Upcoming Mega Event >>>
Edition Revival
WORLD PHYSICAL THERAPY CONGRESS 2011: WCPT's 16th International Congress, hosted by the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF), will take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands from 20-23 June 2011. The event has Scientific (main) , Satellite (educational and clinical sessions) and Social (Classy feast and programs to go before, during and after the congress. Don’t miss it !!!
We Are Back To Your Way…!
Issue: May - June 11
because we are the future…...
Studentfocus Featured in this Issue P1
Scientific Islam-Geography
Fresh Lemon Juice-Medifacts
HAARP– Death toll to Pakistan
Badshahi Masjid-Pakistan
Important Events
Physiotherapy for Cancer
Facts and Misconceptions
Physical Therapist
New Horizon in Medical Tech
Knowing Dr. Khalid Saeed
Quotable Quotes
Special Thanks All praises to Almighty Allah, who endowed us with His grace in order to complete this strenuous task in time and making this concept a reality. Crediting the honor to our parents whose support has always backed us in the hour of need. Whole team of Student focus who rendered their priceless services for this Newsletter. All the Patrons, Doctors and fans who appreciated our first attempt and insisted upon us to continue our work.
Scientific Islam-Geography Contributions of Islam to modern Science! Muslim scholars paid great attention to geography. In fact, the Muslims' great concern for geography originated with their religion. The Quran encourages people to travel throughout the earth to see God's signs and patterns everywhere. Islam also requires each Muslim to have at least enough knowledge of geography to know the direction of the Qiblah (the position of the Ka'bah in Makkah) in order to pray five times a day. Muslims were also used to taking long journeys to conduct trade as well as to make the Hajj and spread their religion. The far-flung Islamic empire enabled scholarexplorers to compile large amounts of geographical and climatic information from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Among the most famous names in the field of geography, even in the West, are Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Batuta, renowned for their written accounts of their extensive explorations. In 1166, Al-Idrisi, the well-known Muslim scholar who served the Sicilian court, produced very accurate maps, including a world map with all the continents and their mountains, rivers and famous cities. Al-Muqdishi was the first geographer to produce accucapitulated to Catholic Rome unrate maps in color. Spain was ruled Al-Muqdishi was the by Muslims under the banner of first geographer to pro- der King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. By July of the same year, Islam for over 700 years. By the duce accurate maps in Muslims were instrumental in help15th century of the Gregorian calendar the ruler-ship of Islam had been color. Spain was ruled ing navigate Christopher Columbus seated in Spain and Muslims had by Muslims under the to the Caribbean South of Florida. It was, moreover, with the help of established centers of learning banner of Islam for Muslim navigators and their invenwhich commanded respect all over over 700 years. tions that Magellan was able to the known world at that time. There were no "Dark Ages" such the rest of Europe experi- traverse the Cape of Good Hope, and Da Gamma enced for the Muslims in Spain and those who lived and Columbus had Muslim navigators on board their ships. there with them. In January of 1492 Muslim Spain Message from our Patron “Students should actively participate in curricular and co-curricular activities and improve their knowledge and skill in their respective field to use their potentials productively”.
Dr. Khalid Saeed Khan B.Sc Physio, B.Sc P.G.D. Physio, Principal S.P.T/H.O.D Physiotherapy
Mayo Hospital Lahore.
Summer Delights
<<< This Summer
Summer Lemon one of the gifts of Summer
Fresh Lemon Juice
Medifacts In traditional medicine, the lemon is widely known for its healing powers and is used in many different ways. In fact, the lemon is so powerful that it was used by the Romans as their cure for all types of poison. Although the lemon is often thought of as acidic, it is very effective in curing many digestion problems when mixed with hot water, including biliousness, nausea, heartburn, disorders of the lower intestines like constipation and worm infestations. It is even known to relieve hiccups. Water plus a few lemons beLemon water comes lemon juice. assists in curing Lemon juice, when taken respiratory probregularly in the morning, acts as a tonic to the liver lems, along with and stimulates it to probreathing probduce bile making it ready lems and revives to digest the day's food. It a person sufferis also thought to help ing from asthma. dissolve gallstones. Because of its high vitamin C content, it is thought to help prevent and treat many infections, hasten wound healing and temper down high fever. Lemon juice also relieves symptoms of asthma, tonsillitis and sore throat. Lemon is also a diuretic. This means it is good for people with urinary tract infections and high uric acid problems, such as those with arthritis or rheumatism because it helps flush out all the toxins and bad bacteria. When lemon is mixed with coffee, it is thought to help treat malaria. This concoction is also effective for headaches. When externally applied, lemon juice that is poured onto a small piece of cotton wool and gently applied to the nostrils could stop epistaxis (more commonly known as nose bleeds) although this may sting a bit. When massaged gently into gums, lemon juice may also stop gum bleeding. Lemon juice with glycerin is effective when used on the lips to treat chapping. This may be a little strange but lemon juice applied on your skin can also help prevent sunburn. Lemons are also used as balms in highly concentrated forms. Some may know them as "cure-alls". Lemon balms are known for their ability to break fevers by encouraging the patient's body to perspire. Because of this, lemon balms are recommended for all fevers, no matter what the cause. Lemon balms are also popular treatments for cough and colds, even hay fever. Balms are also used in the treatment of flatulence and other digestive conditions. Menstrual cramps are relieved by lemon balms, as are dizziness, headaches and high blood pressure. Psychologically, lemon balm is used to lift people's spirits, especially those who are undergoing menopause and are depressed, because it will calm anxieties, clear their minds and center their focus. It also supposedly improves memory storage and recall. In context of its superlative effectiveness it is one of the marvels of nature and should be consumed regularly especially during summers.
