g n 1 e k r a M d e t a r g e t n I f o e c n a t r Impo g n i l i a t e R n i h t i w s n o 1 a c i n u m com n i y g o l o n h c e Importance of T Retailing
e g a P t n Conte What is Retailing ortant Why Retailing is Imp The Future Retailing eting rk a M d te ra g te In f o Importance etailing R in h it w n o ti a ic n u m Com • Jacky • Jason • Julie eta R in y g lo o n h c e T f o Importance • Kevin • Shirley • Patrick
#3. and s t c u d o r p g in ll e s s e Retailing involv or l a n o s r e p ir e h t r o f s r services to consume family use. t n u o c is d , is w e L n h o like J Department stores, , and A D S A d n a e r o t s k U stores like Discount ' Us, R ' s y o T d n a , p a G e h T specialty stores like ores. t s il a t e r f o s le p m a x are all e d n a ls e t o h , s t s D n e d e Service providers, lik mazon A e ik l , s e r o t s e in -‐l n hair salons, and o rs. e il a t e r o ls a e r a , y a b and E both e r a , t o p e D e m o H e Many businesses, lik ell to s y e h t e s u a c e b s r e il wholesalers and reta rs. o t c a r t n o c g in d il u b consumers and h t o b e r a , d e it im L e h e T Other businesses, lik s of s le d r a g e R . s r e il a t e r manufactures and rm, fo r e p s e s s e in s u b e s other funcDons the t with c a r e t n i y e h t n e h w s they are sDll retailer . e ic v r e s r o t c u d o r p the final user of the
#4. and rs e m su n o c n e e tw e As the final link b the business f o rt a p l a it v a re a ilers manufacturers, reta aking it m y b ts c u d ro p o t e valu world. Retailers add ers to buy. m su n o c d n a ll e s o t res easier for manufactu for you to g in m su n o c e m D d n ly a It would be very cost from the se a h rc u p a e k a m d n locate, contact a uy a candy b o t d te n a w u o y e Dm manufacturer every would be t i , y rl a il im S . p a o s f ar o bar, a sweater or a b ducts to ro p se e h t f o s re tu c fa anu very costly for the m dividually. n i rs e m su n o c o t m e th locate and distribute rers and tu c fa u n a m f o s e d tu By bringing mulD ilers make it ta e r t, in o p le g in s a at consumers together quently, se n o c , d n a , ld o s e b to possible for products business to be done. less risky t i e k a m t a h t s e ic rv e e s Retailers also provid salespeople e v a h y e h T . ts c u d pro and more fun to buy offer credit, y a m s, n o sD e u q r e sw on hand who can an ow what is n k rs e m su n o c t a h t so and display products ddiDon, a n I . g in y u b re fo e b e it available and can se from s, e ic rv e s a tr x e y n a e m retailers may provid very, that li e d o t g in p p ra w iQ g personal shopping to services to d n a ts c u d ro p f o e lu increase the va consumers.
#5. ve helped a h t, e rn te n I e h t e ik l gy, Advances in technolo xci1ng e d n a g in g n e ll a h c re n mo nd the a make retailing an eve ss e n si u b e h t f o re The natu field in recent years. ing o rg e d n u y tl n e rr u c are rm o f e way retailing is done m o s n i g in il ta e r s. However, e g n a h c l ta n e m a d n fu ugh the o h t n e v e , le p m a x e r ary. Fo will always be necess ssible for o p t i e k a m o t g in n in Internet is beg the very , rs e m su n o c o t y tl c e dir manufacturers to sell ifficult for d ry e v t i e k a m ll 1 s l ce wil vastness of cyberspa uses e h s r o e h t c u d ro p ry ase eve a consumer to purch together g n ri b , n o z a m A e ik l , ilers directly. On-‐line reta in the y u b o t rs e m su n o c r o cts f assortments of produ rs do. e il ta e r r a rt o -‐m d n a s-‐ s will same way that brick re to s l a c si y h p h it w rs al retaile offer o In addi1on, tradi1on h w rs e il ta e r , e rs u ary. Of co ss e c e n e b o t e u n 1 n o c ave h o t d e e n l il w , g n li ty e hair s ven e personal services, lik t u B r. e m su n o c e h t on with and h c face-‐to-‐face interac1 u o t , e e s o t t n a w mers oJen with products, consu t products n a w y a m y e h t r, O . buy try them before they o be t m e h t r o f it a w o t t n‘t wan any immediately and wo m n i , y tl n a rt o p m i st erhaps mo shipped. Also, and p tailer is an e r e h t g n i1 is v f o e c n cases the experie t the a h t g in th ry e v E . se a purch important part of the erience p x e g in p p o h s e h t e k retailer can do to ma ustomers c t a h t re su n e lp e h n ca pleasurable and fun come back.
