SHOT! Magazine #3

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Miguel Cabezas SPAIN



Aug / Sep 2013

Special thanks to contributors: Aaron Shaver Alessandro Castelli Amir Bajric Andrea Vallini Anna Ajtner António Laranjeira Asep Bachowi Asier G. Sánchez Audran Gosling Cak Dony Chrismanto Carolien Boogaard Chulsu Kim Cindy Bijl David Galdino De Nhee Duarte Sol Enrique Mendez Eppy Lesmana Erwin Sugito Evelyn Murphy Fabio Moscatelli Filt Kárbonized Frank Lassak Hugo Borges Javier Iniesta João Almeida José Canelas José Figueiredo Kali Placencia

Kara Elizabeth Karya Ardhi Perdana Katarzyna S. Kiepiela Kenneth Jensen Kyle Stanley Lotta van Droom Lucas Pajaud Magdalena Wolk Marián Uhrín Martin Marcisovsky Maurizio Ragni Miguel Cabezas Missy Grant Noorhadi Saleh Olari Ionut Oliver San Juan Paul Bjornsen Paulo Remédios Renato Lourenço Rommel Bundalian Ronny Engelmann Ruben Redondo Sandra Sachsenhauser Sarah Martinet Savannah Kate Bridges Sergio Busà Svetlana Bekyarova Tatyana Tomsickova Thomas Solinski

Cover Photo: Little Joys V. by Marián Uhrín

SHOT! Magazine Administrator: Gonçalo Porfirio Design: Gonçalo Porfirio Translator: Catarina Oliveira Duration: Bi-monthly Email: Follow us on facebook: All images copyright the respective contributors. © 2013 Shot! Magazine. All Rights Reserved

CONTENTS Photographic Chronicles


Special Guest


Special Guest


Selected Photos


Fabio Moscatelli

Lotta van Droom

Miguel Cabezas



P H O T O G R A P H I C C H R O N I C L E S | F A B I O M O S C AT E L L I

People of Maramures: Maramures is located in the geographical heartland of Europe. Maramures is a land of wooden churches, mythological richness, impressive landscapes and very ancient customs. It has carefully preserved the culture, traditions, and lifestyle of a medieval peasant past. Climb into a time machine and travel back for about a hundred years or plan a trip in Maramures region in the north of Romania. These are the ways to rediscover the taste of true and genuine country life. Faces ‘colored’ by the sun, hands marked from work, people always ready to offer great hospitality in their colorful houses of campaigns. This is the Maramures, land untouched by progress, where you can still drink milk straight from the cow or enjoy fresh eggs, and most importantly meet people that survived an era that seems so far away for us, the people of Maramures.

Povo de Maramures: Maramures situa-se no coração da Europa. Maramures é uma terra de igrejas de madeira, riqueza mitologica, paisagens impressionantes e costumes muito antigos. Ali preservou-se cuidadosamente a cultura, as tradições e o modo de vida de um passado camponês medieval. Retroceder cerca de 100 anos através de uma máquina do tempo ou planear uma viagem até Maramures, no norte da Roménia, são as maneiras de redescobrir o sabor da verdadeira vida no campo. Com os rostos marcados pelo sol e as mãos pelo trabalho, as pessoas estão sempre dispostas a oferecer hospitalidade nas suas coloridas casas. Isto é Maramures, uma terra intocada pelo progresso, onde ainda é possível beber leite diretamente da vaca ou disfrutar de ovos frescos. Mas, acima de tudo, conhecer pessoas que sobrevivem numa era que parece tão distante para nós: o povo de Maramures.

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P H O T O G R A P H I C C H R O N I C L E S | F A B I O M O S C AT E L L I

About Fabio Moscatelli: Born in Rome, he lives in his hometown. Graduate Industrial Engineer, obtained the certificate in Reportage at Graffiti in Rome, and obtained a Master of Reportage at the Roman School of Photography. He started taking photographs at age 25, as a studio assistant and ceremony, and were close to photo reportage social and ethnological. In 2012 he won the second prize of the scholarship named Rolando Fava, and in the same year, the Roman School of Photography assigns, after presenting the project On the Waterfront, a scholarship for a Master of Reportage. It tells the hidden stories of people and places, often so far away from our minds, and yet so close to our daily lives.