By Muhammad Sheraz Alam
season in Pakistan sets Always look the positive side of the picture in the end of March with because negativity turns you to the path of slightly cool nights in the form of spring which despair and Allah says never lose hope! lasts up to the mid of May almost. Thereafter the true summers takeover for more than half a profuse sweating and repeated urination elimiyear. This hot and perspiring weather does not nates the most harmful toxins to keep us go with the mood of its sufferers but fairly healthy all the time. enough awaits the t be crying for rains and s also provide people an breeze as if they have not seen the winter not opportunity to feast in once even. Where summers are always the very the pools, canals, ponds and water parks which unwanted season due to fierce heat at every relieves them from extreme heat temporarily. inch, there the presents they These people become the real bring along with them are more Pakistan is one of the business festivity of water amusethan just the delights. Pakistan is luckiest countries ment parks. It is strongly recomone of the luckiest countries mended that you keep your head, which are blessed which are blessed with summer and body covered at least to with summer season. face season. the extent that saves you from
stepping out of the room or car Though seems drudgery during full sun yet the advantages of this same yellow shine are quite overwhelming that fades every other negative away. These benefits include a number of delicious fruits particularly the mangoes, watermelon, strawberries, melon, etc; the ripening of several crops including wheat and barley; formation of oils; numerous vegetables and a lot of others form an important reservoir for food that is stored and then used whole year. Medically the sunlight and heat play an essential antiseptic role. The intense light and heat of sun kills hundreds of diseases before they bloom. Furthermore the increased thirst,
skin burns! Always look the positive side of the picture because negativity turns you to the path of despair and Allah says never lose hope!
By Muhammad Sheraz Alam
Smile please!!!
<<< Fun pack
A man said to a ra ilroad engineer: What's the use of having a train sche dule if the trains are alw ays late. The reply from the railroad engineer: How would we kn ow they were late, if we didn't have a sche dule?
Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an "I". Student: I is the... Teacher: Stop! Never put 'is' after an "I". Always put 'am' after an "I". Student: OK. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.
ns What non-se
e yar!
r baby. The bus with he a n o at ts ge iest baby th A woman hat's the ugl “T : to ys s e sa r go ve bus dri e woman en. Ugh!”Th ming. I've ever se ts down, fu si d an s u b e th f d “The river the rear o next to her: an m a u go to She says an says: “Yo me!” The m ead, d e ah lt su go in just him off – ll te d n a re r you.” right up the r monkey fo I'll hold you
s "Doctor, A man goes to the doctor and say wherever I touch, it hurts." mean?" The doctor asks "What do you ulder, it sho my h touc I en The man says, "Wh When I H! OUC e kne my h touc I If really hurts. ts." hur lly rea touch my forehead, it really, with ng wro t's wha w The doctor says, "I kno er!" fing r you ken bro 've you you -
A man was in co urt charged with parking his car in the restric ted area. The Judg e asked him if he had to say an ything in his defe nse. “They should no t put such mislea ding notices”, said the m an. It said “ Fine For Parking”
By Gul-e-Raina Khan
HAARP-Death toll for Pakistan High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Purposes and Consequences ? American Devil or mere Blessing? moon-soon but the HAARP phenomena is working. It has proved that certain governments use or seek to use weather control as a weapon. At a counterterrorism conference in 1997, United States Secretary of Defense William Cohen referred to specifically regarding concerns about "environmental terrorism" and intentionally caused natural disasters. “HAARP Weather Weapon is responsible for Climate change. PAKISTAN FLOODS, CHINESE MUDSLIDES & RUSSIAN WILDFIRES.”Jesse Ventura a one time governor in the USA, Navy seal, fighter and movie star in his High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program popular show on exposing government cover ups has (HAARP) is an ionospheric research previously exposed some great unanprogram jointly funded by the US Air swered questions concerning 9/11, “HAARP Weather Force, the US Navy. Conspiracy theo- Weapon is responsible 2012 Mayan prophecy (According to rists have also raised the possibility the Mayan calendar, is the world for Climate change. that HAARP may have played a role in going to end on December 21, 2012 ) the devastating, highly damaging PAKISTAN FLOODS, and U.S.A making bunkers underearthquakes that occurred in Sichuan, CHINESE MUDSLIDES & neath Dallas Airport. Among his China in 2008 and Haiti and Chile in programs, was one on HAARP 2010. HAARP was the cause of the RUSSIAN WILDFIRES.” Weather Weapon being unleashed to 2010 Haiti earthquake. an unsuspecting people across the The recent unusual heavy flood in Pakistan is the result globe. World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell of weather modification terrorism by America using confirms that “US military scientists are working on HAARP technology. HAARP technology can be used to weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods cyclones. heating of upper atmosphere with gigawatt RF include the enhancing of storms and the diverting of waves, which can melt glaciers and cause flood- vapor rivers in the Earth’s atmosphere to produce taring.....also this technology can send ELF Radio waves geted droughts or floods.”HAARP technology is the inside earth near fault lines, which results in severe outcome of 50 years of research that began in the resonance of earth tectonic plates and generates earth- 1940’s and in the 1990’s was bought out by the US quakes as it happened in case of Haiti recently. America military and navy. wants to occupy all the resources (oils , coal ,gas, food (Know more about HAARP in our coming editions and etc) all over the world. America’s first step to demolish stay informed…! ) all the Muslim countries , The American HAARP project is a conspiracy, the flood in Pakistan is not only by the >>> By Agha Sajjad
BIOinformatics Researchers have found a compound P7C3 to boost production of brain cells, protects new cells from dying in mice, humans, rodents and rats. The results were drawn after the screening of individual 1000 molecules. The study took a span of 3 years and a budget of US$2.5 million. ———————————— A randomized study in Toronto gave some stroke patients a variety of Wii games, including cooking and kids’ games, and left others to traditional recreation. Those who played with Wii demonstrated “significant” motor skill improvement, compared with the controls. It turns out that Wii can also improve motor skills, the delicate interplay among brain, nerves and muscles that is interrupted by a stroke. ———————————— A nanotechnology using principles first discovered by Pierre Curie could make cancer detection as cheap and easy as a home pregnancy test. Pierre and his brother Paul-Jacques were credited in the early 1880s with piezoelectricity, the ability of crystals and ceramics to generate small electric fields. This can be detected with devices called acoustic wave sensors (AWS), made much like computer chips. What Jae Kwon has done at the University of Missouri is to create AWS devices that work in liquid and can detect differences in the property of cancerous
and non-cancerous cells, which have different masses. These micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS) are smaller than a human hair, but deliver almost immediate results. ———————————— Fat injections can help restore normal speech and improve quality of life in patients with paralyzed vocal cords, new research shows. ———————————— Cancer survivors who participated in a month-long program in the ancient art of yoga reported enhanced quality of life, better sleep, less fatigue and less need for sleep medications. ———————————— Creativity often goes hand-in-hand with mental illness, such as schizophrenia. The brain responds differently to the "feel good" chemical dopamine in both schizophrenics and the highly creative people , According to new research out of Sweden, both share similar dopamine systems in the brain. ———————————— A large study of European populations has uncovered seven new clusters of defective genes which may be responsible for rheumatoid arthritis, a painful and disabling disease that affects mainly the joints.
