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A journal is a written record of your innermost feelings, experiences, your thoughts, and philosophies.
Journals differ from diaries in as much as journaling is broader and can be used to delve into experiences and can be considered a form of therapy whereas diaries are a reactive record of daily events with less introspection.
There are no rules in freestyle journaling since no-one will see it and you are not going to be chastised over poor grammar or spelling. It is complete freedom of expression and feelings and can deal with any topic - or all - as they intertwine in your subconscious.
Benefits of journaling:
• Reducing stress. • Coping with depression. • Helps you to prioritise your problems and fears. • Tracking your problems daily helps to see what the triggers are and how to be aware and solve them more effectively. • Helps to identify negative thoughts and behaviours. • Clarify your thoughts and feelings & get to know yourself better; and • Allows you to see your problems with more clarity and get a new perspective on things that are happening in our lives.
Types of paper
especially suited to journaling: Ruled: For those that like structure or to improve their handwriting skills, this is probably best suited, or for those that want to write in straight lines.
Plain: For those that prefer to be more creative, lines may seem too restrictive. A plain sheet allows for more creativity and expression.
Grid/Dotted: Grid and dotted notebooks are favoured by skilled sketchers and designers. This format of journaling allows for more precise spacing that is important in design.
It can also assist in making the writing appear more organised and neater.
You can use any notebook, but there are notebooks that are purposely made for journaling.
Depending on how you like to express yourself you can choose a smaller A5 notebook or a full sized A4. If you will be using a pen and just writing, then standard paper will suit you, however, if you will be using markers or fountain pens or adding illustrations, possibly opting for a notebook with heavier paper will be better so that the ink does not bleed through and mark the other side of the page.
There are several types of journals that people use for specific purposes to detail a journey beginning, or an event passed.
Gratitude journals allow the author to reflect and detail daily, or as often as they like to add to the journal, those things for which they are grateful or things that they appreciate.
Some people keep dream journals and record their dreams, which can give them insight into their daily lives. Dreams can often depict images or scenes over which a person is concerned and by journaling this, allow themselves time to reflect and make changes.
A bible journal will allow those attending bible study to reflect and analyse discussions and teachings and to ponder their reflections after a class or study group.

A self-reflective journal will allow you to reflect on interactions and emotions and create a more meaningful life.
Travel journals are very popular allowing you to document travels, people and discoveries and really capture the essence and emotions of the travels undertaken. Food journals allow the author to document all foods and their nutritive value and quantities - this is very useful if food is being used as an emotional crutch or if the person has an eating disorder.
A pregnancy journal will document the start of the new life and the journey the parent and the child will have until they finally meet.
Morning pages journal allows the author to write first thing in the morning, as they awake, and to document their hopes and visions for the day ahead. This can be very calming and allow a positive mindset at the start of the day. A five-year journal involves writing one line a day for five years, it can be useful as a means of reflection and growth.
Blogging as form of journaling
Whilst notebooks are traditionally how journaling is done, there are other means of doing notebooks that embrace technology a bit more. It all depends on what feels most natural to you, and you should also take into account the security of the medium as the journal will contain your innermost feelings and thoughts. Privacy is something that you would want to ensure.
You may opt for a private blog or a public blog. Private blogs are best if you are journaling about a trauma or working through emotions - public blogs may invite comments that are not kind and may be counter-productive to the journaling process.
A private email account is another option - you journal and send emails to yourself. It is easy to set up and you can access it from anywhere. The contents are also in date order, making this a great way to keep a repository that can span years or decades and really allow you privacy and security.
Apps for journaling
There are also journaling apps available, and these are great if you have a smart phone as you can journal whenever you have time or the need to do so. Backed up to the cloud, it will allow you to keep your journal going even if you change phones.
Audio journal
Lastly, you could choose to record an audio journal. This would be for people who don’t enjoy writing or who don’t want to spend the time writing. It’s easy and quick to get thoughts out and means you don’t have to worry about carrying a journal. The downside is that it’s not easy to find previous entries specific to a topic. If you wanted to, you could transcribe it and keep a typed copy or print it out and keep it in a folder.
Journals are deeply personal, what you choose to write in or with is completely at your discretion. This is by you for you and no-one else. Whether you choose to just write and reflect or choose to embellish and draw or stick in notes or images it is completely up to you. It can be in handwritten form, via audio or on a computer – it is not how you do it, but why you do it that make the difference. Go with what feels the most natural for you. Above all, this is a place where you can be 100% honest and open, enjoy your journey of discovery. �