Oficina de Mosaicos Catalog

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OFICINA DE MOSAICOS Since 1982 creating and restoring artistic mosaics

Re c o gn i ze d as an international reference in the creation, pro duc ti o n an d restoration of mosaic panels and furniture de si gn o bj e c ts, Oficina de M osaicos w as founded in 1982. T hro ugh o ut its trajector y, the enterprise has created n u m e ro u s

m u ral s





architectura l

i m po rtanc e i n se veral cities in Brazil and around the w orld. A m o n g i ts c l i e n ts are architects, builders, art galleries, c hu rc h o rgan i zati ons and the public sector. Partnering w ith th e m o st re no wn ed artists and architectural firms, Oficina de Mo sai c o s sta nds out for its artistic and technica l k n o wl e dge, c o m b ined w ith the use of new materials and th e pe rm ane nt s earch of new technologies. W ith the m i ssi o n o f transforming architectural spaces and cities th ro ugh art, O fi c i na de M osaicos presents in this catalog a se l e c tion of most significant w orks.


Tradition A pioneer in the artistic language and technical solutions for contemporary mosaic, in its 40 years of history, Oficina de Mosaicos has influenced and created new generations of artists and mosaicists.

Restoration Sec XIX

Craftsmanship Quality Our team is committed to providing the highest quality in every product. The “andamento”, color, choice of materials and perfection in tesserae assembling are carefully studied during production. That’s how we are in permanent innovation and incorporating cutting-edge technologies into our work, combining partnerships with international suppliers to always adapt new products to the customer’s needs. 5


Personalization Our creative team is formed by artists and architects who, through the study of light, color and space, create unique solutions for each project, in a delicate collaborative process, which definitely transforms the environment.

Artistic Creation Oficina de Mosaicos has developed numerous authoral panels or panels created upon original cards of partner artists. Among the artists with works performed or interpreted by us, are Alphonse Mucha, Cândido Portinari, Paulo Werneck, Haruyoshi Ono, Samson Flexor, Tomie Ohtake, Claudio Tozzi, Burle Marx and Vik Muniz.


Artistic Panels



Abstract Panel - Isabel Ruas 2x2cm glass tesserae panel Located at the restaurant of the Institute of Reinsurance of Brazil - IRB RJ Dimension 17,3 m²


sabel Ruas, artist and founder of Oficina de Mosaicos, developed a mural of 2.30 x 7.50 meters for the restaurant of the Institute of Reinsurance of Brazil - IRB RJ, bringing art and exclusivity to the environment in a building designed by the brothers MM Roberto, located in front of the airport Santos Dumont, in Rio de Janeiro. It was a pleasure to work with IrbBrasil-RE and Athié Wohnrath Architecture Office.



Photos: by Ines Bonduki

Ed. Turmalina - Oficina de Mosaicos Glass tesserae panel Located at the hall of the Condominio Parque Aclimação, São Paulo - SP Dimension 22,4 m²


Mosaic panel created for one of the towers’ hall in the Condomínio Parque Aclimação, to replace the original mosaic that had been destroyed. We had great pleasure in attending Mônica Salmaso, a great reference in Brazilian music, that commissioned the artwork


“Árvore subterrânea” - Alberto Nicolau Ceramic irregular tesserae panel Located at the Sacomã station platform of São Paulo´s subway Dimension 187 m²


The work, at Sacomã subway station, in São Paulo, portrays a JEQUITIBA ROSA removed from there during the construction of the station and replanted in other district


“Jesus entre os Doutores”- Cândido Portinari Irregular smalti tesserae panel Located on the Facade of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church - PUC - RJ Dimension 17 m²

The original oil painting, from 1957, was conceived as a panel by the painter, but only in 2008 was executed as such


Barão de Capanema - Oficina de Mosaicos Glass tesserae panel Located at a penthouse apartment, São Paulo - SP Dimension 17 m²

Adriana e Carlota Atelier by Adriana Pedrosa


“Aube” - Alphonse Mucha 1x1cm and 2x2cm glass tesserae panel Located at Restaurante Paris VI Dimension 3 m²


Photos: by Ines Bonduki

The work is a reinterpretation of the original painting “Aube” by Alphonse Mucha


Ed. Exclusive - Cláudio Tozzi 2x2cm geometric glass tesserae panel Located at the Ed. Exclusive, Av. Angélica, São Paulo - SP Dimension 601 m²


he largest mosaic panel in South America is located in São Paulo. Oficina de Mosaicos was responsible for carrying out this monumental work with more than 600 m² , where more than one and a half million tiles were applied over the 11 floors of the building. For the faithful reproduction of Cláudio Tozzi’s original card, in order to express the artist’s brush strokes, it was necessary to use 18 shades of blue.



