Shouted Couture Italian Style Magazine n.0 eng

Page 1

Year zero N. 0

Glauco Slade Š Photo

Edition 2008

Summary Amanda Bolero Brenda Clellon Elettra Gausman mAdPayne Fremy Fride MariaElena Barbosa Patrizia Blessed Sissy Pessoa Thera Taurog traveller Bade ziamela Loon



pag 8-29

T i

pag 30-39

Anthony77777 Bandit Cindy Looby Moketti Broome Serser Jacobus

Body design pag 40-43 Thiuscy Cioc


pag 49 - 67

Beauty Area Diets and excess of weight Fashion victim’s Diary A menù a month To get married in SL

alian Style

Anno 0 n. 0

1° edizione




Magazine istruction To receive the landmark or the info notecard for the different pages, click on the correspondent yellow side tab (info-tab) Some of them contain nice gifts.

lio 2008

Equilibrium Disco Club - SLurl

MISTERIOSO Ryba - daniel85 Maximus - jackiee Blackburn


hen it was created, it was only a small island lost in the middle of the sea. With care and passion, in little time, it has become one of the lands in Second Life with the highest traffic rate. All of this, thanks to one of the founders: MISTERIOSO Ryba, current owner of “Equilibrium”. But let’s start from the beginning, from a virgin island made of meadows and hills, the Equilibrium. It has become much more today. It includes Camping, Gran Casinò and theme-discos. It showcases the great names of fashion, and their elegant atelier. It features also an attractive residential area, with houses for rent. It is about freedom and taste, with its small two-floor villas and direct access to the sea or with the great villa adorned with glass doors and water shows. But Equilibrium is synonymous of dynamism. It never stops, neither in the daytime nor at night. We keep on building to always offer SL residents something new. Come to visit our last new entry, the “Disco Castle”, set in a stone-built castle even with secret passages! We are waiting for you!!! Kelly Lanzet

Publications requirements: One page pic: Length 1697px Height 2400px Resolution dpi 72px/inch Two pages pics: Length 3394px Height 2400px Resolution dpi 72px/inch To re ce i ve i n fo a nd pr ice s c l ick on the yellow info-tab or contact

Bolero Collection - SLurl

Amanda Bolero

Glauco Slade Š Photo

Bolero Collection


Amanda Bolero

ate of birth: 7/11/2006.Landed by chance in Second Life and for curiosity, Amanda finds

space to express at first her creativeness building furniture, then accessories of fashion, in way autodidactic. She finds then her road in the field of the fashion, for a long time her great passion, together with the painting and to the sculpture. The search of particular and unusual outfits that mirror her eclecticity, have brought her to invent herself stylist in Second Life so to be able to satisf y, over herself, a demanding clientele that wants to be elegant, but at the same time very original. Her collections are rich of refined and elaborate fabrics, shiny, defined and sparkling textures and the outfits space from the romantic taste to that of high tailoring, from the casual to the sexy one, all with a personal touch that makes to distinguish its brand. A range that can satisfy that desire to wear the outfit ad hoc for every type of event.

Preciosity of Style - SLurl

Glauco Slade Š Photo

Brenda Clellon

B in

ty. a

Brenda Clellon

orn in Second Life on the April 14th 2006. A RL Once

long-time she









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business felt



field, activi-




Soon after opening the first and only store: Miss Canada, she chooses by herself the gown for Miss Universe 2007. Throughout several fashion runways, she establishes more and more her elegant and refined style. In May 2008 she has been noticed internationally by a famous resident in sl, Frolic Mills, owner of BOSL AWARDS, and one of her gowns is presented among the 25 most beautiful dresses of sl on the large and revolving platform of the spectacular theater of the boulevard. Afterward, she has been invited to join the “Shouted Couture Italian Style” group, which gathers some of the best Italian fashion designers on sl. On June 18th, Mills invites her to participate in the “made in italy fashion week”, a showcase involving the best Italian talents. ”Preciosity of Style” is her brand.

OC - SLurl

Glauco Slade Š Photo

Elettra Gausman


Elettra Gausman

he enters Second Life in May 2007.After a few weeks, her adventure in the world of the entertainment begins, leading her to become Art Director of a historical jazz club, that she will leave after 6 months of frantic activity, during which she starts to produce some clothing with that same Photoshop that she uses so cleverly for the club event posters, according to some true works o f a r t o f co m m u n i c a t i o n . Ve n t u a l l y, s h e l a u c n h e s her brand: Orage Creations, or more shortly * OC *, name that belongs to her since her adolescence, with which for a long time she sign her oil and acrylic paintings, the necklaces in noble metals and semi-precious stones and the suits, that herself draws since she was 13, some of which have been put in production in the ‘90’s. But Elettra G a u s m a n i s n o t a t r u e F a s h i o n D e s i g n e r, i n h e r R L she is a doctor that daily deals with her patients, who ignore to be taken care of by a dawning star of the Haute Couture of SL. Not only High Fashion, h o w e v e r. A l o n g w i t h h e r m a i n c o l l e c t i o n , s h e c r e a t e s a l s o a m o r e a l i v e c o l l e c t i o n m a d e o f l e a t h e r, latex, jeans and lycra for amusing “to make a difference”, implementing the current trend: skulls! The Orage Creations, in fact, loves to follow the trend of the RealLife and creates others of it in SecondLife, made of sequins, paillettes and jais. All of us dream to have in our inventory a suit of * OC *, because it gives us the magic feeling to wear a real suit and not only made of pixels, thanks to the passion in the search for fabrics, the attention to details, the elegance and the sensuality of the models.

