theroar Voice of the Students
november 2010
Jack’s Mannequin provides lively tunes, optimism with an older album. // See page 8.
West Shore Junior/Senior High School's Student Newspaper • 250 Wildcat Alley • Melbourne, Florida 32935
Fountain water OK despite color
Praying for piercings
A student says her religious rights were violated when dress coded for a nose piercing. // See page 2.
Scheduling spirit
Why does Spirit Week always fall at the end of the first nine weeks and at teachers’ peak for homework assignments? // See page 3.
Karen Pipek
Connect Editor It’s another hot day at school. Walking through the hallways becomes almost unbearable for sophomore Ethan Miles, but spotted at the end of the hallway is a haven-like structure that keeps him moving: a water fountain. As Miles pushes the button and sees the water come out with a reddish tint, he decides, maybe he’s not so thirsty after all. Miles
isn’t the only one around school who’s noticed the off colored water. “[My eighth-grade science class] filled a pail with water from the water fountain and it came out looking red,” science teacher Linda Johnson said. “It looks kind of scary, but it’s just rust.” Administrator Jim Melia has noticed this off colored water as well. “Whenever I don’t like the color, I call the district and they come check it out,” Melia said. “They say
it’s OK to drink. I’d like for the water to be crystal clear and cold but they turned off all the refrigerating units all around the county to help save money.” This red cloudy water doesn’t seem to be a threat to anyone’s health. “According to the Environmental Health and Safety Department, there are [no health risk factors],” Melia said. “When I ask them about it, they tell me it’s not harmful at all for the students to drink.”
The Minnesota Department of Health states that the amount of iron in water is typically low, and the chemical form of the iron found in water is not readily absorbed by the body. “The water will settle throughout the weekend so on Monday morning we will run the water through the pipes,” Melia said. “We try to run all the sediments out and whatever is left over is what gives the water that color.”
“I was so paranoid about getting caught by the police or running into someone I know.”
Patio possibilities
Assistant Principal Jim Melia leads a committee working to raise revenue for a canopy over the courtyard outside of the cafeteria. // See page 3.
Quenchless thirst
A student questions the cafeteria’s Gatorade ban and wants to know if and when his favorite beverage will return. // See page 6.
Vegetarian influx
Considering going meatless? A local nutritionist points out health considerations when switching to an all-veggie diet. // See page 7.
Making a splash
The school dive team returns to the pool with a bright future six years after its last appearance. // See page 4.
From screen to screen
Facebook goes from a main hit on internet browsers to No. 1 at the box office with the premiere of “The Social Network.” // See page 8.
INDEX News Sports Feature
1-3 Opinions 4 Lifestyles 5 Connect
6 7 8
Pot-smoking teen saw his life going
UP IN SMOKE Brittany Cho
R News Editor
ed-eyed and staggering, a Melbourne sophomore walks from the river to the beach, paranoia influencing his every move. Alone in a dark room listening to music, or hanging out with friends who also smoke marijuana, he is able to enjoy himself. But once he is out in public, his situation turns into an entirely different story.
“That was one of the scariest experiences of my life because I was so paranoid about getting caught by the police or running into someone I know,” he said. A run-in with the police wouldn’t be the first time the teen has been caught under the influence. “I’ve been caught by my parents, but getting caught by them held a lot less consequences,” he said. “Not to say my parents are bad parents, because I didn’t get off scot free by any means -they just understand. If kids asked their parents and their parents were totally honest, at least half of the parents have tried weed before.” According to the 2009 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey conducted by the Florida Department of Children and Families, 22.5 percent of kids from the age of 12-18 have smoked pot in their lifetime. Of that amount, 12.3 percent used the substance within
a period of 30 days and 7.3 percent smoked it more than once. Principal Rick Fleming says peer pressure plays a huge role in the reason teenagers smoke marijuana. “The number one reason kids do it is to fit in,” Fleming said. “The people they surround themselves with, their groups of friends, pressure them to try marijuana because they have low esteem and they believe it’s an opportunity to build it.” The sophomore who smoked marijuana more than 30 times claims it gave him creativity in music. “One day, my friend and I smoked before we jammed and as I played my mind was exploding with vivid colors as I closed my eyes and just listened to our music,” he said. “My hands worked on their own to create melodies I can barely replicate sober.” But school Resource Officer Charles Landmesser says that marijuana tends to alter perceptions. “In the euphoric state caused by marijuana, people feel they’re doing better than they really are,” Landmesser said. “It can give people a false sense of accomplishment since it affects their judgment.” Guidance counselor Chuck Keener’s experience while working at the Alternative Learning Center, a facility where juveniles go after being expelled from their schools, taught him about the impact of cannabis and how students get pulled into the addiction. “I’ve seen a lot of really smart kids who think they can smoke and still be successful with juggling all their activities,” Keener said. “But in reality they can’t because they can’t stay focused, can’t keep on track with their assignments and their memory becomes impaired.”
photo illustration: Alex Deavers
FAST FACTS After one joint, reaction time for motor skills is reduced by
4.9% of drug arrests in 2005 were for marijuana sales
37.7% of 2005
drug arrests were for marijuana possession
39.8% of the U.S.
population has tried marijuana at least once
2.5% of the world population currently uses marijuana
50% of high school
seniors have smoked marijuana at least once
// See POT, page 2.
