Grenada And The End Of Free Speech The Fire Is Out In The Eurozone A people’s revolution in Harrow? An insight into the sector of (social) enterprise,
Mass surveillance through 'lawful interception' has become an industry worth billions of dollars per year
Harbouring a Perspective of British Racists
A Culture of Rape in Southeast Asia?
How Governments Control Google
October 2013
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Our Mission is to report on issues and news stories otherwise ignored by traditional media and to lift political awareness and discussion between young people in the UK. Started in July 2012, we are one of Britain’s fastest growing independent global news networks. Shout Out UK holds the interests of the people and an aim to seek out the truth at the core of its reporting. Our global network of journalists, currently numbering over 4,000, covers news stories without censorship or preference, with the aim to create a newspaper, which is incorporative, independent and gives a means of expression to the voiceless generation.
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October 2013
Contents Editor’s note
British Politics
Money: Economic News
International News
Interview with the Manning Support network
Lets Talk: the voice of Harrow Students
Special report: How Governments Control Google
Your Voice: The people of Harrow
Career Advice
Classified ads
October 2013
Note from the Editor Dear reader,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the very first Digital edition of the Shout Out UK magazine.
Our first edition is packed full of news stories that have shaped our world, from; the buying and selling of your private data, to the bedroom tax in Britain. We have also included a guest post from an apprentice survivor on how to tackle the world of social enterprise and an interview with the only journalist allowed inside the very controversial Manning trial.
Started in July 2012, we are one of Britain’s fastest growing independent global news networks. We aim to create an understanding between current affairs around the globe and the history behind each issue. It is our firm belief that the lack of historic context in current mainstream print media is the primary reason behind why many issues around the world seem 'unfixable'.
Our global network of journalists, currently numbering over 4,000, covers news stories without censorship or preference, with the aim to create a newspaper, which is incorporative, independent and gives a means of expression to the voiceless generation.
If you are wondering about the grey advertising spaces, they are available for anyone that wishes to advertise. Adverts will appear in both the digital and print edition. They are part of a campaign we have launch to help us fundraise, to allow us to go into print and create a new magazine by 2014. Councils around London have agreed to help with distribution in schools, hospitals, GPS and libraries.
Please consider advertising with us or simply donating via the avenues below to help give the people of Britain a newspaper/ news magazine they can truly be proud of!
`UxÜztÅ|Ç| Matteo Bergamini Executive Director and Founder Shout Out UK
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Our Target: ÂŁ4,000 We are currently campaigning to go into print and create a tabloid newspaper by 2014. As other funding bodies have agreed to back the cost of printing and councils around London have agreed to help with distribution in schools, hospitals, GPS and libraries. CONTRIBUTE NOW
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October 2013
Fear and Clothing in The UK: The Niqab By Stephen Leece present Revolu%onary Government (1979- present) has never encouraged wearing the niqab. Again wri%ng in the 3rd Century CE, the Chris%an writer Tertullian in his Veiling of the Virgins described what from his point of view were the ‘Pagan’ women of Arabia wearing veils that cover their en%re face. Both, these sources were compiled long before Mohammed and the Islamic Empire. So, by the %me of the Prophet, the niqab was already an established cultural garment or fashion accessory. So much for ‘keeping women in their place.’ So The UK Courts ruled a Muslim woman had to remove her Niqab when giving evidence. The accused is not a member of the Taliban, nor Hamas, or PIJ or any other such poli%cal group, and so is not wearing the niqab for poli%cal reasons. ________ In the la'er half of the 18th Century and the early part of the 19th Century in the UK Sco+sh Plaid was Top of the Sartorial Shit Yersel’ Parade. In 21st Century UK, the allegedly Islamic Niqab is Number 1. Some of the reports in the Bri%sh tabloids, par%cularly, the comic-cum-scandal sheet The Sun, read like a Press Release from the Ministry of Disinforma%on and Missing the Point.
As for the religious argument, again, this is more Western guff. Although it is true that the niqab is a legal requirement in the Islamic Holy Sites of Mecca and Medina but this has nothing to do with Sharia and everything to do with Saudi State Law. Women can, and do, go about their business in Jeddah without the niqab. The closest interpreta%on obtainable for a religious basis for the niqab is that the Holy Qu’ran states the Prphet’s wives covered themselves when men who were not rela%ves (nonmahram) were present. This covering up, says nothing about the face, and in any event is not a religious edict.
At best, the modern use of the niqab is the con%nua%on of an ancient regional and cultural tradi%on; at In the Spirit of Enquiry allow me to take you on a journey of worst it is Arab women discovery to iden%fy the truth of the ‘dreaded’ niqab. wan%ng to emulate the To begin with, the niqab has nothing to do with Islamic Sharia, Prophet’s wives. In other and even less to do with ‘keeping women in their place.’ That words, it’s no worse than is how semi-educated Westerners perceive the garment, but Boring Bri%sh Brune'es not how tradi%onal Islamic women view it. trying to dress like the Royal Sperm Receptacle The niqab is not even Islamic, but it has been adopted by Islam Kate Middleton. It’s and become an important part of the culture in Saudi Arabia called fashion, it’s what and other Islamic States. women like. Besides, The Greek scholar Strabo in his Geographica (composed 7BCEsome niqabs can make a 23CE) described some Persian women veiling their faces. woman look quite foxy. Modern Iran, banned the niqab from 1936-41, and from the
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October 2013
Bedroom Tax: Pay up or Move out? By Rachael Davey phrase the Con-Dem government loves to reiterate to get people on board). These new rules hover have numerous and far-reaching effects.
The last year has seen the coali%on force Bri%sh people to %ghten their belts through austerity measures and has a'acked the social security system from all angles in an a'empt to ‘save’ money and clear the deficit. Their approach involved the introduc%on of the Welfare reform Act 2012 – a ruthless shake up of the Bri%sh welfare system. Through this one of the most controversial proposals was introduced – the spare room subsidy. What has become commonly referred to as ‘the bedroom tax’, has brought in new rules for people claiming benefits for their council or housing associa%on homes – placing a limit on the number of bedrooms housing benefit will now help to pay for. This came into full force on April 1st, but unfortunately it was no April fool’s joke. Now, if social tenants are considered to have spare bedrooms, their housing benefit is to be slashed.
According to the Na%onal Housing Federa%on, it was es%mated that 660,000 working-age social tenants would be affected by the new policy. Originally concerns were largely raised in rela%on to parents of adult children in the armed forces and foster parents – tenants who would require their ‘spare’ bedrooms – before the government ra%fied its rules later in March 2013. Disabled people s%ll fall short on this new policy. Although it acceptable for disabled tenants to have an extra bedroom for overnight care, it is not acceptable for them to have a spare bedroom if used to store medical equipment. Also couples who use separate bedrooms because of illness or disability, and separated and divorced parents who share the care of their children, are also denied an extra bedroom – unless of course they pay. There are obviously a number of possible reasons for spare bedrooms, but the bo'om line is people on housing benefit are of course unlikely to be in a posi%on to pay the extra. So why not move? A legi%mate ques%on one could ask. Well, this is the most harrowing part of the bedroom tax policy – those hit have nowhere to move to. According to figures provided by councils in response to Freedom of informa%on requests by the Labour party, 19 out of 20 families hit are confined in their larger proper%es because there is nowhere smaller within the local social housing supply to re-house them. Therefore, even those willing to move – willing to give up their spare bedrooms rather than pay for them – have nowhere to go and end up paying for them anyway. This is where the spare room subsidy grants its more popular name; the bedroom tax. This policy was built on the apparent belief that under-occupiers would simply move to smaller homes, when in reality, what is actually doing is forcing vulnerable people to pay money they don’t have. This ruthless policy is leading people into debt, homelessness, and pushing already poor people into deeper poverty.
Many have likened this policy to the Thatcher lead “poll tax” idea – and it is certainly as unpopular. Under new regula%ons, the amount of benefits paid to claimants is reduced if they are deemed to have ‘too much’ living space. If the property they’re ren%ng is larger than their household size requires, they now face cuts of 14% for one extra bedroom and 25% for two or more. Obviously unlike Thatcher’s “poll tax”, this is not actually a form of taxa%on like its popular name suggests. However, although Thatcher wanted to tax per head, the cruel reality of this policy is, basically, if you have more bedrooms than the rules say you need, you get less of your rent paid for by housing benefit. Therefore effec%vely you have two choices – pay rent for these extra rooms yourself, or move to Personally, I believe the bedroom tax is just another all too somewhere smaller! familiar a'ack on benefits. It is another way to penalise the poor as Thatcher did, as the coali%on government has been According to the Department of Work and Pensions, this ensures people receive help towards their housing costs based effec%vely doing since day one through its welfare on the needs of the household. This is supposed to bring both programme. It’s promo%ng a culture of self –reliance rather than welfare (one of the Conserva%ve party’s favourite past stability to the housing market and create an incen%ve to %mes) at a %me when welfare is needed most. work. Apparently it also reduces welfare dependency (a
October 2013
The Buying and Selling of your Personal Data By Rachael Davey
People may think they know the extent of mass surveillance. Hailed by many as a hero, Edward Snowden ignited widespread awareness of secret surveillance in the USA and Britain earlier this year. However, what people are yet to find out is that mass surveillance is not only happening but that it has actually become an industry worth billions of dollars per year. ‘Lawful intercep%on’ is secretly being marketed – on an unimaginable scale – all over the globe. Since December 2011, WikiLeaks has been publishing The Spy Files – consis%ng of hundreds of documents revealing the buying and selling of ‘lawful intercep%on’ products. According to WikiLeaks, Spy files is a project commi'ed to exposing this new secret industry of global mass surveillance that has boomed since 9/11, spanning 25 countries. Working with 6 partner media organisa%ons (The Washington Post in the US, Bureau of inves%ga%ve journalism in the UK, ARD in Germany, OWNI in France, L’Espresso in Italy and The Hindu in India) they work to compose of, and release a database of documents from western intelligence contractors to show how companies are marke%ng surveillance equipment on an interna%onal scale. Recently, on September 4th 2013, WikiLeaks released ‘Spy Files #3’ –249 documents from 92 global intelligence
contractors – revealing the increasing expansion of this mass surveillance industry. The documents show how state intelligence agencies in the US, UK, Europe and other developing world countries, are spending millions on contemporary technology and intercep%on methods marketed by corporate companies, that can target masses of people at once – even whole popula%ons. Spy Files #3 is comprised of brochures, catalogues and presenta%ons; all disclosing exactly what spyware is available on the market. For instance, on the market for internet monitoring, includes selling the ability to collect intelligence from publicly available sources, such as news sites, blogs, RSS feeds and social media. In one brochure, a company called Kapow soTwares is currently selling the ability to “harvest text in any language, images, audio, video from websites, blogs and social media”. Alluring investors in, Kapow soTwares is selling their ability to “accurately harvest” the contents on websites such as Facebook, twi'er, flickr, Skype, YouTube, CNN and Aljazeera in the name of na%onal security. Other various contractors are also selling ‘lawful intercep%on’ systems that can intercept personal emails and instant messages. Lawful intercep%on methods are also sold for phone monitoring – products that can intercept calls in mass.
