Self Proclaimed Whistleblower Of Tamil Nadu Fabricated News Of Death Threats

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Self Proclaimed Whistleblower Of Tamil Nadu Fabricated News Of Death Threats

Mr. V. Sundaram, a retired IAS who claims to be a fearless whistleblower to Tamil Nadu who reported and exposed blatant mining violations in Tuticorin, Tirunelvelli and Kanniyakumari districts by VV Mineral is said to have made up stories of him receiving death threats. However, there is no evidence to such a story and the claim bears no testimony. It is believed that he wants to put VV Mineral Vaikundarajan into the negative picture and impact his positive image in the society by alleging them of committing such a heinous crime of illegally exporting heavy minerals and also referring to Vaikundarajan as the Sand Mafia.

In his failed attempts earlier on to accusing VV Mineral of carrying out a scam of 90K crore, V. Sundaram has tried to put them down always. However, there was a probe into this matter as because the accusation was a serious one and to everyone’s surprise VV Mineral came out clean from the investigation and proved its innocence to the world.

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