Shopfront Arts Co-op
2017 Annual Report
table of contents.
shopfront – this is us. 1 the shopfront team. 2 chair’s report. 4 executive director / ceo’s report. 6 creative director’s report. 8 director of young & emerging artists programs report. 10 director of socially engaged programs report. 12 director of young audience development report. 14 Shopfront Arts Co-Op 88 Carlton Parade Carlton NSW 2218 Australia E T 02 9588 3948
2017 statistical snapshot. 15 shopfront season list. 16 financials 44
shopfront – this is us. Shopfront Arts Co-op has been making exciting, relevant and boundary-pushing art with young people since 1976.
We would like to acknowledge the Bediagal and Kameygal people of the Eora nation who are the traditional custodians of the land on which Shopfront is built. We pay our respects to elders past and present, and to the emerging elders of the future.
Shopfront celebrates the amazing ideas and creativity generated by young people and emerging artists. As a co-operative organisation, Young People have a lead role in everything we do. Through Shopfront, our young artists gain invaluable skills in artistic leadership and community building, shaping and becoming the next generation of creative content makers and community leaders. Our members make daring, adventurous and socially relevant work across Australia and internationally. Their combined voices are those of tomorrow’s leaders and are essential to Australia’s cultural and political landscape.
Annual Report 2017
We are an inclusive space for all young people. We’re a hub of art-making and creativity across diverse artforms. We’re where Young People come together to express themselves – to learn, share and bring their imaginations to life. Our youthcentred venue is alive with the stories and ideas of young people and emerging artists. Our socially-engaged program places Young People at the centre of creating transformation through the arts in school, community and public spaces; as place-makers, artistic thinkers and storytellers.
the shopfront team.
Board of Directors
Staff Team
Chair Elizabeth Hristoforidis (until 27 May) Fiona Hulton (from 27 May, previously Director)
Executive Director / CEO Daniel Potter
Deputy Chair Nadia Lindop Secretary Scott Parker (until 27 May) Susan Doherty (from 27 May) Treasurer Glenn Murray Directors Buffy Montgomery (from 27 May) Daniel Potter Michael Webb Philip Sansom Samantha Crome
Creative Producer Natalie Rose Director of Young & Emerging Artist Programs Hannah Strout Director of Socially Engaged Programs Hannah Grant Director of Young Audience Development Valentina Corona (from 1 May 2017) Young Leader Rowan Yeomans (from 15 May 2017) Marketing & Communications Manager Melinda Maillard (until 10 May 2017) Carly Young (Acting, 15 May – 1 September 2017) Rowena Tuziak (from 21 August 2017) Development Manager Kate Armstrong-Smith (from 6 February) Bookkeeper Zeng Jones Marketing Assistant Hannah Goodwin (from 8 May 2017) Admin & Systems Co-ordinator Lauren Scott-Young Operations Co-ordinator Doug Niebling (from 30 January 2017)
Supporters Trailblazers
Elizabeth Hristoforidis
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Andrew Fox Denise Goodwin Fiona Hulton John Christo Michael Webb Nadia Lindop Stephen Collier
Shopkeepers Augusta Supple Chris Ryan Elizabeth Hill Sarah Miller
Aaron Wasiniak Aiden Yeomans Aisha Redmond Alex Brunner Anastasia Morris Andrew Harrison Athena Govas Barbara Easton Benjamin Strout Bruce Goodwin Carly Young Chris Dunstan Christie Woodhouse Clare McKenzie Courtney Ammenhauser David Weisbrot
Edward Essing Elizabeth Ferrier Elizabeth Zheng Erica Brennan Erica Elliott Glenn Murray Goldele Rayment Hannah Strout Imogen Ross James Grbveski Kate Denborough Katie Aghazarmian Kristine Tito Kurtis Wade Lauren Scott-Young Lucy Owen-Partasis
Megan Bennetts Michele Medway Natalie Rose Noelene Ferrier Pam O’Brien Paul Connon Patrick Drew Philip Moore-Clague Rebecca Dallam Robert Keys Simon Vaughan Tom Christophersen Wendy Guy Yana Taylor
We welcomed Rowan Yeomans to the team, as the first ever Shopfront Young Leader! Rowan’s role is to lead the Voice of Shopfront and keep us on track in our mission as a youth-led organisation. Shopfront would like to acknowledge the generous and ongoing support of our core funding bodies, the Australia Council for the Arts, and the NSW state government through Create NSW, the Department of Family and Community Services and Multicultural NSW. Our local government supporters, Bayside Council, Georges River Council, the City of Sydney and Wollongong City Council.
image Rowan Yeomans. Photo Š Carly Young for for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the support of the Doing it Differently Initiative through Bayside Council and NSW Health, as well as the Matana Foundation and SBW foundation for their support of our programs.
Shopfront Arts Co-op would also like to thank our many presenting and project partners.
Annual Report 2017
Funding Partners
chair’s report.
2017 was yet another exciting and successful year in which the Young People of Shopfront inspired us, challenged us, entertained us and astounded us. The year began with a bang with the ArtsLab: Treats performances. So successful, two of the works were showcased in a second season at Belvoir the following quarter. And so, 2017 moved from artistic strength to strength, from the Member Production Star-Crossed, to the Harness Ensemble’s production of Dignity of Risk at ATYP winning critical acclaim and a Sydney Theatre award. The Senior Ensemble presented Conspiracies, Bodylines Ensemble brought us Umami, and the End of Term Showcases immersed us in their rich and striking performances. We left our home and travelled to the Way Out West Festival with The Greg Show and to You Are Here Canberra with Telling Myths, Telling Lies, sharing our art far and wide.
Shopfront Arts Co-op
And back at home the community continued to unite through the Shopfront Choir, Member Movie Nights, and monthly Voice of Shopfront meetings. Our community spirit continued to be on full display when we presented St George Metre Squared – an interactive weekend combining art with the stories, history, culture and diversity of St George that still fills me with memories of lovely food, meeting our wonderful neighbours and a program that had many of us in stitches.
Our Socially Engaged Program continued to merge social work and artistic practice to create change and transformation. Initiatives such as Pixel Playground, Transitions: Here We Are//We Are Here, New Home New Laws and Storytime are some of the most moving parts of witnessing the work that everyone at Shopfront does. Anyone would think this outstanding program of activities, performances and events driven by our CEO, Daniel Potter, and the core artistic team would be more
than enough for one year. Instead, with the support of a dedicated staff team, Shopfront launched one of the most ambitious initiatives for almost any arts organisation to date; Playwave. A ticketing platform designed to give more access and independence to Young People to experience culture, Playwave has been nothing short of a phenomenal success in engaging both Young People, and major arts organisations around NSW. This is Shopfront truly living and breathing its commitment to Young People and the Arts. I’d like to thank the Young People who are, and have always been, the beating heart of this organisation. Your creativity is what drives the Board, the staff, the alumni, and volunteers of Shopfront to continue what we all do. My first year as Chair also coincided with much growth in the organisation, and I’ve admired how successfully the Shopfront team embraced the change. We’ve welcomed a new larger creative & administrative team to the organisation, all of whom have contributed to the successes of 2017, whilst
I look forward to the next year with excitement. I will see you around Shopfront soon.
I’d also like to thank our artistic partners and all of the collaborators who made the successes of 2017 possible, along with our key funding partners; the Australia Council for the Arts, the NSW Government through Create NSW and the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, our local government partners Georges River and Bayside Councils, as well as those organisations and people who have given their time or financial support to see Shopfront thrive.
Fiona Hulton Chair of the Board
It is my absolute privilege to be Chair of the Shopfront Board and with that privilege comes a responsibility for holding the vison and dream for today and for the future. Fortunately, I am not alone. I’d also like to thank the Board, including our newest member, Susan Doherty. This was the first year without Elizabeth Hristoforidis at the helm of the Board, who resigned in May 2017. Her legacy at Shopfront is significant and it is an honour to follow in her steps.
ABOVE Bodylines Ensemble: Umami. Photo © She’s an Artist for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Annual Report 2017
having the security of a well-established and high functioning Executive and Creative team to help steer the organisation along.
executive director / ceo’s report.
Over the last 12 months, Shopfront Arts Co-op has hit some amazing milestones, produced beautiful works of theatre, film and art, and grown as a community. I always look forward to writing this note for the annual report, because it is the perfect time to take a moment and reflect on some of those highs, and celebrate what it is to be part of our community. This document is a snapshot of just some of the highlights of our little co-op and it’s extraordinary achievements during this time. It is also a chance for me to acknowledge and say farewell and a very big thank you to Hannah Strout, our Director of Young & Emerging Artists Programs, as well as Hannah Grant, our Director of Socially Engaged Programs. I’m confident that I can speak on behalf of the entire Shopfront community when I say that the years of hard work and dedication to this company that have been put in by these two amazing Hannahs, have helped to shape what it is today. We will miss them very much.
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Speaking of staff changes, 2017 saw Shopfront grow, with a number of new faces on the team. Those new faces have settled in very well and are like part of the furniture now, we couldn’t imagine doing it without them!
As usual I’ve been amazed by the vibrancy and vision of our Young People this year. So many incredible works and insights! Rowan Yeomans joined the team in the newly created role of Young Leader, taking charge of the Voice of Shopfront and keeping us on track in our mission as a youth-led organisation, Zack Lewin wowed us all with his production Star-Crossed which he wrote and directed, Junior and Senior Ensembles created some amazing work, while Bodylines made a mouth-watering show called Umami. Emerging Artists blew us out of the water with Treats, a showcase of the work made by 2016/17 resident artists Elle Evangelista, Rowan Yeomans, Kirby Medway, Clare Powell, Pippa Ellams and Hannah Goodwin. Continuous Lines painted an amazing mural in Patricia Carlon Park
in Bexley, and all of this happened while Young People outside of our building quietly went about finding artistic solutions to the issues facing their schools and communities through the many socially engaged programs being delivered every week in partnership with our local community. Oh … and then there is Playwave … an initiative connecting Young People with the best of Sydney’s Art and Culture by removing barriers and creating new opportunities to connect with artists, their stories and venues. We’ve done a lot this year; in fact we’ve had so many highlights that we’ve had to change the format of this report! I won’t carry on about any more of them as I’ll let the following pages speak for themselves, but I would finally like to congratulate our Creative Director, Nat Rose, along with Shopfront’s Harness Ensemble for their recent win at the Sydney Theatre Awards for 2017’s Dignity of Risk. It is an exciting time for Shopfront as we continue to grow bigger and better. Looking forward into the future, I can’t wait to see what our Young People produce in 2018 and beyond. Happy Shopfronting in 2018, and congratulations to all of our members for their work in 2017. Daniel Potter Executive Director / CEO
ABOVE Member Show: Star Crossed. Photo © She’s an Artist for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
creative director’s report.
