Kong Kid Reform - Space as the Ancillary Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education

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Kong Kid Reform Space as the Ancillary Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education

Thesis Research & Design Report Master of Architecture 2013 -2015 CHEUNG Chi Ying Shirley Thesis Advisor | Patrick Hwang


Acknowledgment Introduction Chapter 1 : Kong Kid Phenomenon Chapter 2 : HK Early Childhood Education Chapter 3 : Space as Ancillary Pedagogy Chapter 4 : Relocation of HK Kindergartens Chapter 5 : Kindergarten Alternative in HK Bibliography


I would like to thanks my Parents, Kan Wun Chuen, Kwok Ka Ching, Wong Sze Kan, Vicky Lee and Chan Sze Ling for their helps and advices in the model making. The model would not be accomplished without all your generous help and support, thanks for putting up with me till the very end. Thanks Chan Chi Yan for his companion and help in any means, especially when I am in frustration and panic situations. In particular, I would like to show my gratitude to my thesis advisor, Patrick Hwang, who has given me supports and advices all the time throughout the year. Thanks for the drive which guides me to the destination.

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 1 | Kong Kid Phenomenon

Chapter 1 Kong Kid Phenomenon

Prevailing in HK in recent year, Kong kid phenomenon is an emerging issue about our new generation of kid (since the 90s) who are accused of being incapable of self care, lack of social competence, indulgence of parents, and being materialistic. Within this big topic, my thesis demonstrates how the learning environment in early childhood education is related to a child well being, how the autonomous mode of learning can liberate our kid from being a Kong Kid. With the notion of space being the ancillary pedagogy for early childhood learning, the proposed strategy will inform an alternative for the existing kindergarten market in HK and serves as a prototype to demonstrate how the new type of kindergarten benefits from the selection of specific sites and how space serves as the third teacher for the children. A child’s spatial perception takes place within a unique context; his or her understanding of objects comes not from societal norms, but rather from a less culturally determined set of criteria. Yet, despite the importance of architectural design in this regard, such considerations are often undermined in deference to traditional or other cultural preconceptions. The ubiquity of architecture – along with its role in shaping the child’s experience and its relative lack of intellectual accessibility – reinforces the need to carefully consider the effects of design decisions upon the child’s psychological development. In the early 19th century America, Henry Bernard proposed the idea of linking physical environment to pedagogical theory. He maintained that the styles of the school building should exhibit correct architectural proportion. Thus, the school building would be calculated to inspire children and the community generally with respect for the object to which it is devoted. In the U.K. or in America, local education boards run many schools and the schools are funded by the local rate, enabling school design can readily meet the expectation of the school users.

Chapter 1 | Kong Kid Phenomenon

Kong Kid Reform

Survey and Investigation on Kong Kid Phenomenon

Incapability of Self -care

92% Toilet 76% Changing Clothes 61% Bathing 57% Tidying up 42% Dining 35% Homework

What HK Kid incapable of?

Source: Newspaper survey Source: Sing Tao Newspaper Survey

Chapter 1 | Kong Kid Phenomenon

Over served and Over Protective

Over served and Over Protective


By Domestic Helper/ Parents

Academic oriented

Why HK Kid not doing Housework?

Being Lazy

Not Motivated Dangerous Act

Source: Sing Tao Newspaper Survey Source: Newspaper survey

Kong Kid Reform

US Kid 2.9

UK Kid 2.36 AUS Kid 2.81

HK Kid 3.89

US Offender 6.5

Canada Offender 5.93

HK Kid with proactive agrression 6.23

What’s wrong of being narcissistic?

Narcissism Index (14 max.)

Source: Research on Narcissism in Hong Kong Source: Research on Narcissism Index in HongIndex Kong (City University of HK Department of Applied Social Studies) (City University of HK Department of Applied Social Studies)

Chapter 1 | Kong Kid Phenomenon

Parenting correlates significantly to Narcissism






Warmth, Supportiveness



Behavioral Control,




Source: Research on Narcissism Index in Hong Kong (City University of HK Department of Applied Social Studies)

Source: Research on Narcissism Index in Hong Kong (City University of HK Department of Applied Social Studies)

Authoritative Parenting

Academic Achievment and Technique oriented

24% Sports

32% Music

38% 1-2

80.4% Yes


3-4 classes 18% Art

How many after class HK kids attend per week? No

12.1% 5-6 7.7% 7 or more

Source: Survey on HK Family encourage kids to attend after class activities

5% 3% Community 3% Emotional Social Service Class Training

Source: Survey on HK Family encourage kids to attend after class activities

7% Computer

8% Dance

Kong Kid Reform

Uninvolved Parenting

36% <$ 6000

No Time

19% < 1min >120min



How long parents and children* spend time together a week?

61-90 min


1-10 min

31-60 min



21-30 min 11-20 min

No Money

20K-30K Family Income


> 30K


No Activities

Source: Survey on parents view on spending time with children in Sham Shui Po * children of age 0 - 6

Source: Survey on parents view on spending time with children in Sham Shui Po * Children of age 0-6

Permissive Parenting Narcissism is closely related to proactive aggreeion i.e. aggressive behavior is a way to obtain instrumental goals (eg. Money, material, power)

Being Thankful Participation


Money Reward Punishment

How Parents encourage children to do Housework?


Material Reward

Source: Newspaper survey

Source: Sing Tao Newspaper Survey

Chapter 1 | Kong Kid Phenomenon

Earlier this year, there is a protest held by a crowd of parents whose child’s kindergarten is forced to close down due to the invasion of franchise kindergarten. Parents find it hard to get into another suitable kindergarten in rush and children are forced to terminate their preschool activities in the meanwhile.

Chapter 2 HK Early Childhood Education

HK Kindergarten as profitable business The local kindergarten market is a profitable business but competitive that institutes has to strive for survival in terms of school site, all kindergarten are privately run. According to a recent survey carried out by the Civic Party, almost 90% are under rental lease of no longer than 3 years, which means they are very likely to close down suddenly because of the invasion of private independence franchise type kindergarten. Location of Kindergarten Also, the location of kindergarten is another highlight! Starting from the 1950, most of the kindergartens are attached to a building, usually on the ground floor of residential towers while in recent years there is a trend of renting a flat in the shopping mall just like any other retail shops. The structural constrains and environment turns the kindergarten into a factory with long corridor imposing a disciplinary manner, monotonous experience due to repetitive spatial division of rooms. Or you may say the kindergarten as a retail shops, children travels a long way pass the retail shops and takes an escalator up to the school inside a commercialized atmosphere. The shopping mall structure imposes a very deep plan providing insufficient lighting and isolated from surrounding context. So the kindergarten can be a factory can be a shopping mall just depends on what kind of building it is attached to, but a kindergarten.

