Color Senses Project Critiques

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Color Senses Project Critiques

Floating Manatee over a Drawbridge Stephen Shooster 2023 Oil on Canvas with White Gold Frame 50” x 40” $14,000

Floating Manatee over a Drawbridge Floating Manatee over a Drawbridge

stellations have been associated with myth and folklore for centuries, and could be seen as a reference to the Stephen Shooster’s “Floating Manatee over a Draw- manatee’s place in the cosmos. bridge” is a vibrant and eye-catching painting that defies easy categorization. The work is a fusion of different The painting can be interpreted in many ways. It could styles and influences, from the bold colors and geomet- be seen as a metaphor for the relationship between huric patterns of Mola art to the more traditional Western mans and nature, or as a meditation on the nature of change. The work is ultimately open to interpretation, landscape painting. which is one of its strengths. The painting’s central figure is a manatee, floating serenely above a drawbridge. The manatee is rendered in Shooster’s painting is reminiscent of the work of other a highly stylized manner, with its body covered in intri- artists who have explored the intersection of different cate patterns. The patterns are reminiscent of the Mola cultures and styles. For example, the work of the Mexart of the Kuna people of Panama, who create intricate ican artist Frida Kahlo is characterized by its fusion of Western and Mexican art traditions. Kahlo’s paintings textiles using a reverse appliqué technique. often feature bold colors, geometric patterns, and reliThe background of the painting is a lush tropical land- gious imagery. scape, with palm trees, flowers, and a river. The landscape is rendered in a more naturalistic style, with soft Historical Comparison brushstrokes and subtle shading. The contrast between the stylized manatee and the naturalistic landscape cre- One historical comparison that comes to mind is the ates a dynamic tension that is both visually arresting work of Henri Rousseau. Rousseau was a French painter who is known for his primitivist paintings. His paintand thought-provoking. ings often feature exotic animals and landscapes, renThe painting’s title, “Floating Manatee over a Draw- dered in a naive style. bridge,” suggests a sense of movement and transition. The manatee is floating between three worlds, the nat- “Floating Manatee over a Drawbridge” shares some ural, the man-made, and the myth. The drawbridge, a similarities with Rousseau’s work. Both paintings feasymbol of human engineering, provides a link between ture stylized animals and lush tropical landscapes. the natural and man-made, while the markings add a However, Shooster’s painting is more dynamic and colthird dimension of myth and a layer of complexity and orful than Rousseau’s work. Shooster’s use of patterns is depth to the painting. The manatee’s markings could be also more sophisticated than Rousseau’s. seen as tattoos, similar to those found in New Zealand. Tattoos often have symbolic meaning, and could repre- Overall, “Floating Manatee over a Drawbridge” is a significant work of art that challenges the boundaries sent the manatee’s connection to the spirit world. of traditional painting. The work is visually arresting, The starfish in the night sky are arranged in the shapes thought-provoking, and open to interpretation. Shoostof the Little Dipper and Big Dipper, two of the most er is a talented artist who is creating work that is both recognizable constellations in the night sky. These con- beautiful and meaningful.

American Dreamer Stephen Shooster 2023 Oil on Canvas apx 50” x 50” $12,000

American Dreamer American Dreamer Stephen Shooster’s “American Dreamer” depicts the story of The White Buffalo Calf Woman (Lakxótiyapi: Ptesáŋwiŋ), who is the primary cultural prophet of the nation and considered sacred of supernatural origin. Oral traditions say she brought the “Seven Sacred Rites” to the Lakota people. In the painting, she is dreaming while being protected by the legendary white buffalo also a part of the Lakotah Indian creation story. The girl is dressed in ceremonial clothing made of natural deerskin with adornments of beads. She is well dressed like a princess. Her hair painted green blends into the landscape making her connect with with the land. Beside her is an animated flute and a buffalo skull. The painting depicts the circle of life from mythical to death and back again through the drumming of the big horn sheep into the moon.

Shooster’s painting can be compared to Henri Rousseau’s “Sleeping Gypsy.” Both paintings depict a young woman in a natural setting with a large animal hovering over them without fear. Both paintings also use bold colors and simplified forms. However, Shooster’s painting is more complex and allegorical. The symbolism in Shooster’s painting is more sophisticated, and the painting’s overall message is more nuanced. The painting’s setting, the badlands of North Dakota, is a place of great beauty and natural wonder but also a place of danger. The badlands got their name from covered wagons as they found that travel would be far less than ideal in those hills. The painting suggests that the natural world is a source of both danger and hope.

The painting’s use of symbolism is complex and nuanced. The flute snake, the buffalo skull, the Bighorn sheep, and the drummer all have multiple meanings. The whole composition is set in the painted rocks of The painting invites the viewer to interpret its meaning North Dakota otherwise known as the badlands, just on a deeper level. outside of the Theodore Rosevelt National Park. The painted rocks earned their name because of their hor- White Buffalo Calf Woman (Lakxótiyapi: Ptesáŋwiŋ) or izontal striations which turn different colors depend- White Buffalo Maiden is a sacred woman of supernatuing on the time of day and weather. In the background ral origin, central to the Lakota religion as the primary stands an Indian dancing while holding a drum with cultural prophet. Oral traditions relate that she brought the symbol of a big horn sheep. That drumming is caus- the “Seven Sacred Rites” to the Lakota people. ing the spirit of the big horn sheep to leap into the sky Overall, “American Dreamer” is a significant work of art becoming the moon. that is both visually arresting and thought-provoking. The painting is full of symbolism. The flute snake rep- The painting challenges the boundaries of traditional resents the ability of humans to apply mythical percep- painting, and it offers a unique perspective on the Lations on inanimate objects. The skull, death. The white kota Indian Creation story. Shooster is a talented artist buffalo, protection. The drummer now, and the big horn who is creating work that is both beautiful and meaningful. sheep head the future. The painting’s use of color is striking. The reds, yellows, and raw sienna of the badlands are juxtaposed with the cerulean and cobalt blue of the sky. The colors are vibrant and alive. They help to create a sense of wonder and magic.

