing payroll errors and optimizing crew managers’ time spent in recruiting qualified personnel. This comprises two parts crew manager which covers competencies and documentation, leave and the like and crew payroll which covers wages and allotments. ABS also has software for performance management and other operational aspects.

Adonis Based: Norway Website:

Adonis software for shipping is confined to the crewing and human resources areas but unlike some systems that are concerned purely with payroll, the Adonis software covers the full range of crew management including recruitment. The Crew Management Module is the basic module that forms the foundation for all the other suite modules. Every employee’s information is stored in a set of data groups that cover personal and family records, competence, training, medical and employment history and more. The Crew Planning Module supports the task of managing the shipboard rotations of crew members. Users employ a combination of graphical interfaces, drag-and-drop scheduling, batch processing and easy-to-follow processes. The system supports the various stages of rotation management and shift planning, such as original planning and manning, daily changeovers and maintenance. It is possible to enter 12 | | July 2013 | 13

Software details such as a particular vessel or mode of operation (eg drydock, newbuild, voyage length etc.) and the system will display a list of available crew for pre-determined positions to select from. There are warning systems for crew with certificates missing, outdated or soon to expire. A report generator can produce reports and analysis using criteria selected by the user.

BASS Based: Norway Website:

BASS is one of the best known names in the sector and its BASSnet fleet management systems are a fully-integrated suite covering all ship management activities. BASSnet fleet management systems are an integrated, modular-based software solution. Modules can be chosen according to need and others added later. BASSnet fleet management systems have been developed on Microsoft.NET, a stable, future-proof solution. BASS also backs its customers through a global support network with 24/7 availability, providing advanced diagnostic tools (Dr.BASS) and reliable, technical and operational expertise. The software systems provided by BASS include: BASSnet Maintenance - planned maintenance software for ships BASSnet Procurement - advanced electronic purchasing software for streamlining purchasing activities BASSnet Document Manager - a powerful software solution for doc ument management in ship operations BASSnet SAFIR - software for improving safety and quality routines BASSnet Risk Manager – software to help manage the process of iden tifying operational hazards, assessing the risks and responding with appropriate, pro-active control measures BASSnet Self Assessment – software tool for assessing performance of tanker operations against a set of KPIs for TMSA BASSnet Report Generator – flexible reporting tool that enables users to create and customize reports BASS Accounting - powerful financial software solution for shipping 14 |

Ship Management BASSnet HR Manager - performs all aspects of crew manage ment for individual ships or rigs as well as large fleets. It optimises crew management work processes and fleet planning in compliance with all mandatory and statutory requirement BASS Provision and Bonded Store is an advanced inventory manage ment system to manage stock of provision and bonded store materials on a vessel.

Easy Marine Based: UK Website:

Crew Data Management allows maintaining seafarer database information up to date, all most important information on a seafarer, including basic personal information as well as sea going service, certificates, medical, training data and much Finding right seafarer will be fast and easy thanks to detailed criteria filtering possibilities starting seafarer basic information (name, surname, rank, nationality, availability date) and more comprehensive criteria such as information based on a sea going service (vessel names, vessel types, engine types). Crew Comprehensive planning module allows you allocating right seafarers to join vessels. During the planning process software enables preparation of employment contracts, printing of crewlists, letters of guarantee, visa applications, and travel order forms.

Germanischer Lloyd Based: Germany Website:

GL has one of the broadest and most innovative portfolios of software applications covering ship management, ship operations, and corporate management functions such as financial management and business intelligence. Other products covering compliance and performance management can be found elsewhere in this guide. GL FleetManager – Financial Management module is suited for integrated shipping companies as well as operational ship management companies. GL ShipManager is a comprehensive ship/fleet management | July 2013  |  15

Software software suite for ship owners/operators and managers. GL ShipManager is modular and web-capable, so is adaptable to the individual needs of any shipping company. Implemented as a complete suite, GL ShipManager is an integrated information system that simplifies data management between office and ship, providing increased efficiency and productivity. GL ShipManager - Technical Management simplifies the management of equipment and technical procedures. A Planned Maintenance System streamlines the planning, documentation and implementation of maintenance work and surveys onboard ship. The industry-leading hull integrity management system, GL HullManager, links to the Technical Management system as well. GL HullManager supports hull inspections and maintenance as well as digital thickness measurement evaluation based on an interactive 3D model of the vessel. GL ShipManager – Procurement streamlines the complete scope of maritime procurement activities. Improved information management ensures that crew and office staff are working with the same information, and always know the status of requisitioned items. Purchasing activities become more powerful by using electronic spare parts and stores registers, or direct links to e-Commerce systems. The purchasing needs of all vessels managed by the system, regardless of their geographical location, are efficiently and easily managed. The system delivers ondemand access to key business data regarding suppliers, prices, order and delivery history, budgets, equipment and stock levels. GL ShipManager - Quality and Safety Management provides more transperency to ISM activities. All manuals, forms and documents can be managed and published to the vessels in digital form. The results of internal and external audits and inspections as well as incidents and accidents can be reported and followed-up on including corrective action planning, cause analysis, and action monitoring. Statistics and KPIs can be tracked in the GL FleetAnalyzer system. GL ShipManager also easily interfaces with other GL ship management software such as GL FleetAnalyzer, GL HullManager and GL CrewManager, with other GL tools such as Fleet Online or Rules Pilot, and with standard accounting and document management systems. GL CrewManager is a software tool for ship operators who do their own crewing 16 |

Ship Management as well as for 3rd party crewing agencies. It supports the complete crewing and crew management process, including: Crew planning / scheduling - optimize crew deployment in line with MLC and safe manning requirements Crew data management - keep track of all vital data, contracts, etc. Crew certificate & license management- monitoring and alert of expiration dates Crew history - record of employment for each crew member, incidents, vessel history, etc. Management reports & statistics - crew retention, appraisals, crew status Workflow engine - task management;

HMC Based: Netherlands Website:

CrewPlan 6.2 features a Gantt chart in which the planning per ship as well as crewmember specific data is kept, such as on and off times, expiry dates of legal documents, certificates and planning and registry of medical checks. A unique ability in CrewPlan 6.2 is the schedule check: CrewPlan 6.2 lists all inconsistencies and warns for future planning problems so that users can act in advance and plan ahead, diminishing planning problems. The new release CrewPlan 6.2 has been developed in co-operation with users. CrewPlan 6.2 is written for the Microsoft Windows operating system and will visualize schedules with a timespan of about 4 years. Users are able to print these schedules for each function, ship or crewmember. Certificates and medical tests are monitored and manning requirements can easily be met. CrewPlan 6.2 is used to store data on courses, working periods of crewmembers and ships. The flexibility of CrewPlan 6.2 provides the possibility to customise the system according to user requirements. The program will optimise schedules taking into account requirements pertaining to the certificates of crewmembers and ensuring crew composition is in conformance with national and international legislation and customer requirements. | July 2013 Â | Â 17


Ship Management

IB Based: Italy Website:

InfoSHIP MP is the core module, dedicated to technical management including maintenance activity, purchasing cycle and cost control. InfoSHIP® MS follows compliance with safety, security and environmental duties and provides an event reporting system, as well as handling ship certificates and documents. InfoSHIP DD monitors the technical, managerial and cost issues of drydocking and InfoSHIP DSF provides operational reporting and data analysis. The TH module tracks and manages procurement and maintenance processes for cruise ships’ hotel departments, while the GFR module adds claims management. The AI module supports tracking and managing inspections, audits and vettings of all kinds and, finally, the CM module is designed for managing compliance processes, being also helpful for change management purposes. The latest addition to RINA and IB’s offering is InfoSHIP EGO, a system for Energy Governance whose goal is to strongly reduce GHG emissions and fuel consumption by up to 10 percent for ships in operation. EGO covers voyage and fuel management processes, trim optimisation, propulsion efficiency and energy management, together with a reporting and analysis tool. The software features online operational support and SEEMP compliance. The implementation levels depend on the type of ship, the target savings and accuracy required. The system is completed by InfoSHIP ELB Electronic Logbook, which provides paperless management of all ship reporting issues, including Marpol annexes, engine and deck logbooks and all ship formalities.