October 2013
The Buying and Selling of your Personal Continued Contractors boast in their brochures of how their spyware can “intercept” and “retain” “con%nuous flows of telephone conversa%ons”. Phone monitoring surveillance also includes products for speech analysis. Companies such as Agni%o – a Spanish contractor, are selling soTware for intelligence intercep%on systems which enable speech iden%fica%on and analysis. Agnito in par%cular sell what they call a ‘Biometric Speaker Spo+ng System’, with func%ons that enable speaker iden%fica%on, gender iden%fica%on and language iden%fica%on. As well as marke%ng these types of surveillance, contractors are also selling methods such as audio forensics, data reten%on, SMS monitoring and GPS tracking systems (amongst many other spy gadgets named with technical jargon). Currently the US hosts 32 companies marke%ng such technology and the UK is home for 17. Some companies – including Comstrac and TelesoT technologies in the UK – sell not only one, but all of these methods of surveillance to intelligence agencies! Another UK contractor, Gamma Group, is one of few contractors in Europe to not only market technologies such as these but also Trojans – manufactured viruses used to hack into the opera%ng systems of computers and smart phones.
Spy Files #3 reveals more than just what’s up for sale however, also exposing what they are sold for. One price list published by contractor griffcomm shows that GPS trackers and accessories are going for as high as 6,540 euros – roughly £4,360! If prices for GPS trackers are in the thousands one can only speculate the prices for mass telephone intercep%on systems and speech recogni%on soTware. But, what is clear is this is a highly compe%%ve and lucra%ve industry. The priva%sa%on of intelligence! Now whether or not this industry of mass surveillance is a good or bad thing, really depends on your point of view. The affects in terms of na%onal security, terrorism and crime can be seen posi%vely no doubt. But in terms of personal privacy and the tracking of domes%c communica%ons, this can be seen as a very expensive erosion of civil liber%es. Personally I believe that whatever side of the security/privacy debate you’re on, the most important thing to remember is that this industry has boomed in secret – if inten%ons are merely for na%onal security why the secrecy?
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October 2013
Party Conferences: Is There a Point? By Mike extreme elements of the Lib Dems are just high!). Wave aTer wave of people stand up to applaud the leader for their fantas%c speech. Gone are the days of the grandstanding arguments (par%cularly within Labour) because they make par%es seem disunited. So the ques%on is: what are conferences for anymore? Clearly they help bond people together on a party level. They allow people to network, drink and have interes%ng stories to tell in their memoirs. But for the viewer, for that person who has worked all day and has 3 hours at home before they head off to bed, I think they mean very li'le. People are distrus%ng enough of the body poli%c, but honestly very few people are going to choose to watch conference highlights over a good comedy show or their Conference season is upon us once again. A %me when the main poli%cal par%es in the UK try to convince us that they a) favourite soap opera. So they rely on the media, par%cularly not only care about poor li'le old us and b) they are the only the news elements to tell them if it was a good speech. And if we’re honest very few leaders give bad speeches, it is there ones who can solve this country’s problems because the job. The most car crashing one I have seen in my memory was others are rubbish. Invariably there is li'le new in these Iain Duncan Smith’s ‘quiet man’. I recall watching Tony Blair, events. Either the leader is under threat of a revolt or the one of the best orators in modern poli%cs giving his speech as party is surging on their way to victory. party leader. He was always enthralling and I used to think One of the problems I have with conferences is that I find it ‘wow he will make a great, inspira%onal Prime Minister one increasingly difficult to dis%nguish between the par%es. They day’ and then realising that he had been Prime Minister for 5, like to boast how different they truly are, but I get the sense 6, 7 years and the country was s%ll in a bit of a state! (and maybe you do too) that which ever group is in power Conferences can make or break careers. They certainly helped they would do exactly the same as the others when it came down to it. In part because that is what modern democracy is. put William Hague on the map and as we have seen with Godfrey Bloom, they can end them pre'y quickly too. I have It is a horridly squishy thing where ‘extremes’ of opinion get to say though I am ge+ng a bit %red of this faux outrage that bartered down un%l a compromise is reached. One which happens in poli%cs. Where people who aren’t in the room run oTen is far from the original idea first spouted with such bravado. At least this is where the idea from Labour for a cap around every media outlet they can find to demand the resigna%on of this person or that person because of comments on energy bills stands out. It actually creates a difference in taken out of context or simply ones that can be brushed off. I the par%es. I’m not sure it will ever happen, for a number of rarely agree with things that many people (certain comedians reasons, but it is a statement of intent. or rappers for example) say, but if an audience member has Another concern for me is that when I listen to the leaders I chosen to hear someone speak and has no problem with what actually like all of them in a way. They all have their merits. Indeed if we are to be honest we probably could see them all is said, then why the outrage? Now if someone in the room protested (and I haven’t heard of anyone) then so be it. in government. They are ar%culate and capable, which does beg the ques%on why don’t they work together? They all buzz So next week will be the turn of the Conserva%ves. David around the middle ground so they should be able to get along. Cameron will no doubt look very presiden%al and tell us that the pain we have been suffering has all been worthwhile. But that isn’t where the power lies in par%es: it is at the People will nod and applaud in the room, whilst the rest of us extremes. Whether it is the tag ‘em and flog ‘em element of the Tories, or the tax ‘em and bash ‘em union wing (I think the get on with our lives.
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October 2013
The Return of Mr McBride By Laura Wilson
Hot in the headlines in April of 2009 aTer his embarrassing resigna%on as a special adviser and spin doctor to former Bri%sh Prime Minister Gordon Brown, McBride, or ‘McPoison’ as his enemies knew him, is back in the spotlight with the release of his new book ‘Power Trip’.[1] The release of the book has seen him in numerous televised interviews as well as central in many news ar%cles, with The Daily Mailtaking the lead having paid McBride £130,000 to serialise the book. [2] But why has this publica%on caused such controversy and what are the Labour Party’s views and responses to this?
Well, firstly, the amount of detail in which the book offers levels of informa%on never previously known of his scandalous behaviour as well as many of the supposed private opinions and thoughts of his beloved Gordon. Ideas that Brown was ini%ally unimpressed with Obama, is just one of the revela%ons McBride offers about Brown’s personal poli%cal opinions and thoughts.[6] Moreover, in rela%on to Brown, he reveals cri%cal mistakes he made when in power, for instance in 2005, accidently giving away market-sensi%ve budget informa%on. [7] Aside from Gordon, he also reveals the intricate details of the way he used spin to oust opponents within the party such as his crea%on of a “briefing war” between one of Blair’s advisers and Charles Clarke which culminated in the sacking of the ex-home secretary.[8]
So why has McBride done this? To make a quick quid off of those nosey enough to want to know the ins and outs of the sleaze in number 10 only a few short years ago? Is it a way of him profi%ng from his misdeeds and the misfortune of others at his hands? Well according to the man himself, he has presented the book almost as a giT to the Labour party of today, so they can learn from the error of his ways and let Perhaps the best way to look at why McBride has caused such such behavior remain in Labour’s past.[9] And what be'er a s%r is to remember why he fell from grace in the first place. %me to present such a giT but on the same day on which the The culmina%ng events that saw the fall of McBride was seen leader of the Labour party is giving the keynote speech at their annual party conference. But once again Saint McBride has in the exposure of a plot to create a distasteful smear defended this publica%on %ming, seeing it as no threat to the campaign against the Conserva%ves, full of cringe worthy outcome of the upcoming elec%on, even admi+ng to falsehoods. It appears, from a series of emails from McBride, accep%ng a lower sum of money for the book by not delaying that he suggested crea%ng a new website as a part of a its publica%on un%l the weeks leading up to the 2015 general campaign to embarrass the Tories, with a wide collec%on of fabricated stories about senior party members.[3] Examples of elec%on.[10] Furthermore he states the book to be an open apology to all those affected by his ‘sleazy stories’ and to be these stories range from Cameron suffering from ‘an willing to answer any ques%ons the police may have involving embarrassing illness’ to Osborne being anxious over the exposure of him being pictured in the company of a pros%tute. his ac%ons and giving up his pension willingly if it is desired by the civil service.[11] But this exposure was just the pinnacle in a sea of misdeeds old Damien had been involved in, and it is this that has caused So what have been the reac%ons of the Labour Party? It seems the book to draw such a'en%on. There was never any to be the party line to distance themselves from McBride’s ques%on that McBride was one of Brown’s closest boys, with behaviour, rejec%ng any suggested involvement. They have McBride being greatly involved in the war against Blair and his condemned McBride’s behaviour, sta%ng Labour has changed followers.[4]Through mastering the dark art of spin however, en%rely under Miliband’s leadership.[12] So will McBride’s McBride’s common flaw, which he arguably shared with much book act as a warning and saving grace to the Labour party of of Brown’s inner poli%cal circle, to destroy poli%cal opponents, the future? Or will it damage the repuata%on of the party for was allowed to manifest and flourish to a level that was out of entertaining his behaviour for such a prolonged period of control.[5] %me? Is this the new and improved Saint McBride here to save But if most of this was known prior to the books release aTer Labour or simply the return of Mr McPosion? McBride’s resigna%on, why has the book caused such a s%r?
