2 015 - 16 A N N U A L N E W S L E T T E R • 5 1 ST E D I T I O N
FROM THE CHAIRMAN Since the inception of our Foundation in 1944,we have provided deserving students an opportunity to enter the Naval Academy via our preparatory school program, RADM Lynch ‘64, USN (Ret.) which has sponsored 4,000 graduates of the Naval Academy over the years. Currently, there are 200 Foundation program graduates within the Brigade of Midshipmen. Equally important, and in consonance with our mission to enhance athletic excellence, we provide critical financial support to all physical mission areas at the Academy—club, intramural and varsity athletic programs.We also support the athletic program at our Naval
Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) in Newport, RI. Examples of this athletic support are listed on page 7 of this newsletter. Our organization, now the Athletic & Scholarship Programs division of today’s Naval Academy Foundation, includes Trustees, Emeriti, friends and Foundation parents, and is an integral part of the Foundation’s fundraising efforts in support of the Academy. Our small group is focused primarily on physical mission components of the Naval Academy Foundation’s overall goals, thereby continuing our tradition of being relevant and responsive to Naval Academy needs.To preserve this tradition of support, an Athletic Excellence Fund was established, and this fund is now our primary fundraising focus. We ask all Trustees to support this important program. I’m proud continued
ABOUT US Founded in 1944, the Naval Academy Athletic and Scholarship Program, a division of the United States Naval Academy Foundation, encourages and supports athletic excellence at the Naval Academy. The program is responsible for grants and awards that recognize superiority in athletics and a comprehensive scholarship program to ensure that the Naval Academy has the best scholar-athletes in the nation. MISSION To provide non financial resources and to support sustainable private funding where government funds are not available, for: (A) The Physical Mission which is a vital element in developing all Midshipmen to become leaders in the Navy, Marine Corps and Nation and (B) Comprehensive preparatory school scholarship programs necessary to further develop high potential Midshipmen candidates. ATHLETIC SUPPORT Each year, the Foundation provides more than $2 million in direct support for all types of athletic activities at the Naval Academy. This includes extensive financial support to not only the 33 varsity teams, but also the many club and intramural teams as well as to the Naval Academy Prep School in Newport, RI. SCHOLARSHIPS Through a need-based scholarship program, the Foundation provides one year of post-high school education to qualified young men and women who need further academic preparation before they enter the Naval Academy. Thanks to the Foundation's sponsorship, more than 4,000 motivated candidates with excellent leadership, scholastic and athletic potential have graduated from the Naval Academy since 1944. It is a “win-win” for the Naval Academy and for these outstanding candidates!
to report that 19 USNA classes have included the Athletic Excellence Fund as part of their ongoing five-year class fundraising projects. Fellow Trustees are including it in their estate plans as well. It’s a wonderful group effort! The strength and vitality of our organization continues as evidenced by the induction of the following 15 new Trustees, who were welcomed at our fall and spring meetings – Steven Blazejewski ’98 – CAPT Doug Borrebach ’84, USN (Ret.) – Kathleen Branch – Thomas Brodmerkel ’80 – RADM William Cobb ’68, USN (Ret.) – VADM Jeff Fowler, ’78, USN (Ret.) – Deborah Gibbons – Dr. James Gonzales ’71 – David Greer ’88 – Thomas Knudson ’67 – Darrell Montgomery ’83 – Coleman Ruiz ’98
VADM W. Ted Carter Jr. ’81 visits Salisbury School.
– LCDR Christy Sahler ’85, USN (Ret.) – RADM Ray Smith ’67, USN (Ret.) – Robert Verratti ’66
I regret to report the passing of seven fellow Trustees during the past year, all of whom were stalwarts of our organization
Admiral Louis E. Denfeld Memorial Award The Admiral Louis E. Denfeld Memorial Award recognizes a Foundation-sponsored member of the graduating class who has best displayed traits of leadership, demonstrated academic proficiency and participated extensively in extracurricular activities. This award honors Admiral Denfeld, a 1912 graduate Trustee ADM James A. Winnefeld Jr., USN (Ret.), with MIDN Minh-Tuan Hong Nguyen ‘16 of the Naval Academy, a destroyerman in WWI, a submariner in the ’20s and ’30s and Chief of Naval Operations in 1947. After retirement, he became the original Chairman of the Foundation Trustees’ Executive Committee. This year's recipient of the Denfeld Award was Midshipman Minh-Tuan Hong “Richard” Nguyen from Webster, NY. Richard attended Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, PA, under Foundation sponsorship. He majored in chemistry and his service selection was Nuclear Submarines.
H. McCoy Jones Award The H. McCoy Jones Award recognizes a Foundationsponsored member of the graduating class who has demonstrated the highest degree of excellence in the Naval Academy athletic program and in leadership and competitive spirit. This award honors “Piggy” Jones, one of the founders of the Naval Academy Foundation, who personally ran the Trustee Dave Tate ‘67 with MIDN Dave preparatory school program Von Savage ‘16 during the forties and fifties. This year’s recipient of the Jones Award was Midshipman David Von Savage from Cape May, NJ. David attended Northwestern Preparatory School in Crestline, CA, as a Foundation-sponsored student. He majored in economics and his service selection was Special Warfare-SEAL.
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Jack Benoit ’49 LtCol Steve Eisenhauer ’54, USMC (Ret.) Joe Gattuso ’55 Tom Hutchins ’51 VADM Hank Mustin, ’55, USN (Ret.) RADM Jim Winnefeld ’51, USN (Ret.) CAPT Thomas B.Wood ’49, USN (Ret.)
On a more positive note and with your support, the renaissance of Navy athletics continues unabated. Navy football joined the American Athletic Conference (AAC) last year. Led by quarterback Keenan Reynolds ’16, the team finished with an outstanding 11-2 season, capped by its third consecutive bowl game win and the coveted Commander-In-Chief ’s trophy for wins against both Air Force and Army. Athletic & Scholarship Programs has been a key part of the soon-to-be-renovated Navy Athletic Hall of Fame in Lejeune Hall.We also helped fund the new informational kiosks located in the Quarterdeck area of Halsey Field House near
the Visitors Center. The new Akerson Tower area of our football stadium includes several open club areas, new suites, recruiting areas, a new scoreboard and television facilities. The Tower’s South Club area has been named to honor our Foundation Trustees in recognition of our support over the years. Ricketts Hall, the athletic department headquarters, will soon undergo a major renovation and expansion. All of these projects, all driven by private funding, greatly enhance the world-class athletic facilities offered at the Naval Academy. Our midshipmen, and those scholar-athletes who aspire to become midshipmen, deserve nothing less. In consonance with our mission to respond to the needs of the Naval Academy, we have increased our financial support for Navy athletic programs over the past several years. New recognition levels have been established (President’s Circle, $2,500/year; Fleet Club, $5,000/year; Rip Miller,
$10,000/year; and Friends of Navy Athletics, $25,000/year x 5 years). I encourage all our Trustees, parents and friends to continue your support of athletic excellence at whatever level meets your charitable, financial and personal goals. Finally, our Trustees are involved in a wide range of volunteer projects to educate our midshipman athletes about the rich heritage and tradition of which they are now an integral part. Finally, I thank each of you for your personal support. Our collective effort has made a significant impact on overall athletic excellence within the Brigade and I am confident we will continue to do so in the future.You make it happen. Thank you and Go Navy!
