Margin of Excellence Impact Report

Dear Alumni and Friends,
As a result of your generosity in 2023-24, Navy Athletics culminated a “Decade of Dominance” as we earned our 10th consecutive Patriot League Presidents’ Cup, again won the Army-Navy Star Series, and captured an impressive 14 Conference Championships. In addition, over the last 10 years, Navy has won 84 Patriot League Championships, with the next closest schools being Boston University with 38 and Army with 25. In the classroom, a Lightweight Rowing varsity student-athlete was named USNA Valedictorian. This was the 9th straight year that a Navy student-athlete earned this honor. We also continue to fulfill our mission of developing and graduating leaders, as we earned an incredible graduation rate of 94%. We know our sustained, broad-based excellence would not be possible without your loyal support.
On behalf of the NAAA, I am proud to share our 2023-24 Margin of Excellence Impact Report with you, which highlights the accomplishments of our Midshipmen and Coaches as part of another tremendous year for Navy Athletics. Our 36 varsity sports—tied for the most in the country amongst schools in the FBS—and 15 club sports continue to compete at the highest level. The Impact Report displays the direct and immediate impact your Margin of Excellence support has on Navy Athletics.
We are grateful for all your support, and we look forward to seeing you at a Navy event this upcoming year.
Expect to Win!
Navy Athletics won its 10TH-CONSECUTIVE PATRIOT LEAGUE PRESIDENTS’ CUP, winning a league-best nine conference championships during the 2023-24 academic year
Men’s Cross Country, Men’s Swimming & Diving, Women’s Swimming & Diving, Men’s Indoor Track & Field, Women’s Indoor Track & Field, Women’s Tennis, Women’s Golf, Men’s Outdoor Track & Field, Women’s Outdoor Track & Field
Learn more at
Women’s Tennis team making their first Patriot League Tournament win and NCAA Tournament appearance in program history.
Navy has also clinched the Overall Sports Series against Army with a 19-15-1 (.557) overall record during the 2023-24 season. Navy has won the overall series against Army 48 times in the last 52 years.
ABOUT | The Fund for Athletic Excellence (AE) is the unrestricted annual fund for Navy Athletics, providing Margin of Excellence resources to all 36 varsity programs and 15 club sports. Over 95% of Navy Athletics’ yearly budget comes from external, non-government resources. This fund is essential to providing sustained support to all programs.
Your gift to AE has provided direct support to the following areas:
BENEFIT | Donors who make an unrestricted annual gift of $2,500 or more receive exclusive stewardship benefits in alignment with their giving level. Annual giving is calculated on a fiscal year basis (July 1 - June 30).
The Athletic Excellence Legacy Fund supports the future of Navy Athletics. Commitments made to the Athletic Excellence Legacy Fund in the form of planned gifts, such as trusts, wills, or other retirement beneficiary designations, benefit Navy Athletics in perpetuity.
Buddy Garland ‘84
James ‘77 and M. Beth Kelly
Stephen Leaman ‘69, in memory of Miss Gill Leaman
Thomas Lynch ‘64
William ‘61 and Sandra Moore
J. Michael ‘76 and Robin B. Yeager
Neil ‘70 and Judith Finn
Thomas ‘67 and Candy Knudson
Lisa Quadrini
Timothy ‘80 and Susanne Sullivan
George ‘73 and Peggy Watt
Reeta Whitney ‘82
To learn more about the Athletic Excellence Legacy Fund, contact Kala Giddish at 410-293-8913 or
Class of 1964
Dr. Mark Sylvester and Patricia Bender
David Bethel ‘79
James ‘67 and Anita Bost
USNA Women’s Shared Interest Group
Jeffrey ‘79 and Christine Johnson
David ‘92 and Patricia Lillefloren
Samuel ‘66 and Jane Marrone
Dirk ‘73 and Virginia Mosis
Daniel ‘71 and Diane Nelson
USNA Athletic and Scholarship Programs
Christy Sahler ‘85
William ‘66 and Candice Spadafora
George Voelker ‘72
Ed ‘72 and Becki Wallace
John ‘65 and Leahray Wroten
This state-of the-art facility houses coaches’ offices, a team Wardroom, a nutrition center, a stringing room, and recognitions and dedications for Navy Men’s Tennis players. This project would not have been possible without the help of all supporters, including leadership donors Michael Spanos ‘87 and RADM A.B. Cruz ‘80.