In 2017, Shopfront’s Artistic Program experienced significant growth and the company made great strides towards cementing its position as a nationally recognised Youth arts leader. A particular focus of the past year was to strengthen partnerships, increase the company’s collaborations, and solidify our artistic practices to ensure Shopfront remains a Youth-led co-operative with our Young People’s artistic ideas always at the forefront. The achievements we have made this year (and yes there are many) reflect Shopfront’s commitment to create artistic pathways for Young People to grow into emerging artists; the celebration of the many different voices of our artists and community; and our strategic intent to create high quality work with artistic rigour based on the key concepts of social, political and cultural investigation; all underpinned by our desire to provide a significant contribution to Australia’s cultural and artistic landscape (present and future).
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront has celebrated many new achievements over the last year, as detailed below, but we are particularly excited to have had the opportunity to showcase our work across various venues around Sydney and to have won a Sydney Theatre Award for our work Dignity of Risk, created by Shopfront’s Harness Ensemble in partnership between ATYP and Shopfront.
2017 saw Shopfront re-mount four works, starting with the ArtsLab 2016-2017 season which was remounted at Belvoir Theatre and strongly supported by arts industry professionals and the local inner-city community. This production showcased Unit, by Kirby Medway, and The Carousel, by Hannah Goodwin and Pippa Ellams, and both shows were very well received with wonderful reviews and enthusiastic full houses. The third work was our Junior Ensemble production of The Greg Show, which was featured as part of the Way Out West Children’s Festival at Casula Powerhouse, with the young artists led by Kevin Ng and Malcolm Whittaker enjoying
We were very proud to congratulate Shopfront’s very own Harness Ensemble, and Creative Producer, Nat Rose, for their big win at the 2017 Sydney Theatre Awards. The Sydney Theatre Awards honours outstanding works of theatre across a variety of categories, as selected by a panel of leading Sydney critics. Nat Rose claimed the award, Best Production for Young People, on behalf of Shopfront & ATYP for Dignity of Risk. IMAGE Dignity of Risk. Photo © Tracey Schramm
another opportunity to take the show to new audiences. Finally, we were also able to take Telling Myths, Telling Lies, a remount of the Senior Ensemble 2016 show, to the You Are Here festival in Canberra. As well as re-mounting these works, Shopfront was very proud to have premiered five newly created shows during the year. In August, Harness Ensemble premiered Dignity of Risk at the Australian Theatre for Young People for a 3-week season. This production saw the joining of forces of Shopfront’s Harness Ensemble with emerging artists auditioned through ATYP, quadrupling the ensemble and providing an exciting opportunity for these artists from diverse backgrounds to work together, to create an exciting new work. The Ensemble collaborated and devised the show with some of Australia’s most established artists
outcome was fun, comical and extremely entertaining and supported by collaborating artists Natalie Rose, Lucy Watson, Claire Stjepanovic and James Brown.
Shopfront was also excited to be able to announce that the ensemble has received support from the Bundanon Trust for the first stage of the creative development for their second work to premiere in 2019 supported by established artists including Graham Rhodes (Actor), Deb Pollard (Performance Director), and Marnie Palomares (Choreographer/Dancer) again under the direction of Natalie Rose.
Looking forward to 2018, as Creative Director of Shopfront, I am committed to sustaining and forging new creative partnerships which raise Shopfront’s profile and ensure that Shopfront’s artistic outcomes are of the highest quality. Relationships with ATYP, PYT Fairfield, Blacktown Arts Centre, CuriousWorks and Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre are all in development and I am dedicated to cementing Shopfront’s future as a leader in Young and emerging arts. On the horizon are many exciting and diverse opportunities with national and international companies, as well as exciting and talented artists, to further push the company to develop and increase the exposure of our talented and dedicated Young members, so stay tuned!
These achievements, from the theatre award and APACA exposure to the significant works that we have created during 2017, have helped solidify Shopfront as a Youth arts organisation to watch; demonstrating that we are going from strength to strength and will continue to be an Australian leader for the creativity of Young People and emerging artists.
Natalie Rose Creative Director
Annual Report 2017
The Bodylines Ensemble reached new heights devising their second full length work Umami. This work saw the Ensemble engage in the performative structure of a live theatre cooking show, where each night they competed to be the next 2017 Umami winner! This show was the first time the Bodylines Ensemble explored text based theatre and the first time they have performed without support artists. The
As well as these successful performances, Shopfront was selected to present at APACA/ PAX (Australian Performing Arts Centres Association) to discuss all things Shopfront. This esteemed Australian performing arts conference was attended by Natalie Rose, Daniel Potter and Kate ArmstrongSmith and our presentation detailed the work Shopfront creates with Young People through the ensemble and our emerging artist programs. Shopfront was grateful to receive the opportunity to spruik our company and our presentation was very well received leading to many conversations regarding Shopfront’s artistic models and how these can translate and traverse to other companies around Australia.
creative director’s report.
in their fields including Jenni Medway (ATYP’s resident dramaturg), Margot Politis (Choreographer), James Brown (Sound and AV Design), Fausto Brusamolino (Lighting Design) and Mel Liertz (Set and Costume Design), under the direction of Natalie Rose. From the outset of the collaboration the Harness Ensemble were committed to creating an inclusive environment that would engage and include emerging artists with and without disability, and to explore the concept of capability with the key question tackled by the ensemble of when ‘one’ is deemed capable and incapable due to the perceptions of others as well as your own self-perception. A major component of the work was the development and integration of accessibility tools for performers and audiences alike. This element included the creation of a tactile tour so vision-impaired audience members had the opportunity to engage with and experience the set, tactile set flooring and tactile maps so our vision impaired ensemble member Holly Craig could perform independently on stage as well as open up the set configuration to vision impaired audience members, and audio described performances. This production was awarded the Sydney Theatre Award for Best Production for Young People and will tour to other venues nationally.
director of young & emerging artists programs report. Shopfront Arts Co-op
In 2017, I had the absolute pleasure of taking on the role of Director of Young & Emerging Artist Programs. My goal was to create more opportunities for the Shopfront community to make noise and be heard, and what we achieved far exceeded my wildest dreams! We introduced new workshops to meet the growing needs and interests of our Young People, created high quality works with exciting artists, and showcased our artists in venues around the country. I am chuffed to have been able to grow and develop Shopfront’s Emerging Artist Program in 2017 to a Nationally recognised offering. Through ArtsLab – our six-month emerging artist residency program, we blew audiences away with TREATS – a festival of five new works created by our 2016/17 ArtsLab artists, and then successfully remounted two of these works in the Downstairs Theatre at Belvoir. A massive congratulations to all the artists – Pippa Ellams, Elle Evangelista, Hannah Goodwin, Kirby Medway, Clare Powell, Rowan Yeomans – and thank you to the mentors – Frances Barrett, Sara Black, Jennifer Medway, Miles Merrill, Anne-Louise Sarks, and Sue Smith. We also welcomed the ArtsLab 2017/18 cohort of artists – Jay Bailey, Emily Crocker, Charles O’Grady, Camilla Turnbull, and Christie Woodhouse – and their mid-point showings in November were an indication of some very exciting things to come in February 2018. Capitalising on one of Shopfront’s greatest resources – our building – I am proud to have formalised the Open Shop program through which we were able to support the development of 16 new works and 45+ emerging artists. Through the Creative Credit master classes, we supported emerging artists to take the reins of their creative practice by providing affordable professional and skills development opportunities with Industry Leaders Katy Green Loughrey and Lachlan Philpott.
With the help of Rowan Yeomans in the newly created role of Young Leader, we put member ideas at the forefront of our programming. We revitalised Voice of Shopfront meetings to include zine and podcast-making workshops (with thanks to Joel Burrows and Nathan Harrison), and presented doublefeatures at all our Member Movie Nights. We also launched our inaugural Member Show with Zack Lewin writing and directing a sellout season of Star-Crossed that featured spectacular performances by Shopfront members under the guidance of mentor Nick Atkins. Rowan also led a spectacular Member Show Pitch Night – congratulations to Nicole Pingon who will be supported to develop a new work for April 2018! Our Members requested that more of our productions have another life outside of Shopfront, and in 2017 we delivered. We were selected to present Telling Myths, Telling Lies – a new version of the 2016 Senior Ensemble production – at You Are Here Festival in Canberra. Kevin Ng and Steve Wilson-Alexander spent 2 months working with Young People in Canberra to create this new performance, inspired by the idea of mythology from the original production. The 2016 Junior Ensemble production The Greg Show was also selected for the Way Out West Children’s Festival, and a new ensemble led by Kevin Ng and Malcolm Whittaker re-created this live talk show event for a younger audience to rave reviews. The Workshop Program flourished in 2017, with holiday workshops, a full spectrum of film and drama workshops, and the introduction of the Shopfront Choir. The devoutly Youth-led nature of Shopfront’s programs creates space for unique and genuine outcomes – from the time-travelling antics of the 12-15 theatre group to the snapchat ghost mythology created by Studio Essentials, to the shadow puppet world of Tunnels and Shadows, to the feature film Breathless expertly crafted by Studio 17. I would like to personally thank all the artists who generously shared their skills and expertise with our Young People in workshops across 2017: Aslam Abdus-Samad, Kate Brown, Hannah Grant,
We were stoked to be able to take TREATS on tour when Unit and The Carousel double billed a season in Belvoir’s Downstairs Theatre.