Rear Admiral Thomas C. Lynch ’64, USN (Ret.) Chairman
E.E. “Rip” Miller Varsity Football Award The E.E. “Rip” Miller Varsity Football Trophy is presented annually by the Naval Academy Foundation to a member of the varsity football squad who is voted by his teammates as having contributed the most to the team. This award is a lasting tribute to Rip Miller who played a major role in the development of Navy football as coach and assistant director of athletics for 48 years from 1926 to 1974. This year’s recipient of the Rip Miller Award was Midshipman Keenan Reynolds from Antioch, TN. Keenan majored in international relations. Keenan has received this honor throughout his four years at USNA. Roger Staubach Trophy The Roger Staubach Trophy honors Roger Staubach ’65. Staubach received the Heisman, Maxwell and Walter Camp trophies, the Naval Academy Athletic Association sword and was a three-time winner of the Thompson Trophy. He was also first team All-American at quarterback,a member of the National Football Foundation and the College Hall of Fame, MVP of Super Bowl VI and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Presented by the Athletic and Scholarship Programs Trustees, the Roger Staubach
Trustee Skip Orr ’65 with MIDN Keenan Reynolds ‘16
Trophy recognizes the Navy varsity football player of the graduating class who has contributed the most to the team’s success over his varsity playing career. This year’s recipient was Midshipman Keenan Reynolds from Antioch, TN. Keenan majored in international relations and his service selection was Information Warfare.
F R O M T H E E X E C U T I V E D I R E C TO R This has been another outstanding year for our Athletic & Scholarship Programs. I’ve really enjoyed and am pr ivileged to work with so many wonderful families and candidates, our CAPT Wallace ’72, USN (Ret.) Alumni Association and Foundation, as well as the staff of the Naval Academy Admissions and Athletic departments. We held our Spring and Fall meetings and each was attended by many of our 250 active Trustees and their spouses.The focus at both events was staying relevant to the Naval Academy while promoting the Athletic Excellence Fund and the prep school program. While we are doing very well overall, we still need your help supporting both important programs. The information provided gives you an idea of the wonderful impact we’ve had over the past year.
Athletic Support An important part of our mission is, of course, the Foundation’s monetary support to the Naval Academy and its “physical mission” for varsity, club and intramural sports programs. Much of the renovation work at NavyMarine Corps Memorial Stadium has been funded by our organization. We are also committed to keeping the current football coaching staff intact.With Ken Niumatalolo as Navy’s head coach and an aggressive but realistic schedule this year as we start our second year in the American Athletic Conference, we have a great opportunity to extend our current run of successful seasons and retain the Commander-in-Chief ’s Trophy.That coaching staff stability is critical to the success of the program, and Athletic and Scholarship Programs has played an important part in that. During the past year, we provided almost $2 million in support for recruiting, team and coaches’ travel, trophies, team equipment,
radio broadcasting, athletic facilities and annual coaches/midshipmen athletic awards.We are committed to providing more than $2 million this academic year. In just the last several years, our unique organization has contributed more than $50 million to the Naval Academy, the preparatory school program and Navy athletics. We could not accomplish this without the generous contributions each year from our Trustees, parents and friends of the Naval Academy. Thanks again for your sincere commitment to this unique foundation! Scholarship Program We completed another successful admissions cycle for the Naval Academy Class of 2020 on 30 June. Of the 46 original Foundationsponsored prep school students, 41 (22 men and 19 women) earned their appointments and became midshipmen on Induction Day. One candidate had been delayed for a year due to medical problems, but she checked in
Joe Bellino Trophy The Joe Bellino Trophy honors Joe Bellino ’61. Bellino led the Navy team over three years and to an Orange Bowl berth in 1961. Playing both ways, Bellino scored 31 touchdowns, amassed 1,664 yards rushing and set 15 Naval Academy records. He was the 1960 Heisman Trophy winner as well as a unanimous first team All-American, the Maxwell Trustee BGen Dave Papak ’76, USMC (Ret.), Award winner, the recipient with MIDN Bernie Sarra ‘16 of both the Thompson Trophy and the Naval Academy Athletic Association Sword in 1961 and a 1977 inductee to the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame. The Joe Bellino Trophy is presented to the Navy varsity football player whose inspiring on-the-field performance made a significant impact on the team and contributed to its overall success during the season. It is presented by the Athletic and Scholarship Programs Trustees. This year’s recipient was Midshipman Bernie Sarra from Monessan, PA. Bernie majored in general science and his service selection was Marine Corps Ground.
Napoleon McCallum Trophy The Napoleon McCallum Trophy honors Napoleon McCallum of the Class of 1985. McCallum ranks second in NCAA Div-I history for all-purpose yards with 7,172 and once held 26 Naval Academy records. He was also a consensus first team All-American halfback in 1983 and 1985. After completing his active duty L to R—MIDN Dave Von Savage ’16, MIDN Will obligation, he played for the Kelly ’16, MIDN Minh-Tuan Hong Nguyen ’16 and MIDN Keenan Reynolds ’16 received Oakland Raiders until a knee Foundation awards at Spring Trustee Meeting. injury forced his retirement. He is a 2003 inductee of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame. Presented by the Trustees of the U.S. Naval Academy Athletic and Scholarship programs, the Napoleon McCallum Trophy is presented to the Navy varsity football player of the graduating class who has gained the most all-purpose yards in his varsity playing career. This year’s recipient was Midshipman Keenan Reynolds from Antioch, TN. Keenan majored in international relations and his service selection was Information Warfare.
Induction for new Trustees at fall A&SP business meeting.
this summer after successful rehab during prep school.We lost three who voluntarily resigned from the program early in the school year, one for academic reasons and another for
failing the Navy PRT (Physical Readiness Test). All the rest successfully earned their appointments for an outstanding 89.2 percent matriculation rate! As Plebe Summer ends
and the academic year begins, we wish the Class of 2020 the very best. On average, more than 90 percent of our Foundation-sponsored midshipmen graduate from USNA each class year. We hosted a wonderful reception the day before Induction Day for excited Foundation students and their families in the NavyMar ine Cor ps Memor ial Stadium Vice Admiral William P. Lawrence “N-Star” dining room. More than 300 people attended the event. It was a great way to say “Welcome Aboard!” to the newest Foundation members of the plebe class. Our USNA Super intendent, Vice Admiral Ted Carter ’81, USN; Commandant of Midshipmen Colonel Steve Liszewski ’90, USMC; and our Alumni Association and Foundation President and CEO Byron Marchant ’78, were all there along with many of our Trustees and their spouses. continued
David Robinson Trophy The David Robinson Trophy honors David Robinson ’87, recipient of the John Wooden, Adolph Rupp and James Naismith awards, and twice winner of the Thompson Trophy. First team All-American and three-time Olympian, “The Admiral” was College Player of the Year in 1987, National Basketball Association MVP in 1995, and a10-time Trustee Ron Terwilliger ’63 with MIDN Will Kelly ‘16 professional All-Star. Presented by the Trustees of the U.S. Naval Academy Athletic and Scholarship programs, the trophy recognizes the Navy varsity basketball player of the graduating class who has contributed the most to the team’s success over his varsity playing career. This year’s recipient was Midshipman Will Kelly from Mount Laurel, NNJ. He majored in political science, and his service selection was Marine Corps Ground.
