LI XIAOLEI's portfolio for UCL MArch Design for Performance and Interaction

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Portfolio LI XIAOLEI 2020-2022

The Rapid Development of The Sharing Economy

adults living
shared households (%) 2 1
The ‘Flower childrenʼ and Goths is an interactive game installation of sustainable and entertaining sharing-house lifestyle for hippies
《Time》 magazine once described the sharing economy as one of the top ten ideas that would change the world. Today, the sharing economy is effectively reshaping the way we live and conduct business. It is a rapidly growing socio-economic trend The new form of sharing economy, where value creation and value capture are also incentivising 'sharing' between sharing members, is thus contributing to the new face of The sharing economy model permeates every aspect of our lives ·Shared housing becomes an important development in the sharing economy Sharing Economy 3 4 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 17 44 98 216 487 772 1020 1995 2006 2017 28.8% 27.4% 31.9% New Forms of Sharing Economy Inspire A New Face of Shared Housing BackGround & 01 The total number of shared housing in South Korea increased year by year, the growth curve showed an increasing trend, and the shared housing market showed a positive development The proportion of US adults living in shared housing households rose from 28.8% to 31.9%, with a slight fall in the middle, but an overall increase Research ‘Flower children’ & Goths & More possibilities and options mean opportunities and collisions hope to explore what sparks can be created by two different groups of people within this shared housing. Can shared housing reach a higher level of sharing? Apparel Travel Housing Diet Enhance Social Interaction Giving roommates a new image The sharing economy is inspiring new shared housing arrangements: from millennials sharing rental luxury homes to baby More and more people are interested in participating in this high-tech, low-cost "collaborative economy". Others sharing the same space can meet regularly, where people can share knowledge and work together to share feedback, connections and problem-solving ideas. Focus On Access Rather Than Ownership The sharing economy as a system built around resource sharing that enables more efficient use of resources, reduces the cost of expensive assets, supplements income and enhances social interaction. Advantages Of The New Face Of Shared Housing More Possibilities New forms of shared housing are clearly emerging as result of changing norms and more desirable ways of living. More Options The new situation of shared housing allows all respondents to be seen as their own 'pioneers', ·More and more people are willing to choose a shared housing format 28.8% 31.9% ⸺1995、2017U.S.adultslivinginsharedhousingstatistics
-2019 the cumulative number of shared housing in south korea (place)
the percentage of U.S.
and goths
The two contradictory and compatible groups of
and goths
the target tenants of the shared space. Five aspects, space planning, housing management, tenant customization, shared profits and sustainabable economic, are included in this multi-players social game to connect tenants' communication in sharing house.

·Empathy map analysis

The joint pain points of the two groups of users were obtained through the integration and analysis of the user's empathy graph information

Lifestyle Language Music Style Expression

I'm not sure the two groups would get along well in shared housing

Discipline is needed in all things in housing

I'm not sure that shared housing will face the same problems as hippie communes have friends around me who started out as hippies and eventually turned into goths. have some faith in this housing

Someone needs to be accountable

Because like living alone in the dark, I'm not sure can get used to shared housing

don't know much about the other group

would believe that shared housing for this two groups is feasible

The desire to share, the scope, and the intimacy of sharing with others is important

What kind of habits do hippies have? Can get along with them?

Also depend on the ability to have your own private spacewith others

Will be forced to socialise or share?

How can discipline and norms be decided? Consultation? With a dedicated person to set them?

Does the person in charge need to exist? How is pushed?

How can we achieve equity in the distribution of resources and labour?

How can housing be made sustainable? Where will the funding come from?

Information was gathered from the premise of participating in the shared housing lives of the two groups to understand the needs better, concerns, and thoughts of the hippie and goth groups on shared housing through information from the four quadrants. happy day PEAC E

This reflects the fact that both groups have little knowledge of the other side and only know about it.

hippies and the goths had special exteriors to help express themselves.

for Music Despite the different styles of music they prefer, milli-music is an integral part of their culture

love the gothic elements of black, skulls, spiders and black cats to dress up my living space and I'm not sure if hippies are up to it

What can share within this housing? Can arrange the elements of my life as wish?

Determine your own conditions first Understanding the division of public and private space in housingUnderstanding the division of public and private space in housing

Understanding housing activities, time planning and scheduling

Joint development of housing discipline, norms

Continue research Search the internet for some information, information about another group

Co-selection of principals

Ask some close friends

Worry Anxiety Not knowing what to do Indecision Don't know who to trust Excitement

Users will fear that shared housing will face the problems of 1960s and 70s hippie communes

The breakdown of faith and trust in the leaders was one of the reasons for the failure of the commune.