Interschalt Based: Germany Website:

Interschalt’s fleet management system Bluefleet is of modular design and can be implemented in various configurations. The replication feature enables shipping companies an online overview of the current situation on board. Standard Modules are; Planned Maintenance - enables simplified task planning and man18 |

Ship Management agement for single and multiple maintenance jobs including automatic scheduling for all equipment and machinery - including safety equipment, ship’s certificates and internal inspections. As an additional standard feature the system allows identification of critical equipment to fulfil the requirements of continuous survey arrangements as well as to identify class equipment, ISM equipment and ISPS equipment. Purchase - order management module allows the creation of requisitions for spare parts on board of a vessel. After the transfer of the request, the status of the requisition at the office can be checked on board of the vessel at any time. Further details like cost department, cost account codes, invoices and delivery addresses may be assigned and possible suppliers may be set manually if this has not been done automatically. After the approval of the requisition it may now be converted to a request for quotation or a purchase order. Bluefleet budgeting is an additional function to the purchase module. Interschalt also offers Bluetracker, an integrated system for remote monitoring of vessels. A ship board data collector with an open collector interface is used to collect relevant data from various data sources such as VDR, Alarm and Monitoring Systems, Tank Level Gauging Systems). The data is transferred via the ship’s existing communication systems to a shore based INTERSCHALT server. The ship owner and authorised third party users can access, view and analyse the data via a web application. ISM Document Management System ISM document management consists of an office version and a ship version. The office version provides all editing functions for the development and correction of standard documents, procedures, drill plans, flowcharts, check and task lists, job descriptions and other associated documents for ISM or ISO systems. The ship version is based on the core company data stored and managed in the office version. Onboard users are able to access and views the information contained in their ISM document management module, but are unable to change this information. Enhanced Modules: Condition Based Maintenance - The Bluefleet condition based maintenance is an additional module to the Bluefleet planned | July 2013 | 19

Software maintenance system. Dockyard Management - The Bluefleet dockyard management assists in planning and executing the docking of vessels. The system allows generating a schedule of all necessary tasks to be done during the docking period, add the costs and make calculations.

Drill Management - The Bluefleeet drill management module supports SOLAS requirements by creating unlimited number of drill types and plans and provides a comprehensive overview about drill scheduling / execution of drills. All drills and plans can be valid for a single vessel, a group of vessels or the entire fleet.

Cloud Application - Bluefleet usually is implemented on a client based server system at the client’s facilities. As an option INTERSCHALT can host the system, too.

MarineCFO Based: US Website:

MarineCFO is mostly targeted at the smaller ship, tug and workboat sectors but says its solutions are scalable from the largest industry players to small family-run companies. The company offers a full and comprehensive, behind the fire-wall solution MarineCFO Enterprise and a modular web-based solution MarineCFO Live!. The various modules are: Vessel Operations Live! allows for the capture and collection of data relating to Traffic Management. Vessel Operations Live! collects critical information including material transfers, new crew members, safety meeting information, and engine runtime hours. Vessel Operations Live! also collects and transmits real-time positional co-ordinates. Marine Operations Management This comprehensive module encapsulates the unique requirements of both Blue (offshore) and Brown (inland) Water operations including, 20 |

Ship Management Traffic Management, Reporting and Billing functions. Personnel Management This module covers all aspects of crew scheduling, certification and credential management, drug testing, incident, training and safety reporting and expense management. Fleet Maintenance This module allows users to schedule recurring maintenance, adhere to ISM Codes and track maintenance costs.

Marine Software Based: UK Website:

This company offers a complete suite of management software and says in on its website that it understands that complicated, costly land-based solutions do not lend themselves well to providing real business benefit in the Maritime environment. Tight operational schedules, fast vessel turnaround times and (often) low financial margins dictate that maritime software systems need to be simple and inexpensive to give the operator any hope of getting a genuine return on IT investment. Among the products offered are a variety of Planned Maintenance modules including one specially prepared for laid up vessels, Stock Control, Purchasing, Dry-Dock, ISM Safety & Document Management packages. Marine Software’s Purchasing System for Windows consists of two programs, the Marine Purchasing System, which is an onboard system and the Office Purchasing System, which is based shore side. The onboard system is capable of being a full purchasing system both requisitioning and placing orders, or just a requisitioning system, which then transmits the orders to the shore side office system for placing with a supplier. The office system is a full purchasing system capable of communicating with multiple ships at the same time or individual ships. Marine Project Manager for Windows has been specifically designed to assist Superintendents and others engaged in ship repair with the monitoring and control of costs. It is particularly suited for annual surveys and refits as well as more occasional repair and modification projects. The Vessel MPJv program interfaces with Marine Planned Maintenance MPM. This will allow specific Defects, PM and Survey jobs, to be sent | July 2013  |  21

Software from the MPM system directly to the MPJ vessel system. Marine Safety and Document Manager for Windows has been specifically designed to assist operators safety departments with the requirements under ISM for Health and Safety and Document Management. The System will create and track all safety documents.

Norcomms Based: Singapore Website:

Norcomms offers an extremely diverse range of marine software products covering virtually all aspects of shipping. The modules share common features and are easily integrated with each other allowing a variety of permutations to suit most shipping organisations. Some products are covered under other headings in this guide. In its ship management suite, all major functions of ship management are covered with finance having a number of modules devoted including budgeting, accounting payments and master’s account. Planned maintenance, drydocking, stock control and procurement are also covered by modules for use both ashore and onboard. Crewing software has been designed for crewing departments or crew agents. It provides historical performance record for each seaman, personal card, seaman application, follow up. Quick search for any combination of qualifications in seaman’s personal card and means for evaluating seaman point system reporting of past performance. The system can select crew by rank, availability and other criteria.

OCS Based: Norway Website:

Initially a crew software specialist, OCS now also offers OCS PreMasterPRO ship management solution that enables our customers to handle a range of activities such as planned maintenance of equipment, analysing risks, reporting events, procurement processes, crewing, document administration and distribution. All functionality is available both from the office and from ships, and data is replicated between systems. 22 |

Ship Management OCS PreMasterPRO consists of the following key modules; Maintenance and Spares Procurement Crewing Reporting including ISM Quality and Risk assessment reporting Document administration Flow control specifically designed for owners and managers. OCS’ crewing software OCS HR is a comprehensive suite of software consisting of more than 30 modules covering all the HR, crewing and payroll needs of a shipping and offshore company. The modules cover make use of a central crewing database holding comprehensive details of all crew including, competencies, employment history, certificate validity and the ability to record custom information such as suitability for certain tasks, vessels or even interpersonal relations with other crew. The system allows for advanced crew planning, competence management, training requirements and global payroll. Web-based self-service modules enable employees to interact with the different modules, for example to update timesheets and report travel expenses. The modules’ range of functions and total integration provide users with optimum, cost-effective solutions.

SBN Technologics Based: India Website:

SBN Technologics offer a full ship management suite comprised on a number of modules. SHIP//MATE B&A is the budgeting and accounting module. SHIP//MATE SPS is a sophisticated stores and purchase management system that integrates with the on-board system on necessities and supplies, office procurement, planned maintenance, and accounting applications. | July 2013 | 23


SHIP//MATE PMS is the planned maintenance module and is typeapproved by BV. It includes features which help efficiently manage up-coming maintenance and spare availability on the vessel. SHIP//MATE QSMS, is the structured management approach to control safety risks in operation. The module documents the Audit Reports,Incident Reports, Drills and Inspection reports associated with any safety management system. Some of the key features of the module are flexible reporting and incident management/review and forms engine. SHIP//MATE CMS is SBNT’s comprehensive crew management software that addresses the basic needs of ship owners, manning companies and ship managers alike. It is an advanced planning, crew appraisals, allotments, P&I both in offices as well as onboard. The Payroll module which can be integrated with the crewing module helps in crew payroll related calculations such as crew wages, overtime, leave pay, cash to master, allotment and various other crew expenses. SHIP//MATE CMS offers the versatility to control all operations distinctive to the western or eastern ship management styles.

