1st Dragon: Dragon for Mac If you are looking for the latest and greatest speech recognition software for Mac, look no further than Dragon for Mac. Dragon Naturally Speaking is known in the industry as the standard in voice recognition, and specifically voice to text conversion. There are many imitators out there but few are able to carry out the advanced logistics that Dragon so eloquently does, and does with ease. Dragon has gained more popularity in the past few years, since the web has moved towards being "content driven." Meaning, the world wide web is now migrating towards having unique and relevant content on each page on the WWW. This is mainly because more and more webmasters are realizing that powerful rich content is driving them towards the top of search engines. Even this article is regarded as "unique content." There are a few different versions of Dragon Naturally Speaking and Dragon Dictate for Mac, depending on what your needs are. In the most recent versions of Dragon, it has included the ability to have "document creation" which basically means it is able to create documents such as Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Works which are the industry standards for document management. There is also "auto formatting" which has recently been near-perfected. This can mean anything from adding bold to a statement in an article or italicizing a phrase that is quoted from a particular passage. One of the biggest criticisms of Dragon Naturally Speaking and speech recognition systems in the past has been that the accuracy has been less than par. As time has gone on, the accuracy of these programs have been able to improve, due to advanced processing capabilities of the modern PC, and in this case MAC. Both types of computers can use the Intel processor, which has built in functions to support programs like Dragon Naturally Speaking and Dragon Dictate. Dragon Dictate is great for students or individuals with learning disabilities such as dyslexia. For instance, those with dyslexia tend to recognize words, numbers, letters and phrases in reverse and as a result will even write that way. Dragon Dictate will help the student with these problems because the mind works differently when talking then writing. It has literally helped hundreds of thousands of students across the globe and in different countries with their learning disabilities. It is excellent for secretaries or those who constantly need to take dictation. If you need a quick solution, go with Dragon Dictate. Dragon has phenomenal customer service and is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.