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November 2010
School piercing policies head to high court Marley Butcher Connect Editor
Ariana Iacono, a freshman at Clayton High School in North Carolina has filed a lawsuit after being suspended twice for refusing to remove her nose ring. Iacono says she’s not trying to be a rebel, she’s just following her religion’s beliefs. While school dress codes throughout the nation limit piercings to the ear, more than 3,500 U.S. residents, including Iacono, have joined the Church of Body Modification. According to the church’s mission statement, members strive to “promote mind, body and soul and to share a positive message to everyone.” If successful, Iacono’s suit could change school dress codes because such
policies would conflict with students’ First Amendment religious freedom rights. But West Shore Assistant Principal Jim Melia says he’s not too concerned. “I have nothing against piercings,” Melia said. “However, it’s in school district policies that piercings are limited to the ear. No student [at West Shore] has ever claimed any religious interferences. I honestly think everything depends on how distracting the piercings are. If teachers and students are unable to concentrate, then something needs to be said.” School Board member Andy Ziegler says he and other board members meet periodically to discuss dress-code issues. “We consider religion when making policy,” Ziegler said via e-mail. “It is my understanding that anyone can start a church
for virtually any topic of worship. If we were to make an exception for [the Church of Body Modification], how would we know who really belonged to it? It would seem we would have to eliminate this portion of the policy for everyone. This could then open the door to anyone creating a church to counter any policy we might have in place. Theoretically, our policies could systematically be made null and void.” Earlier this semester, sophomore Kayla Edwards was told to remove her nose stud. “The day after I got my nose pierced, Mr. Melia told me that I had to take it out and put a clear nose stud in instead,” Edwards said. “The only problem was that I’m not supposed to take it out until it heals. We ended up reaching the agreement that I had to cover it up with
Homecoming online-voting reviews mixed
Change in procedure likely skews numbers of teen marijuana use //Continued from POT, page 1
Marley Butcher Connect Editor
The crowd parts, the candidates line up, the paper crinkles as Student Government President Monica Compte puts the microphone to her lips to announce the upcoming Homecoming Court and winners. Some students weren’t able to vote for their favorites because the ballot was moved to Edline, requiring students to have an active account in their names to participate. Sophomore Michelle Morency wanted to vote but was unable to because she shares an account with her parents. “I use my parents’ account on Edline and wasn’t able to even access the list,” Morency said. “I think [SGA] should move it back to paper votes that way everyone will be able to vote, even those who share an Edline account with their parents.” SGA had several reasons for making the change. “We switched the voting to Edline because we noticed that other schools were using it,” Compte said. “We wanted to try it ourselves to see how useful it really was and to determine whether to use it again in the years to come.” SGA adviser Heidi Heath set up the new process. “We live in the computer age,” Heath said. “Students can access Edline from any computer whether at home or school. This voting system is a fail-safe system without the possibility of human failures. Also, teachers can devote their class time or homeroom to the content and not have another unrelated item to do. Finally, we had the opportunity to introduce a fun way to vote, and we took advantage of the situation.” The Junior Class prom committee has not yet decided whether to switch paper voting to Edline for the spring formal. “Edline calculated the votes for us,” Heath said. “As long as the district allows schools to use Edline, then we will be using this method.”
a piece of Band-Aid. But, in my opinion the Band-Aid I use is a lot more distracting and noticeable than my tiny nose stud. There really isn’t any logic behind the rules, because apparently facial piercings cause a hazard or they are too distracting. However, people are allowed to wear huge hoop ear rings, and that’s OK because it’s on their ear. I think they need better support for the rule because I really don’t see the purpose of them enforcing it.” Ziegler says if more people claim dresscode-related religious freedoms under the First Amendment, then security issues could come into play. “Let’s take a religion that covers their face,” Ziegler said. “Do we really know who is under that veil? Would it be safe for everyone to have their faces covered?”
FACE TIME: Principal Rick Fleming chats with yearbook editor Megan Poulsen via Oovoo.
Oovoo, Skype top tech hype Jennifer Garrido Lifestyles Editor
It was a typical day at work, and Athletic Director Bonnie Bettis logged on to her computer as usual. After signing in to her Oovoo account, she received an notification from her father. By accepting it, she not only got to see and communicate with him, but with her cousin from Arizona whom she hadn’t seen in years. “She was visiting my family in Illinois all the way from Arizona, and I got to see her because my dad was on Oovoo,” Bettis said. During the past decade, personal communication has moved from cell phones, to AIM, to texting, to Facebook, and now, video chatting has begun to take hold. Software programs such as Skype and Oovoo allow users to communicate by talking or “calling” via computer, through a webcam. Users log on to the program, see who’s online, and, in a matter of clicks, talk face-to-face with their contacts. “I use Skype more than Oovoo because there’s more people on Skype,” junior Vinashna Patel said. “I like it more than IM and text messaging, and it helps me with school a lot too. I do homework on it, study-group-type things, and I use it so much that it signs me in automatically when I log on to my computer.” Junior Brandon Toothaker prefers Oovoo. “Oovoo is like Skype but you can have group chats,” Toothaker said. “I like it a lot. I go on every time I use the computer.” Even the school’s administrative staff uses Oovoo.