October 2013
The Fire Is Out In The Eurozone- But The Smoke Keeps Rising
The Eurozone periphery may breathe a bit lighter. The financial assistance has been sufficient enough to provide the needed amount of credit that allowed to bail out the bankrupt governments and to recapitalize most of the banking system. The economic programs developed from 2009 to 2012 have started to lead towards a slow recovery as the bond yields have declined and the infla%on has stabilized or fallen in several peripheral member states. This is good news for the debtors and for the creditors, however the troubles of the Eurozone are far from being over. The austerity measures and low borrowing costs have lead to increasing public debt levels and rocke%ng unemployment- the worst two companions of the bailout measures.
government and private debt securi%es and it supported the ECB (European Central Bank) aim to improve the level of liquidity on the market.To limit the infla%on the SMP absorbed the amount of liquidity that was bought on the debt market. The structure of the financial assistance programs lays out the strength and weakness of the countermeasures meant to contain the crisis. The level of credit is crucial for the recovery of the economy, however the amount of available money dictates the rise of prices. Luckily the infla%on has been slowing down or decreasing in the weaker member states. A fast recovery can not be allowed because a quick surge in credit would lead to a quick surge in prices and infla%on.
The EFSF and IMF bailouts of Greece, Portugal and Ireland The EFSF (European Financial Stability Facility) accompanied by illustrate the success of improved liquidity and the problem of growing public debt. The ECB discount rate on the marginal the EFSM (European Financial Stability Mechanism) provided lending facility has decreased from 1.75 % in 2010 to 1.5 %. the needed financial assistance through issuing bonds, recapilizing banks and buying sovereign debt. The opera%ons The lending rates of commercial banks in Greece and Portugal have increased while Ireland has had a small decrease. It is were supported by the German Financial Agency and the notable that Ireland has had the fastest decrease in infla%on bonds were backed up by the Eurozone member states. The due to %ghter credit policy. Similar effect can be seen in the funds of the EFSM were raised by the EU Commission and it used the EU budget as the collateral. The lending capability of GDP growth level. Ireland had a growth of 0.9% in 2012 while EFSF, EFSM and the IMF was increased from 750 bln (euros) to Greece faced a decline of -1.4% and Portugal was struggling over 1 trillion by offering insurance to the buyers of Eurozone with -3.4%. A common problem for all three is the high level of debt. The goals of these programs were to increase the public debt reaching from 84 % to 123%. The indebtness is available credit and to provide liquidity to the financial system. worsened by a high level of unemployment that exceeds 14 % in Ireland and 25% in Greece. The growing indebtness means a The SMP (Securi%es Market Program) was created to buy
October 2013
The Fire Is Out In The Eurozone- But The Smoke Keeps Rising
long period of repayments. On the other hand the credit can not be loosened much more without crea%ng further concerns over the level of infla%on. The stability of infla%on will be paid for with a high level of unemployment and a slow path to recovery.
concern as the signs of slow stabiliza%on and even slower growth in the bailed out member states.
The currency ra%ngs of Standard and Poor reflect that Greece has had a lot of liquidity support while Portugal has go'en worse and Ireland is not making a fast jump up either. For now The EFSF has been subs%tuted by the ESM (European Security Spain and Cyprus are the fort runners of decline with their Mechanism) that covers a similar scheme while focusing more recent economic downturns. But all is not lost. The Eurozone on debt sustainability and a stricter enforcement of Eurozone has managed to do what it takes to prevent from going under, measures. The ESM financial support for Spain and Cyprus had but it is s%ll far from rising above the troubled surface. The similar results as the bailouts of Greece and Portugal. The level liquidity has been provided, the debt has been bought, new of infla%on has decreased while public debt and measures have been established and the infla%on has not unemployment have increased. The level of economic growth been allowed to run amok. The fire has been put out. But the in 2012 was nega%ve. Another improvement to increase debt correla%on of credit and infla%on will reflect in the high level of unemployment, public debt and slow growth of GDP. Some sustainability was the crea%on of OMT (Outright Monetary Transac%ons). The la'er program offers yield lowering bond of the periphery has crawled out of the hole, some are yet to purchases to Eurozone members engaged in bailout measures. do so. But the smoke keeps rising and the dream of a fiscal union where public debt remains under 60% of GDP is s%ll on a It also offers a precau%onary program to the Eurozone very far horizon. member states with stressed bond yields. The SMP and the OMT are more successful as guarantors of debt sustainability. * The data analysis reflects the %me period between 2010Most of the Eurozone governments’ bond yields have 2012 decreased between 2010-2012. Ireland has benefited from the scheme, but Portugal and Greece have not yet achieved stability. In general the bond yields are not as much of a
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October 2013
upliTing. “My journey is to prove that living without money does not mean being poor, suffering, or going hungry. There is no reason for anyone to fear anything as long as humankind has each other for support. We can all live well and prosper. The money system stands in the way of our natural coopera%ve and compassionate traits and holds us back from achieving incredible things,” added the Irishman who gave up everything prior to his departure including giving away most of his possessions. Colin will be producing a video of his trip and has already charted the generosity of all of his hosts. He’s already been featured extensively in na%onal and interna%onal media including the BBC and global news agencies. “My work with The Free World Charter, an online movement with almost 40,000 signatories advoca%ng the evolu%on beyond money and towards a sustainable, technological and caring society, is striking a chord with everyone we meet.
Six weeks in to his global moneyless odyssey and Dubliner Colin Turner has already traversed eight countries without spending a single penny, Colin, founder of the Free World Charter, leT Ireland at the end of July with the inten%on of proving that a world without money is possible. Relying on the goodwill and hospitality of people along the way, the musician has passed through Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Belgium, Holland and is currently in Germany.
“I think that we are slowly waking up to the folly of our ways especially in light of a truly fragile global economy that is built on debt, debt and more debt. It’s a system that could collapse at any point as we saw in 2008 and it’s vital that we debate what could follow the next bubble to burst, a bubble that could render money completely worthless. Hopefully I’m adding to that debate in a small way. “Everyone I’ve met senses that the world is about to undergo some quantum change but they don;t know what it is. Every single person I’ve met agrees that our current system is no longer working and that change is on the way. Not everyone agrees that the future is moneyless but it takes %me for most people to see the possibility and poten%al of it.
“Ul%mately the sheer common sense of it prevails. Nowhere else in nature does any form of direct exchange for resources His planned route ahead will take him through Austria, or ac%ons take place. It is part of an an%que system devised Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey before embarking on the tricky when most of mankind’s needs and desires were difficult to Asian leg of his mammoth trek. Offers of help and support source. Our level of technology has now surpassed the need from likeminded individuals should see Colin reaching India in for this system. We can provide a high standard of living for the coming months. every person on this planet through technology, coopera%on Colin exclaimed “It’s been absolutely incredible. I have been and much be'er educa%on,” added Colin who has faced a few hosted by many families for one or two days each since leaving obstacles along the way. Ireland. They are offering me food, accommoda%on, travel and “I have gone one or two days without proper meals but really pre'y much anything completely uncondi%onally. Their this is just due to bad organisa%on more than anything else. compassion and recogni%on of my message has been very
October 2013
The International Youth Jobs Creation Summit: How to Create 1 Billion Jobs? By Matteo Bergamini
government level. Lord Young men%ons that smaller firms are now being giving the op%on of taking on large government contracts oTen only leT for large firms.
Youth unemployment is spiralling out of control, with 73.4 million young people from around the globe currently out of work. In Greece, roughly 60% of all their young are out of employment, while in the Middle East it’s 30%.
There were several issues raised with self-employment however, one of which being that the educa%on system always talks to students about working for those major known companies, but never about the possibility of working for yourself. Another issue was also raised with bureaucracy, as small firms can’t oTen work with the incredible amount of bureaucracy and health and safety required.
Andris Piebalgs, EU commissioner and the second keynote speaker, talked more about the EU’s issue with job crea%on and the rest of the world. Andris states that Sub-Saharan This trend is a drama%c increase, compared to the average Africa is a major issue as unemployment is low, since there are percentage for adult unemployment, which is roughly 4%. The no safety nets there. However, many of the people are forced Interna%onal Youth Jobs Summit, stated that in the coming to do jobs that pay as li'le as a dollar a week. years we, as a planet, must create 1 billion youth jobs or face Some parts of Africa are comba+ng this, according to Andris, the consequences of was%ng young talent. by offering short term solu%ons, such as improving and The Global Youth Job Crea%on Summit, which occurred on the helping the agricultural sector grow. Barundi is an excellent 13th of last week, had tasked itself with crea%ng ideas to example of good short term development. Andris also believes tackle this ever growing problem. The Summit put together that such growth in certain sectors could help EU some incredible people and organisa%ons, to work on and talk unemployment rates. With 23% of youth unemployment in about the task at hand. Lord Young, the first of the keynote the EU, with Greece and Spain taking 50% of the total speakers, began by sta%ng that the number of small firms, unemployment, something must be done. employing ten or less people, has rocketed since the 1980s Andris goes on to men%on that a good example of low from around 800 to nearing 1 million. unemployment is Germany and Austria, which both have the Lord Young believes this increase in small companies and the lowest unemployment rates in the EU. To support the growth decrease in jobs is mainly thanks to the internet. He of jobs, the EU has offered 8 billion euro in start-up loans for reminisced that companies once took pride in doing many new businesses. different things, while now they take equal pride in suble+ng He urges all governments to incorporate young people in the all of what they do. agenda for change, as the next genera%on will inherit the While the number of stable jobs has decreased, the number of earth once the current genera%on are gone. According to an self-employed peoples has increased drama%cally to 3.8 EU poll, the UK is leading in giving young people a chance to million. Lord Young has been pushing to get more people thrive in this new wave of entrepreneurship. working for themselves, with the government pu+ng aside money for star-up loans and mentors to help anyone whom is It was clear, aTer the two keynote speakers that young people need to be empowered and that government jobs are not the interested. Self-employment is an interes%ng concept to job crea%on, if you can’t find a job, make your own. However, how answer. Entrepreneurship and small companies are. Empower the young to create the jobs themselves. many people are capable of crea%ng a business? Not forge+ng that one third of all businesses fail in the first year.
