Pesach Guide 2008

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Travel & Events





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Articles Introduction Shiur Times has joined with Derech Hateva in this special Pesach addition to highlight Israel’s natural beauty and provide suggestions on how you can experience it firsthand. Derech Hateva’s mission is to offer Jewish teens and adults the opportunity to experience the wonder and excitement of the outdoors, and to facilitate meaningful adventures for exploring and engaging with the people and Land of Israel. A program of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI), Derech Hateva was founded in 2004 by Yael Ukeles. With Israel’s beautiful landscape as classroom, Derech Hateva offers challenging, nature-based programs in which participants immerse themselves in a range of outdoor activities- hiking, backpacking biking and rock climbing- as well as experiential Jewish and other text-based learning. Derech Hateva is the opportunity to learn to love being outside and in nature, get excited about being Jewish, and connect to Israel in a real, fun and distinct way. We encourage you to grab a backpack, a bottle of water or two, your Matzah sandwich and hit the trail. You can pick up an SPNI hiking map of the suggested hikes at the SPNI store in Jerusalem at 13 Heleni Hamalka, at an SPNI Field School or at some local bookstores. Please remember to pack out what you bring with you and for the “do-gooders” out there– take a garbage bag or two and leave the trail cleaner than you found it. Happy Hiking & Best Wishes for a beautiful spring!

ShiurTimes and Derech Hateva Staff All programs run by Derech Hateva are Shomer Shabbat and Kashrut, and teen programs, including the month-long Israel Trail Teen Adventure have separate Male and Female groups. You may contact the organization by Phone: 02-624-8743 (Israel) / 212-537-6280 (US) or by Email:, “The route and photos are courtesy of Wildflowers of Israel www. Printed with permission.” This website is devoted to the study of wild plants of the Land of Israel which has been a focal point of interest to people all over the world since Biblical times. Everybody who is interested in the nature and the environment of Israel will find here a wealth of information regarding all kinds of its plants. Special Pesach Supplement 2008 by ShiurTimes, Inc., 1 Ben Yehuda Street. All rights reserved. To contact one of the staff with your questions, concerns, subscriptions or advertising needs, please call: 02-6256225 or e-mail: Managing Publisher & Editor-in Chief: Elie Rubin Editor: Yehudit Singer Marketing Manager: Hillie Roth Art Director: Deb Houben Graphic Design: Jeremy Zauder Studio Rubin & Co: 054-723-4520 Stock Photography: Copyrighting laws apply to all articles, and nothing may be reprinted without express permission from the Publisher. ShiurTimes is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. The Opinions of the articles within the Supplement rest solely upon the authors. Reproduction of any parts of the ShiurTimes Supplement is forbidden without permission. Monday 21.04.2008 Y”T Ends (galut)

Candle Lighting

Friday 18.04.2008 Light Candles

Saturday 19.04.2008 Y”T Begins

Sunday 20.04.2008 Y”T Ends/ Sheni Begins


6:53 PM 6:53 PM 6:30 PM 6:53 PM 6:54 PM 7:21 PM 7:44 PM

7:49 PM 7:49 PM 7:48 PM 7:50 PM 7:51 PM 8:23 PM 8:58 PM

7:50 PM 7:50 PM 7:49 PM 7:50 PM 7:52 PM 8:24 PM 8:25 PM 9:00 PM 9:02 PM

Friday 25.04.2008 Light Candles

Saturday 26.04.2008 Y”T Ends/ Sheni Begins

6:58 PM 6:57 PM 6:35 PM 6:58 PM 6:59 PM 7:28 PM 7:56 PM

7:55 PM 7:54 PM 7:54 PM 7:55 PM 7:56 PM 8:31 PM 8:32 PM 9:12 PM 9:14 PM

Sunday 20.04.2008 Y”T Ends (galut)

Pesach Guide 5768 | 3

Articles Trekking the Land: the Long Road from Egypt by

Yael Ukeles

We live in a goal-focused society: final exams, graduation, the end of the day, the end of the week, vacation time, retirement. In short, getting there.

Have you ever tried to map out the Jewish People’s first long trek as a nation— Egypt to Sinai? It’s a tough job. Our ancestors circled, detoured and even went backwards en route to their ultimate goal of Israel. First we avoided the land of the Philistines to stray from the easy way back to Egypt. Then, as described in Parshat Maasei, we went out of our way to cross the sea. After leaving the sea, we made a semicircle right on back again! The Rabbis in Gemara Erchin (15: A) were surprised by the same phenomenon: Why did we go backwards? Furthermore, why walk in the first place? Why should G-d not have picked us up and placed us directly in Israel? Why make us wander? In between our leaving Egypt and receiving the Torah, Hashem took us on a prolonged walk through the wilderness to teach us two important lessons: one: even in the midst of creating a society, it is imperative to journey in Nature and be inspired. And two: despite having a goal to achieve, life is first and foremost a journey and a process. But how does Nature inspire us? And what have we to benefit from a journey? What is the value in a process? In Shemot 15, the Jewish People “Walked three days in the desert and did not find water.” The Ishbitzer Rebbe explains that after the miracles of the Red Sea, “they didn’t find any yearning and desire. Their enthusiasm diminished.” “No water” meant that we found no inspiration to give us life. The Netivot Shalom, quoting the Baal Shem Tov discusses the story of our travels through the desert: Parshat Maasei includes 42 stops from Egypt to Israel. Says the Baal Shem Tov: Not only did the generation that left Egypt have 42 journeys, but each one of us has 42 journeys to complete in our own lives, as well. The Baal Shem teaches that life’s deepest secrets are revealed through our own personal journeys.

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Being goal-oriented is, of course, a good thing. As a backpacker, I know very well the ache to get to the top and appreciate the view. But investing in a journey makes the goal worth it. Even without ever achieving the goal, the value of a journey stands on its own. As Robert Hastings writes, “The joy of life is in the trip…Life must be lived as we go along.” I remember hiking in the Galilee on a Derech Hateva teen program. Besides the trail, there was a road to the mountain top. One participant looked dreamily at the cars and asked, “Why can’t we just drive up the mountain?” I anticipated the feeling she would have once we reached the top. Sure enough, we got there and she realized that the view from the top of a mountain was so much more special when that view has been earned through effort. And so, instead of picking us up out of Egypt and placing us in Israel, even instead of giving us a direct route to Israel, G-d gives us a trail into the sea and the desert, past Nature’s grandeur and through its quiet, to teach us not to rush towards our goal. We are to take it slow, to stray now and then from the route and be inspired by the way there. “Rise up. Walk the Land through its length and breadth,” Hashem tells Avraham (Bereishit 13:17). The first thing for Avraham to do upon being promised Israel, is not to start building a house or a village. Avraham is to take a nice, long hike around Israel. According to the Kli Yakar, Avraham’s looking out to the land expresses his spiritual connection to Israel. His walking the land fosters his physical connection with her. Like our forefathers before us, we are to walk and engage with our Land. By seeing it and walking its length and its breadth, we uncover beauty after beauty, secret after secret. Our relationship with Israel becomes real, the Land, truly ours. This Pesach, may we leave Egypt as free people: redeemed to journey towards our goals, and never to be enslaved by them. Chag Kasher V’Sameach! Yael Ukeles is the Director of Derech Hateva, a Jewish outdoor educational program groups of all ages. All programs are Shomer Shabbat and Kosher. For more info, call 02-624-8743 (Israel), 212-537-6280 (US) or email


Pesach Guide 5768 | 5

Articles In Every Generation: Reflections on Divine Providence In Memory of the fallen Torah Students of Mercaz HaRav, HY”D by


was in my rabbinical class finishing the evening prayers as the sounds of automatic gunfire rang out through the Yeshiva. We were in the classroom above the Library which turned out to be the killer’s target. As we lay on the floor, bracing furniture against the doors, we could only imagine the horror he was wreaking in the rest of the Yeshiva. We were unarmed and could only wait and pray that help arrive as soon as possible. We called the police, but it was only thanks to a man named Dadon and an off-duty officer named Shapira who neutralized the killer. When the security forces finally arrived, they searched the building and found us sitting on the floor in the dark. As they whisked us out of the building, we gained a first hand glimpse of the horror the killer had wrought. We were spared only because we were delayed in finding a tenth man to make our minyan. Had we finished praying one minute earlier we would have found ourselves in the path of the killer. I offer this essay as an attempt to come to grips with this dilemma. “The Torah is a tree of life to those who grasp hold of it.” Yet, eight Torah students, learning Torah in a Torah Academy, were mercilessly gunned down by a raging beast called Amalek. How can we reconcile the special Divine providence extended to those “grasping hold” the Torah, with the bloody reality we painfully witnessed? The answer lies in the date of the attack: Rosh Hodesh Adar. Rosh Hodesh is a time of joy since the new moon symbolizes renewal and rejuvenation. Yet it is also a time when the moon is not visible, and is, consequently, a time of darkness. Adar is a month of great joy for we celebrate the victory of good over evil. Yet it is also a month of fasting over the evil designs of Amalek. We remember that, “G-d’s war against Amalek is from generation to generation.” R. Hirsch explains that the battle against Amalek is really a battle over whether Man will obey G-d or the dictates of his own rationale. Man expresses his freewill by deciding to act either according to his own definitions of right and wrong, which devolve to “might and power”, or according to G-d’s definition of morality. The ability to exercise a choice between good and evil demands the existence of evil and by extension, people who purvey that evil. Those people are known as Amalek. And though Amalek was a specific people, the verse commanding their destruction states: “blot out the memory of Amalek.” R. Hirsch explains that the memory of Amalek, of people who glorify the sword, must be blotted out. For as long as their memory is glorified, others will follow the path of violence and reject the path of morality. Though evil, necessary for freewill, is part of Creation, it is nevertheless a stain on a loving G-d who wants only good for His creations. So much so that G-d, as it were, offers a “sin offering” as atonement on none other than Rosh Hodesh, when light is diminished and evil reigns supreme. G-d can do little more than offer a sacrifice in atonement, lest He remove from Man the very task He entrusted to him: to be a partner in creation, through his own efforts.

