Reports On Loot Of Mineral Rich Sands Of Tamil Nadu Proven False

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Reports On Loot Of Mineral Rich Sands Of Tamil Nadu Proven False

Tamil Nadu, an India state highly endowed with rich minerals like ilmenite, rutile, garnet, zircon, monazite and sillimanite along its coastline is said to be India’s highest exporter of such minerals. The mining of such minerals is carried out by a private company VV Minerals, which is also the leading the company in this sector. Being the highest contributor in the state’s export of heavy minerals VV minerals was put under the scanner for having carrying out illegal trade worth 96K crore. Apparently, it was believed that the mineral rich sands of Tamil Nadu were being illegally exploited and exported for money. However, that was not the case as it was just false news that was doing the rounds. VV Mineral, India is a private company but that does not really justify the allegation of a false scam leveled against them. Such stories are often believed to be true by everyone as in India scams are becoming more and more common these days. Being a private company does not even necessitate the fact that VV Mineral, Vaikundarajan will unlawfully exploit the resources. In fact, S. Vaikundarajan Chairman of VV Group is and has always been identified as

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