During the panellist debate, it was clear that a similar trend was being created, with one important twist: The panellists Despite the dangers, self-employment is taking over and seems to be the way of the future. Hence it must be engrained referred more to educa%on, rather than offering money for start-ups. Jeremy Lefroy MP, Chair of the Interna%onal and encouraged both at the level of educa%on and at the
October 2013
The International Youth Jobs Creation Summit: How to Create 1 Billion Jobs? Continued
parliamentary network for the World Bank, stated that one ‘can do loads with small amounts of money, if it’s well managed’. He also men%oned that economy needs to be transformed for jobs and inclusivity.
heard’. He also men%ons that we need young people with prac%cal skills, not degrees. He ends his speech with the idea that the future lies in a ‘Green economy, which is youth powered, youth led and youth governed’.
With the example of England, Jeremy believes it is all to centralise yet for an entrepreneurial society to form. Giving freedoms on the ground would create more jobs, stated Jeremy. Con%nuing on the panel’s aim to create more youth jobs, Nadia Elhaggagi, policy officer at the EU commission, talked about the EU’s Youth employment policy; the Youth Guarantee.
The table debates which ensued made it clear that everyone had come to the same conclusion, educa%on was the issue. In the UK’s case, we are obsessed with league tables, offering to send all students to the best universi%es in the country or even the world. Has anyone that has children asked what then? How many of them become employed? Our short sighted view of A* grades and league tables has destroyed the system that should be preparing all young people for the world.
The Youth Guarantee is a pledge signed by nearly all countries in the EU to put all their young people in employment by four months of them being out of work, educa%on or training. The reason behind the 4 months, she says, is because aTer 4 months the unemployed begin to lose the will to work and progress.
Andris Piebalgs men%ons nearing the end of the conference that when he was in university and in educa%on it took him 7 years to finish his degree, he was repeatedly asked to concentrate on studying and stop all other ac%vi%es, yet it was these other ac%vi%es that got him into the career he chose, The Youth Guarantee also offers career building opportuni%es, not his educa%on. such as; traineeships, which offer training and guidance, plus Our urge to force our next genera%on to only learn one skill, micro-loans, which open the door for young people, with no how to take exams, may for many new entrepreneurs to give previous credit history, to acquiring the funds they need to up on their dreams, maybe we are not all meant to go to develop their business. university, maybe, just maybe some of us are not meant to be A Speaker for Be the Change Academy (BTCA) in Nigeria, as bureaucrats? talked about educa%on being the central theme, sta%ng that The conferences two key themes, it seems aimed primarily at Africa does not need money, it needs knowledge. The BTCA offers 8 weeks training and 3 weeks to create a business plan educa%on and pushing more young people into selffor your business. This is aimed at crea%ng an entrepreneurial employment. Maybe the future is leaden with leaders and entrepreneurs. However, one must not forget that only 20% of culture in Africa. the popula%on can become successful entrepreneurs. We As the panel discussed further, it became clear that educa%on have lied to many young people about how easy it would be to and freedom were the two most important elements in ge+ng get a job aTer university, let us not do the same with the 1 billion new jobs that the world needs. Andrew, indeed entrepreneurship. Instead, let us give them the tools states that most growth comes from small and medium necessary to make their own choices, let us educate and give businesses, hence it would be a benefit to the world, not just them the skills they need, for all walks of life. to the next genera%on. BY: Ma'eo Bergamini Ravi, a 22 year old green energy business owner states that young people are the future of the planet and ‘we need to be
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October 2013
A Culture of Rape in Southeast Asia? By Patrick Ireland
The four men accused of raping and torturing a young woman aTer luring her onto a bus in December 2012 were given the death penalty in New Delhi last Friday. However, a recent survey report – conducted by the United Na%ons in six countries across Southeast Asia and the Pacific – has uncovered some truly shocking figures in regards to rape. Almost a quarter of men, of which 10, 000 were interviewed, admi'ed to having raped a woman in their life%me.
occurring in a dark alleyway with a stranger. According to the survey reports, an overwhelming 75% of the men said they felt “sexually en%tled” to rape a woman. Others claimed it was for either entertainment to alleviate boredom (60%) or an act of punishment (40%). Perhaps surprisingly, alcohol consump%on was the least common mo%va%on.
In addi%on, the report seems to suggest that experiences of childhood violence can be an important factor in dicta%ng The survey interviewed men from China, Cambodia, Indonesia, future adult behavior and sexual rela%ons. Jewkes notes that Sri Lanka and Papa New Guinea. The results were varied – the area surveyed in Papa New Guinea has had a par%cularly troubled history of civil conflict and violence with an alleged although China and Cambodia ranked par%cularly high for rape. Most shockingly, a startling 62% of the men surveyed in 86% of the surveyed men repor%ng emo%onal or physical abuse during their childhoods. Emma Fulu, a research Papa New Guinea admi'ed to having raped a woman. It was much less common in urban areas of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka specialist for Partners for Preven%on, claims that this indicate where roughly only one in ten of the surveyed men confessed that more work needs to be done with younger boys from to rape. In response to these findings, Professor Rachel Jewkes violent and poten%ally trauma%c backgrounds. of South Africa’s Medical Research Council remarked “it [is] Of course, the survey is by no means an accurate clear that violence against women is far more widespread in representa%on of the en%rety of Southeast Asia and the the general popula%on than we thought”. Pacific. Nevertheless, it is clear that many of the men in these The survey also a'empted to explore some of the reasons for countries harbor deeply sexist a+tudes towards women. For why these men commi'ed such atroci%es – very oTen raping more informa%on on the survey’s findings: h'p:// their own partners. Indeed, it should be noted that most 70074-3/abstract reported cases of rape, the western world included, occur within in%mate rela%onships and feminists have %relessly a'empted to sha'er the common misconcep%on of rape
October 2013
Grenada And The End Of Free Speech By Jack Darrant free run to silence its cri%cs. Any ‘wrongdoer’ with access to strong legal representa%on can silence the printed and broadcast media with alarming ease in almost any country. However, in Grenada they can now silence the Internet too. What a regression when the Internet has been such a lifeline in ge+ng around injunc%ons and censorship. Grenada has a popula%on of just over 100,000- about the same as the Bri%sh new town of Crawley- and its territory consists solely of a small island in the Caribbean. Why should the world be worried about legal changes in such a, to be frank, insignificant corner of the globe? Apart from the widely espoused principle that injus%ce should be fought wherever it Concerns about the freedom of the press, ci%zens’ privacy on exists, the truth is that as events unfold in Grenada, sec%ons of the Internet and media censorship are already severe in the the global financial and poli%cal elite will watch events there Western world, as revela%on aTer revela%on about PRISM, sowith intense interest. It might be Grenada today, but it could called ‘lobbying transparency’ legisla%on and press regula%on be the United States tomorrow. One can hear the proposals develop in various countries. However, these pale ‘jus%fica%ons’ now: into insignificance when compared to Grenada’s Electronic “As people live more and more through the Internet, we have Crimes Act, passed earlier this month. to protect their digital lives.” The draconian legisla%on has a'racted blistering interna%onal condemna%on due to the totalitarian nature of the provisions “Just look at websites like We have a duty to tackle within it. Under the act, sending any electronic communica%on cyberbullying.” which could be considered an insult (to its recipient or anybody else), regardless of whether it is true, will be punishable by one year’s imprisonment. “Annoying” someone else on the Internet a'racts a three-year sentence, as does pos%ng any informa%on that is untrue and could create “ill will”.
“We must make the Internet a safe place for future genera%ons to use.”
In a world in which ‘digital na%ves’ (those of us who grew up using the Internet) are a small minority, and have very li'le collec%ve influence, it is perfectly possible that such an outmoded view of the digital universe could prevail. There are In otherwise, Grenada has banned sa%re. It has banned s%ll many who think that it is possible and realis%c for the debate. It has banned the shaming of wrongdoers. Such a level Internet to be ‘cleaned up’ and fully policed. Such an approach of oppression of free speech is on a par with that of North is wrongheaded. The only way to approach our rela%onship Korea. with the Internet is to understand that, just like the real world, there are parts that are safe and parts that are not so. Just as if What is also concerning is the acute lack of parliamentary a person walks down a narrow alley in a town centre at night opposi%on to the law, as the governing New Na%onal Party they can expect to encounter dubious characters, they must holds all 15 of the seats in each parliamentary house. This legisla%on was only draw up following this summer’s General expect to be trolled if they spend much %me on social media. Elec%on, meaning that a party has implemented undemocra%c No government can change that restric%ng the human right to legisla%on only aTer elimina%ng the Opposi%on by misleading free speech. voters. Observers could be forgiven for poin%ng out the similarity between Grenada’s situa%on and the cycle which has created so many military dictatorships. However, the concern is not that the state will use this legisla%on to control what people hear and say on the Internet - not yet, in any case- but that it will give the Grenadian elite a
October 2013
What has Manning taught us?
An interview with the Private Manning Support group Press Liason Interview conducted By Matteo Bergamini, written up by Michael Tavares than a year and a half. Manning was someone I looked up to immensely and had inspired me to get involved with poli%cal journalism. I was really grateful to be in the courtroom, witnessing live proceedings as they developed. (3) How was it working alongside Manning and his defence team? Just to be clear, we did not work directly with Manning. We fund Manning’s legal defence and write about the case for our website. We did talk to Manning’s laywer (David Coombs), but his co-ordina%on with our team is limited. Our main aim was to cover the case in a way which mainstream outlets fail to. For instance, during some hearings, myself and two other bloggers were the only independent means through which updates on the hearing could be channelled. Some of those hearings turned out to be incredibly consequen%al. Incidents such as the defence not gaining access to documents would not otherwise have been covered. There were mainstream outlets which did not want to cover such menial details. (4) Did you find that a lot of hearsay was evident within the Shout Out UK interviews Nathan Fuller, the Press Liaison for the mainstream media due to the level of secrecy over the trial? Private Manning support group and one of the only Journalists Absolutely. Manning’s trial was going on for months and the allowed inside the court room during Chelsea Manning's trial. New York Times didn’t have any reports on the hearings. Such (1) How did you get involved in the Chelsea Manning support circumstances led to media reporters who knew that Manning’s case was of public interest, to pathologise Manning’s gender group? issues, or to present these issues as the reasoning behind First, I would like to state that we are now the Private Manning whistle blowing. That’s just one instance of how these rumour mills kept going whilst the menial issues were being li%gated in support group. the courtroom. In 2010, when WikiLeaks became a na%onal and global topic of (5) Now that Manning has been sentenced, do you believe interest, I was in college and interested in both an%-war ac%vism and poli%cal journalism. WikiLeaks was thus the perfect that ordinary Americans believed in the work Manning did? Do convergence and I decided to write about it for my college news you think Americans view Manning as a hero or as a traitor? magazine. Shortly aTer college, Manning’s case started to gain more a'en%on. I interned with his support network, and as soon as the trial started (the pre-trial hearings in December 2011), I essen%ally became the courtroom reporter. I have been wri%ng about the case ever since. (2) How did you feel when you first stepped into the courtroom? It was an incredible feeling. I had followed this case for more
I think there has been an increase in support for Manning. People didn’t really know who Manning was in 2010, yet learned of her prison treatment in 2011. Having heard so much government rhetoric of Manning having blood on her hands, and then learning of how Manning could have released far more documents (with a greater financial cost to the US), people realise that the government really overreached in its prosecu%on of Manning. Government talk of Manning ‘the aiding the enemy offense’ was clearly embellished. Indeed,
October 2013
What has Manning taught us?
