( III ) Indian Healing Practices [ 1 ] Principles When we attempt to treat our dis-ease through the administration of medication, we’re just temporarily suppressing the symptoms. We’re not addressing the root cause of our disease, i.e., the energy imbalance. The medication causes further imbalances, disrupting the body’s natural immune system (Kaur, 2016) , which is rarely given the opportunity to fulfill its role. Over a period of time, our initial dis-ease reappears with more serious symptoms. Our body, once again, is attempting to correct the imbalances within to restore the healthy flow of energies. Our new symptoms are diagnosed as a new dis-ease, stronger medication is administered and the vicious cycle continues. The human body operates in harmony with the energy system of the universe. It’s a latticework of energies, vibrating at different frequencies, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It has been perfectly created to function optimally, provided we observe the laws of nature. Modern lifestyles can create havoc within our energies and disrupt their healthy flow, resulting in congestion and blockages, leading to dis-ease. Re-connecting with the ancient Indian wisdom of energy Healing practices allows us to empower our body’s innate capacity to self-heal, and return us to our natural state of wholeness. The human body is a latticework of energies, vibrating at different frequencies, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It has been perfectly created to function optimally, provided we observe the laws of nature. Traditional energy healers of India had a wealth of knowledge on how to diagnose, treat, and cure dis-ease by empowering the body’s innate capacity to self-heal, and through the generations, much of this ancient wisdom has been kept alive. [ 2 ] IT’S ORIGIN The ancient Vedic texts proposed an essential unity of the mind and the body and delineated theories and practices to deal with a large number of health-related problems. (Psychology of Health and Well-Being: Some Emerging Perspectives Ajit K. Dalal) [ 3 ] FORMS OF INDIAN HEALING PRACTICES Various Forms of Indian Healing practices includea) Energy Healing- Self-Healing practices include