Jane Grimley, Laura Hart, Nikki Kennedy, Zoe Lattimer, Kathryn Parker and Aleisa Jelbart from Matriark Theatre, Kirby Medway, David Molloy, Doug Niebling, Jake Pafumi, Joe Parro, Goldele Rayment, Natalie Rose, Lauren Scott-Young, Claire Stjepanovic, Camilla Turnbull, Lucy Watson, Christie Woodhouse, Rowan Yeomans. The Junior and Senior Ensembles worked tirelessly to create knockout new productions this year. Jackson Davis, Solomon Thomas, Steve Wilson-Alexander, and Carly Young from re:group performance collective worked with the Senior Ensemble to create CONSPIRACIES. A visually spectacular, site-specific performance complete with onesies, this exciting production saw Young People and emerging artists working together as peers with confidence, generosity, and an abundance of spicy memes; while Kevin Ng partnered with Claudia Osborne and Malcolm Whittaker to lead the Junior Ensemble on a quest for talent like you’ve never seen before. Part talent show, part award ceremony,
all performance spectacular, (Un)Talented had audiences play judge and then be judged on their own skills, challenging the hypocritical ideas of what talent really is. I am constantly blown away by the talent and drive of our young and emerging artists, the quality of the work, the risk-taking, and the ingenuity – and for me, the fruits of the 2017 Young & Emerging Artist Programs only prove how valuable a resource Shopfront is for artists and the health of the arts sector. While early 2018 marks the end of my time working at Shopfront, it certainly is not the end of my involvement with Shopfront. I would like to thank all the staff I have worked with in my time at Shopfront, and the members, parents and artists who have made my journey with the company so fruitful. I will forever be proud to have been able to champion young and emerging artists through Shopfront, creating programs to meet their needs while being wholeheartedly supported in my own endeavours, and will continue to loudly champion Shopfront to whomever will listen! Hannah Strout Director of Young & Emerging Artist Programs
Annual Report 2017
IMAGE ArtsLab:TREATS / The Carousel. Photo © She’s an Artist for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
director of socially engaged programs report. Shopfront Arts Co-op
2017 was a bumper year for the Socially-Engaged Program! We kicked off with Transitions: Here We Are// We Are Here returning to Kogarah Intensive English Centre. One of our 2017 goals for the Transitions program was to expand into other Intensive English Centres, and thanks to the hard work of Artist-Facilitator Solomon Thomas and with support from Wollongong City Council, the program ran across Term 4 in Warrawong IEC. We also welcomed students from Lurnea IEC to the Shopfront building for a Transitions drama excursion day. Our relationships with our community partners continued to grow. 2017 saw us partner with Advance Diversity Services for most of the year, working together on the Kogarah High School Mural Project and holiday workshop programs. The Kogarah mural grew from ADS’ Faith-In-Action program which celebrates the multi-faith, multicultural community of St George. We worked with Kogarah students to translate ideas of welcome and diversity into a striking school mural and it was fantastic to collaborate with Urban Art Australia to paint the finished work. We also worked with St George Youth to hold a special screening event for the anti-racism short films that we made with them in 2016, and we collaborated with Al-Zahra Muslim Women’s Association to work towards a talk-show style film which saw Young People interviewing local Muslim role-models. As ever, we worked closely with our local councils. We’re grateful to the support of Georges River and Bayside Councils for their support of the Socially-Engaged Program throughout the year. We loved working with Bayside on their Container Gallery Project in Wolli Creek. It was fantastic being involved in Georges River Council’s Coffee Cup Program, working with Young People to create coffee cup designs to spread awareness about domestic violence and support services. Back in the Shopfront building, our Continuous Lines arts drop-in had a very exciting year. Throughout 2017, we welcomed acclaimed artists Nicole Barakat, Safdar Ahmed, Tasnim Hossain and Louise Nutting to the group to lead processes in making
textile wall-hangings, comic ‘zines, creative writing and original songs (in Shopfront’s brand new recording studio!). More and more young people became drop-in regulars, and we spread the word about the program far and wide, deepening our relationship with youth, health and community services thanks to Christie Woodhouse who took on the role of Continuous Lines Program Support Worker. We also transformed the Shopfront building into a festival venue for St George Metre Squared, celebrating the St George region’s diversity and culture. The Shopfront space was filled with a giant, sensory exhibition of artworks created in response to the area, made by Young People from Advance Diversity Services, Beverly Hills Girls High School, Kogarah High School, Kogarah Intensive English Centre and Woniora Road School. Throughout the making process, all the schools came to Shopfront for two ‘Making Day’ excursions, and we were delighted to welcome local Aboriginal knowledge-keeper and artist Shannon Foster to our first Making Day.
St George Metre Squared was a vibrant celebration of our local community, and an adventure into artistic place-making.
I’d like to thank all of our 2017 community and school partners. The commitment, excitement and support of teachers, youth, health and community workers means that Shopfront’s socially-engaged program can keep going from strength to strength. Thank you to all of the Young People who we’ve worked with on the socially-engaged program in 2017 – your ideas, imaginations and enthusiasm make the program come alive. A huge shout out to the phenomenal team of artists who’ve worked on the socially-engaged program this year – Christie Woodhouse, Nicole Barakat, Rachel Small, Safdar Ahmed, Tasnim Hossain, Louise Nutting, Solomon Thomas, Jordan MacKinnon, Steve Wilson-Alexander, Nikki Kennedy, Anthony Jones, Anna Stevenson, Rowan Yeomans, Joe Parro, Kevin Ng, Carlee Heise, Dani King and Shannon Foster.
2017 was my final year working at Shopfront. It has been a truly phenomenal 5 years. I started at Shopfront just a few months after moving to Sydney from the UK, and so Shopfront became more than a job – it has been a home-away-from-home and a safe place. It’s where I met the people who would become some of my closest friends in Australia. It’s been my introduction to the Sydney arts community and a place where I’ve been able to really stretch my artistic practice. The past 5 years have been exhilarating and challenging – I’m definitely not the same person and artist that I was back in March 2013. I’m so grateful for every opportunity I’ve had to work with so many fantastic Young People, artists, colleagues and community partners. I leave with memories and experiences that will remain with me forever. Farewell Shopfront, thank you for changing my life. I can’t wait to see your next chapter unfold. Hannah Grant Director of Socially Engaged Programs
ABOVE Faith-In-Action Project: Kogarah High Mural. Photo © Rowan Yeomans for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Annual Report 2017
Alongside the exhibition, audiences enjoyed family art workshops with local artists Richard Lee, Don Kibble and Coco Tang, music from Kogarah Concert Band and the St George Sing Australia choir. We had festival mainstage featuring music, comedy and performance from local young people and emerging artists. Everyone’s bellies were kept full with plenty to eat from our food stalls, run by local cafes and restaurants.
director of young audience development report. Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront’s Playwave initiative passed a number of milestones in 2017. From a carefully planned “on‑paper” concept, this arts accessibility scheme developed into a living and breathing program; gaining a team, a brand, a name, a platform, a personality and a following. This year, Shopfront committed to implementing its expertise and knowledge of young audiences and set about reframing the initial proposal of a Sydney based Theatre Passport. By working with Young People to identify the challenges of engaging in Arts & Cultural activity, Playwave has been able to feed back to the sector and now provides a portal between our cultural institutions and our Young People; an audience worth connecting with to share the stories of our cultural sector.
up to be the centre of attention, from a place where they often feel ignored or not taken seriously. It also has the potential to create connections and strong and meaningful relationships for Shopfront and our Young People into the future. Taking on the role of Director of Young Audience Development, I have been able to explore the full potential of Playwave. I have formed sector-wide and international bonds, and advocated for a program which will continue to provide opportunities for Young People across Sydney and New South Wales to take their seat at the table and have their voices heard as consumers of, and participants in the Arts & Cultural landscape. I’m really excited to see how Playwave will grow, and where our Young People take it in the next few years. Valentina Corona Director of Young Audience Development
Playwave brings the arts into the hands of Young People – delivered through a digital platform built on the bricks of what Young People are already familiar with. Combining discounted tickets to performances across Sydney and beyond, exclusive events and experiences as well as a membership platform that is uniquely tailored to their needs, Shopfront is building the gateway between the institutionalised arts and the previously unattainable young audience. In 2017, in addition to offering improved access to events across over 20 cultural institutions, Playwave introduced a Creative program, a dedicated team of Playwave members turned Playwave Creatives redefining the business. As part of Shopfront, the initiative remains led by Young people, fostering opportunities to take ownership over what they see, do and receive. Since coming on board with the initiative in May 2017, I have developed a strong sense of ownership over the program and a passion to ensure that it is recognised as the game‑changer that it is. Playwave has the potential to lift Young People
“An innovative new program that brings together an impressive list of the city’s major cultural institutions is trying to encourage teenagers to ‘have a go’ at cultural activities such as theatre, visual art, music and theatre.” Sydney Morning Herald, 17 October 2018
Total audience for exhibitions and performances 9,082 Total digital audiences (Broadcast & Online) 10,000 Number of emerging artists supported 109 Number of emerging artists employed 87
Number of creative and skills development workshop sessions held for Young People and emerging artists 370 Number of performances, exhibitions and public events 94 Number of new works premiered 10 Number of new works supported 29 Number of works toured 4
ABOVE City of Sydney. Milsons Point, Sydney – 25 October 2017. Playwave Young Creatives Zack Lewin (17) and Nicole Pingon (17) interact with Sydney Festival Director Wesley Enoch.
2017 statistical snapshot.
Number of Young People engaged in programs and projects 1,850
Shopfront Arts Co-op
shopfront season list.
“This modestly staged but imaginatively large work is the creation of recent University of Wollongong performing arts graduates, guided by Shopfront and revealing their substantial potential.” TimeOut
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State ABOVE ArtsLab:TREATS / The Carousel. Photo © She’s an Artist for Shopfront Arts Co-Op Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
shopfront season list.
A new play, an audio story, a dance solo, a multi-media drama, and a catwalk. We kicked off 2017 with ArtsLab: TREATS, a showcase of the work made by our 2016/17 resident artists Elle Evangelista (Company), Kirby Medway (Unit), Rowan Yeomans (Killing Gods), Clare Powell (ECDYSIS S/S 16), Pippa Ellams and Hannah Goodwin ( The Carousel).
February ArtsLab: TREATS / COMPANY Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Jane Grimley, Kate Brown, Aslam Abdus-Samad
Director/Performer: Elle Evangelista Mentor: Sara Black Dramaturg: Jennifer Medway Production Manager: Jerold Chan Lighting Design: Em Locky Technician: Joe Parro
Member Movie Nights
Fire and Ice Holiday Workshop Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic Partner: Bayside Council
Voice of Shopfront Meeting Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Shopfront Arts Co-op Director: Clare Powell Mentor: Frances Barrett Dramaturg: Jennifer Medway Production Manager: Jerold Chan Lighting Design: Em Locky Technician: Joe Parro
ArtsLab: TREATS / KILLING GODS Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Rowan Yeomans Mentor: Sue Smith Dramaturg: Jennifer Medway Production Manager: Jerold Chan Lighting Design: Em Locky Technician: Joe Parro
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
IMAGE ArtsLab:TREATS / ECDYSIS S/S 16. Photo © She’s an Artist for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
shopfront season list. In 2017 we founded the Shopfront Choir. A free, drop-in style singing group for all ages and abilities. IMAGE Shopfront Choir. Photo © Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Film Making Workshops for 8–18 year olds Shopfront Arts Co-op
ArtsLab: TREATS / THE CAROUSEL Shopfront Arts Co-op Writer: Pippa Ellams Director: Hannah Goodwin Mentor: Anne-Louise Sarks Dramaturg: Jennifer Medway Production Manager: Jerold Chan Lighting Design: Em Locky Technician: Joe Parro
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Writer/Director: Kirby Medway Mentor: Miles Merrill Dramaturg: Jennifer Medway Production Manager: Jerold Chan Lighting Design: Em Locky Technician: Joe Parro
Creative Credit: Writing for Theatre and Performance Masterclass Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young
Harness Emerging Artist Ensemble Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Ensemble: Natalie Rose, Margot Politis, Holly Craig, Mathew Coslovi, Teneile English, Steve Konstantopoulos, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu Partner: Accessible Arts
Member Movie Night Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Open Shop: Deadset Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: Clare Stjepanovic, Christie Woodhouse
Artist/Facilitator: Lachlan Philpott Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Artists: Monday Night Cards Collective (Doug Niebling, Matt Abotomey, Lily Calderbank, Solomon Thomas)
Open Shop: Route Dash Niner Part 2 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: re:group Collective (Carly Young, Jackson Davis, Steve Wilson‑Alexander, James Harding, Mark Rogers)
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op
March Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic
Film Making Workshops for 8–18
Partner: Bayside Council
Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott‑Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 year olds Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jane Grimley
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Harness Emerging Artist Ensemble Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Ensemble: Natalie Rose, Margot Politis, Holly Craig, Mathew Coslovi, Teneile English, Steve Konstantopoulos, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu Partner: Accessible Arts
International Women's Day Art Project
Transitions: Here We Are//We Are Here
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Kogarah High School Intensive English Centre
Artist/Facilitator: Hannah Grant
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Solomon Thomas
Partners: Georges River Council, Kogarah Library, NSW Department of Family & Community Services
Partners: Kogarah Intensive English Centre, NSW Department of Family & Community Services
Member Movie Nights Voice of Shopfront Meeting
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
shopfront season list.