An interview with the Private Manning Support group Press Liason Interview continued people realised that talk of the death penalty was an outrageous dangerous precedent. reac%on on the part of the legal authori%es. The press were clearly threatened by the legal proceedings against Manning’s case, ci%ng her case as evidence of the (6) Do you think Manning released any documents which government’s willingness to prosecute those who wish to reveal literally ‘aided the enemy’? certain truths. There is no evidence of this sort. Even the government admi'ed (9) Would you consider Manning to be exploited by the that its own evidence was circumstan%al. They just had these tweets and documents that they couldn’t even prove Manning government for the purpose of a future precedent? If so, would you agree that this is excep-onally worrying given the US’s saw herself. The legal threshold was that Manning’s ac%vi%es historical defence of freedom and democracy? had aided al-Qaeda. What’s more, some of Manning’s supervisors had not even heard of WikiLeaks. The judge had several opportuni%es to nullify the charges against Manning. In The government said as explicitly as much in its closing argument. They emphasised the basic point of deterrence. The le+ng the trial develop, the judge had set a dangerous government’s message was clear: we need to prevent future precedent. Private Mannings. In other words, exposing crimes that damage (7) How do you feel about the sentencing of Manning and the the US’s reputa%on is not going to be tolerated. Apparently, execu%ng innocent children and women (as the documents future possibility of parole? Manning reveal demonstrate) is not damaging to the US’s Given the way in which Manning’s trial went, and the way the reputa%on. However, revealing classified documents is. This military treated her in prison and in the court room, I don’t contradic%on sends out a really disturbing message. expect a parole board to look too kindly upon her. 35 years is (10) Do you see any way out of this, or is this the end of s%ll outrageous for a whistleblower whom should not be spending a day in prison, and certainly not a day more than %me whistleblowing as far as the US Army is concerned? already served. I think the base of support around Manning led to a stronger base of support for someone like Edward Snowden. We have to Manning has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (three realise that this is a long-term ba'le. Just because the years consecu%vely) and that’s not for nothing. People realise government is going to prosecute a considerable number of that her ac%ons were not damaging to the US and were in people under the Espionage Act in such a short %me, it does not reality, contribu%ons towards peace. That’s something that mean that we are going to give up defending a worthwhile should be thanked and rewarded, rather than criminalised. cause. (8) Do you think that the media in America has been fair in its We have to learn from Manning’s experience to support presenta-on of the trial? Snowden and the whistleblowers that follow similar footsteps. The real problem was the mainstream’s absence from the first Whilst inves%ga%ve sources are drying up and the Manning few months of the trial; that is from the pre-trial hearings. The story descends as a global phenomenon, I think people will be media did not acknowledge the importance of the pre-trial. emboldened by the courage Manning had. People will come to Manning’s defence was not allowed to present a understand the self-sacrifice of Manning, and the giving up of whistleblower’s defence and was not allowed to show lack of both her freedom and future. harm in the trial proceedings (they were only able to do this We classify exponen%ally. We classified 92 million documents in once sentencing took place and Manning had been convicted 2011. Manning exposed less than 1% of that figure. Thus, the under the Espionage Act). So the government blocked damage and secured these Espionage Act convic%ons. It only then exposure of further classified documenta%on is inevitable. revealed that no serious damage had been inflicted on Manning’s part. The press did not cover the development of this (11) In your opinion, do you think there is a simplis-c reason
October 2013
What has Manning taught us?
An interview with the Private Manning Support group Press Liason Interview continued why the US is deciding to classify more documents? There are a variety of factors at play. Firstly, the secret acts of the US are horrifying. Whether it be allowing torture, or lobbying against the minimum wage in Hai%, I am not surprised that the US government does not add to public knowledge. Then we have ‘deriva%ve classifica%on’. This is the basis for this rampant escala%on in secrecy. This means that anything that references any other secret document becomes classified. So we have this systemic and seemingly perpetual process of classifica%on. This leads to a culture of secrecy which is built up in the government and this process had been developed by design. The crea%on of a culture of openness and transparency for whistleblowers is the only way we can reverse this trend. (12)Do you think that the US is priori-sing secrecy of its interna-onal opera-ons over its domes-c responsibili-es? Yes, I would have to agree with that. I think Edward Snowden’s disclosures revealing that the US is spying on our allies is testament to this trend. The recent diploma%c crises that we have witnessed are also evidence of the US’s self-percep%on as a power who can act with impunity. (13) Were WikiLeaks as suppor-ve as they could have been during Manning’s trial? They were incredibly suppor%ve during the trial. Obviously Assange has faced incredible duress of his own, but his public statements and his interac%on with the press and public included calls to support Manning. In fact, such calls were at the forefront of many of Assange’s public statements. WikiLeaks are under financial distress of their own, given the banking blockade which went on for so long. However, under such circumstances, they were s%ll able to help out in more ways than one. (14) What is your opinion on Assange: megalomaniac or freedom fighter? This is a debate which has existed since 2010, yet it is important to note that it stems from the media narra%ve around Assange. It is the result of the New York Times’ dirty characterisa%on of Assange. People focus on his personal issues or his narcissism, as was the case with Private Manning. Doing so distracts from
the real issues at hand. I don’t think narcissism is a compelling excuse for this kind of journalism. In actual fact, it’s part of a media narra%ve that has been overblown. The same can be said for the more recent case of Snowden. Mainstream media coverage focused more on Snowden’s pa%ence in Moscow Airport, than it did on his aims as a whistleblower. (15) Do you have any remaining faith in western governments, par-cularly those of the US and the UK? It’s hard to keep faith in a government that not only does these things, but does them in secret and proceeds to criminalise and pathologise those who expose such secrets. We do need an overall redress of how na%onal security systems work in the West, but this is of course a big ask. It’s incredibly difficult to gain accountability on a large scale. We couldn’t even get accountability for the previous President who lied us into war, and ini%ated a worldwide torture regime. (16) Do you think that sole ini-a-ves such as closing down Guantanamo Bay would provide enough momentum to launch a wider programme of accountability measures? Do you think this par-cular act will ever happen in the near future? I have no faith that we will see the closure of Guantanamo Bay in the near future. We did see two recent releases from Guantanamo but there is no effort to close the en%re prison. In fact, I believe several millions of dollars have been made available with the purpose of renova%ng Guantanamo Bay. Obama has been allowed to make this propellant excuse that Congress is intransient and is not going to allow him to shut Guantanamo down. We are witnessing a President who fails to go beyond populist rhetoric. (17) Obama willingly confessed his desire to intervene in Syria on supposedly humanitarian grounds. Do you think he had an ulterior mo-ve? I don’t believe the US anymore when it gives humanitarian reasons for military interven%on. We saw the same sort of excuse in Libya. Indeed, the civilian killings which were carried out there by NATO forces were overlooked. To think that killings
October 2013
What has Manning taught us?
An interview with the Private Manning Support group Press Liason Interview continued based on racial profiling were also overlooked is disgus%ng. With regard to Syria, it is claimed that the government there used cluster bombs against its own people. Just a couple of weeks ago, the US sold $641 million dollars worth of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. I certainly don’t believe humanitarian reasoning when the US is funding dictatorial regimes in both Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. (18) Would you agree that the US is more mo-vated about gains in the arms trade than it is by humanitarian support?
months. I certainly do not want him returning to the US, where he will deprived of his freedom. (22) Given Russia’s harbouring of Snowden and their vetoing of the UN resolu-on in Syria, would you agree that Russia is ac-ng on poli-cal mo-ves against the US? Russia certainly does not care for the human rights atroci%es in Syria, or elsewhere for that ma'er. They certainly have lots to gain poli%cally from the US, and their current approach seems to be working for them.
That definitely sounds plausible to me. The US has been strongly (23) Do you think it is up to so-called peripheral countries to stand up to an aggressive US to induce a balancing of power? interested in controlling the arms trade to impose its own tradi%on on gun control. It’s incredibly important to counter this percep%on of the US as a ‘global policeman’. Ecuador gran%ng asylum to Assange, and at least symbolically to Snowden, was an important step in (19) Are you concerned about future government surveillance reminding the US that it does not have the authority to control opera-ons and the secrecy this would entail? Can the secrecy other sovereign states. We need to see more countries like exposed by Manning and Snowden get worse? If so, how? Ecuador in this world. I am admi'edly worried, but I am also inspired by the tens of thousands of supporters which Manning has. If we con%nue to support figures such as Manning and Snowden, we can build a support system to be able to protect that kind of whistleblower ahead of %me. However, I am not going to deny that this process will be an uphill ba'le.
(24) Given the rise of the BRICS, do you think it is only a ma@er of -me before these countries can act independently without US economic support?
