tale Lindsey Bowman
Aaron Stewart
“Boo Monkey” and “Hot Tub”
Ryland Davis
“Gorgeous Glitter Muffin”
Carmella Beane “Hot Pocket”
“George W.”
Kristy Wilkins “Lil Webby”
Shamonica Stone “Boo Crust”
Robbie Hendrix “Shabana Rank”
Thank You to our SPONSORS Zinc Total Salon | Abe Koplen Clothing | Yours T
ACT I: The Setup Tim Hilliard, his wife, Michelle, and I behind the scenes at Southside thought it might be fun to take eight talented Superstar, so many friendships had singers who had busted their tails on stage already developed. A case can be and had their friends and family spend made that piling into a van doesn’t thousands of dollars so they could win a make for the best travel experience. A talent show with a trip to try out for American case can also be made that traveling Idol in New York. in a van with a bunch of people you “It’s not the destination,” I told Tim, “it’s barely know is an experience not to the journey.” be missed. Twelve people who are “I hear ya,” he told me, and it was on now lifelong friends would probably like a pot of neck bones. Once a train starts choose the latter. rolling, you pretty much got to ride it out. A trip crammed into a 15We recruited some of our closest friends to person van is pretty much like any give these kids the sendoff they deserved. elementary school field trip. Although Tim Pruitt and Stephanie Saunders of Yours we moved as a group, the buddy Truly Boutique dressed the young ladies up system pretty much kicked in from and made them look like Hollywood Starlets. the very first moment. Shamonica, Barry Koplen of Abe Koplen Clothing who is a 28-year-old mother, bonded outfitted the young men, Tim, and me in cool with Robbie, who is a 20-year-old outfits that had us all ready for primetime. college student. They could often be And after a day at Tanya Zeidler’s Zinc Total heard doing impressions and acting Salon, they all were ready for the red carpet. like brother and sister. Ryland, when We had our van gassed up by Rick Lord he wasn’t doing a spot on George W. at Fleet Management and Pacific Pride Bush impression, made fast friends and loaded seven of the eight contestants, with Carmella as both are high Michelle Hilliard, Misty Cook, and Misty’s school students and had much in son Jason and headed off to New York City. common. Aaron and Lindsey were (Tim and Michelle are co-owners of Captain the finalists in the talent show and Copy). One of the eight finalists decided were attached at the hip like Siamese that tickets to some event she had already twins. Teenagers Kristy and Jason planned trumped a trip to Donald Trump’s clicked like old friends who had hometown. All the contestants had spent six >>> MAKEOVERS weeks or so getting to know each other See the process and results on page 34.
othing | Yours Truly Boutique | Fleet Management | Pacific Pride | Captain Copy
> Tanya Zeidler and her staff at Zinc Total Salon made the contestants over, and Barry Koplen of Abe Koplen Clothing and the staff at Yours Truly dressed the contestants.
> After the makeover (left to right) Shamonica Stone, Aaron Stewart, Lindsey Bowman, Carmella Beane, Robbie Hendrix, and Kristy Wilkins
known each other for years. And then there was Tim, Michelle, Misty, and me. Like most “old” people, we tried to fit in with the younger people and eventually accepted our simultaneous roles as bright-eyed party planners and curmudgeonly party poopers. The trip pretty much went like this: Van – Road Trip – 14 Hours – Restroom Stop – Food – Restroom Stop – Way out of the Way – Restroom Stop – Hotel – Wee Hours Waiting in Line – Ticket – Nap – NY Sightseeing – Shopping – Eating – Hotel – NYC Sightseeing – Shopping – Eating – Wee Hours Waiting in Line – American Idol Tryouts – Tears – Nap – NYC Sightseeing – Shopping – Eating – Hotel – Road Trip – Fewer Restroom Stops – Home – Wash Clothes The real tale, though, is in the dashes. And in the end, no one grabbed the brass ring, but we all got what we really needed from the quest.