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Mois Navon

This paradigm, that man must fight evil, is conveyed in the story of the Purim wherein G-d’s name does not appear. But even when the Jews left Egypt, and G-d’s presence was most manifest, the war against Amalek nevertheless had to be fought by the people themselves. And as they fought evil, so too must we. Real evil will not go away with appeasement and peace negotiations. The Megilla ends with the celebration of the victory of the Jews. We rejoice however, not at our own strength, since we realize that victory would be for naught without G-d’s hidden help. Indeed, it is this knowledge that G-d works behind the scenes to guarantee our success, which is the source of our joy. It is only the guaranteed assistance of the Creator that can explain Israel’s continued existence in the face of evil perpetrated by the Amaleks of the world. But that guarantee extends only to the nation as a whole and not to individuals. No individual can confidently assume a protected existence– not even a Torah scholar, learning Torah, in a Torah academy. So what of the promise that “grasping” the Torah offers special Divine providence? Perhaps, though the Torah does provide a path to righteousness and life in general, there are times that are beyond man’s comprehension. At such times we must lament: “Difficult is the death of the righteous in the eyes of G-d.” As such, the Zohar provides a succinct theological response in the form of prudent advice: “A man should not confidently affirm – G-d will deliver me or will do for me this or that – but rather he should endeavor to fulfill the precepts, walk the path of truth, and put trust in Him that He will help.” And thus we fight Amalek. A fight for the perfection of the world. It is a fight man wages internally, striving to fulfill G-d’s will. It is also a fight man wages against those who wield “might and power” to avoid carrying out G-d’s will. The victory of this fight is embodied in the Holy Temple, symbolizing G-d’s dwelling amongst mankind. In the dessert on the way from Egypt to Israel, Amalek attacked in the hope of derailing the building of the Temple, today, Amalek attacked our small Holy Temple, the Yeshiva, center of Torah learning, whose purpose is to bring G-d’s will, G-d’s peace, to mankind. And so it was on Rosh Hodesh Adar, a time of good mixed with evil, that our rejoicing was mixed with tears. We cry bitterly over the loss of our holy Torah students at the hands of Amalek. But we rejoice in the Divine promise that no matter what designs the evil Amaleks of the world will conspire, they will never destroy the nation of Israel. In the words of the Haggada, “In every generation they rise up to destroy us, and the Holy One Blessed be He saves us from them.” Mois Navon is a Computer Engineer and part-time Rabbinical Student in Mercaz Harav Yeshiva’s Rabbi Aharon Soloveitchik Semicha Program. His writings can be accessed at:


Pesach Guide 5768 | 7

Articles Pesach: No Thanks by

Just as everyone prepares for Pesach, we read about the thanksgiving offering (korban toda): “With cakes of leavened bread (chametz) he shall present his offering…” (Vayikra 7:13). The irony here has always struck me. On the one hand, we are about to celebrate the momentous event of the Jewish people being freed from bondage, and on the other hand the obvious ritual for acknowledging this event—a thanksgiving offering—is unavailable to us because it contains the very chametz which we so meticulously clear from our houses!

To add to the irony, there are numerous verses in Tehilim that speak of giving praise to G-d, but are omitted from most of the Pesach prayers, such as chapter 107. These verses give the basis for the four circumstances in which we should give praise to Hashem: wandering in the wilderness, release from prison, recuperating from a life-threatening illness and a long sea journey. Bnei Yisrael’s redemption from the slavery of Egypt qualifies for almost all of these categories; and yet, they could not bring a thanksgiving offering! (Today, these are the verses which are the basis of our custom to recite the Birchat Hagomel.) These are the very vehicles to acknowledge our appreciation for G-d’s salvation, yet we do not say them on Pesach! It is obvious that the Torah feels that the holiday itself is not the time to make these acknowledgements, but we must understand why. To resolve this dilemma, we have to look at two additional mitzvot that take place after Pesach. We are commanded to observe the first—the korban haomer—on the 16th of Nissan (the second day of Pesach). This is an offering of barley that has been harvested from the fields. Seven weeks later, we bring the korban bikkurim, made of fine flour and baked with leaven (chametz). What transpires that now we can bring sacrifices that contains chametz?! The period between Pesach and Shavuot is a spiritual journey. Bnei Yisrael, as they are about to leave Egypt, are considered to be on the next to lowest level of spiritual impurity (the forty-ninth out of fifty levels of tum’a) and, must undergo a spiritual development to receive the Torah seven weeks later. They are so impure that they cannot tolerate the spiritual complexity of leavened breads (chametz). 8 | Pesach Guide 5768

Linda A. Derovan

Upon leaving Egypt, Bnei Yisrael began this spiritual journey with these simple elements. The Pachad Yitzchak (Rav Hutner) explains that, although they did not have any mitzvot to observe which would raise their spiritual level, they acknowledged the simple everyday things in their lives (kidshu divrei r’shut). They could now eat and sleep whenever they wanted to and not by the clock of the taskmasters, and they no longer had to work as slave labor. This hakarat hatov—the acknowledgement of good—is the spiritual message that we get from the mitzvah of Sefirat HaOmer (Counting the Omer). Hakara means awareness, acknowledgement. The very act of counting is an awareness of time that we are moving closer to the date of that ultimate encounter with G-d that the Jewish people had at Har Sinai. We are both counting the days away from leaving Egypt when we were spiritually bereft and at the same time, count towards the encounter at Har Sinai when we are to be spiritually developed.

It is obvious that the Torah feels that the holiday itself is not the time to make these acknowledgements, but we must understand why. Finally, the midrash in Vayikra Rabba 9:7, states that in the days to come, all sacrifices and prayers will be nullified, except the korban toda and prayers of thanksgiving. The verses in Jeremiah 33 prove this: “We will yet hear the in the courtyards of Jerusalem, the sound of the joy and the sound of rejoicing, the sound of the chatan and sound of the kallah all acknowledging and giving thanks to HaShem....” What better symbol of hakarat hatov than two people acknowledging and praising HaShem for finding each other to begin a life together dedicated to a common spiritual goal? Linda Derovan is a graduate of Stern College for Women and is currently the Director of Machon Tal English Speakers Program for Women at the Jerusalem College of Technology. For information about the program, email


Pesach Guide 5768 | 9

North Articles The Northern part of Israel spans across the in the towards the Golan TheGalilee Northern partwest, of Israel spans across in the east. With its ranges of mountains, the Galilee in the west, towards the Golan hills, brooks, flora and fauna, in therivers, east. With itsplush ranges of mountains, the Israelplush is one thefauna, most hills,North rivers,ofbrooks, floraofand beautiful, most istraveled in the North and of Israel one ofregions the most the country.and The most varietytraveled of landscapes beautiful, regionsoffer in many sites and activities, ranging from the country. The variety of landscapes offer bird hikes, andranging archeological manywatching sites andto activities, from sites cliffs totothe mystical that are bird and watching hikes, and cities archeological home to the of are the sites and cliffskiv’rei to thetzadikim mystical (tombs cities that Sages). those buried (tombs in the north: home toAmong the kiv’rei tzadikim of the the Ar”i (Tzfat), Rambam (Tiberias), Sages). Among those buried in the north: Shimon YochaiRambam (Meron),(Tiberias), Yonatan the Ar”i Bar (Tzfat), Ben UzielBar (Amuka), Yehuda Yonatan HaNasi Shimon Yochai R. (Meron), (Zippori), many more. Ben Uziel and (Amuka), R. Yehuda HaNasi (Zippori), and many more. The Golan Heights is the only part of Israel with BasaltHeights Mountains The Golan is thesome only 1000 part ofmeters Israel high, left overMountains from volcanic long with Basalt someeruptions 1000 meters ago. anderuptions the daytime high, Nights left overare fromchilly, volcanic long typically offersare verychilly, pleasant during ago. Nights andbreezes the daytime the Passover season. During the springtime, typically offers very pleasant breezes during the Passover rolling hills of During the North are covered season. the springtime, in of multi-colored flowers. is thebeds rolling hills of the North arePesach covered one of the ideal times toflowers. travel up North in beds of multi-colored Pesach is to views one experience of the idealclear, timesbreathtaking to travel up North from the mountains, taste the wine of the to experience clear, breathtaking views Galilee, like our taste ancestors, cross from theand mountains, the wine of the Banias Falls. photo credit: Bolin Hannick Jordan time in across kayak). Galilee,River and (except like ourthis ancestors, the Jordan River (except this time in a kayak). Geographically, the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret) divides the Golan Heights from the Lower Galilee, with the city of Tiberias on its western shore. On the west coast is Rosh Hanikra on the Lebanese border and the city of Haifa and Mount Carmel further to the south.