Cheryl Dolyniuk Trophy The Cheryl Dolyniuk Trophy honors Cheryl Dolyniuk Carlan ’83. Dolyniuk was the winner of 12 varsity letters in swimming, crew and volleyball, as well as a recipient of the Thompson Trophy and the Admiral Lawrence Sword. She was also inducted into the Navy Hall of Fame for swimming. She achieved the position of Regimental Commander and Trustee Casey Johnson ’89 with MIDN Ellen Bradford ‘16 was captain of the swim team and the volleyball team. Dolyniuk majored in systems engineering with a QPR of 3.5 and was also selected as an academic All-American by the College Sports Information Directors of America. Presented by the Trustees of the U.S. Naval Academy Athletic and Scholarship programs, the trophy recognizes that female midshipman of the graduating class who has excelled in athletics, leadership and academics during her four years at the Academy. This year’s recipient of the Dolyniuk Trophy is Midshipman Ellen Bradford from Knoxville, TN. She majored in systems engineering and her service selection was Submarine Warfare. 5
With the support of our Trustees and donors, we added the following scholarships this year • Justine and Commander Raymond Welch, USN, Class of 1941 Memorial Honor Scholarship, created by John K. Welch ’72, Raymond Jr. ’65 and their brothers and sisters to honor their mother and father. • Coach Wayne Hardin Honor Scholarship, created by Hardin’s many friends and those Navy football players whose lives he so deeply touched. • Major Eugene T. McCarthy Jr., USMC Class of ’77 Memorial Honor Scholarship, created by McCarthy’s 18th Company mates, ’77 classmates and fellow U.S. Marines. In order to establish a permanent USNA Foundation Honor or Memorial prep school scholarship, a donation of $50,000 is required. This can be donated all at once or over several years. Contact our office if you
are interested in making a contribution or establishing a permanent named scholarship in our program. Next year’s Foundation prep class (USNA 2021) is already formed, with 52 students enrolled at 16 affiliated prep schools for this academic year (2016-2017). Their credentials are just as impressive as their predecessors. Historically, 95 percent of our sponsorees become midshipmen each year. Of that
number, more than 90 percent will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Naval Academy in four years, the highest of any accession source to USNA. This program is a win-win for our students and the Academy! If you have any questions or want to do more to support our programs, call our office at 410-295-4095 or check out our website at www.usna.com/asp.Thanks again for your outstanding support!
Captain Edward C.Wallace ’72, USN (Ret.) Executive Director
Mercersburg Academy students at Pre-IDay reception hosted by ASP Foundation.
Joe Duff/Max Bishop Baseball Trophy The Joe Duff/Max Bishop Baseball Trophy honors Navy Coaches Joe Duff and Max Bishop. Bishop guided Navy to 314 wins during his 25 years as head coach from 1937 to 1961. Duff served as the head coach from 1962 to 1993 and won a school record 595 games. Their players remember the discipline they taught them L to R—Commandant Steve Liszewski ‘90, on the athletic field and the Baseball Coach Paul Kostacopoulos, MIDN Luke Gillingham ’16 and the asst. baseball coaches ideals they instilled in them as they headed off to their military careers. They were coaches, they were teachers and they prepared the players for their careers in military service and in life. Presented by the Trustees of the U.S. Naval Academy Athletic and Scholarship programs, the Joe Duff/Max Bishop trophy recognizes the Navy varsity baseball player of the graduating class who has contributed the most to the team’s success over his varsity playing career. This year’s recipient of the Joe Duff / Max Bishop Trophy is Midshipman Luke Gillingham. Luke is from Coronado, CA, he majored in mechanical engineering and his service selection was Surface Warfare. 6
Lieutenant Commander Erik Kristensen Crew Trophy The Lieutenant Commander Erik Kristensen Crew Trophy honors the memory of Lieutenant Commander Erik Kristensen ’95, USN, killed in action in Afghanistan. The Trophy is presented L to R—Trustee RADM Ed Kristensen ’65, USN (Ret.), Sam Kristensen and Coach Rob Friedrich with MIDN by Rear Admiral Jack Ogden ’16 and his teammates and Mrs. Edward Kristensen and friends and classmates to the Navy Varsity Heavyweight Crew member of the graduating class who has contributed the most to the program’s success over his career at the Naval Academy. The recipient of the Kristensen Crew Trophy is Midshipman Jack Ogden from Bellaire, TX. He majored in quantitative economics and his service selection was Special Warfare-SEAL.
P R O G R A M S U P P O R T F O R AT H L E T I C S This year, our Foundation is providing almost $2.0 million in direct support to Navy athletic programs. The funds are drawn primarily from our “Fund for Athletic Excellence,” the lifeblood of our organization. Our support includes the following Support to NAAA Football support Annual Football Banquet Football operational support/recruiting Football salary support Supplemental food allocation Nutritional supplements Coaches’ salary support Olympic sports Athletic excellence/ recruiting and operations Broadband/Video Streaming/All Sports Varsity coaches’ awards
Coaches’ meritorious recognition Women’s varsity tennis set-up Team banquets/supplemental Coaches’ houses improvements Trophy and awards displays and upgrades Support of NAPS Coaches’ salary support Team travel/food /lodging NAPS coaches’ professional development NAPS athletic director NAPS athletic trainer
Special Interest Items Locker room upgrades Trophy engravings (annual) USNA Foundation Prep School Scholarship Support—$437,000 (Academic year ’16–’17) Note These funds come from restricted funds specifically designated for the tuition assistance support of the prep school program.
Support of USNA Club sports support Intramural sports support Midshipmen athletic/ leadership awards
1st Lieutenant Travis L. Manion Wrestling Trophy The 1st Lieutenant Travis L. Manion Wrestling Trophy honors the memory of 1st Lieutenant Travis Manion ’04, USMC, killed in action in Iraq. The Manion Wrestling Trophy is presented to the Navy wrestler from the graduating class who displayed outstanding leadership and work habits throughout his career at the Naval Academy. Trustee Rich Carlquist ’80 with MIDN John Keck ‘16 This year’s recipient is Midshipman John Keck from Wading River, NY. John majored in general engineering and his service selection was Marine Corps Pilot.
Legends Boxing Trophy The Legends Boxing Trophy commemorates the long history of Navy boxing and honors previous Coaches Emerson Smith, Spike Webb, Tony Rubino and Jim McNally. This trophy recognizes national champions on Navy’s club boxing team Trustee LCDR Robert Goodson ’83, USN (Ret.), with MIDN Stephanie Simon ‘17 and was created by Athletic and Scholarship Programs Trustee Chuck Spadafora ’63. Midshipman VJ Sakbun, Midshipman Samantha Glaeser and Midshipman Stephanie Simon ’17 are the recipients of the Legends Boxing Trophy for 2016. Sakbun is from Terre Haute, IN. He majored in economics and his service selection was Marine Corps Ground. Glaeser is from Millstadt, IL, majored in operations research and her service selection was Marine Corps Ground. She is a second class midshipman majoring in operations research.