1.Poorpersonaldecisionmakingbytheleader, leadingtothebreakdownoffaith

In 1978, a change in the commune's business leaders began. A hierarchy developed in the organization, with some people who were articulate and spoke the most had the most significant status. Some of those who were Users consider how living space, activities, resources, etc., are allocated and planned in shared housing.

introverted and had fewer skills would ignore the process. It became one of the triggers for the failure of the commune in the later years

6.Fearoflossofindividualityandgroup identity

Users will be concerned about not being able to enjoy their own private space in shared accommodation. Users will be concerned about what they can share and what value they can get out of sharing in the housing. Users may be concerned about losing their preferences and habits in shared housing by accommodating others or members of another group.

2.Inequalityofstatus,leadingtoneglect oftheindividual

5.Uncertaintyaboutthevaluesharedby individuals; 4.Concernedabouthousingliving arrangementsandplanning; 3.Concernsaboutthesustainabilityof sharedhousing; 2.Focusontheseparationofprivateand publicspace; 1.Generalunfamiliaritywithanothergroup;
Opp Hippies And Goths Empathy Mapping ·Case standards ortunity p Discover Problem
Lifestyle a.Trying out cooperative living arrangements. b.Regular consumption of vegetarian food based on unprocessed foods c.Practicing holistic medicine Tends to be soft and calm Language Music Style Folk & Rock Music Expression a. appearance b. new music c. hosting music fest;ivals and large gatherings d. giving up an accepted way of life a. a way of following one's own set of values and attitudes; b. including architecture, literature, style, art and music. Talking about despair and death nfluenced by multiple eras, can be divided into four main sections: Medieval, 80s Dark Tide, Dark Tech/ Industrial/ EBM and Dark Metal Mostly suffer in silence The
ideas What will
contradictory and compatible groups
the same space? Commonalities 1 Philosophy Anti-violence Against prejudice Tolerant Promotes openness and tolerance 2 Exceptional Externals Both the
Goths Hippies FELIZ DÍA
communal lifestyle of the
made them accustomed to a common living arrangement
Goths on the other hand, were outwardly very different from the hippies. The two
unexpectedly share similar
happen when two
The 1960s saw the rise of the hippie commune in the United States, an anti-conformist movement that ended up as a social experiment that failed
Presenting Problematic Concerns In A Game Format orming GAME SET-UP CONTENT CONCERN MF Spatial Planning 2F a separate space for hippies to live -1F is a separate space for the Goths 1F is a space shared by hippies and goths MF is a shared space ·Problem focus and brainstorming Brainst Brainstorming through the integration of questions, thus diverging: Spatial Planning Sustainability Management Planning Shared Values Living Arrangements Music Performance Planning Recreational Exchange Planning Focus On Individuals Group Characteristics Personal Values Group Values Private Spaces Public Spaces Group Spaces Equal Status Personalised Reservations Idea Prog tion ram The shared housing includes an architectural concept, with the distribution of floors and functional areas conceived around the users' focus. At the same time, the living system, operational activities, and events within the housing are planned around the five main concerns. In shared accommodation, these are designed in such a way as to maintain the identity of the respective groups, facilitate group communication and experiment with greater possibilities. Each member has their own private room and enjoys the freedom to dress up their own room Indoor and outdoor public space on the 1st floor: outdoor as an open-air business music bar, indoor with small stage, audio-visual area and common living area Preserve the space for the hippie and goth communities in their own groups, ensuring that the identity of the group is maintained within the public space A music performance planning group is formed, consisting of 3-5 people. The group is mainly responsible for various matters related to the operation of the music bar. The group organises monthly meeting in the house to report to all the tenants on the details of the performances and operations during the month. Maintain the individual characteristics and habits of the two groups through spatial planning, activity arrangements, etc., and focus on sharing within the group as well as between the groups Music Performance Bar Revenue Record Sales Tiered rent reductions based on individual contribution points system Music equipment purchase, maintenance Music Bar Operations Housing maintenance Talent Labour Spirituality Hippies love nature and life The creativity of the Gothic community Handicrafts Housing members can write down the activities they would like the group to organise on slip of paper and place the slip in their own twister, which will then be placed in the twister. Once month, the twisted eggs will be drawn together as group activity and the planning team will then plan and organise the activity based on the contents of the twisted eggs. Housing Architecture Concept Public Space Vision Building Stratification Concept Functional Area Distribution Concept Spatial Planning Personalised Reservations Personalised Reservations Personalised Reservations Personalised Reservations Shared Values Shared Values Shared Values 1 2 Sustainability Sustainability Management Planning Management Planning Individual Contribution Points System 4 Leisure Activity Planning 3 Music Bar Operation Spatial Planning Personalised Reservations Shared Values -1F Goths DON‘T DISTURB DON‘T DISTURB DON‘T DISTURB DON‘T DISTURB 1F MUSIC BAR LIVING ROOM INDOOR REHEARSAL HALL MUSIC CORNER MUSIC COMPOSITION ZONE KITCHEN MF MF 1F READING AREA HANDICRAFT AREA Income Sources Rational Allocation of Expenditure After the development of the norms, life meeting can be organised once month. Everyone can present problems that have arisen during this time, proposals for changes to the norms. Everyone votes together to amend Building Strata Functional Area Distribution &
Personal Contribution Point System Music Bar Operations Music Bar Operations PERFORMANCE SONG PLANNING GROUP STATUS Music bar operation interface Music bar operation interface Music bar operation interface The revenue from the music bar maintains the shared housing in addition to keeping the music bar open In the music bar interface, tenants can also recommend their favourite acts In the performance programme, tenants can view the schedule of musical performances as well as their own job 980 920 880 870 1 2 3 Points Entry LABOUR CATEGORY ACTIVITY CATEGORY POINTS 6 in Total Music Bar Operations FUNDING REVENUE PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE SONG PLANNING GROUP STATUS Music Bar Operations FUNDING REVENUE PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE SONG PLANNING GROUP STATUS PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE InterfaceGame Game Interface Display GAME SET-UP CONTENT CONCERN Sustainability Sustainability Personalised Reservations Management Planning Management Planning Personalised reservations Top three tenants in the monthly balance will receive a rent reduction according to ranking scale
ProductIdeation REASON Blends well. Blends easily with its surroundings and maintains consistency with them. 25cm 7.8cm 27cm 23.5cm 2cm 4.8cm 14cm 11cm 8.2cm 20.6cm 13cm 4.8cm ? BACK BOTTOM FRONT SCREEN TOP CONTROL PANEL BOTTOM-2 FRONT-2 SIDE-L SIDE-R Game Device Form Solutions Product Shape Display ·Sketch of the installation ·Component combinations Streamlined styling and clear structure; Highly movable. Capable of being placed on a table top or mounted on a wall; Styled to resemble traditional street games machines and able to stimulate fun and exploration.; Product Presentation