Located in Lejeune Hall, the Sohovich Nutrition Center was dedicated as a fueling station for midshipmen student-athletes. This facility was made possible by JoAnna Sohovich ‘93, WFNA committee member, and was part of the committee’s overall initiative of enhancing and supplementing the nutritional needs of midshipmen student-athletes.
The Robert Edson “Dusty” Dornin ‘35 Nutrition Center provides current and future midshipmen football team members a place to refuel, relax and reenergize between training, classes, and practice. In addition to enhancing the nutrition and wellness program for current football student-athletes, the space is a focal point for recruiting and helps attract the top athletes in the nation.
To learn more about Navy Athletics Capital Projects, contact Tim Ford at 410-293-8916 or
Established as a Naval Academy Athletic Association initiative, the Women for Navy Athletics (WFNA) is committed to creating and enhancing nutrition spaces for all student-athletes. These spaces serve to supplement the nutritional needs of athletes in order to best perform at their highest level. WFNA also celebrates the women of USNA by hosting annual reunions for former female student-athletes, which is proudly supported by USAA. These reunions unify and honor formerstudent athletes, while also connecting them with midshipmen student-athletes at the Academy.
Gifts to WFNA directly impacted and supported:
• The new Sohovich Nutrition Center at Lejeune Hall
• Two full-time nutritionists
• An annual women’s sport reunion (2023 Women’s Rowing)
• Three annual female student-athlete awards
The Athletic and Scholarship Programs (A&SP) is made up of 250 Trustees that encourage and support the Physical Mission at the Naval Academy. The A&SP Trustees partner with NAAA to provide critical, unrestricted support to The Fund for Athletic Excellence to meet the supplemental needs of Navy Athletics. This includes financial support to all 36 varsity teams, club sports, and intramural sports.
As supporters of our Midshipmen and Coaches, the A&SP Trustees sponsor an extensive awards program, which provides well-deserved recognition for Varsity and Club athletic teams and athletes as well as three Varsity coaches per year, for the Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons. Some awards also recognize excellence in academics and leadership within the Brigade.
To learn more about the A&SP Trustees and their impact on the Physical Mission, please visit
The U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1973 created a fellowship in honor of the late Coach Heinz Lenz. The appointed coach, selected by the Athletic Director every two years, epitomizes Coach Lenz’s leadership qualities and attributes. The award recognizes the importance of athletic excellence as a contributor to the overall mission of the Naval Academy to develop Midshipmen morally, mentally, and physically and wishes to commemorate the athletic excellence pillar in honor and memory of Coach Heinz Lenz.
Director of Track & Field and Cross Country
Director of Track & Field and Cross Country
Jamie Cook has been selected as the 2024 Heinz Lenz Fellowship Award Recipient.
• Carin Gabarra (2020-2021, 2021-2022)
• Gavin Hickie (2022-2023, 2023-2024)
• 23 Stars
• 20 Patriot League Championships
• 20 Patriot League Coach of the Year honors
• 20 wins (Men’s and Women’s) in a row in the Army-Navy meet
• 5 -time USTFCCCA Mid-Atlantic Region Coach of the Year
• 4 IC4A Outdoor Championships and 1 ECAC Outdoor Championship
Navy Athletics is committed to continuing to renovate and improve Physical Mission facilities to enhance the experience of all student-athlete midshipmen. The current Naval Academy Capital Campaign will include many exciting new Physical Mission projects including, but not limited to, the following facilities. Many of these projects have begun, while others are being developed in the planning stages.
The Naval Academy Athletic Association (NAAA) partners with the United States Naval Academy Foundation and the Athletic & Scholarship Programs Trustees to raise private “Margin of Excellence” resources to support the priorities of the Physical Mission at the Naval Academy. These contributions support The Fund for Athletic Excellence, which benefits all 36 Varsity Programs, Physical Mission Capital Projects, and Sport-Specific Initiatives.