ShipNet Based: Norway Website:

ShipNet offers a full function ship management suite based on modules as well as a chartering/voyage estimating package and a liner operating package. ShipNet’s Financial Management Software provides a complete solution that integrates with the Invoicing, Purchasing and Chartering and Operations modules. Specific programs cover areas such as pool management, disbursement accounting, budget controls, multi-company and multi-currency. The ShipNet Technical Management Solution gives users complete control over their ship management tasks, prioritising ease-of-use, maintenance, and scalabality. For Fleet Managers it provides a single view reporting performance across all areas of vessel performance in real time. This is based on a comprehensive shipboard package allowing the Chief 24 |

Ship Management Engineer or Master to link the management of core performance areas. ShipNet Technical Management comprises eight core modules, covering Occurrences, Forms, Documents, Risks, Certificates, Planned Maintenance, Requisitions, and Crewing. The ShipNet Planned Maintenance System provides an organized approach to recording and reviewing shipboard equipment, inventory, and maintenance related data, and for sharing that informaton between ship and shore. At its core lies an Equipment module, which tracks individual pieces of equipment, spares, work procedures, and histories. This is supplemented with a capability to handle spare part adjustments and requisitions. The inventory portion of the system is also tied to a purchasing component, which in turn is integrated with the ShipNet Finance and Accounting package. ShipNet’s Requisitioning system allows shipboard personnel to quickly and easily raise requisitions for spare parts or services and pass them to the shore based purchasing department. ShipNet’s Crewing module allows users a clear view of crew data and history and to manage their assignments. Crew details, experience, and certificates are all stored in the system. On board crew sign on and off, time sheets, evaluations and promotions, training management, and disciplinary logs are all supported, as is integration with the Master Cash Account.

Star Information Systems Based: Norway Website:

Star Information & Planning System (Star IPS) is designed to help ship and rig owners and managers operate their fleet in a safe and efficient manner. The system enables companies to comply with industry regulations, while at the same time reduce costs related to off-hires. Star IPS is used on-board vessels, either as a stand-alone system or in interaction with an office-based Star IPS hub for fleet management. The system consists of several integrated modules which can be combined to meet a wide variety of user demands; from simple maintenance and spare part handling, to comprehensive information sharing and strategic planning: Star Maintenance (PMS) | July 2013 | 25

Software Star Asset Management Star Guarantee Claims Star Project (Dry-docking) Star Event (Safety/HSEQ) Star Audit & Inspection Star Insurance Star Document Star IPS consists of several integrated modules which can be combined to meet a wide variety of user demands. The system integrates with office based systems for purchasing, e-commerce, and KPIs, in addition to 3rd party systems for crew management, finance, etc. The system supports customized forms and questionnaires, and business rules may be implemented to further support company workflow. Star IPS facilitates sharing of critical information across functions and departments to improve fleet wide efficiency. Documents, procedures, equipment data, and lessons learned may be distributed and re-used across the fleet, as part of projects, or for strategic planning. Wizards and terminology used in the system can be configured to match company and industry standards. The system also supports a number of languages. Star IPS integrates with Star Fleet Supply Management (Star FSM) for centralized procurement, which also facilitate for electronic purchase through SISCommerce, and Star Fleet Dashboard for KPIs and trending.

Spectec Based: Norway Website:

Spectec’s AMOS is a full function ship management suite. AMOS (Asset Management Operating System) allows operation and control of all Technical and Documentation aspects in the fields of: Maintenance, Spare parts and Stock control, Purchasing and Procurement, Quality and Safety documentation management, Voyage management (for shipping), Personnel management. 26 |

Ship Management

Teomaki Based: Norway Website:

Teomaki offers afull management suite comprised of several modules that can be chosen as appropriate. Teomaki Budget is a single solution for financial planning needs throughout a ship operation. It creates value by simplifying complex business processes such as budgeting, planning forecasting, consolidation, reporting, financial governance and strategy management as a comprehensive approach to managing ship performance Teomaki Maintenance controls all maintenance activities on board including work orders, condition- and performance based maintenance, job descriptions, failure analyse, work history and work planning. TeomakiÂŽ Maintenance is fully integrated with Teomaki Quality & Safety supporting the need for work permits, safe job analyses, risk assessment, and event reporting. Teomaki Purchase enables users to streamline the process from initial identification of required items or spare parts through to quotations, ordering and receipt. It supports purchase on both individual ship basis or through a central purchasing department. Teomaki Stock and Inventory supports rotating equipment and transport requirements to ensure equipment transparency and flexibility across the fleet. In Teomaki Stock and Inventory users will at all times have an exact and accurate fleet wide overview of assets. Teomaki Quality & Safety assists ship managers to implement and follow up all quality and safety related requirements and improvement programs. This includes document management, event handling (accidents/incidents etc), work permits, risk assessment and safe job analyses, audits and inspections. Teomaki Personnel addresses all the external and internal issues that affect crews and planning, supporting the entering, planning, scheduling and execution of crew management activities. Details for crew and services can be governed from office or on board the vessel. Teomaki Environment enables ship managers and owners to collect waste information, calculate emission levels and attain waste minimization goals through innovative management reporting. It is based on waste management requirements defined in MARPOL Annexes I-VI, EU- and | July 2013 Â | Â 27

Software US requirements.This includes electronic pre-arrival notification to ports for all waste and ballast water, oil record books, garbage log book, bunker and fuel samples, NOx & SOx reporting.

TeroMarine Based: Norway Website:

A full function modular ship management suite. The Fleet Manager is a powerful tool for grouping, supervising and controlling an entire fleet regardless of its size. The TM Fleet Manager provides the ship management team with a unique overview of the entire fleet. Review the fleet status by employing user-defined key performance indicators, track maintenance history, purchasing orders and personel. It holds the company’s central data, including ship particulars, supplier and maker information and contacts. A powerful document module allows users to issue and distribute documents across the fleet, as well as associate them with components, jobs or crew. The Planned Maintenance module is a user friendly and flexible system for planning and managing scheduled, preventive, corrective- and condition based maintenance. The system records, schedules, and manages all data pertaining to maintenance work performed on a vessel. TM Procurement is designed to centralise and manage ship-shore purchasing information from an entire fleet of vessels, and can be scaled to the individual ship owner’s workflow. TM Docking has been developed to simplify and support every type of docking project. The module, which is fully integrated with the other applications in the TM Master V2 Program suite, covers all the central tasks involved in a dry dock operation from early planning to execution and reporting. TM Crew is a powerful tool for efficient crew management. The module is designed to support personnel work on board as well as on shore, making crew planning an easier task.

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Chapter 3

Regulatory Image: Germanischer Lloyd

MANY SOFTWARE programs have an element of ensuring compliance with a wide range of regulations. Some of those that have a direct relevance are included in this section. In some cases, the particular software included may be part of a more extensive offering from the provider. The most common type of operational software must be the mandatory strength and stability software referred to in the regulatory section. This and loading software are probably produced by more software suppliers than any other form of application. Even to list all of the suppliers let alone carry details of their programs would require a much larger volume than this guide, therefore a small sample of them must suffice.

Delta Marine Based: Turkey Website:

Delta Marine together with its partner Mesh (Mesh Engineering & Software Co.) provides ship loading software called DeltaLoad. This | July 2013 Â | Â 29

Software software application is customised with particulars of the ship such as type, dimensions, compartmentalisation, etc. DeltaLoad can be used to carry out draught, trim, list, longitudinal strength, intact and damaged stability calculations interactively with the user by way of virtual loading operations of standard loads (ballast, fresh water, fuel oil, lubrication oil, etc.) and nonstandard loads (cargo). Documents and information such as draft survey report, loading report, hogging/sagging calculations, loading/unloading optimization can be produced using the software. DeltaLoad is also capable of interfacing with many different tank level measurement systems to ensure tank filling level information is constantly available online.

Herbert-ABS Based: US Website:

Herbert’s family of strength and stability and loading applications have a long pedigree. The original CargoMax software has been developed to cover a variety of ship types and now includes versions for livestock carriers, LNG carriers, offshore and naval vessels as well as CruiseMax for passenger ships. A trim optimisation tool is available as an add-on for all versions.

HMC Based: Netherlands Website:

CPC 2.0 is HMC’s solution for class approved ship loading operations. This Cargo Planning Computer combines all stability and strength parameters with an efficient and user friendly interface. CPC 2.0 is based on CPC 1.9, which was installed on over 1500 ships worldwide since its first delivery in 1970. At that time it was one of the first ship loading computers available for a wide range of ships. During the past 40 years the program has been developed and expanded to cover a greater variety of needs with an extensive list of features available, from a full crane stability option to drag and drop RoRo add-ons. CPC 2.0 is server based, enabling exchange of all stored data within the office or ship’s server. CPC 2.0 is fully compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 and can 30 |

Regulatory be delivered with class approved hardware for onboard purposes, or as a license for office use.