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Operations and Running of Local Kindergartens

Short Term Rental


Contract Period


Private Property

>3 years

Ownership of Kindergarten Campus 85%



Within 3 years


Government / NGO

Source: Survey by the Civic party on the operation of HK kindergarten

Source: Survey by the Civic Party on the operation of HK Kindergarten

Kong Kid Reform

Competitive Market

Closing and Opening of Kindergarten Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014




Private Independence Non-Profit Organization

Source: Education Bureau Source: Education









Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Relations of Kindergarten and Demographic by District

Increase in Tuition Fee (Mean)

14.2% 12.8%






Increase in Tuition Fee (Mean) Source: Schooland - Internet Database for HK Kindergartens


Kong Kid Reform

HK Kindergarten Seat Demand / Supply Ratio

97.6% 89%






Kindergarten seat Demand / Supply Ratio Source: Schooland - Internet Database for HK Kindergartens

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

School Curriculum International Curriculum



1.47% 4.69%





Increase in

School Cirriculum International cirriculum

Source: Schooland - Internet Database for HK Kindergarten

Percentage of Children (0-6) in different Districts


10% 7%

9% 10%




Percentage of Children (0-6) in different Districts Source: Schooland - Internet Database for HK Kindergarten

Kin Dema

Kong Kid Reform Percentage of 25-44 year old Low Income Group in the District


17.4% 22.8

16.8% 15.9%


Percentage of 25-44 year old Low Income Group in the District Source: 2011 Hong Kong Population Census

Literacy Rate (Primary School Level) by District


% 22.8

16.8% 15.9%

25% 22.8


5-44 year old up in the District

26.9% 24.5%

Literacy rate (primary school level) by Distict

Source: 2011 Hong Kong Population Census

Literacy rate (prim

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Both Education organization and Parents are suggesting to move kindergartens above ground floor as a mean to minimize the rents. Smooth Operation of Kindergarten is always at the expense of Environmental quality of Early Childhood Education. At the end, children are those who get the short end of these decisions.

Kong Kid Reform

Development of Pre-School System in HK

Source: HKSAR Education Bureau

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Kong Kid Reform

Kindergarten as Shopping Mall

Legend 1-6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/

Classroom Music Room Playroom Library Washrooms Storage Sick Bay Staff Office Reception Pantry








12. 9. 2.

14. 8.


11. 10.

Local kindergarten located inside Shopping Mall. The experience for children approaching the school would be commercialized. Also the structural arrangement of Shopping Mall is too deep for classroom which results in insufficient lighting. Also these kindergartens are often located at upper levels instead of ground level, children will be totally cut off from the surrounding environment.

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Kindergarten as Factory

Legend 1-5 / 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/

Classroom Music Room Playroom Kitchen Reception Washrooms Staff Office Storage









8. 4.




Local kindergarten located under estate residential tower shares the same structure of residential blocks which imposes monotonous experience with orthogonal classroom design. Owning to the long corridor of public housing tower, the kindergarten beneath possess didactic learning environment with long corridor. Rigid and even structural partitions give out standard room sizes despites of any programs it accommodates

Kong Kid Reform

Mismatched Scope of Learning with Age and Environment Stage development of children coined by Jean Piaget. Piaget (1973) developed a systematic study of cognitive development in children. His work included a theory on cognitive development, detailed observational studies of cognition in children, and a series of tests to reveal differing cognitive abilities. Through his work, Piaget (1973) showed that children think in considerably different ways than adults do. Piaget’s work showed that children are born with a very basic genetically inherited mental structure that evolves and is the foundation for all subsequent learning and knowledge. To explain his theory, Piaget used the concept of stages to describe development as a sequence of the four following stages: 1. Sensory-Motor Stage 2. Preoperational stage 3. Stage of Concrete Operations 4. Stage of Formal Operations Comparing with other kindergarten from Finland, Sweden and Italy, local preschool curriculum manual guide emphasize more on the academic scope instead of the psychological and physiological and moral aspect, even some of the kindergarten claims to offer an all rounded curriculum, the spatial arrangement is not sufficient to support such kind of learning.

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Piaget’s Stage of Development of Children of 3 year old

Kong Kid Reform

Piaget’s Stage of Development of Children of 4 year old

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Piaget’s Stage of Development of Children of 5 year old

Kong Kid Reform

Scope of Learning and relative spatial arrangement in European Kindergarten* * Kindergartens in Itlay, Finland and Sweden


6 year old

5 year old

3 year old

2 year old

1 year old

0 year old


Spatial Arrangement

4 year old

Preoperational period (2 to 7 years old) Increased symbolic thinking and go beyond the connection of sensory information and physical action

Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years old) constructs an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical actions

Learning Domain

Language Alphabet Listening


Talking *3-6y)


Informal Read Basic grammer (4y)


Story telling (5y)

Cloak Room



Early-math skills (0-2) Counting and patterning

Infant classroom age-group classroom

Sorting Shapes and Color(2y) Hide and seek (3-5) Sorting laundry (3-5)

Central Piazza

Make-believe play (3-6) Prepare food with supervision (4) Hands-on Activities(5)


Cooking (5)

Gross Motor




Sitting (6m)

Mini Atelier

Standing (9m)


Pre walking Walking


Running (2y) In contact with kitchenware 18-24m Help With Household Chores 18-24m


Skipping Jumping Climbing


Fine Motor Coloring


Writing Build blocks Craft works

Bath Room Dressing Room

Self-Help and Adaptive Dress and undress(3y) Feed oneself

Wash Room

Using the toilet (5y) Brushing teeth Bathing

Courtyard Interior Patio

Social and Emotion

Exterior Patio

Playdates 18-24 Months Interact With All Ages 18-24 Months Play games 18-24 Months


Alone Spot

Meeting Room

Singing (5)







Spiritual & Moral Sense of awe, wonder and mystery

Toy Store

Relationships with adults and peers Develop a sense of belonging to a community

Spatial Arrangement

Early Childhood Learning in Finland, Sweden and Italy

Learning Domain

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Scope of Learning and relative spatial arrangement in HK Kindergarten