F O U N D AT I O N S P O N S O R E D U S N A ’ 1 6 G R A D U AT E S Jerome J. Alexander Hill School, USMC GROUND
Eric J. Oliver Marion Military Institute, SWO
Shane A. Arena Western Reserve Academy, USMC GROUND
Andrew J. Peterman Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner Univ, PILOT
William J. Ashby Valley Forge Military Academy & College, USMC PILOT
Andrew M. Pick Kiski School, PILOT
Samuel R. Badillo Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner Univ, SWO
Michael S. Popp Marion Military Institute, PILOT
Maxwell K. Bulba Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner Univ, NUC SUB
Sean F. Reilly Blair Academy, NUC SUB
Uriah R. Eilinger Northwestern Preparatory School, PILOT
Christopher W. Rizman Kent School, NFO
Thomas G. Ernst Kent School, SWO
Katherine A. Rodrock Portsmouth Abbey, SWO
Hunter C. Harrell Mercersburg Academy, USMC GROUND
Samantha Rosales New Mexico Military Institute, USMC GROUND
William H. Kelly Hun School, USMC GROUND
Maximiliano L. Salcedo Valley Forge Military Academy & College, SWO
Alison L. Kennedy Northfield Mount Hermon School, USMC GROUND
Sohrob Sullivandavachi Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner Univ, USMC PILOT
Diego N. Kleckner Salisbury School, USMC GROUND
Robert Z. Sutherland Hill School, SWO
Kirk A. Kostrzewski Kent School, USMC GROUND
Richard P. Thomas Hill School, NFO
Jack T. Lahey Avon Old Farms School, PILOT
Madalyn A. Thompson Mercersburg Academy, PILOT
Patrick J. Lien Mercersburg Academy, PILOT
Monique T.Valliere Valley Forge Military Academy & College, SWO
Eric T. Menholt Marion Military Institute, USMC PILOT
Zachary D.Verissimo Northwestern Preparatory School, PILOT
Joshua D. Moore Northwestern Preparatory School, USMC PILOT
David J.Von Savage Northwestern Preparatory School, SPECWAR
Codi A. Mullen Peddie School, USMC GROUND
Meredith L. Wallace Mercersburg Academy, INTEL
Kamron A. Murrell Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner Univ, SWO
Nathaniel C. Webb Marion Military Institute, SWO
Patricia E. Neno Mercersburg Academy, USMC GROUND
Guy A. Williams Valley Forge Military Academy & College, NFO
Minhtuan H. Nguyen Valley Forge Military Academy & College, NUC SUB
Timothy C. Wu Mercersburg Academy, PILOT
C O O P E R AT I N G P R E P S C H O O L S Avon Old Farms School Avon, Connecticut
Kiski School Saltsburg, Pennsylvania
Portsmouth Abbey Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Blair Academy Blairstown, New Jersey
Marion Military Institute Marion, Alabama
St. Johnsbury Academy St. Johnsbury,Vermont
Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University Kerrville,Texas
Mercersburg Academy Mercersburg, Pennsylvania
Salisbury School Salisbury, Connecticut
New Mexico Military Institute Roswell, New Mexico
Western Reserve Academy Hudson, Ohio
Northfield Mount Hermon School Mount Hermon, Massachusetts
Wyoming Seminary Kingston, Pennsylvania
Hargrave Military Academy Chatham,Virginia Hill School Pottstown, Pennsylvania Hun School of Princeton Princeton, New Jersey Kent School Kent, Connecticut
Northwestern Preparatory School Crestline, California Peddie School Hightstown, New Jersey
F O U N D AT I O N P R E P S C H O O L S T U D E N T S 2 0 2 0 Following are profiles of sponsored candidates who are members of the Naval Academy Class of 2020.They attended a prep school or junior college affiliated with the Foundation. The designations of “Honor Scholar” and “Scholar Athlete” are solely to recognize the contribution made to the Foundation by the donors of Honor or Memorial Scholarships.
The Rear Admiral William Overton Payne Snead Jr., Class of 1930 Honor Scholar The Rear Admiral William Overton Payne Snead Jr., Class of 1930 Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Rear Admiral William O. P. Snead Jr., a Foundation Trustee, and Mrs. Snead, is Omoikhoje P. “Khoje” Ahonkhai, from Orlando, FL. He is of Nigerian decent and is a graduate of Forest Lake Academy Seventh-Day Adventist High School. He played varsity sports from freshman to senior year. He played basketball his freshman year and varsity soccer the other three years, serving as captain in his senior year. He also participated in the school’s running club that travelled all around Central Florida to compete in 5Ks and mud runs. Khoje was the recipient of the school’s highest academic recognition four years in a row and a member of the National Honor Society who served as service project leader and secretary. His volunteer hours and overall citizenship earned him the distinguished “Caring Heart Award and Scholarship” his senior year. Khoje was the first in his school to be selected as a Boys’ State Delegate. Under Foundation sponsorship he attended Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University.
The Commander Robert Timothy Hanley Memorial Honor Scholar The Commander Robert Timothy Hanley Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Commander Hanley’s widow, Mrs. Mary Ellen Hanley, a Foundation Trustee, is Roman C. Benitez, who graduated from Lemoore High School in Lemoore, CA. Roman lettered in marching band, water polo, wrestling, tennis and golf. He was team captain for both water polo and golf. He was also the captain of the Academic Decathlon team and president of the Travel Club and Culture Club his senior year. Roman was a member of the California Scholarship Foundation as a freshman through his senior year. Outside of school, Roman was a member of the Boy Scouts of America where he earned the Eagle Scout rank and earned all three Palm awards. He was also a member of the Police Explorers in Hanford, CA. He earned the rank of corporal and was part of the Shooting, CSI, Obstacle, Interview and Tug-a-War teams where his team won first place nine times in central and southern California. He attended Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University in Kerrville, TX, where he served on the Honor and Conduct Committee. 10
The Colonel Norman R. K. Stanford Class of 1944 Memorial Scholar The Colonel Norman R. K. Stanford Class of 1944 Memorial Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the Patrick Lefler Family, is Steven C. Caldwell from Cheshire, CT, where he graduated from Cheshire High School. He participated in cross-country for four years, earning three letters, and made the SCC All-Academic team three times. He also participated in indoor track for three years, earning one letter, and was on the SCC All-Academic team once. He ran outdoor track for three years and made the SCC All-Academic team twice. His sophomore year he earned the “Outstanding Attitude and Effort Award in Math” award. His senior year he joined theVolunteer Cheshire Fire Department as a junior firefighter. Under Foundation sponsorship, Steven attended The Kiski School in Saltsburg, PA.
