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Pennsylvania Council On Aging Meeting

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Community Events:

By Edward Rozell

The Pennsylvania Council on Aging Central Region held a ‘LIVE’ meeting in Harrisburg after over two years of Virtual Meetings caused by the Covid Pandemic


On Monday, May 1st at 10:00 am at the Harrisburg Office of Aging. Six members attended live and seven members attended vitual. Items discussed included Governer Shapiro’s wanting to increase the Tax Rebate amount in his budget, a committee being formed regarding the increase in utilities serving PA like PPL etc, Monies from the Pa Lottery going to senior citizens, financial exploitation and scams effecting seniors, Post Dramatic Stress Disorder (NOTE: a new telephone number for potential suicidal problems is 988 and for veterans 9881 ) and other senior citizens goings on in each county.

Gary Duncan (PCoA State Chairman) and Stephanie Cole (special assistant to the secretary of Pa Office of aging) were guest speakers. The next ‘LIVE’ meetting will be held in Harrisburg on July 10th at 10:00 at the Harrisburg Office of Aging.

$27,000.00 each

Circled Lots are Available


On the screen in back are Virtual attending members; top left Donna Wood - Cumberland County; Reverend James Fox-Franklyn County; bottom left State Chairman Gary Duncan and Stephanie Cole. Also attending via telephone were Assistant Chairman Farida Zaid - Union/Snyder County; Vickie O’Neill - Lebanon County; Stephanie McIlwee - Adams county. Excused absent were Tom Kloss -


Read the Shopper’s Remedy on line at: www.shoppersremedy.com

Note: All lines and dimensions are approximate and not to scale. Restrictive covenants apply to lots. Layouts updated 12/4/18.

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