In Danville, Misty keeps an eye on sixteen-year-old Jason like a mother hawk but in New York she pointed towards Times Square 15 blocks “in that direction” and after 20 seconds of explaining the Manhattan street numbering system sent him off by himself to meet up with the rest of our group. Catch all of our NYC sightseeing escapades in this month’s Mystified Column on page __.
Thank You to our SPONSORS Zinc Total Salon | Abe Koplen Clothing | Yours T
ACT III: American Ideal American Idol tryouts work like this. They are held at a professional basketball arena. Our group tried out at the Izod Center in the Meadowlands where the New Jersey Nets play basketball. The entire lower level and about 1/3 of the upper level were filled. The arena holds 20,000 so there were approximately 12,000 to 15,000 people present. Of these, about 2/3 were there to try out, and 1/3 were there to support them. That means about 10,000 people tried out for American Idol that day. On Sunday, we were told to be there at 5:00 in the morning and that the gates wouldn’t open until then. We arrived at 5:00 to learn that the gates had been open since at least 12:00 and we are thousands back in line. Around 9 a.m., the line started to move. By 11:30 a.m., we had gotten wristbands and tickets to the actual tryouts which are held on Tuesday. (You can also get tickets for Monday.) The group’s brush with fame came from Robbie Hendrix bumping into a film crew from MTV just after they got their wristbands and tickets. He was trailing the group, and they asked him to sing. But just as he was the most consistently upbeat and positive person on the trip, he turned out to be the most loyal as well. Because even though he had the opportunity to sing solo for MTV, his first move was to say, “I’m here with a group.” While holding the microphone, he called the
group back to him and together they all sang “Oh Happy Day” for the MTV cameras. Enough can’t be said about loyalty. Robbie’s act of selflessness earned my own lifelong respect and admiration for him. It’s easy to forget about what’s important when you are hundreds of miles away from home. On Tuesday, you are told to arrive at 5:00 a.m. and pretty much just wait in place until they open the doors about 9:00 at which time everyone gets in fairly quickly and you take your assigned seat. The earlier you got your ticket the better your seats were. We actually had pretty good seats and found out we’d be in the first 10 percent of contestants to audition. On both days of waiting in line, occasionally a camera from American Idol will film this or that, a local television station will interview a few people, and other stations like MTV may come by every hour or so. Only the people who are on the outer edge of the line really have any chance at being
othing | Yours Truly Boutique | Fleet Management | Pacific Pride | Captain Copy
filmed, though. Several times, members of our group ended up being interviewed by this station or that station. Once inside, the crowd learned two group songs during the first two hours, and >>> INSIDER SECRET then 15,000 Before our tryouts began, for the first time in people sang American Idol history, a young man proposed together with to his girlfriend on the tryout floor. It was enthusiasm, filmed for the show and a big deal was made about it. Of course the new fiance while a made it through the tryouts so look for swooping an engagement segment on the NYC crane-mounted episode of the show early in 2009. camera captured it all for American Idol. The enthusiasm for this part of the day ranged from high for the youngest singers to extremely low for the oldest singers in our group. Around 11 a.m. auditions started. The floor of the arena was set up with 12 tables with a screen between them two judges at each table. In this first round, you don’t see Paula, Randy, or Simon. But you do audition in front of very competent members of the American Idol staff, including the main vocal coach, television producers, show band members, backup singers, and the like. One section of the arena is called down at a time and lined up in four lines. American Idol staff members sent one from each line to audition at each of the tables, so that at any given time, up to 48 people were in front of the judges. Focusing on
one table, you would find that each person gets about 30 seconds to sing the best part of their song. After all four have sung, the judges contemplate and then either send you home or let you through to the next round. About one out of every 50 singers to tryout made it through. The judges aren’t necessarily looking for just the best singers. They are looking for people to fill niches for the American Idol television show that happens to be a talent show. As such we saw people who should have made it through to the next round go home and some who shouldn’t have made it through to make it through. So in essence, you either had to have an exceptionally tremendous voice or an exceptionally terrible voice and have a great audition to absolutely make it through. Otherwise, they seemed to be passing people who sang well or better, based on demographics. Before we knew it, our auditions were starting.
