2 E T DA
17 / 12 / 2015
Over the past six weeks, we’ve been properly introduced to El Rama and her citizens. Just before , we would love to share with you our experiences and progress since the first update. We evaluated the project of last year and found ways to improve the first design of the social house. We are proud to announce that this first two stages of the project plan are completed and we finished two elaborate reports! Apart from this we worked hard on the future of the project. The last week of November we travelled to Managua to visit the Universidad Centro Americana (UCA). Architecture students applied for the design case we organized, and this resulted in eye-opening ideas! We are also very excited to work together with the students in the future. We met with people from CEDEHCA, BlueEnergy, EcoPlanet Bamboo and CEPRODEL to find new ways of collaboration and of course we perpared the constructional experiments for the last phase of the project; after various attempts we cut the bamboo on the last day of November. Last week we cleaned it and transported it to the taller (workplace) where it will complete its drying process until January. We are very grateful for your support and your shared interest in contributing to a sustainable solution for the housing crisis in Nicaragua. It is our pleasure to keep you updated on the progress we make. Not only by sending you these summarizing updates on our findings and milestones, but also by posting our progress on and Like the page and stay tuned! In this second update you’ll read about both the constructional and social research, the collaboration with UCA and other potential partners, the bamboo process and more.... Read and enjoy!
CONSTRUCTIONAL ANALYSIS For the constructional analysis we’ve
optimal ventilation but also for the capture
investigated different aspects of both model
of rainwater, which tastes just as perfect as
house and new design for the social house.
tap water.
With both architecture (Thomas) and civil engineering (Marie-Louise) expertise we
We invited three young students who
based our research on both the physical
attended the course ‘Construcción
aspects of the construction and the building
Sostenible de Bambú’ and helped in the
construction of the model house. Through the interviews with local carpenters and
The house was investigated from top to
students they re-lived the building process
toe, literally! We’ve crawled underneath
and shared their enriching experience they
the floor to inspect the foundations and
had. Thanks Theodoro, Octavio and Juan-
climbed the roof. The roof is designed for
Section A
Section A
Section A
Section B
Section B
Section B
ection C
ection C
ection C
BambĂş Social is now working on the design for a social house, based on the model house. To implement the social house a lot of aspects have to be taken into account. An important aspect is the ability for prefabrication. A manual was made, accessible for people who do not have a technical background, but do want to construct their house out of bamboo. Together with Henky Borgstein, our supervisor on site, we followed the construction steps and made a scaled model that visualizes how the house is build up. Necessary adjustments have been made and together with the improvement suggestions of the model house, they have been bundled in the constructional research. We hope to contribute to the bamboo research and to an efficient construction of the social house of bamboo social.
SOCIAL ANALYSIS In 2014, when BambĂş Social was founded,
current house and the house of their dreams,
the intended target group was the bottom
and explain their drawings. By visiting the
layer of society, the poorest of people who
participants in their homes, we could add
lived in nothing more than a small hut. But
our own observations to the information
soon, it turned out that these people were
obtained from the interview.
more difficult to reach than expected. They build their houses out of a few pieces of
From all observations can be concluded
plastic, zinc and other construction waste
that even within the target group exist great
and their homes rarely cost more than a few hundred dollars. The government doesn’t supply sufficient funds or financial aid to be able to pay a higher price and even by the use of bamboo, it is impossible to build a decent house in this price range... However, the definition of a decent house differs for each person, dependent on what they are used to, what they wish for and what their possibilities are. To get insight in the needs and wishes of the targetgroup, we conducted 50 homevisits, in wich we asked the participants to draw their
differences, based on wealth and location. Especially construction materials depend on these variables, but even though the front of the house can look really good, the facilities in the back mostly lack in basic living standards (privacy, safety, security, hygiene, comfort etc.). The transition between private and public was important for everyone, but more wealth means a more abrupt transition, so more fences and less openness. The kitchen doesn’t necessarily need water but a two pit stove is essential. Toilets have to be as far from the house as possible, unless they are flushable, but this is only reserved for
EL RAMA homevisits
Therefore, their needs and wishes were matched with the features of the social house. However, the success of the design also depends on the possibilities of social housing in Nicaragua. Therefore we added a brief social housing analysis, aiming not only to summarize the laws and regulations, but also the way they are applied in reality. The social research concludes in the upper class within the target group...
improvement suggestions on the functional
Showers and wash place are located
design of the social house.
next to the well. Bedrooms are generally overcrowded, but income goes hand in hand
The first step of implementation is working
with privacy; the more the better...
on the image of bamboo and integrating
Enough privacy, safety, security, hygiene and
it in the culture of construction materials;
comfort are the modest dream of the target
creating a bamboo industry in which
group. If they start dreaming a little further,
obtaining dried and cured bamboo is cheap,
running water would be lovely to have.
and building a bamboo house is easy.