Italian Fashion


talian Fashion is a brand of italian st yle that is already s u c c e s s f u l l y p r e s e n t i n s l f r o m o n e y e a r. T h e t w o s t y l -

ists, are a couple, creatively as well as affectivly, considering that they are partners both in sl and in rl. Fremy Fride a nd mA d a n Pa y ne in fa ct deal p ers onall y wi th the c rea t ion o f their clothes . Fremy Fr ide for women a nd mA d a n Pa y ne f o r m e n . To g e t h e r t h e y h a v e o p e n e d d i f f e r e n t s t o r e s i n s o many different places in sl and they always manage two crowded megastores. Italian Fashion has participated in different fashion shows and events related to the world of the fashion and they are often present, also as spons o r, i n d i f f e r e n t w o r l d l y i n i t i a t i v e s i n s l . T h e c r e a t i v i t y and the imagination of the Italian design are recreated in sl from the two stylists with the maximum care for the detail. The textures are always chosen with care and the original cuts follow the trends of the most advanced fashion. T he “Italian Fashion� line covers a great heterogeneous demand with clothes that respects the wishes of so many. From formal, to casual, through ceremonial suits to costumes. Italian Fashion addresses, therefore, attentive and demanding clientele that wants to dress the avatar with taste and refinement. For this reason, Italian Fashion is a line setting a new standard in that Italian style so successful in the world...virtual and not. Just one visit to their main store is enough to realize that the qualityprice ratio in the Italian Fashion clothes is certainly to its maximum levels.

Italian Fashion - SLurl

Glauco Slade Š Photo

Italian Fashion

MEB - SLurl

MariaElena Barbosa

Glauco Slade Š Photo


MariaElena Barbosa

orn in SecondLife on June 6 2007.

A fter s ome t ime s p en t wi th Pa ndora a nd f r iend s

t o . . .” h a n g a r o u n d ” a n d s e e i n g t h e e n d r e s u l t s o f t h e c r e ativity of SL residents, she feels the desire to test hers el f. S h e b e g i n s a s a b u i l d e r, t h a n k s t o E r g o s u m m a 2 3 t h a t s i n c e the beginning gives her the possibility to use his own lands for her activities, leading to the creation of her fashion clothings The desire to create suits that she couldn’t find in SL , didn’t translate right away in a commercial venture. Howe v e r, o n e t h i n g l e d t o t h e o t h e r. . . . . f i r s t a s m a l l s h o p , t h e n the “MEB “ that today is her mainstore, until the collaboration with the g roup “ Shouted Couture Italian S t yle ”, what she defines “the university of the Italian style in SecondLife ”, where she sees the possibilit y to meet the best designers and the most inf luent personalities of the fashion world. Her creations, don’t need a particular event to be worn, they induce however the look to remain attracted by the body that wears them.

Simple but elegant, in only one

word: GL AMOUR . The target that MariaElena has established, is to continue transfering personality to the beautiful people that choose her clothes.

PB Collection - SLurl

Glauco Slade Š Photo

Patrizia Blessed

Patrizia Blessed


orn on SL the 30.09.2007 . In RL she lives at L atina and is the owner of Ardi-

g ra f, a n a g e n c y o f i m a g e, co m m u n i c a t i o n , we b d e vel o p ment and ict consultancy; activity that she develops together with her actual partner in RL and SL. P e r s o n a l l y s h e d e v e l o p s a c t i v i t y o f G r a p h i c d e s i g n e r, b o t h in paper y form and for web and she wanted to tr y the challenge of this new world devoting herself to the activity of stylist. A fter a first parade, introduced by the Jen School&Ser vices a t th e l a n d o f Q u e e n o f th e Wo r l d - U r u t i Po i n t , s h e wa s called to belong to the chain Shouted Couture, a brand that is getting a discreet success on SL and that gathers some of the best Italian designers. A s a matter of fact, some of these suits have been selected by the Shouted. Her brand, stylized and denominated PB Collection, is represented by a ver y elegant woman and it wants to express femininity and charm.

Sissy Pessoa Baiastice - SLurl


Sissy Pessoa

n Italian trade mark sinonimous of high qualit y, luxur y, and with a particular attention to all the newest

f a s h i o n ’ s t r e n d s . H i g h f a s h i o n a n d p r ê t - à - p o r t e r d e s i g n e r, in her stores is possible to find clothes of different styles, elegant creations, evening dresses and also casual outfits. Sportwear and trendy, classical and everg reen, and also a cce s s o r i e s l i k e b a g s , h a t s a n d b el t s . B u t S i s s y Pe s s o a a l ways follows her instinct and lets her creativity inspire ever y single creation so you can easily find also some curiosities like the venetian masks’s collection or the 700’s hairs line and more. Baiastice also organize together with A r t ra n s fe r fa sh ion a n d a r t e ve n t s . S i s s y Pe s s o a , 2 6 ye a rs old, lives in Rome where works in the fashion’s environments even if not at the creation’s side. In SL she’s find the right way to express her creativity g iving life to Baiastice. Now she’s near to her first year of life in this world and her so original and particular creations have made of S i s s y Pe s s o a on e o f th e m o s t a p p re c i a te d fa sh ion’s s t yl i s t through the Italian lands. Each suit is a little jewel, in her collections evening suits and elegant outfits with realistic and particular textures predominates the scene but at Baiastice’s stores you can easily find the right clothes for your free time and formal events too. So now it’s the right time for Sissy to pack the suitcases and let all the rest of the world see and judge her way to intend fashion. Maybe this will be another way for the “made in Italy ” style to conquer the world.

