As the director of the Class of 1963 Center for Academic Excellence (CAE), endowed by J. Ronald Terwilliger ’63 and his classmates, I am honored to share updates on Academic Year 2024, which has been a truly exceptional year for our premier academic support services!
In Academic Year 2024, the CAE not only broke our all-time record for student usage but also earned national recognition when the Princeton Review named USNA No. 1 for “Best Student Support and Counseling Services.” Since this award was based on students’ survey answers, it is not a surprise that more midshipmen than ever, both in overall quantity and percentage rate, utilized our academic support services. Thanks to your support, our center’s reach extends to students from all classes, at all performance levels, for all of their academic support needs. As you’ll learn throughout this letter and report to follow, they vote with their feet!
The CAE achieved a record-breaking 62,699 visits in Academic Year 2024, averaging more than 1,900 visits per week, with nearly 1,200 unique midshipmen utilizing CAE services weekly. For the first time, 100% of all 4/C midshipmen engaged with CAE services. Among this cohort, approximately 82% sought assistance for chemistry and more than 81% for calculus. Additionally, 87% of 3/C midshipmen accessed our services for their STEM and communication needs. Upperclassmen also benefited significantly, with 68% of 2/C midshipmen and 45% of 1/C midshipmen using our support. We are proud of the center’s extensive impact, consistently providing support to students across a wide range of subjects and addressing their comprehensive academic needs.
In a continued effort to meet a variety of midshipman learning styles, we offer peer led support, traditional one-on-one tutorials, interactive classroom experiences and more. I invite you to explore how your support has positively influenced these essential services below.
Since I am retiring this year, I will thank you once more for your support. Thank you for all you do to allow these midshipmen to thrive!
Dr Bruce J. Bukowski Director, The Class of 1963 Center for Academic Excellence
Endowed by J. Ronald Terwilliger
and Classmates
Visits in AY2024 with more than 1,900 visits per week
100% of all 4/C midshipmen engaged with CAE
Record-breaking visits in AY2024 to the WRITING & COMMUNICATION CENTER (W&CC)
Students enrolled in traditionally difficult STEM courses can sign up for these non-credit SI classes with no homework, no quizzes and no tests—just helpful support. The class improves subject retention within a technical discipline by reviewing key concepts concurrent with an associated core course. In Academic Year 2024 (AY2024), 132 SI sections were offered, averaging an enrollment of nine midshipmen per section.
“I enjoyed doing problems on the board along with the other students. … Those helped greatly improve my understanding … [and] made me more confident when it came to [my class].”
The Writing Center, which officially transitioned to the Writing & Communication Center this fall, offers one-on-one writing consultations for midshipmen for all writing projects at every stage of the writing process, in addition to support with public speaking, presentation skills and interview preparation. Our professional and peer tutors work collaboratively with students to improve both the work in progress and the student’s overall proficiency. We also provide dynamic workshops throughout the year and a 24-hour online paper review on weekends. With the expansion of our communication offerings, the W&CC yielded a record breaking 6,948 visits in AY2024, which is an average of 204 weekly visits. In fact, 42% of the Brigade utilized W&CC services, including 85% of 4/C midshipmen. Furthermore, a student survey revealed that 99% of midshipmen strongly agreed or agreed that their goals were met during their tutorial sessions, that the staff was friendly and helpful and that the staff was knowledgeable.
The ACE Reader Program remains one of our most popular offerings. This four- to six-week program has proved to dramatically increase midshipmen’s comprehension while greatly improving reading speed, and therefore remains an enticing draw for all midshipmen, plebes in particular. The W&CC continues in its efforts to improve the communication skills of the Brigade, in both the written and spoken word, which are critical for success in the fleet.
Approximately 200 MGSP leaders work closely with their paired faculty sponsors throughout the year to support their peers by facilitating weekly group study sessions. More than 60 courses are supported. In AY2024, MGSP averaged 455 visits a week among 118 sessions. Considered one of our most popular services, approximately 53% of the Brigade attended one MGSP study session this year.
Offered during the school day and Sunday through Thursday evenings every week, this program is designed to augment Extra Instruction with professional mathematics, chemistry, physics, cyber security and electrical engineering tutors. Tutors have advanced degrees in their respective fields and address questions from lectures, homework or labs. In AY2024, professional tutoring averaged 488 visits a week.
Each week, our professional staff holds Topic Reviews for specific areas of core-course-related material. In addition, to help students prepare for six-week, twelve-week and final exams, Exam Review sessions are held in propulsion, physics, chemistry and calculus. In AY2024, an average of nine reviews were offered weekly, averaging attendance of 22 midshipmen per review, totaling 278 reviews and 6,086 visits. Of the Brigade, 33% of midshipmen attended a Topic or Exam Review last year of the entire Brigade utilized SAS this year. More than 1,100 midshipmen utilized SAS program support with more than 2,700 visits.
Through one-on-one consultations and custom workshops, our SAS program helps midshipmen develop critical skills and learn strategies in memory improvement, note taking, time management, reading, test preparation and test anxiety. Our learning specialist has continued to extend her reach throughout the Brigade via one-on-one consultations, traditional workshops, company workshops and newly tailored workshops for the Plebe Advising seminars; a significant figure, 27% of the entire Brigade utilized SAS this year. More than 1,100 midshipmen utilized SAS program support with more than 2,7000 visits.