6 year old

5 year old

3 year old

2 year old

1 year old

0 year old


Spatial Arrangement

4 year old

Preoperational period (2 to 7 years old) Increased symbolic thinking and go beyond the connection of sensory information and physical action

Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years old) constructs an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical actions

Learning Domain

Language Alphabet Listening


Talking *3-6y)


Informal Read Basic grammer (4y)


Story telling (5y)

Cloak Room



Early-math skills (0-2) Counting and patterning

Infant classroom age-group classroom

Sorting Shapes and Color(2y) Hide and seek (3-5) Sorting laundry (3-5)

Central Piazza

Make-believe play (3-6) Prepare food with supervision (4) Hands-on Activities(5)


Cooking (5)

Gross Motor




Sitting (6m)

Mini Atelier

Standing (9m)


Pre walking


Running (2y)

Walking In contact with kitchenware 18-24m Help With Household Chores 18-24m


Skipping Jumping Climbing


Fine Motor Coloring


Writing Build blocks Craft works

Bath Room Dressing Room

Self-Help and Adaptive Dress and undress(3y) Feed oneself

Wash Room

Using the toilet (5y) Brushing teeth Bathing

Courtyard Interior Patio

Social and Emotion

Exterior Patio

Playdates 18-24 Months Interact With All Ages 18-24 Months Play games 18-24 Months


Alone Spot

Meeting Room

Singing (5)







Spiritual & Moral Sense of awe, wonder and mystery

Toy Store

Relationships with adults and peers Develop a sense of belonging to a community

Spatial Arrangement

Early Childhood Learning in Hong Kong

Learning Domain

Kong Kid Reform

Confined preschool learning environment Looking into the real case scenario in a local kindergarten, from 8 o’clock to 12, each session takes up half hour, the children spend 80 % of their time inside the same classroom, and there is one session each day which they can get along with children from other class or other ages. Even they have a workout session and a playtime session where they are brought to the playroom, still their life is trapped in an orthogonal box bounded by 4 walls. All movements are done by the teachers and the children just keep stationary around their table no matter they have lessons, painting ,drawing, calculating or having their snack time till the school day ends. The repetitive introverted experience does not limit to one student but to all inside the kindergarten, assuming every children have the same need. Comparing the spatial distribution of local and overseas kindergarten, no didactic spatial allocation can be grasped in the local cases, no matter it is an international school with expensive tuition fee or a conventional type of kindergarten, there are no outdoor spaces for children to drift around. The classroom occupies the major percentage which is very different from overseas cases, which dedicates most of their learning time in the Central piazza or other complementary rooms like kitchen, toilet, and library or art studio.

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education

Tsing Yi Trade Association Shek Yam Kindergarten - a typical scenario in HK Local Kindergarten located on the ground floor of the public housing residential tower.

Kong Kid Reform

One-fits-all, Introverted, Repetitive Learning Environment








Free Play




Children (class A)

Children (class B)


Life of a day in the local kindergarten, which lesson usually starts from 8 to 12, with 30 minutes per interval. Most of the time, children stay inside the same classroom under supervision of 2 staffs. From the curriculum to the learning environment, the local kindergarten is designed in a way to ensure the children are under control and their needs are assumed to be the same, the experience are monotonous no matter they are drawing or doing calculus.

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education







Tea Time


Free Play

Class End

Kong Kid Reform

Children Children Didactic Programmatic Allocation 1.

Nursery NurserySchool SchoolininBerriozar Berriozar/ /Italy Italy Total TotalGFA GFA : :1757 1757sq.m sq.m Teacher Teacher Student Ratio Ratio : :11toto10 Nursery School Berriozar / 10 NurseryStudent Schoolin in Berriozar /Italy Italy Total : :1757 TotalGFA GFA 1757sq.m sq.m Teacher TeacherStudent StudentRatio Ratio: :11toto10 10 2.

Tellus TellusNursery NurserySchool School/ /Sweden Sweden Total TotalGFA GFA : :2178 2178sq.m sq.m Teacher Teacher Student Student Ratio Ratio : : 1 1 to to 8 8 Tellus TellusNursery NurserySchool School/ /Sweden Sweden Total : :2178 TotalGFA GFA 2178sq.m sq.m Teacher TeacherStudent StudentRatio Ratio: :11toto88

Comparison between Programmatic Arrangement of overseas Reggio preschool and local kindergartens 1 and 2 are overseas Reggio preschools in which outdoor spaces takes up about 40% of the total GFA. While local cases 3 (traditional kindergarten) and 4 (international kindergarten) Mills MillsInternational International School School/ /HK HK reveal no dedications to outdoor area.

Total TotalGFA GFA : :759 759sq.m sq.m Teacher Teacher Student StudentRatio Ratio : :11to 10 10 Mills School /to MillsInternational International School /HK HK Total : :759 TotalGFA GFA 759sq.m sq.m

Outdoor Outdoor

Children Children

Outdoor Outdoor

Courtyard Courtyard

Interior Interiorpatio patio

Courtyard Courtyard

Interior Interiorpatio patio

35% 35% 35% 35%


Central Central I Piazza Piazza CC Central Central CC Piazza Piazza 16% 16% 16% 16%

GFA: GFA:607sq.m 607sq.m

GFA: GFA:918sq.m 918sq.m

GFA: GFA:607sq.m 607sq.m

GFA: GFA:918sq.m 918sq.m

Outdoor Outdoorplayground playground++ Semi Semicourtyard courtyard Outdoor Outdoorplayground playground++ Semi Semicourtyard courtyard