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Annual Report 2017
Open Shop: PINATA play development
shopfront season list.
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott-Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Telling Myths, Telling Lies at You Are Here Festival Ainslie & Gorman Arts Centre, Canberra
We gave the 2016 senior ensemble work, Welcome to My World another development and another life, remounting it at the Ainslie & Gorman Arts Centre in Canberra under the title Telling Myths, Telling Lies as part of You Are Here Festival in 2017. IMAGE Telling Myths, Telling Lies. Photo © Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Open Shop: Korean Pop Festival rehearsals
Artists/Ensemble: Kevin Ng, Steve Wilson-Alexander, Ben Harb, Rhiannon Davis, Quinten Van Rooy, Christie Woodhouse, Emma Douglas PARTNER: You Are Here Festival Canberra
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jane Grimley
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Transitions: Here We Are// We Are Here
Artist: Jade Chan Yum Wai
Kogarah High School Intensive English Centre
Open Shop: Route Dash Niner Part 2
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Solomon Thomas
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: re:group Collective (Carly Young, Jackson Davis, Steve Wilson‑Alexander, James Harding, Mark Rogers)
Open Shop: When a Child Reads to an Adult development Shopfront Arts Co-op
Partners: Kogarah Intensive English Centre, FACS
Voice of Shopfront Meeting Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists: Kevin Ng, Malcolm Whittaker
Shopfront Choir
Voice of Shopfront Podcast Workshop
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic
Artists/Facilitators: Nathan Harrison, Rowan Yeomans
Partner: Bayside Council Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Dignity of Risk Creative Development
ArtsLab: TREATS / THE CAROUSEL @ Belvoir Downstairs
Shopfront Arts Co-op & Australian Theatre for Young People
Belvoir Downstairs
Artists/Ensemble: Natalie Rose, Margot Politis, Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head-Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi and Dinda Timperon
Writer: Pippa Ellams Director: Hannah Goodwin Featuring: Alex Francis, Tasha O’Brien Dramaturg: Jennifer Medway Production Manager: Doug Niebling Lighting Design: Em Locky Technician: Solomon Thomas Stage Manager: Breanne Hickey Sound Design: Christie Woodhouse
ArtsLab: TREATS / UNIT @ Belvoir Downstairs Belvoir Downstairs Writer: Kirby Medway Featuring: Matt Abotomey, Steve Wilson‑Alexander, Mara Davis, David Molloy, Sarah Meacham Technician: Solomon Thomas Sound Design Mentor: James Brown
Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Funding: Accessible Arts Co-producing Partner: Australian Theatre for Young People
Member Movie Nights
shopfront season list.
Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Member Production: Star-Crossed Shopfront Arts Co-op Writer/Director: Zack Lewin Featuring: Sophie Florence, Patrick Cleary, Thomas Proano Mentor: Nick Atkins Production Manager/Lighting Design/ Technical Operation: Doug Niebling Set & Costume Design: Hannah Goodwin Design Mentor: Katja Handt Choreography: Elle Evangelista Cinematography/Editing/Sound Design: Rowan Yeomans Technical Assistant: Liam Nelson
Open Shop: Maddie is Hamlet Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Madison Chippendale
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Kevin Ng
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Film Making Workshops for 8–18
shopfront season list.
Open Shop: Split Spectrum Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist Mentor: Alison Bennett Dramaturg: Jane Grimley Creator/Performer: Lap Nguyen Ensemble: Samantha Winsor, Cerise Kofoed, Lachlan McNab, Melissa Hume, Michelle Ny, Mara Aplin Technician: Kevin Ng
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic Partner: Bayside Council
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott-Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shipping Container – Wolli Creek Installation: Hannah Grant, Steve Wilson‑Alexander, Darcy Duncan, Febi Ardianto Artists: Young People from Your Art Will Change The World holiday program and Windows on St George exhibition (2016) by Young People from Advance Diversity Services, Kogarah High School, Kogarah Intensive English Centre and Beverly Hills Girls High School Partners: Bayside Council, FACS
Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Continuous Lines: Zine Project
Transitions: Here We Are//We Are Here
Artists/Facilitators: Safdar Ahmed, Christie Woodhouse, Rachel Small, Hannah Grant
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Solomon Thomas Partners: Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Department of Family & Community Services Shopfront Arts Co-op
Bayside Art Month Container Project
Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jane Grimley
Kogarah High School Intensive English Centre
Voice of Shopfront Meeting Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School, Georges River Council, Bayside Council
Creative Credit: Producers Toolkit Masterclass Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist/Facilitator: Katy Green Loughrey
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
shopfront season list.
Shopfront supported and presented the creation of a new work by young artist Zack Lewin; Star Crossed, a love story told through an engaging mix of film, music, dance and live performance. ABOVE Member Show: Star Crossed. Photo © She’s an Artist for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Member Movie Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Kevin Ng
Dignity of Risk Creative Development Shopfront Arts Co-op & Australian Theatre for Young People Director: Natalie Rose Choreographer: Margot Politis Dramaturg: Jenni Medway Lighting Design: Fausto Brusamolino, Sound & AV Design: James Brown Set & Costume Design: Melanie Liertz Production Manager: Lauren Makin Stage Manager: Sorie Bangura Ensemble: Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head-Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi, Dinda Timperon
Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Open Shop: Maddie is Hamlet Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Madison Chippendale
Open Shop: Morgan Stern Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: Company of Rogues (Goldele Rayment, Graeme Rhodes)
Open Shop: Tom William Mitchell Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: Matt Abotomey, Hannah Goodwin, James Harding, Lily Hensby, Braydon May, Harry McGee, Lauren Scott-Young, Solomon Thomas, Carly Young, Frankie Clarke, Mark Rogers
Funding: Accessible Arts Co-Producing Partner: Australian Theatre for Young People Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Film Making Workshops for 8–18
shopfront season list.
We opened our doors to emerging artists with our newest short-term residency program, Open Shop. We supported more than 30 artists with their creative projects in 2017! IMAGE Open Shop: Maddie is Hamlet. Photo © Hannah Strout for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Shopfront Choir
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic
Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse
Partner: Bayside Council
Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott-Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Sunnyhaven Workshops
Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott‑Young, Jane Grimley, Doug Niebling
Voice of Shopfront Meetings Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Continuous Lines: Zine Project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Safdar Ahmed, Christie Woodhouse, Rachel Small, Hannah Grant Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School, Georges River Council, Bayside Council
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Kevin Ng
Dignity of Risk Creative Development Shopfront Arts Co-op & Australian Theatre for Young People Director: Natalie Rose Choreographer: Margot Politis Dramaturg: Jenni Medway Lighting Design: Fausto Brusamolino, Sound & AV Design: James Brown Set & Costume Design: Melanie Liertz Production Manager: Lauren Makin Stage Manager: Sorie Bangura Ensemble: Mathew Coslovi,` Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head-Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi, Dinda Timperon Funding: Accessible Arts Co-Producing Partner: Australian Theatre for Young People
Member Movie Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Open Shop: Maddie is Hamlet
Playwave Activity: 70 initial members attend pilot events/ activities and partner performances Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Carly Young, Kate Armstrong-Smith, Daniel Potter Presenting Partners: Australian Theatre for Young People, Griffin Theatre Supported by: City of Sydney
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic
shopfront season list.
Film Making Workshops for 8–18
Partner: Bayside Council
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott-Young, Chris Dunstan, Casper Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Doug Niebling, Kirby Medway
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Voice of Shopfront Meetings
Artist: Madison Chippendale
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Voice of Shopfront Zine Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Joel Burrows, Rowan Yeomans
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
shopfront season list.
ArtsLab: OK, NOW SPIT (Development)
Anti-Racism Short Films Screening & Launch
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Kalpna Patel, Zack Lewin, Young People from the Youth Respecting Cultural Connections Youth Leaders Group Partners: A St George Youth project, funded by the Australian Department for Social Services, NSW Department of Family & Community Services
ArtsLab: HOUSE ON FIRE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Christie Woodhouse, Mentor: Rajni Shah, AV Design: Kevin Ng, Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
Artists: Emily Crocker, Jay Bailey Mentor: Tom Hogan Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Continuous Lines: Zine Project Shopfront Arts Co-op
ArtsLab: INTIMET (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Camilla Turnbull Mentor: Jessica Olivieri Dramaturgs: Nell Ranney, Felicity Nichol, Ava Karuso Collaborators:Â Madeleine Stedman, Paul Musumeci, Simon Thomson Sound Design: Miles Moody Partner: SBW Foundation
Artists/Facilitators: Safdar Ahmed, Christie Woodhouse, Rachel Small, Hannah Grant Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School, Georges River Council, Bayside Council
ArtsLab: KALEIDOSCOPE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artist: Charles O'Grady Mentor: Nick Coyle Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
IMAGE Continuous Lines: Cartoon Photography. Image © Sean Arico
Faith-In-Action Mural Project Kogarah High School Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant and Nikki Kennedy for Shopfront, Anthony Jones and Anna Stevenson for Urban Art Australia, and Anthony Scerri for Advance Diversity Services Partners: Advance Diversity Services, Urban Art Australia, Kogarah High School In-Kind Support: Sydney Theatre Company, Merrigong Theatre Company Funding: NSW Department of Family & Community Services, NSP Settlement Innovation Fund – an initiative of NSW Settlement Partnership, managed by Settlement Services International
Film Making Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Kevin Ng
shopfront season list. Dignity of Risk Rehearsals Shopfront Arts Co-op & Australian Theatre for Young People Director: Natalie Rose Choreographer: Margot Politis Dramaturg: Jenni Medway Lighting Design: Fausto Brusamolino, Sound & AV Design: James Brown Set & Costume Design: Melanie Liertz Production Manager: Lauren Makin Stage Manager: Sorie Bangura Ensemble: Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head-Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi, Dinda Timperon Funding: Accessible Arts Co-Producing Partner: Australian Theatre for Young People
Member Movie Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Open Shop: affect me Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Bonnie Cowan
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Continuous Lines, our weekly arts drop and safe space for Young People working on their mental health, continued to expand in 2017. The group created artworks for local youth mental health centre St George CAMHS with artists Hannah Grant and Nicole Barakat, they made original zines with Safdar Ahmed, creating original writing with Tasnim Hossain and composed and recorded a collaborative song with musician Louise Nutting (aka Wartime Sweethearts).
shopfront season list.
