Mohamed sharaf candidature kit for mssa president 2013 2014

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Motivation Letter


Plan of Action

Motivation Letter Dear MSSA Citizens, "Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, actually do!" Steve Jobs 6 years have passed since I lied my eyes on MSSA office for the first time, it was love at first sight and it has been growing stronger day after day. 6 years filled with excitement, joy, stress, laughs and tears. I've learned a lot , explored my potentials and pushed myself to new limits that have never crossed my mind before joining MSSA. My journey with the responsibility started with being a member in the first local fundraising team in MSSA and the fund raising director for the following year which taught me how to be a good representative for MSSA image. I followed that with a year in the LPO position during which I've learned how to be a TO member and how important is the harmony between the EB to facilitate the work. I joined the big league two years ago when I was elected as MSSA treasurer for the first time and I found myself on the doorstep of a whole new experience of managerial work, strategic planning and financial responsibilities. I can't describe my happiness when you renewed your trust in me for becoming MSSA treasurer for the second year , it added a lot to my experience and helped sharpening my managerial skills specially after I spent the last 3 months of my term as a Secretary general and treasurer. So, with great honor and pleasure I'm here by applying for the position of MSSA president for the term 2013-2014 hopping that my long experience will be enough to earn your trust specially after the bar has been set too high by our formal amazing presidents, and I know that with your help we will keep MSSA on the right track and go together for the future. Yours, MohaMMed Sharaf Candidate for MSSA President 2013-2014

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Mohammed Sharaf Mohammed 15-10-1991 Egyptian Mansoura City, Dakahlia governorate, Home : +2 050 217 20 92 Mob. : +2 0106 54 93 809

Name Date of Birth Nationality Address Email Telephone

Education: Graduated at Al. Manahel Secondary Secondary School in K.S.A. Interests: Communication with others Making friends all over the world

Personal Skills:

Language Skills: - native

Computer Skills:

Highlights: SCOPH member for 5 years .from 2007 Coordinator of 7 local SCOPH projects .2008-12 National Healthy life style project Fundraiser 2010-11 National Smoking-ologist Fundraiser 2010-11 Initiator of "Mansoura University free from Smoking "2010-11 Head of OC of 1st "IFMSA-EGYPT National GA" 2010-11 in Mansoura Attended TNT, EMR, Jordan 2012 National TB coordinator 2011-12 President of MSSA 9th annual conference 2012-2013 National fundraising director 2012-2013

Posts: MSSA Mansoura Fundraising director 2009-10 MSSA Mansoura Local public health officer 2010-11 Head of the National SCOPH fundraising Task force 2010-11 Transnational Coordinator assistant of "smoking-ologist" project 2010-11 MSSA Mansoura Treasurer 2011-12 STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES: During School: "2003-2005" Editor in chief of The School Magazine for 2 years Students' union: "2009-2010" Member in the committee of social and trips. -2011" The assistant of the info & technology committee As a member in Mansoura Students' Scientific Association (MSSA):

Member in MSSA since 1st year in medicine (2007) General -such as:

Head of the Welcoming Ceremony for the new student's (2010-2011). nd pediatric

surgery training course for cleft lip and palate

surgery Nov 09 , Oct '10 nd urology conference Oct 09

th &

8th MSSA annual congress

Meetings attended:

Nationally Attended more than 14 National GAs from 2009-12 "SCOPH Session -2012 rd IFMSA –EGYPT Winter Camp "Ismaileya "

Regionally EMR8-Jordan "SCOPH Session"2012

SCOPH: As a Member : Sharing in the Blood donation campaigns (2007, 2008-2009) at The University.

SSA Nov.08.

-ordinator assistant) - '09 Sharing in Satamony medical campaign. -tobacco campaign. Sharing in the fund of Diabetes Hypertension campaign. local coordinator of H1N1 campaign '09 Shared in the National TB Day '09 Attended Smokingol-ogist workshop '11 Coordinator of "145" Diabetes campaign '11

As MSSA LPO10-11 The initiator of "Let's make Mansoura University Free From Tobacco" '10-'11 Second base line that can carry the responsibility for the next years. Advocate for the idea about that every of our projects should create a measurable output. Attended all national meetings.

SCOME: AMID East seminar nd hand washing workshop '09

SCORA: Shared in the International women day 08. Shared in the Breast cancer awareness campaign 07-08. Shared in the FGM seminar Oct.2008. Shared in the WAC activities and its preparation. 08. HIV\AIDS campaign 08


n gifts ( co-ordinator )

Exchange: Sharing in Marketing and advertising for exchange contracts 2008-09-10’.

Fund raising; As the director assistant 1 Total fund of blood donation campaign 09 2 Partial fund of IV access 3 Total fund of orphan's day 09 4 Total fund of diabetes and hypertension 5 Total fund of contact lenses campaign ( national and local ) 6 Medications for the medical campaigns. 7 Contact with Etisalat , DAMAS and IRAM.