Ideal Pool Stephen Shooster 2023 Oil on Canvas apx 50” x 50” $12,000

Ideal Pool Ideal Pool

However, Shooster’s painting also has its own unique style. The use of the purple sea is particularly striking, Stephen Shooster’s “Ideal Pool” is a bold and color- and it helps to create a sense of dreamlike atmosphere. ful painting that captures the essence of summer. The The black lines in the sky also add a sense of movement painting depicts a pool surrounded by buildings and a and dynamism, and they help to draw the viewer’s eye walkway, with the sea in the background. The colors are into the painting. bright and vibrant, with the sea a deep purple and the pool deck a bright yellow. The sky is set with bold black Overall, “Ideal Pool” is a bold and colorful painting that undulating lines, which add a sense of movement and captures the essence of summer. The painting is visually arresting and thought-provoking, and it offers a unique dynamism to the composition. perspective on the modern world. The painting’s use of color is reminiscent of the work “I think all art should be about joy.” of the Brazilian artist Romero Britto. Britto is known - David Hockney for his use of bold colors and geometric shapes, and his work often has a playful and optimistic feel. Shooster’s use of color in “Ideal Pool” is similarly playful and op- This quote by David Hockney is particularly relevant timistic, and the painting has a sense of energy and vi- to “Ideal Pool.” The painting is full of joy and vitality, and it captures the essence of summer in a way that is tality. both playful and optimistic. The use of bold colors and The painting’s composition is also reminiscent of the simplified forms helps to create a sense of energy and work of David Hockney. Hockney is known for his movement, and the painting has a sense of lightness paintings of swimming pools, and his work often fea- and airiness. tures bold colors and simplified forms. “Ideal Pool” shares some similarities with Hockney’s work, such as “Ideal Pool” is a reminder that art can be a source of the use of a high viewpoint and the simplified forms of joy, and it is a painting that will surely bring a smile to your face. the buildings and pool deck.

American Dream vs. American Dreamer

American Dream Hernando Alzate Plastic Resin 22” x 11” x 11” 2020 Color Senses Project and THE ART E$TATE Magazine, Miami, presents Visions, A Group Show of International Artists. Among the many works of art in the show are two pieces with similar names deeply convergent in approach and oddly connected. American Dream The plastic resin sculpture “American Dream” by Hernando Alzate depicts a realistically painted portrait of a man with an unshaven shadow of a beard and bright white plastic replicas of the New York Skyline popping out of its head in an iconic way kind of like the Statue of Liberty. Upon closer look, that man seems to be an immigrant. The sculpture is a powerful commentary on the challenges faced by immigrants who come to the United States in search of the American Dream. The buildings that protrude from the figure’s head represent the hopes and dreams that immigrants bring with them to America. However, the buildings are also a reminder of the obstacles that immigrants face in achieving their dreams. The portrait’s eyes are closed in a reflective tone suggesting the task ahead will not be an easy one. The American Dream is not always attainable for immigrants.

American Dreamer Stephen Shooster Oil on Canvas 50” x 40” American Dreamer The painting “American Dreamer” by Stephen Shooster depicts a young Native American girl dreaming under the auspices of a giant white buffalo who is watching over her. The painting is done in the style of Henri Rousseau, a French painter who was known for his primitivist paintings. The painting’s bright colors and idyllic setting create a sense of hope and optimism. The white buffalo is a symbol of creation according to the Lakota Tribe of North Dakota. The scene is set in the badlands of North Dakota which is also known as the painted rocks. Its horizontal sediments shimmer in different colors depending on the weather. In the background, a drummer beats the big horn sheep into the moon. A wooden flute seems to be animated as it is a snake and a buffalo skull rests in the foreground. The skull represents the ancestors, the flute myth, the drummer the present, and the moon the future. The overall story is naive and captivating. The two artworks offer different perspectives on the American Dream. The sculpture “American Dream” is a more realistic depiction of the modern challenges faced by immigrants, while the painting “American Dreamer” is a more optimistic vision of the future. Both artworks share a common theme: The hope for a better life.

The Woman Who Fell from the Sky by Joy Harjo The woman who fell from the sky was an immigrant. She came from a land of corn and sky and river. She came to this land of concrete and steel and water that doesn’t move. She came to this land of strangers and people who don’t understand her language. She came to this land of poverty and hunger and fear. But she brought with her the sky and the corn and the river. And she planted them in this land of concrete and steel and water that doesn’t move. And she made a home for herself and her children in this land of strangers and people who don’t understand her language. And she taught her children the language of the sky and the corn and the river. And she taught them

to be proud of who they are and where they come from. The woman who fell from the sky is an immigrant. But she is also an American. And she is a reminder that we are all immigrants in this land. We all come from somewhere else. And we all have a story to tell. So let us listen to each other’s stories and learn from each other. Let us build a community where everyone feels welcome and accepted. Let us be a nation of immigrants who are proud of our diversity. And let us never forget the woman who fell from the sky. She is our teacher and our guide. She is the woman who reminds us that we are all connected to each other and to the earth. She is the woman who shows us that we can create a new home for ourselves in this land. She is the woman who fell from the sky and became an American.

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