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Ill Space Design : Architecture
from Spatiality in Bharatanatyam -Explored Through Indian Temple Architecture based on Mayonic Science.
Space is inseparably associated with the frame of 64 squares (8-fold mandala)8.The Microbode ( very basic unit of space) vibrating with a shaft which is called the cosmic dancer Lord Shiva and the Vibration or the dance is called Dance of the cosmos.
These wave forms hit the mother wall or immediate object of obstruction, further mother wall starts vibrating , same applied to Dancing bodies in space who transfers the energy in the space reaching out to spectators. Manduka Mandala guides us about various lines , axes that can be perceived if the whole Mandala with its microbodes vibrating Microbode are considered 3 dimensional as in CHAPTER -B E) IV V . Joining
various Bindu points (Figure4TheFabricofCreationinvaluesof8andstepsofs ), we get various axes, which further can be increased upon going into each Pada, its centre and so on it continues. We here can arrive at innumerable positions lines and geometries in Dance which resonates with these lines and geometries, however its study is overlooked and is main
focus area of this research. Figure 4 The Fabric of Creation in values of 8 and steps of 5
Experience is created when a body moves through a space designed with various elements of design in Architecture .Its journey is defined through
Primary Elements - Point, Lines, planes, volume
Figure 11 a) A Point marks position in space b) Coloumn defining an edge of outer space in temple.
8 Details of this concept are explained in CHAPTER -B 111 C)
Form - Shapes, Linear, centralised, Articulation ,edges, corners
I I I If

Figure 12 - a} Chennakeshwara Temple, Belur - Star shaped plan b} Lingaraia Temple Bhubaneshwara -Additve forms
Form and Space - Overhead , Depressed planes, Vertical linear elements Organisation - interlocking spaces, spatial relationships, centralised , clustered Circulation - Approach , entrance, path Scale/ Proportion Ordering Principles - Axis ,Symmetry, Hierarchy, Rhythm, Datum, Transformation
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Figure 13 a} Multiple Axis b} Hierarchy from the Tip of Shikhara c) Repetition of motif patterns on Shikhara of temple
B) Phenomenology
Experience based architecture is called Phenomenology . It is that newly found area of study which deals with human perception or experience based on a psychological thought.
The historical movement of phenomenology launched in the first half of the 20th century by Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jean-Paul Sartre, et al.
Architectural Scholars like Steven Holl, Alberto Perez-Gomez, Juhani Pallasmma explains about the role played by human perception and phenomenological experience in architecture.
Peter Zumthor says, A building should not be designed to find a special form, but to give a special feeling, to have special soul and atmosphere .In his architecture the movement is the most important design parameter like movement of people, the way architecture involves movement is like a 'temporal art'.

Figure 15 Chapel Proiect by Peter Zumthor, The interior of the chapel room was Formed out of I I 2 tree trunks, which were configured like a tent.
Figure 14 Thermal Baths by Peter Zumthor
C) Experiential Themes for Design in Temples
Tempie Design where based on Spirituality. Expressing the cosmos in its parts and in whole was the basic concept behind every aspect of design. Aurobindo Ghosh in his Book called Significance of Indian Art explains about how each element carries forward spirituality. For Example temples located strategically away from populated cities like at some high altitudes, near the sea shore, around forests, in distant or secluded scenes of
nature and which allows the positive thoughts or advices to sink into the mind .
He explains as not to detach the temple from its surroundings, but to see it in unity with the sky and low-lying landscape or with the sky and hills around and feel the similarity in them as the reality in Nature, the reality expressed in the work of art, the oneness to which this nature aspires in her self-creation, and the oneness to which the soul of man uplifts itself in his conscious spiritual upbuilding.
Further the plans of temples were based on Vaastu shastra principles ( have their origin to Mayonic science, which explain Mandala}, were designed with sacred Geometry.

S10.ge J Plan uf Parvnti 1emplc.
Naclma. 6th Century Hindu Temple and the Structure of Human Body: Comparison
Garbh:i.gruham Akhal'ltla Llngam Paramltuu 1
Stage 2
Stage 3 Plan of Vishnu temple Daogarh. 7th Century
Plan of Surya temple. Modharn. 11 th Century
St.tgc 4
Figure 16 Use of Sacred geometry in the plan sections of Indian Temple Architecture, based on the geometries of seven chakras.
Figure 17: Evolution in the plan of proiection around the halls according to Sacred Geometry - a. Simple square plan, (b-e). Square plan with simple proiections, (f-i). Staggered square plan without recesses, (i-m). Staggered square plan with recesses, (n-o). Stepped diamond plan, (p-q}. Ste/late plan with orthogonal central proiection, (r-s). Special stellate plans, (t-v). Uniform stellate plans based on rotated-square star.
Figure 18 Fractal dimension of front elevation of Kandariya Mahadev Temple (Tanisha Dutta & V. 5. Adane, 20 I 8}