The Admiral Thomas B. Hayward Honor Scholar The Admiral Thomas B. Hayward Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the Hayward Family Foundation, is Nathalie J. Camacho from Coral Springs, FL. Nathalie graduated from American Heritage High school with a 4.0 GPA and achieved five varsity letters. Her junior year she played softball. She served on the yearbook staff all four years and held various editor positions, earning numerous honorable awards for her designs and creations. Nathalie was nominated to represent American Heritage in the Pathfinders Award for the Communication category. She launched a site in which she helped students around the United States learn strategies on how to market themselves to play for their dream schools. Her senior year she was captain of the women’s lacrosse team and was awarded the “Acta Non Verbal” and the “Outstanding Leadership” Awards. Nathalie has enjoyed fine arts since the age of three; she has been dancing and cheerleading and active in competition teams throughout high school. Outside of school, Nathalie volunteered at a Children’s Hospital and worked with cancer patients. She has written, recorded and produced her own music and has even had the opportunity to have her music on iTunes. Under Foundation sponsorship she attended Marion Military Institute in Marion, AL, where she helped start the Fighting Tigers Club, was involved in the shooting club and joined the Honor Guard and Color Guard Organizations.
The Louis William Alter Memorial Scholar Athlete The Louis William Alter Memorial Scholar Athlete, recipient of a scholarship created by Alter’s son L. William Alter, Jr., a Foundation Trustee, is Kenzie Chen, a graduate from Great Neck South High School in Great Neck, NY. Her senior year, Kenzie was captain of the cross country and track teams.An active volunteer in school, she was a member of the Robotics, Key, HOSA, Mock Trials and Girl’s Varsity clubs. She was also involved outside of school in community service. Under Foundation sponsorship, she attended Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, OH.
The Captain Wade DeWeese Memorial Honor Scholar The Captain Wade DeWeese Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by DeWeese’s wife, Catharine H. DeWeese, is Owen P. Davis, a graduate of the William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia, PA. Owen earned academic honors along with four varsity letters in golf and squash and one in lacrosse. He was a member of the Young Republicans’ Club throughout high school. Over his four years on the golf team, Owen received the Most Improved Player Award, the MVP Award and the Coach’s Award. He was captain of the golf team his junior and senior years. Owen was also a member of the squash team all four years, receiving the Most Improved Player Award, the MVP Award and the Coach’s Award. He was captain his senior year. Under Foundation sponsorship, he attended Avon Old Farms School in Avon, CT, where he was captain of the varsity squash team and lettered in golf.
The USNA Class of 1960 Memorial Scholar The USNA Class of 1960 Memorial Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the class to honor the sacrifice and bravery of classmates Donnie Lee Darrow; Alexander McIver, Jr.; William Marshall Roark; and Martin Nelson Tull, who were killed in action while in the service of our country, is Chandler V. S. Derbyshire. Chandler graduated from Chantilly High School in Chantilly,VA. He was involved in choir, drama, dive team, Boy Scouts and his church. He served as dance captain for his show choir, dive captain for his swimming and diving team and Chaplain Aide in his Boy Scout troop, where he earned the Eagle Scout rank. Under Foundation sponsorship, Chandler attended Northwestern Preparatory School in Crestline, CA, and attended Appalachian State University during the spring semester.
The Major Megan M. McClung, USMC (USNA, 1995) Memorial Honor Scholar The Major Megan M. McClung, USMC (USNA, 1995) Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Drs. Michael and Re McClung, is Caroline G. Dooley, a graduate from Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, MA. Caroline was a member of student council all four years and a member of the varsity swim and track teams. She was also a six-year member and two-year captain for the Northeast National development triathlon team. Caroline has long been involved with and has received multiple awards for her work with the Fisher House of Boston as well as the Massachusetts GPO. Under Foundation sponsorship, she attended Blair Academy in Blairstown, NJ.
The Class of 1964 Honor Scholar The Class of 1964 Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the class, is M. Ashlyn Dawson, a graduate of Broadneck High School in Arnold, MD. Ashlyn was an avid rower who was named MVP of the Annapolis Junior Rowing Team. She won the U.S. Rowing Pair Trails in 2015 and then went on to a bronze medal at the Junior Rowing World Championships in Rio de Janeiro. During the summer of 2014,Ashlyn went on a mission trip with Scripture Union to Ghana and taught Christian theology to underprivileged African children. She was a Senior Leader in her school’s Young Life chapter. Ashlyn attended the Kent School in Kent, CT, under Foundation sponsorship where she rowed on their women’s crew team.
The Society of Sponsors Honor Scholar The Society of Sponsors Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the Athletic and Scholarship Programs Trustees, is Stephanie M. Downing, a graduate of Chesapeake High School in Pasadena, MD. Stephanie graduated second in her class as salutatorian. She was team captain and received the MVP award for swimming. She was also a member of the math club, academic team, National Honor Society secretary and an active member of her church youth group. She participated in orchestra playing the viola and was selected for the All County, All State and Baltimore Symphony Side by Side Orchestras. Outside of school, she was captain of her club swim team, the Naval Academy Aquatic Club. She has won the mile and 200-meter butterfly at the Maryland State Championships. She has also qualified for sectionals, futures and Jr. 11
National Championships.This year Stephanie attended Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, PA, where she participated in orchestra and swimming.
The Lieutenant Commander Richard E. Bowe Memorial Honor Scholar The Lieutenant Commander Richard E. Bowe Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship established by Bowe’s wife, Virginia, in recognition of his outstanding service in the U.S. Navy and to our country, is Salvador N. Galvan. A graduate of Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas, NV, Salvador swam and lettered on the swim team his freshman, junior and senior years, qualifying for the state championships both junior and senior year. He also played water polo for the past six years for his club team in Las Vegas and was selected for the Jr. National team his freshman and sophomore year. Salvador attended the Kiski School in Saltsburg, PA, under Foundation sponsorship.
The National Capital Council The National Capital Council, Navy League of the United States Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship established by the National Capital Council, is Nicholas J. Gartner, a graduate of Antilles School in St. Thomas, USVI. Nicholas was captain of the multinational champion sailing team at Antilles. He maintained a high GPA and received an AP scholar award in 2015 from the College Board for his performance on his three AP exams. Outside of school, Nicholas spends his time on the ocean where he is an avid free diver and spear fisherman. Under Foundation sponsorship, Nicholas attended Portsmouth Abbey School in Portsmouth, RI, where he ran cross county, competed in swimming and sailed competitively.
The Justine and Commander Raymond Welch, USN, Class of 1941 Memorial Honor Scholar The Justine and Commander Raymond Welch, USN, Class of 1941 Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by John K.Welch ’72, Raymond Jr. ’65 and their brothers and sisters to honor their mother and father, is John K. Girard. A graduate of Evanston Township High School in Evanston, IL, John lettered in cross country and swimming and was captain of the swim team. John was selected as an Illinois All-State team member his senior year and was also awarded the William Heusner Excellence Award. Outside of sports, John wrote for The Evanstonian newspaper, was an Ambassador for Evanston Township and represented his youth group 12
at his church’s council meetings. He also worked as a lifeguard on Lake Michigan during the summer. Under Foundation sponsorship, John attended Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, PA, and competed in swimming.
The Class of 1949 Memorial Honor Scholar The Class of 1949 Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the class, is Sydney A. Hirokawa, a graduate of Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School in Gwynedd, PA. Sydney was captain of the cross country, indoor track and outdoor track teams her junior and senior years. She received AllLeague honors and participated on varsity during all four years. Sydney also participated in National Honor Society, Mock Trial, Student Think Tank and Student Council. Sydney attended Mercersburg Academy under Foundation sponsorship and was captain of the cross country team, earned All-League honors in cross country, participated in chorale and was a Commended Scholar.
