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Community Events:
SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd - SECOND ANNUAL COLOR RUN. 9am check-in race at 9:30am Sponsored by and benefits Juniata High School Student Council Participants can run, walk or dance around a 5K course. see www.facebook. com/JuniataStuCo for more details.
SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd - FAMILIES IN THE FOREST: Beautiful bugs. Noon - 2pm Greenwood Furnace State Park Office. Outdoor exploration and guided activities led by Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Kristin Joivell. Geared for families with children ages 12 and younger. Email: kristinjean@hotmail.com.
SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd Maple Grove Sunday School Homemade Ice Cream sale 1pm until sold out. Vanilla, Choclate, Strawberry, Raspberry and Grape nut. Quarts only.
MONDAY, JUNE 5th WATER AEROBICS CLASSES begin. 7 until 8pm Mondays and Wednesdasy at Millerstown Pool. Eight week session. Call Debbi at 717-5823583 to register.
WEDNESDAY JUNE 7th thru 10th ~ The Fremont Fire Department will host the 15th ANNUAL FREMONT STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL on June 7th thru June 10th 2023 at the Fremont Social Hall & Carnival Grounds 299 Millrace Rd Mount Pleasant Mills, PA. Special Events: Wednesday - Chicken & Waffles Meal starting at 4 PM; Fuller Family Singers @ 7 & 8:30 PM; FREE RIDES ALL EVENING!!Thursday - Parade @ 7 PM; Chris Woodward & Shindiggin after the parade FridayRATL @ 7 & 9 PM; $1.00 Hotdog Night; Meiserville Milling Co. Crock #’s 1, 2 & 3 Auctioned at 8 PM Saturday - Modern Outlaws @ 7 & 9 PM ; Nightly Rides & Wristbands, Games, Soup Specials, 50/50 Tickets, Bingo, Cake Wheel & More! Come and enjoy lots of good food and entertainment! Fun for the entire family! Free admission! Free parking! Purchase your ticket at the office for our 6th Annual Gun Bingo in September! Some vendor spots are still available! Looking for parade entries from fire departments, church groups, school groups, clubs, organizations, businesses, individuals, etc! Parade registration will begin at 5:30 PM Thursday at The Family Practice Center. Watch our Facebook page for more info and updates: facebook.com/fremontfire100 All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. Questions call 570539-2585 or 570-539-8230.
LARGE MULTI-FAMILY Yard Sale being held on Thursday - Saturday, June 8-10 (WEATHER PERMITTING) from 8 AM until ? at 3583 Shermans Valley Road (in the rear). Parking is available in the Tressler church parking lot in Loysville. Brand NEW Kayak, Weight bench, Hess trucks, wheelbarrow, coffee table, floor lamp, cookbooks , Girls clothing size 10-12 & 14-16, lifejackets and so much more!
SATURDAY, JUNE 10th - BIGTREE MUSIC & ART FESTIVAL 11am Port Royal Lions Club, 2767 Lions Club Road Port Royal. Featuring live music, art display by local artists, children’s craft area, poetry and food and craft vendors.
SATURDAY, JUNE 10th EVENDALE FESTIVAL 11am to 9pm Evendale Community Ballfield. Food stand, kids games, bingo, Cornhole tournament, shoofly pie contest, cake walks, auction, live entertianment.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Food Truck Party, will be held at Tressler Memorial Lutheran Church from Monday, June 12 thru Thursday, June 15th from 6-8 PM. There will be games, crafts, stories, science station, music and of course, snacks! Ages up until 5th grade are welcome. Location is at 3581 Shermans Valley Road, Loysville. You may call the Parish office at 717-789-4522 if you would like to pre-register; or check out our website at www.perryfree.net.
MONDAY, JUNE 12th thru THURSDAY, JUNE 15th - Juniata/Snyder Enviro Camp. 6 to 8pm Basom memorial Park, Richfield. Open to children in first through fourth grades. FREE.
TUESDAY, JUNE 13th - LAST DAY TO ORDER A BARBECUE CHICKEN DINNER from Perry County Pomona Grange to benefit Perry County 4-H and FFA programs. Pickup 4-5pm June 20th at Millerstown Community Park buliding, 110 W. Juniata Parkway. Contace Debra Campbell 717-275-4469 or secretary@pagrange.org.
EVENT:Sunday, June 25th- MUSIC ON THE LAWNTressler Memorial Lutheran Church ( 3581 Shermans Valley Road, Loysville ) will be hosting Music on the Lawn. It will be held on Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Randy Simpson and the Millers will the guest performers. We ask that you bring a lawn chair since this is an outside event. In case of inclement weather, it will be held indoors. A love offering will also be taken for our guests.
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: Give the gift of life on Thursday ,June 29th between 12:00pm and 6:00pm at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3787 Cold Storage Rd, New Bloomfield (next to Karns). Child care will be available. For an appointment, visit redcrossblood. org, or call 1 800 RED CROSS (1 800 733-2767).
HUGE-MULTI FAMILY YARD-GARGE SALE. Lots of everything. Moving/down sizing from 2 homes to one. (Plus). June 30th thru July 3, 2023.4629 Raccoon Valley Rd., Millierstown, PA 17062
EVENT: 34th ANNUAL ANTIQUE ON THE AVENUE, Sunday, July 9th from 9am - 3pm at 204 N. Market St. Selinsgrove, PA Food, Music, Vendors and more
TECHNICAL SCHOOL 50th CLASS REUNION will be held Sunday, July16th 2023 from 2pm to 5pm at the American Legion, 51 South Main St. Duncannon. Inside air-conditioned buffet, dessert, & DJ. Drinks are on you from the bar. Cost is $25/person. DCTS surrounding classmates from 71, 72, 74 & 75 are welcome to attend. Send your checks now made out to Debra (Souder) Kruger at 51 Fawn Lane, Newport PA 17074 (717.503.8204) or drop off to Lee Zimmerman at Zimmermans Candy. Questions, call Rick Witten 717.932.4407. FB event- 1973 DCTS 50th Reunion
COMING: October 21st, at the Millerstown Community Park, there will be the Parktoberfest event as their great fundraiser. We are now looking for great Craft Vendors to join us and should contact us quickly before all of the spaces are taken and you will get more information. Call 717-589-3598.
Did you know?
According to the National Weather Service, the summer solstice, which marks the official beginning of summer, occurs at the moment the earth’s tilt toward the sun is at a maximum. As a result, on the day of the summer solstice, which in 2023 occurs on Wednesday, June 21, the sun appears at its highest elevation with a noontime position. The precise moment the solstice occurs is when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer. This year the sun will reach that point at 10:57 a.m. Though it’s not always sunny on the summer solstice, when the sun is out throughout the solstice people in the Northern Hemisphere can expect more hours of sunlight than any other day of the year. That provides yet another reason to welcome the official arrival of summer.