Tim raced to the other side of the arena to get
photographs of the singers as they tried out. Little did he know just how difficult that would be. Our firsts to tryout were Ryland, Lindsey, and Aaron. Ryland and Lindsey were in the same group who tried out in front of the vocal coach for American Idol, and at the same time a few tables down, Aaron was trying out. Lindsey was the runner-up in the Southside Superstar competition and just before going to NYC, she won the Miss Danville Pittsylvania County Scholarship Pageant. Lindsey was the runner-up in the Southside Superstar competition, and just before going to New York, she won the Miss Danville Pittsylvania County Scholarship Pageant. In previous seasons of American Idol, beauty pageant winners who wore their crowns have been treated harshly on the show. But beautiful Lindsey proudly wore her crown and sash and sang, and the judge shook his head like he was digging it. A few seconds later, Ryland sang “I Believe I Can Fly,” and the judge shook his head even a little more like he was feeling it. But what looked like nods of approval didn’t translate into a pass into the next round. While Ryland was singing, a few tables down Aaron was simultaneously trying out. Aaron is a seasoned performer and won the Southside Superstar competition with crowd-rousing performances. But during his American Idol tryout, he stood stock still while he performed his version of a Josh Groban song that helped him win at home. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it through either.
In the stands, as I watched three of our best chances to move forward in the competition get sent home, I just might have shed a tear or two. Jason was sitting next to me and looked over and said, “Dude, it’s gonna be OK,” like I had just been sent home! I only knew that outside the arena the real singers were going to be heartbroken, and we weren’t going to get outside for a few more minutes because down on the floor the rest of our singers were in line awaiting their turns. Kristy was dressed in an adorable dress, and I watched on the arena floor as she struggled to change from flats to high heel shoes while she waited in line. I watched her glance at her phone. So I texted her, “Go Barefoot. Ull stand out for being different.” She texted me back, “Are you serious I just got em on.” Before she could really make a decision, she was swept up to a tryout table. And before we knew it, Shamonica, Robbie, Kristy, and Carmella were all up at four different judges’ tables at the same time. Across the arena, I watched Tim on his cell phone with his camera in his hand. He was talking to Will at Captain Copy about Aaron’s performance. I started frantically calling and texting him. “Tim, four of them are about to sing.” “Tim, they are in front of the judges.” “Tim Tables 4, 6, 7, 10” and so on until he finally turned back just in time. And while Tim was across the arena under pressure to photograph them trying out, all four stepped forward to sing at the exact same time! The drama was at its highest at that point. At four different tables, with four different sets of judges, our last four chances at success were singing all at the same time. It couldn’t have been staged for a movie any better. Shamonica was at the far end of the arena, and her voice was clear and carried to all corners. From the stands, she was all you could hear, and she sounded great. Robbie danced, and you could see in the judges’ faces that they were enjoying his performance. Carmella had a tremendous tryout and sang like a specialized pro. Kristy performed in high heels, and I saw the judge smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Michelle Hilliard sat there, and I could see in her face that she thought at least one of them was going to make it. She was chattering in a nervous run of giving the play-by-play on the judges’ faces. I glanced over at Misty in the next section of seats, and she looked back at me at just the right moment, our eyes locking in an “I think they are going to make it” exchange. And one by one, they were sent home.
Outside the arena, there were tears. There were hugs. It was great that they had each other to turn to in that moment. They each knew what the other was going through. A couple of them didn’t really show any emotion at all as though it were just another day at the office. As I stood there and watched how these teenagers and young adults handled their disappointment, I hoped that I would have been as mature when I was their ages. That one moment was the entire reason we had all trekked to New York City, and we were all proud to share that moment with them. Within a few minutes, the obligatory dissing of the whole process started, but it was all in good fun.
