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Shoppinghour Magazine
Auscultatio, Gravitas, Communitas: to listen and to diagnose the sounds of the inner-workings of the body, to engage in conversation of substance and to do so in the spirit of unstructured community. Shoppinghour Magazine collects words, images, thoughts and experiences that locate and unconceal the subtle nuances of contemporary life. Its editors believe that heartfelt and meaningful conversation can help towards cultivating a gradual subversion of everyday norms and inspiring a more observant and active social, political and creative engagement. Eschewing sententious intellectual banter in favour of relevance and sincerity, a new critical optimism is sought in response to today’s culture mired by the nihilist vestiges of postmodernity.
Suzie Saw
Ania Micińska
Chimi Changa
Aleph Suitamo
adrian vercoe
Daniel Doyle
kirill gluschenko
Francesco Calise
l l
diego bellorin
Peter Eramian
Joy Ng
Luis Rodriguez
meryl Olah
Le Sku
peter funch
Robert Bagarić
Aleph Escobedo
Karolina Konieczna
yu shan lim
Kimberly Kim
Roberto Montani
Claudia Von Hillebrandt
Mike - Photo Dabbler
Lian Wei
miki hu
antuan fisher
Borja Vicedo
Luca Busetto
Fabio Lorusso
Christos Voskopoulos
Little Lokó Dyani
Du Vaughn
Ashley Gan
Nguyễn Huy Hùng
Silvino González Morales
Sean Kinson
左慈 (ice)