Open Shop: Apocalypse Fatigue Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Nikki Kennedy
Open Shop: Sky Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Christie Woodhouse
Open Shop: Maddie is Hamlet Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Madison Chippendale
Playwave activity: 70 initial members attend pilot events/ activities and partner performances Sydney
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Shannon Foster, Jordan MacKinnon, Joseph Parro, Nikki Kennedy, Steve Wilson‑Alexander, Young People from Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Advance Diversity Services, Kogarah High School, Woniora Road School, Beverly Hills Girls School Funding: George River Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partners: Kogarah High School, Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Beverly Hills Girls High School, Advance Diversity Services, Woniora Road School
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott-Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Presenting Partners: Shopfront Arts Co-op, Darlinghurst Theatre Company Supported by: City of Sydney
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18
Senior Ensemble: Conspiracies
Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jane Grimley
Artists/Facilitators: re:group collective (Carly Young, Jackson Davis, Solomon Thomas, Steve Wilson-Alexander) Devisors/Performers: Alice Isaacs-Lewis, Chris Potter, Harrison Waga, Jack Barnsley, Julia Green, Liam Nelson, Madeleine McAuliffe, Marielle Partasis, Natasha Georgopoulos, Sophie Govas Production Manger: Rebecca Gribble Work Experience/Stage Management: Soleil Auciello Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Carly Young, Kate Armstrong-Smith, Daniel Potter
Kempt Field, Allawah
St George Metre Squared Exhibition Artworks Program
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Voice of Shopfront Meetings Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
The Greg Show at Way Out West Festival Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic
Directors: Kevin Ng,Malcolm Whittaker Featuring: Jack Barnsley, Julia Green, Louis Grainger, Maud Mitchell, Naomi Attard, Natasha Georgopoulos, Sasha Cole, Xander Akkari
Partner: Bayside Council
Partner: Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Charles O’Grady Mentor: Nick Coyle Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: OK, NOW SPIT (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: Emily Crocker, Jay Bailey Mentor: Tom Hogan Dramaturg: Nell Ranney
shopfront season list.
ArtsLab: KALEIDOSCOPE (Development)
Partner: SBW Foundation
IMAGE Senior Ensemble: CONSPIRACIES. Photo © She’s an Artist for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
August ArtsLab: HOUSE ON FIRE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Christie Woodhouse Mentor: Rajni Shah AV Design: Kevin Ng Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: INTIMET (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Camilla Turnbull Mentor: Jessica Olivieri Dramaturgs: Nell Ranney, Felicity Nichol, Ava Karuso Collaborators: Madeleine Stedman, Paul Musumeci, Simon Thomson Sound Design: Miles Moody
Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Continuous Lines: Writing Project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Tasnim Hossain, Christie Woodhouse, Hannah Grant Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Partner: SBW Foundation Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
We took a field trip with CONSPIRACIES, a new work by emerging artist collective re:group and the 2017 Senior Ensemble.
shopfront season list.
Faith-In-Action Mural Project
Member Movie Nights
Kogarah High School
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant and Nikki Kennedy for Shopfront, Anthony Jones and Anna Stevenson for Urban Art Australia, and Anthony Scerri for Advance Diversity Services
Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Partners: Advance Diversity Services, Urban Art Australia, Kogarah High School In-Kind Support: Sydney Theatre Company, Merrigong Theatre Company Funding: NSW Department of Family & Community Services, NSP Settlement Innovation Fund – an initiative of NSW Settlement Partnership, managed by Settlement Services International
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Dignity of Risk (Season) Australian Theatre for Young People Director: Natalie Rose Choreographer: Margot Politis Dramaturg: Jenni Medway Lighting Design: Fausto Brusamolino, Sound & AV Design: James Brown Set & Costume Design: Melanie Liertz Production Manager: Lauren Makin Stage Manager: Sorie Bangura Ensemble: Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head-Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi, Dinda Timperon Funding: Accessible Arts Co-Producing Partner: Australian Theatre for Young People
Introductory Film Workshop with St Joseph's Oatley
Shopfront Arts Co-op
St Joseph's School Oatley
Artists/Facilitators: Nikki Kennedy, Laura Hart, Camilla Turnbull Partner: St Joseph's School Oatley
Open Shop: affect me Artist: Bonnie Cowan
Open Shop: Maddie is Hamlet Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Madison Chippendale
Open Shop: Montague Basement (Cleansed by Sarah Kane) Shopfront Arts Co-op Director/Designer: Saro Lusty-Cavallari Producer: Imogen Gardam Dramaturg: Michaela Savina Featuring: Sam Brewer, Lucy Burke, Alex Chalwell Kurt Pimblett, Jem Rowe, Michaela Savina, Annie Stafford
Playwave activity: 70 initial members attend pilot events/ activities and partner performances Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Carly Young, Kate Armstrong-Smith, Daniel Potter Presenting Companies: Australian Theatre for Young People, Griffin Theatre Company Supported by: City of Sydney
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic Partner: Bayside Council
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
shopfront season list.
St George Metre Squared Exhibition Artworks Program Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Shannon Foster, Jordan MacKinnon, Joseph Parro, Nikki Kennedy, Steve Wilson‑Alexander, Young People from Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Advance Diversity Services, Kogarah High School, Woniora Road School, Beverly Hills Girls School Funding: Georges River Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partners: Kogarah High School, Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Beverly Hills Girls High School, Advance Diversity Services, Woniora Road School,
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott‑Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Talk Show, Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association Film Project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Kevin Ng, Tasnim Hossain; Fatima B, Fatima H & Mohamad from Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association Partners: Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grants, NSW Department of Family & Community Services
The Faith-In-Action Project saw us working with two long-time partners; Advance Diversity Services (ADS) and Kogarah High School. ADS received funding to explore multi-faith diversity in the St George region, and asked Shopfront to partner on this project to create community-led public artworks. Working with Young People at Kogarah High School over Terms 3 and 4 we explored local cultural and religious diversity, translating the concepts of ‘welcome’ and ‘community’ into visual imagery for a new mural at Kogarah High. Urban Art Australia worked with us and the Young People to paint the final mural. IMAGE Faith-In-Action Project: Kogarah High Mural. Photo © Rowan Yeomans for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Film Making Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Kevin Ng
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jane Grimley
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Voice of Shopfront Meetings
shopfront season list.
Shopfront’s Bodylines Ensemble creatively investigated the food we like, dislike, and why food emotionally connects us all in Umami. IMAGE Bodylines Ensemble: Umami. Photo © Claire Stjepanovic for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
September Advance Diversity Services Holiday Program Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Joe Parro, Jenny and Salvin from Advance Diversity Services Funding: Georges River Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partner: Advance Diversity Services Community Support: local businesses in Rockdale, Rockdale Library
ArtsLab: HOUSE ON FIRE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artist: Christie Woodhouse Mentor: Rajni Shah AV Design: Kevin Ng Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: INTIMET (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Camilla Turnbull Mentor: Jessica Olivieri Dramaturgs: Nell Ranney, Felicity Nichol, Ava Karuso Collaborators: Madeleine Stedman, Paul Musumeci, Simon Thomson Sound Design: Miles Moody Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: KALEIDOSCOPE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Charles O’Grady Mentor: Nick Coyle Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: OK, NOW SPIT (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: Emily Crocker, Jay Bailey Mentor: Tom Hogan Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Faith-In-Action Mural Project
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Featuring: Jessie Chapman, Brandon, Becky Howell, Ben Rowntree, Jack Phipps, Daniel Agostini, Anthony Matthew, Laura Connon Program Director: Natalie Rose Artist Facilitators: Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson Assistant Facilitator: Jake Pafumi Production Manager: Gigi Gregory Set & Costume Design: Danni Hollows Sound & Video Design: James Brown
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant and Nikki Kennedy for Shopfront, Anthony Jones and Anna Stevenson for Urban Art Australia, Anthony Scerri for Advance Diversity Services Documentation: Rowan Yeomans, Emily Bollington
Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Partner: St George CAMHS Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Continuous Lines: Writing Project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Tasnim Hossain, Christie Woodhouse, Hannah Grant Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Film Making Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Kevin Ng
Harness Emerging Artist Ensemble Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Ensemble: Natalie Rose, Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head‑Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi, Dinda Timperon
Introductory Film Workshop with St Joseph's Oatley St Joseph's School Oatley Artists/Facilitators: Nikki Kennedy, Laura Hart, Camilla Turnbull Partner: St Joseph's School Oatley
Member Movie Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Partners: Pacific West Foods, Georges River Council
Partners: Advance Diversity Services, Urban Art Australia, Kogarah High School In-Kind Support: Sydney Theatre Company, Merrigong Theatre Company Funding: NSW Department of Family & Community Services, NSP Settlement Innovation Fund – an initiative of NSW Settlement Partnership, managed by Settlement Services International
shopfront season list.
Bodylines Ensemble: Umami
shopfront season list.