“I love Oovoo. I see it as another tool of communication that’s not just a phone, but almost resembles the new app for the iPhone,” Bettis said. “I know the administration in the office is available to it. They actually Oovoo each other when they’re right across the hall.” According to Bettis, Principal Rick Fleming initiated the use of Oovoo in the front and administrative offices. “Mr. Fleming tipped me off to it, after he started using it to talk to his daughter in college. After that, we all got it on our computers,” Bettis said. Those who work in the office also video chat from home. “I know that [bookkeeper Vanessa] Miles in the front office uses Oovoo to talk to her son in Germany, while Mr. Fleming uses it to talk to his daughter in college,” Bettis said. “I, on the other hand, use it to talk to family members that I have in Illinois that I would rarely see otherwise. It helps me not get too homesick.” Oovoo and Skype both have a limited-time, free-trial option, and recently, Facebook and Skype have joined forces on “FacebookConnect”, a feature that will enable Facebook users to call people with their Skype accounts. “I think the FacebookConnect feature would be a great tool, if used the right way,” Bettis said. Like the internet and every other form of communication, if it is put in the wrong hands, it could be bad. Invasion of privacy is a big thing now, so I hope if they do start that feature, they’ll add guidelines, so they can prevent certain security issues.”
Short-term memory loss, distorted perceptions and loss of motor skills are the most prominent symptoms of marijuana use due to the drug’s main active chemical, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, according to Landmesser. “The amount of THC in marijuana has become much more potent than it formerly was,” Landmesser said. “The short-term memory is altered from initial use of marijuana, but after long-term use, THC has been shown to significantly affect the memory, the lungs and the immune system.” Fleming says the repercussions of being caught under the influence or with drugs at school is severe. “The school recommends expulsion, but we try to keep the students out of the hands of law enforcement if we are able to,” he said. “If a student is in possession of over 20 grams, however, that is considered a felony and the decision is out of our power. In most cases the resource officer at the school decides what to do with the student.” In Brevard County there were 522 arrests in 2008 involving drugs, but the number of overall juvenile arrests including convictions for homicide, theft, and sexual misdemeanors experienced a 21.04 percent decrease. Landmesser says this is probably due to the recent juvenile civil citation program that began two years ago. “Civil Citation is an alternative to arrest for kids under 18,” Landmesser said. “Students who get it are assigned things such as a community service project and referrals to other services, and I believe it’s what has reduced the overall arrest rate.” But, Landmesser doesn’t frequently face situations where a civil citation or an arrest is necessary. “More times than not, I see people make the right choice,” Landmesser said. “They don’t smoke because they choose not to give into peer pressure or other factors.” After realizing the pit falls of smoking marijuana, the Melbourne sophomore quit after six months. “After learning the consequences of getting caught, I just stopped,” he said. “I would get expelled, could go to juvenile detention, lose hope of getting into a school of my choice, basically get my life turned upside down. I just used common sense.”
Home of the West Shore golf teams 2300 Clubhouse Drive Viera,FL 32955 (321) 639-6500
22 EAST NELSON AVENUE MELBOURNE, FL 32935 (321) 254-5232
November 2010
Beverage rules push Gatorade out of cafeteria Lesley Wright Opinions Editor
theroar Editor in chief Mikayla Larson Managing editor Lucia Baglivio Art director Alex Deavers Business manager Mia Glatter News editor Brittany Cho
West Shore Jr/Sr High 250 Wildcat Alley Melbourne, FL 32935 (321) 242-4730 ext. 255 FAX: (321) 242-4740
Connect editors Marley Butcher Karen Pipek Lifestyles editor Jennifer Garrido Sports editor Courtney Barney Opinions editor Lesley Wright Staff adviser Mark Schledorn
The Roar recognizes itself as a public forum and encourages letters from West Shore students and members of the community. The Roar cannot print ads promoting activity illegal by Florida law, ads opposing any religious beliefs, ads written in poor taste, ads with racial or sexist comments, ads considered inappropriate by the staff or ads containing libel. The Roar is not responsible for websites viewed through links found on pages mentioned in the publication. The Roar values letters from our readers: the maximum length for letters is 200 words. No more than one letter a semester will be published from a writer. Letters and columns are edited for length, content and clarity. The Roar maintains the right to edit all submissions for poor taste, length, grammar and libel. Views expressed in the “Opinions” section do not necessarily represent the views of the Brevard County School Board, the West Shore administrators, faculty, student body or The Roar staff.