Lady Thera - SLurl

Glauco Slade Š Photo

Thera Taurog

Thera Taurog




the collection of the italian-american

S e c o n d L i fe d e s i g n e r T h e ra Ta u ro g.

L ady T hera’s A rt&Fashion

is now

getting to be recog-

nized not only at Italia SL but all over Second Life because it brings a new idea. The dresses, most of them, are interpretations of worksof-art

from the greatest painters of all times

on our

clothes. J u a n M i r ó , G u s t a v K l i m t , V i n c e n t Va n G o g h , R e n é M a g r i t t e , C la ude Mone t , Pa ul Ce z a nne, Ja ck s on Pollo ck , A nd y Wa rhol.... What do they all have in common? Colors... many colors... in any possible combination for our Second Life imag ination. L ady T hera’s A rt&Fashion We a r w i th p r i d e .

traveller Bade


l l u s t r a t o r a n d g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r, 3 4 y e a r s o l d , o f C a s e r ta.

In the last 15 years I have worked for advertising agencies, firms of clothing (Phard, ZU-elements), I have been for 5 years teacher of publishing graphics and textile design (Xpress, Photoshop, Cad), collaborator of the textile group Alois (among the most ancient and important in Italy). Since I was adolescent I have collaborated with a group of artists realizing imposing mural work s in Italy and in the foreign countries. Currently I have my onw study, in the last two years I have re a l i z e d g ra p h i c p ro j e c t s fo r M i m m o Pa l a d i n o , Te a t r i U n iti, Mikado, Editalia etc. In Second Life I have since the beg innings created “ Sartoria Italiana” a brand that is receiving success more and more, proposing creations realized with care of the details and from the unmistakable Italian style. Sartoria Italiana at the moment is present on the main Italian and foreign sims. I collaborate with Creative Network, an international comm u n i t y o f d e s i g n e r, s c r i p t e r s a n d m u s i c i a n s . I work to a new project “Concrete streetwear ” and soon I think about creating my first skin.

traveller Bade Sartoria - SLurl

Jador - SLurl

ziamela Loon


ate of birth (SL) 31/02/2007. Description: I love to know people, I adore the mu-

sic and I also like to create outfits and it is for this reason that I have decided to undertake this new activity o n S L . To e n t e r i n t h e f a s h i o n h a s a l w a y s b e e n m y d r e a m in the drawer as well as to create gowns that differentiate themselves from the others for orig inalit y.


i a m e l a L o o n i s t a i l o r, d e s i g n e r, c u t t e r, p r ĂŞ t - Ă - p o r t e r for woman, evening suits and for brides. Because of her

notable specific experience in the field of corsets, result of a lot of times of hard job, always more frequently many avatars for which the image is priority submit themselves t o h e r. Z i a m e l a m a n u f a c t u r e s f o r t h e m c o r p e t s o r c u s t o m f lexy skirts always exalting the femininity and the image of ever y woman. Now besides the standard creations, where she takes care of from the style to the samples and the collections, she personally takes care of the custom product asked from the clientele from the workmanship in t h e l a b o r a t o r y u p t o t h e d e l i v e r y t o t h e a v a t a r.

Bandit - SLurl

Anthony77777 Bandit

Anthony77777 Bandit


was bor n 7/11/2006 With the passion for the business, of the pc, of the di g ital g raphics and of the projects 3D I’ve been at my ease

in SL . To the constant search of the g raphic realism in SL I have built from tattoos to luxur y villas, but I mainly devote cur rently my sel f to the creation of jewels (that is my activit y also in RL). In November 2007 were bor n my first “re f lecting diamonds ” for S econd Life, which are at the base of all of my creations of jew elr y, with the addition of building techniques and for ms ver y similar to the tr ue jewels. G ood aesthetical-realistic results besides successes of sales also for the new creations of ar tistic vases in glass and sculpt shoes jewel... sold in hundreds of pairs in a few more than one month from the be g inning marketing.

Cindy Looby


ate of birth in SL: 27/01/2007 I define myself a polyhedral creative, I let the other ones to

define me an artist, I paint and mix traditional means to those dig ital, I have always loved the manual jobs and in the past I have also realized some necklaces in gold and semi-precious stones. How did I find myself in Second Life? R eading my preferred art magazine: an article described the crowd of art galleries that were in this virtual world, I asked myself why not to tr y then? I have opened a small galler y where I expose pictures that I have realized in RL , but my creativeness wasn’t able to resist in front of so many other possibilities. My old passion for the jewels resurfaces and it has been ver y cool to experiment the construction of necklaces in 3D that could really be appreciated and purchased even if only virtually. T he successes and the appreciations have induced me to continue on this road. I have now many shops in Italian and foreign lands.

Cindy Looby Design - SLurl

Moketti Broome


f f i c i a l l y in S e condL i fe f rom 5/10/2007, he ha s immed i a tel y b e g un to lo ok a round.

S te p a fte r s te p i n him g re w up the conv i ct ion tha t s ome thin g b e a u t i f u l a n d u s e f ul coul d b e d on e. A t f irs t he b e g un w i th th e c re a t ion o f s ui t s a nd the n w i th s up plie s fo r d i s co s .

