( B ) EARTH [ 1 ] Views to Nature Many temples are located strategically away from populated cities like at some high altitudes, near the sea shore, around forests, in distant or secluded scenes of nature and which allows the positive thoughts or advices to sink into the mind in its finer moments or when the soul is at leisure.
The 2 examples above are of the temples in Natural settings and their Philosophical significance are explained by Aurobindo Ghosh in his Book ‘The Significance of Indian Art’. He explains as not to detach the temple from its surroundings, but to see it in unity with the sky and low-lying landscape or with the sky and hills around and feel the similarity in them as the reality in Nature, the reality expressed in the work of art, the oneness to which this nature aspires in her self-creation, and the oneness to which the soul of man uplifts itself in his conscious spiritual upbuilding. [ 2 ] Sound The Vedic chants and prayers are recited and sacred instruments such as conch shells, bells, and gongs are played in these Chambers. (Prasad & Rajavel, 2013).All together play are very important role in healing, as many research studies have observed chanting of various shloka or hymns helps in wellbeing.