Class of 2020 graduation section 2

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SatuRday, May 30, 2020

| D1

| Ludington daiLy newS

Mason County Central Class of 2020

Brianna Allen

Rylee Alway

Kristianna Baatz

Sadie Barnett

Alexis Bendele

Darien Bower

Avery Carr

Jeery Carrier

Justice Chimel

Alysa Curtis

Sabastian Dodson

Jacob Draper

Genna Dyga

Amber Erickson

Alexander Florian

Mason Frey

Morgan Fricke

Samuel Gillette

Awstyn Gilman

Jennie Golaszewski

Tucker Grey

Michaela Holden

Isaac Johnson

Brian Johnston

Anya Jones

Ethan Kelley

Hannah Knizacky

Rachel Kruk

Laura Lambert

Marc Lane

Abigail Leese

Chloe Mackinder

Chaz Major

Mitchell Martinez

Jillian Mickevich

Rachel Miller

Sydney Munoz

Steven Nelson

Taylor Outman

Blake Overla

Payton Patterson-Skuse Michael Patulski

D2 |

Ludington daily newS

| SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2020

Mason County Central Class of 2020

Catharina Pessalli Jonathan Petersen

Kyle Paulus

Derek Pearson

Alexander Perez

Hailey Perez

Dominik Peterson

Jacob Pettis

Zachary Quinn

Melody Rafter

Brandon Rakowski

Jada Ray

Zachary Reiss

Jose Rosales

Matthew Ross

Alyssa Sayles

Bryan Schaub

Cade Scott

Jarrett Smith

Jenna Smith

Alaina Stankowski

Derrick Stewart

Nathaniel Story

Lanny Stout

Jaxon Tucker

Grace VanDyke

Matthew Wagner

Quentin Strejcek

Theresa Waitner

Malakye Strajeck Elizabeth Townsend

Sean Wheaton

Jael Wood

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SatuRday, May 30, 2020

| D3

| Ludington daiLy newS

Looking ahead, looking back BriaNNa alleN Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College to use the Mason County Promise scholarship as a full-time student and also become a full-time worker so I can move out on my own. Favorite memory: “Marching band and sports. Having these outlets you get to experience friendships and togetherness like no other, and I appreciate that. Being a leader for others to follow after has helped me to be the person I am today.” Favorite quote: “Have some fire. Be unstoppable Be a force of a nature.” – Christina Young (“Grey’s Anatomy”)

rylee alway Future plans: “I plan to attend Adrian College where I will be on the competition dance team. I will be majoring in interior design with a minor in dance.” Favorite memory: “Long lunch Fridays with my best friends.” Favorite quote: “It’s the only life you’ve got. Do you gotta live it big time.” – Big Time Rush

alexis BeNDele Future plans: “I will be going to Lake Superior State University to study forensic chemistry.” Favorite memory: Any sporting event where the students came together to show school spirit. Favorite quote: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

DarieN Bower Future plans: Working out of state for a few years to save up to go to school. Favorite memory: Wrestling Favorite quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

avery Carr Future plans: Attend Adrian College to study exercise science and to wrestle. Favorite memory: “I especially like how all the grades compete against each other all week for Homecoming and then come together for the homecoming football game.” Favorite quote: “Greatness is a choice.”

Jeffery Carrier Future plans: Attend Davenport University and earn a degree in sports management. Favorite memory: Beating Ludington in basketball Favorite quote: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward.

major in a science field and pursue a career in research and development. Favorite memory: “My favorite memory from high school is homecoming week my senior year. Our class won the hallway, float and mock rock competitions. Had so much fun!” Favorite quote: “Am I good enough? Yes, I am!” – Michelle Obama

morgaN friCke Future plans: “I plan to get my associate’s degree in business and then go to cosmetology school and some day open up my own salon, following my parents’ footsteps as they both own businesses!” Favorite memory: “Being able to go to as many games that I can and supporting my classmates.” Favorite quote: “What feels like the end is often the beginning.”

awstyN gilmam Future plans: Attend Universal Technical Institute to become a mechanic. Favorite memory: “Going out for lunch and hanging out with my friends.” Favorite quote: “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

miChaela holDeN Future plans: Attend a cosmetology college and getting a license. Favorite memory: Big school functions like dances or football games.

isaaC JohNsoN Future plans: Go to college and study mechanical engineering technology. Favorite memory: Cheerleading in the powder puff football game. Favorite quote: “We’re playing with laser beams!”