The Lieutenant Commander Wesley A. Brown ’49 Honor Scholar The Lieutenant Commander Wesley A. Brown ’49 Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by a consortium of minority Naval Academy graduates including the El Dorado Society, is Kaylah Hodge, who graduated from The Bullis School in Washington, DC. A resident of Upper Marlboro, MD, Kaylah was active in many volunteer activities in her school. She was the student president of the Diversity Club and a founding member of the Gay Straight Alliance. She was also active as a peer mentor and student tutor. An accomplished tennis player, she was team MVP her junior year and team captain her senior year, leading her team to the ISL league championship. Under Foundation sponsorship, Kaylah attended Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, OH, where she starred on their women’s tennis team.
The Thomas E. Teshara Honor Scholar The Thomas E. Teshara Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Teshara’s family and many friends, is Natalie Irwin, a graduate of Bishop Ireton High School in Alexandria,VA. Natalie graduated cum laude, was inducted into the National Honor Society and was named an Academic All-American her junior and senior year. She was a four-year varsity lacrosse starter at defense. In her sophomore year she earned a place on the Under Ar mour DC team, Second Team All WCAC and WDNT
Mid-Atlantic Team 2. In her junior year, Natalie earned First Team All VISAA, First Team WCAC and WDNT Mid-Atlantic Team 1. During her junior year, for the first time in the school’s history, Bishop Ireton won both theVISAA and WCAC Championships. In addition, Natalie played with Capital Lacrosse Club in her off season. She volunteered in a local ministry working with special needs children and participated in a school project helping clean up a park area near a homeless shelter. Natalie attended The Peddie School in Hightstown, NJ, where she participated in cross country and lacrosse and received academic honors.
The Admirals Earle Honor Scholar The Admirals Earle Honor Scholar, scholarship created by their daughter and granddaughter, is Madysen D. Jaso, who attended Central Kitsap High School in Silverdale,WA, for two years. She then moved to Weston, FL, where she graduated from Cypress Bay High School. Madysen was an honor student and captain of the varsity basketball team and lettered in her junior and senior years. She was Student Council representative her junior year and was involved in various clubs. Under Foundation sponsorship, she attended Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University in Kerrville,TX.
The William Ernest Sisler Memorial Honor Scholar The William Ernest Sisler Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Sisler’s fellow members of the Class of 1983, is Brett W. Jones, a graduate of Jones Classical Academy in Dallas,TX. Brett’s older brother Austin is currently a midshipman at USNA. Brett is a proud Eagle Scout and an accomplished high school athlete, played tennis as a nationally ranked player, and competed in varsity soccer and varsity skiing. Outside of school, Brett was very involved in his church and loves to play guitar. Under Foundation sponsorship, Brett attended Salisbury School in Salisbury, CT, where he received high academic honors and was MVP of the tennis team.
The Coach Ed Peery Memorial Scholar The Coach Ed Peery Memorial Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Peery’s fellow USNA wrestlers, classmates, friends and family, is Cameron E. Jones, a graduate of Eagles Landing High School in McDonough, GA. Cameron graduated with honors and was a member of Mu Alpha Theta and the vice president of the National Honor Society chapter. He lettered in precision rifle for two years and was a member of the band. Cameron
was also the commanding officer of the Navy JROTC program, served as the captain of the Orienteering team and was an officer in the battalion for three years. Cameron was sponsored by Delta’s Flight Aline program in which he performed his first solo in an aircraft and began the process of becoming a pilot. He was selected to attend the Georgia Governor Honors program in physics. Under Foundation sponsorship, Cameron attended Marion Military Institute in Marion, AL, where he was part of Band Company and Flying Tigers and passed his FAA written exam. He is now working on his private pilot’s license.
The Coach Wayne Hardin Honor Scholar The Coach Wayne Hardin Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Hardin’s many friends and those Navy football players whose lives he so deeply touched, is John W. Lamb. A graduate of Hong Kong International School (HKIS), John is a Mandarin-speaking American expatriate. As a four-year member of the HKIS Student Ambassador Board, John served as its leader during his senior year. He earned four varsity letters for baseball and was selected team captain, MVP and for Asia Pacific All Star honors his senior year. John also earned two varsity letters and Asia Pacific All Star recognition for basketball as well as track and field. John has had the opportunity to travel throughout Asia and parts of Africa providing aid, teaching English and assisting in the building of homes and schools. John attended Kent School in Kent, CT, where he rowed on the varsity crew team.
The Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Honor Scholar The Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the late Robert Crown, is William Longwe, a graduate of Stoughton High School in Stoughton, MA.William was vice president of his DECA Business club chapter and during his junior year won the district Principles of Business Administration category.William trained as a Level 10 gymnast at the Somersault Gymnastics Center located in Stoughton. In 2014, he won the New England High Bar championship. He was also a three-time qualifier for the Junior Olympic Nationals and in 2015 won first place on the high bar. William also helped coach younger gymnasts on the high bar at the National Championship level. He attended St. Johnsbury Academy in St. Johnsbury,VT, under Foundation sponsorship and trained at a local gymnastics club.
The USS RALPH TALBOT (DD390) Memorial Honor Scholar The USS RALPH TALBOT (DD390) Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the shipmates of the RALPH TALBOT to honor those shipmates who were killed in action while on board and serving in the RALPH TALBOT during WWII. This year’s recipient is Winton Lunceford who graduated from the College of Southern Nevada High School with an Advanced Diploma and 21 college credits from their dual enrollment program.Winton participated in National Honor Society, tutored students in AVID and worked as a lifeguard outside of school. He has earned varsity letters in cross country, wrestling and swimming. Winton was captain of the varsity cross country team and also class leader for the fire science program. Under Foundation sponsorship, he attended The Kiski School in Saltsburg, PA.
The Dr. Eugene O.S. Stevenson USNA ’54 Memorial Scholar The Dr. Eugene O.S. Stevenson USNA ’54 Memorial Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Dr. Stevenson’s family, classmates and many friends, is Carlos Mancilla who was born in Guatemala. His family came to the United States when he was two years old. Carlos graduated from Ronald W. Reagan / Doral Senior High School in Doral, FL.An active student-athlete, he participated in basketball, swimming, baseball and track. He was also active and excelled in foreign languages (Mandarin and Portuguese) as well as math and science. Under Foundation sponsorship, Carlos attended Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, PA, and participated on their baseball team.
The Admiral Charles R. Larson Honor Scholar The Admiral Charles R. Larson Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship established by the Athletic and Scholarship Programs Trustees for Admiral Larson’s extraordinary service as the Superintendent of the Naval Academy, is Jessica A. McJones, a graduate of Palos Verdes High School in Palos Verdes, CA. Jessica was a member of the varsity sailing team for three years, holding leadership positions in her last year. She was a member of Interact and AVID for four years. She was also a member of the Chinese Honor Society for three years. Jessica volunteered at her local yacht club teaching children how to sail and helping to improve the racing team. She was awarded two “Yachts Person of theYear” awards from the Los Angeles Yacht Club and the Association of San Pedro BayYacht Club. She competed in 2015 inYouth Open Women’s Laser Worlds and Youth Championships. Under Foundation sponsorship, 14
Jessica attended the Portsmouth Abbey School in Portsmouth, RI, where she competed with the varsity sailing team and placed 10th at the ISSA Cressy Singlehanded Nationals.
