UPA Government Favors Vaikundarajan As He Is Proven Innocent On The Thorium Scam

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UPA Government Favors Vaikundarajan As He Is Proven Innocent On The Thorium Scam

Heavy mineral mining industry in India is in a budding stage which yields great benefits to the Indian economy. The largest exporter from the southern part of India, Tamil Nadu is a private company, VV Minerals. There has been a lot of speculation over the business activities of VV Minerals as they were accused of carrying out a scam in which they were illegally exporting heavy minerals. S. Vaikundarajan who is the Chairman of the company was alleged to have carried out such illegal trade on behalf of his company. However, at the time of the investigation it was proved that VV Mineral Vaikundarajan was completely innocent and that there was no such illegal trading going on. This is the reason why the UPA government also kept quiet on the issue because it was proved that VV Mineral India had not been involved in any such scam. There has been news of quite a lot of scams in India that too in the mining industry which makes companies like VV Minerals also vulnerable to such accusations. S. Jegatheesan who is the Managing Director of the Company is also not expected to carry out any such dishonest activity in the name of the Company he manages. Therefore, it becomes really difficult at times to prove your incorruptibility to the people. But still devoid of such highly

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