Send letters to Room 3-104 or Mikayla Larson
photo: Michaela Vine
As eighth-grader Julia Spychalsky peers into the glass-faced refrigerator at the end of the lunch line, she notices that not even one bottle of Gatorade is left on the shelf, leaving her with only two beverage options: milk or water. “The beverage contract [with Pepsi Co.] is expired and a new one has not been approved yet,” cafeteria manager Lalani Wilson said. Spychalsky isn’t happy. “I think it’s dumb that there’s no Gatorade anymore because it helps you feel better, and that’s why they would give it to you when you went to the clinic,” she said. The contract has not been renewed because of the new standards for middle-school students’ lunches, according to Wilson. Gatorade contains electrolytes that can speed up heart rates, which can be harmful to younger students. “The beverage contract committee in the district is not allowing us to sell Gatorade because we have middle-school students on campus who the district is not allowing to have Gatorade,” Wilson said. According to Dawn Menz, the Director of Food Services of Brevard County, the contract council is being restructured. “The committee fell apart and they’re trying to form a new one which will consider future bids from companies,” Menz said. Principal Rick Fleming added that the cause of the deduction of Gatorade is a result of the Brevard County district’s exclusive contract with Pepsi Co. “Gatorade falls under the Pepsi Co., which is our chosen vendor that decides the list of products to be distributed to schools,” Fleming said. “But since we are dealing with a huge money figure with the beverage companies, we have to be careful in how we choose our vendor, to ensure that they are meeting FDA guidelines.”
SHOWING OFF SPIRIT: During Spirit Week, games were held outside of the cafeteria and patio. Student Government organized and facilitated events including a sack race and a pie-eating contest. Students were able to show off their costumes while participating.
Balancing spirit with studies
Assignments often pile up amid Homecoming Week festivities Jennifer Garrido Lifestyles Editor
AP Biology homework vs. costume for Superhero Day. The scale seems slighty off-balance in terms of enthusiasm. Spirit Week is the five school days preceding Homecoming during which students participate in a varying theme each day. However, with the workload given by teachers, students have a different expectation as to how much they should be required to do throughout this week. “The teachers loaded homework up right before the Powderpuff game. I had so much to do, on a night I was really looking forward to,” junior Mac Shauman said. Junior Nicholas Delahoz says in his grades declined during Spirit Week. “My government grade dropped after that week because I was busy picking out my costumes for the next day,” Delahoz said. “Kids are going to slack off on their homework
during Spirit Week. It’s one week for us to express ourselves and have fun at school.” High-schoolers are not the only students impacted. “I think the teachers gave out way too much [homework] that week. They should just sit back for a week and let us have fun,” eighth-grader Brandon Ziarno said. Seventh-grader Trey Crowley remains indifferent. “The teachers shouldn’t give out so much [homework], but my homework wasn’t that bad that week,” Crowley said. World Language Department Chairman Luis Martin says that the dress-up themes of Spirit Week should not affect whether or not students do their homework. “If the theme of the day is just to dress up, then I don’t think a change in homework should be made,” Martin said. “Kids should have picked out their outfits for those days over the weekend. But for Thursday, when it’s Powderpuff night, teachers shouldn’t give out homework because it’s a long night for
all of us.” According to Martin, teachers and students should make compromises based on homework in order for it to be fair for both. “If students agree to do homework Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during Spirit Week, then teachers could not assign homework for Thursday night. But I don’t think Spirit Week, other than Thursday, should matter in terms of homework”. Some have suggested that if Spirit Week were to fall at the beginning of the second nine weeks, students would have a longer time to make up the low grades and pick back up on academics after a week of fun. “If Spirit Week is placed in the second nine weeks, there are still going to be tons of days off and then you have Thanksgiving Break too,” Martin said. “Wherever Spirit Week is placed, it shouldn’t have an effect on whether or not kids do their homework. Good students will still do their homework, and kids who don’t normally, still won’t.”
School closes in on courtyard-canopy funding goal Lesley Wright Opinions Editor
Walking through the pouring rain from chorus to her friends, junior Lyza Galloza covers her head with her physics binder as she races across the courtyard in an effort to not end up looking like she’s just come back from an afternoon swim. But, with the prospect of a new canopy covering over the rectangular area between the cafeteria and Building 5, students won’t have to worry about unexpected thunderstorms for much longer. “We’re looking at a two-year process, more or less, depending on how fast we can fundraise the money for it,” Assistant Principal Jim Melia said. “We have raised $53,000, give or take, and we need $78,000 overall, not including electricity, which we would need if we wanted lighting or ceiling fans installed.” Galloza expressed enthusiasm for the proposed addition.
“I think the covering is a good idea because it rains a lot in Florida and a lot of the time everyone tries to cram in the hallways so the people who are rushing to class get soaked,” she said. “And it gets super hot too, so a covering would provide much needed shade.” Principal Rick Fleming says the design will be beneficial. “The covering will be raised in the middle to a height of 28 feet and events such as volleyball games can take place under it,” Fleming said. Melia added more specifics about the outline for the canopy. “The covering will consist of aluminum panels with installed concrete footers for support,” Melia said. But more than $25,000 still needs to be raised for the canopy project to begin. “We’re going to form a committee that will discuss more ways to fund-raise, and we are thinking about getting business partnerships,” Melia said. “But plans for construction can’t start until we raise that money.”
