v/q 2006 Census Profile
Barriere, UNP A Designated Place (Unincorporated) located in Thompson-Nicola Geographic Classification
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Data Quality for the Profiled Area Data quality flag for this area is 01010:
More Information Our own website contains sections devoted to census and regional statistics. www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/census.asp www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/regions.asp
100% Data Quality Flag (100% sample) Data quality index showing, for the short census questionnaire (100% data), a global non-response rate higher than or equal to 5% but lower than 10%. Does not apply to the population and dwelling counts.
Statistics Canada offers community profiles. http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census06/ [continued] data/profiles/community/Index.cfm?Lang=E
The British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries offers extensive statistics, for example: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/stats/ Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has a growing statistics site. www.inac.gc.ca/pr/sts/index_e.html If you require further assistance please contact:
20% Data Quality Flag (20% sample) Data quality index showing, for the long questionnaire (20% sample data), a global non-response rate higher than or equal to 5% but lower than 10%. Does not apply to the population and dwelling counts.
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This document is one in a series of over 1,700 that cover a wide range geographic areas including Canada, the provinces and territories, Federal Electoral Districts, and the following in British Columbia: Census Sub-Divisions, Census Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomerations, Census Tracts, and Designated Places.
Produced by BC Stats, October 2007
Printed 01/11/2007
2006 Census Profile
Barriere, UNP
Geo Code
of 5
All comparisons are to British Columbia (BC)
Population by Gender & Age
Total population (as of May 16, 2006) Share of
1,209 100.0%
4,113,487 -
1,288 -6.1%
3,907,738 5.3%
Barriere 1,210 51% 50%
Total population Male Female
BC 4,113,485 49% 51%
Population by Age Group, percent distribution
2001 Census Population (as of May 15, 2001) Percent change '01-2006
km2 km2
Total dwellings (unrounded)
40 35 30
20 15
25 20
15 10
0 0-4 years
5-19 years
Marital Status & Families BC
1,000 22% 56% 5% 10% 8%
3,433,880 32% 50% 3% 8% 6%
Population 15+ years Single, never married Legally married Separated Divorced Widowed
20-44 years
65-74 years
Husband-wife families Now-married couples Without child* at home With children* at home
350 265 55% 47%
986,255 844,430 46% 54%
Common-law couples Without child* at home With children* at home
85 47% 47%
141,825 65% 35% 175,165 20% 80%
child*/children* - defined as sons and/or daughters at home
Sons and/or daughters living at home Total number Ave. per census family
335 0.9
1,202,145 1.0
Children* by Age, percent distribution
Require major repairs Tenant households, non-farm, non-reserve, private dwellings Average gross rent Gross rent spending 30% or more of hh income on shelter Gross rent 30 to 99% Owner households, non-farm, non-reserve, private dwellings Average owner's major payments Owners major payments spending 30% or more of hh income on shelter Payments 30 to 99%
6 or more persons
1,215 275 23% 24% 75%
4,054,605 566,135 14% 34% 66%
Persons in priv households Aged 65 and older % of total population Non-family persons Family persons
40 35
40 20
5 0
0 Age under six
6 to 14
15 to 17
18 to 24
25 + years
Living with relatives
BC Occupied private dwellings Ave. number of rooms Ave. number of bedrooms Persons in priv households Ave. # persons/household
500 6.6 2.8 1,205 2.4
1,643,150 6.4 2.7 4,054,110 2.5
500 85% 15% 0%
1,643,150 70% 30% 0%
Period of Construction, percent distribution Barriere
30 25
Row house 30 25 Apart. Duplex 20 15 Apart. 5+ storey 10 Apart. <5 storey 5 0 Other single attach. before 1946Moveable 1946dwelling 1960
Living alone
Barriere Occupied private dwellings Owned Rented Band housing
% Distrib., Dwellings by Structural Type Subject
With non-relatives only
Tenure & Age of Housing
20 15 10 5 19611970
Data presented in this report are subject to suppression and random rounding in order to preserve the confidentiality of respondents to the census. The effect is significant in areas with little population or where a particular category drew few responses.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population and Housing
4 to 5 persons
Percent Distribution, Living Arrangements of 65 Non-family Persons Aged 65 & Older in Barriere, UNP
Affordability (not available yet)
Occupied dwellings Regular maintenance Require minor repairs
three persons
Barriere Average value of owner-occupied private dwellings
two persons
Number, census families
35 43% 71%
one person
75 + years
Census Families by Structure
Single-parent families Male parent Female parent
45-64 years
30 25
Occupied private dwellings (unrounded)
BC 1,643,150 65% 3% 32%
Households by Size, percent distribution
Land area 2006
Barriere 500 75% 2% 24%
Private households One family Multi-family Non-family
0 before 1946- 1961- 1971- 1981- 1986- 1991- 1996- 20011946 1960 1970 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2006
The census is a rich source of demographic data for even small communities, at five year intervals. The information presented here is drawn from a large dataset. Other variables are available by request on a fee for service basis.