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Prestige Residence in Jerusalem The Arnona Valley prestigious project was constructed in the prestigious sought-after Arnona quarter in Jerusalem, on one of the best plots available for construction.The project offers 3, 4, and 5 rooms spacious apartments, as well as garden flats with huge gardens and magnificent penthouses. All apartments have a rich above-standard specification and an immemorial view overlooking the Judea Desert, the Arnon River and the Moab Mountains.

The buildings walls will be coverd with quality Bier Zayit Stone, Each building will be equiped with 2 fast state-of-the-art elevators. Projects’ residents will have an option for two Covered parking spaces and a Storage room. In order to provide a different living standard for you, we have taken special care to make the apartments, the gardens and balconies larger than usual.

The luxurious specification includs among other features: Elegantly designed lobby, Designer security door, porcelain tiling size 60x60, Marble tiling in penthouses, Optional lamination parquet floor in parents’ suite, preparation for air conditioning, electric shutters in the living room and parents’ suite, preparation for dishwasher, “Grohe” and “Hamat” taps, acrylic kitchen double sink with “Hamat” extending tap, “Gewiss” electric accessories and much more.

Sales office: Eliyahu Lenkin st., Arnona, Jerusalem Tel: +972-2-6733652, +972-54-3331150 Opening hours: Sunday-Thursday: 10:00-18:00, Friday: 09:00-13:00

At the foot of the project, on the valley slope, there is a beautiful spacious park, designed by a landscape architect, including an amphitheater, typically Israeli luscious and diverse vegetation, walking paths, sitting nooks and pergolas.

Pesach Guide 5768 | 11

North ‫בס“ד‬

Water Hike Nachal Snir Nature Reserve

TOURS: KOTEL TUNNELS, TZFAT/GALIL, MASSADA, IR DOVID, JEEPS, HEVRON ROSH HANIKRA & MORE GREAT GUIDES! HOTELS: Highly Discounted Rates -all major hotels with superb service! VIP AIRPORT SERVICE. Try Us...Don’t Settle for Less!


One of the main sources of water that feed the Jordan river, the Snir stream is the longest. It begins on Lebanon and continues for over 65 kilometers. The hike along the stream is shaded and lush with trees and flowers; the water is cool and clear. There are places to sit and rest and put your feet in the water. The banks are very slippery at times so this hike is recommended for moderately fit hikers with comfortable shoes. It is acceptable for children as long as there are enough adults to supervise. There is a lovely grassy area with picnic tables, parking and bathrooms. The hike can done as a loop and you can return to near the parking/picnic area or exit the reserve near the main road. Access: The nature reserve is located 5 KM east of the city of Kiryat Shemona on highway 99, near Kibbutz Hagoshrim. There is an entrance fee for the reserve – 18 nis for Adult, and 8 nis for children aged 5-18. In the spring & summer the hours are from 8:00am to 4pm.

Challenging Hike Climbing Har Meiron

Ever want to climb the tallest mountain completely in Israel? Standing at 1208 meters, Har Meiron, in the upper Galilee is also Israel’s water dividing line. Rain that falls on the West side of the mountain flows to the Mediterranean sea & rain that falls on the East side flows to the Kinneret through nearby waterways such as Nachal Ammud and others. On a clear day the view from the top is indescribable – with a view of the entire North of Israel, including Har Hermon which would be the tallest mountain, standing at 2236m, if half of it wasn’t in Lebanon. The 3-4 KM hike up Har Meiron is challenging, but with good trails it is very doable for fit hikers.

Phone 02-587-1718 Fax 02-587-1719 US 1-718-701-3690 12 | Pesach Guide 5768

Access: Take Road 89 and turn east to the road that goes to the top of Har Meiron. Start the hike at Hirbeit Hamama and follow the black trail up the mountain. You are about 2/3 of the way when you reach the first peak, Har Neria (1123m), which has a good lookout point. Continue up the black trail which is alos the Israel trail, till the red trail which is a loop trail – either way will get you to the top. Enjoy the view – it’s more satisfying if you walk there, but the road goes to the top as well.

La Guta

Chef Restaurant

Chef Guy Ben-Simhon

O p e n

H o l

H a m o ' e d

La Guta

Chef Restaurant

18 Yossef Rivlin st. Nahalat Shiva, Jerusalem Tel 02-6232322

P e s s a h Kosher for Pessah (no kitniyot) Guide 5768 | 13

North a closer look:

Ammud River

If you have any plans on traveling to Safed or its environs, I have a suggestion for a great Pesach hike. It has everything; water, nice shade, plenty of nature and antiquities. You have the option of choosing either a shorter family-style hike that circles you back to where you started from, or, if you so desire, you can choose something more challenging. Either way, set aside a few hours for an enjoyable time. Nachal Ammud is quite unique in that it runs north to south. It is located west of Safed and flows down to the northwestern shore of the Kinneret near Ginosar, 22 kilometers long. It received its name from the ammud, the limestone rock pillar, which stands in the center of the river near the Kinneret. It can be reached from the road heading west from the Kinneret toward Kibbutz Hokuk, 400 meters up the river, to the right. Although you could technically pick up the Ammud in a number of locations, my recommendation is for you to enter it off the Acre-- Safed Road #85 eastbound, and at Hanania Junction take road #866. About 1.5 kilometers north of Kfar Shamai, turn east and follow the signs to the parking lot. The good news is that there are very good facilities provided by the Parks Authority at the entrance with a helpful park ranger to advise you on your course. The bad news as with many parks these days is that there is an entrance fee. The shorter route is to first make your way down to the British police station of En Tina. Then, take the winding path, many steps down, to the En Yakim Spring, named after a family of Kohanim who moved to the Galilee after the destruction of the 2nd Bais Hamikdash. Turn right at En Yakim, following the marked trail. Follow the black path markers to what was once a water-powered mill, where wool fibers were washed. Further down the river is an abandoned flour mill. The path will eventually bring you to an observation point where you can return by either retracing your steps or following the green-marked path which is shorter, but more difficult. Bring good walking shoes, protection from the sun, plenty of drinking water, and be sure to request a Nahal Ammud brochure before you begin so that you can utilize the map inside of it. Summertime hours of operation are from 8AM until 5PM.

Nahal Dishon Aharon D.K.

photo credit:

Family Day-Hike Lower Nachal Dishon

Tree-lined mountains, in this beautiful area of the upper Galilee. The trail is easy to follow with flowers alongside. Access: Begin at the Alma bridge off road 886, follow the red trail which is also the Isrtael trail. Follow the trail about 6 KM over flat terrain. End the hike where the trail crosses Road 8966.

And most important-- ice cream is available for purchase at the entrance! Rabbi Mordechai Weiss

Family Activities Kfar Blum Water Activities Kayaking, Rafting, Zip line, archery in a fun-filled nature experience! Sail on the Jordan and Hatzbani Rivers on a curving route through green riverbanks that give you a magic experience in nature. (Raft Boat: <6 ppl/ Kayak: 2 ppl)

Ammud River

14 | Pesach Guide 5768

For those unable to go on river: mini jeep trip for children, inflatable rides, challenges just for kids and more...

Bike Fun Coming to the Galilee and want to travel a different way? Go on a bike riding trip with magical views of waterfalls and streams. Experience the fun of nature. Length of activity: Approximately- 1 hour and 15 minutes. You can even raft back to Kfar Blum for an additional price. This route includes bike rental, guide, safety vehicle, technical equipment, drinking water and helmet for every participant. Price: 70 NIS including tax.


!‫חג שמח‬ open & kosher for pesach no kitniyot

Reservations Recommended Pesach Guide 5768 | 15 02-566-0044 Azza St. 30, open from 11:43AM to past midnight. Call:

North Events Monday–Friday April 21st–25th

Tzfat, Beirav Synagogue Carlebach-style Davening & Hallel with Musical Accompaniment Shacharit 7:30am Hallel 8:15am Located at HaMaginim 10 in the Old City of Tzfat, near HaMaginim & Jerusalem Squares. Contact Shmuel 04-692-1849 or Meir 050-557-4344/ more info:

Monday-Thursday April 21st-24th

Golan Heights Golan Heights Regional Council hosts Outdoor activities for the whole family! Guided tours, jeep tours, horseback riding, bicycle trails (rentals available), kayaking, boating on Jordan River, scavenger hunts, bird watching, etc. Tours and activities at nature preserves such as the Banias, Gamla, Nimrod’s Citadel, etc. S-Th 9-16:00. More info: 04-696-2885,

Tuesday April 22nd Birya Forest, Galilee Adventurous hikes sponsored by Keren Kayemet of Israel to celebrate International Earth Day. Investigate the environment together: What is Global warming and how we can “heal” it? The activity will take 3-4 hours. Come equipped with comfortable shoes for walking, long pants, a hat, flashlight, snacks, and drinking water. The activity is suitable for curious youth from 8 – 15 years old accompanied by their parents. No entrance fee, registration required: “Kav L’Ya’ar” 1-800-350-550.