418 Trade Street Suite B Danville, VA 24541
(434) 792.1507 (behind Sheetz)
418 Trade Street Suite B
ACT IV: The Documentary In Their Own Words
le. I nds of peop of thousa t on fr d in an e ity e on a stag ew York C nded to m to go to N e chance ally just ha er im lit et lif as w aat -inlifetime th t the once unity of a I would ge 4, 2008 the opport nals – July erstar that at Fi up ss S ar le st de ch er . si lle Sup outh ft spee oked really ty of Danvi Southside oned for S honestly le ess that lo from the ci first auditi OW! I am found a dr st wishes ed when I be lly in Ryland: W d na ag fi an I t im t bu ld have e suppor I tried on, never wou Idol with th any outfits r American ow how m kn t n’ audition fo do EAT! I looked GR d patient. ve it. d his all the guys r wear. I lo e so nice an e Barry an er ve d, w lik ne en y u e ly he yo th al T r In y. rm fo r s. ul no rs Tr ilo he ld s ve ta ot ur ou cl eo Iw stom new Mak ng at Yo hing that ho can cu e pick out ved shoppi t is somet ion and w helped m t . . . YAY! Kristy: I lo tter select e outfit I go ry Koplen e just righ be th ar m a e B t h us fi d it it ca w an d g, ne t be d up cute, an len Clothin anched ou ’t find anyo . We ende do with it : I really br to Abe Kop nt! You won so is Tim Carmella wanted to d as excelle ance to go a w an ch ny g , e in To ed th t th d nt ha e ha len Clo super tale t to hear w Aaron: W at Abe Kop e. She’s so uldn’t wai he service en ir and I co ed awesom ha ok y g. lo Robbie: T m in at h az it th now has be d am ww akeup, an boring). It absolutely ething ne d m m y as an m w so in c team. d la do in di (p Z at y to as she : The day iginally w ways read cut. Then Carmella what it or cially the rite! I’m al h fun. instead of ve it, espe s! My favo uc e c’ lo I m lif in . y Z it so m y: in as s of st tw st Kri light photo shoo ld look like for the re gh and low you get raphy. The putting hi y hair shou , as soon as us photog m lo t bu ha . fa w ed s in never fails on k it ag oo im nd with hi tl A er t. ou as w I ev have a ne for breakf years better than Ryland: I era Bread ne over 30 and I look ping at Pan cond life, ft that anyo op le se st e a w n re ve re fo gi fo g be eryone be e Lynchbur ith lists lik e he told ev made it to NYC come up w we barely nny becaus to ., fu ip m as Tr a. w d It 30 mileage or . 4: ! s at om ga om The Roa e ro ro up th th g st s in es e re e ba After wak ake us gu them. s to use th tt to use th Lindsay: ebody ha tt would m who used es for Sco e van, som more tim e was, Sco as the one e er w re th he th if , d or er back in th e. We ev t, an two down ther stop. How ll momen nly to stop bathroom on the way never a du n Robbie: O ee as fu fr w h e e uc er on m th anted l. I had so much fun old was gr up was so oks jams lo b driving! : The trip e Scott Bro le. a great jo th d sa ur. di to rd g Carmella he ya in t a en bu at st , y tt Li ur after ho ! bu co !!! ho S Y to n Z to va RA what NOT h)) thanks stuck in a trip was C e ug er co ad w ro h e w ug he co ing Kristy: T ery hour (( l, consider stopped ev ong so wel a.m. one got al ry ve E : n We got up at 4:00 WHAT NOT TO Aaro and wait.” t everyone ion up ge it ry to ud b ur A jo “h to y to ts m doors t ke e as ar ic th w st T y It en rl ng ! ea ’t op Day BUY AT A YARDSALE – Getti e! Another They didn Much Fun lif s. o y erican Idol et S m h m ck A O ti of an Underwear Nose hair trimmer ! s and seat ngest days unday was e of the lo by like 8:30 r wristband nds of Robbie: S Q-tips t of there d to be on t in line fo Tongue scraper ou ha ge was