>>> By Muhammad Sheraz Alam
The Badshahi Masjid in Lahore is the second largest Masjid in Pakistan and South ASSET OF PAKISTAN Asia and the fifth largest Masjid in the world. It is Lahore's most famous landmark and a major tourist attraction epitomizing the beauty, passion and grandeur of the Mughal era. Capable of accommodating 10,000 worshippers in its main prayer hall and 100,000 in its courtyard and porticoes, it remained the largest Masjid in the world from 1673 to 1986 (a period of 313 years), when overtaken in size by the completion of the Faisal Masjid in Islamabad. Today, it remains the second largest Masjid in Pakistan and South Asia and the fifth largest Masjid in the world after the Masjid al-Haram (Grand Masjid) of Mecca, the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (Prophet's Masjid) in Medina, the Hassan II Masjid in Casablanca and the Faisal Masjid in Islamabad. To appreciate its large size, the four minarets of the Badshahi Masjid are 13.9 ft (4.2 m) taller than those of the Taj Mahal and the main platform of the Taj Mahal can fit inside the 278,784 sq ft (25,899.9 m2) courtyard of the Badshahi Masjid, which is the largest Masjid courtyard in the world. Construction of the Badshahi Masjid was ordered in May 1671 by the sixth Mughal Emperor, Aurangzeb, who assumed the title 'Alamgir', meaning 'Conqueror of the World.' Construction took about two years and was completed in April 1673[1]. The construction work was carried out under the supervision of Aurangzeb's foster brother Muzaffar Hussain (also known as Fidaie Khan Koka) who was appointed Governor of Lahore in May 1671 and held this post until 1675. He was also Master of Ordnance to the Emperor. The Masjid was built opposite the Lahore Fort, illustrating its stature in the Mughal Empire. In conjunction with the building of the Masjid, a new gate was built at the Fort, named Alamgiri Gate after the Emperor. Badshahi Masjid was damaged and misused first during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh Ruler of the Punjab and then by British Monarchy. From 1852 onwards, piecemeal repairs were carried out under the supervision of the Badshahi Masjid Authority. Extensive repairs were carried out from 1939 to 1960 at a cost of about 4.8 million rupees, which brought the Masjid to its original shape and condition. The blueprint for the repairs was prepared by the late architect Nawab Zen Yar Jang Bahadur. On the occasion of the second Islamic Summit held at Lahore on February 22, 1974, thirty-nine heads of Muslim states offered their Friday prayers in the Badshahi Masjid, led by Mawlānā Abdul Qadir Azad, the Khatib of the Masjid. A small museum is also attached to the Masjid complex. It contains relics of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), his cousin Ali (R.A), and his daughter, Fatimah (R.A). In 2000, the marble inlay in the main vault was repaired under the supervision of Saleem Anjum Qureshi. In 2008, replacement work began to be carried out on the red sandstone tiles on the Masjid’s large courtyard, using red sandstone especially imported from the original source in Rajasthan, India. Badshahi Masjid is one of the wondrous sites and assets of Pakistan and World. Promote Peaceful Pakistan. Long Live our beloved land !
>>> By Muhammad Sheraz
HEP.C: AWARENESS CAMPAIGN at K.E.M.U From 3rd to 7th May 2011, SPWS with the collaboration of APPNA took the initiative to launch a unique yet interactive week long campaign to educate the general public especially patients and barbers about Hepatitis C. 1) Interclass Poster competition.
2) Interactive Seminar. 3) Awareness Campaign in various wards of Mayo Hospital Lahore. 4) Visit to the barbers and beauticians. The Campaign beared the name “BEAT HEPATITIS,TREAT HEPATITIS C” Overall the campaign was very successful achieving its set goals.
NATIONAL + INTERNATIONAL EVENTS CALENDER World Hypertension day observed on 17th of May 2011 Globally and K.E.M.U arranged the seminar for awareness. SPWS Bake Sale Starting from 30th May to 4th June. Aiming to aid the patients via collected donations at Mayo Hospital Lahore.
World No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2011. World Blood Donor Day on 14 June 2011. World day against Child Labor 12 June 2010
13TH ANNIVERSARY OF PAKISTAN’S NUCLEAR PROCLAMATION On May 28, 1998, Pakistan became a nuclear power when it successfully carried out five nuclear tests at Chaghi, in the province of Baluchistan. This was in direct response to five nuclear explosions by India, just two weeks earlier. Widely criticized by the international community, Pakistan maintains that its nuclear program is for self-defense, as deterrence against nuclear India. A former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, offered justification for Pakistan's nuclear program when he said that if India were to produce a bomb, Pakistan would do anything it could to get one of its own. It has always been maintained by Pakistan that a nuclear threat posed to its security can neither be
met with conventional means of defense, nor by external security guarantees. Alhamdulillah! Today Pakistan is unbeatable on the grounds of world and has successfully completed 13 years of its Nuclear Program credited to our National Hero Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan who made Pakistan invincible power of the Islamic world. May 28th is celebrated as the “Yome-Takbeer” by the Pakistani nation to pay homage to our National Hero Dr. Abdul Qadeer and our motherland Pakistan in particular. May Pakistan prosper in leaps and bounds. AMEEN.
Pakistan Zindabaad…!