The Robert and Kathleen Verratti Honor Scholarship The Robert and Kathleen Verratti Honor Scholarship, recipient of a scholarship established by the Verratti Family, is Ixel S. Ochoa, a graduate of Randolph-Macon Academy in Front Royal,VA. Ixel held the position of the Commander of Support on Corps Staff within the JROTC unit and also served as a member of the school Honor Council, officer of the National Honor Society and President of the Alpha Readers Club. She received multiple awards including Most Valuable Player, the Coaches award and First Team All-Conference in cross country, dance team and soccer over her four years. Outside of school, Ixel enjoyed participating in 5K and 10K races for charity organizations. Ixel attended Northwestern Preparatory School in Crestline, CA, and second semester at James Madison University in Harrisonburg,VA.
The Major Eugene T. McCarthy Jr., USMC, USNA Class of ’77 Memorial Honor Scholarship The Major Eugene T. McCarthy Jr., USMC, USNA Class of ’77 Memor ial Honor Scholarship, recipient of a scholarship created by Major McCarthy’s 18th Company mates, ’77 classmates and fellow U. S. Marines, is Jermaine Oliver. A graduate of William M. Raines High School in Jacksonville, FL, Jermaine graduated with academic honors and was a member of the National Honor Society. He was also the captain of the Raines Viking football team during his senior year, was selected “Player of the Week” by a local TV station and nominated for “Athlete of the Year.” During his sophomore and junior years he was selected by his coaches as “Defensive Player of theYear” at his high school. He was captain of the wrestling team and placed third at the district and state levels during his sophomore and junior years. Jermaine was an active member of the Boy Scouts of America and earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He is also a certified lifeguard and has taught youth to swim as a volunteer youth coach. Under Foundation sponsorship, Jermaine attended New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell, NM.
The Commander Michael B. Clark, USNR (USNA 1969) Memorial Honor Scholar The Commander Michael B. Clark, USNR (USNA 1969) Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Commander Clark’s wife, Lisa, his football teammates and classmates, is Dominik V. Pena. A graduate of John Marshall High School in San Antonio,TX, Dominik graduated in the top five percent of his class and was a member of the National Honor Society. After living in Puerto Rico for more than six years, Dominik led the varsity baseball team as a pitcher from his freshman year. Dominik has played the violin for eight years, made the All-Region Orchestra three years in a row and performed a Class One solo in the Texas State Solo Ensemble Contest. Outside of school, he volunteered for the Challenger Baseball Program by helping disabled children play baseball. He held a part-time job as a baker and had the opportunity to intern at a U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic. Dominik attended the New Mexico Military Institute in Rowell, NM.
The Class of 1935 Memorial Scholar Athlete The Class of 1935 Memorial Scholar Athlete, recipient of a scholarship created by Captain D.O.Van Ness, USNR (Ret.), a Foundation Trustee, in memory of his classmates lost in combat, is Kody A. Rulofson, a graduate of WestValley High School in Cottonwood, CA. Kody participated in soccer, lettering four times and was a two-time captain. During his senior year, he was elected as Associated Student Body President and was a member of the National Honor Society. He was also actively involved in the Future Farmers of America chapter, was the chapter treasurer and was a state finalist in the Parliamentary Procedure contest. Under Foundation sponsorship, Kody attended Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University in Kerrville,TX.
The Class of 1947 Honor Scholar The Class of 1947 Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Robert H. McKinney of the Class of 1947, is Elizabeth Schwien, a graduate of Flint High School in Oakton,VA. Lizzy was a four varsity sport athlete, receiving letters in lacrosse, basketball, soccer and cross-country. She was captain of the lacrosse team both junior and senior year and JV captain of basketball her sophomore year. She received All Met, First Team All-State and All-Conference recognition for lacrosse. Lizzy was also first cello in the orchestra for three years, won the Orchestra Director’s Award and represented her school as an ambassador. Outside of school, she coached a youth lacrosse team,
volunteered in her church Sunday School program and worked with orphans on a summer mission trip in Mexico earning the Bronze Presidential Award for her volunteer work. She attended the Peddie School in Hightstown, NJ, where she was a member of the cross-country and lacrosse teams.
The Virginia Jones McKie Memorial Honor Scholar The Virginia Jones McKie Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship established by McKie’s husband, Jay, and her loving family, is Carley L. Seekamp, a graduate of East Hampton High School in East Hampton, NY. Carley earned honor roll recognition and received 13 varsity letters. She was also class president and captain of her volleyball, basketball and lacrosse teams. She was a three-time All-County lacrosse player and two time AllCounty volleyball player. Her senior year her volleyball team won the league championship. Outside of school, Carley completed more than 100 hours of community service. Carley attended Blair Academy in New Jersey where she participated in volleyball and lacrosse under Foundation sponsorship.
The Rear Admiral Robert B. Erly Honor Scholar The Rear Admiral Robert B. Erly Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Admiral Erly’s wife, Lois R. Erly, is Brooke Simonds, a graduate of First Coast High School in Jacksonville, FL. She served as the captain of her softball, volleyball and weightlifting teams. Brooke was the Battalion Commander of First Coast’s NJROTC program.The Purple Heart National Leadership Award, the Daughters of the American Revolution Leadership Award, Distinguished Cadet and Honor Cadet are some of the awards Brooke has received. She was a member of National Honor Society and graduated in the top five percent of her class. Brooke was also the Secretary General of Model UN and senior class treasurer. Under Foundation sponsorship, Brooke attended New Mexico Military Institute where she played volleyball and became the executive officer of her troop.
The USS HOUSTON CA-30 Memorial Scholarship The USS H OUSTON CA-30 Memorial Scholarship was established by the USS HOUSTON CA-30 Survivors Association in memory of the ship and her men, “Still Standing Watch over the Sunda Strait.” This year’s recipient is Alana N. Stern, who graduated with distinguished honors from Gonzales High School in Gonzales,TX. Alana was a member of the 15
National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. She was an officer for several community service clubs and participated in many community service events such as coaching track for grade school students in the area. Alana was very active in her church youth group and held the position of vice president. She also held a spot on the varsity cheerleading, powerlifting and track teams throughout all four years. Under Foundation sponsorship,Alana attended Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University in Kerrville,TX.
The Vice Admiral Edward M. Straw Honor Scholar The Vice Admiral Edward M. Straw Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created to recognize Admiral Straw’s many years of outstanding service to the Naval Academy and to his country, is Jackson Sylvester, a graduate of Saint Albans in Washington, DC. Jackson lettered in soccer, lacrosse, cross country and wrestling. He also captained the wrestling team in his senior year. He has lived in New Delhi, Damascus and Ankara for a combined 11 years. He is also part of the seventh generation of his family to attend the Naval Academy. Under Foundation sponsorship, Jackson attended New Mexico Military Institute, earned a 4.0 GPA and was on the school’s Ranger Challenge team. He also participated in the Bataan Memorial Death March.