Lloyd’s Register Based: UK Website:

As a classification society LR produces several software products some of which are directly related to a vessel’s classification but others have wider application. LashRight is Lloyd’s Register’s dedicated container securing software. It calculates the forces acting in lashed and unlashed stacks on deck and validates the results against the requirements contained in Part 3 of Lloyd’s Register’s Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships. LashRight quickly identifies areas which have failed the assessment, helping users make any necessary changes to container arrangement, weight distribution or lashing equipment. Step-by-step wizards carry out analyses quickly and efficiently with calculations performed in real time meaning changes are accommodated as made. Other features include; Results are calculated for pitching, rolling and combined conditions, Multiple scenarios can be examined and covers industry standard containers and lashing equipment but users can add their own specifications to the software’s library.

NAPA Based: Finland Website:

The NAPA Loading Computer covers a wide range of calculations related to hydrostatics, intact stability and the ship’s longitudinal strength. Produces accurate and reliable calculation results, as in all calculations it uses a real 3D model of the ship, the existence of which is a basic requirement for fast and accurate damage stability calculations. A number of variants exist covering different ship types including bulkers, tankers, cruise ships, ro-ro and offshore. The software is fully compatible with the NAPA Emergency Response (NAPA ER) application. NAPA Loading Computer is also fully compatible with the Lloyd’s Register and DNV Emergency Response Services. | July 2013 | 31


Totem Plus Based: Israel Website:

Totem Plus’ Load Mate is a modern, comprehensive Stress and Stability package. Designed by marine experts and written with the newest software tools, it is a powerful and at the same time very friendly program. Cargo planning is carried out with instant response to any change in loading or tank conditions. Stability criteria and stress analysis are calculated in accordance with Classification Societies requirements. Special features include stress optimization, draft survey, Bridge Visibility and more. LoadMate can run on any Windows PC system and can exchange information with other systems onboard or ashore. Load Mate features; Separate modules for Tankers, Bulkers, Car Carriers or Container Ships. Full calculation of stability, draft and list criteria. Intact stability G’Z curves, curve analysis, wind effect or grain shiftings. Shear forces and bending moments in graphical and textual forms. Torsional Analysis. Dynamical analysis – Stresses in Waves (optional). Data exchange with other systems (Tank Gauging Systems, Container Terminals (baplie) etc). Fast and friendly cargo and tanks planning tools. Warning messages (alarms) for out of bounds or abnormal loading conditions. Automatic cargo planning to minimize stress (Bulkers and Tankers). Visibility range from bridge and Air draft calculation. | July 2013 | 33



ISM and other Codes Compliance with ISM and ISPS codes is mentioned as being a feature of many products but often the compliance is a secondary function of a feature such as maintenance and repair or document control.

DNV Based: Norway Website:

Norwegian class society originally introduced DNV Navigator as a tool for preparing documents required for port reporting and clearing but has expanded its capabilities over the years. DNV Navigator is a module-based product with users able to choose those which best fit their requirements. Some modules are listed under other sections in this guide Navigator HSSEQ consists of two modules: Improvement Manager is a comprehensive quality assurance system that can be used for ISM purposes, recording incidents, linking incidents to checklists etc, and recording follow up actions. Document Manager covers effective handling and distribution of all quality management documentation between ship and shore within a shipping company. Navigator Work & Rest hours module is a practical tool for registering planned and executed work hours. It calculates rest hours and automatically checks compliance with relevant legislations. The Navigator Shore portal allows ship management to monitor the any work & rest nonconformities across the fleet. The module demonstrates compliance with: Maritime Labour Convention 2006 ILO Convention (No. 180) concerning Seafarers’ Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships STCW – 95 (Standard of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers) incl. Manila amendments 2010 34 |

Regulatory US OPA 90 (Oil Pollution Act of 1990) OCIMF’s Guidelines governing Seafarers’ Hours of Work & Rest Any violation of rules and regulations is clearly identified and marked. Reporting and recording: Daily/monthly summary reports of complete crew hours and flagging of violations of rules to vessel and fleet Practical printouts in the official IMO/ILO format The system allows the registration and reporting of regular work and overtime Records can be locked once they are archived/synchronized Individual and summary reports can easily be exported to Navi gator Shore for fleet monitoring

Germanischer Lloyd Based: Germany Website:

GL ShipManager - Safety and Quality Management supports management processes and significantly reduces the administrative burden, making it easier and more cost-efficient to ensure compliance while simultaneously achieving a higher level of safety on your ships. Safety and quality management ISM Code requirements are represented in the GL ShipManager system. The system makes processes more transparent and manages information more effectively to significantly support the development, implementation and documentation of your safety and quality management systems. Safety management reporting A workflow-oriented tool for the recording, analyzing, and documenting | July 2013 | 35


Regulatory of incidents and accidents as well as audit and inspection results, including the corrective action planning and monitoring and cause analysis. Easier Compliance Pre-loaded checklists and documents (ILO, IACS, etc.), as well as an interface to GL Rules Pilot make it easy to keep up with new and changing requirements that affect your fleet. Vessel certificates are intelligently managed, and the monitoring of expiration dates automated. An interface to GL’s Fleet Online information system provides ship owners and managers with quick access to the complete survey status of their GL classed fleet.

Lloyd’s register Based: UK Website:

Rulefinder is an interactive PC-based software system that gives fast and easy searchable access to an extensive library of cosolidated versions of the latest requirements from both Lloyd’s Register and the International Maritime Organization. Updated twice yearly, Rulefinder Version 9.19 includes consolidated versions of the latest Lloyd’s Register classification requirements, IACS Common Structural Rules and Statutory requirements, including: ten international conventions and protocols, including SOLAS and MARPOL over 20 international codes, including the ISPS, ISM, IBC, IGC and LSA codes IMO Assembly, MSC and MEPC resolutions and circulars ILO conventions

Norcomms Based: Singapore Website:

This company produces several modules aimed at ISM administration 36 |

Regulatory and operation. Its ISM package is designed so as to provide the launch platform of the company preparation and certification to ISM requirements. It also provides the backbone of the efficient maintenance of the ISM system once the company is certified and ensures continuity of compliance. The degree of automation provided ensures that minimum human intervention is required for application the closed - loop principle of the ISM code. New tools in training and administrator open new horizons not only in light of the ISM but in the most efficient utilization of a company’s human resources on board and ashore. The basic structure of the ISM Administrator is consistent with our Shipmanagement system for office and vessel. A complete and integrated safety, quality and information system can be built giving the shipping company the benefits of a unified platform to build its competitiveness. | July 2013 Â | Â 37


Chapter 4

Performance Management Image: BMT Argoss

SHIP OPERATORS have always been obliged to monitor fuel use and speed as is evidenced by the wording of charter parties and other shipping documents dating back to the first days of steam powered vessels. Even when fuel costs were low compared to the high prices that are a feature of modern shipping, care was needed to keep costs under control. This was especially true for vessels operating under time charters where the greatest cause of disputes and legal action has usually been speed and consumption. Many navigators pride themselves on being able to keep fuel use to a minimum and there is no doubt that some are far better than others in this regard. Every operator has had some of the tools to determine this at their disposal in the way of weather reports, log books and fuel consump38 Â | Â

Performance Management tion figures. Unfortunately these only allow for determining the facts after the event and they do not permit for easy comparison of the variables that make every voyage a unique undertaking. A new breed of software is being developed that allows for many of the variables to be measured in real time and in some cases allow for instant action to remedy less favourable circumstances. They also allow for comparison across a fleet and the identification of best practices that can be employed on one or several vessels.