We are grateful to the following alumni and friends for their generous and loyal support of Navy Athletics and the Physical Mission at the Naval Academy.
*Donor Honor Roll based on cumulative gifts donated between July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024.
CDR and Mrs. James A. Bell
Mr. Ernest L. Blake, Jr. and Mrs. Sharon Magness Blake
Mr. W. John Clevenger
RADM and Mrs. Anatolio B. Cruz III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D’Aniello
The Detroit Athletic Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Ermentrout
The Estate of Mrs. Bernadette Figura
Dr. James G. Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Gren
Mr. and Mrs. S. Daniel Johnson
CDR and Mrs. James M. Kelly, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LaRochelle
Mr. Stephen J. Leaman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peters
Ms. Lisa L. Quadrini
Mr. Frank M. Semple and Dr. Robin Y. Semple
Mrs. JoAnna L. Sohovich and Mr. Robert M. Sohovich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Spanos
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stuart
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert A. Sturgell
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stutt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tarr, Jr.
CDR and Mrs. Maurice B. Tosé
Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood
Mrs. Kathy Virtue
Mr. Michael J. Wallace
CDR and Mrs. John K. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Wine
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Adzima
Mr. and Mrs. David Amerson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bellas, Jr.
MajGen and Mrs. Charles F. Bolden, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Bradway
Mr. Sterling Weems and Mrs. Sallye Clark
The Estate of CAPT Andrew J. Combe, USN (Ret.)
CAPT and Mrs. Charles B. Dixon
Mr. Christopher P. Durnan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. French
Mr. Alan R. Friedman
Mrs. Karyn J. Geringer and Mr. John H. Geringer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gregory
Col and Mrs. Walter P. Havenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thane D. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hecomovich
The Honorable Rebecca M. Sherrill and Mr. Jason J. Hedberg
RADM and Mrs. Daniel B. Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Johnson
Ms. Tara M. Lee, JD
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Livermore
RADM and Mrs. Thomas C. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Marrone
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. McConkey
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McNallen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Michalski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Minifie
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell B. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Moreno
ADM and Mrs. Robert J. Natter
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Okurowski
RADM and Mrs. Christopher J. Paul
Mrs. Marilyn Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Pragada
The Honorable and Mrs. Anthony J. Principi
Mr. and Mrs. F. Timothy Reese
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ribaudo
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rich
VADM and Mrs. Joseph W. Rixey
Mr. Anthony J. Sarno, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheehy
Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Smith
Mr. Jonathan R. Stier
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan
ADM and Mrs. Robert F. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wroten, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Yeager
Mr. John F. Young
CAPT Jim N. Adkins, Jr., USN (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Aichele
Mr. and Mrs. Darren R. Anzelone
AMB and Mrs. Richard L. Armitage
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Arnold
Mr. Terry Arnold and
COL. Edwina Denise Arnold, USA (Ret.)
Dr. and Ms. Michael D. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bender
CAPT Douglas S. Bishop, USNR (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Adam H. Borcz
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boutwell
CAPT and Mrs. Thomas A. Boyce
CAPT and Mrs. Jerome P. Boyle
Dr. Christopher J. Breen and Dr. Julia A. Katarincic
Mr. and Mrs. James Breen
VADM and Mrs. William R. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. George Cabalu
LT Joseph D. Cardona, USN
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Cesari
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Chalker
Ms. Mary Beth A. Chipkevich
CDR John E. Clay, USN (Ret.) and Ms. Catherine P. Bessant
Mr. Graham E. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Clott
Mr. Ronald E. Council
Mr. Jay G. Crabtree and Ms. Melina Davis
The Honorable Maureen P. Cragin and
The Honorable Charles L. Cragin III
CAPT and Mrs. Steven K. Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Davis
CDR and Mrs. James M. DeFrancia
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. DeNatale
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dietzel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dorton
Mr. Dean Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dow
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunleavy
Mr. Johnathan Earp
CAPT and Mrs. Thomas I. Eubanks
CAPT Todd J. Flannery, USN
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun C. Francis
The Honorable and Mrs. James P. Gfrerer
Mr. and Mrs. Chester S. Gladchuk, Jr.