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Resurgence of school dive team arrives with new coach, athletes
The girls golf team placed second at Districts at the Melbourne Municipal Golf Course on Oct. 25. Eighth-grader Taylor Belinchak placed third and junior Sarah Chinoy placed fourth as individuals. The team proceeded to Regionals in West Palm Coast. The boys golf team placed ninth at Districts at the Suntree Country Club in Palm Coast on Oct. 25. Seniors William Dawson and Nick Nafzger tied for third place as individuals but were not able to advance to Regionals.
Lesley Wright and Karen Pipek Roar staff
by Brittany Cho
With an undefeated season record, the girls’ middle-school basketball team clenched the central division with a 9-0 record. The central division bracket consisted of three other teams including Edgewood Junior/Senior High School, Cocoa Beach Junior/Senior High School and Space Coast Junior/Senior High School. After moving on, out of the Central Division, the girls beat the Southern Division champions from Central Middle School with a last-second foul shot by eighthgrader Angela Ahern. This was the first playoff win for the girls’ middle school basketball program in school history. The team went on to play the Northern Division champions from McNair Middle School and lost by 16 points finishing as county runner-ups . by Courtney Barney
The swim team placed ninth in districts on Oct 27. Eleven swimmers made it to regionals and junior Bernadette Murphy made it to the state competition. At state, she finished 14th in the 100 freestyle with a time of 54.57. by Karen Pipek
photo: Lauren Burns
Anxiously anticipating her turn, eighth-grader Kara Marin watches a fellow competitor lose control and slam his face into the pool’s spring board. Despite witnessing that traumatic event, Marin’s gymnastics background have helped give her the confidence to complete her dive successfully. “I found out about the dive team at registration when I saw fliers about it,” the first-year diver said. “I talked my friend Lauren [Burns] into joining the team with me.” Diving made a comeback after a six-year absence. The team disbanded in 2004 when the Fee Avenue pool was rebuilt without a diving well. “There also wasn’t a coach to instruct the dive team,” junior Nikki Gregory said. “But this year we got a swim coach who was willing to start it back up.” Head swimming and diving Coach Mike Rochelle decided to step up and take charge. “We practice for two hours on Saturday mornings at Rockledge High School,” Rochelle said. “During practice, we continue developing our fundamental skills, improve the dives we already perform in competition and learn new dives.” Burns, a freshman, also was a gymnast until getting injured and being diagnosed with scoliosis. “My injuries won’t allow me to do as much gymnastics [as before], so diving seemed like a good alternative,” Burns said. “Doing gymnastics definitely affects how well I’m able to control my body while diving.” Seventh-grader Mattie Shaw saw an opportunity. “It was one of the things I’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time for. hen I heard [we] had a dive team,” she said. “I thought it was perfect.”
November 2010
BREAKING THE SURFACE: After six years without a diving team, West Shore returned to the realm of competitive dives. The team was forced to part company after its resident swimming facility was rebuilt without a diving well, and now practices at Rockledge High School.
The boys’ cross-country team qualified for the state meet to be held Nov. 20 in Dade City, placing fourth out of 13 teams at regionals on Nov. 13. In addition, Sarah Day finished ninth to qualify for state. by Karen Pipek
The junior varsity and varsity volleyball teams finished their seasons in late October. Sophomore Diana Sheedy, a varsity player, said she was happy with the team’s results. “This season was an immense change for the team because now we actually compete with top teams,” Sheedy said. “Next year, to improve, our team needs to learn the drive to win.” by Marley Butcher
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headsup Copy and photos compiled by Lesley Wright
Tommy Panouses “I agree with it because they are quite unappealing.”
wethink: staff editorial
Homework clashes with spirit As students stay up late at night putting the finishing touches on their outfits for Spirit Week, the last thing they want to do is type a 500-word essay on the effects of global warming. Many students, from middle-schoolers to seniors, can hardly contain their excitement when Spirit Week rolls around, so when teachers assign mile-long assignments every night, the fun and craziness of the spirit-filled week is completely zapped. The truth is that not many students will actually put the time and effort into any homework during Spirit Week as a result of the constant time crunch to gather all of the clothing and accessories they need to become the perfect Batman or Minnie Mouse. Spirit Week even includes a competition for some students as to who can come up with the most creative idea for a costume. Students also know that the most elaborate and unique outfits are featured in the yearbook, which drives them to focus more on styling, and less on writing. But for juniors and seniors, the pressure to finish their homework is even
greater, especially on Thursday night of Spirit Week. For as long as students can remember, this particular Thursday night has been host to Powderpuff — the most anticipated annual event at which upper class boys and girls play football and cheer. Despite the fact that upperclassmen are the participants in this event, it is one popular to attend among the majority of students. Although some teachers are considerate enough to assign tests and quizzes on the day of Powderpuff itself, it isn’t uncommon for students to rush home in order to study for a big Advanced Placement World History test on Friday morning. Teachers should be more lenient with assigning homework and tests during the course of Spirit Week. It isn’t fair that students have to choose between sporting school spirit and participating in a school-wide event or keeping their GPA’s intact. Students at this school are exceptionally diligent with completing assignments and handling large workloads. A week of clean fun and more free time is much deserved.