I think this process has already started. Russia already feels this way, and I don’t think it will be long before these other countries do as well. They are not going to become as powerful (20) For a support network to work, do you think there have to as the US, but it is encouraging that they will be able to provide be countries that are willing to give figures such as Assange some sort of check on its global reach. asylum? (25)Do you think the increased secrecy apparent in the US is a That seems to be the lesson which Edward Snowden took away consequence of the growth of other powers in the world? from the Manning and Assange cases. Snowden quickly realised that he would have to out himself. Snowden has admi'ed that The US seemed surprised and bi'er when these other countries stood up to them. Such acts could have acted as a wakeup call he did not want to receive the same kind of treatment which for the US, but instead resulted in an over-reac%on. It’s this Manning was exposed to. Snowden’s cau%on has proved to be paranoia which is doing the US no favours. rewarding. He was watching pa%ently from Moscow whilst Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison. (26)Which documents released by Manning were of the most significance in exposing the US’ human rights record etc? (21)Do you believe that Edward Snowden’s future rests in Russia, or do you think Russia will succumb to some sort of A lot of people cite the ‘Collateral Murder’ video as jus%fica%on compromise? for their support of WikiLeaks, Manning and even poli%cal ac%vism. Collateral Murder exposed the willingness of US forces It seems that Snowden will remain in Russia for the next few
October 2013
What has Manning taught us?
An interview with the Private Manning Support group Press Liason Interview continued to kill the innocent. All that was needed for civilians to be a target was the possession of a firearm. However, each of Manning’s releases had their own special impact. Ac%vists from Tunisia who setup ‘TuniLeaks’ have publicly thanked Manning for releasing the state department cables which highlighted the corrup%on of the now overthrown Tunisian President. These Tunisian ac%vists claim that Manning’s ac%on helped fuse the Tunisia uprising. It’s incredibly important to see the tangible contribu%on which Manning has made to such movements.
steadily over these past three years and I believe this will con%nue to grow. This support will hopefully con%nue to mount pressure on future administra%ons. (30) Do you believe that the judge which presided over Manning’s trial gave the defence a fair hearing?
Unfortunately, I think the judge leaned towards the government when it really ma'ered. When it ma'ered most (when it came to the rulings), the judge always seemed to land on the side of the government. When it came to blocking documents or blocking the key arguments of the defence, this one-sidedness was par%cularly evident. The fact that sentencing hearings were In my opinion, one of the most important set of documents is the Iraq War Logs. They provide a clear picture of this incredibly treated as classified is evidence of this judicial bias. What’s secre%ve war. The 15,000 discrepancy in body count exposed by more, it took a further two weeks for any transcrip%ons of these hearings to be released. the War Logs is just one example of how Manning added to public knowledge of the Iraq War. During the rebu'al phase, the government moved to change its (27) Do you believe figures such as George W. Bush will ever be charge sheet. They now suggested that Manning had not stolen en%re databases. Had they admi'ed this before, the accounted for their crimes in Iraq? government would have fought an en%rely different case In the near future, there is no hope of Bush facing any criminal against Manning, changing the way espionage laws were proceedings. This reality is largely a consequence of the failure interpreted. of Obama to address his predecessor’s crimes. Even recently, Unfortunately, in the military court, the tradi%on has been to Obama has approved of certain aspects of Bush’s presidency. protect your own and to not contradict military li%ga%on. It Obama is essen%ally complicit in his crimes by safeguarding Bush from prosecu%on. The contrast with Manning’s innocence would take a very brave appeals court to contest future legal ba'les against the military. We are pe%%oning General Jeffrey and her prison sentence is par%cularly disturbing. Buchanan, the authority responsible for reviewing the case, with (28)Did Chelsea Manning’s decision to change her gender have a call for him to acknowledge the judicial bias which Manning any effect on the level of support she received? was subject to. It will take public pressure for Buchanan to adopt this perspec%ve. We want Buchanan to look at the trial A lot of media outlets took longer than they should have to refer from all possible angles; from the abusive deten%on condi%ons to her as Chelsea or through the applica%on of female all the way down to this last minute charge sheet change. pronouns. However, people realised Manning’s decision was a par%cularly brave thing to do, especially given her imminent entry into an all male military prison. Added to this, is the (31)How can a military court perform in isola-on from a possibility that the jail authori%es will not provide her with the necessary hormone treatment. The American Civil Rights Union supposedly democra-c and open society? has however declared this possibility uncons%tu%onal. This is what Buchanan has to be wary of. He is mistaken if he (29) Do you think there is a general consensus amongst the US thinks he can rubber stamp the verdict without any backlash from the public. A public backlash is necessary if any form of public that Manning was a hero for what she did? accountability is going to develop within the military. On the I think there is s%ll an ongoing debate on whether Manning is a other hand, Buchanan has a real chance to ini%ate such a hero or a traitor. Nevertheless, we have seen support rise process.
October 2013
What has Manning taught us?
An interview with the Private Manning Support group Press Liason Interview continued (32) Do you think that Manning’s acqui@al is completely out of the ques-on? I don’t think her acqui'al is completely out of the ques%on. For instance, when the appeal courts eventually review the abusive deten%on condi%ons which Manning was exposed to, they will be totally jus%fied in dras%cally reducing Manning’s sentence. It was indeed stated by psychologists that Manning spent nine months too many in solitary confinement. During this %me, she spent only twenty minutes a day outside her cell. (33)Do you think bodies within the UN and groups such as Amnesty Interna-onal should have a taken a greater stand for Manning? In hindsight, we can say a lot of people should have done more. However, the UN did take an ac%ve role in at least highligh%ng Manning’s plight. The chief UN Torture Chief, Juan Mendez, did a'empt to make an official visit, but was blocked by the US military. However, Mendez did conduct a 14 month long inves%ga%on and concluded that Manning’s treatment was inhumane and degrading. This inves%ga%on in turn led to the signing of a pe%%on by 600,000 people calling for the ending of such treatment. There was also a protest near to where Manning was then being held. This all added up to the Marines being forced to move Manning to reasonable condi%ons elsewhere. David Coombs, Manning’s lawyer, has himself said that this would not have otherwise happened if it was not for public pressure and interna%onal advocacy. (34) Would you agree that Manning’s experience has alerted people to the underlying ac-ons of their governments? Manning’s case has resulted in many posi%ve causes. People are now aware of government secrecy, covert war opera%ons, how the US conducts diplomacy and treats large corpora%ons and to the injus%ce inherent in the military hierarchy. This is exactly what Manning wanted. She ul%mately called for debate, discussion and reforms.
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October 2013
Harbouring a Perspective of British Racists By Jason Okundaye In spite of me being a black second genera%on immigrant, the boy was very well mannered and answered every ques%on with no hesita%on or insult, simply politeness and honesty. He wasn’t a boy from a par%cularly sec%oned off part of England, he lives in Essex which he claimed to also be a diverse mul%-cultural county. During interview, rather than interroga%on, he stated that although he has ‘black friends and family’ he ‘hates foreigners that come over here, take money from our government and don’t put anything back’. When I reminded him that there are plenty of foreigners that come into the country and pay taxes while doing some of the bo'om end jobs, he immediately admi'ed that he was aware of this but that it appears to him that the vast majority don’t. Our conversa%on became interes%ng when I found that I wasn’t simply speaking to a Bri%sh racist idle, but a boy that has formed his own opinion through plausible argument and Racist themes are consistently prominent in Britain. Governmental denial of this is of no consequence to the reality experience. When I ques%oned him whether he is opposed to ‘gypsies’ that do not pay taxes or white benefit thieves he faced by many ethnics across the United Kingdom. Even though Britain is one of the most mul%-cultural loca%ons in the stated that he felt that this was just as disgus%ng. However, world, racism and discrimina%on will always be a problem, and his argument was that this was more forgivable as firstly; the bi'er truth is that there is no true foreseeable sight for an gypsies had been in Britain before the tax system was developed, and secondly; Bri%sh benefit thieves are stealing end to this. Angst at ignorance and racial oppression are from their own government, not another countries. Perhaps prevalent, and it appears that the need for Black or Asian there needs to be a new defini%on for this perspec%ve. A ac%vists and specialised repor%ng on racism are s%ll relevant ‘racist’ is defined as a person with a prejudiced belief that their and persistent. own race is superior to another, a supremacist principle. Interes%ngly however, the perspec%ve of the ‘racists’ However, the boy in ques%on did not feel his race was above themselves never seems to be a'empted to be understood. any others, but believed that foreigners draining money out of Plenty of us are quick to portray our anger and disgust at the the Bri%sh economy are ‘scum’ to society. Perhaps racism is ‘ignorance’ of ‘racists’ but perhaps it is necessary to consider the wrong term used and a new one is due to be coined up? their point of view. Anger seems to have done no jus%ce and It’s not easy for an ethnic to understand his point of view as he many racists are s%ll proud to call themselves racists, so is simply lambasted as a ‘racist’ and many simply don’t care to perhaps the problem must be penetrated through different a'empt to reason with a racist to understand why he or she approaches. On the social networking site twi'er I came thinks this way. across a 17 year old EDL member, gaining mass amounts of Now the most curious point of our discourse came when I nega%ve a'en%ons for his racial slurs and use of the term ‘blacks’. I had to admire his honesty, directness and charisma. discovered something surprising. The boy in ques%on was not He was daring enough to state that ‘I’m racist and so are most born in England, but the United States. He had moved to the United Kingdom when he was 4 years old and apparently has other people they’re just too scared to anything’ and that he Bri%sh ancestry but would have had to gain ci%zenship by the would ‘happily put that on twi'er’. He had no fear of the same means as someone born in China, Malaysia, Ghana, consequences of his words and although most people would simply brand him a ‘fool’, there may be a deeper issue that can Brazil or any other country. Since he himself was technically a be uncovered when witnessing these public displays of racism. foreigner, does this make his argument more jus%fiable and Among the slander and indignant tweets such as ‘my blood is valid? Although his outward appearance would label him as a simply Bri%sh racist, there is more to him than what the boiling’ I decided to follow the boy, private message him and people who chose to scorn him could see. The boy was also compose my own interview of him.