Pa s s in g fo r T i ny P r ims o f ult im a te g e n e ra t ion, he s ta r t s c rea t i n g e ye - g l a s s e s a nd the re he f ind s hi s m a x imum ex pre s s ion. C re a t i n g g l a s s e s ha s b e come b y n ow hi s vo ca t ion: a s m a l l p i e ce o f hi g h I ta lia n fa shion in thi s m a r velou s “ s e con d l i fe.�

Mochetti Broome Mokoptica - SLurl

Jador - SLurl

Patrizia Blessed Š Photo

Serser Jacobus F u r n i t u re a n d home thi s i s wha t S e rs e r Ja cob u s d o in S e con d l i fe. He r s t yle i s minim a l a nd mo d e r n b u t e ve n he r cla s s i c a nd g r u n g e s t yle wo rk s a re rea l l y a p pre c ia ted f rom the c u s tome rs . T h e ta s te o f p ro p o r t ion s c u s tom tex t ure s a nd colo rs i s s ometh i n g fa n ta s t i c to o. S he a lrea d y a chive a lo t o f S IM w i d e pro je ct s a n d s t i l l d e velo pin g o the rs w i ch e n s ure to he r f u t ure a nd p re n s e n t c u s tome rs hi g h q u a li t y s ta nd a rd s a nd pro fe s s ion a li t y i n th e b u i l d in g f iel d o f SL . T he Ja d o r pro je ct a s re ce n tl y i nvol ve d S J w i th Z ia melia L o on a nd A n thony77777 B a nd i t to m e rg e to g hte r i n on e uniq ue b ra nd tha t wa n t s to f ul l f il l e ve r y n e e d s o f a n ava ta r in SL (fo r ex a mple clo the s , je wele r y, shoe s ha i rs hou s e s f u r ni t ure e ct .). In the mea n t ime SJ a s d e velo p a n o th e r p ro j e ct “ S e c re t S in a t ra2� tha t i s w il lin g to g roup in on e s i n g le S I M i n n ova t ive f ur ni t ure a nd home b uil d e rs o f SL . In con cl u s ion we ca n s a y tha t S e rs e r i s a l wa y s rea d y to ex p e r im e n t n e w p r i m m a nip ula t ion s c rea t in g s p a ce a nd ind eed inn ova t i ve s ol u t ion s , on e ra nd om ex a mple ca n b e ta k e n f rom the h u g e Ja d o r m a i n s to re whe re you ca n sho p b u t a l s o a d mir in g th e a rch i te cton i ca l i d ea s lik e lo ok in g a r t in a mu s e um..... R ea l l y u n u s u a l to s ee b uil d s lik e S e rs e r d o, you a l wa y s s ee chea p a n d s m a l l b oxe s w i th n o s e n s e o f ta s te a round SL . I think tha t s re a l l y n o t h e r ca s e. Fo r mo re d e ta il s on he r wo rk s: htt p :/ / w w w. f l i ck to s/27716680@N04/col le ct ion s/

Patrizia Blessed Š

Thiuscy Cioc



Thiuscy Cioc eg ins her adventure in SL A pr il 7 th 2007 creating man and woman suits in a ver y little shop, on

the beautiful hills of A ir tol Hill, in front of the sea. Soon she decides to improve and to tr y out her abilities,







al photos. T he result was not really the desired one. A f t e r a l o n g p e r i o d o f “ c r e a t i n g a n d t h ra s h i n g ”, s h e h a s f i n a l l y c r e a t e d Z a n d ra , t h e h e r f i r s t t r u e s k i n . I n t h e m e a n t i m e , s h e m e e t s a s w e e t A u s t ra l i a n b o y t h a t i s s t i l l h e r p a r t n e r. C u r r e n t l y s h e o w n s a p r i v a t e i s l a n d , c a l l e d A R S N O VA . . . i f y o u h a v e t i m e g o a n d v i s i t i t . . . In SL she loves shopping , f lying above the clouds and let hersel f fall to the g round; as well as to build, to take pictures, to meet fr iends, creative people and to visit interesting sims. She tr uly hates who steals of textures and/or other people ’s objects in SL and she says in fact that “the creativ ity of a designer is its soul and

c a n n o t b e t a k e n a w a y.”


How Much


you know us

In the following you find some photos marked by a letter to which it corresponds an artist SHOUTED’s clothe. To e ve r y l e t t e r i t c o r re s p o n d s a n u m ber assigned to a designer in random o rd e r. Once that you will have individualized the exact correspondences number-lett e r, s e n d a n o t e c a rd t o: s h o u t e d R e i n o i r. If your answer is correct, you will receive for prize a fantastic and prestigious surprise elaborated by our artists of the group “Shouted Couture Italian St yle.”

Clicca qui per poter giocare

1. ziamela Loon - 2.Cindy Looby - 3. Anthony77777 Bandit - 4. Amanda Bolero - 5. Patrizia Blessed 6. Sissy Pessoa

For the game’s rules, click on the yellow info-tab.