Especially a flushable toilet... Functionality is what the respondents like. Their dream
In the end, the social house should be
house is simple, comfortable and easy to use
accessible for the poorest, while adaptable
and construct.
to the needs and wishes of the entire target group. Only then, the social house can be
A good and functional design should match perfectly to the needs of the target group.
called a decent house.
UCA DESIGN CASE “Repentina means a short design case; this is often organized in our faculty of Architecture. The students are used to these cases, and it would be interesting to let their creativity meet with bamboo”, Emma Grun explained. She helped us organize a design case and put us in contact with 30 young energetic minds. After three hours of intense brainstorming, drawing and constructing, six groups of students presented their idea of how bamboo could be matched with social housing. Through their drawings and maquetas (models) they explained what aspects of social housing is important and how bamboo can be used. A small aftermovie of the design case can be found on
UCA CONTINUED Motivated by our mission “constantly
and Veronica showed them the most
involving students and craftsmen to
inspiring houses they visited. Together they
stimulate the acceptance of bamboo as
walked through Barrio Nuevo, the poorest
a construction material and therefore
neighborhood of El Rama, and showed them
contribute to the solution for the housing
examples of their observations.
problems in Nicaragua”, we decided to stay in touch with the students who signed up for
After this ‘recorrido’ (trip) they visited the
the design case at the UCA.
model house with Thomas and MarieLouise, where we showed them the bamboo
Last Tuesday Armando, Nilda, Katharina
construction in all details. Technical
and Beatriz, arrived in El Rama where we
details and suggested improvements
welcomed them to the project Bambú Social.
were explained. The model of the social
The students are very interested in social
house was also showed in which the new
housing and contributing to this project.
connections and the modularity were visualized well.
With the aim to introduce them to our research and explain them the program
New ideas came up right away. We all felt
of demands for the social house, Sophie
energized and inspired by the work of last
year and the feedback based on our analyses of last months. As the architects of the future, we want the students to be personally involved with the design. How oould this be done better than by working on an improved design of the model house together! The coming months they will put all their ideas on paper. To start the design process, we had an intensive day of brainstorming. The program of demands of a social house in general was discussed. Multiple solutions sketched and explained by small groups for each criterion. Later that day the students combined their different designs and concepts and matched it one concept design that will be finished in January 2016.. By designing this improved design we explore the possibilities of new connections and construction methods and with the input of the Nicaraguan students we hope to come up with a design that fits perfectly with the housing preferences of the people of Nicaragua. In the future we hope to collaborate on a regular basis with the UCA because we believe that the input of the Nicaraguan students is essential for the continuation of the project.
CEDEHCA For Bambú Social it is very interesting
the program PREVENIR, Prevención de la
to cooperate with local businesses and
Violencia Juvenil en Centroamérica, courses
foundations because of their knowledge
are provided for vulnerable youth to secure a
of the country and culture Nicaragua. By
better future.
partnering up, we hope to collaborate with parties who could help us to stimulate the
Last year the first group arrived and got
social acceptance of bamboo.
an official degree in agriculture of INATEC (Instituto Nacional Tecnológico).
In the weekend of 28th we arrived in
Coming years more students will arrive so
Bluefields by a ‘panga’ (speedboat) for our
that they are empowered to be able to
visit to CEDEHCA. CEDEHCA stands for
start their own small business in agriculture
Centro de Derechos Humanos, Ciudadanos y
and farming. CEDEHCA wishes the model
Autonómicos and its mission is to contribute
farm to be sustainable and ecological as
to the empowerment of indigenous people,
an example for other (future) farms. We are
Afro-descendants and Misquitus at the
excited about the possibilities of combining
Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua through
our expertise and working together in the
education and defence of Human and
Autonomous Rights and influencing public policies that strengthen their cultural identity. We visited the farm in Bluefields where they set up an agriculture program for young people in the region. Together with
BAMBOO PROCESS Before we can test or construct anything we need, of course, bamboo! Even though it grows in abundance we encountered several challenges finding it. After multiple visits to different farms we found a farmer in a little village called La Fonseca who had the right specie of bamboo and who was willing to sell. There are over a thousand different types of bamboo and only a few usable for constructing. For our project we prefer to work with Guadua Amplexifolia which is a very strong and durable bamboo but on the other hand it is more difficult to cut and harder to construct with.
managed to cut 50 bamboo stems and made them stand up in their original place.
Three weeks ago, four o’clock in the
Last week we cleaned, collected and
morning the team, armed with machetes and
transported it with the help of Julián and
a chainsaw, got on the bus to La Fronseca
Lester and the students of UCA, who could
to cut bamboo on the riverside of Rio Kama.
experience the bamboo process for the first
With help of Julián el motosierrista and
time. After two days of hard work, scratches,
three masters of the jungle like Lester, we
and also lot of fun, we managed to transport
the bamboo culms to El Rama, waiting to be constructed with..