39% 39% 39% 39%

GFA: GFA:841sq.m 841sq.m

GFA: GFA:841sq.m 841sq.m

51% 51% 51% 51%

GFA: GFA:1072sq.m 1072sq.m

GFA: GFA:1072sq.m 1072sq.m

21% 21% 21% 21%

0% 0% 0% 0%

5 5

70% 70%

GFA: GFA:535sq.m 535sq.m 70% 70%

Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Education




Indoor Central Ancilliary 52% Piazza Classroom Room* GFA: 918sq.m

16% Children

r patio










18% Central

Interior patio


9% GFA: 161sq.m

Service Lobby




Ancilliary Room*





GFA: 607sq.m

35% 39%



33% 18%



53% 31%




21% 52% 50%

GFA: 607sq.m

GFA: 918sq.m

GFA: 841sq.m

GFA: 1072sq.m

51% 21%

Outdoor playground + Semi courtyard




GFA: 161sq.m

GFA: 61sq.m

GFA: 161sq.m

Lobby Storage + Laundry Admin Office Lobby Storage Admin Office

GFA: 841sq.m






Corridor Stairs & Elevator

GFA: 117sq.m

Pantry Storage

Staff Office 3% 5%

GFA: 61sq.m

GFA: 10sq.m

GFA: 108sq.m

GFA: 117sq.m

GFA: 40sq.m

Lobby Storage

Admin Office

Stairs & Elevator

Pantry Storage

Staff Office


GFA: 108sq.m


GFA: 1072sq.m

GFA: 108sq.m

GFA: 535sq.m



GFA: 73sq.m

GFA: 117sq.m

Pantry Storage

Pantry Storage Kitchen Reception

GFA: 64sq.m

1% 2%

GFA: 345sq.m

GFA: 95 sq.m

10% 16%

Kitchen Reception

GFA: 73sq.m

5% GFA: 117sq.m 5% 8% GFA: 40sq.m GFA: 64sq.m




GFA: 87sq.m

Staff Office Staff Office

Kitchen Reception

GFA: 73sq.m



GFA: 73sq.m

GFA: 535sq.m




70% 60%

accessible to children) ,Toilet, Atelier, Cloakroom and Bedroom. GFA: 535sq.m

GFA: 10sq.m

GFA: 61sq.m

Admin Office

9% 5%



Lobby Storage


58% 58%21%39% 61% 61% 39%

0% 0%



GFA: 1072sq.m

GFA: 535sq.m


GFA: 108sq.m


39% 0%




GFA: 161sq.m





52% Central Ancilliary Classroom Room* Piazza GFA: 918sq.m

Courtyard Interior patio Outdoor playground + Semi courtyard GFA: 1072sq.m




GFA: 918sq.m

Admin Office

Storage + Laundry Admin Office



GFA: 61sq.m

Staff Circulation Storage + Laundry Admin Office

Lobby Storage Lobby


Staff Office Corridor Corridor

Staff Office

8% 6%

GFA: 64sq.m

GFA: 87sq.m

GFA: 36 sq.m

GFA: 100 sq.m

Staff Office




GFA: 64sq.m

12% 18%

8% 6%

Semi Semicourtyard courtyard


Kong Kid Reform

39% 39% 39% 39%

Tellus TellusNursery NurserySchool School/ /Sweden Sweden Didactic Total GFA : :2178 sq.m Total GFA 2178 sq.mProgrammatic Allocation GFA: Teacher Student Ratio 11toto88 GFA:841sq.m 841sq.m Tellus Nursery School Teacher Student Ratio/: :Sweden 3. Tellus Nursery School / Sweden Total GFA : 2178 sq.m Total GFA : 2178 sq.m GFA: 841sq.m Teacher GFA: 841sq.m TeacherStudent StudentRatio Ratio: :11toto88

GFA: GFA:1072sq.m 1072sq.m

GFA: 1072sq.m GFA: 1072sq.m

21% 21% 21% 21%

Mills MillsInternational InternationalSchool School/ /HK HK Total GFA : :759 Total GFA 759sq.m sq.m Teacher Student : :11to 10 Mills International School /to Teacher StudentRatio Ratio 10 Mills International School /HK HK Total : :759 TotalGFA GFA 759sq.m sq.m Teacher TeacherStudent StudentRatio Ratio: :11toto10 10

0% 0% 0% 0%

70% 70%

GFA: GFA:535sq.m 535sq.m 70% 70%

GFA: 535sq.m GFA: 535sq.m

66 66


Tsing TsingYiYiTrade TradeAssn AssnShek ShekYam YamKG KG/ /HK HK Total : :576 TotalGFA GFA 576sq.m sq.m Teacher Student Ratio : :11Yam toto12 Tsing Shek KG Teacher Student Ratio 12 TsingYiYiTrade TradeAssn Assn Shek Yam KG/ /HK HK Total GFA : 576 sq.m Total GFA : 576 sq.m Teacher TeacherStudent StudentRatio Ratio: :11toto12 12

0% 0% 0% 0%

**Ancilliary AncilliaryRooms Roomsinclude includeKitchen Kitchen(accessible (accessibletotochildren) children),Toilet, ,Toilet, Refectory, Refectory,Library, Library,Workshop, Workshop,Art ArtAtelier, Atelier,Cloakroom Cloakroomand andBedroom. Bedroom. **Ancilliary Rooms include Kitchen (accessible to children) ,Toilet, Ancilliary Rooms include Kitchen (accessible to children) ,Toilet, comparing the indoor spacesWorkshop, among Refectory, Library, Art Refectory, Library, Workshop, ArtAtelier, Atelier,Cloakroom Cloakroomand andBedroom. Bedroom.

Also these cases, ancillary rooms and Central Piazza are emphasized in overseas kindergarten while classrooms takes up most of the learning spaces in local preschools. Mere Circulation are minimized in Reggio schools, however circulation is indispensable due to its parasitic nature to specific building.

5 5

60% 60%

GFA: 60% GFA:345sq.m 345sq.m 60%

GFA: 345sq.m GFA: 345sq.m


Chapter 2 | HK Early Childhood Service Education



35% Children

r patio




52% Central Ancilliary Classroom Room* Piazza GFA: 918sq.m

GFA: 607sq.m

Indoor 16% 51%

Courtyard Interior patio Outdoor playground + Semi courtyard

33% 18%

53% 31%


Service 9%

GFA: 161sq.m

GFA: 607sq.m

GFA: 841sq.m




GFA: 1072sq.m

51% 21%

39% 0%




31% 21%

50% 21%

GFA: 1072sq.m

51% 21%



58% 61%





Storage + Laundry Admin Office 9% 3% 5%

Lobby Storage

GFA: 161sq.m GFA: 108sq.m

GFA: 345sq.m


Admin Office

Stairs & Elevator Corridor


GFA: 117sq.m

GFA: 161sq.m

GFA: 64sq.m

Pantry Storage

Staff Office

Kitchen Reception

Staff Office

GFA: 108sq.m


GFA: 1072sq.m

GFA: 535sq.m


accessible to children) ,Toilet, Atelier, Cloakroom and Bedroom.