Amberly Boccaccio

B orn December 8th 2008 and already bored by the def a u l k a v a t a r p r o v i d e d b y L i n d e n L a b , s h e t r i e s t o t ra n f o r m h e r s h a p e m a k i n g i t m u c h m o r e fe m i n i n e a n d g ra c e f u l . T h i s i s h e r f i r s t f o o t s t e p t o w a rd f a s h i o n . S h e i s i m m e d i ately recr uited as a model from an Italian a genc y and aft e r o n l y 1 0 d a y s o f l i fe , s h e l e a d s h e r f i r s t f a s h i o n s h o w. From there she attends the most impor tant catwalk s, req u e s t e d b y v a r i o u s p h o t o g ra p h e r s r e a c h i n g t h e s e m i f i nal to Miss Italy SL , but she understands that the fashi o n s e e n b y t h e r o l e o f m o d e l i s s t e r i l e a n d s h e p r e fe r s t o p u t h e r s e l f o n t h e s i d e o f t h o s e p e o p l e c r e a t i n g. . s o m e t h i n g ! So she devotes herself to the world of the photo touch u p a n d t o j o u r n a l i s m , fe e l i n g m o r e a t e a s e i n t h e s p a r k l i n g w o r l d o f g l a m o u r. S h e a l s o t a k e s a g a i n i m p o r tant positions in other roles, in fact for a shor t time she’s up to the soccer world and takes the position of v i c e - p r e s i d e n t i n a w e l l k n o w s o c c e r t e a m o n S e c o n d L i fe . But in the end glamour of the world of the catwalk s bring her back to be a

model, however putting some of

h e r c r e a t i v i t y i n e v e r y f a s h i o n s h o w, t h r u p h o t o s o r s u c h .

The index book of the beauty

The index book of the beauty: every month new tricks for perfect make up and body! Look at your hands, the others do it! Is summer and our hands go out of the cold winter that has made them suffer with its infernal cold then why not to give them some cares? Surely to go to the beautician is a pleasure for the body, you relax yourself and she does her job to the perfection,

but at the moment of paying the bill the whole relax gotten in the treatment goes to a lightning. And then I assure you that to take care of ourselves in the evening after dinner or in the free hours it’s a pleasure both for the body and for the mind. Now I teach you how to make a perfect manicure bit by bit, so to always have perfect hands!

Operation 1 - Analyze our hands! - Analyze our hands! How do they appear to our eyes? Chapped? Ruined fingernails? Rebel fragments of skin wherever? Then we need to immediately put them in order! Note well. In case of small warts or

leeks, go as soon as possible from a dermatologist, before the situation becomes irreparable! In fact they will multiply rapidly him in the turn of few months.

Operation 2 - Required Material To perform a perfect manicure we must have the following things: - a basin with some warm water, eventually enriched with some drop of essential oil of your preferred aroma, but also some simple drops of your preferred bubble bath are perfect! -a small towel -a clippers or earwigs -a file possibly of cardboard and of small nuisance (don’t have to sand the parquet of the living room!) -a cane of orange tree (very eco-

nomic, in the perfumeries you can find at no more than 50 eurocents and you recognize it because it has a pointed part and a beveled extremity) -a cream for the hands, but if you don’t have one specific it is all right a commune cream for the body or for the face -a transparent enamel that we will use as base -an enamel of your preferred color

Operation 3. Begin! You alternatively soak the hands in the basin with the drops of the essential oil or with the bubble bath and you wait that the little fragments of skin are completely soften. Now take the earwigs and start to cut – pretty please, with attention and judgment!- the rebel-

lious fragments of skin and those that eventually grow to the sides of the fingernail. ATTENTION! Don’t cut too much, relax your hand otherwise you risk to make you a wound, which is not either beautiful to see neither pleasant for ourselves.

Operation 4. Cuticles The cuticles are that bulge of skin that proliferates at the base of the fingernail, ugly and uncomfortable to stretch the enamel. You softly take the cane of orange tree and gently undermine them toward the joining of the fingernail, then continue the operation on all the fingernails.

Note well. A lot of beauticians cut them, but this is rather advised against, since cutting them we increase the regrowth and the thickness. With the pointed part of the cane you can remove the possible dirty under the fingernail.

Operation 5. Cut of the fingernail Nowlet’spasstothecriticalpart:thecut! Small advice: for a hand full and strong I suggest you a round fingernail, that embellishes the hand and it makes it less heavy to the sight, while for a hand more tapered you can opt for a square cut. Use what you find better with, that is the clippers or the earwigs but pretty please must be

sharp! Otherwise you risk to skim through the fingernail. You always proceed with caution, in fact a fingernail cut too much short can produce redness, bothers and spillages of blood. Who desires a short fingernail it always has to leave a border at least of 2/3 mms.

Operation 6. Filing ATTENTION! The file must always be used in oblique way, therefore support the file under the fingernail, touch the skin, otherwise could risk to skim through the fingernail and to file it badly!

You proceed following the form of the fingernail, with a continuous movement, never to lines, otherwise the filing won’t come as desired.

Operation 7. Cream At this point your hand results more taken care of and uniform, proceeds therefore to apply a moisturizing cream, with a small massage to favor the absorption. ATTENTION! Never use creams

and bubble bath containing Oil, harmful for our skin.

Operation 8. Enamel Base

Now you stretch a transparent enamel as base to stretch then the colored enamel, you can use one of them strengthening if you have

the fingernails that easily break, or an anti nibbling if you have the WRONG vice to eat your fingernails.

Operation 9. Layout Enamel We now apply the colored enamel, for this summer I recommend of the beautiful fluo colors, like fuchsia, or more natural colors such as a pink crayon, a celestial crayon, eventually to be combined to the shoes that you will put tomorrow for going out or to go to job. You take the brushes, pretty please well soaked, but it must not drip, and you stretch a first brushstroke in the central part from the extremity of the fingernail up to half fingernail. You soak again the brushes and you always stretch in the central part from the extremity up to the joining of the fingernail. Now the diffi-

cult part. You must try to work on the two side areas of the fingernail giving him a rounded off form (obviously if you have a rounded off fingernail). You take therefore the brushes well always soaked and with firm line you proceed following the natural form of the fingernail. If some crooked has come not worry, you will put to place with the second hand. If you have a square fingernail always follow the form of the fingernail and you stretch with firm line the enamel, in this case with straight lines side by side the one to the other.

