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FOR SALE: 8 place setting of Noritake Donegal 2179 China plus the 5 place starter, $250 neg. 717-725-2992.
FOR SALE: Meade 90AZADRB Refracting Telescope, 3.5 inches lens, complete with tripod, viewfinder, , two eyepieces (36X and 100x) instruction manual and CD. Designed for both astronomical and terrestrial observing (spotting scope). Like new condition, $70. 717-567-9642.
WANTED: Will pay up to $150 for a used row boat or canoe in good condition. Call 717-486-3435.

FOR SALE: DR Wood chipper, new battery electric start, new knife kit, has Briggs & Stratton engine, asking $800 717-725-2992, Duncannon
FOR SALE: One man float boat, 9 ft. pontoons, metal frame pockets for gear. Repair kit and 2 oars, $50. 717-725-2992, Duncannon.
FOR SALE: Ruger LEP max elite 380 NIB, $425; Ruger Security 380 NIB, $335; S+W Shield+9mm NIB, $435; S+W Equalizer 9mm NIB, $520; Ruger Le9 9mm as new, $340; Colt Woodsman 22, first issue, $675; Ruger SP101 38 spl,
SS, NIB, $645; Ruger super Blackhawk, 44mag, $800; Ruger single ? 22/22mag 9 inch NIB $690; S+W 15 38 spl. with box $725; S+W 18 22LR with box $875. 717589-7253.

FOR SALE: S+W 15-22 22LR with red dot NIB $475; Win 88 284 (1963) $2,450; Win 88 308 (1950) Clover leaf, $1,150; Ruger Ar 556, 223 NIB $755; Anschutz 141M 22 mag, $1,250, Win 42 410 (1962) $2,200; Win 12 12g, $575; Browning Citori Lightening .410 with box $2,200; Springfield XD 45 with case, 3 mags, $495; S+W 22 Al 22 with case $375; Colt
1908 vest pocket 25 ALP, $650 717-589-7253.
FOR SALE: BowFlex Tread climber, reduced to $275. Men’s navy Crocs, size 11, $20. Call 570-5398998.
Selling Sports
BILIA: Great for last minute Birthday and Holiday gifts for your Sports Fans and/or Collector. Cards, books, magazines and memorabilia. Favorite players, teams, years and different sports. Call to inquire 717580-5939 and leave message. Text okay.
FOR SALE: Life and Sports Illustrated Magazines. 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and newer. Great magazine cover cover subject matter, large bulk amounts or individual copies. Also some older sheet music available. Call 717-580-5939. Text okay. Please leave message.
WANTED TO BUY: Old Toys, Diecast pedal tractors, tonic toys, GI Joes, Hot Wheels, slot cars, Farm toys, Trucks, Buddy L Truscaled toys, old signs from 40, 50, 60, 70. Promo cars etc. 570-768-6465. South Miller Toys.
COMPUTER REPAIR & CUSTOM PC BUILDING: Full computer service at our shop or request a house call. Free on-site service within 10 miles of Newport. Let us know your model and what is wrong and we?ll work on getting your computer back to you in full working order as quickly as possible. 30 day customer satisfaction policy. Or let us know what you want to use a new device for and your price range and we?ll work with you to build your dream computer. Free installation and instruction with 6 month warranty on custom built machines. (717) 385-1523 Centralperrycomputerservices@gmail.com
FOR SALE: Perry Historians? home-made, all natural apple butter is available by the pint and quart at the Lenig/Focht Library while supplies last. Hours are 10-4 every Wednesday or call 717-567-9110 for more information.
REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS: Ken Shull Appraisals, LLC for all your domestic Appraisal needs’ Purchases, Estates, Assessment, Refinance, Divorce, Acquisitions & Assemblages. 1 to 4 units any monetary amount. Servicing Perry, Juniata, Snyder, Dauphin, Cumberland, York, Lancaster and Lebanon Counties since 1996; born and live in Perry County. 223-2376932. (March 23).
FOR SALE: 1999 Golden Falcon 31 ft. Travel Trailer with 12 ft. slide, electric/ gas water heater, electric/ gas refrigerator, 3 burner gas stove, all new tires, very good condition, 717-2482401, Lewistown, (ufn).
FOR SALE, Cage-Free eggs. Various colors. $2.50/ dozen 717-567-9110.

FOR SALE: Electric hospital bed, $100. Must pick up and move. Call 717-7360360 (Wormleysburg) until further notice.
WANTED: Vintage Snow- mobiles, Motorcycles or Quads. running or not. Cash Paid 717-525-2256, Loysville. ufn.

WANTED: Any denomination 1837 Perry County obsolete script paper money. Also old us coins. Call Harry 717-834-9081.
FOR SALE: Hardwood slab wood and log cut-offs for Firewood, Quantity discounts! Also saw dust and hemlock rough-sawn fram- ing lumber, siding and custom sawing. Call Daniel at WILDWOOD LUMBER 717-438-3967. (Mar. 23)

FOR SALE: Spring car die cast cars, Hoyt box with case and accessories, Game Commission patches; one unopened box of Desert Storm cards. A lot of Nascar stuff - Earnhardt, Allison, Ivan, Some Winross trucks. Call, leave message 717243-3973.
Open Friday & Saturday 8am to 6pm or by Appointment, Call 717-444-0022