CUTTING PROCESS As an experiment, we have cut the bamboo according to a traditional Columbian technique that has minimal impact on the environment and uses no chemical treatments. This cutting method is based on the evaporation of water that takes places in the leaves of the bamboo. The process starts with cutting the bamboo stem just above the first knot. After the stem is cut you place it back on the stump so it does not touch the ground. Now the water transport from the roots to the leaves is stopped while the evaporation of water in the leaves continues. This means that the leaves start to evaporate the remaining water that is stored within the stem; very slowly the stem dries itself out. During this drying process the sugar that is stored in the bamboo is transformed into alcohol. This alcohol functions as a natural insecticide that protects the bamboo against termites and other insects. After three weeks of drying the bamboo is ready to collect. During this process it is very important to consider the phases of the moon. At full moon and new moon the bamboo stems contain the maximum amount of water and sugar due to the gravitational force of the moon and the sun. Therefore it is better to cut the bamboo exactly between full and new moon when it contains less sugar and water. The bamboo will dry faster and it will be less vulnerable for termites.
COMING MONTH As a follow up to our analyses, the plan is
The testing of new connections will take
to make an improved design of a social
place at the Bambú Social workshop in
house out of bamboo. Of course it is needed
the centre of El Rama. Most of the new
to test the new connections and building
connection will be combined in a small roof
methods to use them in this design.
that contains the new columns and the new roof connection. This ‘techito’ will be built in
At the moment, Bambú Social is working on
front of the house of the supervisor where a
a social house that is affordable for the lower
lot of people will see it, as it is located next
income families of Nicaragua because the
to a bar and disco.
current design is still too expensive for the target group.
The concrete needs 28 days to obtain its maximum strength. With nine students, we
In the new design of the social house new
mixed the cement, sand and gravel with
connections were designed. Together with
shovels, placed the reinforcement steel and
the improvement suggestions (concluded in
poured the concrete mixture in formwork.
the constructional analysis) and the input of
The concrete will be wet coming days to
the students, a list of new connections will
optimize its ‘drying’ process, waiting until
be tested. Like this we do not only the new
January for its formwork to be removed and
technical design, but we also gather and
bamboo columns attached..
share information to contribute to bamboo constructions worldwide.
Step by step we hope to improve the image
of bamboo used in construction and show that it could be easy to build. The building process of this roof will not only give us the opportunity to test certain connections, it is also a good opportunity for us to work together with local craftsman. This gives us the opportunity to investigate their entrepreneurial mind and interest running a bamboo construction shop. By working together with the local people of El Rama / Nicaragua we hope to gain knowledge of the local building methods and possibilities. Furthermore, it enables us to share our knowledge what could contribute to the local knowledge of building with bamboo. The enthousiastic reaction of the students, craftsmen and international projects really pushes us to start the new year nice and fresh and do the best we can in our last month in this beautiful country. We want to thank you again for your interest and we hope that you have enjoyed reading this second update. Special thanks go to all supporters named on the next page, for donating on Of course we will keep you posted on all of our upcoming activities here in Nicaragua. Now we pack our bags because tomorrow we fly off to our Christmas destinations in Nicaragua, so we can gain energy for the last phase of our project! ¡Hasta pronto! – Team Bambú Social 2.0
¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! ¡Gracias por su contribucíon¡ Bambú Social 2.0 wants to thank you for your contribution to the project; Anissa Abalhoussaien
Gerbert Hebbink
J. J. Munts-Staal
Javier Balmaceda
Sander Hebbink
Sonia Solano Federick
Bird family
Arjan Hebbink
Anja Plantinga
Henky Borgstein
Hans Hebbink
Wim Ravesteijn
Rogier Bosman
Saskia Hebbink
Anton Reuvekamp
Burton family
Arnold Hebbink
Gerben Reuvekamp
Sam Buunk
Janny Hebbink
Teun Reuvekamp
Rutger Cohen
Rochelle Heerema
Thea Reuvekamp
Jehan Da Camara
IJsbrand Heeringa
Marietje Reuvekamp
Wouter Dalmeijer
Robert Hengeveld
Marthi Reuvekamp
Devran Diktas
Michiel Hengeveld
Wendy Reuvekamp
Gijs Druijf
Frans Hengeveld
Femke van der Schoot
Fernando Echeverria
Hans Kool
Inge Suringar
Peter Evers
Kool family
Maria-Elena Tabares Castillo
Antonio Javier Gil Gopar
Alex Kouwehoven
Ewoud Veltmeijer
Juan-Carlos Gaviria Morena
Van de Loos family
Maria Veltmeijer
Michel Greijmans
Thomas Veltmeijer
Joost de Groot
Daan van der Meer
Max Verhoeven
Phia Gubbels
Veronique Misteli
Annelies Viegers
Thomas Haex
Tineke Munts
Jaarclub VSOP
Joost Hasperhoven
Corina Langendam
Jos Wassink
Evelyn Hasperhoven
Peter Munts
Thije Wubs
Lilian Hebbink
F. M. Munts
Team Bambu Social 2.0 with farm owner Juan