thousa s e re to hi er . T w he m T y: e . a. W 5 ce dsa s g. n en nd in Li ri ou th pe ar Bobby pins no r ex . Razors d the sign ol .. D Cente merican Id since we ha time to do to the IZO Plunger of e whole A especially Toupee had lots of th , e in us w d le so ve ro . iant colors a lo big until 8a.m e with brill Toothbrush he camer e played a Baby thermometer rsey sunris py Day.” T eing in lin Je ap B g. : H ew in la h N el l ov “O m , fu ti Jockstrap ng Car Dentures g and sh see a beau nce in it r group so ere pushin to sing ou anaged to eird substa Bathing Suit people th Tongue ring awake, m tually got ntion. le with a w ill ac tt te st e at e bo W e er of a: t w m ic so a lo Thongs Toe socks Shamon e of us who . It got us s! But then ade for us in line, thos e. Hilariou ice. Retainer Wife-beater with Robbie m t Jason. N a long tim on we had ti hi in si it rd d po e ha an , at it ith th Bed sheets armpit stains laughed th S! I kicked t S Ryland: W n’ O R ve G ha . O I S Mattress d yellow Already made jello Tim’s son. t my foot! orange an ded to be ped out) hi spiring. Mouthwash and preten Earphones le had cam as it was in op pe re Kristy: Ryl midating ti whe in om as fr Dental floss as as Catheter w cw re (I guess it sea of traffi unless you’ Packaged meat Bed pan d endless s it for you, ildings an ha bu rk e th Yo of ew Cloth diapers N ze t Visit you need, he sheer si ve fun. NYC – Firs whatever htening. T n really ha . I am sure almost frig and you ca e skyline! em as th off w th e rs lf se in I ea se le w Kristy: the city it imaginab e way. the shock roaching s along th everything king. u jump in, ano. It Aaron: App r little shop rever with a lot of wal ol, once yo e “BIG” pi he fo ly th po ot on te y d on ill ni go fi an ch , nd de a ar ou they as za ar e w e d ba e lik er k pe er w al m em Much like th w ey ju d gs se tion, a side paced, an wartz and floor . . . th he buildin to the 3rd g was fast Central Sta to FAO Sch in it t Ryland: T nd e th en a. ra ry ad w G Te m d ve t at E d t an h r Swee azing! e stops p Tower an I hung ou issues wit looking fo say is . . . am Square. We also mad obbie and to the Trum few minor a: All I can We went t things. R We had a e. en Times e. or er at m st ff r as di Shamonic A fo w B N ce all could do ur first stop t experien ci, and the so that we Robbie: O was a grea do. Prada, Guc ts, so this We split up allowed to stores like or t a: st sp ic no n pa ve o lly d lo I ca am ke ! ni al Sh er w ch ev e te e W as ac n! w pl he est uch fu ly the cool drinks that was so m re . . probab er us free e rest off. of a Pedicu PN Zone . ying to off t. We S tr E s closing th at ee er oy out in need pl had a blas nn e di ab em e W lk . d at ta m an e G . eu W M .. us O police nt m e h. ra ax th uc au w Lindsay: m nd st e at hi th er of the re walked th ded up be ds. That’s e ag en au lif e an ss y w m m Tu o e e in th rm r am t up with Ja ut I’ve neve ent to Mad ay to mee great!!! B tiful! We w !!!! It was e on our w was beau 2 rk er h It ay w . Yo it D e – d w ew C N ve le along wit NY ll day in solutely lo . Then whi just going e got a fu azing. I ab of pictures e. nd them, am ns ov ou is to m Kristy: W ar y g it to ok C in to ne eo ppen : New York in 4D, and y” tell som t what is ha Carmella ed a movie section of to “politel ring abou Sweet! le in that oke, watch the need VE IT!!! t really ca op el ere. It was fe LO no pe th y n ey of io as sa p th sang kara w ct u r ou re yo 26 ve gr di cow. I had t an ne y y ay C D en er ol he . H d er w ev re i. ff ua di ing s in L, an