Kid scoop dec 2014

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Santa’s Scrapbook

Take a peek inside the big guy’s scrapbook in time for Christmas. Catch a glimpse of the new reindeer, the toy factory and elves at play. Find out where Mr. and Mrs. Claus went on vacation. These pages are packed with brain-building puzzles the whole family can enjoy.

How many snowflakes can you count on this page?

Reindeer Games

Don’t let your brain hibernat e on winter break! Join in Randolph Reindeer’s game an d help solve these puzzles designed to boggle the min d.


It’s not a plant. It’s not an anim al. is it? Get the scoop on a stran What ge living organism known as a mushroo m. Learn about Fairy Rings, how to make a spore print and more!

2 Connect the dots, color me & take me back to Ludington Little Caesars and you’ll receive a FREE Crazy Bread with any Large Pizza purchase.

Accepting New Patients

News: Batkid to the Rescue! ............................ 3 Character Spotlight: MLK .............................. 4-5 Biography: Ben Franklin ................................ 6-7 Health: The State of You ............................... Mon.-Fri. 8 AM - 5 PM 8-9 Health: Blood ........................................... 10-11 Sat. 10 AM-Noon – Urgent Care Only Puzzles ........................................................ 12 Calendar ...................................................... 13 KARI A. LEIKERT, D.O., Pediatrics Biography: Clara Barton ............................ 14-15 TAMARA L. BUCKLES, M.D., Pediatrics Legend: Alfred Bulltop Stormalong ............. TAMMY MIDDLEBROOK, M.D.,16-17 Pediatrics Early Learners: letter M & number 4 ............... 18 E. Tinkham Avenue, Ludington (231) 843-3477 19 Book 907 & Web Picks ........................................ Free Online Games ........................................ 20 Animals: Orca Opera ...................................... 21 Try This At Home .......................................... 22 Lesson Idea of the Month ............................... 23 Answers ...................................................... 24

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© 2014 by Vicki Whiting

© Vicki Whiting December 2014


ast November, San Francisco’s streets were lit up with holiday decorations and the ice-skating rink had opened in Union Square. Two visiting students saw something else. Something that bothered them.

“When I saw that compassion and generosity in my girls, I wanted to do all I could to help them,” remembers their mother, Michelle Dale Jernigan.

“We saw many homeless people waiting in line for free food,” said 10-year-old Meg.

“We thought the plastic bags could be used to keep things dry in the rain,” said Kate.

“They looked sad, hungry and lonely,” said 8-year-old Kate. “We looked at them and thought about what they might really want for Christmas.”

They filled each bag with a large water bottle, a bag of carrots, 2 granola bars, graham crackers, apples, oranges and a piece of candy.

The sisters talked about the people they saw and what they thought they needed. They shared their ideas with their mother.

So the sisters and their mother took a trip to the store and bought large plastic freezer bags and items to fill them.

They decorated the bags and also made a holiday card to put in each bag. In total, they decorated and filled 25 bags. The total cost was about $150.


On delivery day, their mom drove slowly through San Francisco neighborhoods looking for people they thought would appreciate the gift bags. When they saw a person, the girls walked up and handed the bag and said, “Happy Holidays.” “We gave one bag to a dad with two little girls. One of the girls was so thirsty, she went straight for the water bottle and not the candy!” recalls Kate. And by the end of the day, the girls had one thought: They wished they had more bags.

All year, Meg and Kate have been talking about their gift bags for the homeless. They are rethinking what they will include. “Definitely more water this time,” said Kate. Friends of the family have been so inspired by the girls that they are donating to help them buy more bags and gifts. “This year we hope to be able to give out 100 bags,” said Meg.

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© Vicki Whiting December 2014



Like anyone, n ew elves need training and practice. T his year’s new hires got a few toys m few days on th ixed up on their first e job. Draw the missing parts o n should look lik each toy robot. They e the one at rig ht.