Photos: by Ines Bonduki

Law School - Cláudio Tozzi 2x2cm glass tesserae panel Located at Law School - USP, Ribeirão Preto - SP Dimension 36 m²


Photo: by INelson Kon

Creation and execution of mosaic panel based on original painting of Cláudio Tozzi


Two Panels - Haruyoshi Ono 2x2cm glass tesserae panels with progress Located at Residêncial Viverde, Rio das Ostras - RJ Dimension 70 m² (each panel)

The architect and artist Haruyoshi Ono was involved in important landscaping projects in Brazil


“Geométrico 1” - Samson Flexor 2x2cm glass tesserae panel Located at EDUSP Café - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo- SP Dimension 28 m²

Photos: by Ines Bonduki


ommissioned by the Dean of the University of São Paulo, Oficina de Mosaicos, in partnership with the architect Paulo Bruna, developed this panel, based on an original painting “Geometric I” of the abstract artist Samson Flexor. The panel is located in the former cafeteria of the bookstore EDUSP Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, which, unfortunately, was deactivated shortly after its inauguration. 25

Fundação Oscar Americano - Karl Plattner Restored 2x2cm glass tesserae panel Located at Oscar Fundação Maria Luiza e Oscar Americano, São Paulo - SP Dimension 28 m²


Photos: by Ines Bonduki

In 1974, the former residence of Maria Luisa and Oscar Americano was donated to the city of São Paulo, as well as its collection of works of art


Painel CDHU - Oficina de Mosaicos Mixed technique panel with ceramic, porcelain and glass tesserae Located at Djalma Dutra street, São Paulo - SP Dimension 22 m²

Work performed by the team of Oficina de Mosaicos, at Luz district in São Paulo



Photos: by Ines Bonduki

Panel CDHU - Oficina de Mosaicos Mixed technique panel with ceramic, porcelain and glass tesserae Located in Barra Funda, São Paulo - SP Dimension 7,82 m²



Photos: by Ines Bonduki

n partnership with the architecture office Ambiente Arquitetura, we designed and created this 16 sq.m mosaic panel that portrays the communitary work for the demolition of an old building and construction of a new one in downtown São Paulo.


Green Weave - Oficina de Mosaicos Tridimensional glass tesserae panel Located in the Boston Consulting Group, São Paulo - SP Dimension 64m²


Photos: by Ines Bonduki

This mosaic was created especially for the living room of the Boston Consulting Group, at Berrini. Once again, it was a great pleasure to work with the architecture office team of Athie Wohnrath, who designed the building


Paulo Werneck - Oficina de Mosaicos Restored ceramic tesserae panels Located at penthouse garden of IRB - RJ Dimension 155 m²


ECONSTITUTION • Seven panels of Paulo Werneck that we reconstituted in the Institute of the Reinsurance of Brazil - RJ. Panels 1 and 2 form this corner of the garden cover signed by Burle Marx.





ECONSTITUTION • Original work of Paulo Werneck. after beeing completely destroyed, they were reconstituted by Oficina de Mosaicos in partnership with the Paulo Werneck Project, coordinated by Claudia and Gaspar Saldanha. In the rooftop of the Institute of Reinsurance of Brazil - RJ building designed by the brothers MMM Roberto and garden of Burle Marx. 37

Paulo Wernek - Oficina de Mosaicos Restored 2x2 cm porcelain tile panels Located at Maracanã Stadium, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Dimension 21 m² (each panel)


ural made with porcelain tiles of 2x2 cm, restored for the Olympic Games. The authorship is by Paulo Werneck, the first modern mosaicist, with a very important contribution to the mosaic technique in Brazil. The restoration was coordinated by the architect and founder of the Oficina de Mosaicos, Isabel Ruas. The “distacco” and installation of the panels in a light portable structure, placing them back in the same wall was a great challenge, due to the great size and logistic needed for the work.





Rua Rodésia, 398 - Vila Madalena - São Paulo/SP - Brasil CEP: 05435-020 oficinademosaicos@oficinademosaicos.com.br Tel: +55 11 38149590 @oficinademosaicos



Since 1982 creating and restoring artistic mosaics

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