GFA: 87sq.m

GFA: 61sq.m Corridor


GFA: 117sq.m

Pantry Storage

Staff Office 8% 6%

GFA: 87sq.m

GFA: 95 sq.m

GFA: 36 sq.m

GFA: 100 sq.m

Kitchen Reception

Staff Office



GFA: 108sq.m 16%

GFA: 345sq.m

GFA: 95 sq.m



GFA: 73sq.m

12% 18%

GFA: 36 sq.m


5% GFA: 117sq.m

Kitchen Reception

Staff Office


10% 16%


GFA: 100 sq.m

Staff Office

GFA: 73sq.m


GFA: 64sq.m

Pantry Storage

70% GFA: 535sq.m 60%



GFA: 40sq.m

Admin Office

GFA: 64sq.m




58% 61%


9% 8%

Lobby Storage

10% 16%


GFA: 40sq.m

Staff Office



Admin Office

GFA: 117sq.m

Lobby Storage

GFA: 73sq.m


5% GFA: 10sq.m

GFA: 61sq.m

Pantry Storage


60% GFA: 535sq.m

accessible to children) ,Toilet, Atelier, Cloakroom and Bedroom.

GFA: 61sq.m

GFA: 73sq.m



GFA: 161sq.m

GFA: 108sq.m

GFA: 535sq.m

GFA: 918sq.m

Corridor Stairs & Elevator



GFA: 1072sq.m


GFA: 10sq.m

Lobby Storage + Laundry Admin Office Lobby Storage Admin Office



GFA: 841sq.m

0% 0%


GFA: 918sq.m

Outdoor playground + Semi courtyard




35% 16% 39%



GFA: 61sq.m

Central Ancilliary 52% Piazza Classroom Room* GFA: 918sq.m


GFA: 64sq.m


Chapter 3

Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

Reggio Emilia Pedagogy

Among all the early childhood learning pedagogy, Reggio Emilia approach believe in environment as the third teacher besides the teacher and their parents. It offer insights associated with the deficiency of Kong Kids. Advocacy in hands on experience; mixed-age learning and social relationship is anticipated to facilitate with HK children’s incapability of self-care and social incompetence. According to publication by Reggio Children Academy, the Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary education. It was developed by Loris Malaguzzi, who was a teacher himself, and the parents of the villages around Reggio Emilia in Italy after World War II. After such a great and destructive event, people believed that children were in need of a new way of learning: the assumption was that people form their own personality during early years of development and, moreover, that children are endowed with “a hundred languages”. The aim of this approach is teaching how to make them useful in everyday life. The program is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children through a self-guided curriculum. Four main ideas are derived through the study of two Reggio Preschools. The principles are not limited to their way of teaching but the relationship between pedagogy and spatial appropriation.

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

The first Reggio Emilia School in HK is located in Tai Tam, a tranquil yet remote district where the high-income group live. Even the surrounding context offers exposure to nature, the kindergarten is situated on the 2nd floor of a shopping mall.

Kong Kid Reform

Precedent : Nursery School in Berriozar

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

4 Core Principles in relations to Spatial Configuration Autonomous Learning emphasize the hands on experiences, all the complementary rooms like kitchen, refectory and workshops are of direct and proximate access to children, and they are all linked up to the central piazza of the school. Also, they refuse the use of mere circulation from one point to another as corridors are not usable for children and it is considered a method of order and control over children, so usually ancillary usage like cloakrooms will be integrated into circulation so that children can be readily trained for self-care. Central Piazza as Pedagogy of Relationship is the hearth of every Reggio school. It is considered as a pedagogy of relationship. It is designed in a way to promote mixed age learning, interweaving relations between the children from different classes as well as with the teachers. In some cases, dining area and art atelier are also incorporated into the spacious piazza which reveals the flexibility and transformability of it in order to optimize its interactive role. Semi-protection is vital to provide a sense of protection to children to make them feel safe while the environment should also encourage the children to venture out and taking risk instead of being protected all the time. Informal Supervision is an early step to independence. Safety of children is ensured in a distant and in a more subtle manner. Teacher would act as a facilitator inside the classroom without interfering the children too much. Osmosis with Surrounding emphasize the strong inside-out relationship between school and the surrounding. School should be a place that “senses’ what is happening outside - from the weather to seasonal changes, from the time of day to the rhythm of the town, precisely because it exists in a specific place and time. A number of elements can foster this inside-outside relationship, such as, filter spaces (porches, verandahs, canopies); interior courtyards with plants and natural elements and the particular use of the outdoor spaces.

Kong Kid Reform

Central Piazza Opening of halls, courtyards or streets make schools feel like social organisms. A courtyard or atrium at the center of a school links everything practically, making the whole intelligible and placing community at its heart. To maximize meeting, Reggio preschools are arranged around piazzas both internal and external. Dual scale promotes the interweaving relation with the community.

Nursery School in Berriozar

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

Autonomous Rooms providing hands on experiences, like kitchen, refectory, and workshop are all complementary to the classroom, with direct and proximate access to children. In Reggio preschools, these rooms are well connected to the central piazza.

Kitchen Classroom Refectory Central Piazza


Nursery School in Berriozar

Kong Kid Reform

Semi-Protection Informal supervision is an early step to independence. Safety of children is ensured from a distance so as to ensure they can venture out on their own with minimal danger. In Reggio Classroom, half block wall and optimal transparency are adopted to keep a distant supervision without interfering the children from learning independence under close eyes of the teachers.

Area under supervision

Nursery School in Berriozar

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

Non-Hierarchical Teaching can happen anywhere. Horizontal layout of Reggio School highlights the conscious choice of not creating hierarchies among the various spaces: the service areas, the work areas for adults and children, the classrooms and offices all have an important and shared role.

Kitchen Classroom Refectory


Classroom Service Area Staff Area

Nursery School in Berriozar

Kong Kid Reform

Osmosis with surrounding Reggio preschool emphasizes the strong inside-out relationship between school and the surrounding. School should be a place that “senses� what is happening outside from the weather to seasonal changes, from the time of day to the rhythm of the town.

Double height slanted ceiling allow natural light to get in and flushed into the interior

Louvre acting as envelope enable the children to sense what is happening outside

Series of filter Space like exterior partio and interior patio acting as a gradual transition between the exterior and the interior Interior patio Outdoor courtyard

Nursery School in Berriozar

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

Precedent : Tellus Nursery School Stockholm

Kong Kid Reform

Autonomous Refusal of spaces dedicated exclusively to circulation and connection i.e. corridor are not easily usable for children activities and these spaces is considered a method of order and control over children; a way to impose disciplinary rules of the adults. In Reggio preschool, circulations are integrated with multiple usages such as cloakroom.