Wed. April 23rd

Hof Dor, Kibbutz Nachsholim (near Zichron Yaacov) Tekhelet Marine Tours Half-day tours with Ptil Tekhelet (in English) Learn Torah, halacha,

16 | Pesach Guide 5768

history, archeology, biology and chemistry. Tours combine an exciting experience of fun and learning for the whole family. 10am-13:30, 14:00-17:30. Cost: 55 NIS/person (ages 5 and over) – includes museum entrance, movie, snorkeling & dye kits. Contact Mois Navon at 050-854-4612 , mois@tekhelet. com. See Advance reservations required.

Thursday April 24th Hof Dor, Kibbutz Nachsholim (near Zichron Yaacov) Tekhelet Marine Tours See previous listing for details.

Atar Eshkol, Bet Natufa Valley Festive concert in nature to celebrate the ’60’s, 16:30, hosted by the Israel Water Company and Keren Kayemet of Israel. Kibbutz Camari Orchestra. 13:00, exciting program for the whole family on the topic of water in Israel. Registration in advance at “Kav L’Ya’ar” 1-800-350-550 Symbolic fee of 35 NIS per participant, 25 NIS for member of KKL and employees of Israeli Water Company

Attractions Monkey Forest, Moshav Yodfat When was the last time you fed a squirrel monkey, petted a lamb or talked to a parrot? See all kinds of monkeys in their natural habitat! The moment that you pass through the gates of the Monkey Forest, you enter the wonderful world of squirrel monkeys, sheep, deer and many other animals. Open daily, all week, from 09:00. From South: Make a left turn at the Hamovil junction to road no. 784 toward Karmiel and Misgav. Search for the right turn to Yodfat. From North: At Karmiel West junction take the turn to Misgav. From Haifa and the Krayot: Drive east on road no. 70 to Aeblin junction, then turn right toward Misgav and Mitzpe Aviv. For info, call 04-9801265


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Unique Penthouse, 309 sq.m. with over 100 sq.m. of balconies, Shabbat elevator, private parking. Near Shaarei Chesed, 200 sq.m. duplex, 6 rooms, high standard, sukkah balcony, Shabbat elevator. BAKA | Annette Rosen (054-255-6225) Garden apartment, ground floor with basement, old Arab style, 2 levels, 100 sq.m., $395,000. Rivka Street, 100 sq.m., magnificent view, needs renovation, 6th floor with elevator, parking. MUSRARA | Annette Rosen (054-255-6225) 4 rooms, quiet, old Arab style, renovated, ground floor, high ceilings, 107 sq.m., huge sukkah terrace, $600,000. GERMAN COLONY | Yona Smith (054-224-5121) Near Emek Refaim, 3 rooms, 2nd floor, renovated, $500,000. Magnificent Duplex, 220 sq.m., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sukkah balcony, MUST SEE, $1,600,000. OLD KATAMON | Edna Wapner-Miron (050-633-0850) Holiday apartment, 3 rooms, 70 sq.m., renovated, garden, $555,000. TALBIEH | Alkalai, beautifully renovated vacation apartment, 3 rooms, 2 full baths, no steps, exit to garden, $385,000. (Yona Smith – 054-224-5121) Achad Ha’Am, lovely 3 rooms, spacious & bright, 80 sq.m., balconies, 1.5 flights, $560,000. (Shira Israel – 050-875-9569) KIRYAT SHMUEL | Yona Smith (054-224-5121) Tchernichovsky, 4 rooms, 3rd floor (elevator pending), renovated, 2 balconies, $395,000. NACHLAOT | Elia Gabai (052-862-9208) Investment opportunity, 8 units new construction, sukkah balconies, great location, private parking, storage, starting at $475,000 per unit. Vacant lots available, build your home, walking distance to Shaarei Chesed and City center. ARNONA | Elad Shapira-Rabani (052-670-6320) Magnificent Villa, 11 rooms, highest standard, garden, balconies, amazing views, $3,000,000. Ilana Nelson (054-534-1403) Raphi Bloch Unique Old City home, panoramic view of Temple Mount, Kotel & Old City, 200 sq.m., needs renovation, 3 levels, $2,300,000. OLD CITY

RAMAT ESHKOL | Hadar Coblentz (050-756-8666) Mahal Street, 4th floor with elevator, 100 sq.m., well-kept, bright & spacious, Must Sell.

Stop by our office in Baka (Derech beit Lechem 41) for a free Jerusalem street map and “Buying a Home in Israel Guide.”



Brith - Bar Mitzvah - Hen na - Wedding Pesach Guide 5768 | 17

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Stage b | D DO\

PLSW ]LLQFG interior stage b

Stage a | C DO\

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On Pesach, thousands of Chassidim and mispalelim will pass by the exclusive Sarei Yisrael project on their way to the various large batei medrash and central batei knesses of Jerusalem. If you’ve been considering a home in Jerusalem, in the best location in the city, in a beautiful, exclusive apartment, you’re invited – after Pesach - to visit a sample apartment in the first stage of the project.

Sales of Stage B Still Underway 70 stunning, exclusive apartments are being constructed with high standards. Every apartment has a sukkah porch and rich specifications. Choose between 4 and 5-room apartments with sukkah porches. Penthouses also available.


Sales ofce at the sample apartment in stage A

22 | Pesach Guide 5768


Pesach Guide 5768 | 23

Coastal Plain Israel’s long coast, from Ashkelon in the south to Rosh Hanikra in the north, is also home to the Sharon region, Israel’s most densely populated area. Places you may want to visit are Caesarea, Tel-Aviv or the old city of Jaffa. All along the way are beautiful beaches, nature reserves and ancient ports. The soil here is rich, allowing many farming communities to develop since the time that the halutzim (pioneers) first settled the area in the 1880’s. Some of the first agricultural communities-turned-modern day cities are as Bat Yam and Rishon le-Tsiyon and agricultural communities. Other interesting sites are rebuilt ancient port towns such as Acre (Acco), Caesarea and Ashkelon. Here, you will see archeological sites and discover the remains from the many conquests that each city experienced. The beauty and intrigue created by the layers of remains from the Greco-Roman, Crusader and Ottoman, has contributed to international recognition of these ancient cities as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Wherever one is located along the lengthy coastline, one is sure to find captivating beauty. Become one with nature by hiking through the plush forests in celebration of Pesach and International Earth Day. For a dose of history, take a tour of any of the port cities. Whether in Nahariya, Acre, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon or Ashdod, taking a relaxing breather by the sea or, if you’re down South, go crazy at the Boombamella Festival. But don’t say we didn’t warn you. Indeed, Israelis love the beaches! Rosh Hanikra Vad Levin

photo credit:

24 | Pesach Guide 5768

NEW! Meat cuisine at Gavna Chol HaMoed Pesach Mon.-Thu. 12:00-24:00 Friday 09:00-14:00

Kosher LeMehadrin for Pesach No Kitniot, Chalak Beit Yosef Reservations recommended 02-5336036 054-7622733

Opening summer season events!

New Garden for events- Dairy/Meat Menu For reservations: 054-7622733

Massuot Yitzchak Grove, Gush Etzion (Follow signage from Kibbutz Kfar Etzion)

Pesach Guide 5768 | 25

Coastal Plain Challenging Hike Tzomet Oren to Ein Oren (7K) or near Chirbeit Rokeet (4.5K) The Carmel Mountains, near the coast and the port city of Haifa offer some of Israel’s most fantastic hiking with amazing views of the Mediterranean Sea. According to the KKL website, “the Carmel Ranges are covered with natural scrub and indigenous woodlands which, because of their proximity to the sea, enjoy ample rainfall and high humidity encouraging luscious, yearround growth.” In the midst of this area, lies Nachal Oren which is a mostly dry riverbed between two canyons. There are several trails in the area to experience the Carmel’s beauty. From highway 4, turn east at the Oren Junction to road 721 and after less than 1 kilometer there will be a parking lot on the right-hand side. If you are in a group with more than one car, drop the hikers in the parking lot and continue in two cars on the road for about 3 kilometers until a fork in the road. For a longer hike, bear left and drive ¾ of a kilometer and park near the picnic tables where the black trail crosses the road. For a shorter route, turn right at the fork and travel about 1 ½ kilometers to where the road turns sharply and the Israel Trail crosses the road. Park nearby as this is where you will end your hike. Then both drivers return in one car to the Oren junction parking lot. To begin the hike - at the far end of the parking lot will be a large Israel Trail information sign. From here, the Israel Trail north ascends into the mountains on a steep trail where the rewards of a sea view are palatable within minutes of starting the climb. After passing a lookout, the trail continues eastward and ascends albeit at a more moderate incline through native trees and bushes. After a little more than a kilometer, the trail turns northward for about 1K following the contour of the mountain and then returns to be east-bearing and begins to rise. Walk a little more than a kilometer till the trail crosses the road where you parked the second car (for the shorter route). Now drive the other drivers to the parking lot and return to pick up the remainder of the hikers. For the longer route, continue on the Israel trail another kilometer passing picnic tables to the area of Chirbeit Rokeet. Here you will need to separate from the Israel trail. The Israel trail up until now was overlapping with the green trail and then switches to be overlapping with the red trail. At the junction of the green and red trails turn to follow the red trail northwest (not the Israel trail towards Nachal Rokeet and continue towards Ein Oren. Where the red trail meets the black trail, join the black trail for about a ¼ K till it crosses a road where you parked the other car. Nachal Oren and Nachal Bustan are both great other trails to choose as well.