Open Shop: affect me
Shopfront Choir
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artist: Bonnie Cowan
Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic
Open Shop: come here, kom-my
Partner: Bayside Council
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Michelle Ny
St George Metre Squared Exhibition Artworks Program
Open Shop: Maddie is Hamlet
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Shannon Foster, Jordan MacKinnon, Joseph Parro, Nikki Kennedy, Steve WilsonAlexander, Young People from Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Advance Diversity Services, Kogarah High School, Woniora Road School, Beverly Hills Girls School
Artist: Madison Chippendale
Playwave activity: 70 initial members attend pilot events/ activities and partner performances Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Rowena Tuziak, Kate Armstrong-Smith, Daniel Potter Presenting Companies: Australian Theatre for Young People, Shopfront Arts Co-Op Funding body: City of Sydney
Funding: Georges River Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services, Partners: Kogarah High School, Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Beverly Hills Girls High School, Advance Diversity Services, Woniora Road School
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op
Playwave Creative (Content Published) Australian Theatre for Young People Artists/Facilitators: Zack Lewin, Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Rowena Tuziak
Talk Show, Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association Film Project
Presenting Companies: Australian Theatre for Young People Supported by: City of Sydney
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Playwave Website Launch Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott‑Young, Chris Dunstan, Casper Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Rowena Tuziak, Rowan Yeomans, Hannah Goodwin
Artists/Facilitators: Kevin Ng, Tasnim Hossain; Fatima B, Fatima H & Mohamad from Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association Partners: Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grants, NSW Department of Family & Community Services
Partner: City of Sydney
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
IMAGE Socially Engaged Major Work 2017: St George Metre Squared. Photo © Camilla Turnbull for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jane Grimley
Voice of Shopfront Meetings Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
shopfront season list. October ArtsLab: HOUSE ON FIRE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Christie Woodhouse Mentor: Rajni Shah AV Design: Kevin Ng Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: INTIMET (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Camilla Turnbull Mentor: Jessica Olivieri Dramaturgs: Nell Ranney, Felicity Nichol, Ava Karuso Collaborators: Madeleine Stedman, Paul Musumeci, Simon Thomson Sound Design: Miles Moody Partner: SBW Foundation
Voice of Shopfront Podcast Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Nathan Harrison, Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
St George Metre Squared, our pop-up art festival, took over the Shopfront building and brought together members from many different aspects of our diverse community. Working with 4 school and 2 community partners, Young people explored their connections to and stories of the St George region, interviewing residents and local business owners, discovering local history and learning about Aboriginal culture in the region from local Knowledge Keeper and Artist Shannon Foster. The Young People translated their ideas, stories and new knowledge into interactive, multi-media works for St George Metre Squared.
shopfront season list. ArtsLab: KALEIDOSCOPE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Charles O’Grady Mentor: Nick Coyle Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: OK, NOW SPIT (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists: Emily Crocker, Jay Bailey Mentor: Tom Hogan Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
Continuous Lines: CAMHS artworks project Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Barakat, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse
Transitions, a specially-developed drama and Forum Theatre program for newly-arrived young people who are moving from Intensive English Centres to mainstream High School continued to expand in 2017, with new groups participating at Kogarah Intensive English Centre, and a brand new partnership with Warrawong Intensive English Centre in the Illawarra. IMAGE Transitions at Kogarah IEC. Photo ŠHannah Grant for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Continuous Lines: Writing Project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Tasnim Hossain, Christie Woodhouse, Hannah Grant Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partner: St George CAMHS, Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Open Shop: Fem Menace
Kogarah High School
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant and Nikki Kennedy for Shopfront, Anthony Jones and Anna Stevenson for Urban Art Australia, Anthony Scerri for Advance Diversity Services Documentation: Rowan Yeomans, Emily Bollington
Artists: Cheryn Frost, Tahlee Leeson, Catherine McNamara
Film Making Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young, Camilla Turnbull
Harness Emerging Artist Ensemble Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Ensemble: Natalie Rose, Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head‑Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi, Dinda Timperon
Member Movie Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Playwave activity: Playwave members attend performances booked through the Playwave website Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Rowena Tuziak, Kate Armstrong-Smith, Daniel Potter Presenting Partners: Griffin Theatre Company, Ensemble Theatre, Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Bodysnatchers Theatre Company, The Old 505 Theatre, Sydney Dance Company Supported by: City of Sydney
Playwave Creative (Content Published) Sydney Dance Company, Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Sydney Festival Artists/Facilitators: Zack Lewin, Nicole Pingon, Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Rowena Tuziak Presenting Partners: Sydney Dance Company, Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Sydney Festival. Supported by: City of Sydney
Open Shop: affect me Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Bonnie Cowan
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Partners: Advance Diversity Services, Urban Art Australia, Kogarah High School In-Kind Support: Sydney Theatre Company, Merrigong Theatre Company Funding: NSW Department of Family & Community Services, NSP Settlement Innovation Fund – an initiative of NSW Settlement Partnership, managed by Settlement Services International
Funding: Georges River Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partners: Kogarah High School, Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Beverly Hills Girls High School, Advance Diversity Services, Woniora Road School,
shopfront season list.
Faith-In-Action Mural Project
shopfront season list.
Playwave Sydney Festival Launch
St George Metre Squared Festival
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Rowena Tuziak, Rowan Yeomans, Hannah Goodwin, Daniel Potter, Kate Armstrong-Smith
Artists/Facilitators: Kate Britton, Morag Mirankar, Hayley Forward, Kevin Ng, Alex Francis, Hannah Grant, Christie Woodhouse, Natalie Rose, Hannah Strout, Daniel Potter, Doug Niebling, Shopfront Young Guides, Young People from the SGm2 Exhibition Program, SGm2 Performance Nights artists, Kogarah Concert Band, Coco Tang, Richard Lee, Don Kibble, Kogarah Library and Rockdale Library knitting circles, Shannon Foster, Mason Clarke, Daniel Sayer
Presenting partners: Sydney Dance Company, Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Sydney Festival Supported by: City of Sydney
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grant, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
St George Metre Squared Exhibition Artworks Program Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Shannon Foster, Jordan MacKinnon, Joseph Parro, Nikki Kennedy, Steve WilsonAlexander, Young People from Kogarah Intensive English Centre, Advance Diversity Services, Kogarah High School, Woniora Road School, Beverly Hills Girls School
Partners: Georges River Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services
St George Metre Squared Performance Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op Performers: Christopher Potter, James Grbveski, Magic Sounds (Crystal Coulits, Prithilla Acharjee, Milena Stefanovic, Isabella Gale, Olesia Radzievskaia, Catalina Middleton, Ava Papulias, Giulia Pappas), Aditya Bhatt, Christopher McLeod, Julia Green, Joe Parro, Kirby Medway, Zack Lewin, Thomas Proano, Ellie Ferguson, Nicole Pingon, Rowan Yeomans, Jayde Newman, Charles O'Grady, The LAB Performing Arts Breakdancers, Matthew Deng, Sharon Singh, Divyanshi Bhatt, Shirin Bhatt, Drishya Thapa, Riddhima Poudel, Sing Australia Choir, Natalie Rose, Daniel Potter Partner: City of Sydney
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott‑Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
Funding: Wollongong City Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partner: Warrawong IEC
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
ArtsLab: HOUSE ON FIRE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Christie Woodhouse Mentor: Rajni Shah AV Design: Kevin Ng Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: INTIMET (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Kevin Ng, Tasnim Hossain; Fatima B, Fatima H & Mohamad from Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Claire Stjepanovic, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott‑Young, Jake Pafumi, Goldele Rayment
Artist: Camilla Turnbull Mentor: Jessica Olivieri Dramaturgs: Nell Ranney, Felicity Nichol, Ava Karuso Collaborators: Madeleine Stedman, Paul Musumeci, Simon Thomson Sound Design: Miles Moody Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: KALEIDOSCOPE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Charles O’Grady Mentor: Nick Coyle Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
Transitions: Here We Are// We Are Here at Warrawong Intensive English Centre
ArtsLab: OK, NOW SPIT (Development)
Warrawong High School Intensive English Centre
Artists: Emily Crocker, Jay Bailey Mentor: Tom Hogan Dramaturg: Nell Ranney
Artists/Facilitators: Danielle King, Carlee Heise, Hannah Grant
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Partner: SBW Foundation
Voice of Shopfront Meetings Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
ABOVE Socially Engaged Major Work 2017: St George Metre Squared. Photo © Camilla Turnbull for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Talk Show, Al-Zahra Muslim Women's Association Film Project
shopfront season list.
shopfront season list.
Continuous Lines: Song Writing Project Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Louise Nutting, Christie Woodhouse, Hannah Grant Funding: Bayside Council Doing it Differently Grants, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Community Support: St George and Sutherland Community Mental Health, Project Youth, 3Bridges Youth Zone, St George Community Housing, Woniora Road School
Faith-In-Action Mural Project Kogarah High School Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant and Nikki Kennedy for Shopfront, Anthony Jones and Anna Stevenson for Urban Art Australia, Anthony Scerri for Advance Diversity Service Documentation: Rowan Yeomans, Emily Bollington Partners: Advance Diversity Services, Urban Art Australia, Kogarah High School Sponsors: Sydney Theatre Company, Merrigong Theatre Company Funding: NSW Department of Family & Community Services, NSP Settlement Innovation Fund – an initiative of NSW Settlement Partnership, managed by Settlement Services International
Faith-In-Action Mural Project: Launch Kogarah High School
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Hannah Grant, Anthony Scerri
Partners: Advance Diversity Services, Urban Art Australia, Kogarah High School Sponsors: Sydney Theatre Company, Merrigong Theatre Company Funding: NSW Department of Family & Community Services, NSP Settlement Innovation Fund – an initiative of NSW Settlement Partnership, managed by Settlement Services International
The 2017 Junior Ensemble proved their talent in (Un)Talented, a satirical look at talent shows and awards ceremonies. IMAGE Junior Ensemble: (un)Talented. Photo © Jerold Chan for Shopfront Arts Co-Op
Film Making Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young
Harness Emerging Artist Ensemble Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Ensemble: Natalie Rose, Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head‑Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi and Dinda Timperon.
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Shopfront Arts Co-op Creators/Ensemble: 2017 Junior Ensemble (Xander Akkari, Eva Alsop, Naomi Attard, Jack Barnsley, Alex Brunner, Patrick Drew, Faith Forbes, Natasha Georgeopoulos, Sophie Govas, Louis Grainger, James Grbevski, Julia Green, Claire Hart, Alice Isaacs-Lewis, Madeleine McAuliffe, Maud Mitchell, Riley Ormonde, Tyler Otten, Marielle Partasis, Chris Potter, Harrison Waga) Directors: Kevin Ng, Claudia Osborne Dramaturg: Malcolm Whittaker Production Manager/Lighting Design: Jerold Chan Sound Design: Angus Mills
Member Movie Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op
Playwave Creative (Content Published) Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Pingon, Zack Lewin, Valentina Corona, Rowena Tuziak, Hannah Goodwin Presenting Partners: Bodysnatchers Theatre Company, The Old 505 Theatre, Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Spark Youth Theatre Supported by: City of Sydney
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic Partner: Bayside Council
Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Sunnyhaven Workshops
Open Shop: affect me
Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott‑Young, Chris Dunstan, Casper Hardaker
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Bonnie Cowan
Playwave Activity: Playwave members attend performances booked through the Playwave website
shopfront season list.
Junior Ensemble: (un)Talented
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jake Pafumi, Goldele Rayment
Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Rowena Tuziak, Kate Armstrong-Smith, Daniel Potter
Transitions: Here We Are//We Are Here at Warrawong Intensive English Centre
Presenting Partners: Bodysnatchers Theatre Company, The Old 505 Theatre, Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Hayes Theatre Co, Spark Youth Theatre, Shopfront Arts Co-op, Bangarra Dance Theatre, Carriageworks Supported by: City of Sydney
Artists/Facilitators: Danielle King, Carlee Heise, Hannah Grant Funding: Wollongong City Council, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partner: Warrawong IEC
Voice of Shopfront Meetings Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Warrawong High School Intensive English Centre
shopfront season list.