Let it dry and if you want a shinier effect stretch a light layer of transparent enamel, instead if you are fans of the glitters you always stretch a transparent enamel has inside it many glitters. Exist also enamel that instead of the glitters have little stars, hearts or stars, a nice idea for your fingernails! Now have some perfect hands! And is everything your worth! And your portfolio still rests calm and blessed in your bag! See you the next month with a new lesson!

Amberly Boccaccio

Diets and excess

By now the mass-media bomb us with photos of perfect, very beautiful and thin women, as well as of perfect men with sculpted abdominals and with dry physicist. This way every woman and every man that belong to the category of the “common deadly” it begins to look thoughtful the belly that happily sticks out from above the belt or from the fashionable pants with low waist and he/she pronounces the sentence that by now is customary every Monday: “FROM TOMORROW, DIET RIGOROUSLY!” The thing that unfortunately downfall the health of us human being is to submit us to diets do-from-you or, worse, to diets that are proposed by various charlatans on the newspapers that all can purchase in newspaper kiosk. In fact it is not enough to feed of yogurt only or of strawberries only for whole weeks, because you can also lower of 2, 3, 4 or straight 5 kilos, but once that you will begin to normally eat again you will immediately have them back. The diets that foresee only one range alone of nourishing elements that our organism needs are harmful, in fact the diet that was the last cry among the superstars of Hollywood and that foresaw the introduction of any type of food but that absolutely didn’t contain CARBOHYDRATES scientific name is diet of ATKINS) it has been immediately rejected by the physicians of the whole planet. As a matter of fact is really dangerous to sustain such an strict food regime, also bcause not to introduce carbohydrates in the food system

ess of weight

means to reduce the adipose layer of our body, but this trial develops a substance called acetone, that besides effects type bad (easily remediable with a good dose of peppermint drops) for a long time term can even provoke renal poisoning (acetone is expelled with air through the breath and urines). Besides this drawback, it is to remember that the aforesaid diet, can provoke other troubles like fatigue, cephalagia, tiredness, muscular pains and for a long time term osteoporous. Therefore, when a diet is undertaken, is fundamental to address to qualified personal, a good dietician or nutritionist biologists and never try do to on our own, because we could provoke us some irreparable damages! And then as they say, is it worth to suffer so much for some kilos less? Also Second Life has recently stick to sustain the struggle against the bulimia and the anorexia, in fact has been open an informative counter of the association Ansisa (Association national experts in science of the feeding) that will also collaborate through SL with the Italian society for the study of the troubles of the food (Fisdca) behavior.

Is important to understand of what are anorexia and bulimia and even if we find ourselves in an initial stadium of these pathologies immediately to turn to experts so to give them way to help us to a food re-education. The anorexia is a voluntary reduction of the appetite that brings our physicist to be exhausted and to the total debilitation while the bulimia is a compulsive need where the subject feels the continuous need to ingest food but without a specific desire to eat that particular type of food, so that to induce the subject not to succeed in checking his own behavior anymore. The food ingested by the bulimic subject is usually eliminated through vomit self inducted, laxative or enemas.

These are the two illnesses that are to the apex of the alimentary troubles and they concern the physical health of the subject, but let’s speak now of the inestetismis produced by a wrong diet: - cellulitis - vibex - water retention - muscular relaxation In conclusion, a wrong diet can ruin you either aesthetically or psychologically or to healthy level, therefore think about very carefully before entering a road that could destroy either you or that the people that are you near and that suffer for you and if you already suffer of someone of these problems ask to experienced hands and to those dearer to you for help, recommendations and for being accompanied toward the street of the health! Mens Sana in Corpore Sano. The beauty of a person is to put aside from her waist.

Amberly Boccaccio

Lukmarie Slade translation

Fashion victim’ s Diary Well, the summer has finally arrived! And with the summer are also arrived your vacations. No matter if would be just a week, a month or a weekend for us women the dilemma it is always the suitcase. Obviously it is not a problem for the one who goes to camping and it has a nice Suv at her disposal, but if you must travel in airplane the suitcase is always a dilemma. As a matter of fact at the end we put completely useless things that we don’t even deign of a look during all of our vacation, so why not to use intelligently the space? Let’s try! The first thing to do for a trip is obviously to find a suitcase, I always recommend a trolley, that is easy to be moved and protects with style your suits. But the glam idea in this summer is to use a megabag that comfortably welcomes your suits, (an example you can observe in the photo) so once reached destination, you can use your big bag-suitcase as purse, comfortable to go to the beach or ultra glam for a walking. Now the most arduous challange, the content. The fundamental rule is to put always comfortable suits. MUST HAVE OUTFITS IN YOUR SUITCASE THIS SUMMER: If you think to frequent ultra glam places, I rigorously recommend you a nice salopette of jeans and ultra short. You can choose it in a lot of variations of color, but I recommend you to preferably purchase from the slim colors one of it, as the white. To a head of the kind you can combine both a bea-