The Dominant Driver For change Today Limitations of Anthropocentrism

New biotechnological developments have shaken our belief in an autonomous human subject, as they question the naturalised division between human-animal-plant life But current explorations have largely revolved around human repair and disease treatment, always with the human as the dominant player driving change

· Xenotransplantation


The successful transplantation of genetically engineered pig hearts into humans.

On 7 January 2022 a team of US doctors successfully transplanted a gene-edited pig heart into a patient with terminal heart disease. Xenotransplantation – implanting organs from one species to another – is a growing field and scientific advances could help address organ transplant shortages.

Post-human Conjecture is a de-anthropocentrism design exploring the evolution of the relationship between four species - human, animal, plant and cyborg in the post-world future to construct the morphology of the new creatures. Using conjecuture, book and website, as documentary applications to develop the relationship between new 'objects' and the post-environment. The post-environment asks audiences to speculate the dominance of new creatures, modes of choice and survival, and the balance of ecosystem.

· Cross-species Gene Transfer

At the present time, the relationship between man and nature is anthropocentric and human material civilisation has reached an unprecedented level. But the brutal plundering of nature by man in this phase has also led to many negative effects at the same time.

Ecological Dilemma


The current dilemma of the human-dominated ecological order has made us aware of the limits of 'anthropocentrism' and the need to shift our perspective to think about sustainable future relationships.

the traditional Humanist


a starting point for solving the ecological crisis

Post-humanist Perspectives

July 8, 2018 - Finding by scientists at the University of Adelaide, Australia, in the journal Genome Biology suggest that horizontal gene transfer is far more common than people think. Jumping genes can self-replicate in the genomes of different Making us aware of the genetic and structural similarities ·
Findings from the ‘Jumping Gene Study ·
Area of forest Reduction from 1990s to 2010 19% Number of species Percentage of plant and animal species that are currently under existential threat 25% Status of population populations are in an unsustainable state 33% Re-imagining
Professor David Adelson
and reconstructing a new idea of 'humanity'
Limitations 1 "The human” being as a central place to observe the world a central position;
Inability to achieve a truly harmonious relationship between man and nature

The Creation of Post-humanity

Post-human Society

In posthumanist thinking, the concept of the “posthuman” began to emerge

· Post-human Formation

· The Addition of Different Perspectives

Phase 1


Analysis of Choices

Q1: How do species make favourable choices in the process of combining?