ABB-Amarcon Based: Netherlands Website:

OCTOPUS-Onboard is a modular ship motion monitoring and decision support system for ships and other floating structures. OCTOPUS-Onboard combines wave measurements, weather forecasts, and navigation data such as speed, course, RPM and the voyage plan, with ship characteristics, loading conditions, and motion sensor measurements. This facilitates continuous monitoring as well as simulation and forecasting of the ship responses and performance. Warnings can be instigated for possible hazards and their consequences. OCTOPUS-Onboard can be extended with the Dynamic Positioning capability forecast function. DP software gives offshore vessels the possibility to make use of a safe time window for their weather-sensitive operations. This DP capability forecast is based on: Thruster locations and maximum forces, Wave radar, Underwater hull form, Superstructure, Wave, wind and current forecast, Wamit 3D-diffraction wave drift force database and Actual loading condition. With DP capability the crew can easily see if it is sensible and efficient to maintain the operation or better to abort it and start again at a different time. An additional option is OCTOPUS-Online which allows cargo- and ship-owners to be constantly informed on location and status of their fleet. Frequent reports are sent from the vessel to a central database server, which is accessible from the internet. Authorised users can access their own part of the protected website to retrieve the latest information. After the voyage, the recorded data is evaluated and the impact on the cargo can be analysed. | July 2013 Â | Â 39

Software The database can be made accessible for all parties required. It can be used to tune motion calculation (specifically roll motion) and for various other purposes, such as fatigue analysis. Measuring ship motions OCTOPUS-TMS comprises a very reliable set of instruments designed for the measurement of ship motions. OCTOPUS-TMS was developed in co-operation with MARIN and end-users. OCTOPUS-TMS is designed to deliver highly stable measurements with a minimum of internal disturbance. OCTOPUS-TMS is the perfect cost-efficient solution when it comes to measuring motions, velocities and accelerations of vessels with a high degree of accuracy and a large flexibility Typical applications are Heavy Lift vessels and Crane vessels. With a three-sensor setup OCTOPUS-TMS can monitor motions, velocities and accelerations in real-time in any virtual sensor location, typically the cargo CoG, a crane tip or a container position. In addition to this, a separate sensor can be placed on the cargo to measure cargo accelerations directly. High performance motion sensors for ship and cargo To measure motion, velocities and accelerations, the OCTOPUS is connected with either one or three motion sensor(s) which are installed on the vessel. The obtained information can be stored and displayed real-time. The One Sensor System is widely used on container vessels. It measures the angle and period of roll and pitch. This setup is used in combination with OCTOPUS-Onboard to detect the risk for parametric roll. The sensor is directly connected to the OCTOPUS PC on the bridge.

ABS Based: US Website:

ABS Nautical Systems NS5 Enterprise software suite offers tools with capabilities to help improve operational efficiencies, as well as address compliance requirements. The Energy & Environmental Manager makes it possible to track and record voyage-related events including fuel and lube oil consumption, fuel oil switching, cargo information and ballast activities. An automated feature, powered by ESRG’s OstiaEdge® software, enables data to be col40 |

Performance Management lected from systems that are already in place, allowing operators to work within one single solution. This integration bridges fleet management with the maintenance and operational aspects for vessels and offshore units. To complete the portfolio of products, a Trim Optimization tool is offered. This easy-to-use software is highly customizable and optimizes trim and draft to help with the fuel efficiency of a vessel during voyage. Genetic algorithms are used to obtain the optimized state based on regulatory and customary boundaries rather than a trial and error method. Quick and consistent results are available so the safety of the vessel is maintained at all times.

BMT Argoss Based: UK Website:

BMT SMARTSERVICES is built on a unique system that integrates comprehensive vessel-recorded data with fully validated metocean data, including wind, wave and current values. As a result, the system has the ability to interpret the ship’s data by identifying the environmental conditions during operation. The system monitors vessel performance automatically and its intuitive on-board and on-shore applications will recognise performance trends. Through a unique data-filtering capability, including wave height and trim, high integrity key performance indicators have been specifically developed. These distinguish between the underlying performance of the hull, propeller, engine and fuel consumption, irrespective of routes and sea state. Features include: Accurate monitoring of fuel consumption Trim and environmental data filtering Hull, propeller, engine and fuel trending On-board key performance indicators Increased awareness of vessel and fleet performance | July 2013  |  41

Software Fully integrated metocean data

DNV Based: Norway Website:

Norwegian class society originally introduced DNV Navigator as a tool for preparing documents required for port reporting and clearing but has expanded its capabilities over the years. DNV Navigator is a module-based product with users able to choose those which best fit their requirements. Some modules are listed under other sections of this guide. Navigator Operations is a user-friendly ship to shore reporting tool for monitoring vessel performance both at sea and in port and for generating documents and reports. Most common operational reports: Departure Message Noon Report Arrival Message In Port Message Statement Of Facts Entering/Exiting High Risk Areas Speed Trial Reports Technical Reports: Main Engine Performance Data Auxiliary Engine Performance Data

Eniram Based: Finland and UK Website:

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Performance Management Eniram’s Onboard Optimum Speed Assistant (OSA) is a real-time decision support application that ensures vessels attain the highest levels of fuel and speed efficiency possible. This onboard tool supports more fuel efficient speed management while taking into account the important dynamic changes in weather and ocean current. An easy-to-read dashboard delivers the information the crew need to confidently operate vessels at their most efficient speed profiles during the entire voyage to reach their destination ‘just-in-time’. The system helps ensure that the vessel’s fuel consumption remains at its most efficient levels while adhering to the ships planned schedule. The system is intended to be integrated with ocean and weather forecasts. Eniram’s Engine Load Assistant (ELA) is a decision support tool that helps the crew to get a real-time insight into how the engines are performing and the amount of fuel being used. An easy-to-interpret dashboard gives fuel efficiency curves, one for each engine. Balancing effectively the required engine load for the voyage across multiple engines helps to pinpoint opportunities for significant fuel saving. The tool combines data from an onboard fuel flow meter with engine load and vessel speed data and delivers guidance on configuring the plant usage optimally. This ensures that the vessel burns no more fuel than is necessary to maintain the desired speed and service power requirements in prevailing dynamic conditions. Eniram’s energy management solution suite comprises Fleet Performance Manager (FPM) an onshore decision support tool to monitor and optimise the energy efficiency and overall performance levels of their fleet. In addition, Eniram has recently launched two onboard software applications to run on the Eniram data collection platform and to address speed optimisation and engine load configuration. FPM uses real-time performance data collected from onboard sensors and the data collection platform integrated with the bridge and automation systems. The cumulative data is analysed to produce graphic displays of a comprehensive view of vessel performance. The easy to interpret benchmark graphs and reports, accessible via a secure Internet browser, help Fleet Managers to identify savings in key areas by flagging up performance deviations and monitoring specific performance parameters.

ESRG Based: US Website: | July 2013 | 43


ESRG’s OstiaEdge VE is a Condition-Based Maintenance software that monitors equipment for potential failures or degradation in performance to ensure that timely maintenance is conducted within a single ship. OstiaEdge VE integrates online and offline equipment data sources, and analyzes that data against user configured rules and algorithms to evaluate the state of machines or systems. The software uses Open Standards to integrate data from plant historians, distributed control systems, vibration monitors, and other reliability applications to create a 360˚ view of all equipment data sources. The early detection and diagnosis of possible machinery failures is intended to drive operational and maintenance decisions. OstiaEdge VE is a cross platform application, enabling use within either Windows or Linux operating environments. The software is also incorporated into ABS’ Energy and Environmental Monitor (see above)

Force Technology Based: Denmark Website:

The Danish company has developed several software products for the maritime industry. Some are marketed in the SeaSuite package and comprise the performance monitoring system SeaTrend, the voyage planner SeaPlanner and the trim optimisation system SeaTrim. SeaTrend, allows users to monitor changes in the performance of the ship. The performance assessment covers both the technical performance of the ship and the performance related to efficient voyage planning and execution. Sea Trend provides measures for continuous performance evaluation of: Hull and propeller fouling Charter party Voyage The system provides functionality to capture and perform analyses on operational data in order to reduce fuel consumption and improve the overall operational efficiency. 44 |

Performance Management The system consists of an onboard data reporting tool, SeaTrend Onboard, and a shore-based web enabled database with reporting facilities. The SeaTrend Onboard application allows reporting of the voyage related data, i.e. speed, fuel consumption, weather, etc., often as part of the daily noon reports. Data can be transferred by email, and password protected web storage allows access to and analysis of the reports. The system allows advanced hydrodynamic analysis for estimation of hull- and propeller fouling. From the fouling trends it is possible to determine the speed loss or fuel increase over time. The Charter party analyses contain detailed and summarised information for a single voyage and comparison of the reported data against the charter party. Voyage summaries can be called upon providing reports on a voyage-by-voyage basis, including parameters (distance made good, average speed, speed loss due to weather, fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, etc.). Weather reports are verified using information obtained from a weather service company. With the introduction of a new engine performance monitoring system, the SeaTrend will be able to use engine data proactively regarding maintenance, service and optimisation of the engine, thereby improving the ship’s overall performance.

