site assessment recommendations
All areas identified by the Shire of Esperance, highlighted through the community survey and identified by on ground investigations were considered. The following attributes were deemed priority attributes:
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Accessibility and connectivity Existing facilities and infrastructure Existing land use Land availability Land tenure Opportunity to create skills development experiences Social, economic and environmental values
A desk top analysis of all sites was carried out and then on ground confirmation of findings. There were multiple sites that would be suitable for sustainable mountain bike facility development across the Shire, but these were rationalised to provide fewer facilities of higher quality, to meet the needs of a wider user group, a growing interest in mountain biking and a growing population. Creating a connected network of trails within the Shire, meeting the needs of multiple user groups will provide the local community and visitors with experiences encouraging outdoor recreation. It is also recognised that there is a need for facilities that meet the growing demand of more experienced riders and offer growth and development opportunities for mountain bikers in the region. The Shire of Esperance is relatively flat, limiting mountain biking experiences that may be easier to develop in more varied terrain. Most notable elevation variances can be seen in Cape le Grande National Park. The distance to the park does not create a local mountain biking facility to meet the growing needs of the local mountain biking population. During online and onsite investigations, a parcel of freehold land adjacent to crown land was noted as suitable for the development of a diverse range of trails. The area would support a regional level riding facility and could host longer downhill trails creating a much more rewarding riding experience in comparison to the unsanctioned downhill trail at Dempster Head. It is a recommendation that the Shire open discussions with the landowner and investigate the possibility of access to the land, in the form
Shire of Esperance Mountain Bike Feasibility Study
of a lease or access agreement. Alternatively, if they Shire was to acquire this parcel of land, the site could be developed into an excellent long term facility, which would be an asset to the Shire and local mountain biking community. The site has intentionally been omitted from this report until investigations into accessing it for the purpose of mountain biking has been negotiated with the landowner. East of the town was not considered high priority due to high density of freehold land. If this constraint can be overcome the recommendation for a touring style trail from the town to Cape le Grande should be investigated, as suggested in the Esperance 2050 Cycle Plan.