Phase 2 Phase 3



The boundaries between man and animal, man and machine, man and nature, and material a nd immaterial are gradually blurring. The posthuman breaks down various anthropocentric binaries and provides us with new perspectives and ways of thinking.

What changes this will ma

What does this tell us about our current human-dominated order?

Companion Species

Animal Plant Cyborg

Who is the dominant player?

Q2: How to achieve better coexistence?

What is the symbiotic approach like?

CATHCG Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages

Q3: How the union between different organisms will evolve?

Boundaries between biological DNA are broken down⸺ altered arrangement of molecules

What will happen to the form and structure of the new organisms?



How to achieve system coordination?

Q4: How does the architecture of the system work?

Human Interior

Intra-community characteristics:

A. basic traits

B. lifestyle C. internal structure

Checks and balances between communities:


When entering the post-apocalyptic world, what choices will the four species make?

Grabbing Peaceful
From a post-human perspective, the boundaries between humans and their companion species are gradually weakening, eventually forming a heterogeneous, heterogeneous, and heterogeneous collection. This means, the order of humans as the dominant character will change. War grabbing Evolution
Coexistence offer what?/ keep what?
Coexistence/ Mating Combinations Mating Combinations PHASE 1
Human Companion Species Accompanying Human
PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Formation of New Subjects The Existence of Crossed ... Companion Species Human Animal Plant Cyborg
Animal Plant Cyborg offer what?/ keep what?
· Questions For Reflection
There will be no superior or inferior biological architectures
What advantages do they hope to gain
A post-world generated through the evolution of relationships between the four species groups, want to think about the dominance, choice patterns and ways of being among the new creatures that emerge, and about the balance in the ecosystem.
In the words of Derrida Haraway and Kari Wolfe, in the formulation of animot-posthumanism the boundaries between humans and species will eventually break down, the posthuman is material and non-anthropocentric, but interspecies, permeable and relational Aggregates of heterogeneous isomorphism of heterologous origin


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3 Ground

Arid Desert Region Dark Underground Region Cold Polar Region Ice Sheet

The constructed post-world creatures exist virtually in the site and you are able to see the environment in which they live and even details of the creatures themselves.

The new creatures formed in all three stages are dispersed and broken up to separate the different components. Includes limbs, mechanical enhancements, animal compositions and plant compositions. You can reorganise these components as you wish to construct a new creature form based on your imagination of the new creatures in the post-apocalyptic world.


The title of the book is ‘Post-bological Encyclopaediaʼ. You can learn about new creatures in three different areas with this book, including ploar cold region, arid desert region and dark underground areas. You can also learn more about each new body.


Modern Funerals


The memorial is based on a reflection on traditional Chinese funerary rituals. From exploring the origins, connotations, characteristics and current status of the funeral rituals, it provokes reflection on this ritual. Using the keening session as an entry point and medium, the interactive form of audio-visuals and interface leads participants to reflect on the ritual step by step and redefine the meaning of the ritual.

4-Questions For Reflection

Fractured perception of the meaning of life

The traditional view of life as existing in the world after death is still held by those over 60 years of age. But the generation in their forties and fifties (the main bearers of the rituals) have begun to develop a new view of life

Competition for face

process attracts the attention of people in the neighbourhood, who are involved in various capacities. This gives the funeral a public character.