Take a peek inside the big guy’s personal scrapbook to find out what this year has been like for Santa Claus.

ew Each year, n orn. b reindeer are to fly But learning ractice. fp takes a lot o th from a Follow the p indeer re g n u o each y to its name.

Everyone around the workshop threw me a big surprise birthday party this year. Look at the photos from that day and number them in the correct order.

About the only thin g making amazing ic elves like better than making toys is e sculptures. Floyd sculpture contest. w Can you find his tw on this year ’s ice o identical ice sculptures?

Standards Link: Sequencing: Place events in order.

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© Vicki Whiting December 2014


5 The tradition of reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh was first recognized by Clement C. Moore in his famous poem. Use the code to discover the name of Moore’s poem.

Some say that Santa Claus is one of the most famous inhabitants of the North Pole.

Not many people live at the North Pole, but many reindeer do. Since reindeer are very fast, adaptable, trustworthy and able to live in cold climates, who better to pull Santa’s sleigh?

Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions.

Not all reindeer are magical like Santa’s, but they are still amazing in other ways. They live in the coldest part of the earth—not just at the North Pole, but also in the uppermost parts of Asia, Europe and North America, that together are known as the Arctic Circle. RUSSIA


sea ice


NORTH POLE sea ice






In summer, reindeer shed their heavy fur coats. Their hooves become spongy in springtime to keep them from slipping on the muddy ground.

Draw this reindeer’s other half. To advertise, please call Ludington Daily News

A reindeer has a thick coat of fu very r, which helps it survive th extreme cold of e th e Arctic Circle. E ach hair in the coat is ac tu hollow. The an ally imal’s body heat warm s up the air inside each ha keeping the rein ir, deer nice and toasty .

Reindeer mostly eat tough grasses and a type of moss called lichen. It is easy for reindeer to eat during the summer, when new plants are growing, but it gets more difficult in winter. Luckily, their sharp hooves help them dig down to get to the food they need.

ked Have you ever wal ke ta in deep snow? You . nk si d an a step ial Reindeer have spec hooves to help them and walk on the snow e lik h uc ice. M snowshoes, their hooves are wide, alk allowing them to w ow sn e on top of th without sinking. © Vicki Whiting December 2014


animal To find each answer, start at the compass square each time and follow the directions.

What if you could ask a skunk any question you wanted? What would you ask? Kid Scoop spoke with skunk authority P.U. Stenchmuch to learn about these smelly creatures from a safe distance.

Q: How far can skunks spray? A: Start at compass. Go 1 square north, then 1 square west. Q: Do skunks ever run out of stinky spray? A: Start at compass. Go 3 squares north, then 1 square west, then 1 square north. Q: Where is the skunk’s secret weapon? A: Start at compass. Go 3 squares north. Next, go 1 square east. Then go 1 square south. Q: What color is the musk skunks spray? A: Start at compass. Go 4 squares north. Then go 1 square west. Next, go 1 square south.

We hiss and stamp our feet. If this doesn’t work, we raise our tail over our head as a threat.

Q: What are baby skunks called? A: Start at compass, go 2 squares north. Q: What is another name for a skunk? A: Start at compass and go 1 square north. Next, go 1 square west. Then go 2 squares north and then 1 east. Q: A skunk is about the same size as a ____________. A: Start at compass, go 2 squares north. Then, go 1 east and 1 south.

There are three kinds of skunks. Do the math problems to match the name of each kind of skunk with its description. 15. It has a broad, hairless muzzle, like that of a pig. The back and tail are white. 10. The smallest of all skunks, it has a dot in the middle of its forehead. The stripes go in lots of different and wiggly directions.

23. The face is black except for one white stripe that runs from the nose to the shoulders. At the shoulders, the stripe splits in two parts, one running down each side of the body. To advertise, please call Ludington Daily News

© Vicki Whiting December 2014



Christmas Tree Light Up

This game could keep you busy for hours. Light up the Christmas tree by connecting all the wires and bulbs.