Cloakroom Central Piazza

Tellus Nursery School

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

Central Piazza Central Piazza acts as “Pedagogy of Relationship�. Reggio Emilia promotes mixed age learning, interaction between different age group takes place in the central piazza which is the hearth of every Reggio school. In some cases, dining area and art atelier are incorporated into the spacious piazza. Spatial options are achieved by partitions, furnishing elements containing other equipment, moveable panel or movable furniture. Spaces are open to various uses.

Classroom Classroom

Tellus Nursery School


Kong Kid Reform

Semi-Protection Children feel safe when they are able to sense what is happening outside. In Reggio School, children will be able to looking through one space to another which is at least partially comprehensible through the low window and the use of louver. For toddlers, embracing gesture offers them a sense of protection which reminds them of mother.

Overwhelming gesture in the semi-enclosed entrance courtyard where the children first arrive

Tellus Nursery School

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

Initial Proposal

Initial proposal is a kindergarten imagined from the day of the life in kindergarten, not from the perspective of one single child but children with various needs. Based on a more interactive timetable, where children of different classes and ages can interact at certain time of a day. At some point they still can enjoy a more individual based learning according to their interests. They learn to socialize with others while at the same time they can engage more into hands-on experience instead of being trapped inside the repetitive rooms. Outdoor spaces will be guaranteed and take up 30 -40 % of the GFA, while Activity rooms and Central Piazza which are conducive to the autonomous mode of learning will occupy more spaces, mini classroom will be embedded inside these activity rooms to facilitate individual learning. With Central piazza as the hearth of the kindergarten, closely linked to all the activity room, a secondary connection will be provided in between all the activities rooms by the outdoor patios and filter spaces to enhance the interactive notion between different classes. Children are allowed to drift around from time to time while teachers will station in the informal supervision units to look after the children from a distance instead of the conventional monitoring. Ample requirement in Outdoor space in the initial design imbue the selection of suitable location for the new type of kindergarten in HK in the coming chapter.

Kong Kid Reform

Mixed-Age Learning

Mixed Age Learning

Timetable of a Age 3 class children

Free Play

Age 3 class

Age 4 class

Age 5 class

Outdoor Exercise



Dance / Music

08.00 08.30

Cooking/ Food Preparation

09.00 09.30 Tea time 10.00 10.30


11.00 11.30

Gardening/ Outdoor play

School Off


Indoor 50%

Outdoor 35% Courtyard 25%


Central Piazza 20%

Service10% Staff 5%

Activity Room 25%

Kitchen Music / Art Library Dance Atelier Room

Ancillary 5% Guest7% Store3%

Office 4% Circulation 1%

Chapter 3 | Space as Ancillary Pedagogy

Autonomous Learning

Autonomous Learning

Autonomous Learning

Outdoor Courtyard 400sq.m

Informal Supervision

Washroom 28sq.m Washroom Washroom 28sq.m 28sq.m

Washroom 28sq.m

Reception 112sq.m

Office 12sq.m Cloakroom 24sq.m

Reception 112sq.m

Storage 12sq.m Storage Storage 12sq.m 12sq.m Storage 12sq.m

Informal Supervision

12sq.m Informal Supervision 12sq.m

Outdoor Courtyard 400sq.m

12sq.m Informal Supervision 12sq.m

Kitchen 180sq.m

Kitchen 180sq.m

Office 12sq.m Cloakroom 24sq.m


12sq.m Storage Storage 12sq.m 12sq.m Storage 12sq.m

Dance/ Music 100 sq.m Dance/ Music 100 sq.m


Patio 50sq.m 50sq.m


Library 60sq.m 60sq.m

Art Atelier

Art Atelier 60sq.m 60sq.m

Patio Patio 50sq.m 50sq.m Informal Informal Supervision Supervision 12sq.m 12sq.m

Courtyard 25%

Informal Informal Supervision Supervision 12sq.m 12sq.m

Indoor 50%

Outdoor 35%

Indoor 50%

Outdoor 35%

Courtyard 25%

Patio Patio 50sq.m 50sq.m



Central Piazza 20%

Central Piazza 20%

Service10% Staff 5%

Activity Room 25%

Service10% Staff 5%

Ancillary 5% Guest7% Store3%

Activity Room 25%

Art Atelier/ Library/ Music Room/ Kitchen

Art Atelier/ Library/ Music Room/ Kitchen

Office 4% Circulation 1%

Ancillary 5% Guest7% Store3%

Classroom Cloakroom/ Washroom

Classroom Cloakroom/ Washroom

Office 4% Circulation 1%

Chapter 4

Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Kindergarten and the City

Recalling Chapter 2 HK Early Childhood Education , series of research suggest the need to reallocate our kindergarten out of any building, whether it is residential tower, shopping malls, office or even carpark complex. Based on the requirement of more outdoor space for children, the environmental constraints of the existing appendix kindergarten and the urge of government support for the running of the kindergarten especially in renting an appropriate site. The project proposes the idea to make use of the government owned urban parks and gardens under Leisure and Cultural Service Department to be the new sites, not just limited to this case but applicable across districts in HK. Considering the distribution of existing HK Kindergarten, with majority of kindergarten located in the center of each district. Kindergarten in HK reveals a polycentric network with proximity to residential area in each district. It is suggested by the HK Preschool Manual that location of kindergarten to be within 10 minutes walk from the residences. The polycentric nature and proximity to residential area of urban parks and gardens cohere with the distribution of the kindergarten network in HK, which makes it a potential type of site for the alternative Kindergarten in HK.

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Precedent : Aldo Van Eyck’s Amsterdam Playground Project

Case study on the street playgrounds in Amsterdam designed by Aldo van Eyck represents one of the most emblematic of architectural interventions in a pivotal time: the shift from the top-down organization of space by modern functionalist architects, towards a bottom- up architecture that literally aimed to give space to the imagination. Recognizing the importance of ‘learning’ from the particularities and irregularities of left-over, interstitial-spaces in the existing fabric of the city, this project aims to work with these spaces rather than overlook them. It is an attempt to express the genius loci of the site through its own unique configuration as all the playgrounds are site-specific, filling them with activity in response to the urban framework as a whole. The project reused vacant plots of land and converted them into playground spaces for children. It was a regeneration of urban voids, filling them with life as a redeeming, therapeutic act of weaving together the fabric of a devastated city. This interstitial approach to the city aims to build a more active community, with at least one small public playground in every neighborhood of Amsterdam. The playgrounds were an opportunity for Aldo van Eyck to test out his ideas on architecture, relativity and imagination, representing his exercises in non-hierarchical composition. This case study offers insight into the relationship between kindergarten and the city.