Funerary culture covers physical, belief, psychological, ethical, moral and artistic aspects, and thus extends to form a range of cultural contents. Funeral rituals and burial culture are an important part of this. Funeral rituals are the outward expression of funeral culture. In China, the funeral rituals that take place after a person's death and up to the time of burial are collectively referred to as 'funerals'. BACKGROUND FUNERAL CULTURE IN CHINA FUNERAL RITES IN CHINA 1-PARTICIPATING MEMBERS Hospice Care Will Culture Ritual Culture Funeral Customs Culture of Funeral Rites Burial Culture Funerary Equipment Organizers Location Media Music Family Members Clan Members The main bearer of funeral rites Blood groups related by marriage 「What exactly is the significance of his ceremony?」 「Who is this ceremony more for?」 The current state of funeral rituals reflects the beginning of ritual simplification and consumerism while retaining the basic framework. 3-THE CURRENT STATE OF CONTEMPORARY RITES 1 1 Traditional Rituals Are Being Simplified 2 2 The Tendency To Spend Extravagantly On Funeral 5000+ 20000+ 50000+ Research on the average cost of a funeral in China Year/¥ Hospitality Fee The filial son himself went to the family of the deceased's mother/uncle The relatives should wear the corresponding clothes according to the relationship The dutiful son calls to inform the deceased's parents/uncles The mourning son keeps vigil in front of the coffin outside the house The next of kin wear mourning clothes, but not others The iced coffin is outside and the mourning son is inside the house ... ...
Monks/ Daoist Priest Home/ Ancestral Hall Family of The Deceased Shroud Joss Paper Grave Goods Coffin Lively music White
Traditional Funerals
Proportion of Modern Funeral Items Spent Banquet Funeral Money Theatrical Troupe Coffin Service Team Hooped Tomb Shroud Geomancer Ready-made Suits ... Reason for reflection Report A Funeral Funeral Wake Joss Paper
In modern times, the largest proportion of the cost of funeral items is spent on hospitality. Rituals with a sad tone are constantly being simplified, while matters with a lively tone are constantly being refined.


「What exactly is the significance of his ceremony?」

The original purpose of funeral rites was for the living to express their thoughts and feelings of mourning for the deceased At the same time, funerals in Chinese culture do not end the relationship between the living and the dead. They begin a relationship of exchange.


Traditional Chinese Philosophy

"The living have a duty to do their filial duty for the dead."

In ancient China, the notion that a person's death does not equate to the writing off of a debt was deeply ingrained in people, and it was a long-term debt.


“Funerals can give back to parents.”

Buddhism does not only consider funerals to be a way of repaying parents, it is a concept of repayment of kindness.


Messenger of the Underworld

Saving parents and especially mothers from hell Emotions

Influenced by religion, Chinese people respond warmly to Buddhist offers to repay their parents for their kindness.

Those who fail to meet their obligations to the deceased will be punished with certainty

Inevitable feelings of guilt for the deceased

This is because parents have spent their lives working for their descendants and have shown immeasurable kindness to their children.

Concerns about status

In China, a lavish funeral for the dead by the living affirms his own social status.

In Chinese funerals, it is worth exploring the motives of the familyespecially the childrenwho are the primary bearers of the funeral rites.


1. Who will evaluate the merits of this ceremony?

2.This ritual is more for the living or the dead?

「Who is this ceremony more for?」

am focusing on the funeral rites of middle-aged children and the elderly deceased and the importance of social status competition in funerals. In the ritual, then, the question of the audience becomes complex. Who strictly judges the validity of the pattern?

Report A

The traditional Chinese funeral process is mainly divided into: Xiao Lian, Report a funeral, Ben sang/Ting Ling, Da Lian, Chu Bing and Burial Xiao Lian 1

2 A filial son goes to the deceased's maiden/uncle's house to inform them of the death and to publish an obituary 4 Concerns about status provoke reflection


Before the deceased died, the children washed and dressed the deceased, and the mother's/uncle's family stayed at the bedside to see the deceased off. Burial 6 Burying the dead in the earth Chu Bing

The family takes the deceased to the local land temple


The 'keening' originated as a funeral ritual to express mourning and remembrance for the deceased, and the 'weeping and singing' ritual was performed by the descendants at the time of the funeral.

Family and friends of the deceased


Ben Sang, Ting Ling 3

The family of the deceased is required to build a funeral home. The deceased will rest in the funeral home, accompanied by female relatives such as daughters and daughters-in-law.

「Does the superimposition of too many motives for holding a funeral dilute the original purpose of the funeral?」

To transform funerals from a ritual for the dead into more of a showcase for the living?」



4 Putting the deceased in a coffin meant that the deceased was cut off from the world and said goodbye to his or her loved ones for the last time.

Can funerals return to their original meaning if they are free from these self-imposed constraints, outside influences, and even the audience's gaze?