#6. Importance of Integrated Marke1ng communica1ons within Retailing Author: Jacky In the traditional approach to marketing communications, businesses and their agencies plan separate campaigns for advertising, press relations, direct marketing and sales promotions. Integrated campaigns use the same communication tools to reinforce each other and improve marketing effectiveness. In an integrated campaign, you can use advertising to raise awareness of a product and generate leads for the sales force. By communicating the same information in press releases and feature articles, you reinforce the messages in the advertising. You can then use direct mail or email to follow up inquiries from the advertising or press campaigns and provide prospects with more information. To help convert those prospects to customers, you can use telemarketing to sell directly or make appointments for the sales team. In an integrated campaign, the different tools feature the same creative treatment. By repeating the headlines, key phrases and images in each communication, you ensure that prospects and customers receive consistent messages each time they see one of the elements of the campaign. Creative consistency helps reinforce the basic campaign themes by increasing the number of times prospects see or hear the same message.
#7. Importance of Integrated Marke1ng communica1ons within Retailing Creative consistency in your integrated campaigns can also save you money. By using the same images and adapting the same copy for different media, you reduce copy-writing, design and photography costs. If you work with external communications suppliers, you may be able to reduce agency fees by working with a single firm that offers integrated communications services, rather than separate specialist agencies. An integrated campaign helps you provide customers with information in the format they prefer. Consumers and business customers can specify if they want to receive product information via email, direct mail, text message or telephone. Integration ensures they receive the same information in all communications. You can also meet the needs of customers who search the Internet for product information by integrating your website design and content with other communications.
#8. Importance of Integrated Marke1ng communica1ons within Retailing Author: Jason
#9. Importance of Integrated Marke1ng communica1ons within Retailing
#10. Importance of Integrated Marke1ng communica1ons within Retailing
Author: Julie Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is the application of consistent brand messaging across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels and using different promotional methods to reinforce each other.
The components of IMC are:
So why do we need to use IMC in retailing. Consumers do have different behaviors because of their different background. Marketers can not use single methods to inform and communicate with all different customers.
#11. Importance of Integrated Marke1ng communica1ons within Retailing
For example, some people from old genera1on they might not use smart phones and internet very well. They can only use phone to text messages. In this case, digital marke1ng might not be effec1ve for this segmenta1on. Telephone sales, text or personal sales might be more effec1ve to reach them. Moreover, not everyone buy the big assets such as proper1es, mass adver1sing might dis concentrate on target clients and waste the cost of playing adverts through all the media in the public. At this 1me, direct marke1ng could let company focus on their target clients more and save more cost. And direct marke1ng also and keep some key informa1on away from compe1tors. At last, according to the diffusion of innova1on, people have different aQtude to new products and services. Using different approaches of marke1ng could be more effec1ve to reinforce product knowledge to people who are at different stages of knowing and accep1ng the products.
Therefore, integrated marke1ng communica1on is very important for informing and interac1ng with different consumers.
#12. Importance of Technology in Retailing
Author: Kevin Since the took-‐off of the Internet in the 21st century, the power of the Internet has brought a industrial digital revolu1on across almost every aspect of daily life especially the business landscape. In the retail sector, the most obvious changes to the industry are the born of the E-‐tailliing. E-‐talling is an innova1on form of retail refers to purchase and sale of products via electronic channels. E-‐tailing is also a subset of E-‐ commerce, C2C (Customer to Customer) and B2C (Business to Customer) are the most common types of E-‐tailing. The E factor is constructed by some of the visible tools and methods from customer prospect such as generalize of smart phone, Internet Infrastructure, online transac1on support. So what changes are not so obvious in retailing? We provided 3 least visible examples from customer prospect. 1. Analy1cs bring science to the art of retailing. For years, retailers have managed some of the biggest data warehouses in the world. So they already have big data; now they must use those many terabytes to op1mize opera1ons, refine pricing, an1cipate demand, and provide the product assortments customers want. Technologies such as big data or more specifically data mining analy1cal method can help the company to understand the market in advance based on the learning experience on the historical data.
