Social Transformation In a world full of chaos, abuse, drugs, gangs, and all that falls in negativity; a social transformation is not something to hope for, but to be desperate for. Society is continuingly deteriorating and it seems like there is no stopping it. While everybody focuses on all of this things, and on how bad everything is turning, and loosing focus on how to change things, everything will keep being as it is. That is why this core disposition has to kick in high gear in every school, in every district or State, no matter the grade or age. Teachers all over the world have a powerful tool in their hands to stop society’s downfall; students. Yes we teach, and give them tools to achieve goals in life, but they are the ones that precedes us, they are the next generation that is rising up. These students have been raised in the era of technology. They basically learn how to use an iPhone before they learn how to read. They have a different level of intellect and in their near future, they are the ones to continue developing new technology. It is important that as teachers, we empower them with every tool they can get to be transformers. Not the ones they turn into robots, but the ones that change the world. I believe that regardless the student’s background or condition, they have what it takes to take over. One thing I learned is that it is important to believe in my own students. Despite what others might think of them, I shouldn’t make judgment on that. I have to look past them and see their great potential and abilities. I have to think and truly believe highly of them, that they are the next teachers, Doctors, mechanics, technicians, police officers, fire fighters, politicians, Cure Researchers, nurses, CEO’s, etc. I believe it is important that I encouraged and continue encouraging motivation in my students, because if in their house they don’t believe in them, or if
they don’t believe in themselves, they’ll know that I believe in them and that I count on them to do great things. I understand that sometimes great goals or change seems far away because of many obstacles in the way. Maybe coming from low economic resources may look to these students as a battle they can’t overcome. This is where social transformation, pulls in the other core dispositions instilled in these students. The creative side can find a way to beat this. The leaders in them can pull out inner strength and the appreciation of diversity can help them see that there are different ways to achieve their goals. With these core dispositions instilled in students, especially social transformation, I believe that they are going to be the change this world needs.