View of Carmel

Family Hike Mitzpe Ofer Fire Lookout

As part of its fire prevention and fire-fighting deployment, KKL-JNF maintains fire observation towers, one of which is Mitzpe Ofer in the Carmel. Located on a hilltop of the Ofer Forest in the Carmel, Mitzpe Ofer affords scenic views of the Carmel ranges across the coastal plain out to the Mediterranean Sea. Access: From road #4, turn east at Ofer Junction and follow road 7021 for ¾ kilometer, turn left onto forest road and drive 1 1/3 kilomters to picnic tables. Park and then follow the green trail north till it meets up with the Israel trail. Hike up hill about ½ kilometer till you see the Ofer tower. Climb up the many stairs for an unbelievable view of the sea and the Carmel mountain range. Enjoy your picnic lunch and the nearby playgrounds in the shade of the Ofer forest.

Mitzpeh Ofir

26 | Pesach Guide 5768

Coastal Plain a closer look:

Hof Hasharon National Park The domesticated trees are Carob, eucalyptus, bauhinia and Tamarisk. Near them grow wild plants such as Ephedra, Atriplex, Retama and others. In this season you will notice the yellow, white and blue blossom. The site is not only the home of flora. A herd of Gazelle (8 females and 1 male) have been put in the park. At the edge of the water you will find coyotes, fox and other mammals that have made the park their home, and various birds – crows, warblers, falcon and more. The trail is approx. 2 hours long on marked paths. In the center of the country, close to everywhere, between Kibbutz Shfayim and Kibbutz Ga’ash, is hidden a magical place that is the Hof Hasharon National Park. Enter through the park gate and turn left on to the marked trail going west. On the short walk west from the parking you will find yourself facing the beach. You are now 40 m above sea level, looking out on a large area of the Isreaeli coastal line, starting in Tel Aviv in the south and Hadera in the North. After taking in the ocean breeze, continue on the trail toward the coast bird observatory. Make sure not to stand too close to the ledge, as it is unsteady. You can sit on one of the benches on the boardwalk, listen to the crashing waves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The continuation of the trail reveals the diverse vegetation of the park and the area. You can find wild plants as well as cultivated plants. The plants have learned how to cope with the environment they live in – strong winds mixed with salty sea water, sand crystals that injure their green parts and the uncovering of their roots which leaves them vulnerable. In addition, most of the plants can survive with very little water.

To reach the southern part of the park, drive back in the direction you came from towards Kibbutz Ga’ash. Park your car at the southern entrance to the park where you can walk down an east wide path leading to the edge of the water. On the way down you will encounter the soft layered Kurkar that characterizes the area and the local flowers like the yellow Silvery Birds’ Foot Trefoil, and Sea Cudweed, Maritime Crosswort and Sea daffodil (blooms at the end of the summer) and others. To learn more about Israeli wildflowers – visit www.wildflowers. now it is also possible to learn about them from your cell phones! Access (from the north): Drive on Kvish Hahof (Road #2), about 3-4 km past Wingate, bear right after Wingate and drive to the traffic circle near the Tzomet Sfarim. At the traffic circle turn west. Continue on a dirt road winding south for approx. 1 km, ending close to the Arsuf neighborhood. Signs will direct you to parking at the entrance to the park. (For those who are worried about brake ins, there is a close by parking at the edge of Shfayim). Erga Aloni

View from Shmura Hof HaSharon. photo credit: Divinorum

Pesach Guide 5768 | 27

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28 | Pesach Guide 5768

Coastal Plain Monday- Friday April 21-25th Holon, Israel Children’s Museum “When We Were Kids” Festival Journey to the world of Children’s Games of Yore. Mon. 11:00- 16:30, Tues.Thurs.: 10:00- 18:00, Fri.: 10:00-13:30. Location: Mifratz Shlomo St, Peres Park, Holon. One-of-a-kind festival where the parents know the games better than the kids. Variety of activities: story time, creative workshops, multi-cultured costumes, tapestries, board games, dancing, hoola-hoop, and more!! Call for more info: Tel: 1599-585858 or see http:// Moshav Mevo Modiin Family Tours Home of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. Day trip option in the heart of nature. Exotic bird garden, trek in surrounding hills learn about the history of the area, see Ancient olive and wine press, visit the artists of the Moshav. Tours end with a Shlomo Carelebach nigunim & story. Call for times of tours. Call Judy 054-428-3646 or 08-926-4680 or Holon Dialogue in the Dark Get to know the world and other people without the benefit of your sense of sight. Under the care of a sight impaired guide, everyday activities become real adventures. Dialogue in the Dark is not an exhibition about blindness; it’s about human non-visual awareness. Location: Rechov Ussishkin 11, Holon. Hours: 9:00 – 13:00, Thursday 16:00-20:00. Reservations must be made in advance. Tickets: 45 nis. For more info: 059-958-5858 x3

Tuesday, April 22nd Herzl (Hulda) Forest, Hulda Adventurous hikes Celebrating International Earth Day. Activity of 3-4 hours. Learn about nature preservation, reducing waste, water conservation and global warming. Come equipped with comfortable shoes for walking, long pants, a hat, flashlight, snacks, and drinking water. For youth from 8 – 15 years old accompanied by their parents. Free, registration required: “Kav L’Ya’ar” 1-800-350-550 or 08-941-4083.

Thursday-ShabbaT April 24th–26th Nitsanim Beach 10th Annual Boombamela Festival Secular-Israeli version of Woodstock. 3 days of music, nature, beach, people, tents, freedom, spiritual ceremonies, community, camping and magic. Sinai Tor, HaMakor, Aharit HaYamim, etc. Kosher stand will sell Kosher L’Pesach items. Seminar tent on Torah, Kabbala, Beit Medrash, Mystical tee-pee, minyanim, Shabbat, eruv on Shabbat, etc. Contact Michael at 054-488-4937 or 08-9264668 or call organizers: 052-999-1005. See http://

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“There are seventy names for Jerusalem.” Seventy names, each reflecting a different aspect of this city and its residents, today and throughout history. Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Israel, the city established 3000 years ago by King David as the capital of the Jewish nation. The Capital Of Israel Jerusalem is the modern capital of the State of Israel and the country`s largest city. It is a city where the first century rubs shoulders with the twenty-first century, each jostling for legitimacy and space, and where picturesque “old” neighborhoods nestle against glistening office towers and high-rise apartments. But Jerusalem is much more than the sum of its landmarks, old and new. It is a city of people, as diverse as the four corner of the globe from whence they came. To call Jerusalem the nation’s capital would be an oversimplified understatement. How do you describe the core of our identity in a few small paragraphs? There is so much to see, both new and ancient; the Old City, The City of David, Western Wall Tunnels, the Kotel, modern museums, fairs and walking tours.

Western Wall Aberdidi

photo credit:

The city is just magnificent, and in close to its full glory (albeit, sans Beit HaMikdash) during the springtime holiday. Take your choice of the many attractions here, hike through a forest, see recreated vessels of Temple at the Temple Institute in the Old City or let the kids have some fun at the hands-on exhibits of Ein Yael or at the Biblical zoo. Participate in festivals, or stroll down Ben Yehuda’s pedestrian mall at night for good music and amazing ice cream.

30 | Pesach Guide 5768

Deer Land Ranch

THE LONGEST OMEGA (Zip-line) IN ISRAEL & THE SECOND LONGEST IN THE WORLD! A magical spot nestled in the heart of the forest: Huge wildlife reserve, including many types of deer and other animals from parrots to ostriches - the largest of birds.

Sport: a wide variety of outdoor/extreme activities: rope park, climbing walls, etc.

Contact Lior: 050-538-8705 (he’s hanging around waiting for your call)

Pesach Guide 5768 | 31

Jerusalem Archaeology


Archaeological Garden at Ramat Rachel Right on the grounds of the hotel is an amazing archeological site of 3000 years of history. The site is partially excavated and artifacts have been dated as far back as the First Temple period through the Byzantine era. Visitors may view remains of a Byzantine church, where the area was home to many pilgrims and clergy & water cisterns, ritual baths from an earlier period, when the area was predominantly agricultural, growing olives & grapes. The Mitzpeh, as the site is called, over looks the tomb of Rachel just outside of Jerusalem. For more information, contact Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, Tel: 972-2-6702555

Jerusalem Bird Observatory The Jerusalem Bird Observatory is a wonderful secret corner of Jerusalem. Israel’s first urban wildlife center, the Observatory is located in the heart of the city, right between the Supreme Court and the Knesset. In addition to providing valuable green space to the city’s residents - human and animal alike, the site acts as a magnet for the hundreds of thousands of birds that migrate each year between Europe and Africa. The Observatory runs a bird research station, and visitors to the site can observe the researchers as they ring the birds that visit the area each day. At the heart of the Observatory’s one and half acres, is a bird hide where visitors can sit and watch the birds coming to the bird feeders and to the beautiful pond and stream. In addition to birds, the site is also home to many animals including porcupines, hedgehogs, snakes, turtles and chameleons. The JBO runs an active website at with regular photographic updates of the animals and plants that have been seen. Groups are welcome to visit the Observatory by appointment.