CAPT Bret Gordon, USN (Ret.) and Mrs. Beth Leadbetter Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Graves III
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Greer
CAPT and Mrs. Ronald D. Gumbert
Mr. John D. Haase and Mrs. Becky I. Haase
CDR Cliff L. Hagan, USNR
Mr. Darwin Hale and Mrs. Jennifer L. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Haley
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Hariadi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hughes, Jr.
CAPT and Mrs. Robert C. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jones
Mr. Charles W. Jones and Ms. Soo M. Lee
CAPT and Mrs. Carl H. June
Mr. Colin P. Kane and Ms. Karen B. Kane
ADM and Mrs. Timothy J. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kirvan, Jr.
CAPT and Mrs. Rex A. Kiteley II
VADM and Mrs. Albert H. Konetzni, Jr.
Mr. Douglas L. Lashley
Mr. Gerald Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Rod A. Lawrence
Mr. Blake M. Lindsay and Ms. Kaitlin Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Long
Mr. Thomas J. Lukish, Sr.
Mr. Stephen E. Malone and Ms. Helene Wollstein
LCDR Marc A. Manzelli, USNR and Mrs. Christine McCarthy
CDR Michael J. Matthes, USN and Mrs. Mara B. Matthes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Alec A. McCallum, Sr.
Mr. John F. McCartney
Mr. and Mrs. William C. McClain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. McCurdy
Mr. Brian L. McDonald and Mrs. Sylvie Laurens McDonald
Mr. Jamison D. McIlvain
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. McLaughlin
Mr. Scott Melamed
ADM and Mrs. Richard W. Mies, USN (Ret.)
VADM and Mrs. John W. Miller
LCDR Cindy A. Miller, CEC, USN (Ret.) and LCDR
Kurt F. Miller, USN (Ret.)
CDR and Mrs. Lawrence P. Molloy
CDR and Mrs. Edmund E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Moore, Jr.
Mr. Daniel I. Morris
CAPT and Mrs. Matthew H. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk P. D. Mosis III
ADM and Mrs. Michael G. Mullen
CAPT and Mrs. Dennis J. Murphy
CDR Nicholas F. Mygas, USN (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Nicol
CAPT John D. O’Boyle, MC, USN and Dr. Amy L. O’Boyle
CAPT and Mrs. Mark S. O’Hare
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Orr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Peacher
Mr. Richard A. D. Petrino
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Petters
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Phillips
CDR and Mrs. John E. Podolak, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pomfret
Mr. Dominic P. Powell
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Provencher
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Provost, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Quilty
CAPT Michael T. Rader, USN (Ret.) and
Ms. Kathleen Nicolaides
CDR and Mrs. David A. Radi
CDR Lilia L. Ramirez, USN (Ret.) and
CDR Randall J. Lovdahl, USN (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Rathjen
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Roesch
Dr. Jason J. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Roth
VADM and Mrs. John R. Ryan
CDR and Mrs. Roger N. Sexauer II
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett J. Smith
RADM and Mrs. Raymond A. Spicer
CDR Jackson A. Stockton, Jr., USNR (Ret.)
LT and Mrs. Edward M. Stout
VADM and Mrs. Edward M. Straw
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Suriano
LtCol Trevor F. Sutton, USMCR
LCDR and Mrs. Michael E. Tabb
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Taff
Mrs. Lorinda Tamulevich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Teach
Mr. Frank M. Verducci, Jr. and Dr. Erin Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Verratti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Virtue
Ms. Anne C. Volpert and Mr. Romain J. Duchez
Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick K. Watson
CAPT and Mrs. George P. Watt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew White
CDR and Mrs. Mark L. Whitfield
Ms. Reeta K. Whitney and Ms. Lisa M. Young
The William T. Morris Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Winfree
Mr. and Mrs. Erik R. Zech
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Zeiders
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan J. Aguirre
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Aitken
Ms. Katie Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Althouse
CAPT and Mrs. James M. Arrison III
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Arrison IV
Mr. John R. Ashmore and Ms. Nancy L. McKenzie
RADM and Mrs. Paul B. Becker
Mr. Paul R. Bedard and Mrs. Keri Bedard
CAPT Barbara A. Bell, USN (Ret.) and CDR
Gregory E. Glaros, USN (Ret.)