As Fund raising director 09-2010 1 Total fund of blood donation campaign 2010 2 Partial fund of BLS 3 Total fund of Human rights day 2010 4 Total fund of diabetes and hypertension 2010 5 Total fund of National awareness campaign ( national and local ) 6 Medications for the medical campaigns . Others: Treasurer MSSA Mansoura : 2009-2011

Nationally: 1. National Fundraising director of NSI '10-'11 2. National Fundraising director of Healthy Life Style '10-'11

3. National SCOPH fundraiser 10-11 4. National TB coordinator '11

Regionally : 1. Smoking-ologist Transnational coordinator assistant 10-11 2. Member in EMR fundraising task force '10-'11 Workshops &trainings: Communication skills. MSSA 2008 Presentation skills. MSSA 2008-'09 Burn out & stress control training MSSA2009 Team building training. MSSA 2009 Proposal writing training.MSSA 2009 Fund raising training. MSSA 2009 Leadership training. MSSA2010 Wrong medical believes. MSSA2009 Empowerment training. MSSA2010 ASK training. "Zagazig 2010" Mental health training. "Cairo 2010" FGM Training " Cairo 2011" Marketing Training "MSSA2011" TNT Jordan 2012

Trainings Conducted as IFMSA Trainer : Financial Management & Fundraising "Jordan 2012" Project Management "IFMSA-Egypt WC 窶的smaieleya2012" Financial Management " Mansoura Training Camp 2012" Marketing Training "Mansoura 2012" Communication Skills Training "Mansoura Training Camp2012" Medical Counseling " Mansoura 2012" Time Management " Mansoura 2012" Communication Skills an medical counseling.

References : Present upon request 窶ヲ窶ヲ

Plan of Action I am building my plan of action according to: MSSA Strength Points: -

Highly motivated and Large number of MSSA members Highly experienced Team of officials and old members MSSA Board connections with the Faculty administration

MSSA Weakness Points: - MSSA busy timeline - Lack of experience of MSSA main manpower. - Weak Marketing plan for MSSA Activities

So I am planning to cover the following points: 1. Hand over process: Am planning to start a strong hand over process from the 1st day  Supervision of the handover process from the pervious TO  2 weeks of training for the new board and the active members to ensure:    

Proper Handover. Aligning of the plans Clear timeline Getting the EB ready for their term.

 Involving of MSSA Active and associate members in this process 2. Strategic planning : In coordination with MSSA TO am planning to create SMART goals for MSSA 2018 3. MSSA Local Situation  MSSA members  Capacity building: - planning to assess MSSA needs in the section of the human resources and start acting to satisfy MSSA Needs indifferent ways - Orientation meetings about MSSA activities and goals

 Ensure growing of qualified, oriented new members to deserve upgrading their membership status

 Trainings: As trainings is the backbone of our association I am planning to  Establish Training subdivision  Supervise and direct MSSA Training director to motivate MSSA members to be more involved in the trainings.  Use IFMSA trainers to develop MSSA new members' skills.  Prepare the 2nd line of trainers.  MSSA Experience sharing:  Invite MSSA Alumni to share their experience with the new members.  Use MSSA Experienced old members to transmit their working knowledge to their fellows.

 MSSA Projects : Am planning to:  Projects regulations:  Will be discussed in the 1st Team of Officials Meeting to be applied after the handover period.  I will be sure that every project matches those regulations.  Projects quality : Will put criteria for MSSA Projects in cooperation with MSSA Team of Officials Meeting to be applied in MSSA Committees  Projects timeline: The timeline will be ready in the 1st GA and we will avoid the overlapping problems

 MSSA connections * Connections with University administration: Start a relation with the University and searching for chances of cooperation * Connections with Faculty administration


Introduce MSSA officials and MSSA activities to Faculty Dean & Vice-dean Finalize MSSA TO recognition paper stamped and signed to be ready Regular visits and invitations to Dean and vice-dean to support and attend MSSA events Keeping the good image in front of Faculty's authorities

* Connections with MSSA Supervisor -

Introduce all MSSA TO and arrange a meeting with MSSA supervisor Regular visits to inform her with all updates and next events Keep a good connection


Ensure being in the head of the most important events of MSSA and sharing in its preparations Presenting all MSSA reports every GA

* Connections with other NGOs in Mansoura - Establish and enhance MSSA relations with other students' organizations and NGOs in Mansoura and discuss further cooperation and collaborations

* Connections with MSSA Partners - introduce MSSA work to our stable partners to obtain new of new chances

 Documentation - Database -

*General Mailing list database Reactivating the existing database about MSSA current members and alumni Reactivating of MSSA Files section in MSSA GML including "specific folders for MSSA End term, Committees and elections candidatures to act as a references for all MSSA members. *website database

 MSSA Hall of Fame "Alumni Club " - Invite MSSA Alumni to be in contact with MSSA members - Show MSSA Alumni our appreciation to their efforts  40th anniversary celebration Will open celebration committee to manage it and details will be discussed in the 1st TO  MSSA 10th conference: Choose the president with MSSA EB and help him to prepare the time line to fit MSSA general Schedule

 Social Planning to make social events foe MSSA members to get closer and break the ice between them 4. MSSA National Situation  MSSA representative in the national team  MSSA National Coordinators

5. MSSA transnational and international Level


Supporting the experienced well qualified MSSA members to be more involved in the transnational and international level

6. Communication

 MSSA members - Online communications - Regular meetings at MSSA Office

 MSSA EB and TO  Keeping the harmony and respect between MSSA officials is the most important task of a president.  Regular TOMs to review all MSSA activities and follow its status locally and nationally  Enhance respect between TO inside and outside MSSA office  Avoid any unnecessary interference in each other's work.  Regulate work plan with all officers to prepare a highly effective term  Help and support MSSA Sec treasurer to achieve the highest degree of financial stability  Help LEO in his/her work and tasks.  Ensure a process of handover to next year officers  Ensure building 2nd line in every committee  Help HRD to detect his/her exact role in MSSA  Support HRD in Members preparations and qualifications

 IFMSA-Egypt TO -

- Keep good relations and contact - Ensure good relations with local MSSA officers - Follow all IFMSA-Egypt work and updates - Regular announcement and forwarding calls and updates nationally to MSSA GML - Preparing for next IFMSA-Egypt elections

Thank You,,

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