Sobre Fabio Moscatelli: Nasceu em Roma, local onde vive atualmente. Com uma licenciatura em Engenheria Industrial, obteve o certificado de Reportagem pela GRAFITTI em Roma, e de seguida o grau de Mestre em Reportagem pela Scuola Romana di Fotografia. Começou a fotografar aos 25 anos como assistente de estúdio e cerimónia, interessando-se depois pela reportagem social e etnológica. Em 2012 ganhou o segundo prémio de uma bolsa de estudos entitulada de Rolando Fava e, nesse mesmo ano, a Roman School of Photography atribui-lhe, após apresentar o projeto Fronte del Porto, uma bolsa de estudo para um Mestrado em Reportagem. Fabio Moscatelli conta-nos histórias escondidas de pessoas e lugares, muitas vezes, tão longe de nossas mentes, e ao mesmo tempo tão familiares.

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S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

I live in Saxony / Germany and take photos already since I’m 14 years old. My first SLR was a “Praktica”, which I got as a gift from my grandfather. I even had my own dark room where I developed my pictures. About 4 years ago I bought my first digital SLR camera from Sony. I stayed faithful to this brand to this day. I’m especially excited by the styling of ancient times. I dive into my dream world and my models are a part of it. I also love the surrealism. I do not need any limits of reality for my pictures. I try to implement all the stories I fantasize about. Every photo of mine has a story that developed in my mind and this story continues after the photo was taken. My moods, feelings, dreams and aspirations are reflected in all my photos. Of course, it happens that I just take pictures without thinking. Sometimes it happens that I find myself in these pictures later. Then I edit these photos, upgrade or change the things that they fit perfectly into my world. But it will never happen that I edit a photo, or publish it, that nothing triggers in me. You could call me a daydreamer. I often digress with my thoughts to far and surreal places where I am the Queen. I build this world with every thought further. From the many voices of the people of this world and the growing area I draw my ideas. Vivo na Saxónia (Alemanha) e fotografo desde os 14 anos. A minha primeira SLR foi uma “Praktica”, um presente do meu avô. Cheguei a ter o meu próprio quarto escuro para revelar as fotografias. Há cerca de quatro anos atrás comprei a minha primeira câmara SLR digital da Sony. Sou fiel a esta marca até hoje. Interesso-me particularmente com o estilo dos tempos antigos. Mergulho no meu mundo de sonho e os meus modelos fazem parte dele. Também adoro o surrealismo. Não tenho limites da realidade nas minhas fotografias. Tudo o que surja na minha imaginação tento realizar. Cada uma das minhas fotos conta uma história desenvolvida na minha mente e perdura após a fotografia. Os meus estados de espírito, sentimentos, sonhos e aspirações refletem-se nas minhas fotos. Claro que também acontece tirar fotografias sem pensar. Às vezes reflito acerca delas mais tarde. De seguida edito as fotografias, melhoro-as ou modifico algumas coisas para que caibam na perfeição no meu mundo. Mas nunca acontece editar uma foto ou publicá-la sem despertar nada em mim. Podem chamar-me de sonhadora. Muitas vezes divago nos meus pensamentos até sítios longínquos e surreais onde sou a Rainha. Construo este mundo a partir de todos os pensamentos. Através das inúmeras vozes das pessoas deste mundo, construo as minhas ideias.

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S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

Favea SHOT! | 27

S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

Comedy duo

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S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M


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S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

Gone to the stars

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S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

Darkest hour

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Paranoid steps

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S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M


Eye catcher 34 | SHOT!