Existing Kindergarten

Residential Group

















Distribution of Kindergarten in Central West District








Distribution of Kindergarten Distribution of Kindergarten in Central West District in Central West District Polycentric and Proximity Area Polycentric and Proximity to Residential Areato Residential Polycentric and Proximity to Residential Area


Kong Kid Reform





Sitting Out Area



























Polycentric and Proximity to Residential Area Polycentric and Proximity to Residential Area

LCSD Public Pleasure Ground in Central West District LCSD PublicDistribution Pleasure Ground in Central West District of Kindergarten in Central West District Polycentric and Proximity to Residential Area


Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens





Kong Kid Reform

Aldo Van Eyck’s Amsterdam Playground Project

Before and after the implementation of Aldo Van Eyck’s Amsterdam Playground Projects (1947- 1978). The playground does not solely provides more social spaces for the public but also reunite the fragments back to the City after the War.

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

There were over 700 playgrounds being designed all over Amsterdam after the War under this ambitious urban plan.



Kong Kid Reform

Classification of LCSD’s Public Pleasure Ground Classification of LCSD Public Pleasure Ground

Sitting Out Area Size: Not more than 0.1ha Activities: Passive recreation facilities, pavillions, arbours, sitting benches Community within 5 min walk, passer-by Users:



Size: Not more than 0.1ha Activities: Passive recreation facilities, pavillions, arbours, sitting benches, greenery Users: Community within 5 min walk, elderlies

Siz Ac

Us Source: Development and management of parks and gardens LCSD Planning Department 28 May 2013




Size: Not more than 1 ha Activities: Active recreation facilities i.e.children’s play equipment, basketball courts & soccer pitches Users: Community within 5 min walk, Children, Teenagers

Size: More than 1 ha Activities: Variety of passive and active recreation facilities, i.e. landscape gardens, sports grounds & skateboard arenas Users: District Level, Tourists,Teenagers

Siz Ac Us

Source: Development and management of parks and gardens LCSD Planning

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Utilization of LCSD’s Public Pleasure Ground The project proposes the idea to make use of the government owned urban parks and gardens under Leisure and Cultural Service Department to be the new sites, not just limited to this case but applicable across districts in HK. Based on LCSD classification,there are 5 main types of public pleasure ground. They are the sitting out area, Garden, Playground, Park and Promenade. Each of them are of varying size , programs and target users. The choice of kindergarten site will fall to the “garden” and “playground”, which offers fair size, around 4 to 6 times of the kindergarten area will be utilized. “Park” which are over 10 times larger than the required outdoor space for the kindergarten would be hard to ensure the safety of the children. Also the vast size is too large for the children to get in contact with the surrounding and to sense what is happening around them.

Appropriation of Garden & Playground The selection of Garden and Playground resides in the current condition and physical setting of the surrounding context. To be specific, not all parks and gardens are suitable, but those underutilized, well protected, and with sufficient sunlight, not to be blocked by surrounding buildings will be chosen. These criterion ensure a suitable outdoor area to facilitate the autonomous learning process. The underutilized Gardens and Playgrounds are often well –vegetated but due to the demographics changes over time and citizens preference on using large public spaces, they are often overlooked. These hidden gems in the urban area would be a great opportunities to assist children’s learning.

Kong Kid Reform

Selection of Garden / Playground in Central West District

The case in Kennedy town of the Central west district illustrate the filtering process of potential sites. 3 sites fits in the criteria in this district, as they are all with low usage probably because of the open spaces nearby which is more convenient for the public, and traffic free as it is elevated from the road sitting onOpen the Space slope and well shielded by heavy vegetation LCSD and most importantly the surrounding context is less dense compare to Non -LCSD Open Space the nearby area so that sunlight would be able to get in. Scale 1:2000 Ultimately, the kindergarten locations will depends on the mentioned criteria and will be applied in HK across the district, no matter its Kwun Tong, or Shatin.

2800sq.m **



** **

** **



Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens






Kong Kid Reform




** **

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Underutilized LCSD Garden & Playground in Central West District Ka Wai Man Garden, Kennedy town

Underutilized zones


4885 sq.m


Few Elderlies from neighboring Estates


Sitting and Playing chess

Underutilized zones

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Underutilized LCSD Garden & Playground in Central West District Hill Road Garden, Shek Tong Tsui


2800 sq.m


Few neighboring residents in the evening


Doing exercise and Sitting

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Underutilized LCSD Garden & Playground in Central West District Caine Road Garden, Caine Road


4399 sq.m


Few Children (weekends),Domestic Helpers


Playing and Sitting

Ka Wai Man Garden, Kennedy town as a testing ground for the hypothesis

LCSD Open Space Non -LCSD Open Space Scale 1:2000

*** ***




With nearby open spaces which are more convenient for the elderly, the second major group for the district demographics, the garden is often underutilized. Also the location is traffic-free as it is elevated from the secondary 2800sq.m road sitting on the slope. It acts as a primary shield with the existing heavy vegetation. ** **

** **


Kong Kid Reform



Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Ka Wai Man Garden, Kennedy town as a testing ground for the hypothesis

Selection of LCSD Garden and Playground in Central West District

Ka Wai Man Garden situated within a less dense context comparing to the nearby area. Even it is bounded by two residential towers, sufficient sunlight can still get in from the North-South Orientation. These characteristics are crucial in providing an appropriate physical setting for the kindergartens.

LCSD Public Pleasure Ground in Kwun Tong District

Kong Kid Reform

Sitting Out Area




Underutilized zone

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergartens

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 4 | Relocation of HK Kindergardens

Chapter 5

Kindergarten Alternative in HK

The Proposal

The proposal is an example of the architectural strategy, which serves as a tool for examining the hypothesis. Benefits from the selection of appropriate site,the well protected garden/ playground offers primary shield and protection for the children while at the same time ample exposure to nature from the surrounding context. The design dissolves the boundary between the inside and outside where learning can be carried out anywhere other than the classrooms. It starts from the time the children arrived at the school. Vegetations acts as buffers between the school and the secondary road; it also enrich the approaching experience from the city to the kindergarten. Derived from the Reggio Emilia Pedagogy, the proposed kindergarten is a case to illustrate 4 principles, the core of the new type of kindergarten in HK. “Autonomous Learning”, “Central Piazza as Pedagogy of Relationship”, “Osmosis with surrounding” and “Semi-Protection” is tailored for whom we termed as “Kong Kid”.