October 2013
Harbouring a Perspective of British Racists By Jason Okundaye bewildering. There are arguably double standards here. When Stephen Lawrence was murdered in April of 1993, the eventually emerging newspaper reports stated that this was a racially mo%vated a'ack by racists, iden%fying the colours and brutality of white people. However, Britain is s%ll a white society, no ma'er how mul%-cultural it is and this is something we need to iden%fy. When reports emerge of an ethnic portraying violence against a white Briton, there is anger from organisa%ons such as the EDL who believe that ethnics are poisoning and destroying Bri%sh society, where as if a Briton The problem now must be isolated and penetrated because it performs this on a second genera%on immigrant, in spite of more obscure than it seems, and a final answer is hard to truly their Bri%sh ci%zenship, it is an atrocious racist act but it is not iden%fy, though the majority of us would simply declare something that would be publicised falteringly as Britons don’t ‘racism’. This boy, as humble and polite as he was, is an EDL want to see other Britons disgracing our country. So therefore member. Over the past two months, the EDL have been a in the case of Stephen Lawrence, inves%ga%on was despicably dis%nguished menace to the Bri%sh public with reports of slow due to a country that isn’t willing to accept criminal public racially mo%vated a'acks on Muslims and Ethnics. Yes, ac%vity from true Britons themselves and a mentality that the fact that the EDL are angry about ‘immigrants taking our wishes to eschew conno%ng Bri%sh people with anything that jobs and destroying our buildings, and taking lives’ is an is vile or wicked. It’s not only in extremist instances that this is obvious observance. This is dismissed as ‘ignorance’ and the a case. Let’s make a wild personal observance here. If Andy ‘ignorant’ are not only leT to be ‘ignorant’ without any Murray wins a Grand Slam %tle he is praised as a ‘Bri%sh’ hero, educa%on of racial themes, but their ‘ignorance’ appears to be but if he is to fail he is regarded as a ‘scot’ in order to fuelled by that old scandalous enterprise we call ‘the media’. disassociate him with parts of Britain as best as possible. My On the 22nd May 2013, soldier Lee Rigby was brutally overall point is that race, religion and background appears to murdered in a jihadist a'ack in Woolwich, by Michael be used as a Bri%sh scapegoat, to channel the most nega%ve Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale. The murder was shocking situa%ons into any other source in order to not bring Bri%sh and barbaric, but what was most peculiar was the insistence in society into disrepute. recognising the fact that these were a'acks by Islamic It is difficult to comprehend the need for compromise in the extremists. There seemed to be an excitement towards media when regarding racial themes and topics. Should we discovering that the leading suspect Mr Adebolajo had draw a'en%on to the fact that a'acks are racially or religiously Nigerian roots and increased involvement in Islamic extremist mo%vated or should this be eschewed? It seems that acts and organisa%ons. The very private and unpublicised iden%fying a'acks from ethnics has led to anger and debate for many was the ques%on of whether the original increasing support from organisa%ons such as the EDL and the na%onality, skin colour or religion of the suspect should have BNP, and there may be a need for newspapers and media to been relevant. Although it may be stated as important to bring be careful when represen%ng races as there are many a'en%on to the fact that there are problems with Islamic damaging consequences, such as the emergence of extremist extremists, many Bri%sh ci%zens who see this example groups and the perpetua%ng struggle in civil compromise. As portrayed on the news will immediately and understandably for the boy I had interviewed, I know that in spite of his racist stereotype out of sheer anger, not ignorance. views his stereotyping is simply a display of the fact that he is OTen the portrayal of other ethnici%es and foreign religions fed the knowledge that immigrants are stealing from the seems to be most public when there is some nega%ve government. If it’s constantly shown on the television or in occurrence. If a white man a'acks another white man there is every newspaper, can we really blame these people for no report of a ‘white man’, but if a black man a'acks another developing a resentment towards immigrants? white man then the speed of a full scale inves%ga%on of the black man’s ancestry and immigra%on roots is simply clearly well-educated as he made intelligent references to Na%ve Americans that don’t pay taxes in the United States, jus%fying by sta%ng that the US society acknowledges that it was righ_ully and originally their land. He believed that he was a shining example of what a foreigner should do if they wish to se'le down in Britain. Get a job, contribute to the economy and not come to Britain a'emp%ng to amend the country to make it just like his or her country of origin. I had to agree with him.
October 2013
Should British Politics be introduced in to the National Curriculum? By Jessica Banoo that the government were not in their favour and thus they felt scru%nised. However, I feel like this is more to do with the lack of understanding and cohesion between the government and young people, and by introducing Bri%sh poli%cs in to the na%onal curriculum it will help bridge the gap and clear the misconcep%ons that both social groups hold of each other.
Whether or not Bri%sh Poli%cs should be introduced in to the na%onal curriculum is a topic which sparks much debate. Educa%on Secretary Michael Gove has been heavily cri%cised for his radical reforms to the educa%on system. Professor Robert Tombs, professor of French history at Cambridge University states: “It seems to focus too narrowly on poli%cs.”. He said that, under the proposals for learning about the First World War, pupils were being told they should study the impact of developments on Lloyd George’s Coali%on Government.[1] Now I’m not saying that this is the approach that should be taken when looking at how Bri%sh Poli%cs is taught in schools, but is an important factor that will help the youths of today be'er understand how the country they live in is run. A lot of young people don’t understand how laws are made and how governments are constructed, and as a result they rebel and blame the government for things that they misinterpret. The London riots in 2011 unearthed a chain of angst and aggression built up in Bri%sh youths, who claimed
The Shoutout UK campaign outlines the idea that young people have their own opinions and views on poli%cal issues, and many want to get involved and do their part to contribute to their country. The only problem is that they are hindered solely by one factor – they don’t know how to get involved. It’s frustra%ng to think that young people are unable to put across their viewpoints simply because they don’t have enough knowledge about how to do so. Suppor%ng Shoutout UK’s campaign can help solve this issue. The na%onal curriculum is already experiencing major changes but instead of demanding rigorous regimes it is fair to say that adding Bri%sh poli%cs to the syllabus will help young people develop a deeper understanding and apprecia%on for the society they live in. I think the government underes%mate the importance of teaching Bri%sh poli%cs in schools. It will enrich the lives of the genera%ons to come and may prevent the emergence of radical par%es like the BNP. By learning about all the different poli%cal par%es and the structure of the government, young people will be empowered to find their own stance and place in poli%cs. The idea of vo%ng at 18 won’t be such a daun%ng thought any more and checking current affairs will become as natural to young people as checking their Twi'er account every morning. This is the future that we want. This is the future that we need, and this is how it should have previously been; the youth of today are the poten%al leaders of tomorrow.
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October 2013
How Governments Control Google By Amanda Green
The “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube clip, blog posts accusing a Brazilian state prosecutor of corrup%on, a YouTube video that depicts state symbols in Germany “in a disparaging way”, search results that violate Israeli Penal Law by linking to cri%cism of judges. All these things have prompted removal requests submi'ed to Google by governments around the world for the company to take down the offending content[1].
country. Governments can also request user data informa%on, poten%ally gathering informa%on about its ci%zens’ or others’ internet use. Google started recording these requests in its Transparency Report in 2010 to “maximise transparency around the flow of informa%on related to … (its)… tools and services”[2]. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Iran and China have ongoing disrup%ons to Google’s services, where some or all of the services are blocked. Governments in Pakistan, Morocco, Turkey and Takijstan have also disrupted some or all of Google’s services.[3]
Governments submit content removal requests such as these, asking for any service of Google’s such as Blogger blog posts, YouTube videos, or Web Search results to be taken off the internet or blocked from users within that country. The requests come from the government departments themselves, The UK does not appear on this list of the worst offenders, but or the police, or from court orders issued within the Google did receive 108 content removal requests from the
October 2013
How Governments Control Google Continued government in the second half of 2012. This figure was an increase from just 38 during the same period in 2010[4], over double the original number of requests. What was so dangerous or offensive that it had to be removed? 24 Google Images were asked to be taken down because of “Privacy and Security” as well as 17 YouTube videos in the period July-December 2012. 58 YouTube videos had removal requests issued by the government for “Na%onal Security” reasons, and 40 items were also requested to be removed for “Defama%on”.[5] One can only wonder at the content of all this content, but unfortunately Google does not record the removed items individually. We can only guess at what might be a threat to na%onal security on YouTube.
informa%on about an astonishing amount of people. This figure has increased over the years, and at the end of 2012 the US government was recorded as having submi'ed 8,438 requests for user data informa%on from Google![15] This informa%on was requested for 14,791 users or accounts using Google’s services.[16] However the UK government issued 1,458 requests to Google for user data informa%on during the same period regarding 1,918 users or accounts.[17]
Could that have been you or me? There is no way of telling on the Transparency Report unfortunately. The reasons for these submissions are not recorded by Google, unlike the content removal requests for items on its services like pictures or videos, and therefore it is not clear why the requests for informa%on about individuals’ usage were sent. It is The UK’s top reason for removal requests has been “Privacy interes%ng to note that as well as the US government issuing and Security” since 2010, accoun%ng for 26% of all requests. far more requests, Google also complies with those requests [6] This is a reason common to other countries’ governments more oTen than for France or the UK. From 2010 up to midtoo, accoun%ng for 51% of all requests from the United States 2012, Google provided the requested informa%on in over 90% government[7] as well as 12% of those issued from France of cases, and this dropped to 88% of the %me in the second [8]. It is not specified whose privacy and security this refers to, half of the year.[18] Google provided 70% of the requested whether that of individuals, or of the government. The top informa%on to the UK government in that period, where reason for requests from both the US and the French previously it had only done so around 64% of the %me.[19] governments is “Defama%on”, at 51% and 53% respec%vely. [9] “Defama%on”, “Violence” and “Na%onal Security” are the Large mul%na%onal corpora%ons such as Google are oTen lambasted for conspiring with governments and invading UK’s 2nd, 3rd and 4th reasons for removal requests of individuals’ digital privacy. It is interes%ng that Google Google’s content, whereas in the US “Privacy and Security”, decided to launch its Transparency Report in order to provide “Trademark” and “Copyright” come next[10], and in France the world’s ci%zens with clear informa%on about their “Privacy and Security”, “Adult Content” and “Hate Speech” governments’ control of informa%on rela%ng to its services. It make up the other top 4 offending reasons[11]. is equally interes%ng to note what is omi'ed from the Who is asking Google to remove these items? report. Although it has only been running for a few years, Over 50% of the requests that are issued by the UK some of the data is quite vague, and it is not possible to know government come from the execu%ve or the police[12], exactly what governments have requested and exactly why whereas in the United States the requests are predominantly they have done so. Google should be commended for issued through court orders[13]. The US dwarfs both other releasing this informa%on and for con%nuing to grow its countries however in the number of requests it issues per recording capacity, but we should be careful not to read too year, which rose to over 300 in 2012[14]. much into its sta%s%cs when we do not have full, transparent Just as worrying perhaps, if not more so, for American ci%zens, details yet about government “censorship” or control of the internet. is the fact that the US also issues requests for user data
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October 2013
A people’s revolution in Harrow. A history in the making? By Matteo Bergamini that poli%cal par%es seem to have forgo'en their place in society. Poli%cal par%es should be there to help like-minded poli%cians bring together their recourses for a greater goal and not to act as gangs or cartels, forcing all that disagree with them out of Poli%cs.
