1 minute read

A Principles of ideal street design


Principles of Ideal Street Design


Manual for streets: • Places people at the heart of the design process • Acknowledges diversity and differences • Offers choice where a single solution cannot accommodate all users • Provides for flexibility in use • Provides buildings and environments that are convenient and enjoyable to use for everyone

Streetscape Guidance: • Moving: help people, goods and services get from A to B, by enabling more efficient and reliable movement for a range of transport modes •Living: provide welcoming and inclusive places which support economic, cultural and community activities • Unlocking: improve accessibility, connectivity and quality of major growth areas to support the delivery of new homes, jobs, and economic sectors that London needs as it grows. • Functioning: ensure essential access for deliveries and servicing, and upgrade utilities to better serve London’s growing needs and foster a digital city, • Protecting: improve safety and ensure that streets are secure • Sustaining: reduce road network emissions and support clean, green initiatives for a healthier and more active city.

It is important to ensure that space is clearly delineated as public or private. Ambiguous ownership promotes under-use and are a maintenance burden.

See ‘X’ for domains of privacy as set out by Serge Chermayeff and Christopher Alexander in Community and Privacy: Towards a New Architecture of Humanism

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