Produced by: BC Stats
2006 Census Profile
Barriere, UNP
All comparisons are to British Columbia (BC)
of 5
Population and dwellings BC Population, 2006 - unrounded data
Population, 2001 - (2006 boundaries) Population percentage change, 2001-2006
1,288 -6.1%
3,907,738 5.3%
Occupied private dwellings (households)
Total private dwellings (incl. seasonal, etc.)
Age and sex Total - Age 0 to 4 years 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 70 to 74 years 75 to 79 years 80 to 84 years 85 years and over
Median age (half are younger; half older)
Both Sexes
Marital status (legal marital status) Total population 15 years and over Never legally married (single) Legally married (and not separated) Separated, but still legally married Divorced Widowed
Children by age Children at home in census families Under 6 years of age 6-14 years 15-17 years 18-24 years 25 years and over Average number of children at home
BC 615 100.0% 100.0% 35 5.7% 5.1% 30 4.9% 5.6% 45 7.3% 6.6% 45 7.3% 7.0% 20 3.3% 6.7% 20 3.3% 6.0% 25 4.1% 6.1% 30 4.9% 7.0% 35 5.7% 8.1% 60 9.8% 8.3% 50 8.1% 7.8% 45 7.3% 7.1% 45 7.3% 5.3% 50 8.1% 4.1% 35 5.7% 3.5% 35 5.7% 2.8% 15 2.4% 1.8% 5 0.8% 1.3% -
BC 600 100.0% 100.0% 35 5.8% 4.7% 30 5.0% 5.1% 40 6.7% 5.9% 35 5.8% 6.3% 30 5.0% 6.3% 25 4.2% 6.0% 25 4.2% 6.3% 30 5.0% 7.1% 50 8.3% 8.2% 45 7.5% 8.4% 50 8.3% 7.8% 40 6.7% 7.0% 50 8.3% 5.2% 45 7.5% 4.1% 25 4.2% 3.5% 20 3.3% 3.1% 10 1.7% 2.5% 10 1.7% 2.4% -
Common-law status 1,000 100.0% 220 22.0% 560 56.0% 50 5.0% 100 10.0% 75 7.5%
Families Total Number of Census Families in private households
Population per sqare km.
BC 1,210 100.0% 100.0% 70 5.8% 4.9% 60 5.0% 5.4% 85 7.0% 6.2% 80 6.6% 6.7% 50 4.1% 6.5% 45 3.7% 6.0% 50 4.1% 6.2% 60 5.0% 7.1% 85 7.0% 8.1% 105 8.7% 8.4% 100 8.3% 7.8% 85 7.0% 7.0% 95 7.9% 5.2% 95 7.9% 4.1% 60 5.0% 3.5% 55 4.5% 2.9% 25 2.1% 2.2% 15 1.2% 1.8% -
BC Area, square kilometres
BC 100.0% Total population 15 years and over 32.1% Not in a common-law relationship 50.4% In a common-law relationship 3.2% 8.3% 6.0%
BC 1,000 100.0% 100.0% 885 88.5% 91.8% 115 11.5% 8.2%
BC 385
Families by size BC 335 100.0% 100.0% Census families in private households 75 22.4% 20.0% Total number of census families 135 40.3% 35.8% 2 person census families 55 16.4% 13.3% 3 person census families 40 11.9% 20.3% 4 person census families 30 9.0% 10.5% 5 or more persons cen. families 0.9 1.0
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population and Housing
Produced by: BC Stats
BC 385 100.0% 100.0% 215 55.8% 50.6% 80 20.8% 21.1% 65 16.9% 20.0% 35 9.1% 8.3%
2006 Census Profile
Barriere, UNP
All comparisons are to British Columbia (BC)
of 5
Families by type and presence and number of children (share down)
Couple families
Total Without children at home With children at home 1 child 2 children 3 or more children Lone-parent families
350 100.0% 185 52.9% 165 47.1% 75 21.4% 55 15.7% 25 7.1%
All lone-parents
Total 1 child 2 children 3 or more children
(share across)
35 100.0% 30 85.7% 0.0% 20 57.1%
BC 100.0% 61.9% 28.7% 9.3%
Couple families
Total Without children at home With children at home 1 child 2 children 3 or more children Lone-parent families
BC 100.0% 48.6% 51.4% 19.8% 22.2% 9.4%
350 185 165 75 55 25
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
BC 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
All lone-parents BC 35 100.0% 100.0% 30 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 20 100.0% 100.0%
Total 1 child 2 children 3 or more children
Married couples 265 100.0% 145 54.7% 125 47.2% 55 20.8% 40 15.1% 25 9.4%
Common-law couples BC 100.0% 45.9% 54.1% 20.1% 23.9% 10.1%
BC 85 100.0% 100.0% 40 47.1% 64.6% 40 47.1% 35.4% 20 23.5% 17.9% 15 17.6% 12.0% 0.0% 5.5%