Uses and History
WHEEL CHAIR A wheelchair is a chair with wheels, major designs:- folding or rigid. The designed to be a replacement for rigid chairs, which are increasingly walking. The device comes in varia- preferred by active users, have tions where it's propelled by mopermanently welded joints and tors or by the seated occupant many fewer moving parts. This turning the rear wheels by hand. reduces the energy required to Often there are handles behind the push the chair by eliminating many seat for someone else to do the points where the chair would flex pushing. Wheelchairs are used by as it moves. people for whom walking is difficult Rigid chairs typically feature instant or impossible due to illness -release rear wheels and backrests (physiological or that fold down The earliest record of flat, allowing the physical), injury, or wheelchairs dates user to dismantle disability. People with both sitting and walkback to the 6th cen- the chair quickly ing disability often tury, as an inscrip- for storage in a need to use a wheel tion found on a stone car. bench slate in China . Later Organizations that The earliest record of dates relate to Euro- accept donations wheelchairs dates peans using this tech- in the form of back to the 6th cenmoney for wheelnology during the tury, as an inscription found on a stone slate German Renaissance. chairs typically have the wheelin China . Later dates relate to Europeans using this tech- chairs manufactured and distribnology during the German Renaisuted in large numbers, often in sance. developing countries. Organizations A basic manual wheelchair incorpo- focusing on wheelchairs include rates a seat, foot rests, handles at Direct Relief International, the Free the back and four wheels: two castor wheels at the front and two Wheelchair Mission, Hope Haven, large wheels at the back. Everyday Personal Energy Transportation, and the Wheel chair Foundation. manual wheelchairs come in two
>>>By Fouzia Naeem
PHYSIOTHERAPY FOR CANCER PATIENTS common symptoms of those undergoing chemotherof physiotherapy and can Cancer is probably the most feared illness. Cancer apy treatment. Chronic fatigue is common, but can help restore normal funcis not the death sentence it was many years also lead to depression. The medical community is tion for patients. In addition ago. More people are now surviving cancer than ever now beginning to realize how important a positive to providing individualized before as more effective treatments to combat this attitude on the part of the patient is in achieving full programs to help cancer dreaded disease are discovered every day by the recovery from the illness. Physiotherapy to patients recover from their medical community. Many in the medical Physiotherapy treat cancer patients may entail getting a illness, physiotherapy for community agree that a patient’s attitude for cancer pa- person who is tired from chemotherapy cancer patients can benefit has much to do with the patient making a full recovery. Physiotherapy for cancer tients is crucial to treatments a bit mobile. No one expects these patients psychologithem to do strenuous work, but implecally as well. Physiotherapatients is crucial to their recovery. Many their recovery. menting a mild exercise plan can do won- pists often work very closely hospitals that treat cancer patients develop ders for those receiving chemotherwith their patients a team of doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists to Physiotherapists ofapy treatments. Exercise stimulates and develop a assist the cancer patient in all aspects of combating the endorphins in the brain that can ten work very closely b o n d with his illness and then making a full recovery. The team with their patients them. This bond elevate the mood as well as induce works together to insure that the illness is combated energy. Licensed physiotherapists and develop a bond can be a tremenfrom all angles. No longer is one doctor the sole often work with those who are undous comfort to someone who is facing an person to whom a cancer patient can turn for help. with them. dergoing chemotherapy treatment illness such as cancer and who may be Physiotherapy for cancer patients encompasses a to implement an appropriate exercise regime that will surrounded by doctors who, very often, do not take wide spectrum of treatment. Many people who have enable the patient to not only recover from the treatthe necessary time to explain procedures and opa tumor removed, for example, experience swelling in ment quicker, but can also stave off some of the side tions to the patients. Physiotherapists are trained to the area of removal,. Physiotherapy can work woneffects of chemotherapy. Lymph edema therapy is develop a good rapport with their patients as this ders to alleviate the swelling an assist the patient very important when treating cancer patients who generally adds a feeling of trust between therapist towards a complete recovery. Relieving swelling of have tissue swelling from tumor removal or swelling in and patient and is proven to produce good results. certain areas, particularly in the lymph nodes, can not their lymph nodes due to cancer. Physiotherapy to only alleviate pain, but may put the disease at bay. treat cancer patients also includes lymph edema therWeakness and loss of appetite are >>> By Asbar Javaid
o you play Soccer, gymnastics, athletics, ice hockey or any other similar sports ? If yes do you know that you may be at risk of Patellar Subluxation? Do You know what that is and how you can avoid it? Actually The patella (Knee Cap) wobbles out of the patello-femoral groove, usually to the lateral side of the knee. It occurs when the quadriceps tendons and other ligament stabilizers attached to the borders of the patella contract forcefully as the knee rotates and pulls the patella out of place. Patellar dislocation accounts for 2 – 3% of all knee injuries, however, is the second most common cause of knee haemarthrosis . ore common in the Ages of 1620 years. Athletic factors that predispose this complication include sports with twisting, rotational motion of the knee like those mentioned before and direct trauma to the knee. ports Physical Therapist offers the valuable service in this case. The athlete may often report, ‘Snapping’ sensation, intense pain, perception of Knee cap dislocation. The outcomes of physiotherapy management are pretty favorable. The treatment of patellar dislocation with physiotherapy, includes a period of immobilization/bracing in extension (at least 3 weeks). This is followed by functional rehabilitation, with the aims of, Quadriceps strengthening, Restoration of Range of motion , Stretching of lateral structure tightness, Mobilization for cartilage nutrition..”. ne of the systematic reviews showed an excellent to good results in 76% of patients, with an average re-dislocation rate of about 48%. It is essential to exclude concomitant inju-
ries. Imaging is an important component of treatment decision.. X-Ray series is essential in primary patellar dislocation; MRI is utilized as required. Quadriceps rehabilitation is the mainstay of rehab. Surgery is indicated only in the following cases; Significant chondral injury, Osteochondral fractures, Subsequent dislocation, Large medial patellar stabilizer defects. ou Can avoid this Problem if you do the following and can educate your friends and relatives for their health and safety! quats: The movement involves squatting down with your back straight until the knees and thighbones form a 90-degree angle. At that point, drive through your heels and back up into the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times regularly amstring Curl: The hamstring curl is done by lying facedown and curling the legs up to the butt, pausing there, and then returning to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times. nner and Outer Thighs: To work the inner thighs, lie on your back and place an exercise ball in between your legs for resistance. Squeeze the legs together against the ball, pause, and then return to the starting position. For the outer thighs, lie on your back and place a resistance band around the outside of your legs. Start with legs together and push out against the resistance, pause, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times. For all these exercises make sure that you repeat every set after an interval of 50-90 Seconds and perform on daily basis. Take Care!