Tell Us What You Think

Do you have a free online game you like to play? Send your reviews and recommendations to woodword@

EARLY LEARNERS Y is for Yo-Yo y is for yo-yo

Yolanda likes to watch herself yo-yo. How many differences can you find between Yolanda and her reflection?

Learning Buddies: Read the two phrases aloud. Have your child read with you. Trace the uppercase and lowercase letter Y. Say the letter as you trace it.

How many words or pictures can you find on this page that start with the Y sound like the word yo-yo? How many

My yo-yo goes up. My yo-yo goes down. Up. Down. Around town. To advertise, please call Ludington Daily News

? yolks

How many



Learning Buddies: Trace and say the number. Read the questions. Touch and count to find the answers.

Š Vicki Whiting December 2014



It isn’t a plant. It isn’t an animal. A mushroom is a fungus. Most of a mushroom is actually underground. It is a long, wide net of cells that looks a little like a maze of shoelaces. These underground nets of cells can live a very long time—even thousands of years!

When the underground part of the mushroom gets big enough, it sends up a kind of fruit. This is the part of the fungus that we usually think of as a mushroom. The mushroom “fruit” produces spores which blow away to make new mushroom colonies.






Write the letters along the correct path to discover the scientific name for the underground part of the mushroom fungus.




Rings of mushrooms found in the forest and open grassy places are made by a kind of fungus that grows underground in a circle shape.



It sends up its mushroom fruit along the outer rim of the circle, creating a circle of mushrooms.


People once believed elves and fairies danced in these rings. It is said that the fairies planted mushrooms around the rings for seats to rest upon. Standards Links: Life Science: Know that living organisms have distinct structures that serve specific functions in survival.

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© Vicki Whiting December 2014



Objects, people and buildings look different from different points of view or perspectives. Look at the two pictures of the coffee cup. Then, match each top view in the pictures below to its side view.

Imagine you are a bird, flying above your school and its surrounding neighborhood. What would the area look like from your bird’s-eye view? Here are some pictures of places in Kid Scoop City. Can you match each side view to the view from above on the map? Standards Link: Visual Arts: Students know how different media, techniques and processes are used to communicate ideas.

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Š Vicki Whiting December 2014



2014 Imagine you were Rosa Parks, tired from a day’s work and being told to give up your seat on the bus. What would you do?

Decorate your Christmas tree today. Put lights on first and then add ornaments.

Rosa Parks Day

Read a New Book Month

Make room for new toys by giving away some of your used ones to a shelter for needy children.

Christmas seals help raise awareness and raise money for research on lung diseases. Buy some Christmas seals today.

Tree Dressing Day

The South Pole was discovered on this day in 1911. Draw a picture of penguins at the pole. Celebrate the first day of winter by looking for all the symbols of winter around you. First Day of Winter Spend some time today playing cards with friends or family members. Card Playing Day

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Ask your friends to recommend a book that you haven’t read. Then go to your local library to get the book.

The first Christmas card was created in 1843. Today would be a good day to write and then send your Christmas cards.

There are 10 days left until Christmas. Have you got presents for all your family? Create your own gift tags to go on each present.

Las Posadas begins a nine-day celebration and Hanukkah begins at sundown.

This day marks the anniversary of the invention of the thermometer. A thermometer measures the temperature. What is the temperature today?

Ask an older family member to tell you stories about what Christmas was like when they were young.

The bowling ball was invented on this day in 1869. Find a local bowling alley and go bowling with some friends or family.

Look on your local newspaper’s website to find the season’s concerts and holiday activities.

Help make pancakes for breakfast and enjoy some real maple syrup.

Do you like to get letters? Then spend a few minutes to hand write a letter to a friend. Letter Writing Day On this day in 1620, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. Make a drawing showing the event.

Go for an evening walk downtown and admire the holiday lights and decorations.

