Thorium Not Exported By VV Minerals, Nuclear Gold Of The Sand Lies Untouched The Beach Mineral sands deposits are very unique in that they are found only in the coastal areas, formed & concentrated by the Ocean waves. In India, the Deposits are found in the coasts of Odhisa, A.P, and Tamil Nadu in the East coast and Kerala & Maharashtra in the West coast. The sands contain five or six minerals like Garnet, Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon, Sillimanite etc., in varying percentages. The Monazite content in the Beach sands is very low. It may contain Thorium from 7.0- 8.5%. It is believed that in Tamil Nadu VV Minerals a private heavy mineral mining company is mining thorium for export along with monazite. However no beach Mineral sands lessees is keen to recover the Monazite because of low % in the ROM, besides the radiation hazards it may produce. The Machinery &equipments for the processing units for beach mineral sands are not readily available. They are custom made, depending mainly upon the contained minerals, their percentages, mesh sizes and other impurities.
VV Minerals was alleged to have sent out monazite that can also be referred to as ‘Nuclear gold’ along with heavy mineral