By Gul-e-Raina Khan and Editor
It runs but never walks, has mouth but never talks, has head but never weeps, has bed but never sleeps. What that can be ???
Only two backbones it has but thousands of ribs. What it should be ???
Answer the above riddles and prove that you are really a genius! The winners will be mentioned in the next edition. To answer these riddles just log on to our website and submit yout answer via our special answer form . For details refer to the last page >>>
1. 2.
Only 7 percent of the population are lefties. Umbilical cords cut from women who give birth, are sold by many Hospitals because they are used in Vein Transplant Surgery. 3. Toothbrush was in invented in 1498 but Miswaak was used by Muslims several centuries before that. 4. It is illegal to own a red car in Shanghai, China. 5. Cassowary is one of the dangerous birds that can kill a man by tearing off with its dagger like claw. 6. Ostriches eat pebbles to help digestion by grinding up the ingested food. 7. People with blue eyes can see better in dark. 8. The greatest mushroom is in Oregon that is 2400 years old and covers 3.4 square miles of land and is still growing. 9. Kite flying is the professional sport in Thailand. 10. Dolphins sleep with one eye open. 11. Like fingerprints, tongue prints of every individual are unique too. 12. Tapeworm range in size from about 0.04 inches to more than 50 feet in length. >>> By Marriam Zakria
MISCONCEPTIONS 1. EINSTEIN GOT BAD GRADES IN SCHOOL: Generations of children have been heartened by the thought that this Nobel Prize winner did badly at school, but they’re sadly mistaken. In fact, he did very well at school, especially in science and math's (unsurprisingly). 2. MICE LIKE CHEESE :Mice enjoy food rich in sugar as well as peanut butter and breakfast cereals. So a Snickers bar would go down much better than a lump of cheddar. 3. NAPOLEON WAS SHORT: He was actually around 5ft 7, completely average for the 18th/19th century. 4. THOMAS EDISON INVENTED THE LIGHT BULB: Edison invented a lot of things – in fact he’s one of the most famous inventors of all time – but the light bulb wasn’t one of them. What he did was develop a light bulb at the same time as the British man, Joseph Swan, who came up with it originally. 5. LEMMINGS THROW THEMSELVES OVER CLIFFS TO COMMIT SUICIDE: The poor old things are sometimes so desperate for food that they do, according to the BBC “jump over high ground into water”, but they aren’t committing group suicide. 6. WATER FLUSHES DIFFERENTLY IN DIFFERENT HEMISPHERES: No it doesn’t. Sorry! Due to rotation of earth, objects deflect to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in southern hemisphere. 7. HUMANS EVOLVED FROM APES: Darwin didn’t actually say this, but he’s been misreported ever since. What he did say was that we, and apes, and chimpanzees for that matter, had a common ancestor, once, a long, long time ago. 8. VIKINGS HAD HORNS/HELMETS WITH HORNS: Vikings may have been buried with their helmets and with drinking horns. When they were dug up by the Victorians, they assumed that the helmets had horns. 9. COLUMBUS BELIEVED THE EARTH WAS FLAT: He may not have known how big the world was, but he wasn’t worrying about falling off the edge of it. 10.DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE TONGUE DETECT DIFFERENT TASTES: You do have different taste buds on your tongue and some are more sensitive than others. But they aren’t divided into perfect, easy-to-teach sections. >>> By Yumna Zaheer
Of The Month
Detective of the month
Guess Who Am I ?