#13. Importance of Technology in Retailing 2.Customer rela1onship management never gets easier. One of the features of the tradi1onal CRM is one-‐way communica1on from company to customer driven by the aim of boos1ng sales. Company direct contact with the customer is the only way to receive feedback. However, with nowadays technologies support especially in social marke1ng method, companies have become more flexible and agile to monitoring customer feedback, respond to customer request and the need for engagement in very short 1me. Such transforma1on drama1cally boosts the customer sa1sfac1on for the company and largely reduced the cost of the CRM. 3.Social media infiltra1on. Moving beyond just social listening, leading retailers are using social data to analyse local markets at scale, follow trends, iden1fy influences and respond intelligently. Social media can allow retailers to do everything from predic1ng demand for products and influencing in-‐store displays to create more convenient and personalized shopping experiences for customers at each step of their shopping journey -‐ with intent through to point of sale. For retailers just geQng started, it’s important to iden1fy the business goals or problems that need to be addressed and then outline an ac1onable roadmap. Any retail company must envisage the wave of the 4th industrial revolu1on as known as the Internet 4.0. The major impact of this phenomenon is the market will have highly demand for strong customiza1on product under the condi1on of highly flexible produc1on. The fairly predictable result of this is retailers who are failing to change themselves to meet the need will be washed out of the business. Therefore, retail business as the major market ac1vi1es par1cipants should u1li1es the power of the technologies wisely.
#15. Importance of Technology in Retailing Author: Shirley In the topic, I am going to focus on the growing trend and analysis the technology in retailing. Free Wi-Fi Enhances the In store Experience Wi-Fi is a hotspot is developed since 2012 and marketers are taking the advantage of developing the technology. Consumers will benefit from the offers and the price war. For many developed market consumers, PCs and laptops are beginning to take a backseat as most smartphone owners use these convenient devices to surf the internet and watch TV anywhere from parliaments to buses
Statistic in 2014 • 38 million adults (76%) in UK accessed the Internet every day, 21 million more than in 2006 • Access to the Internet using a mobile phone increase from 24% to 58% between 2010 and 2014 • 74% of all adults bought goods or services online
#16. Importance of Technology in Retailing NFC and the Ecosystem
The future of payments
NFC technology can be used for a wide variety of applica1ons, especially in high volume and low value transac1ons. Payment For mobile payments as a replacement for credit/ prepaid cards and to store credit/bank informa1on. TickeDng Payment To purchase and add stored value to the 1ckets to access transporta1on gates and gain event entry. Sharing To aid the transfer of documents and content Pairing across electronic devices. NFC Service iniDaDon Ecosystem To ac1vate a service on another device, which allows for data transfer, to gain access to websites and discounts on smart posters, amongst others. Service Pairing Ini1a1on To establish Bluetooth connec1on by bringing devices to “NFC hotspots”, by configuring networks automa1cally between a pair of Wi-‐Fi devices.
Mobile Phones as the Digital Wallet
Key consumer staDsDcs Having iden1fied the key parameters that must of the world’s popula1on will exist for NFC mobile payments to successful possess mobile phone take off, we now explore how and why subscrip1ons in 2012 mobile phones can become the new digital wallet. This implies that consumers can leave their homes with basically nothing but just their mobile phones in hand. the world’s popula1on will have a credit card in 2012 Over the 5 year period of 2011-‐2015, smartphones will become the top product choice for new purchases (as opposed to feature phones) and increase its percentage contribu1on significantly as a total of mobile million new mobile phones sales in phone sales globally. 2012
#16. Importance of Technology in Retailing
Author: Patrick
#17. Importance of Technology in Retailing