Ramat Rachel photo credit:


Family Hike American Independence Park was established by the JNF in 1976 in honor of the American bicentennial. The park covers some 4,000 dunams (1,000 acres), and offers an interesting combination of springs, agriculture, and archeology. It is located between two nature reserves, Nahal Dolev and Nahal Sorek, and there are three ways to get there: If you are coming from Jerusalem and going through Ein Kerem, take Route 395. If you are coming from the coastal plain go to Bet Shemesh’s industrial zone, and from there, on Route 3866, take Humphrey Road to the Challenger Junction, where you will find a memorial to the astronauts who died in the space shuttle accident. The third way is to take Route 375, which goes from Emek Ha’elah in the direction of Mata and Tsur Hadassah. An interesting site in American Independence Park is a ruin that was a Crusader waystation, which also contains even more ancient remains. A water-collecting pool was discovered on the site, as well as the remains of buildings from the RomanByzantine period and the remains of a khan that was apparently in use in the Ottoman Period. Near the site is a parking lot from which you can go on a hike on the “Caesar’s Path,” which goes along an ancient Roman road to an ancient, reconstructed olive press. You can also go down a footpath (marked in black) to Ein Mata and Ein Tanur, which will take about 20 minutes at a comfortable pace. You can also reach the springs in a car if the lower gate of Moshav Mata is open.

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This Passover there are several events for families. On Earth Day, 22 April, there will be a Bird Migration Festival at the center which will include a bird ringing demonstration, nature walks, movies, games and crafts. The festival runs from 08:00 - 14:00. The whole family is invited. In addition, on April 21st, 23rd, 24th and 25th, there will be bird ringing demonstrations for the public at 08:30.

Stonechat- Saxicola torquata- the bird of the month at The Jerusalem Bird Observatory

Jerusalem a closer look:


Ancient Agriculture Sataf - A Reconstruction It is a serene place on the terraced slopes of Mt. Eitan, where ancient mountainous agriculture is practiced as it was by the Israelites thousands of years ago. The 250-acre (1000 dunam) site is maintained by the Jewish National Fund, as a reconstruction of ancient agricultural methods. All the work is done by hand, or with the help of farm animals, without any machinery or use of pesticides. The place is Sataf. Two springs, Ein Sataf and Ein Bikura flow into the Sorek riverbed, below.

COMEDY BASEMENT Jerusalem’s 1st Comedy Club

The primary crops in the Judean Hills in ancient times included vineyards, olives, figs and pomegranates. In this rocky-hilly region, dry farming (which relies only on rainfall for irrigation) was practiced using an elaborate system of terraces and tunnels. The springs here were not plentiful, so the existing water supply had to maximized. This was achieved by tunneling into the water-bearing strata. An ingenious system of channels (parts of which are clearly visible) conducted the water that was stored in large pools to the terraced plots. The word ‘terrace’ is derived from the Latin word ‘terra’ for ‘land’. The agricultural terraces were constructed by a process described in the Bible as clearing the rocks, izuk, and transferring them to the edge of the natural terraces, sikul. The stones that were cleared provided the necessary support for the terrace walls into which new soil was placed. Watch towers were built to guard the crops as described in the Parable of the Vineyard, “My beloved had a vineyard on a very fertile hill. He dug it and cleared it of stones, and planted it with choice vines; he built a watching place in the midst of it, and hewed out a vineyard in it.” (Isaiah). The Sataf includes a ‘prototype’ vineyard such as the one described in the parable; the vineyard includes 26 ancient types of vine that were known to have grown in Eretz Israel. There are five different trails in the Sataf, each indicated by a different color; orange, yellow, blue, red and black. Most of these trails are between 3.3 – 4.8 miles (2-3 kilometers) and are intended for moderately fit hikers – use map #9 of the Jerusalem Hills for more details. At Sataf you can visit one of the two springs, the Eretz Israel Tree Garden, where fruit trees that are considered to be the original indigenous varieties are cultivated, see an ancient wine press (Gat in Hebrew). You can also see plots that are irrigated by traditional methods. At Ein Sataf you can also carefully enter a cave, from which the spring flows, walk through a tunnel and exit at the other side (be sure to bring a flashlight or candles). Near Ein Bikura you will be able to make out ‘stairs’ on the terrace wall. Whether you choose a short or long route – Sataf promises a very enjoyable outing.

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COMEDY FESTIVAL 16 English and 4 Hebrew Stand-up Shows with Israel’s Best! (see website for schedule)



34 Ben Yehuda (corner of King George) down the stairs near the Mashbir For groups, private parties and roasting, call


There are a number of ways to reach the Sataf – which has three parking lots. Sataf Junction is located at the intersection of Routes #395 and #3965 Access: 1) From Jerusalem – take Route # 1 (Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway) to the Harel interchange (near the Castel) then onto Route # 3965 and Route # 395, toward Kibbutz Tzuba. 2) From the Beit Shemesh-Beit Jamal – take Route # 38 North to Route # 395 where you will make a right turn (east) toward Kissalon, Ramat Raziel and Tzuba (you’ll pass by the Scroll of Fire). 3) From Ein Karem (Jerusalem) take Route # 395 toward Kibbutz Tzuba. Web site: http://www.kkl., KKL-JNF Jerusalem Visiting Hours: During daylight hours (unless evening events scheduled). Entry fee: Free. “Adapted from an article in Reprinted with permission.”

Creator and performer of the Aliyah Monologues, Find Me a Wife & Frum From Birth 8pm English stand-up starring David every Thursday (shows vary weekly)

050-875-5688 Pesach Guide 5768 | 33

Jerusalem Events Monday-Friday April 21-25, & 27

AACI Walking Tours: Archaeology, architecture, history, hiking etc. 2.5-3.5 hour tours. Led by professional English speaking tour guides. Details: www. Questions: Donna 050-216-6775/ donna.goldberg@gmail. com Carol: 054-5221665/ 02-6713770. Beit HaRav Kook: Tours and activities for entire family. Mon. 11:00 “In the Footsteps of Aryeh Levin” (English & Hebrew tour) 9 HaRav Kook St. City Center. Activities and tours (in Hebrew) all week long. Call 02-624-2908 or see

Monday, April 21st

Yad Ben Zvi Walking Tours: (in English) for families with young children. Many of the tours are walking tours and may require bus transportation. 11:00 Rehavia: The first modern suburb outside of Jerusalem’s Old City walls. 16:00 Enchanted Moments: Bring alive the words of writers, poets, prophets and dreamers. Price for walking tours: 70 NIS/ University students, Masa participants and children under sixteen: 40 NIS/ Children under six: free/ Bus tours: 90 NIS/University students, Masa participants and children under sixteen: 50 NIS/ Children under six: free/ For registration and reservations/ call: (02) 627-1155 Email: /For further information: Comedy Show: “It’s Not in Heaven” with Yisrael Campbell. Only 2 public Pesach shows: 7:30pm, 9:30pm. Agron House, 6 Agron St., Jerusalem. Advanced tickets: 75NIS. At door: 85NIS. More info: 052-892-3551 “A Story of 3 Hazlenuts” by Omer the Storyteller (in Hebrew). Suitable for the whole family! Refreshments, music and fun! The Fuchsberg Center for

34 | Pesach Guide 5768

Conservative Judaism 8 Agron St., Opposite Supermarket. Details: 02-6256386. Cost: 10 NIS/child. Tanach Tiyulim with Shuli Mishkin. Mount of Olives: Not Just a Cemetery. Tiyul will examine the Jewish legacy of this landmark mountain. Call for times. Ezra 052 Off the Wall Comedy: Kosher for Passover Comedy Festival! Stand up in English! 19:00 Standup: Benji Lovitt, Yossi Tarablus, Tal Solomon & MC Hani Skutch; 21:00 Comedy Open Mic; 23:00 Stand-up: Benji Lovitt, Yossi Tarablus, Tal Solomon & MC Hani Skutch. Location: 34 Ben Yehuda St. (corner of King George) downstairs near Mashbir. Call Dovid at 050-875-5688. www. for details about the ongoing.