86 and FriendsMatt Verdier
photo: Brittany Cho
COMFORT IS THE NEW COOL: Sweatpants are now worn for more than lounging and sleeping.
Mrs. Chung Senior Phone: 321-984-0013 Fax: 321-984-0086 3900 Dairy Rd. Melbourne, FL 32904
Dylan Morriengello “I agree with the dress code because it’s unnatural to have piercings elsewhere.”
Sam Lack “It doesn’t bother me, but I wouldn’t do that to my body.”
Leonardo Vici “I don’t think they should ban other piercings.”
Mattie Shaw “I think it’s a good thing because any other piercings are unattractive.”
Brittany Cho News Editor
Without question, on a day that feels crummy or sluggish whether due to an APUSH all-nighter or an AP chemistry study sesh, sweatpants are a wardrobe staple. Everyone probably owns a pair of these comfy pants. Who wants to take the time to dress up if they feel gross and just don’t care? It’s much easier to slip on sweats instead of thinking up a complicated look; however, these comfy cotton pants get a bad rep for being unstylish and homely. Though sweatpants have become a symbol for the slovenly dressed and have long been notorious in the fashion industry, new designs by popular stores have brought them back to life and into the present. Just because they’re called “sweat”pants, doesn’t mean they need to be taboo in any place other than the gym. It doesn’t particularly matter what you wear, but more so how you choose to work it. Thanks to Hollister and Victoria’s Secret, sweatpants aren’t the unsightly, gray sacks that made their name infamous. The current tight, form-hugging sweats are chic and look like flare jeans, coming in far too many colors to count. These new designs are part of a new era of casual chic. Don’t limit your style options to a tank top or hoodie when wearing sweatpants. Although some people love the sporty look, you can add an air of prep to your outfit if you wear the pants with a cardigan and some pearls. You can even make the sweatpants look grunge if you rock them with a plaid shirt, leather or studs. Sweatpants scream casualness, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wear them on a hot date or to a party. The pants can make people seem chill but that doesn’t mean those people are automatically seen as slobs. Sweatpants will only make you look like a slob if you put no thought into how you wear them or what you wear them with. Even if you’re wearing a dress lined with silk, you’ll look nasty if your hair and accessories are unbalanced and crazy looking. The same logic applies to sweatpants. Sweatpants no longer need to be shunned as sloppy because of new styles, their ability to adapt to the season’s hottest looks, and that they can be worn everywhere. They don’t deserve to be labeled with a bad name any longer. It’s not the sweatpants that look slovenly but how we wear them, what we wear them with and our attitude towards them that make them seem so.
How do you feel about piercings being limited to the ear by the school dress code? seventh
Comfy sweatpants gain in style status
November 2010
Kaityln Hoskovic “I really don’t care because it doesn’t affect me.”
youthink: letters to the editor
Senior: What have they done with my Gatorade?
I would just like to say from the beginning that I am a man of few wants and needs. To be frank, I don’t require much subsistence throughout the day. I work hard in my classes and try to pay attention until my lunch period where I should theoretically be able to relax and eat. There has been one simple constant that has existed since my first days here: Gatorade. Yes, Gatorade, the simple sports drink designed to replenish electrolytes in dehydrated athletes. I need Gatorade to get me through the day, but then again there are worse vices to have. When returning after summer vacation, I thought this year would be a success — until I went to lunch and to my surprise there was no Gatorade. Keeping my composure, I quietly asked the lunch lady what was going on and when Gatorade would return. She politely answered, “I don’t know.” Shocked and depressed, I returned to my lunch seat in dismay. This process would repeat itself day after day and is still occurring. I ask you, what has the administration done with my Gatorade? — Dex Wilborn, senior
World champion pizza thrower Sam Niemeier
Thirteen year-old Sam Niemeier is a world champion pizza dough spinner and is the youngest participant on the United States Pizza Team. He attends West Shore as a seventh-grader.
THE ROAR: How long have you been throwing dough? NIEMEIER: Five years. THE ROAR: How did you get started? NIEMEIER: At the world yo-yo contest there was a booth selling fake pizza dough, and I decided to try it [and the] next year I competed. THE ROAR: What is your favorite part of participating in pizza throwing? NIEMEIER: My favorite part is the many friends I meet. THE ROAR: What is your favorite memory from pizza throwing? NIEMEIER: The first time I won a competition, they made a mistake and said I was in second. I wasn’t upset, but then they said I got first and I was happy. THE ROAR: Where has pizza throwing taken you? NIEMEIER: I’ve been to Paris, Italy, Los Angeles and New York. THE ROAR: What else has pizza spinning given you the opportunity to do? NIEMEIER: I got to go on the Ellen DeGeneres show, and that was fun because she gave me a TV and an iPod. But it was bad because I flew in that morning and I left that same night. When I went on the Jimmy Kimmel show, I got to see more of Los Angeles, and the show was right in Hollywood. We could do whatever we wanted before filming. I also got to talk to him after it was over. THE ROAR: What is the next thing you are doing with the U.S. Pizza Team? NIEMEIER: We are going to be in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York. I hope we make it on television.