The Commander William Earl Fannin, USN, (Ret.), Class of 1945, Memorial Honor Scholar The Commander William Earl Fannin, USN, (Ret.), Class of 1945, Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Commander Fannin’s classmates, is Elizabeth Troy. A graduate of William Mason High School in Mason, OH, Elizabeth was a fouryear state qualifier in swimming and three-time All-American. Her junior and senior year she competed at the National Club Swimming Championships. Elizabeth was also a leader in her church youth group and volunteered in “Peanut Butter and Jelly” ministries. Under the Foundation program, Elizabeth attended Mercersburg Academy and was a tutor for the math and science departments, a member of the Student Athletic Advisory Council and an athletic photographer for the school. She plans to swim for Navy, major in weapons engineering and join the Catholic Midshipmen Club.
Captain John F. Laboon ’44 Memorial Honor Scholar Captain John F. Laboon ’44 Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by John R. Strachan ’44, a Foundation Associate Trustee, is Lauren N. Vernazza from Yorktown High School in Arlington,VA. An upstanding member of the National Honor Society at both Coronado, CA, and Yorktown High Schools, she graduated in the top of her class and went to the Oxford Royal Academy in England to study physics. She participated in the National Student Leadership Program at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the Biotechnology Program at Northwestern University in Chicago. Athletically, she was a lettering member of NJROTC, Swim Team, JV Basketball Team as well as Track and Field throughout high school. She volunteered for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) and Lost Dog Rescue in Washington, DC. Under Foundation sponsorship, Lauren attended Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University in Kerrville, TX, where she maintained her academic excellence and was a member of the National Honor Society of Leadership and Success (Sigma Alpha Pi).
The George L. Castera Class of 1923 Memorial Honor Scholar The George L. Castera Class of 1923 Memorial Honor Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the Trustees of the Foundation, is Julia Von Fecht, a graduate of Floyd E. Kellam High School in Virginia Beach,VA. Julia graduated with honors in the top five percent of the class. She was also a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council and, for all four years, her class senate. Julia lettered four years in varsity soccer and was captain of the team her senior year. She also made theVirginia All-Star Team for women’s soccer and was awarded 1st team AllRegion honors for the defensive position. Outside of school she earned her second degree black belt in Muay Thai and volunteered and worked as a martial arts instructor for children. She also volunteered with the Wounded Warrior Project and the Navy SEAL Foundation. Under Foundation sponsorship this year, Julia attended Marion Military Institute in Marion, AL.
The Anna and Paul M. Lukish Sr. Memorial Scholar The Anna and Paul M. Lukish Sr. Memorial Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by Thomas J. Lukish Sr. ’59 and his brothers and sisters to honor their mother and father, is Evan B.Wieck, a graduate of Amarillo High School in Amarillo,TX. Evan was a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Club, History Club and Key Club. He earned the Engineering Excellence
Award and the Architectural Honor Scholar distinction. He was also a varsity basketball player all four years and received multiple awards First Team All-District, Athlete of the Week, Regional All-Star and the Fighting Heart Award. He helped lead his team to the state championship game his junior year and the regional tournament his sophomore and senior years. Outside of school, Evan was an active member of this church and the youth group volunteering for a homeless shelter, women’s downtown shelter, food bank and Special Olympics. Under Foundation sponsorship, he attended Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham,VA, where he played basketball.
The Society of Sponsors of the United States Navy Mrs. Arleigh A. Burke Memorial Scholar The Society of Sponsors of the United States Navy Mrs. Arleigh A. Burke Memorial Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the Society of Sponsors, is August Will, a graduate of University High School in Normal, IL. August was a four-year letter winner in golf. She was also a four-year participant in the IHSA State golf tournament. August was a member of the marching band, saxophone section leader and recipient of the Director’s Award her senior year. She was selected as a math and science mentor and received the Mentor of theYear Award. August was a member of the National Honor Society. Under Foundation sponsorship,August attended Blair Academy in Blairstown, NJ, where she was lettered in cross country and golf and was a member of the concert and jazz bands.
The Society of Sponsors of the United States Navy Elizabeth S. Hooper Memorial Scholar The Society of Sponsors of the United States Navy Elizabeth S. Hooper Memorial Scholar, recipient of a scholarship created by the Society of Sponsors, is Thomas A. Wilson, a graduate of John Burroughs High School in Burbank, CA. Thomas graduated with honors and received the “Pride of the Tribe” award given to those who maintain a minimum of 4.0 GPA throughout their high school career. He was also a four-year member of the California Scholarship Federation. He lettered in baseball all four years and received the Scholar Athlete Award each year.As a freshman he received the Junior Varsity coach’s award. In his senior year,Thomas led his team to the first Pacific League title in school history, earning Co-Player of the Year for his team, Pacific League Player of theYear,All-Area 1st team, All-CIF 1st team and All-State selection from Max Preps and Cal-Hi Sports. Outside of school he spent his time tutoring classmates and teammates in mathematics, English and history. He received the community service award for volunteering with Operation Gratitude, the Burbank Tournament of Roses Foundation and the
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, all while working a part-time job. Thomas attended the Salisbury School in Salisbury, CT, under Foundation sponsorship and was the MVP of the varsity baseball team.
The Coach Albert A. Cantello Scholar Athlete The Coach Albert A. Cantello Scholar Athlete, recipient of a scholarship established by Dan Busch ’77 and his wife, Mindy, in recognition of the hundreds of midshipmen Cantello influenced while at the Naval Academy, is Charles Winston, a graduate of St. Mary’s High School in Phoenix, AZ. Charles ran track, earning his varsity letter all four years, as well as the Coach’s Award. He also captained the team his junior and senior years. He played football for three years and ran cross-country for two, receiving letters in both sports. Charles was a member of the National Honor Society,Youth for Life club, Columbian Squires, Drama Club and Ambassador’s Club. He volunteered at St.Vincent DePaul food kitchens as well as food drives at his parish. He received the Eagle Scout Award his sophomore year and at graduation received Saint Mary’s Science Award and the Knight of the Year Award. Under Foundation sponsorship, Charles attended the Kiski School in Saltsburg, PA.
The Sgt. John H. Moreno, USMC Memorial Honor Scholar The Sgt. John H. Moreno, USMC Memorial Honor Scholar, is the recipient of a scholarship created by Ernest C. Moreno ’61 and his family. John was killed in action during the Tet Offensive in Hue City, South Vietnam in March 1968.This year’s recipient is Cameron J. Witte from Saint Leonard, MD, who graduated from Patuxent High School. Cameron was an honors scholar and graduated with distinction. He participated in six different clubs while also holding leadership positions such as president of the National Honor Society, vice president of the Science National Honor Society and Huddle Leader of Patuxent’s Chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He earned six varsity letters while in high school, three each in football and baseball. He was a senior All-Star in baseball and football, made Honorable Mention for the All-County team, is a 2A regional baseball champion and a 2A football state finalist. Cameron received the “Calvert County Outstanding Youth Award,” the “Fellowship of Christian Athletes” and the “Leaders of the Year Award.” Cameron volunteered in many community service opportunities such as the Special Olympics and Light the Night. He attended the Kiski School in Saltsburg, PA, under Foundation sponsorship.
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