utiful pair of ballerinas, so to be comfortable and to be always fashionable (I recommend those with the bootlace to the ankle), a tall heel for a special evening (a pair of dagger in varnish are perfect, especially in fluo color, a must this summer) or a pair of overknees boots, that is those above to the knee, that are absolutely fantastic. Now the pants. Obviously the skinny pants are really fashionable, but if you dare and want to surprise, a leg of elephant will surely obtain that effect. The rule is to dare with the colors, therefore choose pants from the turned on colors and even to imagination, surprise everybody! And what about some t-shirt? The more glams are those empire style, that is that those which frame the breast and softly fall on the sides, perfect to combine with the skinny pants or, better, with the shorts. Also the polos they are of great effect, but rigorously tightly and with puffing sleeves. GLAM DETAIL: add a pin with many small pendants, or with a great bow, its’ a small detail that will make you unique! For those who love the skirts, take a folds one and one coos, so that you can use both for a special evening as well as for a walking and you won’t certainly pass unnoticed. For the swimwear you can choose a classical bikini, maybe with little laces of chains instead of that in the usual

fabric, or you choose a one piece custom, without shoulder strap if you really want to surprise the public of the beach. Like accessories there are room for a pochette, a pair of earrings oversize and a foulard that are really cool and very chic. At the end you can’t forget a suit, of a fluo color, like shocking pink, with glittering details and an ultra comfortable pyjamas, perhaps with funny drawings. And now you are ready to go! Have a nice holiday! E adesso siete pronte per partire! Buona vacanza!

Amberly Boccaccio

Lukmarie Slade translation

Patrizia Blessed Š Photo

Patrizia Blessed Š Photo

And here we are at the first appointment with “A menù a month!” Every month we propose you a new menù, to amaze friends and relatives with delicious dishes prepared with your own hands! This month we will prepare: appetizer of tomatoes and mushrooms, pasta (penne rigate) with ricotta cheese and pine nuts, rabbit in tartar sauce, chocolate cake.

Appetizer of tomatoes and mushrooms Preparation: 45 mins. Cooking: 0 mins. Level of difficulty: easy Ingredients 4 salad tomatoes 8 big mushrooms of crop 2 anchovy fillets 2 spoons of parmesan cheese grated 3 sandwiches a handful of parsley some gherkin pickle a few of milk nutmeg salt By Ricette&Dintorni


Amberly Boccaccio © Photo

125 grs. of tuna

It accompanies the starter with a Ve white that must be served fresh, to a perfume of the Vermentino is very rich sage. Its taste is definite and clean wi

Put to soften the crumb of the sandwiches in little milk. Cut horizontally to the halves tomatoes, so to remove from them the seeds and to prepare them on a course dish. Clean the mushrooms, so to eliminate the peel, detach the heads from the stems and wash well them so to eliminate every trace of soil. To empty a few the heads so that to form a small basin. Mince the stems of the mushrooms with the parsley, the tuna and the anchovies.

Put the minced one in a little soup tureen, unite the crumb of the sandwiches softened, the parmesan cheese, a little of nutmeg grated, salt and pepper. Mix well the mixture and fill with this the heads of the mushrooms, systematizing them, hand bye hand that they are ready around half tomatoes. Ddecorate every mushroom with little slices of gherkin pickle prepared all around and serve.

Penne rigate width ricotta cheese and pine nuts For 4 people:

The ricotta: you must coarsely crumble it.

350 gs of penne rigate

The chives:

100 gs of ricotta cheese oven- shreds the stems with the scissors. baked In a frying pan: 2 spoons of pine nuts you make to melt the butter together with 4 spoons of nuisance grated the pine nuts, it drains the pasta “to the toothâ€? (i.e. cooked so as to be firm but not chives hard) and directly put it in the frying pan 60 gs of butter with the fused butter mixing it, then remove /it from the fire, dust it with the nuisalt sance grated and pepper, mixes well and white pepper while serving you add the ricotta cheese and the threads of chives, then you are ready to taste this simple starter. Vermentino of the Liguria wine, a temperature around 8-10° C. The h, with notes of cedar, rosemary and ith very soft and winding fund. Italia donna

Rabbit in tartar sauce Preparazione: 3 min. Times Preparation: 3 mins. Cooking: 60 mins. Level of difficulty: easy Ingredients A rabbit 2 eggs 2 deciliters oil a spoon of mustard butter, grated bread, salt, pepper, vinegar and parsley qb a baby onion

Marinate for sometime the rabbit cut asunder with parsley and oil. Dry with flour and bread with grated bread and fused butter. Put in oven at 190째 C for an hour and sometimes brush with fused butter to maintain it soft. Preparation of the sauce: mix two boiled yolks, a baby onion cut very thin, two deciliters oil, add the mustard, salt pepper and vinegar. The sauce must be added at the end of cooking.

By Ricette&Dintorni

Chocolate Cake Times: 40 minutes + 45 minutes cooking Equipment: sieve, round die with removable board

By DolcieDolci

Ingredients: 100 gs of melting chocolate 150 gs of flour 150 gs of sugar 150 gs of butter 30 gs of starch of potatoes 2 eggs

Un tocco di frutta secca tritata renderĂ la portata irresistibile.

1 vial of essence of orange 1 little envelope of yeast salt Execution: Chop the chocolate and melt it at water bath. Let you soften the sugar to environment temperature and work it with the sugar up to get the consistence of a cream. Add to the worked butter the eggs, the essence of orange and, quickly mixing, the fused chocolate left to fall to thread. Cook it for 45 min-

utes in the already warm oven at 180 degrees. Cranck out and leave it make warm before putting out of mould. Serve the cake accompanied with very dense warm chocolate and, nearby, whipped cream climbed on cinnamon spicy. A touch of minced dried fruit will make the course irresistible.

To get mar r ied in SL ... How can you do? And who celebrates these functions? W hy got mar r ied?... I’ ll tr y to answer to all the questions...