TOSS IT UP: Sam Niemeier throws fake pizza dough in the air during a competition.
GETTING TO KNOW: NEXT ISSUE Competitive gymnast Mattie Shaw
Seventh-grader Mattie Shaw practices gymnastics 20 hours a week in order to qualify for various competitions across the nation. Shaw competes in eight gymnastics competitions a year, mostly in Orlando, but last season traveled to Mississippi for a regional competition. Shaw travels from arenas to high school gymnasiums as she competes for top rankings in Level 8 gymnastics.
Going vegetarian requires serious dietary planning Karen Pipek
Connect Editor “Mooooooo.” Imagine hearing that every time you take a bite of your cheeseburger. These are the sounds senior Tori Perry was used to hearing from her dad before she made the choice to become a vegetarian. “My dad always taught me that it’s cruel to eat something that once had a face,” Perry said. “He used to always make animal noises at me whenever I ate any type of meat.” Teenagers are increasingly choosing to change their eating habits by avoiding meat and turning to vegetarianism. “I think the media has an effect on the rise of vegetarianism in teens, especially teenage girls,” said Melbourne dietician Kelly Aleman, who is a vegetarian herself. “They see it’s a growing trend, and they want to be a part of it. I think a lot of them don’t completely understand what it takes to be a vegetarian.” Eighth-grader Sydnie McClary seems to disagree. “Teens are becoming more aware of how the animals are killed, that’s why they’re becoming vegetarians,” McClary said. “It’s better for your health if you’re not eating animals, which is mean.” Aleman agrees that teens are making strides to eat better through vegetarianism. “Being a vegetarian has many
positive effects on a person. It helps people to be healthier overall,” Aleman said. “More people need to incorporate vegetable-based meals into their lives and being a vegetarian is a good way to do it.” Although Aleman sees the positive effects of becoming a vegetarian, she is aware of the potential negative effects as well. “By following a strict vegetarian diet or vegan diet, it can result in vitamin deficiency, especially vitamin D, also in calcium deficiency,” Aleman said. “They can still get their nutrients through supplements though.” Vegetarian Times magazine says that currently 7.3 million Americans are vegetarians. “The best part about being a vegetarian, other than the awesome feeling knowing you’re saving fluffy animals, is that you always get to try something different,” Perry said. “Every ethnicity type has different vegetarian plates. Everyone thinks being a vegetarian is bland, but it isn’t.” Aside from having a variety of foods to choose from, Aleman says vegetarianism has another healthy benefit. “[Being a vegetarian] makes one feel better and gives you more energy,” Aleman said. “There really isn’t a way to describe it; it’s just something you feel.”
November 2010
Shadow Session Meeting up before school to take some skateboarding photos, juniors Stephen Vaughn and Rachel Moore create an exquisite shadow on a nearby wall.
Taste Testing
Waiting as Austin Combs snaps a photo, sophomore Brooke Robertson sticks her tongue out at the camera to reveal a wide array of colored sprinkles.
photo: Austin Combs
photo: Rachael Moore
Popular social networking site hits the big screen (Andrew Garfield). The twins are lead to believe Zuckerberg stole their idea which soon blossoms into the interesting lawsuit around which the rest of the film revolves. Many scenes dramatize the genesis of the social networking website, such as the importance of Mark Zuckerberg, the inventor of Facebook, achieving “popular bad boy” status by getting girls when in reality, he was just sitting at a computer typing code for hours a
have a right to give it a try. But there’s no requirement that I enjoy being here Art Director listening to people lie. You have part of The Social Network proves beyond a my attention - the minimum amount doubt that the daily drama occurrencneeded. The rest of my attention is es on Facebook stem from its creators. back at the offices of Facebook where The film tells a compelling story about my employees and I are doing things the birth and initial legal complications that no one in this room, including and of Facebook. It’s no surprise that The especially your clients, are intellectuSocial Network has more than 160,000 ally or creatively capable of doing. Did people “liking” its own Facebook group I adequately answer your condescendThe film begins with a nine-minute, ing question?” The film does not need quick-spoken break-up scene in a to revolve around high-action noisy Cambridge bar that leaves computer generated effects, The Social Network Rating: PG-13 the audience in awe. The scene blatant insults or several horCast: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew ends with Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse ribly-placed curse words in Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Armie Hammer Eisenberg)’s girlfriend (Rooney order to grow a major fan base. Director: David Fincher Studio: Columbia Pictures Mara) making a snarky remark Eisenberg, Parker played by that creates the genesis to the Justin Timberlake and Garfield entire movie: “You’re going to be suc- day. Although the film surprised many all show similar features to their realcessful and rich. But