LtCol David A. Bethel, Sr., USMC (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Blackwell, Jr.
VADM and Mrs. John T. Blake
Dr. and Mr. Helen Bloom Smith
CAPT and Mrs. Douglas S. Borrebach
Ms. Brenda Boultwood
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Bracy
RADM and Mrs. Patrick H. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas Brodmerkel
RADM and Mrs. Richard A. Buchanan
CAPT and Mrs. Louis E. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Khanh Bui
CAPT Bryan F. Butler, USN (Ret.)
RADM William D. Byrne, Jr., USN and Mrs. Amy D. Byrne
RADM Julius S. Caesar, USN (Ret.)
CAPT and Mrs. Anthony T. Calandra
1stLt Robert S. Caldwell, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. Caludon D. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Carlquist
Dr. Justin L. Cashman III and Dr. Kelly Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Castilla
Mr. James D. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Chehansky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clouse, Jr.
CODI Acquisition LLC
CAPT and Mrs. John P. Coffey
Mr. Stephen C. Cohan
CDR Dennis J. Connolly, USNR (Ret.) and Ms. Beth E. Clifford
Mr. Jeffrey Cormier
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cox IV
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cranford III
CAPT Frank L. Culbertson, Jr., USN (Ret.)
Mr. Martin W. Culbreth
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cummings
CAPT Donald S. Cunningham, USN and Dr. Jennifer J. Cunningham
Mr. Maurice J. Curran IV
CAPT and Mrs. Samuel A. Davey
CDR Raymond T. Davis II, USNR (Ret.)
Mrs. Karen De Saint Phalle
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Dembowski
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Devine
Capt. and Mrs. Salvatore A. DiPaola
CAPT and Mrs. Harry G. Dittmann
Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Dixon
ADM and Mrs. Kirkland H. Donald
VADM and Mrs. John J. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Dorton III
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Eater
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Edmonds
LtCol John P. Elwell, USMC (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Etterbeek
CAPT Lynne A. Farlow, USNR and Dr. Michael J. Farlow
Dr. Adolfo Z. Fernandez, Jr. and Dr. Andrea S.
Fernandez, Md
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Fisher III
Mr. Matt Flavin
Ms. Luann Fonteno
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Foxton
Mrs. Frances Franklin and Mr. Quentin Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Frerichs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Fricke
CAPT and Mrs. Bradley R. Garber
LtCol and Mrs. Victor M. Gardner III
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy W. Garland
CAPT and Mrs. John P. Gelinne, Sr.
CDR and Mrs. Fredrick K. Gerheiser
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Germano
ADM and Mrs. Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Gillette and Maj Jennifer Gillette, USAFR
Mr. Douglas Godesky
CAPT and Mrs. Thomas J. Grady
Mr. Shawn D. James and Dr. Gene E. Green
ADM and Mrs. Jonathan W. Greenert
Mr. Gary G. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley F. Hahn
CAPT and Mrs. Gary M. Hall
CAPT and Mrs. Brandon W. Hamilton
Mr. Bruce C. Hargus
ADM and Mrs. John C. Harvey, Jr.
Dr. Stephanie F. Heaney and Mr. Aidan Heaney
Col and Mrs. Robert J. Heckert
RADM and Mrs. Mark F. Heinrich
LCDR and Mrs. Edward L. Herring
CDR and Mrs. Lawrence Heyworth III
CAPT and Mrs. Donald S. Hughes
Col Dennis D. W. Jackson, USMCR (Ret.)
CAPT John D. Jackson, USN (Ret.)
Mr. Matthew C. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Justin M. Jarski
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jeter
Mrs. K. Casey Johnson and
Mr. Kevin S. Johnson
CAPT and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Jones
CAPT and Mrs. Timothy J. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jordon
LCDR and Mrs. Michael R. Kain
Ms. Amy Kearby
CAPT and Mrs. Stephen Z. Kelety
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kelly
CDR and Mrs. Christopher X. Kennedy
LCDR and Mrs. Peter C. King
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kirkpatrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Kohl, Jr.