BriaN JohNstoN

aBigail leese

Future plans: Attending U.S. Army National Guard mechanic school Favorite memory: “Hanging out with my friends.” Favorite quote: “Whoever told you life was fair, lied.”

Future plans: To attend film school and audition for “Disney on Ice.” Favorite memory: “My favorite memory is just the friends I made. They’re real and are always there for me.” Favorite quote: “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

aNya JoNes Future plans: “I’ve already been to basic training for the National Guard, and after I complete my training this summer, I plan on moving to Louisiana sometime this fall to start online college classes.” Favorite memory: “My favorite memory is when all of us seniors sprinted into the gym during our homecoming festivities and were hooting and hollering like crazy. It’s the closest that I’ve ever felt with my class.” Favorite quote: “I don’t know where I’m going from here but I promise it won’t be boring.” – David Bowie.

JaCoB Draper Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College Favorite memory: Being around friends Favorite quote: “You can’t move forward without saying good-bye to the past.”

geNNa Dyga

mitChell martiNeZ Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College then transfer to Ferris State University to study computer science.

haNNah kNiZaCky

JilliaN miCkeviCh Future plans: Continuing to study at West Shore Community College to finish earning an associate’s degree, then move on to a four-year university. Favorite memory: Getting accepted into the ASM Tech Early College program. Favorite quote: “Love people and use things, because the opposite never works.”

raChel kruk

raChel miller

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College using the Mason County Promise scholarship, then probably transfer to Ferris State University. Favorite memory: “Spirit weeks. We always had so much fun at the pep rally and homecoming game.” Favorite quote: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College then Baker College for its

CLASS of 2020

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alysa Curtis Future plans: “I plan on attending Ferris State University to achieve my master’s in psychology.” Favorite memory: “My favorite memory would be my friends, and all the people I’ve met and gotten to know over the past four years. Going to sports games and showing my support to those playing. Or just being on the soccer field itself.” Favorite quote: “Better oops then what if.”

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College Favorite memory: Junior year homecoming Favorite quote: “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College and pursue a degree in nursing. Favorite memory: “Winning first place for our homecoming float all four years and hitting my first over-the-fence home run at North Muskegon.” Favorite quote: “There’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda in “Hamilton”

C o n g r a t u l ati o ns ! The

Chloe maCkiNDer

We're proud of you, class of 2020 & ... Congratulations to Alysa Curtis, Olivia Flewelling, Rachel Miller and Allison Morse



veterinarian tech program. Favorite memory: “All of my sports… There’s nothing better than the love between a team as you grow together and individually.” Favorite quote: “Today is going to be a good day and here’s why: Because today at least you’re you and that’s enough.” – Evan Hansen

Future plans: “On March 12, 2020, I enlisted with the U.S. Navy and begin my basic training in September.” Favorite memory: Senior Skip Day Favorite quote: “Those who failed to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” – Winston Churchill.

syDNey muNoZ

Future plans: “I plan on working and saving money while I decide what I really want to pursue as a career.” Favorite memory: “Playing football in my junior and senior year and all the time spent with my friends goofing around and having fun.” Favorite quote: “Life is like a sandwich, no matter which way you flip it, the break comes first.”

Future plans: To become a registered nurse. Favorite memory: Hanging out with friends.

steveN NelsoN Future plans: Trade school Favorite memory: “Hanging out with my friends.”

paytoN pattersoN-skuse Future plans: Attend college in Grand Rapids in the fall and pursue a degree in culinary arts. Favorite memory: Football games and pep rallies Favorite quote: “You only live once so just send it.”

miChael patulski iii Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College, taking advantage of the Mason County Promise scholarship. Then, transfer to a four-year university and study sports marketing. Favorite memory: “My favorite memory is when we beat Ludington in overtime in basketball my senior year.” Favorite quote: “You only get what you put in.”

kyle paulus


alexaNDer pereZ

hailey pereZ Future plans: “I plan on working to save money for a year before starting college. Hopefully, I am able to find a job/internship similar to what I would like to do in a child development career.” Favorite memory: “There are a lot of memories, but being able to go to all of the football games senior year to watch and support my brother and our team is probably my favorite.” Favorite quote: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned.” – Isaiah 43:2.