It was dark cloudy outside. The spooky wind How dare she…? I know what she wants but rustle was chasing my heart. There was no- how can I afford that all nasty expenses. body in the street. Lamps of all houses were Everyday she has a new wish! Strange! Isn’t it ? Yes, it is the girls are alout. The big clock of the big hall struck 1:35 am... I was very Become the Detective ways at verge of war after nervous… she came closer and of the month by guess- marriage even! ……. closer, at once she grabbed my ing the character told Did you got me if yes tell my wings. Suddenly a flash came in the plot given just author that who am i? but if not then wait for the next and she splashed me out on the one correct answer and episode to come and then door. I tried to beg but her expressions didn't seem to you will be a detective! write into editor at response_sf @yahoo.com spare my blushes. She struck door with eloquent force on my beak! Ouch ! I Become the Detective of the month by felt helpless and flew out. You tell me is it fair guessing the character told in the plot given that after three years of love she said “ I have just one correct answer and you will be a far better choices than you! How could she do detective! (This Quest has been repeated from previous edition ) this to me? The correct guessing people will be mentioned in the next issue and on our website and will be entitled the Detective of the month! >>> By EDITOR
If you Name: Ali Suffian think that you are photoDiscipline : D.P.T 2nd Year genic then what are you Age: 21 Gender : Male waiting for ? Send us your Institution : College of Physiotherapy, K.E.M.U. Lahore. nicely done photographs at our email at the back of this issue and become the “Face of the month”. The photographs in edition will be selected at random by Student focus Team. M / F both are encouraged. The unpublished photographs will be available on our website! Get You Picture Here! By EDITOR
The first Newsletter of its type launched by the students of KEMU. It is an initiative of students of D.P.T from K.E.M.U. We aim to deliver you the quality and resourceful infotainment contributing our part to the best of all talent. Sharing the responsibility is the main idea that hit wildly across our mind to set up a common stage for identifying every one of our fellows, being unique and competent. Come On Join Us! We warmly welcome the new joining people and are anxious to get your comment s how did you find our effort. It implies on the readers to DO GOOD and SPREAD GOOD . For sure this what we have been created for! Regards!
New research from The University of Western Ontario has discovered a substance-a flavonoid called Nobiletin in tangerines and studied its pharmacological effects and found it that not only helps to prevent obesity, but also offers protection against type II diabetes, and even atherosclerosis, the underlying disease responsible for most heart attacks and strokes. Two years ago, the same researchers discovered a flavonoid in grapefruit called Naringenin that offered similar protection against obesity and other signs of metabolic syndrome. It is really interesting to know that Nobiletin is ten times more potent in its protective effects compared to Naringenin, and Nobiletin has the ability to protect against atherosclerosis also".
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A new method to detect diabetes, even before symptoms occur, is being developed by a team of endocrinologists, engineers and microbiologists. A device projects light to the skin which measures levels of blood sugar, or the presence of advanced glycation endproducts. This device is called The Scout. Different wavelengths is flashed to the skin to determine diabetes risk. This will help patients go on a preventive health maintenance program. With this method, diabetes can actually be prevented. It is already being tested in several US hospitals. The new method is expected to cost about the same as existing diabetes testing methods.
In a medical breakthrough a man’s heart was saved through the use of a breakthrough medical technology. The man, John Christy, is the first person in the United States to undergo this procedure. The new procedure utilizes stem cells in helping repair the arteries all throughout a person’s body. Christy was suffering from coronary artery disease at a very advanced stage. What was done to him was to insert his own specific stem cells into his body during a CABG surgery. The stem cells are used to grow new blood vessels in the heart. This is a revolutionary procedure that can save millions of lives when it is further developed and become widely available.
Scientists are hard at work developing a new vaccine that can actually help cure a patient of a devastating illness – brain cancer. The experimental vaccine specifically affects glioblastoma, a very deadly type of brain tumor. Right now, surgeons can actually remove about 99 percent of this brain tumor. But the small cancer cells can usually be left behind and these can multiply swiftly and even resist treatments. The vaccine is built to target these wayward cancer cells. The vaccine makes use of smart cells, basically the same cells that come from the patient’s body but placed with proteins that help attack the tumor cells.