you’re going to go by being mainly fiction, the movie is life counterparts which makes this film through life thinking that girls don’t like exactly what people expected it to be appear to be more well-planned than you because you’re a tech geek. And I about: money, betrayal and sex. what meets the eye. While the actors’ want you to know, from the bottom of Director David Fincher and screen- appearances are important, their actmy heart, that that won’t be true. It’ll writer Aaron Sorkin focus on the char- ing abilities are even more impressive. be because you’re an [jerk].” Impressed acters’ wit and subtle actions by cre- Zuckerberg’s subtle wit and Saverin’s by Zuckerberg’s drunken-rage devel- ating scenes of verbal jousting from a disappointment and frustration are oped website, identical twins Tyler and legal standpoint. The audience bursts beautifully and realistically portrayed, Cameron Winklevoss (both played by into laughter as Zuckerberg replies to making the audience feel as if it is in Armie Hammer) ask him to help create lawyers with humorous, witty remarks the film. a Harvard-focused dating and social and the occasional smile. As one layPeople may have gone into theaters networking site. But Zuckerberg has wer asks if he deserves Zuckerberg’s to view this film solely because of the his own plans to create a worldwide so- attention, Zuckerberg replies, “I think brand name, but they’ll leave “liking” cial networking site with financial help if your clients want to stand on my more than just the social networking from his classmate and friend Eduardo shoulders and call themselves tall, they website itself.
Alex Deavers
THE UPROAR Students provide their opinions on the most recent albums, movies and television shows. Bruno Mars’ Album “Doo-Wops and Hooligans”
He doesn’t make [his music] boring, and he’s pretty fun with it.
Julia Spychalsky, 8th
It’s new and not as boring as other shows. Also, it’s not another ‘cop drama.’
Hunter Butcher, 12th
Joe Along, 8th
Television Series ‘The Event’
The guy that plays the president seems fake and can’t portray the role very well.
Natalie Rodriguez, 12th
Comedy Film ‘Easy A’
Some parts of the movie were inappropriate but very funny.
Alexa Borzilleri, 7th
There were bad actors. I didn’t like it.”
Jenna Forry, 9th
photos: Alex Deavers and Courtney Barney
Album shines with talent, drive
lot that I’m still learning,” begins “The Resolution”, a song that houses the most triumphant Editor in chief and miraculous chorus that The Glass Passenger Countless benefits accompany the reinvention has to offer: “I’m alive and I don’t need a witness of piano-pop-rock, and Andrew McMahon is no to know that I survived.” As McMahon practistranger to this notion. The pianist has done no- cally screams these words with joy, the listener is toriously fundamental work with the band Some- stunned as the pride held in this declaration resothing Corporate, but left to develop his own style nates. The music backing these words is just as of music with his side project Jack’s Mannequin. uplifting, and is the absolute perfect companion. The trembling, delicate “Caves” is one of two McMahon’s second album with Jack’s Mannequin, The Glass Passenger, was released nearly songs on The Glass Passenger in which McMatwo years ago but still permeates listeners with hon openly references his battle with cancer. It opens with a music the same undeniable box-like piano line, talent and inspiration. Jack’s Mannequin and the vulnerThe first words sung able, falsetto deon The Glass Passen‘The Glass Passenger’ scription of being ger [“I want to hear “caught somewhere some music...not that Label: Sire between alive and radio music”] are so living a dream.” As very simple and pre“Caves” gains mocise, unlike the remainder of this metaphorically intricate album. mentum and switches tempo, McMahon’s atti“Crashin’” the album’s opening song, and albeit tudes changes into a strong, propelling force in rudimentary, is one of the most uplifting that The the song’s final spoken words “I’m going to start Glass Passenger has to offer. Next, the listener this over,” and slowly becomes The Glass Passenwill cruise past a filler track, “Spinning”, and ar- ger’s bonus song “Miss California”. McMahon has always been proud of being a rive at the definition of extended metaphors: California native, and salutes the Golden Coast “Swim”. Four minutes is time enough for McMahon to once again in the uplifting tune “Miss California.” criticize government [“swim for the lost politi- The bouncing vocals and laid back guitar work cians who don’t see their greed as a flaw,”] and are accented with a simple synthesizer melody to provide the constant, propelling reminder of and unconventional love lyrics like “I’m gonna “just keep your head above, you’ve got to swim,” hang the sun above your bed and soak your hair in bleach.” over a buoyant melodic background. Although Jack’s Mannequin has abandoned The Glass Passenger has only one single; every necessary musical, vocal, and instrumental ele- its original style of relaxed and breezy pop-punk ment is presented to the listener in a three-min- music, a newfound liking for piano melodies and lyrical complexities were welcomed by fans on ute masterpiece titled “The Resolution”. “There’s a lot that I don’t know, and there’s a The Glass Passenger.
Mikayla Larson
photo: Google Images
[His music] bores me.
photo: Google Images