Tues.-Thurs. April 22-24

Merkaz HaMagshimim Pesach Fair. Kosher food, live animated films, photo exhibit, opening of the second-hand store, one-woman theater show, In God’s Bedroom. For more info, ofra@themerkaz. org or 02-561-9165 *204 Haggadat Yerushalayim Old City Walls by Jaffa Gate Sound and Light Show projected on the walls of the Old City in celebration of 40 years of reunification of Jerusalem. For more information: 02-531-4600

Tuesday, April 22nd

Yad Ben-Zvi Institute Walking Tours: 11:00 Jerusalem’s New Neighborhoods. See with your own eyes how the reality of Jerusalem has changed over the past forty years. See April 21st for prices and info. For registration and reservations call: (02) 627-1155 Email: mribz@ For further information: Tanach Tiyulim: Sennacherib’s Campaign to Yehudah: What Exactly Did Happen? with Margalit

Frydman. Visit the main locations and explore the sources that describe the Assyrian attempt to capture Yerushalayim in 701 BCE. Fee: 200NIS 10am-3pm. Call 052-422-8601 for more info.

Wed., April 23rd

Yad Ben-Zvi Institute Walking Tours: 11:00 Major architectural landmarks around the City. 16:00 The Seamless Seam: Jerusalem before and after 1967. 16:00 Jerusalem of Old and New: A Balance Between Preservation and Development. 16:00 The ethnic Mosaic around Mahane Yehuda. See April 21st for prices and info. For registration and reservations call: (02) 627-1155 Email: For further information:

Thursday, April 24th

Jerusalem English-Speaking Theater (JEST) presents: Korczak’s Children. One of the longest-running English plays in Jerusalem’s history. Based on the story of Janusz Korczak, this popular play has repeatedly packed the theater and won the hearts of thousands. 20:00. Cost: 80 nis/ 55 children. Hirsch Theater in Beit Shmuel, Eliyahu Shama St. 6 City Center/Mamilla (in back of 11 King David St., near Emile Bota st.) Contact at 02-642-0908 or see

Friday, April 25th

Off the Wall Comedy: Kosher Passover Comedy Festival! 14:00 Comedy for Kids: Uncle ‘D’ Hits Back- On Ice w/ David Kilimnick. See April 21st for location and info. for

Tanach Tiyulim: In the Footsteps of the Olei Regalim (Pilgrims) from Chevron to Jerusalem, with Aryeh Routenberg. Don’t miss as we visit one of the most impressive mikvaot from the second Temple period. Call Ezra 052 4228601 or

Yad Ben-Zvi Institute Walking Tours: 11:00 The German Colony and Emek Refaim: How did this place come to be? 11:00 See April 21st for prices and info. For registration and reservations call: (02) 627-1155 Email: For further information:

Off the Wall Comedy: Kosher for Passover Comedy Festival!19:00 Kilimnick’s The Aliyah Monologues Sheini w/ Anat Hoffman; 21:00 David Kilimnick’s Find Me A Wife; 23:00 Standup: Daddy ‘The Walker’ Ophir (Hebrew). See April 21st for location and info.

Beit Shmuel Walking Tours: Jerusalem: the Foundation of Three Religions. Expert guides. No registration is required; simply show up at 9:30 on Friday morning. Fee: 35 NIS or 10 USD. Location: Beit Shmuel, 6 Eliyahu Shama St. City Center/Mamilla. Call 02-620-3455 or email

Yad Ben-Zvi Institute Walking Tours: 11:00. Nature and Open Spaces in Jerusalem: Valley of the Cross, the Rose Garden and Sacher Park. 16:00: What about the Fence? The security barrier is creating a new reality and evokes criticism from left and right. Will show key points along the barrier line. See April 21st for prices and info. For registration and reservations call: (02) 627-1155 Email: mribz@ For further information:

Sunday, April 27th

Tanach Tiyulim: Herod – The Monarch and Engineer. Two of Herod’s greatest engineering projects, plus Herod’s justdiscovered burial place. 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Cost: 200 shekels Info: 052-4228601 Ezra or email tanachtiyulim@

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One third of Israel is made up of the Negev Desert. Within it is the Besor River, the largest in the country, which flows into the Mediterranean. In the Western Negev is the city of Be’er Sheva. To the east is the Judean Desert, home to Ein Gedi and Masada. Further to the south are Makhtesh Ramon and Eilat. The entire region is filled with historical significance. Abraham built his home in Be’er Sheva, while the Nabateans used the area as a station for trading their goods between East Africa and Arabia. The nomadic tribe accumulated much wealth from their trades on the “Spice Route” that they established. The rest stops that they built turned into cities-the archeological remains of which can still be seen today. Such examples are the cities of Avdat, Mamshit and Shivat.

View from the Dead Sea to Jordan

In the past 50 years, the region has seen tremendous development, and is now know to be a world leader in environmental advancements, irrigation techniques and hi-tech initiatives. Moreover, residents utilize the mustard-colored mountains for inspiration and creative expression. The Negev is home to numerous museums filled with the beautiful work of its talented local artisans. In addition, Israel’s first prime minister, Ben Gurion, favored the area, saying, “the future of Israel lies in the Negev.” The Dead Sea is also part of the south of Israel. The lowest point on earth in any land mass can also be considered one of the best health spas in the world. Therapeutic beaches, hiking in surrounding mountain ranges of the Judean Desert, botanical gardens, camel tours, springs, rare plants and animals… what could be appealing? All we need is some music to enjoy the surroundings. You’re in luck. Passover 5758 in the Dead Sea is the venue for the best music festivals in the country. Check out our event listings to make sure at the most exciting scenes Israel’s music industry has seen!

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South Family Hike Length of walking route: 3 km Duration of route: 2 hours Hawwar River To the Tsin River Cistern We will encounter a Nabatean cistern at the beginning of the walk. The Nabateans (nomads from south Arabia from between the third century BCE and the first century CE) were engaged in leading desert caravans carrying spices and goods from south Arabia to the Mediterranean ports and the countries across the sea. Various historians provide much information about the Nabateans. Hyronimus writes: “The desert has no water and none other than them can traverse it because they prepared subterranean cisterns lined with lime and, thus, only they are protected by the desert.” The cistern is mostly square and has a supporting pillar in the middle. The pit is quarried out of the soft chalk rock and is lined with clay lime to achieve full sealing. Part of the ceiling (made of hard chalkstone) has collapsed. The steps which descend to the pit were used to clean out the silt which accumulated in it and there is a wash heap at the mouth. The main channel leading water to the cistern is cut by the paved road but the restored direction channel which leads rainwater from the slopes is visible. The cistern has a capacity of about 300 cu.m. Today, the cistern fills after flooding but the water seeps away quickly. Shaar Hatsor We will continue along the river course to Shaar Hatsor (“The Flint Gate”) (two walls of dark brown rock which form a sort of large gateway. The flint was laid down here about 80 million years ago in a sea which covered the area. The flint strata later underwent buckling which gave it its present incline. During prehistoric times, the flint served as raw material for the preparation of vessels, blades and axes. If you take two flint stones and hit one hard with the other in the dark you will see sparks. You can smell smoke. The flint rock is mentioned in the Bible: “Then Ziporah took a flint and cut off the foreskin of her son” (Exodus 4, 25). There are phosphorite rocks with many fossils on the other side of the gateway. Northeast of here are the Oron and Tsin production facilities which produce phosphates from this stratum. The Yellow Hill Further along the route we will climb a yellow-colored hill (map ref. 1266.0284). From its peak we will se a spectacular view of the Halukkim Ridge slopes and the peaks of the Ovdat Heights and the Tsin River. The soft and impervious hawwar rock, which is also found in this hill, forms the special landscape of the Hawwar River. We will continue east from the hill along the path which follows the flint stratum below us as far as the main course of the river.

miscarriages, stomach pains and tooth ache, as well as for a variety of wounds. Another plant commonly found here is the salt wort. This bush grows in river gorges in the desert and in saline ground. It has green-gray leaves shaped like a rolling pin with a rounded head. Its leaves can be eaten raw and used to garnish salads. They can also be fried like French fries. The salt wort is mentioned in the Bible as food of the poor: “who pick the leaves of the salt wort” (Job, 30, 4). We will continue along the winding river course. We will see smooth, sparkling gypsum crystals in the cracks of the hawwar wall of the river. Giant rocks which broke away from the walls during flooding are scattered along the river course. At one of the river bends we will see a canyon-like channel which drains from the north. This is one of the cracks. We can enter the crack and walk several dozen meters into it and then return to the main course. The river widens here and we will continue walking about another kilometer to the Tsin River. We will reach the road between Ein Ovdat and the Ben-Gurion Academy where the vehicle will await us. From here we can continue walking along the Ein Ovdat canyon or walk to Ein Akeb via Maaleh Davshon

Essential equipment:

Map, water canteen, hat, comfortable walking shoes. Equipment for geology enthusiasts: nail, 5% salicylic acid, geological hammer. Vehicle access: the route starts about 2 km. South of the BenGurion Academy on the road to Mitzpeh Ramon next to the sign which reads the Hawwar River. Collection point: on the way which descends from the Ben-Gurion Academy to the Ein Ovdat canyon, at the end of the bends, next to the sign which reads To the Hawwar River. Medical assistance: on Kibbutz Sdeh Bokker, at the Ben-Gurion Academy. Nature preservation: please preserve the wildlife, vegetation and mineral life, and follow the nature reserve rules. Additional information may be obtained from the Sdeh Boker Field School; Tel: 08-6532016 Bibliography: Ze’ev Rehess, The Geology of the Northern Negev, Sdeh Bokker Academy Publications, 1975. Avinoam Dannin, Vegetation of the Negev, Sifriat Hapoalim. Naomi Spector and Amir Idelman, The Halukkim Ridge and Hawwar River, Sifriat Yehudit, Nature Protection Society, 1981. The Israel Guide, vol. 4, Keter Publishing. David Palmach and Ori Moran, The Water Pits of Mt. Negev, Nature Protection Society and Ben-Gurion Academy, 1985.