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Future plans: Attend the University of Michigan to

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D4 |

Ludington daiLy newS

| SatuRday, May 30, 2020

Looking ahead, looking back CaDe sCott

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College for two years then go to a college in Pennsylvania to complete a degree in computer hardware. Favorite memory: Biology class

meloDy rafter Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College Favorite memory: Homecoming assemblies Favorite quote: “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College then transfer to Michigan State University. Favorite memory: Hanging out with my friends. Favorite quote: “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

alyssa sayles Future plans: Attend Adrian College to major in journalism and minor in psychology. Favorite memory: “I always enjoyed participating in spirit week: parading thorugh the halls behind the band with my cheer team, playing class games and seeing everyone’s faces light up with school spirit.” Favorite quote: “Life is like a cup of coffee… it’s all about how you make it.”

JaDa ray Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College and earn a degree in business. Favorite memory: Homecoming spirit week Favorite quote: “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Zig Ziglar

matthew ross

keviN sNowDeN Future plans: Go to college for welding Favorite memory: “Being with all the people I care for most.” Favorite quote: “Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

laNNy stout Future plans: Attend West Shore Community /college for a year in the ASM Tech


eliZaBeth towNseND Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College to earn an associate’s degree then attend Michigan State University to study veterinary medicine. Favorite memory: “I have two. I can’t choose… First, was when my forensics team got first place at our state tournament. The second, I got to lead the marching band as head drum major to a straight 1 rating at marching festival.”

Favorite quote: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

Favorite quote: “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”

graCe vaN Dyke

Future plans: Work, computers and becoming a streamer.

seaN wheatoN

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College for a year until transferring to a bigger university. Favorite memory oF sCHool: Sports – Made so many friendships and memories that I will never forget. Favorite quote: “See the good in all things.”

Jael wooD Future plans: Attend Bethel University in Indiana to study nursing while competing on the track team in pole vault. Favorite memory: “One of my favorite memories is when I set the school record for pole vault at the Traverse City Invite.” Favorite quote: “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” – C.S. Lewis

matthew wagNer Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College “then a degree in biology up north.” Favorite memory: Quarantine pics with prom date

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program. Favorite memory: “I enjoyed the daily moments with my friends.” Favorite quote: “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” – Albert Einstein.

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SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2020

| D5

| Ludington daily newS

Spartan Academy Class of 2020

Nathan Barkley

Adrianna Dahlgren

Zoey Fargo

Callan Johnson

Martin Johnson

Ashley King

Summer Langlois

Cyrus Masiwchuk

Jordan Masunas

Makalia Munson

Bethany Newman

Sarah Outcalt

Alexandria Root

Sarah Sanders

Kevin Snowden

James Steiger

Conner Underwood

Ashley Wise

Looking ahead, looking back Nathan Barkley Future plans: Undecided Favorite memory: Hanging out with friends

my friends.” Favorite quote: “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

Callan Johnson

Ashley King

Future plans: Joining the U.S. Coast Guard Favorite memory: “My favorite memory is all the times I got to hang out with

Future plans: Attend college and pursue a career to work with animals while also doing some writing. Favorite memory: “I just love

thinking back to all the great laughs I had with my amazing friends and teacher(s).” Favorite quote: “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

the senior center. Favorite quote: “Beauty lies underneath the skin.” – Phantom of the Opera

Bethany Newman

Future plans: “I plan on waiting a year and then going to college in the spring of 2021. I have no clue what I want to do yet!”

Future plans: Attend college at West Shore Community College. Favorite memory: Hello at

Makaila Munson

Favorite memory: “My favorite memory of high school is going on field trips with Mr. Duane almost every year to different colleges.” Favorite quote: “In a field full of roses be a sunflower!”

Favorite memory: “Seeing all (my) friends” Favorite quote: “She believe she could so she did.”

Ashley Wise Future plans: Finding a job and buying a vehicle

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D6 |

Ludington daily newS

Brennan Ingle L.H.S. Congratulations Brennan! I am so sorry this pandemic has changed the course of your graduation, but I am very proud of your accomplishment! It has certainly turned into a year you will never forget. Love you, Dad

Riley Habermehl L.H.S. Congratulations Riley on all of your achievements! Love, Mom, Dad, Hunter & Grandma Cynthia

| SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2020

Evan McKinley L.H.S.

Kaden Powers L.H.S.