>>> By Muhammad Sheraz Alam
Dr. Khalid
Saeed Khan can be simply described as a "Man with an enlightened vision." He is a person who has considered the proper training of his fellow Physiotherapist his obligation. A very humble person yet his intellect and knowledge are unequivocal. Such a man is hard to find indeed. He was born on March 5th, 1954. He earned his B.Sc. Physiotherapy degree from JPMC Karachi in 1978. He was initially appointment as Assistant Physiotherapist and the Head of Department of Physiotherapy Civil Hospital, Faisal Abad, Pakistan. He has been associated with the Physiotherapy department of Jinnah Hospital as its Head from 1994 to 2005.He served as the Principal of College of Physiotherapy, Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Moreover, he has written numerous articles in the renowned journals nationally and internationally concerned with Physical therapy and its application. he is serving at College of Physiotherapy, Mayo Hospital Lahore as a Principal. Among his various achievements following are worth mentioning: He Organized First Physiotherapy Congress under the flag of Punjab Health Department via Physiotherapists Association in December 1984. He has the honor for being appointed as physiotherapist for Cricket World Cup of 1987, World Cup Hockey in 1990 and Junior World Cup Hockey Tournament in 1991. He also organized and arranged of the First
All Punjab Physiotherapy Annual Sports Gala in 2010 hosted by Allama Iqbal College of Physiotherapy, Jinnah Hospital Lahore at Allama Iqbal Medical Complex, Lahore. He also initiated the Annual DR. KHALID SAEED KHAN Curricular and B.Sc Physio, B.Sc P.G.D. Physio Extracurricular Principal S.P.T/H.O.D Physiotherapy Mayo Hospital Lahore. Activities Week as a modification of Sports Week at College of Physiotherapy, Mayo Hospital Lahore. The credit for the up-gradation of School of Physiotherapy Mayo Hospital Lahore to the status of College also falls to his pocket. upon the practical knowledge rather than theories. He is of the opinion that Doctor Patient relationship should be based upon interactivity between them , this is important to keep the patient interested and satisfied for his treatment. For his students, he is a true motivator. People like him urge their students to achieve excellency in the field of Physiotherapy. This fact is his greatest and most prominent quality. May he live long and prosper (AMEEN)
He insists
“ Its not what it seems but what I make it seem to you. For the world and time do not directs me but I direct them both.
IMAGE OF THE MONTH By Muhammad Sheraz Alam
Tongue Twister of the Month >>> If you understand, say “understand” If you don't understand, say “ don’t understand” But if you understand and say “don’t understand” How do I understand that you understand? Understand! By Marriam Zakria
Hey ! Make My Way To Hive >>>
By Yumna Zaheer
Image Wonders
>>> By Haroon Raza and EDITOR
By Muhammad Sheraz Alam
Practical ways to Improve Yourself >>>
Solve The MYSTERY >>> QUEST # 3
Q1: Q2:
A man and his son are in a car accident. The father dies on the scene but the child is rushed to the hospital. When he arrives the surgeon says,” I can’t operate on this boy, he is my son!” How can this be ? A woman man wearing black, black shoes, socks, trousers, gloves and balaclava. She is walking down a black street with all the street lights off. A black car is coming towards her with its lights off but some how manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the woman? By Marriam Zakria
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Read a book every day. Learn a new language. Pick up a new hobby. Create an inspirational room. Overcome your fears. Wake up early. Have a weekly exercise routine. Start your life handbook. Acknowledge your flaws. Get into action. Learn from people who inspire you. Quit a bad habit. Cultivate a new habit. Avoid negative people. Reduce the time you spend on chat programs. 16. Learn chess (or any strategy game). 17. Stop watching TV. 18. Join Toastmasters (Learn public speaking). 19. Befriend top people in their fields. 20. Start a business venture. 21. Reach out to the people who hate you. 22. Show Kindness to people around you. Muhammad Ibrahim, Assistant Professor Statis-
final thought... Every good act is charity and Charity is the duty to every Muslim “ Your smiling in your brother's face is charity; and your exhorting man to virtuous deeds is charity; and your prohibiting the forbidden is charity; and your showing men the road, in the land in which they lose it, is charity; and your assisting the blind is charity. “ Said Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
Quotable Quotes He who loved (Allah’s creatures) for Allah, detested (His enemies) for Allah, gives (His men) for Allah and abstains (from wrong doing ) for Allah; completed his faith. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) One who desires more than his needs never reaches the destination of contentment. Prophet Idrees (P.B.U.H) Speaking less is Wisdom, eating less is Health and sleeping less is adoration. Hazrat Umar (R.A) A wise man first thinks and then speaks and a fool speaks first and then thinks Hazrat Ali (R.A)
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Congratulate yourself if you have done something strange and extravagant and broken the monotony of a decorous age. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. (Albert Einstein) Words are of course the most powerful drug used by mankind. (Rudyard Kipling) It is not your mistake if u can not read the eyes which cheat u but it is really your mistake if u can not read the eyes which love you. (Shakespeare)
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Answer Online Student Focus now presents proudly the Online Answer Submission Feature. Just logon to our website and go to Contact page. Click Answer the Quests. Just follow the directions and fill in the Answer form and Submit. Its like 1, 2, 3…. So answer now and be the winner.
Write and Send Let us Know what you think and what you want. Start writing and come to the Student Spotlight. Send in your comments, opinions, answers, contributions for our next issue. At response_sf@yahoo.com. We will be waiting anxiously... Thanks for your interest. EDITOR
* Note that all queries and contests in this issue will be acceptable till 25th June 2011 only. The Winners will be announced online and in the next edition after the aforementioned date Insha-Allah!
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