Germanischer Lloyd Based: Germany Website:

GL FleetAnalyzer makes modern reporting, analysing, and decision support software available to the shipping industry. This business intelligence tool extracts data from operational systems for tailor made decision support. It can monitor KPIs, compare costs and performance of sister vessels, check budget status of a fleet, or look at cost developments or maintenance performance over time. GL FleetAnalyzer is a logical add-on to GL ShipManager and GL CrewManager, but can also be used as a central business reporting platform to combine key data from other business systems and is offered as separate software to its clients that might have other ship management software. Its key functionality: Combination of all vessel data into meaningful summaries and management reports | July 2013 Â | Â 45


Easy analysis of costs, operations, and processes fleet-wide, with standard and user defined reports Drill-down capability to individual ship and item Platform-independent and combines information of existing ship management / business software and other external data sources, such as accounting systems, chartering systems, etc. GL EmissionManager is an innovative system for recording, reporting and evaluating voyage performance data. It standardizes and harmonizes the way that voyage data are collected and reported across the fleet and reduces the reporting burden for the crew. The crew needs to report information one time, and the onshore server disseminates the information to relevant stakeholders such as charterer / operator, manager or owner. A voyage log exists for any voyage and voyage performance trends, consumption, engine performance and emissions can easily be assessed over time. GL EmissionManager also provides a basis for the certification of emission data. The ECO-Assistant software by FutureShip offers an efficient and accurate solution to point your crew to the most efficient operating condition, so you achieve instant fuel savings without modifications to the vessel.

KYMA Based: Norway Website:

Kyma Performance Monitoring provides bridge and engine officers with vital propulsion data for cost-effective operation of the ship. As fuel consumption is a major cost factor, the use of Kyma Performance Monitoring can contribute significantly to an improved bottom line. Kyma Performance Monitoring makes it possible to evaluate the economic impact of reduced propeller efficiency and increased hull resistance. It can show the effect of any action taken to improve hull or propeller smoothness. Early warning signals provide a further benefit for the continuous monitoring of propulsion components. These can indicate the overload 46 Â | Â

Performance Management stress of components and thus prevent unexpected breakdown. Contracts for new buildings are based on performance estimates from model tank testing. Kyma Performance Monitoring can confirm precisely to the contract performance parameters or to any specified deviations. Emission calculation of C O2 and SO2 is included in Ship Performance and EEOI will be continuously calculated. Kyma Ship Performance can be used to optimize vessel operation by the use of empirical data. In order to optimize ship trim for a given power and draft the functions LOGGING HISTORY and TRIAL are included in the KSP program. An optional trend analysis toolbox is available for detailed statistical analysis of speed loss and performance information. All logged and calculated parameters can be output to computer monitor and printer. Presentation of performance curves where the actual condition is indicated as a plot in the graph with numerical indication and deviation from the performance curve. Performance curves are derived from model tank data or sea trial data. KSP Office is an additional module that allows fleet operators to monitor and compare across a whole fleet.

Marorka Based: Finland Website:

Marorka Onboard enables ocean vessel operators to optimize their fuel consumption by maximizing energy efficiency. it performs energy system monitoring, electronic measurement logging, simulation-based decision support and extensive energy analysis. The server handles input from more than 500 data sources every 15 seconds. Propulsion optimization is designed to support the ship’s officers in reducing the shaft power required to maintain the desired speed and reducing fuel use. Propulsion optimization is focused on the following tasks avoiding inefficient use of the propulsion system by providing a clear picture of the energy efficiency of each component of the system and keeping hull resistance as low as possible by providing recommendations on optimal trim and by monitoring the efficiency of the hull. Navigation optimization identifies speed profiles that result in minimized voyage costs for given routes, making voyage planning simpler | July 2013  |  47

Software and more economical. The simulations are based on weather and sea state forecasts and planning the sea passage for optimal departure time, arrival time and speed profile based on external input and constraints. Machinery optimization identifies ways to improve the operation of all onboard machinery systems aside from the main propulsion. Machinery optimization is focused on; monitoring the efficiency of electricity production and consumption as well as the overall efficiency of the on-board electrical grid, improving the efficiency of electrical power production by managing generator loads, providing specialized analysis and advisory support for increasing the energy efficiency of individual systems such as waste heat recovery processes, cargo pumps and refrigeration. Fuel management provides an up-to-date reading of the remainingon-board (ROB) status. It also generates emission reports andmaintains a consumption balance audit record between fuel added and actual measured consumption. Report management combines automatically logged operational data with manual entries on report forms when registering information about the ship’s performance and other operations. It reduces manual input and limits the errors that are inevitable while creating reports. The information in submitted reports can then be used on board or sent to Marorka Online for further analysis. Marorka Online is a secure web application that collates operational data from Marorka Onboard solutions and delivers the results in the form of interactive reports.

NAPA Based: Finland Website:

NAPA Voyage Optimization comprises of an onboard system for use by the bridge officers and an optional NAPA Office module allowing the follow-up of the fleet’s performance from ashore. It provides the crew with the most optimal route, speed profile, and engine configuration for any given voyage. It utilizes an accurate 3D ship simulation model in calculations in combination with up-to-date weather and sea current forecasts for efficient voyage planning. NAPA Voyage Reporting is designed as a fleetwide reporting tool thus enabling ship comparison in regard to, for example, energy efficiency, fuel consumption and water production/consumption. NAPA Voyage 48 |

Performance Management Reporting can be used for any kind of data collection, on board any type of ship or fleet. To suit the needs of the owner or operator, the level of automation can be flexibly chosen between totally manual input to automatic black box recording.

TeroMarine Based: Norway Website:

TM Voyage is a powerful electronic log and voyage management system, designed to reduce the time spent on manual reporting, from planning to execution. TM Voyage is a cost and time-saving tool tailor made to meet your demands for control and accuracy. The module allows for planning of future voyages in relation to ETA and ETD, cargo details, environmental considerations and sailing schedules. A graphical representation of ETA and ETD times allows for the possibility of on-screen adjustments. The office has a unique cross fleet overview of all details concerning active, planned and completed voyages, which enables them to plan voyages and port stays more effectively. Execution and electronic log TM Voyage reduces the workload from planning to execution to a minimum. The system contains an electronic log, where all events during a voyage can be registered. For ease of use, there is one-click access to the current voyage log, in addition to direct editing of log entries. A wide scope of information can be registered at any time. Environmental considerations such as garbage, slops and sludge can be registered along with the vessel’s current position. Logging of bunker figures can be carried out as often as required and can be set as mandatory for specific events. All changes, updates and corrections made to the electronic log, are logged in the voyage specific change log. TM Voyage is fully integrated with the Trend module for calculation of voyage specific consumptions and CO2/NOX. | July 2013 | 49


Trim Optimisation Eniram Based: Finland and UK Website:

Eniram’s Dynamic Trimming Assistant (DTA) is a vessel based system for dynamically monitoring and optimizing the trim. Finding the optimum trim without the help of technology is challenging even for the most experienced Captains. This is because the trim changes in relation to dynamic forces such as speed, draft, depth and internal weight alterations. An inadequately trimmed vessel consumes more fuel and sails with reduced speed. Even small adjustments in the trim can substantially affect vessel performance, and therefore bunker consumption. Using DTA ship operators can save 2% and often more in fuel costs. DTA finds the optimum trim for the prevailing conditions by monitoring the vessel attitude dynamically at sea and collecting data from the vessel’s automation and navigation systems. Based on the collected parameters DTA optimizes the vessel’s propulsion power consumption.

Force Technology Based: Denmark Website:

In addition to its SeaTrend performance monitoring system the company also offers a voyage planning system SeaPlanner and the trim optimisation system SeaTrim. SeaPlanner enables users to plan a route with minimum fuel consumption and avoiding weather conditions and ship motions. It can calculate routes as combinations of great circles and rhumb lines or calculate the optimal rhumb line or great circle route taking wind, waves and currents into account. It also allows for selecting the optimal route based on operational criteria such as minimum en-route time, fixed ETA with constant power, fixed ETA with optimised speed, fixed ETA with constant RPM, or with a fixed calm water speed. SeaTrim is a decision support tool designed to provide quick and safe guidance for selecting the most favourable trim for any given combination of speed and displacement, and for the current loading condition 50 |

Performance Management and speed in particular. The tool can be used both in the overall ­cargo planning and onboard the vessel ­during daily operations. FORCE Technology has also developed an onboard tool, SeaLogger that can be installed on board the vessel for a period prior to the upgrade and for an equivalent period ­after the upgrade. By thorough analysis based on our propulsion model also used in both SeaTrend and SeaPlanner, FORCE ­Technology can then provide an in-­service evaluation of the fuel saving initiative and to detect any improvements made.