Congratulations!! You have grown into a fine young man. Keep dreaming and you will go far in your future. Enjoy life’s journeys. We are so happy and proud of you and your successes!!

Best wishes Kaden, we’re so proud of you and all your accomplishments. We miss hearing the beat of your drums!

Love, Gramma Carol & Grampa Jay

Love, Grandma & Grandpa

Sadie Barnett M.C.C. Congratulations Sadie! We are so happy for you, and look forward to what the future holds, and where it takes you. We admire your determination, kind, loving heart and concern for others. We love you!

Lily Roberts L.H.S. Congratulations. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments! Love, Grandma & Grandpa Shafer

God Bless, Pa & Guppie

Dalton Haldeman G2S It seems like in the blink of an eye you went from our little dude to a young man. Always work hard and all of your dreams will come true. We are so proud of you and love you to the edge and over. Love, Mom & Dad & Gabby

Connor (CJ) Samuels L.H.S. Ian Ransom L.H.S. Congratulations Ian and good luck in all you do!

Life is a journey and only you hold the map, now take this great achievement and turn your dreams into your plans. We are so proud of you. Congratulations son! Love you, Mom & Dad

Love, Grandma & Grandpa, Keith, Courtney & Caleb

Hans Morgan L.H.S.

Hannah Knizacky M.C.C. Congratulations! We are very proud of you! Love, Aunt Laura and Aunt Janice

Michael Patulski M.C.C. We are all in your corner cheering for you. We all feel bad that you can’t graduate the normal way, as you do too. Practice your basketball shots, go for a walk, and hope to see you at your college graduation. Love to you, Grandma Dawn, Grandpa Bob, and the rest of the crew

Maria Sobaski L.H.S. We are very proud of you and your many accomplishments! We know you will be successful wherever life takes you. Best of luck at WSCC next year! We love you!

Congratulations Hans Morgan,

Cassidy Foster L.H.S. Congratulations for your work at school! Love, Grandpa Foster

Congratulations Kailee! We love you and are so proud of you!! Go for your dreams! Mom and Dad Emilyn and Gavin Grandma and Grandpa Thoreson

We love you, Your family

Sydney Seymour L.H.S. Congratulations Sydney!

Lily Roberts L.H.S. Go Green! Congratulations on being accepted to M.S.U.! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. What a year this has been! Through it all you have stayed strong. You will be sure to speak of this one day to your children. Wherever your journey takes you, enjoy the ride! Never forget your way back home. We pray that God will keep you safe. Remember we are always here for you, Cupcake. We love you so much! All our love, Grams & Gramps

Love, The Boguses

Parker LaCombe L.H.S. You are a future leader, an honorable humble man, and a role model for your family and your community. May your graduation open new doors to a life of success and happiness! Love, Mom and Grandma

Mom, Dad and Jenna

Kailee Douglas L.H.S.

we love you! Your entire family is so proud of you! Good luck at U.of M.!

Connor Samuels L.H.S.

Hannah Knizacky M.C.C.

Congratulations! Good luck in the future!

We are so proud of you! We know you will do great at W.S.C.C. pursuing your nursing degree! We love you,

Grandma Kathy & Grandpa Paul

Mom, Dad, Jenna, Jared, Spencer, Parker, Lauren & Beau

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2020

| D7

| Ludington daily newS

Gateway to Success Class of 2020

Alesia Boyce

Jalaney Bumford

Jaleah Bumford

Alexis Harvey

Natalie Jahnke

Kelsey Martin

Rae’Von Simpson

Sierra Sutton

Mitchell Cissne

Kearra Golnick

Montana Robbins Estrellita Rodriguez

Seth Thompson

Dalton Haldeman

Breanna Shaw

Britten Towers

Looking ahead, looking back Alesia Boyce Future plans: Work Favorite memory: “My favorite memory was our exchange student from Germany, Severin, hd asked me if he could feel my stomach and when the baby moved, he jumped out of his seat and started freaking out. Mrs. Zumbach was about to yell at him and then he blurted out, ‘That baby kicked me.’ I think of that and it always makes me smile and laugh.” Favorite quote: “Life is about choices. Some we regret. Some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. We are what we choose to me.” – Graham Brown.

Jalaney Bumford Future plans: Go to college Favorite quote: “Nothing is really over til the moment you stop trying.” – Brian Dyson

Jeleah Bumford Future plans: “To go to college and start a good career.” Favorite memory: “The day I met my best friend.” Favorite quote: “Strength

grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.”