Conducting funeral services Initial intentions: Expressions of condolence, remembrance Cost, Grandness Superimposed motives for holding funeral 2 1 3 4 Audience/ Judges Children of the deceased Deceased Selfrestraint External influence Criteria for judging merit Survivors Initial intentions Superimposed motives 1 Saving parents' feelings 2 Punishment 3 Emotional debt 4 Concerns abot status Externalised expressions:
2 1 3 4

use of the characteristics and connotations

of the wailing

2 11 3 4

Song Forms Emotional Expression Pray for Blessings Expression of Esteem Seeking Group Identity

Emotional Expression 1 1 Avoiding Punishment And Pray for Blessings 2 2 Expression of Esteem 3 3 Seeking Group Identity 4 4


“San Ku” “Tao Tou”

“Jing” “San Hua”

Pouring out thoughts of the dead and lamenting themselves It symbolises that the family business can rise as high as the tide Weeping for the good of the dead, their own ungratefulness and sorrow Impromptu singing by friends and family around the coffin at the wake

THE KEENING PART OF THE RITE THE ROLE OF THE MEDIUM IN FORM OF KEENING The fit between the realistic motives of funeral rituals and the function of weeping and mourning allows us to explore the role of keening as a medium

There is a limit the content of the "Tao Tou". Crying about other people's good and telling about your own suffering. 2-FIT BETWEEN FUNCTION AND MOVATION 3-FORMS OF KEENING



In Chinese mourning, keening is used to connect the living with the dead And keening songs are a ritualized variant derived from the act of crying.


Emotional Expression Current Impact Expressing Filial Piety Status Concerns

bond between the living and the dead However, due to the lack of culture in the other side of the world in China, I wanted to create a world that imagined to be the other side To pass on the thoughts of the living and the comfort of the dead

Song Forms Realistic Motives for The Ritual

Current Impact Expressing Filial Piety Current Motivation for funerals Letting go of Self-imposed restraints

Excluding External influences

Emotional Expression

Current Impact Expressing Filial Piety

Initial Intentions Self-restraint External influences Emotional Expression Status Concerns

Status Concerns Emotional Expression

‘San Kuʼ

Current Impact Expressing Filial Piety

Status Concerns Emotional Expression

Current Impact Expressing Filial Piety

Current Impact Expressing Filial Piety

Status Concerns

Status Concerns Emotional Expression

‘San Kuʼ ‘San Kuʼ ‘San Kuʼ

‘Jingʼ ‘Jingʼ ‘Jingʼ ‘Jingʼ

In Chinese folklore, the deceased is transformed into a star in the sky. When we miss people who have passed away we look up at the

After death, all people go through reincarnation in the heavenly, human, asura, animal, hungry ghost and hellish paths.

In traditional Chinese funeral ceremonies, the act of weeping by the living is both an emotional catharsis and possibly some ritual and ceremonial necessity. IDEATION Four Forms of Songs “San Ku” “Tao Tou” The
"San Ku" is casual weeping. The main purpose is to express one's feelings for the deceased. 1-FUNCTIONALITIES 1-KEENING SONGS CONNECTED TO FUNERAL MOTIVES 2-HOW TO USE IT AS A MEDIUM
The dead are believed to be able to hear the sound of weeping. At the same time, the functionality of the act of weeping in mourning has a fit with the realistic motives of
relations. This provides an appropriate medium for thinking about the
of funeral ritual motives in relation to meaning.
A demonstration
melody-making process Highregistertolowregist Ve r lyyrcgno
of the four-part
‘San Kuʼ How to make
graphic elements
‘Tao Touʼ ‘Jingʼ ‘San Huaʼ ‘San Kuʼ ‘Tao Touʼ ‘Jingʼ ‘San Huaʼ Keeners LOGIC PRO CONCEPT
refining the sound
and echoing them with the later funeral
is key. Chinese
funeral rites open open up a connection
OUTCOME 1-Star 3-Sound 2-the Syex #000000 #211F21 #373536 #FFFFFF #FF4A00 #F9CB7A 4-Rinnegan 1V V Touchdesigner Each of the four ipad devices controls an image element and the corresponding sound element. The exhibitor selects whether to overlay or not each element via the device. 1 Enter the showroom and start the 'Thinking Hut' experience 2 Make a selection of elements for the four devices 3 Checking the immediate feedback once the element has been selected 4 Once you have made your selection, listen to the corresponding combination of melodies VISUAL DISPLAY

Between Us

This is a museum of broken relationship design project aims contradictory intergen erational views of relationship and marriage  in Shanghai, China. Base for the reason of being lovelorn inter-generation views' discussion of relationships, locating the museum in old district and renovating the  traditional architectural structure with interactive exhibition designs to create a merged visiting process. Old and young generations  experience through the museum journey to understand and explore others' conflicting views about relation ships.

In ancient China, mate selection was basically based on "parents' orders and matchmakers' words. There are very few opportunities for men and women to fall in love freely.

The May Fourth Movement introduced the modern concept of marriage to traditional China, but it was only a niche pursuit for a certain segment of the 'new youth'.

After the founding of New China, the government strongly advocated freedom of marriage and promulgated the new Marriage Law in 1950. Since then, more and more young people have bypassed the "order of parents and matchmakers".

