S. Vaikundarajan Not Involved In Any Scam Of One Lakh Crore In Tamil Nadu
The present scenario in India is very sorry because of innumerable scam reports coming up from here and there which is leading the public to disregard all those who are accused of the scams irrespective of whether or not they have committed it. Scams are not a very positive issue for the economy or the country but the fact remains that an accused is not guilty until proved so. Such was the case for a private company VV Minerals who were based in Tamil Nadu and were alleged of something they didn’t get into. VV Minerals were accused of committing a scam of one lakh crore of in the heavy mineral mining industry.
VV Minerals India which is a company who is into heavy mineral mining business and also exports of minerals. They practice their business on the coast of Tamil Nadu that is endowed with rich minerals like ilmenite, rutile, garnet, zircon, monazite and sillimanite.