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Upcoming Events for March 2023
Spring Seminar, Walleye Searchers of MN
When: March 1 – March 10
Where: 917 15th Avenue SE, Rochester
Time: 1 pm – 5 pm, Cost: Free
Information: fhcorl@gmail.com
Details: Cpt. Jarrad Fluekiger is a third generation guide and is well known along the Mississippi River and Lake Pepin. Join the Eagles Club for games, raffles, drawings, prizes and more. We will have high school fishing teams on hand with learning activities for fishing enthusiasts of all ages.
Piano Pieces from the Philippines
When: Saturday, March 4
Where: Christ United Methodist Church –400 5th Avenue SW, Rochester Time: 7:30 pm, Cost: Free
The BritPack
When: Saturday, March 4
Where: Sheldon Theatre - 443 West 3rd Street, Red Wing
Time: 7:30 pm, Cost: $21-$39
Information: www.sheldontheatre.org
The BritPack delivers a show full of music from major names across the pond that’s at the same time familiar enough to make audiences feel right at home and high-energy enough to get the crowd on their feet.
The Reminders – Rochester Civic Music’s Theatre Season
When: Saturday, March 4
Where: Rochester Civic Theatre – 30 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochester Time: 7:30 pm
Cost: Free/Reservations Required
Information: rochestermn.gov/government/departments/rochester-civic-music
Details: As part of Rochester Civic Music’s “Theatre Season,” husband and wife hiphop duo.
Curling & Cocktails
When: Wednesday, March 8
Where: Rochester Recreation Center – 21 Elton Hills Drive NW, Rochester
Time: 7:15 pm, Cost: $30
Information: calendly.com/curlrochester/ A ticket to Curling and Cocktails includes light appetizers and one post curling drink. Great night out with friends, family or excellent date night activity. All equipment is provided.
Girl Scout Winter Woodland Adventure
When: Saturday, March 11
Where: Rochester Art Center - 30 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochester Time: 2:30 pm, Cost: Free
Information: www.girlscoutsrv.org
Details: All girls in grades K-3 are invited to this free event! Bring your favorite adult to play games, mix your own birdseed to take home, and learn about the animals that call snowy Minnesota home.
Rochester Home & Lifestyle Show
When: March 10 – March 12
Where: Graham Arena Complex – 1570 Fairgrounds Avenue SE, Rochester
Time: Daily, Cost: Free
Information: rochestermnshows.com
Details: The Rochester Home and Lifestyle Show with its ease of access and ample parking at a facility familiar with consumers, was the region’s largest attended consumer trade show in 2022. This event provided an opportunity for thousands of individuals and families to learn about and purchase products and services for their home or their lifestyle.
Derina Harvey Band
When: Friday, March 17
Where: Sheldon Theatre - 443 West 3rd Street, Red Wing
Time: 7:30 pm, Cost: $23 - $43
Information: www.sheldontheatre.org
Restore and Rejuvenate: A Day to Connect
When: Saturday, March 18
Where: Saint Mary’s University-Rochester at Cascade Meadow – 2900 19th Street NW, Rochester
Time: 1 pm – 6 pm, Cost: $45
Information: rwmagazine.com/restore-rejuvenate-a-day-to-connect/
Details: his one-day retreat will focus on helping you relax, socialize and have fun. With your ticket purchase, you may choose to add a donation. 10% of all profits are donated to the Jeremiah Program of Rochester – a national organization with a mission to disrupt the cycle of poverty for single mothers and their children, two generations at a time.
When: Saturday, March 18
Where: Mayor Civic Center - 30 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochester
Time: 7:30 pm, Cost: $45 and up
Information: mayociviccenter.com/event/
Details: Styx, the multimegamillion-selling rock band that has forged an indelible legacy both on record and onstage, will headline the rescheduled concert at Mayo Civic Center on Saturday, March 18.
Harlem Globetrotters
When: Sunday, March 19
Where: Mayor Civic Center - 30 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochester
Time: 2 pm, Cost: $24 and up
Information: mayociviccenter.com
Your favorite Globetrotter stars are bringing out their amazing basketball skill, outrageous athleticism and a non-stop LOL good time.
Vintage/Antique/Flea Market and Toy Show
When: Sunday, March 19
Where: Graham Park – 1418 Fairgrounds Ave SE, Rochester
Time: 9 am – 2 pm
Cost: $2
Information: www.townsendshows.com
Details: Two buildings full wall to wall with neat vintage treasures and fun things. You will be amazed at the one of a kind items, Spring decor, Easter decor, vintage toys, Nascar, Tonka Toys, farm toys, dolls, bears, hunting & fishing items, gasoline memorabilia, games, comics, and so much more.