To get marr

How can you do? ...Well, asked me in IM, I am a veteran!!!! Ahahahaah not, I joke... even if a few week s a go, on June 2 I have celebrated my second... mmm better saying my third mar r ia ge... even if the first one was not author ized by Linden! L ooking for in Second Life you will understand that there are as many possibilities... is it enough to choose the most proper for his/ her own ima g ination... You want a mar r ia ge among vampires? O r Gothic? O r simply romantic.... Here is it... I have chosen the fable.... as you can see from the photos... A dream suit desig ned, obviously, from Ziamela L oon... A sweet husband... T he most beautiful among the cakes of climbed on whipped cream... R ivers of C hampa g ne... Hear ts and R edR oses... L ove and Passion... so many so many fr iends around... a ter r ible la g... almost touching for the so many people present. T he W itnesses... T he Faiths... T he little church of Por tofino... and Father T ippo!!! Father T ippo is one of those fig ures that celebrate the function... the y are not different avatars from us... don’t have par ticular charges.... but only “ vocation” (eheheh) and so much desire to r isk in this metaverse where ever y day

is possible to cover a different role... not forgetting that we are here for having a good time!!!

rried in SL

Another professional figure to which you can turn if you want to get married it is you Eros Boa.... *** Eros Boa’s Biography ***

Eros Boa is born March 21st 2007 and begins his adventure in the metaverse like “unofficial” barkeeper of the Italian Beach. From here, after being defeated from his student Adelchi Rossini, he returns to wander for the endless metainverse looking for a something that gave sense to his second life. It tries before making chorister of the life of Legenda, but also here soon someone, come in the graces of the local queen, stolen him his place. Then he offers his body to languid looks of suitable women, in some clubs better we don’t cite, but unfortunately, with the improvements of some skins and the poverty, instead, in which the sad man lives, he cannot compete with the sturdiest and rich newbbies with beautiful skins, features and suits. But the fate wants that a gentil damsel crosses his road... love at first sight, A.V. (which it is not for various authors, lol) begins then to fill his days filling the chat of sweets words and unbridled syntaxes. For months the story going on and it is a growth of electric emotions and lightnings of keyboard. Then the end: an unexpected unistall.... and our poor Eros stays without Tanathos. With his green eyes it wanders in the void of the loneliness of this hell of camping and poseball looking for to quiet down his lost soul. But here is the Light, better the sound.

A ringing of bells, a whirling to get excited of edifying harms, the coming of sacred textures on old boundaries: PiccolaViola and the Church of Saint Maria of the Angels in construction. Woman here is your Priest, man here is yours Perpetual. From here the vocation, from here the responsibility of the most irresponsible flock that could ever happen him: Underworld, Italian Mafia City. From here on, the holy man begins to feel the role and with great patience he dresses the dresses of it, supported by the friend/enemy Sacha Bowie, the mayor of the city with whom a strong bond is established, like Don Camillo and Peppone, but both brought to animate the city days, or at least in to believe in their roles. But not by bread alone lives the man, in fact the priest loves the good wine and often happens that advance from the liturgies (marriages, baptisms and even a funeral) of it and does corners then of it. It happens however that the drunkenness brings him in a dissociative state (estranging himself from that of Vatican) and past reminescenze turns him into the most disparate outfits, victim of a trance of which it will go out only thanks to the divine intervention, ehm, or of alcoholic of high volumetric rate. In collaboration with other parishioners, he becomes a newspaper publishing, better, of a parish wall periodical: The other Bell, in which the deeds of the local characters, themes of actuality, gossip, politics and art are narrated, from which the black priest is spellbound. Near the editorial center it is also born a new branch in Nuova Sicilia: other location where he often introduces under other cloths, earth without God! The “Father” starts to enter the graces of the more absurd groups, that continually asked him for ceremonies or “absolutions”, but he must often make the accounts with the “Mother”, superior and dark presence that dictates the motion of it and that it is of it of support. But... in her absense, recently he found shelter at the Convent of the Nuns of Monza, in the little church of Portofino, where in the joviality and in the respect of the Lord, sacred rosaries are shelled together. SL is always praised Amen

Ehehhehe... this was our dear Father Eros... (P.S. But if you had celebrated a marriage the day of S. Valentine.... Better of one with this name... who would have called??? Ehehehe.... me him!!!) I show you a photo of Father Eros... during his celebration!!! And he is so professional that before getting married confesses you too!!! And then let you choose the suit that want for Your Celebrant!!! Well... I believe that the only conclusion to be drawn on the “Why get married us in SL” is... because being a second life... what sense does it have to make yourself miss something?!!!? Each of us in this metaverse interprets a role through an avatar giving it a “soul”... therefore we can say... that you can meet very beautiful souls with whom is nice sharing strong and unforgettable emotions... and it is for this reason that you choose “to give” your own SL to another avatar... to live in two emotions and moments that otherwise could not exist... For all the readers... and all the romantic... Talk to you soon...

Veronik Broome

Lukmarie Slade translation

Patrizia Blessed Š Photo

Shouted Couture Italian Style

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Collaboration: ziamela Loon - SC Owner Patrizia Blessed - SC Owner Glauco Slade - Digital Photo and Graphic Project Model: Liane Maertens Loryy Ballyhoo Memole Giha Maura Taurog Silviax Johin Amberly Boccaccio and Veronik Broome - Content Lukemary Slade - Tanslation Andrews Zebberman - SC Owner Talent Manager Chicco Rabeni - SC PR Lolla Honi - SC PR Albertobs88 Obolensky - Scripter ArDiGraf - Art Director, & Graphic Design

Shouted Couture Italian Style


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alian Style

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