Male parent 15 100.0% 10 66.7% 0.0% 10 66.7%
Female parent BC 100.0% 66.9% 25.3% 7.8%
Married couples 265 75.7% 145 78.4% 125 75.8% 55 73.3% 40 72.7% 25 100.0%
BC 25 100.0% 100.0% 20 80.0% 60.7% 0.0% 29.6% 10 40.0% 9.7% Common-law couples
BC 85.6% 80.9% 90.1% 87.0% 92.2% 91.6%
85 40 40 20 15 -
Male parent 15 10 10
42.9% 33.3% 50.0%
BC 14.4% 19.1% 9.9% 13.0% 7.8% 8.4%
24.3% 21.6% 24.2% 26.7% 27.3% 0.0%
Female parent BC 20.2% 21.8% 17.8% 16.8%
25 20 10
71.4% 66.7% 50.0%
BC 79.8% 78.2% 82.2% 83.2%
Private households by age and living arrangements (share down) Total persons in private households Number of persons not in census families Living with relatives Living with non-relatives only Living alone Number of census family persons Ave. number of persons per census family
(share across) Total persons in private households Number of persons not in census families Living with relatives Living with non-relatives only Living alone Number of census family persons Ave. number of persons per census family
All persons 1,215 100.0% 135 11.1% 0.0% 20 1.6% 115 9.5% 1,075 88.5% 2.8 All persons 1,215 135 20 115 1,075 2.8
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
by size Total number of private households 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 to 5 persons 6 or more persons
Under 65 years of age BC 100.0% 17.4% 2.2% 3.8% 11.4% 82.6% 2.9
940 100.0% 70 7.4% 0.0% 20 2.1% 45 4.8% 870 92.6%
BC 100.0% 14.6% 1.7% 4.1% 8.8% 85.4%
Under 65 years of age BC 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 2.9
940 77.4% 70 51.9% 20 100.0% 45 39.1% 870 80.9%
BC 86.0% 72.3% 66.6% 93.3% 66.4% 88.9%
Seniors (65 and older) BC 275 100.0% 100.0% 65 23.6% 34.5% 0.0% 5.3% 0.0% 1.8% 70 25.5% 27.3% 205 74.5% 65.5%
Seniors (65 and older) BC 275 22.6% 14.0% 65 48.1% 27.7% 33.4% 0.0% 6.7% 70 60.9% 33.6% 205 19.1% 11.1%
by average number of persons and by type 510 100.0% 125 24.5% 225 44.1% 80 15.7% 75 14.7% 15 2.9%
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population and Housing
BC 100.0% Persons in private households 28.1% Ave. # of persons in priv. h'holds 34.2% 14.8% Total number of private households 19.6% One-family households 3.3% Multiple-family households Non-family households
1,205 2.4
BC 4,054,110 2.5
500 375 10 120
100.0% 65.4% 2.5% 32.1%
Produced by: BC Stats
2006 Census Profile
Barriere, UNP
All comparisons are to British Columbia (BC)
of 5
Dwellings Number of occupied private dwellings Owned Rented Band housing
BC 500 100.0% 100.0% Number of occupied private dwellings 425 85.0% 69.7% Req'ng regular maintenance only 75 15.0% 30.1% Requiring minor repairs 0.0% 0.2% Requiring major repairs
BC 495 100.0% 100.0% 265 53.5% 67.7% 185 37.4% 24.9% 50 10.1% 7.4%
Single-detached house Semi-detached house Row house Apartment, duplex Apartment, building with 5 or more storeys Apartment, building with under 5 storeys Other single-attached house Movable dwelling
425 10 25 50
10 50 40 135 55 90 75 30
Average number of rooms per dwelling Average number of bedrooms per dwelling
85.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 10.0%
6.6 2.8
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population and Housing
49.0% 3.1% 6.8% 10.2% 7.2% 20.9% 0.2% 2.6%
Period of construction, before 1946 Period of construction, 1946 to 1960 Period of construction, 1961 to 1970 Period of construction, 1971 to 1980 Period of construction, 1981 to 1985 Period of construction, 1986 to 1990 Period of construction, 1991 to 1995 Period of construction, 1996 to 2000 Period of construction, 2001 to 2006
2.0% 10.1% 8.1% 27.3% 11.1% 0.0% 18.2% 15.2% 6.1%
7.9% 10.6% 12.8% 21.5% 9.2% 9.1% 11.8% 8.9% 8.3%
6.4 2.7
Produced by: BC Stats