Harness Emerging Artist Ensemble Workshops
ArtsLab: HOUSE ON FIRE (Development)
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Christie Woodhouse Mentor: Rajni Shah AV Design: Kevin Ng Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: INTIMET (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Camilla Turnbull Mentor: Jessica Olivieri Dramaturgs: Nell Ranney, Felicity Nichol, Ava Karuso Collaborators: Madeleine Stedman, Paul Musumeci, Simon Thomson Sound Design: Miles Moody Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: KALEIDOSCOPE (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op Artist: Charles O’Grady Mentor: Nick Coyle Dramaturg: Nell Ranney Partner: SBW Foundation
ArtsLab: OK, NOW SPIT (Development) Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists: Emily Crocker, Jay Bailey Mentor: Tom Hogan Dramaturg: Nell Ranney
Partner: SBW Foundation
Artists/Ensemble: Natalie Rose, Mathew Coslovi, Holly Craig, Teneile English, Caspar Hardaker, Riana Head‑Toussaint, Steve Konstantopoulos, Wendi Lanham, Brianna Lowe, Sharleen Ndlovu, Jake Pafumi and Dinda Timperon.
Lurnea Storytime Intro Day Lurnea High School Artist/Facilitator: Hannah Grant Funding: Create NSW Making Spaces, NSW Department of Family & Community Services Partner: Lurnea High School & Intensive English Centre
Member Movie Nights Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront Funding: Wollongong City Council, FACS Partner: Warrawong IEC
Playwave Activity: Playwave members attend performances booked through the Playwave website Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Rowena Tuziak, Kate Armstrong-Smith, Daniel Potter Presenting Partners: Griffin Theatre Co, Company of Rogues, The Red Rattler Theatre, Sydney Theatre Company, Sydney Opera House Supported By: City of Sydney
Film Making Workshops for 8–18 Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: David Molloy, Lauren Scott-Young Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
shopfront season list.
Playwave Creative (Content Published) Sydney Artists/Facilitators: Zack Lewin, Nicole Pingon, Lara Franzi, Valentina Corona, Rowena Tuziak, Hannah Goodwin Presenting Partners: Griffin Theatre Co, Sydney Theatre Company, FBI Radio, Audrey Journal, Australian Theatre for Young People Supported by: City of Sydney
Shopfront Choir Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Christie Woodhouse, Claire Stjepanovic
Sunnyhaven Workshops Shopfront Arts Co-op Artists/Facilitators: Lauren Scott‑Young, Chris Dunstan, Caspar Hardaker, Natalie Rose
SydFest stories Sydney Festival Artists/Facilitators: Nicole Pingon, Valentina Corona, Hannah Goodwin, Rowena Tuziak Presenting partner: Sydney Festival. Supported by: City of Sydney
We launched Playwave, one of our biggest most ambitious projects to date! Playwave connects 15–19 year olds with the best of Sydney’s art and culture with discounted tickets, exclusive events, original online content made by Playwave Creatives and more. IMAGE City of Sydney. Milsons Point, Sydney – 25 October 2017. Playwave Young Creatives Zack Lewin (17) and Nicole Pingon (17) interact with Sydney Festival performers Mitch Jones and Lachlan Sukroo from Circus Oz.
Voice of Shopfront Meetings Shopfront Arts Co-op Facilitators: Rowan Yeomans, Voice of Shopfront
Theatre & Performance Workshops for 8–18
Voice of Shopfront Zine Workshops
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Artists/Facilitators: Natalie Rose, Lucy Watson, Lauren Scott-Young, Jake Pafumi, Goldele Rayment
Artists/Facilitators: Joel Burrows, Rowan Yeomans
Transitions: Here We Are//We Are Here Warrawong High School Intensive English Centre Artists/Facilitators: Danielle King, Carlee Heise, Hannah Grant
Every project undertaken by Shopfront is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts through four year funding, and the NSW State Government through CreateNSW Multiyear funding. Without these two supporters the work of the organisation would not be possible.
Annual Report 2017
Partner: Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Directors' Report 31 December 2017
The directors present their report on Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. Information on Directors The names of each person who has been a director during the year and to the date of this report are: Fiona Hulton Glenn Murray Nadia Lindop Daniel Potter Michael Webb Tess Montgomery Philip Sansom Susan Doherty Samantha Crome Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year to the date of this report unless otherwise stated. Principal Activities The principal activities of the company during the financial year were: Art projects for young people Welfare of youth community members No significant changes in the nature of the Company's activity occurred during the financial year. Operating Results The loss of the company amounted to $956. Review of Operations A review of the operations of the company during the financial year and the results of those operations are as follows: The company's operations during the year performed as expected in the opinion of the directors. Significant Changes in State of Affairs There have been no significant changes in the state of affairs of the company during the financial year.
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Events After the Reporting Date
The Directors have signed letter of offer from Social Enterprise Finance Australia to assist in funding the core property development at 88 Carlton Pde, Carlton. The development has been passed through Council as of the Audit date and the tender process will commence in the 2018 financial year.
The Directors consider that the Co-operative is not a reporting entity as in their opinion there are no users dependent on general purpose financial statements for information which would be useful for them in making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of scarce resources. These accounts are regarded as “special purpose financial statements” which have been prepared solely to meet the reporting obligations of the Co-operatives Act 1992, as well as the National Co-operatives Law and the various funding bodies.
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Directors' Report 31 December 2017 Comply with Accounting Standards and the Co-operatives Act 1992and
In the opinion of the Directors:1.
National Co-operatives Law, as amended.
The Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statements of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows of the Co-operative are drawn up so as to give a
Shopfront Arts Co-Op. Limited Statement by Directors
true and fair view of the result of the Co-operative for the year ended 31 Environmental Issues December, 2016.
The company’s3.operations are not regulated byPosition any significant environmental regulation a The Statement of Financial for the Co-operative is drawn up so asunder to give a or true fair view of the state of affairs of the Co-operative as at the law of the Commonwealth ofand a state or territory of Australia. end of the financial year, 31 December, 2016.
Indemnification Insurance of Officers andtoAuditors 4. andThere are reasonable grounds believe that the Co-operative will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.
No indemnities have been given or insurance premiums paid, during or since the end of the 5. No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year financial year, for anywhich person who is oraffect has been an officeroforthe auditor of the Shopfront Arts significantly the operations Co-operative, or the state of Co-Operative Limited. affairs of the Co-operative in financial years subsequent to the financial year ended 31 December, 2016.
Auditor's Independence Declaration The lead auditor's independence declaration in accordance with section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001, for the year ended 31 December 2017 has been received and is included with the financial statements. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Directors. Dated this 22nd day of May 2017.
Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors:
………………………………….. Fiona Hulton Director Elizabeth Hristoforidis Chair
………………………………… Glenn Murray Glenn Murray Director Treasurer
Annual Report 2017
Dated 12 April 2018
Andrew Finney B Com FCA Peter Cunneen B Bus FCA Amanda McHugh B Fin Admin CA Suite 7, 2-4 Northumberland Drive, Caringbah NSW 2229 PO Box 2606, Taren Point 2229 p 02 9531 0201 f 02 9531 1632 ABN 50 161 567 013 Liability limited by a Scheme, approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Independent Auditor's Report to the Members of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited
Report on the Financial Report We have audited the accompanying financial report of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited (the company), which comprises the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2017, the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information and the directors’ declaration. Directors' Responsibility for the Financial Report The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Act 2001 and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view and is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In Note 2, the directors also state, in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 101: Presentation of Financial Statements, that the financial statements comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (lFRS).
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report is free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the company’s preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
14 021 769 064
Independent Auditor's Report to the Members of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited
Independence In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. We confirm that the independence declaration required by the Corporations Act 2001, which has been given to the directors of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited, would be in the same terms if given to the directors as at the date of this auditor's report. Opinion In our opinion: a.
the financial report of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including: i.
giving a true and fair view of the company’s financial position as at 31 December 2017 and of its performance for the year ended on that date;
and ii. complying with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and ii. complying with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012.
the financial report also complies with International Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in Notes 1 and 2.
Andrew Finney On behalf of Finncorp Auditors Pty Ltd Auditor No. 438643 Suite 7, 2-4 Northumberland Dr, Caringbah 2229
Annual Report 2017
Dated this 12th day of April 2018
Andrew Finney B Com FCA Peter Cunneen B Bus FCA Amanda McHugh B Fin Admin CA Suite 7, 2-4 Northumberland Drive, Caringbah NSW 2229 PO Box 2606, Taren Point 2229 p 02 9531 0201 f 02 9531 1632 ABN 50 161 567 013 Liability limited by a Scheme, approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
Auditors Independence Declaration Under Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001
To the Directors of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, during the year ended 31 December 2017, there have been: a) no contraventions of the auditor independence requirements as set out in the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and b) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit.
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Andrew Finney Finncorp Auditors Pty Ltd Suite 7, 2-4 Northumberland Dr, Caringbah 2229 12 April 2018
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Income Statement For the Year ended 31 December 2017 Note Revenue Expenses excluding Finance Costs
Loss Attributable to Members of the Company
2017 $
2016 $
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Note Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Trade and Other Receivables Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Total Non-Current Assets
2017 $
2016 $
5 7
379,509 13,036 14,085 406,630
380,355 58,777 2,951 442,083
2,631,538 2,631,538
2,502,707 2,502,707
54,181 30,353 286,341 370,875
64,200 12,045 200,296 276,541
2,100,000 567,293
2,100,000 568,249
Total Assets Current Liabilities Trade and Other Payables Short Term Provisions Other Accruals Total Current Liabilities
9 10
Total Liabilities Net Assets Equity Reserves Retained Profits Total Equity
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the attached Audit Report.
Annual Report 2017
Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2017
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2017
Equity Asset Revaluation Reserve Unappropriated Profit Total Equity
2017 $
2016 $
2,100,000 567,293 2,667,293
2,100,000 568,249 2,668,249
Represented by: Current Assets Deposits Deposits at Call Petty Cash Imprest WBC Operating Account WBC Cash Management Account WBC Donations Account ING Term Deposit ING Savings Account Trade Debtors Undeposited Funds Electronic Clearing Account Prepayments Non-Current Assets Freehold Land Land Revaluation
Shopfront Arts Co-op
250 30 119 44,735 100,104 195 234,921 1 58,777 643 (1,122) 3,430 442,083
1,760,000 442,800 2,202,800
1,760,000 442,800 2,202,800
Property Improvements Less Accumulated Depreciation & Impairment
375,924 31,627 344,297
293,034 23,866 269,168
Office Furniture & Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation & Impairment
165,565 81,124 84,441
141,944 111,205 30,739
Total Assets
250 30 (26) 16,330 227,624 210 135,090 1 13,036 10,148 3,937 406,630
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the attached Audit Report.
14 021 769 064
Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2017
Current Liabilities Trade Creditors Other Creditors Provision for Holiday Pay Provision for GST Accrued Charges Income in Advance Total Liabilities Net Assets
2017 $
2016 $
22,204 7,358 30,353 24,619 286,341 370,875
24,150 32,911 12,045 7,139 487 199,809 276,541
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the attached Audit Report.