Harrow, a Borough divided by pres%gious schools and economic extremes. This Borough has, in recent years, been split down the middle; Conserva%ves and Labour figh%ng for a few conten%ous seats to gain control of the council. Yet among this stagnant poli%cal back and forth, an astonishing revolu%on is unfolding. A couple of month’s back nine Labour councillors, including the leader of Harrow council Thaya Idaikkadar, broke away from the Labour group to form an independent poli%cal movement. The breakaway was due to a race row within the party. This issue is very local and yet does this not give a hint for things to come? Are poli%cal par%es losing the war on democracy? It is well known that both Labour and the Conserva%ves have nothing democra%c about them; both house major interest groups that
largely dictate who stands for elec%on and both have a strong whip system that forces MPs and councillors to vote on issues decided on behind closed doors, rather than by the people that elected them into power. One can remember the latest Labour leadership elec%on, where many speculated that Ed had won the elec%on over David simply thanks to the Unions. Hence, it seems very interes%ng that such a break away has occurred in Harrow. The old Labour group has lashed back sta%ng that “All nine members of the Independent Labour Group have betrayed the members of their ward who elected them.” The quote seems a li'le strange considering that the nine members broke their %es to the party, not the people that elected them. If Mr Perry, leader of the old Harrow Labour party, instead was hin%ng that the nine should have elegance to the party first and their values second, it raises the issue
This similarity to a gang or cartel was strengthened when we found that Labour Party rules indicate that members are automa%cally ineligible to be or remain a party member when they join a different poli%cal party. Surely if one’s views change he or she should not be excluded from re-joining a party. Mr Perry added: “I’m disappointed that we are where we are. The people in Harrow voted for a Labour administra%on and do n ot have one because of the Independent Labour Group’s ac%ons.” Which begs the ques%on, do we all vote for a party or for the people? I remember when I last voted I voted for the councillor that I believed in the most, for his policies and for his or her integrity despite his poli%cal orienta%on. Am I in the minority? Are our poli%cians the messengers of the people, or of the poli%cal par%es? If it’s for the par%es, is it not %me for a change? The amount of independent poli%cians is rising; Harrow has created an independent poli%cal group. Many in Britain say we have no alterna%ve but leT or right, yet this seems not to be true anymore. Since 2012, membership to all three major poli%cal par%es has dropped and is constantly dropping. Could this be the awakening of people power and the start of the end of party whip power?
Explana on: A Party Whip A Party Whip is a person, hidden behind the scenes, which demands that his or her par%es MPs follow party rule and as such the leader’s decisions and hidden financial interests, which oTen bypass the people’s interests and beliefs. An example of such ac%vity was the tui%on fee U turn by the Liberal Democrats. The people had said no to a tui%on fee rise and yet the Liberal Democrats could enforce this U turn via a whip system.
October 2013
An insight into the sector of (social) enterprise, life skills and careers. By Melody Hossaini InspirEngage Bootcamps is; It’s not me responsibility to get you a job, not the Givernment’s & nor your school etc- it’s YOUR responsibility. Yes there are circumstances to be taken into account- of course- and yes we all share responsibility (that’s why I do what I do) however, having personal responsibility is a must. A vital component of success is having the mindset that you’re responsible, that if you don’t do it- no one will. If you don’t have that- you can’t succeed. The true role of the sector Recently I had to give a lot of thought to the role of InspirEngage – and I’m so clear; we do not do it for you- we don’t pretend for a minute that we can. It’s not life long skills if the person you’re training only feels they can do it when you’re in that par%cular room with that par%cular trainer. If you’re an organisa%on/ trainer who promises to give people the map, milestones and the vehicle to get there- then no wonder people are LOST when you’re not there. There are people out there who do this purely because it’s hot on the An insight into the sector of (social) enterprise, life skills and agenda- they come from a very different sector and are turned careers. Why going with the flow is dangerous. Do what’s youth sector experts overnight. Considering how we work with right, not easy. Why auto-pilot existences is our biggest threat. individuals to support them to develop sustainable skills to The changing face of professional development and whose succeed but with social responsibility is key. responsibility is it exactly to get us to the ‘new world’? The new world BY Melody Hossaini Anyone in midst of all this, will know that the world is Success & Personal responsibility changing rapidly. The speed is shocking actually- in 10 years The deeper I get into personal development and professional the world will be unrecognisable. In my personal view-it’ll development programmes, the more it confirms- there’s no actually change for the be'er with the current rapid growth of easy access to success. There’s no such thing as a list of 1-10 to Social Enterprise. The business world was ge+ng far too follow in order to be ‘successful’. Well, firstly it depends what greedy anyway-needed a kick up the backside. In fact, I would you define as success, needless to say. The people I see, who go further to state that this colossal shiT would only occur are truly talented & whom I consider to be successful, are with something as substan%al as recession & high youththose who have taken years to build and to earn it. unemployment to push us to create new ways to address them. The other side of the tunnel will be much brighter- I can I said on BBC ‘The Appren%ce’ and I’ll say again; the best assure you. things in life aren’t free-they’re earned. Real ques%on- are you ready to EARN what you want? Celebrity entrepreneurs or And in order to truly make the most of this incredible changeextremely successful people can seem like they have it all- but we need operate long-term. Not just get people into jobs like behind the fancy story are years and years of quiet grind. sausage factories. It’ll take innova%on, which we have in As someone who designs training content / programmes and as an inspira%onal presenter- I’m always open with people: if you want it here and now, then let me tell you straight- it’s not going to happen! But if you’re ready to work hard for it & take responsibility- then it’s yours. Crucial thing here is RESPONSIBILITY. First thing I make clear when delivering the
spades-but it’ll take more. It’ll take the courage to do what’s RIGHT-not what’s easy. From here on- the road ahead So now the ques%on you’re asking- what’s right?….Well here’s where we all come in. Going back to social responsibility. My
October 2013
An insight into the sector of (social) enterprise, life skills and careers. Continued view? Life Skills, start young, connect skills to community. Make things real for people. Shake and FORCE people to ask ques%ons- of themselves. To crystalise who they are- who they want to be. WHAT THEY WANT. One of the biggest threats to us is (& remember where you heard it first): AUTO-PILOT EXISTENCES. It’s dangerous to just go with the flow. If we are to innovate then we can’t go with the flow. In fact a flow means everyone follows which = sausage factory. I hate that. It all sounds big- huge. But actually it’s simple. I’m speaking to 2 audiences here. 1) young people. And 2) my colleagues in this field. So to the young people: Show up to things and say yes to experiences- capture what you learn about yourself from those experiences. Know yourself before deciding on a path. Shrugging your shoulders like you aren’t bothered, compared to kid next to you who shows up, asks ques%ons and goes extra mile is the difference
between success & failure. Yes ,everyone is going on about business- but don’t fall for the hype. Business is amazing, but it’s not for EVERYONE. Neither is university or any other path for that ma'er. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Simple ques%on- but oTen THE most difficult thing to answer. Achieving it isn’t the most difficult thing- but simply with your whole heart, knowing the answer, is. Work on that first before you find yourself ‘going with the flow’, because the ‘flow’ is an agenda, it’s where ‘funding’ is. Not always your future. And what people don’t realise is that the price we pay for back-tracking people will be much greater than ge+ng it right, now. To find our more about InspirEngage Interna%onal visit
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October 2013 Brain Power: Test Your Knowledge (Questions)
1 Carl and the Passions changed band name to what? 2 How many rings on the Olympic flag? 3 What colour is vermilion a shade of? 4 King Zog ruled which country? 5 What colour is Spock's blood? 6 Where in your body is your patella? 7 Where can you find London bridge today? 8 What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in a Moscow mule? 9 Who was the first man in space? 10 What would you do with a Yashmak? 11 Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans? 12 Which animal lays eggs? 13 On television what was Flipper? 14 Who's band was The Quarrymen? 15 Which was the most successful Grand Na%onal horse? 16 Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man? 17 In the song Waltzing Ma%lda - What is a Jumbuck? 18 Who was Dan Dare's greatest enemy in the Eagle? 19 What is Dick Grayson be'er known as? 20 What was given on the fourth day of Christmas? 21 What was Skippy ( on TV )? 22 What does a funambulist do? 23 What is the name of Dennis the Menace's dog? 24 What are bactrians and dromedaries? 25 Who played The Fugi%ve? 26 Who was the King of Swing? 27 Who was the first man to fly across the channel? 28 Who starred as Rocky Balboa? 29 In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade? 30 Who invented the television?
October 2013 Brain Power: Test Your Knowledge (Answers)
1 Beach Boys 2 Five 3 a shade of Red 4 Albania 5 Green 6 Knee ( it's the kneecap ) 7 USA ( Arizona ) 8 Vodka 9 Yuri Gagarin 10 Wear it - it's an Arab veil 11 Judas Escariot 12 Duck billed platypus 13 Dolphin 14 John Lenon 15 Red Rum 16 Lee Majors 17 Sheep 18 Mekon 19 Robin (Batman and Robin) 20 Calling birds 21 The bush kangaroo 22 Tightrope walker 23 Gnasher 24 Camels (one hump or two) 25 David Jason 26 Benny Goodman 27 Louis Bleriot 28 Sylvester Stallone 29 Crimean 30 John Logie Baird
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