Mr. Edward Konjoyan and Ms. Valerie Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Kuberski, Jr.
CDR and Mrs. Raymond R. Kwong
Mr. John S. Larkin II
Col Douglas Lemott, Jr., USMC and Mrs. Sonja Lemott
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Lengyel
Mr. Calvin G. Leong and Ms. Marjorie S. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Victor T. Linck
CDR and Mrs. Patrick F. Loughlin
CDR and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lukish
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lunger
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore O. Macklin, Jr.
RDML and Mrs. Michael K. Mahon
Col Thomas E. Manion, USMCR (Ret.)
CAPT and Mrs. Charles J. Mark
Ms. Jessica Markison
CAPT and Mrs. Thomas T. McAndrew
Mr. Christopher McCallion
VADM and Mrs. Luke M. McCollum
Mr. Franklyn McCraw
Mr. Brooks B. McFeely and Mrs. Tara C. McFeely
LCDR and Mrs. William K. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Mead
CAPT and Mrs. Samuel C. Miller III
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller
VADM and Mrs. Michael H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Millward
Mr. Jay Mitiguy
Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Moeller II
Mr. and Mrs. Brent R. Moore
ADM and Mrs. William F. Moran
Mr. Chad Moran
Mr. Robert L. Moskal
RDML and Mrs. Dennis J. Moynihan
VADM and Mrs. Joseph P. Mulloy
VADM and Mrs. John B. Mustin
CAPT Elmer J. Nelson, USNR (Ret.)
LCDR and Mrs. Colin E. Nevins
Capt. Benjamin R. Nichols, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. Todd H. Nichols
Miss Nicole A. Nollette
Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell E. Ogden
Mrs. Jennifer O. Ogilvie O’Connell and Mr. Dan O’Connell
CAPT Michael P. O’Hara, USN and Mrs. Nora C. O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. John H. O’Neill, Jr.
Gen and Mrs. Peter Pace
RADM and Mrs. John B. Padgett III
LCDR and Mrs. Bacilio F. Palomo
BGen and Mrs. Robert D. Papak
Mrs. Susan Parker
Mr. Michael T. Pellegrin and Mrs. Meredith E. Mortimer
CAPT and Mrs. James A. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Peterson
Ms. Ingrid R. Peterson
LCDR and Ms. Matthew B. Philbin
Mr. Wilson H. Phipps
CAPT Anne-Marie M. Pick, USN (Ret.) and Dr. Leonard J. Pick II
CAPT Christopher R. Pietras, USN and Ms. Claudia Lupoletti
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Pittard
CAPT and Mrs. David A. Portner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Powell
CDR and Mrs. Michael S. Price
CDR and Mrs. Scott M. Provow
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Quirk
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ravener
CDR John J. Repicky, Jr., USN (Ret.) and Dr. Laura Williams
LtGen Loretta E. Reynolds, USMC and CDR
Kelly A. Brown, USNR
ENS Kenneth L. Ritterbusch, USN and LtCol
Amy E. Ritterbusch, USMC
CDR and Mrs. Richard J. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Rud, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rudder
VADM and Mrs. Norbert R. Ryan, Jr.
LT and Mrs. Brian T. Saal
CDR Christy L. Sahler, USNR (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Sanchez
CDR Thomas J. Schauder, USN
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Schaus
Mr. Brady S. Schildknecht
CDR and Mrs. David T. Schroder
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Semcken III
CDR Daniel S. Smalley, USN and Mrs. Hilary Smalley
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Smith
Mr. Richard C. Springer
LCDR and Mrs. James R. Sprungle
The Honorable and Mrs. Sean G. J. Stackley
Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Staubach
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Stearns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Steinbach
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Stevens II
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Stolpinski
CAPT Henry W. Strickland, USN (Ret.)
