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Community Events:
Dinner at Turkey Valley Church at 13606 Route 235, Millerstown. Meal is free of charge; donations will be accepted.
SCRAPBOOK/CARD MAKING event: Saturday, March 4th 2023 Millerstown Community Park, 110w Juniata Pkwy Millerstown PA 17062. All day or part of the day crop time. Card making and scrapbook classes for info contact Bobby McNaughton call or text 717-961-0252 or stop by Country Footwear & More, 221 Market St Newport, PA 17074 or call store 717-204-7635 email Countryfootwearmore@gmail.com Contact me to get on mailing list for all paper crafting events
The Fremont Fire Department will be having an ALL YOU CAN EAT OR TAKE-OUT SEAFOOD DINNER on Saturday March 4th from 4 PM - 6? PM at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. Menu will include fish, shrimp, clams, french fries, cole slaw, dessert and drink. Meal will be $20 for adults and $10 for children ages 5-11. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. Facebook.com/FREMONTFIRE100
TUESDAYS from March 7th to May 23rd at 10am it is PRESCHOOL STORY TIME (age 3) at Newport Public Library. “Be the Best You Can Be,” Children may be registered by calling 717-567-6860.
THIRD SATURDAY EVERY MONTH: FREE Clothing, all sizes Men, Women And Children Is Offered At Good Sheperd Lutheran Church, 1000 N. Front Street, Liverpool 8:30am to 10:30am.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th - Newport Public Library and 1st Credit Union are presenting a FREE, one-hour program at 6pm Wednesday, March 8th, defining cyber crime and covering inernet scams and how to avoid them, cybersecurity on your technical devices, and protecing online banking information. Te presentation is open to the public.
GETTING READY FOR SPRING? Millerstown Community Success, Inc. is once again sponsoring our Spring Fling Craft Show!!!! MARCH 18, 2023! Greenwood Elementary School, 405 E Sunbury St. Millerstown. 8 am - 2 pm. FREE admission! Breakfast and Lunch available! All hand-made items by local vendors! Shop local!!! Limited vendors spaces still available, please contact Teresa at 717512-0140. Please share!
The Fremont Fire Department will be having their 4TH ANNUAL MEAT BINGO on Saturday, March 18th. Event will be held at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. Doors open at 3PM and Bingo will begin at 5PM. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Tickets are $25 each and include 20 regular games valued at $50 each. Only 150 tickets will be sold. There will also be 3 special games valued at $65 each and side raffles running throughout the evening. All meats are provided by Stauffer’s Butcher Shop and include items such as hamburger, steaks, sausage, ham, bacon, pork chops, ribs and more. Message us on Facebook (facebook. com/fremontfire100) or visit our website (fremontfd.com) or call 570-539-8230 for tickets. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department.
THE GOOD NEW SINGERS directed by Rick Smiley, are returning to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Liverpool, PA on March 26, 2023 at 3:00 P.M. They will be presenting ”This is God”, a powerful collection of contemporary Christian Music.The 40 voice ensemble is comprised of at least 12 different churches and have been going strong for 46 years! Accompanied by piano, guitar, bass guitar and drums, the group is excited to share the Good News of Christian music to everyone.
SATURDAY, APRIL 1st - PA Trapppers Association District #8 8th Annual Spring Sportsmans Sow 7am to 4pm (rain or shine) at Blain Picnic Grounds, 532 Picnic Grove
Rd. Blain, PA 17006. Gate Admission, $5 - 12 and under FREE. Guns, knives, traps, calls, decoys, ammo, archery, fishing and hunting items. Trapping supplies, Sporting collections and much more!
SATURDAY, April 15th - The Newport High School class of 1973 is having a 50 year reunion at Newport Firehouse. Happy hour is at 4pm; dinner at 5:30 Cost is $35 per person. For information readers may call Brenda (Fleisher) Cox at 717-979-8984.
The 15th Annual Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies CONSIGNMENT AUCTION will be held on Saturday, April 29th at the Snyder County Produce Auction 6130 Susquehanna Trail Port Trevorton. Consignments and donations accepted Friday, April 28th 8 AM - 8 PM. Benefits the Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies and Christian Aid Ministries. For more info or to list something on the sale bill call 570-765-8676. Sale bill advertising deadline is March 20th. For a full sale bill when it becomes available visit fremontfd.com
The Millerstown Community Pool is sorry to announce that we will not continue to have our annual Sip ‘N’ Dip Wine/Beer fundraiser at the Perry County Fairgrounds. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that participated in this event in the past. Millerstown Community Pool will host the FALL FESTIVAL. We will be having our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 7 at the Millerstown Community Park from 11:00 until 4:00. Anyone wishing to be a vendor please contact Mary Kissinger at 717-636-1935 or George Moore at 717-444-3367. If you would like to donate a basket or gift card for our raffle, please contact Tessa Hinterliter 717-247-6353. More information on this event will be forthcoming. Thank you for supporting the Millerstown Pool.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I want to apologize for any typos or wrong phone numbers. Sometimes it is hard to read the hand writing of some people and sometimes I just reverse numbers or hit a wrong key stroke. If I get your ad wrong, please call and I will try to get it correct in the following issue. THANK YOU for reading and submitting ads and using The Shopper’s Remedy. The Shopper’s Remedy is brought to you by the businesses that pay for Display ads. Please support them and tell them, “ I saw your ad in The Shopper’s Remedy.” THANK YOU!
(Tweens 9-12 & Youth 13-18)

Come just as you are and EXALT the risen LORD with us! You’ll enjoy a casual atmosphere, upbeat worship, and preaching that’s full of the Word of God. Come grow with us! You’re ALWAYS welcome here...