FugroMarinestar Based: Norway Website:

Fugro Marinestar is mainly a navigation tool used for berthing and manoeuvring but Marinestar is also able to measure trim accurately and smoothly throughout the voyage. The graphical display for the trim aspect is continuously updated with the latest trim, which is shown alongside speed for comparison. An optimum trim level can be displayed as a target for efficient running. The high-tech Marinestar GNSS equipment measures position vertically as well as horizontally. Taking vertical position measurements from antennas located fore and aft, the Marinestar computer is able to calculate trim on a continuous, real-time basis. Sophisticated data processing techniques eliminate the effect of weather and sea conditions, to give a clear picture of trim throughout the voyage.

NAPA Based: Finland Website:

NAPA offers software products for ship design as well as a number of operational products including loading computer, performance monitoring, electronic logbook and trim optimisation. NAPA OptiFloat is a tool to assist in operating the ship in optimal trim and displacement with regards to fuel consumption. The system takes into consideration the ships’ characteristics as well as external factors when calculating the optimal trim and floating position. NAPA OptiFloat is available in two versions: NAPA Loading Computer version for ships with NAPA Loading | July 2013 | 51

Software Computer features integration into NAPA Loading Computer to ensure safe operation (stability, strength, damage stability). This version features an efficient planning tool for both trim and displacement, an auto ballasting/balancing function and works also in Offline-mode, without interfaces to sensors. This system does not require trim sensors. NAPA Real Time Monitoring version for ships that do not have a NAPA Loading Computer can be installed in existing computers and does not require dedicated hardware onboard. This system uses sensor data to determine ships speed and operational mode and features trim monitoring and indication of optimal trim, automatic switching from harbour to sea mode when ship starts moving and basic planning functions for optimising trim.

Port Documentation and Reporting DNV Based: Norway Website:

Norwegian class society originally introduced DNV Navigator as a tool for preparing documents required for port reporting and clearing but has expanded its capabilities over the years. DNV Navigator is a module-based product with users able to choose those which best fit their requirements. Navigator Port is tailor made for carrying out the planning and preparation of documents needed for entry and departure from ports and sailing through controlled waters. All the related tasks can be carried out in a timely and correct manner. The Arrival and Departure Checklists are unique to each and every port and regulated waters. The module covers more than 11.000 ports and terminals worldwide.. User feedback indicates that the amount of paperwork can be reduced by as much as 90%. Information on ports is updated weekly.

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Chapter 5

Chartering/Broking Image: Weidz Transport

ALONG WITH loading and stability and strength programs, those connected with chartering and broking and similar activities are among the earliest use of computers in shipping. Many brokers developed in-house voyage estimating software in the days when DOS was the standard operating platform speeding up the calculations that previous generations had done using simple calculators and mental arithmetic. Voyage estimating is an ideal subject for software not least because information such as ships’ details such as tonnages, capacity and consumption as well as marine distance tables can be held on databases and recalled at the click of a mouse button. Since most estimating involves comparing two or more employment offers, the simpler this becomes the better allowing for fast offers and counter offers to be made. Similarly, charter party editors can store basic standard forms as well as the various amended versions thereof drawn up by charterers and owners for completion with ship details and dates as appropriate. CP forms are often copyrighted documents and are not necessarily free of charge. A comprehensive editing program will often be an online service where amended documents are available to both parties to view and will | July 2013  |  53

Software also allow for the purchase of new forms when required. Laytime calculating and demurrage and despatch are also mostly about number crunching and in straightforward cases, software does provide the potential for time saving in making the calculations. However, the software does not exist that can yet deal with the ingenious reasons and excuses put forward as to why the calculation result is ‘wrong’ and the sum of money claimed is therefore erroneous. Many brokers have developed their own software for chartering purposes but there are several commercial products also available. Some of these are detailed below.

ASBA Based: US Website:

ASBA is the US trade body for brokers and agents and has developed its own charter party editor This software is designed specifically to be extremely easy and intuitive to use – very similar in operation to MS Word, offering a variety of features that are unique to this product, such as direct typing into the document, cut/paste text from a recap/text document directly in the CP form, emailing of both the executed form as well as the rider clause to a 3rd party, offer a Principle a “read only” version of the editor for checking the draft forms on-line, without the ability to edit the form itself.

BIMCO Based: Denmark Website:

IDEA•2 is a web based portal from BIMCO the ship owners trade body the gives subscribers full access to BIMCO’s entire range of standard contracts and clauses. IDEA•2 is built around an online and highly secure version of Microsoft Word 2010. To work on any of BIMCO’s standard contracts users simply log into their company account, select one of the many contract templates, and start typing. IDEA•2 works on any computer running Windows or on an Apple Mac. Users can access charter parties and other documents from any computer and from any location where there is access to the internet. 54 |

Chartering/Broking The IDEA•2 program and all user files are centrally stored on BIMCO’s highly secure web servers. BIMCO takes care of backups and make sure that users always have available the very latest version of IDEA•2 and all its contract templates. High volume users can pay an annual subscription fee and then pay a small fixed fee for each final contract produced. Draft copies are always free. Small users that only need IDEA•2 for a few contracts can simply sign up to pay an individual fee for each one printed.

SDSD Based: London and branches Website:

A long established organisation that has charter party editing and laytime calculator services. Charter Party Editor is the quick and efficient way to draft and execute freight and sale & purchase contracts. The contract forms are approved and issued by recognised industry associations including ASBA and shipping companies such as BP and Shell. The Editor software protects the original contract wording and the forms cannot be altered in any way without the amendments being clearly visible. The SD Charter Party Editor has become a standard in the maritime and ship-broking industries - with more than 3 million charter party forms executed via the software. The laytime calculator is an online service available free to subscribers of the charter party editor.

InCon Based: Denmark Website:

The InCon Shipping System is a software package designed especially for shipowners, operators and managers.The package begins with the InCon Estimator function, where voyages are calculated, to the fixed voyage data that are automatically transferred to the InCon Operation, where the voyages are updated with actual data, and the final results. The InCon Scheduler makes decisions based on actual events and data from InCon Operation to reduce idle days, increase cargo carried and make the most cost effective use of vessels. | July 2013 | 55

Software Modules in the suite are:

InCon Estimator InCon Operation InCon Scheduler InCon Universe InCon Interface InCon Disbursement InCon COA InCon Invoicing InCon CashFlow InCon Port Statistic InCon Fleet Position Map InCon Laytime Calculation

The InCon Shipping system is designed for use in tank, bulk and liner service, and for all types of ships and cargoes.

Norcomms Based: Singapore Website:

Voyage Estimating Designed to support all types of calculations associated with a Voyage Estimation, including a large and expandable port distances data base. The system permits on line checking of more than one vessel for the same job, Permits “What if ” suppositions by interactive variation of all associated figures when modifying one of the estimation parameters. All necessary chartering terms are already included in the system and easily retrieved Freight Collection System Application Software specially designed for Post-fixture information, creating freight invoices and credits for accounting records etc. Keeping track of voyage revenues and expenses.