Maple Syrup Day

Go for a family bike ride and look for signs of winter like barren trees or icicles.

Hang your stocking by the fireplace. Have you been good this year? Christmas Eve Make a list of five things you want to accomplish in 2014. Seal the list in an envelope to be opened on 12/31/2014. New Year’s Eve

Merry Christmas – count your blessings today!

Walt Disney was born on this day in 1901. How many Disney movies do you know?

Find a Christmas movie and enjoy watching it with your family tonight.

Read the story or watch the movie of A Christmas Carol. Who is your favorite character? Boxing Day is a national holiday in Britain and historically, the servants had the day off. Give your parents the day off and make dinner tonight. Boxing Day

In Northern Europe, gifts are left in children’s shoes on this day.

St Nicolas Day With an adult, make a cup of hot cocoa. Put a dollop of whipped cream on top and stir with a candy cane. National Cocoa Day

Write a Winter Poem and make it into a card to give to a friend.

Write thank you notes to everyone who gave you gifts. Tell them what you liked most about the gift.

Find the packages that are wrapped the same. Not every package will have a match. © Vicki Whiting December 2014

BOOK BOOK & & WEB WEB PICKS PICKS How the Grinch Stole Christmas


Santa’s Village

by Dr. Seuss Take a tour of Santa’s Village and check your Naughty or Nice rating. Visit the Toy Workshop with your Elf Buddy and see the Santa Show. You can also play with reindeer in the Reindeer Barn, print Elf Diplomas, send an email to Santa and enjoy some holiday fun.

The Grinch just hated Christmas with all the hustle and bustle. He hated watching the people singing, decorating and making their preparations. It really annoyed him. So he hatched a plot to spoil Christmas and disguised as Santa he went down to the town. But somewhere along the way, things took a turn and in the end, the spirit of Christmas shines through. This is a must read, all-time great, Christmas children’s classic.

Add Your Pictures mas_tree You can add images of your family and friends and have them in a video Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.

Christmas Links Here are lots of links to online Christmas games such as Ornaments Sequencing, Santa’s Gift Sling, Gift Stack Game, Dress-up Elves, Christmas Bells and lots more.

Coming This Summer

College for Kids

Offering youths aged 9-13 a hands-on chance to explore arts, sciences, and recreation in a fun day-camp atmosphere on the West Shore Community College Campus. Dates & Registration information to be announced later. To advertise, please call Ludington Daily News

© Vicki Whiting December 2014



A Look very carefully at these candy canes. All but one of them has an exact duplicate. Can you find the one unique candy cane? Now have a family member try. Who found the one-of-a-kind candy cane faster?




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Use the code to reveal the answer!


Š Vicki Whiting December 2014

bill of rights On December 15th 1791, the 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights protects the freedoms that are part of American life. Some of the freedoms and rights protected in the Bill of Rights include: • Freedom of Religion • Freedom of Assembly • Freedom of Speech • Freedom of the Press


Find the missing word for each blank line in the following story. The words are located next to the birthday cake.

Since the first 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights were written, 17 more have been added. Today, some 200 years later, the Constitution is still the set of laws that govern the United States.

Imagine you could make up the laws for a country. Would you want the laws to be for everyone? This is a question the people thought about over two centuries ago when they wrote the set of laws that are used to govern the United States.



1 1

10 25



25 10


Figure out the answer and draw a line from each of the candles you will need on the Bill of Rights birthday cake! Standards Link: Number sense: Compute sums to 500.


It took many and lots of talking, thinking and writing to finally come up with a set of that the leaders of all of the original colonies could agree upon. First they wrote a set of laws called the Constitution. But even after it was written, some Americans worried that the Constitution did not important . The writers of the Constitution made some additions, or amendments, to ease people’s worries. Standards Link: History: Understand the reasons for the addition of the Bill of Rights; enumerate the fundamental liberties ensured by the Bill of Rights.

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© Vicki Whiting December 2014

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