S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

Unwatched SHOT! | 35

S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

Orbital dreamer

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S P E C I A L G U E S T | L O T TA V A N D R O O M

Sector absorption

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Miguel is a photographer since 2010 and currently a member of AFI (Association of Photographic Irun) of the CEF (Spanish Confederation of Photography) and FIAP (International Federation of Artistic Photography). He accomplished numerous awards in national and international contests. His photographs have been exhibited in countries like Iran, Serbia, Japan, France, Canada, and also in many cities of the country. Perseverance and illusion is his source of learning. Miguel loves photographing coastal landscapes, architecture, street life, and everything interesting around us.

Miguel Cabezas é fotógrafo desde 2010 e membro da AFI (Association of Photographic Irun) do CEF (Spanish Confederation of Photography) e da FIAP (International Federation of Artistic Photography). Conseguiu obter inúmeros prémios em concursos nacionais e internacionais. Os seus trabalhos foram exibidos em países como o Irão, Sérvia, Japão, França, Canadá para além de muitas cidades espanholas. Perseverança e ilusão são as suas fontes de aprendizagem. Gosta especialmente de fotografar paisagens costeiras, arquitetura, vida nas ruas, e tudo o que seja interessante em nosso redor.

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In the forest

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The viewpoint

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The escape

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The rock

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The life

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The forest

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Half past two

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Beyond Bravest Dreams by Svetlana Bekyarova

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Untitled by Amir Bajric

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Simon by Magdalena Wolk

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The Princess by Savannah Kate Bridges

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Forest musicians by Tatyana Tomsickova

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Untitled by Erwin Sugito

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Butterfly dream by Cindy Bijl

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Untitled by Tomasz Solinski

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r by Lotta van Droom 62 | SHOT!

Unveiled by Kara Elizabeth

Ophelia by Kali Placencia SHOT! | 63

Snail by Anna Ajtner 64 | SHOT!

Untitled by Katarzyna Stolarczyk Kiepiela SHOT! | 65

Innocence Stare by Cak Dony Chrismanto 66 | SHOT!

I am thirsty by David Galdino

Do you believe in better days? by Olari Ionut SHOT! | 67

Untitled by Carolien Boogaard 68 | SHOT!

Bubble by Paul Bjornsen SHOT! | 69

Silent water by Ant贸nio Laranjeira

Waiting for the sunset by Rommel Bundalian 70 | SHOT!

Single... by Ruben Redondo

Swamp Buffalo by Asep Bachowi SHOT! | 71

Reflections by Filt Kรกrbonized

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No Way by Sarah Martinet

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Drift away by Sandra Sachsenhauser

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Loneliness by Maurizio Ragni

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Tough man , in old age is to keep working by Eppy Lesmana

Untitled by Noorhadi Saleh

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El paseante by Asier Garagarza Sรกnchez

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(L)(N)ight by Fabio Moscatelli

Dramatic by Karya Ardhi Perdana

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The Apparition by Oliver San Juan

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Sheepfest by Audran Gosling

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Rudolph by Kenneth Jensen

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Untitled by Javier Iniesta

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Unexpected help by Ronny Engelmann

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Volkswagen by Chulsu Kim

Hand on Hand! by JosĂŠ Figueiredo

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Untitled by Lucas Pajaud SHOT! | 85

Untitled by De Nhee

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Deserts of Kuwait by Kyle Stanley

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Little Joys V. by Marián Uhrín

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Taken by Missy Grant

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The Fallen Guardian by Hugo Borges 90 | SHOT!

Before sunrise by Renato Lourenรงo

The lighthouse Figueira da Foz by Joรฃo Almeida SHOT! | 91

Storm on the run by Duarte Sol

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Mourisca by JosĂŠ Canelas

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Personal air-conditioning system by Andrea Vallini

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Night Skys by Paulo Remédios

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Beautiful Sunset by Alessandro Castelli Model: Carlotta Baglieri

Down in the grove by Efacts Photography / Frank Lassak Model: Alexandra Maxi Dudzinski 96 | SHOT!

Darkness by Evelyn Murphy Model: Kelsey Makeup: Kelsey Capo Nail Claws: Trudi Bell / Jewelry Heir

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Waiting by Sergio BusĂ 98 | SHOT!

Quiet Moment by Enrique Mendez

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Š 2013 SHOT! Magazine. All Rights Reserved

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