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Chartering/Broking Voyage operations Application Software specially designed for the operation department as a decision making as well as a claims support/ defence tool. Performance monitoring in technical and financial terms with minimal information required. Provides optimum passage speed calculation with direct gain/loss calculation and optimum bunkering ports and schedule with complete analysis and costs differentials. Complete movements and daily reports with all specific and average figures. Charter party over/under performance evaluation providing a complete defence against claims. Informs management with voyage financial reports and post voyage analysis

Veson Nautical Based: US Website:

Veson produces a range of software products for chartering and vessel operating. Its IMOS Voyage Estimator is claimed as the most sophisticated voyage simulation tool on the market. Once estimates are scheduled, the details they provide are supplemented by charter party forms, cargo and demurrage terms, port agent nominations, notice to be given, cargo loading/discharge terms, accounting terms and extra freight terms, and other information. Superior analytical capabilities and graphical views allow users to create multiple “what if ” scenarios for easy side-by-side comparison, combine estimates to create one voyage or hide estimates, perform deviation, best port, and sensitivity analysis. The related Cargo Schedule displays open cargoes in chronological order by loading port, indicating quantity and a colour-coded status. Displayed cargoes include cargoes or commitments stemming from an agreement, such as a COA. Users can access cargo details with a simple click on the graph. They can also assign a specific vessel to make a Voyage Estimate or schedule a voyage. An optional Operations module allows users to monitor vessel and fleet status in real time, drill down to understand the latest voyage details, see a snapshot of voyage P&L, measure voyage performance against initial benchmark estimates, and accomplish many other tasks. Add on modules—including Bunker Management, Demurrage, and Pooling— further increase productivity. | July 2013 | 57


ShipNet Based: Norway Website:

Tramp Commercial Management For the Charterer or Operator who wants to match cargoes with vessels to optimise fleet utilisation, ShipNet offers an end to end voyage planning and management toolkit that is completely integrated with financial and vessel reporting systems. Voyage Estimator Included in the application is a powerful Voyage Estimator, providing a quick and intuitive system for plotting different chartering scenarios and allowing side by side comparison of estimates, enabling users to fix the most profitable voyage. Estimates are based on sophisticated map based routing, giving you complete control over your route, and allowing you to take into account conflict and piracy zones, as well as emission control areas. Operations Module ShipNet Operations puts the vessel operator in complete control of their fleet. With three main applications covering all aspects of vessel operation. The Voyage Account imports the calculations from the Voyage Estimator, positioning them alongside updated actual figures from other operational systems to show how the voyage performs in reality and enabling you to gauge the accuracy of the estimation process. For costs such as accruals, bunkers, hire, and rehire the system is fully integrated into ShipNet Finance and Accounting. The Position Book gives you a view of operationally related data on the day-to-day vessel activities. It provides ongoing voyage details through noontime reports (weather, position, heading, speed, bunkers remaining on board), and port call information including bunker details, cargos handled, laytime calculations, and bunker calculations. Task Manager ShipNet Task Manager means you need never miss a critical process step again. Using customisable task lists key activities can be associated with 58 Â | Â







SIMPLIFIED ENC SERVICE FOR ALL ECDIS SYSTEMS The innovative NAVTOR e-navigation ENC service is a completely new solution that simplifies the traditional ordering, licensing, updating and, importantly, the administration of ENC chart portfolios. By making this informa-


tion fully available online, instead of on CDs/ DVDs, the navigator can gain easy access to the very latest versions of charts and any associated paperwork. This way you get seamless ENC distribution and updating.

e-navigation made easy | July 2013 | 59


Software individual voyages, ensuring the correct process is followed at all times and gives you control over your workflow, ensuring busy multitasking staff are able to operate at their most efficient level.

Triple Point Technology Based: US Website:

Triple Point’s commercial operations solution, Softmar Chartering and VesselOps, handles all chartering, post-fixture activities, and financial aspects of commercial vessel operations. Chartering and VesselOps analyzes any combination of cargoes, vessels, load, and discharge operations on a voyage and / or Time Charter (TC) relet basis. The solution is optimized for dry cargo, gas, tanker and parcel operations and handles consecutive voyages and voyage / TC combinations. The solution allows unlimited numbers of ports and cargoes per voyage and displays all key information on a single screen. Unlike time-intensive and error-prone spreadsheets, Chartering and VesselOps provides a full view of all upcoming cargo commitments or open tonnage positions. The solution accommodates both a Cargo-centric and Tonnage-centric work environment. Once a cargo and vessel are matched, a single click will nominate the vessel. Cargo Overview provides a view of all Cargo Bookings or Contracts with Liftings and Laycans. The solution provides real-time and detailed information on available cargoes and available vessels which could potentially lift the cargo. Chartering and VesselOps enables operators to keep track of arrivals, departures, loading, discharging, bunkering and disbursement accounting. Voyage results are updated in real-time as new information is entered. Chartering and VesselOps provides an easy-to-use calculation system for laytime and demurrage / dispatch. The suite can be complemented with freight, freight derivative and risk management applications.

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Chapter 6

Miscellaneous Image: Applied Weather Technology

OPERATING SHIPS either on shore or on board involves a wide variety of activities some common across all ship types and others unique to particular vessels. Some of the previous categories began with just a single offering before the opportunities were recognised by others and rival products emerged. Over time the number of players has increased to the point where the type of software warrants a category of its own. While most of the software products covered in previous chapters fall readily in to one or other categories there are some that do not. There are currently only a few very specialist software products have been developed that do not have at least some competitors. Some of those are included in this chapter as examples of the type of product that occupy niche areas but which could prove very useful for operators allowing them to take advantage of some very specialist knowledge to improve their operations. Those products listed are genuine software products but the list could easily have been expanded by adding in electronic versions of products such as the IMDG Code or similar since these can make interpreting and understanding somewhat easier than with traditional printed versions. | July 2013 Â | Â 61


The ingenuity of software specialists to develop products that users never realised were possible or necessary has been well demonstrated outside of the shipping industry and it is almost certain that new products will appear on regular basis.

Medical records and Pharmacy Medi3 Based: Norway Website:

Medi 3 ShipMed is situated in Aalesund, Norway and is a subsidiary of the private medical centre Medi 3 AS. The software offered by the company is primarily intended to monitor and control a vessel’s medical supplies but it can also be used as a source of medical advice. A full subscription to the service will also give access to telemedicine. ShipMedSafety System assures the hospital stores and provides a full overview of the stock, expiry dates, distribution and purchase of medicines and medical equipment, as well as reports for stock, consumption and purchase. The software also provides a guide to use of medicines and medical equipment, a quick reference for medical equipment for different injuries and video clips showing various medical procedures. The quality assurance tool is available in Norwegian, English and Portuguese, and covers lists of ships medicine for a wide variety of flag states.

OCS Based: Norway Website:

Initially a crewing software specialist, OCS has branched out into other areas and now offers a full ship management suite as well as a medical record and control program. OCS PreMaster has developed a tool to be used for correct handling of medicine on board, in accordance with the type of ships and the number of crew. PreMasterPRO Medicine assists the navigator in charge on how to deal with critical situations on board. 62 |


Main funcions include: Medicine list import Medicine stock administration Purchase and receivable Medicine usage Search facilities for symptoms, medication or diagnosis Medicine expiry date notification Suggestion for orders according to stock information and required quantity Creation of journals Links to related movies

Weather Routeing Applied Weather Technology Based: US Website:

AWT’s original weather routeing software has developed into a wider product – Bon Voyage System (BVS) currently in its 7th version. BVS is an icon-driven graphical marine voyage optimisation system that provides on-board and around-the-clock weather-routing information. This sophisticated yet user-friendly system is both comprehensive and cost effective. Using an on-board computer, BVS provides the most recent weather and ocean data to the ship by broadband or email communications in a highly compressed format to minimise communication costs. This data is then used to generate colour-enhanced maps and graphics that allow the ship’s master to easily view and interpret potential problem areas in advance. BVS has an improved optimisation algorithm along with customisable speed down and consumption curves that deliver more accurate estimates of fuel cost and time en-route. Both weather induced constraints | July 2013 | 63

Software and no-go zones can be set to account for the special requirements of each particular voyage. AWT also offers a fleet decision support system.

Cargo Information Bureau Veritas Based: France Website:

French classification society BV offers several software products associated with membership including strength and stability and container stowage. It also offers a free software programme VeriSTAR Chemicals which allows cross-processing of ship characteristics and a chemical product data base for chemical tankers. Its main purpose is to create lists of transportable products based on a crosschecking between ship equipment and applicable rules and regulations: IBC Code 1998 edition IBC Code 2004 edition BUREAU VERITAS Rules for the Classification of Ships MARPOL 73/78, Consolidated Edition, 2002 IMO Resolution MSC.4 (48) as amended (including proposal amendments MSC 66/13) MEPC.2/Circulars To assist ship owners and shipyard in rapid definition of ship characteristics, it also includes a reverse engineering function that defines a vessel based on a list of products to transport.

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FREE GUIDES PUBLISHED IN 2013: Ballast Water Treatment Paints and Coatings Navigation and Bridge Pt1 ECDIS Energy Saving Devices Maritime Software Communications Engines and Turbochargers Environmental Technology Life Saving Appliances Fuels and Lubricants Navigation and Bridge Pt2

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