Mitchell Cissne Future plans: “My plans after high school are to pursue a career in high performance engineering.” Favorite memory: “My favorite memory was the first year of robotics.” Favorite quote: “If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey

Kearra Golnick Future plans: Obtain a full-time job and decide what college and career to pursue. Favorite memory: Making new, life-long friends and sharing fun adventures. Favorite quote: “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Dalton Haldeman

Future plans: Attend West Shore Community College for welding Favorite memory: “Rebuilding dirt bikes and riding them in the field behind school was a fun memory!” Favorite quote: “Hey look, Mom, I made it!”

Alexis Harvey Future plans: “I plan to go to nursing school and eventually become a labor and delivery nurse.” Favorite memory: “My favorite memory of high school was honestly switching to G2S and meeting some amazing people.” Favorite quote: “Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss.

Natalie Jahnke Future plans: “I am hoping to get into the U.S. Army and once my military time is up, I am going to college (to study) social work.” Favorite memory: “My first day at G2S. Everyone was so sweet right off the bat. I loved

everyone in my new school.” Favorite quote: “She is clothed in strength and dignity. She laughs without fear of the future.”

Kelsey Martin Future plans: “I want to get a good-paying job then next fall, apply to Michigan State University for a two-year certificate program in the agricultural industries program.” Favorite memory: “My favorite memory would be our robotics trips.” Favorite quote: “Life only comes around once, so do whatever makes you happy, and be with whoever makes you smile.”

Breanna Shaw Future plans: Study psychology and work for Child Protective Services. Favorite memory: “My favorite is when I’d get to leave class and go to the maker space and work on paintings.” Favorite quote: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

Rae’Von Simpson Future plans: Become a licensed aesthetician and cosmetologist. Also would like to study business in college. Favorite memory: “The one memory I will never forget was an invitation from Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Urbon to have myself and my brother spend Christmas with them and their family. Waking up and helping make Christmas breakfast and then prepping for Christmas dinner and then to top off the night, we all went on a very bitter cold wagon ride through the woods at Mr. Urbon’s.” Favorite quote: “The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change.” – William Arthur Ward.

Sierra Sutton Future plans: Work in agriculture. Favorite memory: “My favorite memory was making signs and stickers with a new friend and developing a life-long friend, Alexis.” Favorite quote: “I’m not

actually funny, just mean and people think I am joking.”

Seth Thompson Future plans: Attend a trade school and earn a welding degree Favorite memory: Attending the welding CTE class Favorite quote: “Every failure is a lesson. If you are not willing to fail, you are not ready to succeed.”

Britten Towers Future plans: Obtain a full-time job and move out of state and also to travel. Favorite memory: “My favorite G2S Academy was our endof-the-year adventures. From grilling hot dogs and burgers and a boat ride by Mr. Urbon and kayaking down the river. (Those and) all the car rides with Mrs. Newberg and Mrs. Nelson and their old-school rap songs.” Favorite quote: “Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.”

D8 |

Ludington daiLy newS

| SatuRday, May 30, 2020

West Shore Educational Service District Class of 2020

Jessie Blackmer

Sonny Cheney

Damien Dennison

Mercedes Lebrun

Matt Skaggs

Brittany Medema

Looking back Jessie BlaCkmer Jessie has enjoyed her work experiences and meeting new friends. She looks forward to working part-time and participating in Progressions Work Center.

soNNy CheNey Sonny has enjoyed being with his friends at school

dances, making others smile and laugh, and playing sports with his classmates.

DamieN DeNNisoN Damien has enjoyed spending time with his friends and making others smile and laugh while being a great role model for his peers. He looks forward to working part-time.

BrittaNy meDema Brittany has enjoyed spending time with her WSESD classmates. She looks forward to working with her dad at their shop.

merCeDes leBruN Mercedes favorite part of school was gym class. She

looks forward to working and attending Progressions Work Center with friends.

matt skaggs Matt has enjoyed his time with friends and teachers at WSESD, especially the school dances. He is looking forward to spending more time at Wolf Lake with his family and

working with animals.

DaviD stites David is known for his infectious smile. He has truly enjoyed going on class outings with friends. He looks forward to working and attending Progressions Work Center with friends.

David Stites

Congratulation Congratulations


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