In the 1960s and 1970s, the organisation of the unit examined the choice of spouse and the application for marriage, and love and marriage were no longer free, but more political considerations were involved.

After the reform and opening up, politics has gradually withdrawn from the realm of personal life, and people's views on marriage have become increasingly diverse and their marital autonomy has been greatly enhanced.

In the 21st century, parents are becoming more involved in their children's marriages. The "matchmaking corners" in parks in major cities such as Shanghai, Beijing and Nanjing are a prominent example of this.

current state

Parents often have different requirements from their children regarding the choice of a spouse. The result is that most parents and their children have opposing views on choosing a spouse and falling in love. Hence there is a clash between old and new ideas

Because of the wave of construction of the museum of broken relationships. There are now museums of lost love in basically every city.

1.Large Numbers 2.Uneven Quality

Many museums of broken relationships are small, have few exhibits, and are curated without logic. Most museums of broken relationships are overly commercialized, net-commercialized, and mono-formatted.

3.Single Model And Lack of Character

Different Socia Status Age Gap Weak Emotional Communication

The average age of first marriage has been delayed each year, the marriage rate is declining the single population is growing and there is widespread "forced marriage".

2000-2015 Changes In The Age of First Marriage In China (%) 70% The rate of forced marriages across the country is over 70%.

Appearance Economic
Personality and character Personality and character Have Similar Views
Conditions Region Family Background
Antiquity May Fourth Establishment of New China 1960s-70s China's Reform and Opening-up 21st century
Factors such as the influx of Western ideas have driven the development of the concept of marriage. However, the differences between the two generations in terms of their upbringing, environment and perceptions have led to the contradictory views on marriage between the two generations that still exist to this day.
There are some problems and crises with the
of the Museum of broken relationship in China. Why, exactly, are there such problems?
MALE FEMALE 2000 2005 2010 2015
25.12 25.63 26.48 27.20 23.31 23.55 24.67 25.39

Loverʼs Message

Conflicts The participation in child romance

Fathers Mothers

Name: Wang Jian

Occupation: Real Estate Agent Income: 10500 rmb/monthly Residence: Wuhan,Hubei (Non-Shanghai registered permanent

Shanghai Tianzifang has a regional cultural connotation and location of contradiction, conflict and fusion as well as an atmosphere of creating new cultures This is a good fit with the intergenerational marriage conflicts and possibilities that I want to explore through the current state of the Museum of Lost Love in China. Therefore, chose the site in Tianzifang.

Hoping to help children as much as they can

Helping them understand the child's emotional state

Hopefully this will keep up with the child's ideas

Hoping to have more time to chat with their children

23% 14%


30% 50% 26% 18% 6% 16% 6% 10%

Lovers break up because of the conflict between parents' and children's old and new ideas about choosing a spouse for a relationship. But at the same time, contradictions can be transformed. Therefore, we have decided to use confrontation as a starting point to improve the current situation in the Museum of broken relationships.

children's marriages is often because of the caring; at the same time, in many Chinese families, choosing a spouse remains a joint effort. Research Understanding Children's Views on Love

parents' involvement in Listen to and understand children's views on love


Current Residence: Shanghai ,Hongkou District

Criteria for Choosing A Spouse

Have Similar Views

District Analysis

Name: Age: Occupation:

Zhu Shan 25 Real Estate Agent

Personality and character Economic Conditions

Appearance Family Background

Located in the heart of Shanghai's Huangpu district, Tianzifang is an important urban function area, combining Shanghai life and international style, and is a model for combining the old with the new and transforming the old city.


Loverʼs Message


Basis for the dynamic line concept:

marriages and Traffic Arteries Population Heat Distribution Functional Area Distribution

Name: Huang Juan Age: 51 Occupation: Retired Worked Income: 4000 rmb/monthly Residence: Shanghai Current Residence: Shanghai ,Hongkou District


Companionship (Combination Conflict and quarrel Combination Separate Separation Reflect (Separation Understand Combination Companionship (Combination

Companionship Combination Separate Separation

Understanding The Self in Love Talking about personal views on relationships


Desired Spouse of Child

Local Registration

Personality and character

Lilong Culture In Tianzifang

Contradictions Separation Stay away/Wait in place Separation Introducing an exhibition atmosphere Review on a failed relationship

Name: Age: Occupation:

Zhu Qiang 53 Retired Worker

Contradictions And Intermingling Coexist

The original Tianzifang had a mix of Chinese and French of different classes, with cultural and class differences creating a series of conflicts; at the same time the building form was a mix of English townhouses and Beijing courtyards