Dr. Mark F. Sylvester and Ms. Patricia H. Bender
VADM and Mrs. Stanley R. Szemborski
CDR and Mrs. James H. Taplett
Maj and Mrs. Wallace Tart
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon A. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Thompson
CDR Katie P. Thurman, USN (Ret.) and LCDR
Paul E. Thurman, USN (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Traa II
The USAA Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Valaik
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vedra
Mr. John F. Vertel and LCDR Ann M. Vertel, USN
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Virden
CAPT and Mrs. Edward C. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ward
RADM Thomas G. Wears, USN and CAPT Millie
R. Wears, USN
LT Joshua B. Wells, USNR and Mrs. Julia C. Wells
Mr. Michael P. Werbowetzki
RADM and Mrs. Henry F. White, Jr.
CAPT and Mrs. John H. Wilckens
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Wilson
Mr. Peter A. Wimbrow
Mr. and Mrs. Terence L. Witte
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Wohler
CAPT and Mrs. Glen O. Woods
Mrs. Matice J. Wright-Springer and Mr. Bryant Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Wydra
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Yeh
Mr. Alfred E. Yudes, Jr.
RADM and Mrs. Jonathan A. Yuen
CAPT and Mrs. Michael I. Zimet
CAPT and Mrs. Thomas S. Abernethy
Ms. Nana Adae
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Allen
CAPT and Mrs. Hernan O. Altamar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Andrews
Mr. John S. Arnold and Mrs. Kristin L. Arnold
LT Katherine E. Arrizza, USN
Mr. Marc C. Baliotti and Mrs. Katherine J. McCarthy
Mrs. Ann Bellino
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Berghult
Mr. Raymond A. Berzins
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bethmann
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Blazejewski
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Borcz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boskin
ADM Harry B. Harris, Jr., USN (Ret.) and CDR Brunhilde K. Bradley, USN (Ret.)
Mrs. Kathleen Branch
LCDR Janel T. Brown, USN and LCDR David B. Brown, USN (Ret.)
RADM and Mrs. Thomas R. Buchanan
VADM and Mrs. Sean S. Buck
CAPT and Mrs. James F. Burger
CAPT Robert M. Burnes, USNR (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Buss
VADM and Mrs. David H. Buss
RADM and Mrs. Nevin P. Carr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Carson
VADM and Mrs. Walter E. Carter
LCDR Gerald R. Chandler, Jr., USN (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cherneski
Mrs. Sharon M. Christenson
CAPT and Mrs. Conrad C. Chun
CDR and Mrs. David E. Church
CAPT and Mrs. Robert E. Clark II
RADM and Mrs. William W. Cobb, Jr.
CAPT and Mrs. Shaw H. Cohe
CAPT and Mrs. Steven W. Colon
CDR and Mrs. John M. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cuthbert
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dawson
MajGen Sean N. Day, USMCR
CDR Timothy A. Disher, USN (Ret.) and Mrs. Sharon L. Disher
CAPT and Mrs. John F. Dohse
Mr. Timothy I. Dougherty
CAPT and Mrs. Richard D. Evert
CAPT Peggy A. Feldmann, USN (Ret.) and Mr. Andrew T. Brower
Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Finn
RADM and Mrs. James H. Flatley III
CDR John V. Foley III, USN (Ret.) and Ms. Carol Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Foster
VADM and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Fowler
Mr. Charles J. French, Jr. and Ms. Reecy Payne
Gen and Mrs. Carlton W. Fulford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Gaffney
CAPT and Mrs. James R. Garban
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gast, Jr.
Mrs. Deborah Gibbons
Mr. Michael A. Gonzalez
LCDR and Mrs. Robert F. Goodson II
LtCol Brian T. Grana, USMC (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Green
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Griffin
VADM and Mrs. Bruce E. Grooms
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Havasy
Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Henderson
CDR Carol J. Holland, CEC, USN and Mr. Jesse Holland
Maj Gen and Mrs. William W. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. J. Hoppe, Sr.