The River Course

The vegetation in the river course is rich, and includes: The yellow colutea - a bush with butterfly-like yellow flowers, and fruit shaped like swollen pods. When they are dry you can shake the fruit and make a rattling sound. The desert broom plant is a bush with thin, green and scored branches. The small, elongated leaves break up at the end of the winter and drop off after a short time. In spring the broom produces white scented flowers. The broom has a special roots system adapted to the desert environment: it has depth roots with narrow tubes which maintain the plant during the dry summer months, and wide surface roots which mainly absorb water in the winter. Our forefathers greatly valued coal made from the roots of the broom bush. A Midrashic commentary of Psalms states: “All types of coal go out from inside, but the broom bush coals continue burning from within even though they have been extinguished outside.” One can add that the Bedouin insert another root in the coals to keep the fire going until the following day. The broom bush is considered to be an important remedy for

Nahal Tsin

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South Events Mon-Wednesday April 21-23rd

Timna Park, Arava Circus from the Era of the Pharaohs Jugglers, acrobats, juggling workshops, stilt walking, sandalmaking workshops, etc. Night light & sound shows, etc. Comical, acrobatic performances near the mustard-color desert. Call 08-631-7850 for more info.

Monday-Thursday April 21-24th

Mamshit Nat. Park, Negev 2000 year old market in the ancient Nabatean city comes alive

Authentic merchants, embroidery, copper, baskets, dresses, spices, music! Meeting artisans: Glassblowers, potters, carpenters, musicians, dancers, workshops for kids, camel riding, mud hut building, etc. Guided tours (Hebrew). 11:00, 13:00, 15:00. Call Parks Authority of the Negev: 08-655-6478 or the site itself: 08-655-6478 Massada National Park: World Heritage Site “The Last of Masada” Original performance, historical truth with circus-like virtuosity. Performed by actors from “Asphalt Theater”, who accompany this unique show. 11:00, 14:00. Call 08-658-4207/8 for more info. Massada National Park: World Heritage Site “Across from Massada” Light & sound show that presents the fascinating story of Masada in an open-air theater under the stars. 20:30. Call *3639, 08-658-4207/8, 08-995-9333 Arad Glass Museum Guided Tours, workshops for children with recycled glass (every hour between 11:00-16:00). Workshops require min. 5 children. (fee) Hours: 10:00-17:00. To arrange a visit, call 08-995-3388 or see www. Avdat Nat. Park, Negev Ancient Nabatean city on the Negev’s spice route Tour (Hebrew): “Masters of the Desert”- Roman, Nabatean Alleyways declared as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, films on the story of an ancient nation. 11:00, 15:00, Sunset Tour at 17:00. Tour (Hebrew): “By the Light of the Lanterns”- After sunset, walk through the ancient city of Avdat.

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Registration & fee at the site. 20:00. For more info, call 1-800-350-550, hotline for National Parks (KKL). Arad Doll Museum Rare dolls made from variety of materials by two famous artists from Arad. Hours: 10:00-14:00. To arrange a visit, call 052-239-8918 or Arad Desert Vision Museum Unique ceramic and earth installations. Enormous, both is size and concept. 10:00-14:00 Call 054-451-2289 or 054-439-6824 or see www.

Sunday night April 20th

Mineral Beach Amphitheater, Dead Sea Ahava Festival: Featuring Achinoam Nini National Premiere of her new album, “Genes & Jeans”. Magical heritage journey in Hebrew, English, Yemenite, between past and present, East and West. 10:00pm Call 02-9400285 or see www.

Monday April 21st

Solarium Beach, (Hotel area, Ein Bokek) Dead Sea The 3rd Annual Jewish Rock and Soul Music Festival @ the Dead Sea Featuring: Berry Sacharof, Moshav Band, Yonatan Razel, Kobi Oz, haMAKOR, YOOD. Kosher L’Pesach food on location, Arts and Crafts fair. Starting from 5:00pm. Prices: Regular price 100 NIS/90 NIS for students, youth, seniors, soldiers. Both days: 170 NIS/150 NIS S/Y/S/S. Tickets: 077-216 4436, 052-4255514, 052-6070412 or e-mail Proceeds will go to build a new protected Youth Club for Sderot Kids (Sderot in our Hearts!) Transportation: Bus transportation available. Advance registration required: 02-5609110, 054-2301850. Mineral Beach Amphitheater, Dead Sea Ahava Festival: Featuring Evyatar Banai “Night Like an Illuminated Day”: Concert with songs from his soonto-be released album, and old songs. 21:30 Call 02-9400285 or see

Tuesday April 22nd

Shivta National Park, Negev Spice Route: Alleys of the Past Tours of the alleys of the impressive Nabatean city of Shivta, and the agricultural farm of Even Ari. Shivta was declared as a World Heritage

Site by UNESCO, together with other cities along the Spice Route of the Negev. Location: Meet at the Entrance to the National Park. Time: 11am-14:00 Guided tours are free of charge. For more info, call 1-800-350-550, hotline for National Parks (KKL).

Ariel Horowitz performance based on stories and songs from Yehuda Amichai, Bob Dylan, Naomi Shemer, Meir Ariel and the Ben Ish Chai. Show inspired chagim and the meanings behind the chagim, as seen through Biblical sources. Details: see April 22 listing.

Lahav Forest, besides Kibbutz Lahav Adventurous hikes Sponsored by KKL to celebrate International Earth Day. Investigate the environment together, discover amazing facts on site, water and trees, and consider how to preserve our world: How to reduce the waste we produce? How to conserve water and preserve its quality? What is Global warming and how we can “heal” it? At the end of the hike we will create remembrances from the materials nature supplies us. The activity will take 3-4 hours. Come equipped with comfortable shoes for walking, long pants, a hat, flashlight, snacks, and drinking water. The activity is suitable for curious youth from 8 – 15 years old accompanied by their parents. No entrance fee, registration required: “Kav L’Ya’ar” 1-800-350-550. See or phone on location: (08) 991-8597, (08) 991-3322

Mitzpeh Shelem, Dead Sea Ahava Festival: Featuring Mashina & Ehud Banai “Meeting at the Curve”: 3 hour joint concert! 10:00pm. Call 02-9400285or see www.dead-sea.

Solarium Beach, (Hotel area, Ein Bokek) Dead Sea The 3rd Annual Jewish Rock and Soul Music Festival @ the Dead Sea A Tribute to Carlebach featuring: Shlomo Katz, Chaim Dovid, Benzion Solomon & Sons, Yehuda Katz & Reva L’Sheva, Sam Glaser, Naftali & Shlomo Abramson, Haakevot, Moshav, Sinai Tor Kosher L’Pesach food on location, Arts and Crafts fair. From 5:00pm. Transportation and prices: see April 21 listing. Mitzpeh Ramon, Negev Concert at the edge of the cliffs of the Mitzpeh Ronen Keinan performs the best of his songs. Amphitheater Midreshet Ben Gurion. 18:30. Price: 50nis (purchase on location). Call 08-656-4161/2 for info. Mineral Beach Amphitheater, Dead Sea Ahava Festival: Featuring HaBanot Nechama An acoustic vocal performance from this female ensemble, following their album’s huge success! Special Guest: Shlomi Shaban. Call 02-9400285 or see www.dead-sea.

Wednesday April 23rd

Mitzpeh Ramon, Negev Sunset concert at the edge of the cliffs of the Mitzpeh

Shivta National Park, Negev Spice Route: Alleys of the Past Details: See April 22

Thursday, April 24th

Mitzpeh Shelem, Dead Sea Ahava Festival: Featuring Arkady Duchin & Micha Shetrit “Natasha’s Friends” 2 Special Performances w/ Boaz Banai Opening Act. 10:00pm. Call 02-9400285 or see www.dead-sea. Shivta National Park, Negev Spice Route: Alleys of the Past Details: See April 22 Mitzukei Daragot (Cliffs overlooking the Dead Sea) Ahava Festival: Featuring Mosh Ben-Ari “At Eye Level” All night long into 4am Friday morning. Call 02-9400285 or see www.dead-sea.

Family Attractions Ein Gedi Oasis Exotic well-maintained garden with 800 unique and rare species of trees, shrubs and flowers from all over the world. Biblical plants such as Myrrh and Frankincense, rare trees such as the Baobab, tropical plants from the rainforests, date and other palm trees, fruit trees and local plants such as the Sdom Apple and many more all grow in abundance. All visitors receive a map to guide them and a pamphlet with a brief explanation of the plants. Included in the entrance fee is a short film about the settlement, its history and information on the flowers, shrubs, trees, herbs and bushes. Ein Gedi Tourism: 972-8-6594221 Fax: 972-8-6584328 E-mail: eg@

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