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

4 Core Principles for Kindergartens in HK

Osmosis with surrounding Filter spaces at the periphery and the roof of the kindergarten connects with surrounding so that classrooms, workshops, kitchens atelier can be extend out to the natural setting. Children will be able to sense what is happening outside. The natural surrounding also assists with learning. Autonomous Learning The life of the day in the kindergarten is envisioned in the design, where children are free to drift around instead of stationed inside the classroom. Workshops are somewhere for hands-on experience, children no longer reads how leafs, birds, flowers or bugs look like in the textbook but they can get in contact with them. Also, ancillary rooms like kitchen and cloakrooms and even washroom are places for self-care where they can access freely. Central Piazza as Pedagogy of Relationship Activities like gardening, water play will be part of the learning scope and these places are readily accessible to them. These areas promote social interaction with children from different classes and different ages which couldn’t be learned from the text. Semi-Protection Though the kindergarten seems boundless, where children can venture out anywhere; they are actually well protected not only by the site nature but also the landscape, and the façade where visual and physical protections are guaranteed.

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK Cloakroom Outdoor Freeplay Area



Indoor Freeplay Area





Art Atelier


Aqua Play Gardening

Food Preparation

Dance / Music


Forest Field

Workshop Life of the day in the kindergarten is imagined in the design, where children are free to drift around instead of stationed inside the classroom. Children no longer reads how leafs, birds, flowers or bugs look like in the textbook but to get in contact with them. Hands on experience is heightened with outdoor Workshops and Atelier. Ancillary rooms i.e. kitchen and cloakrooms and even washroom are freely accessible for self-care learning.

Central Piazza Central Piazza as Pedagogy of Relationship stresses on the central piazza and the ancillary rooms, where mixed age learning and social interactions happen. Central piazza offers flexibility to accommodate all sorts of learning, from large group to small group activities.

The Garden The natural surrounding assists with learning process. Children can venture out on their own with protection from the playscape and the vegetation, with distant supervision from teachers. Activities like gardening, water play will be part of the learning scope and these places are readily accessible to them. These areas promote social interaction with children from different classes and different ages which couldn’t be learned from the text.

Classroom Filter spaces at the periphery and the roof design connects with the surrounding where classrooms, workshops, kitchens, atelier can be extended out to the natural setting. Learning is assisted by the natural environment where children can sense what is happening around.

Kong Kid Reform

Autonomous Learning - Programmatic Arrangement Autonomous Learning - Programmatic Arrangement

Autonomous Learning - Programmatic Arrangement Store 23 sq.m Indoor Patio Washroom Informal 6.5 sq.m Supervision 36 sq.m 26sq.m Store 23 sq.m

Farm 274sq.m


70sq.m Indoor Patio Washroom Informal 6.5 sq.m Supervision 36 sq.m 26sq.m

Farm 274sq.m

Informal Supervision 15sq.m

Central Piazza 282 sq.m Playground

Atelier 32 sq.m


Central Piazza 282 sq.m

Atelier 32 sq.m

Informal Supervision 15sq.m

Washroom 6.5 Washroom sq.m

Washroom 6.5 sq.m

Washroom 6.5 sq.m

6.5 sq.m

55 sq.m

Kitchen 40 sq.m

Kitchen 40 sq.m

Indoor Patio 48 sq.m

Indoor Patio 48 sq.m

Workshop Workshop 55 sq.m

Lobby 46sq.m

Lobby 46sq.m

Reading Corner 31 sq.m

Reading Corner 31 sq.m

Indoor 60% 821sq.m

Outdoor 40% 547sq.m

Central Piazza 24%

Forest Field 3.4% Playground 5.2%

Aqua play 11.4%


Kindergarten 28%

Central Piazza 20.6%

Ancillary Room 17%

Cloakroom 1% Atelier 2.4%

Classroom 11%

Washroom 1.4% Reading 2.3%

Kitchen 3.1% Workshop 4% Indoor Patio 6.2%

Service5%Staff 3%

Store1.8% Lobby 3.2%

Park 72%

1368sq.m Total site area: 4885 sq.m

Indoor 60% 821sq.m

Outdoor 40% 547sq.m

Central Piazza 24%

Forest Field 3.4% Playground 5.2%


Kindergarten 28% 1368sq.m Total site area: 4885 sq.m

Aqua play 11.4%

Central Piazza 20.6%

Park 72%

Ancillary Room 17%

Cloakroom 1% Atelier 2.4%

Classroom 11%

Washroom 1.4% Reading 2.3%

Kitchen 3.1% Workshop 4% Indoor Patio 6.2%

Service5%Staff 3%

Store1.8% Lobby 3.2%

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

There are several central ideas which can be followed through in other upcoming kindergartens, starting from the programmatic arrangement, as in this case , the kindergarten occupies around one-fourth of the garden, so that the site area is big enough to accommodate the kindergarten while compact enough to react with each other. It moves away from the conventional arrangement, stressing on the central piazza and the ancillary rooms, where mixed age learning and more interactions are expected. Also, hands on experience will also be heightened. Large portion of outdoor spaces will serves for learning as well, so that children won’t be imprisoned inside. In the free play areas, teachers can informally supervise the children so they can enjoy autonomous learning or venture on their own. As for the Central piazza, it offers flexibility to accommodate different sorts of learning, for large group to small group activities. Recalling the inspiration from Kong Kid at the very beginning of the research, the proposed kindergarten prototype projects an alternative mode of early childhood learning specific to children in HK, with whom we termed as “Kong Kid�, it attempts to nurture them through the proposed learning environment. While socially, it reacts with the local kindergarten market which have deteriorated to a mere business; serving as a reminder that education of all levels are equally important, especially for our youngest generation!

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

Surrounding natural setting are being invited into the interior of the kindergarten. Learning from nature through experience and observation is carried out in these ambiguous interfaces.

Kong Kid Reform

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

Hearth of the kindergarten is overwhelmed by a dome. Visual linkage with the sky is enhanced and sufficient lighting is provided unhindered by the surrounding building block

Kong Kid Reform

Filter spaces are well connected to the vegetated exterior patios. Children can wander inside and outside on their own and play in the pond.

Chapter 5 | Kindergarten Alternative in HK

Group activities like gardening is facilitated by farm terraces on the existing slope which is underutilized at the moment.


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Kong Kid Reform

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