LT Carlton R. Hoye, USN
Mr. David P. Hurren
CAPT and Mrs. James Rowland Huss
Ms. Heather A. Ichord
Mr. Robert B. Irving
CAPT and Mrs. David M. Jackson
CDR and Mrs. Dwight Jenkins
CDR Bobby R. Jones, USN and Mrs. Lauren A. Jones
Dr. Gary Karpf
VADM and Mrs. Douglas J. Katz
LtCol and Mrs. Matthew B. Kave
LCDR Neil P. Keegan, USN (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kelly
VADM and Mrs. Joseph D. Kernan
Mr. Eric N. Kettani
VADM and Mrs. Thomas J. Kilcline, Jr.
LtGen and Mrs. Jack W. Klimp
RADM and Mrs. Matthew L. Klunder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Knudson
RADM and Mrs. Edward K. Kristensen
CAPT and Mrs. Lawrence H. Kubo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Landauer
Ms. Jocelyn M. Lane and Mr. Eric Lane
CAPT and Mrs. Scott A. Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lawlor
CAPT Wendy B. Lawrence, USN (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee
VADM and Mrs. C. Joseph Leidig
Lt Col Stephen C. Leisge, USAF (Ret.)
CDR Alan B. Lerchbacker, USN (Ret.) and Ms. Amy Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Liebert III
CDR and Mrs. David B. Lillefloren
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Lubitz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Lundstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lytle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Mahre
LT and Mrs. Frederic W. Malek
Mr. Byron F. Marchant
Mr. David Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Martenson
CAPT and Mrs. Perry J. Martini
VADM and Mrs. James D. McArthur, Jr.
CDR and Mrs. Victor M. McCree
CDR and Mrs. David C. McDonnell
Mr. Terry S. McElroy and Mrs. Mary A. McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy L. McGown
CAPT and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Melody
CAPT Michael W. Meredith, USN
CAPT Robin G. D. Meyer, USNR (Ret.) and Mr. Drew P. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Mill
Mr. Kerwin E. Miller, Esq.
CAPT and Mrs. James L. Minderlein
CAPT and Mrs. Fred P. Moosally, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Morris
CDR Mara A. Motherway, USN and Mr. William G. Apigian
LtCol Kate L. Murray, USMC and Maj Matthew Murray, USMC
CDR and Mrs. James M. Norris
Mr. Thomas P. O’Brien
CAPT and Mrs. Brian P. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Grady
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Olsen
Maj and Mrs. Douglas R. Orr
Mr. Charles S. Patrick
CAPT and Mrs. Robert R. Paulk
Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Perez
CAPT and Mrs. Ryan E. Peters
CDR and Mrs. Andrew C. Ponseigo
CAPT and Mrs. Charles S. Prouty
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Quattrini
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff D. Rees
Capt. Patricia M. Restrepo, USMC (Ret.) and Mr. Thomas E. Leahy
RADM and Mrs. Alan J. Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Romano, Jr.
VADM and Mrs. Thomas S. Rowden
LCDR Coleman V. Ruiz, Jr., USN and Mrs. Bridget E. Ruiz
Mr. Patrick Rykhus
Mr. Thomas Sander
CDR and Mrs. John T. Santo Salvo
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Scannell
CDR and Mrs. Glenn J. Schatz
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt T. Schmidt
Mrs. Liesel J. Schopler, Esq. and
LCDR David C. Schopler, USN
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl L. Smith
Mr. Russell L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Stoever IV
CAPT and Mrs. Richard L. Thayer
RDML and Mrs. Frank Thorp IV
CAPT and Mrs. Grant W. Thorpe
LT and Mrs. Shane R. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Vuicich, Jr.
CAPT William A. Walsh II, USN (Ret.)
Mr. Jeffrey R. Webb and Mrs. Shannon R. Webb and Ms. Elizabeth A. Whalley
LT Patricia C. Whitney, USNR and Mr. Daniel Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Buford B. Wiley
VADM and Mrs. Anthony L. Winns
Mr. Marc E. Wolf
CAPT and Mrs. Harry E. Yeiser III
NAAA Athletic Development and Alumni Engagement Team
Tim Ford, Senior Associate Athletic Director,
Kala Giddish, Associate Athletic Director,
Rob Friedrich, Exec. Dir. of the Navy Letterwinners Association,
Maeve Hall, Assistant Director,
Harrison Dover, Assistant Director,