Combination Reshaping a new view of love Introducing an exhibition atmosphere Review in children participation in love


Economic Conditions Family Background

a local household registration.What should do?
parents want me to find a partner with Shanghai local household registration.But I have someone I like.Although he doesn't have
hope that my daughter can find a Shanghai native who has a house,a car,a decent job and income.This way can rest assured."
of New Ideas And Culture Combining Tradition And Modernity
Parents Children Together
It evolved into an art center autonomously
Section of a traditional Shikumen building First Floor Plan
Separate/Separation point Road section Option 3 Option 2 Option 1 Preliminary Space Extraction Dynamic Lines Concept A Uniform distribution of movement space D The route is rigid and lacking in interest A D The flow lines are crossed, creating confusion A Clear flow lines D In terms of spatial distribution, the crowd is not very interactive Option 3 is clearer and more concise Summary:
can be transformed and
on the purpose of parental involvement in children's
Estranged from the conflict Separation Learn about Separation Understand Combination Companionship Combination love Hoping their children live a successful life Introduction & Review SelfAnalysis Growing Together Communication

Both sides of the 'Introduction Hall' are screens, and there are balloon installations standing on the ground. Exhibitors can trigger the text barrage on the screen through the balloon installation

Spatial Distribution: Introuduction Hall Analysis Hall Communication Hall-1 Communication Hall-2 Observation Hall Growth Area Lounge Area 52 m 47m Space Envisioning Museum The Final Space Common Spaces Children Outdoor space Walkway Option 3 Option 2 Option 1 A Independent spaces are relatively intact D: Some aisles are too long and not set up properly A: Closer spatial distribution D Some aisles are too long and not set up properly A The individual spaces are relatively independent, complete and well connected Indoor pavilion: 1 Introuduction Hall 2 Observation Hall 3 Analysis Hall 4 Communication Hall-1 5 Communication Hall-2 Outdoor activity area: Growth Area Other: Lounge Area Introduction Hall Analysis Hall/ Observation Hall Communication Hall1/2 Outdoor Growing Area
The 'Analysis Hall' has a balloon installation with image pop-ups on the left and glass floor-to-ceiling windows on the right. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, exhibitors can simultaneously view the green part of the exhibition hall outside
The Communication
1.Bind exhibitors'
2. Gather intergenerational
Allowing both parties to talk and
Encourage both parties to
conflicts Empower exhibitors to
Let both parties
Control the number of exhibitors during the
Introduce exhibitor emotions Online Appointment Arrival Introduction & Review SelfAnalysis Communication Growing Together Check Out Report 1.Choose Exhibition Period 1.Confirm Ticket Purchase Send Invitation Accept The Invitation Leave Messages Show The QR Code Press The Balloon To Show The Corresponding Barrage Co-squeeze
Change the screen image by distance
the balloon Change the screen image by distance from the balloon Tell the balloon installation about your views on marriage and love Listening
The combined advantages of Option 3 are clear Summary:
Hall has glass floor-to-ceiling windows on the left and a wall of balloon installations on the right. Exhibitors
listen to
through the
on the
parents and children;
listen to each other's ideas
work together to complete a project
participate in the exhibition and review
realize the importance of an appropriate distance in an intimate relationship
time period
the balloon
emit an exclusive melody View spectator reports and listen to composed melodies
views on marriage
love from the balloon installation
Experiment Procedure Experiment Procedure Coding 0 800 400 200 600 Stablize Alienate Cold Crack Rupture Emotion Intimacy Distance Pattern Pressure Subtitle pa 10 1000 500 250 750 Negative Message Positive Message misunderstanding opposition contradictiondisputeding support understanding contradiction Pressure Sensor Connect the circuit board and test the effect Degree of Extrusion Experiment Procedure Experiment Procedure Coding cm Touchdesigner Connect the circuit board and test the effect pa Introduction Hall Analysis & Observation Hall Pressure Tone Volume c g e d 10 10000 5000 250 7500 Outdoor Growing Area Process Sync Upload End of Message Start Message Listen To Messages End of Listening Communication Hall In the ‘Introduction Hallʼ, you can trigger different messages by squeezing the balloon with different intensity. In the ‘Analysis Hallʼ, you can change the image on the screen depending on the distance to the balloon device, to feel the connection between distance and intimacy.

Life Signals focuses on the Australian bushfire issue and it is designated for  helping residents to rescue wildlife  volunteers through feeders and rescue application, thereby reducing the number of wildlife casualties and releasing the pressure for rescue organizations.


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