Annual Report 2017
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Cash Flow Statement For the Year ended 31 December 2017 2017 $
2016 $
Cash Flows from Operating Activities Grant Receipts Other Operating Receipts Payments to Suppliers & Employees
778,752 151,524 (776,972)
513,441 330,769 (640,919)
Payments for Property, Plant & Equipment Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Asset Interest Received
(161,378) 7,228
(187,822) 7,775
Net Cash Used In Investing Activities
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash Flows from Financing Activities Proceeds of Borrowings Repayment of Borrowings Net Cash Used in Financing Activities
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Cash at Beginning of Year
Cash at End of Year
Net Increase/(Decrease) In Cash Held
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the attached Independent Auditors Report.
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Statement of Changes in Equity For the Year Ended 31 December 2017
Opening Balance Retained Earnings Profit Attributable to Members Closing Balance
2017 $
2016 $
(956) (956) 2,667,293
Reconciliation of Retained Earnings Opening Balance Profit Attributable to Members Closing Balance
568,249 (956) 567,293
190,079 190,079 2,290,079
378,170 190,079 568,249
Asset Revaluation Reserve Opening Balance for the year Closing Balance
2,100,000 2,100,000
2,100,000 2,100,000
Total Equity
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the attached Audit Report.
Annual Report 2017
Reconciliation of Reserves
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 14 021 769 064
Profit and Loss Statement For the Year ended 31 December 2017
Income Grants Performance & Community Delivery Other Funding Other Income Interest Received Expenditure Project Costs Advertising Auditor's Remuneration Bad Debts Written Off Bank Charges Cleaning Computer Expenses Consultancy Fees Depreciation Depreciation - Immediate Write-off Fees & Permits Filing Fees Fines & Penalties General Expenses Holiday Pay Provision Adjustment Insurance Light & Power Printing & Stationery Rates & Taxes Repairs & Maintenance Salaries Staff Training & Welfare Staff Recruitment Costs Subscriptions Superannuation Contributions Telephone Travelling Expenses
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Loss before Income Tax
2017 $
2016 $
588,929 45,430 34,571 138,023 7,228 814,181
561,832 39,878 46,238 199,086 7,775 854,809
187,606 34,300 4,000 480 1,453 1,301 11,995 3,400 17,838 7,860 3,183 176 254 18,308 15,676 5,540 13,756 9,106 (10,682) 410,239 7,166 5,517 1,752 49,045 1,925 13,943 815,137
199,938 19,589 3,850 3,325 456 1,224 3,899 3,578 5,296 10,660 3,192 2,660 19,199 5,349 9,355 8,291 88,499 232,682 223 1,073 2,113 33,943 3,722 2,614 664,730
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the attached Audit Report.
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2017 The financial statements cover Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited as an individual entity. Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited is a not for profit Association incorporated in NSW under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 and governed by the ACNC Act ('the Act'). The functional and presentation currency of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited is Australian dollars. 1.
Basis of Preparation In the opinion of the Committee of Management, the Association is not a reporting entity since there are unlikely to exist users of the financial report who are not able to command the preparation of reports tailored so as to satisfy specifically all of their information needs. These special purpose financial statements have been prepared to meet the reporting requirements of the Act. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement requirements of the Australian Accounting Standards and Accounting Interpretations, and the disclosure requirements of AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements, AASB 107 Statement of Cash Flows, AASB 108 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors and AASB 1054 Australian Additional Disclosures. The financial statements have been prepared on an accruals basis and are based on historical costs modified, where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non current assets, financial assets and financial liabilities.
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprises cash on hand, demand deposits and short term investments which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.
Provisions Provisions are recognised when the association has a legal or constructive obligation, as a result of past events, for which it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result and that outflow can be reliably measured.
Employee Benefits Provision is made for the association’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to the end of the reporting period. Employee benefits that are expected to be wholly settled within one year have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled. Employee benefits expected to be settled more than one year after the end of the reporting period have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those benefits. In determining the liability, consideration is given to employee wage increases and the probability that the employee may satisfy vesting requirements. Cash flows are discounted using market yields on high quality corporate bond rates incorporating bonds rated AAA or AA by credit agencies, with terms to maturity These notes should be read in conjunction with the attached Auditors Report.
Annual Report 2017
Significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are presented below and are consistent with prior reporting periods unless otherwise stated.
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2017 that match the expected timing of cash flows. Changes in the measurement of the liability are recognised in profit or loss. (d)
Property, Plant and Equipment Plant and equipment is carried at cost or fair value less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation and impairment of losses. Plant and equipment is depreciated on a straight line basis over the assets useful life to the Association, commencing when the asset is ready for use. A complete Asset audit will be conducted once the proposed redevelopment of the property has been completed. At present some Assets exist at no holding value as they have been donated to the entity.
Revenue and Other Income Revenue is recognised when the amount of the revenue can be measured reliably, it is probable that economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Association and specific criteria relating to the type of revenue as noted below, has been satisfied. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and is presented net of returns, discounts and rebates. All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST). Sale of Goods Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised at the point of delivery as this corresponds to the transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods and the cessation of all involvement in those goods. Interest Revenue Interest is recognised using the effective interest method. Rendering of Services Revenue in relation to rendering of services is recognised depending on whether the outcome of the services can be estimated reliably. If the outcome can be estimated reliably then the stage of completion of the services is used to determine the appropriate level of revenue to be recognised in the period. If the outcome cannot be reliably estimated then revenue is recognised to the extent of expenses recognised that are recoverable.
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Goods and Services Tax (GST) Revenue, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST), except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Receivables and payable are stated inclusive of GST. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included as part of receivables or payables in the assets and liabilities statement. Comparative Amounts Comparatives are consistent with prior years, unless otherwise stated. Where a change in comparatives has also affected the opening retained earnings previously presented in a comparative period, an opening statement of financial position at the earliest date of the comparative period has been presented. These notes should be read in conjunction with the attached Auditors Report.
Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgments The directors make estimates and judgements during the preparation of these financial statements regarding assumptions about current and future events affecting transactions and balances. These estimates and judgements are based on the best information available at the time of preparing the financial statements, however as additional information is known then the actual results may differ from the estimates. The significant estimates and judgements made have been described below.
New Accounting Standards for Application in Future Periods The AASB has issued new and amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations that have mandatory application dates for future reporting periods. The company has decided not to early adopt any of new and amended pronouncements and that it would not have any material effect on the company’s financial statements.
These notes should be read in conjunction with the attached Auditors Report.
financials. Annual Report 2017
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2017
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2017
2017 $
Expenses Employee Benefits Expense Depreciation and Amortisation Expenses Advertising Bank Charges Insurance Light & Power Printing & Stationery Rates & Taxes Repairs & Maintenance Telephone Other Expenses
2016 $
459,284 25,698 34,300 1,453 15,676 5,540 13,756 9,106 (10,682) 1,925 259,081 815,137
266,625 15,956 19,589 456 19,199 5,349 9,355 8,291 88,499 3,722 227,689 664,730
17,838 7,860 25,698
5,296 10,660 15,956
Other Provisions:- Employee Benefits
Net Expenses Resulting from Movement in Provisions
480 480
3,325 3,325
4,000 4,000
3,850 3,850
Profit for the Year
Profit before income tax expense from continuing operations includes the following specific expenses: Charging as Expense Movements in Provisions Depreciation - Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment - Property Improvement
Bad & Doubtful Debts:- Bad debts written off
Shopfront Arts Co-op
Remuneration of the Auditor:- Audit & review of financial reports
These notes should be read in conjunction with the attached Auditors Report.
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2017 2017 $ 5.
2016 $
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Deposits Deposits at Call Petty Cash Imprest WBC Operating Account WBC Cash Management Account WBC Donations Account ING Term Deposit ING Savings Account
250 30 (26) 16,330 227,624 210 135,090 1 379,509
250 30 119 44,735 100,104 195 234,921 1 380,355
379,509 379,509
380,355 380,355
Reconciliation of Cash Cash and Cash Equivalents 6.
Cash Flow Information
Reconciliation of Cash Flow from Operations with Profit after Income Tax
Operating Profit after Tax
Depreciation & Losses on Disposal
Changes in Assets & Liabilities Decrease/(Increase) in receivables Decrease/(Increase) in other assets (Decrease)/Increase in creditors & accruals (Decrease)/Increase in Provisions
34,607 7,481 93,026 1,308
(39,007) (2,346) 31,609 17,660
Net Operating Cash Flows Trade and Other Receivables
Current Trade Debtors Total Trade and Other Receivables
13,036 13,036
58,777 58,777
These notes should be read in conjunction with the attached Auditors Report.
Annual Report 2017
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2017
Land Revaluation Property Improvements Property Improvements Less Accumulated Depreciation & Impairment Total Land and Buildings Plant and Equipment Office Furniture & Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation & Impairment Total Plant and Equipment Total Property, Plant and Equipment
Total Trade and Other Payables
Shopfront Arts Co-op
375,924 31,627 344,297
293,034 23,866 269,168
165,565 81,124 84,441
141,944 111,205 30,739
22,204 7,358 24,619 54,181
24,150 32,911 7,139 64,200
30,353 30,353
12,045 12,045
2,100,000 2,100,000
2,100,000 2,100,000
Asset Revaluation Reserve
1,760,000 1,760,000 442,800 442,800
Current Provision for Holiday Pay 11.
1,760,000 1,760,000 442,800 442,800
Trade and Other Payables
Current Trade Creditors Other Creditors Provision for GST
2016 $
Property, Plant and Equipment
Land and Buildings Freehold Land
2017 $
These notes should be read in conjunction with the attached Auditors Report.
Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2017
Statutory Information The registered office and principal place of business of the association is: Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited 88 Carlton Pde, Carlton NSW 2218
Subsequent Events The Company has been approved to develop the property held at 88 Carlton Pde, Carlton. The Board has signed a letter of offer from Social Enterprise Finance Australia for a loan of $500,000. With current government funding commitments, this project is not expected to be at the detriment of the ongoing community involvement of Shopfront Arts Co-Operative Limited. The property development is expected to improve the services currently offered and produce more avenues of community involvement. The Board will continue to monitor the progress of this project throughout the 2018 financial year. Recognition of Grant Monies
CreateNSW Multiyear Program CreateNSW Project Funding - Making Spaces Initiative NSW Family & Community Services – Operating NSW Family & Community Services – Non-recurring Australia Council Four Year Funding Department of Education Multicultural NSW Local Council Funding Club Grants Club Grants Category 3 – Building Upgrade
2017 $ 105,000 10,000 65,029 3,787 250,000 155,113 -
2016 $ 100,000 40,000 72,634 3,010 97,180 21,000 15,000 29,350 5,000 178,658
These notes should be read in conjunction with the attached Auditors Report.
Annual Report 2017
Shopfront Arts Co-op For young people, by young people