2 minute read
II The Form
from Spatiality in Bharatanatyam -Explored Through Indian Temple Architecture based on Mayonic Science.
The combination of various Karanas with Angaharas, Rechakas, Charis creates a sequence which in turn starts building up a form in space. The terms used to describe these forms generated are from Geometrical aspects and later they'll be linked to its creation of higher experience or its phenomenological aspect. In Bharatanatyam sequences called as Adavus the axes followed creates a dynamic form, which has its energy emanating outwards, just like star shaped or orthogonal shaped form.
We arrive at fixed geometrical terminology by comparing it to Temple form, whether seen as whole or in parts they signify particular form or sets of forms. In many temples design we see orthogonal plans derived from rotated squares which are nothing but the Bindu points or sub - Bindu points of 8 x 8 mandala.
A) Analysis in parts
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Architecture Bharatanatyam
Here the 2 plans are of Shikharis ( Group of shikhara seen from top ) and the Roof plan from inside of temple respectively. Both show the intersection of points with 8 x 8 mandala and formation of Stellate shaped Shikharis and stepped diamond shape plans respectively.
We see here the axes followed during the stellate star shaped plans coincide with Bindu points thus gives rise to shapes like stellate or diamond shaped .
The Stellate temple geometry ( examples of two temple plans shown above) is not a complete departure from orthogonal temple geometry. Both are latent in the expanding sequence of circles and squares.
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The theory of Volution ( movement of two prongs the upper half and lower half of body in circular fashion with middle of waist acting as prongs) as discussed in body kinetics, juxtaposes with the points (Bindu) of maximum reach of hasta and Feet in circular fashion ( as shown in the figure above with circle)
Above figures show two Adavus movements, which shows this distinct feature of movement of limbs to maximum reach , which overlaps with the circle drawn
And the points which are touched by the circle are nothing but axes passing through various Bindu points of 8 x 8 mandala. Thus Circle, diamond shaped stars ( stellate forms),all are guided by grid lines of 8 x8 Mandala.
B) Analysis as a whole Architecture
four expanding
energy belts .__. r-'__ .........,
Soma Sutra

Figure 34 A) Brahmanical temples at Bhubaneshwar BJ Karna/aka Dravidian style of Temple {Hardy, 2007}
The Shikhara(a curving shape) and the Vimana (a pyramidal-like structure) of Indian temples, resembles with the Microbode 12 (from Mayonic Science)

The figure above demonstrates how l prong ( i.e. upper half of body) forms concentric circles of diminishing radii and reach the narrow top which is the highest point of reach of arms. This resembles to the Microbe structure as mentioned in Mayonic science with central vibrating Brahma Sutra.
12 The minutest, condensed cubic version of the frame of 64 squares is known as Microbode.