and Arman as time sq efinitely a line at TR the street reet, honk w ce D d st rt sa y e. oo er fl er ar pa V le ev qu te S t in y favori mper on cool. Peop of us wen than Times . Kristy: M mper to bu e is really And a few uch nicer . Idol events imes Squar s are pretty much bu er awesome! t’s insane hich was m ere not at w as ha , T w ! ea ch ce ar Ryland: T hi ar sa e w C iliar manag that we w er nu y s. y, V m it ve es fa in da C A e in 0 a h A is th B 00 5t on h bu it tN er the $10, their own d spoke w got to visi nt manag k around was over I le an al e! et t ta w ar a ck ou to h ja es t it ab ng ar e go ng w ce stor cimal! A lo ng you he touch.” h a meeti Lindsay: W re all the ni RE the de as everythi e’ll keep in me up wit this is whe got to digits BEFO er) was able to set h” and “W my. She w 5 to nc h lu town, and it na A w do s g ’s y’ up and also at a price ta ty and Gre often: “Let tire city lit North The et id en e B e sa y th e th gl m e U never seen sh ro e se d an rs (f s lik g! I got to ne “baby” rry Meado d TV show be amazin gy’s. Aaron: Je adway an lled everyo rned out to e bus thin nts on Bro tu ing, she ca os ie cl th ng ch ri s hi of s w e ha . ay . on She alw at night . d a ride on phone was r bus tour and hitche speak. The uble-decke us met up do a of l al ng ki n ta Kristy: The talked into e also got Lindsay: W
e lice
ong with ove. n of had
s. anager
also got to
ful. I s beauti thing wa orth it! n! Every w fu L L ch E u m as W e . It was so city. It w e and th e bus rid Brooklyn hout the C was th s throug Town, to Y g a N in in d in il h u C g b , to thin amazing itions. s Square favorite r our aud any more LKING yay! My om Time g and m get up fo over – fr A in ll to d W a il d O d u a B N h re e u te best part before w rk! We to mpire Sta urs… the of hours f New Yo nd the E g in 2 ho atures o a couple away!) a in r fe r l th fo u fa . ry rf g ly e e m n in v d uld ro e tak ut o e won ent, I wo e almost Liberty (f e bed, b s breath see som tatue of appointm g. got to se …. It wa got in th S is e n e e d ly W W h k ! th . o e it e p e m ro W B so sle inin got to se ew York. e river in was awe to expla couldn’t d from N ding so used ow that that we across th I returne one stan become ity from uditions Kristy: N n ry e a C e e v r h v a u rk e w h o o I Y t le to n u o o ew op or b ti e o N a p d ta f d t o e ci e e it w re th re e g vie ned so exc rough th s I would and ope We were en go th estion a I got up Robbie: asked qu I would th g on our door. ly d n n a o m ?” uld sing n m . in o people co of knock outs ma pants e most co , and Sim 10,000+ e sound my paja y, Paula n Idol Try ?” was th ll t same d th a it u ca n e y t b ri e a b a k e th n R a n t o r th m e a m g A fo u ok in ut , so you sing ith noth ether! B I were w o, did yo re there g ow! e id w d “S n w y to sh : “D a a e n g e n w sk rw in ro th a o e r ng Aa Jaso in the do dition fo ext, they g the tim u people si o early. n g N a ri y times . in to u n .” d to 0 y d a o n 5 t a s a m t u “n w g t n e ou bo s st say hear tha song ab e were a rn two so a.m. cam to go. Here I wa e to a w 0 le th n zy :0 s e g a 4 u h n : cr e w e ad u sa was Robbie ready wait in. art to m t until yo s, they m g and it ssed and ng line to ence. Ye ’t seem sm It was fun at firs rmonizin there dre g experi ich didn nother lo were ha ” in a h y. le st w d ’s p . a It re o . e : e . te R a P t ic lse ol. n in groups and “Ge Shamon eryone e us up in ind of co finitely a est Shot” off to ev ey lined ed out k B It was de ) r w th : rn s. u o y u rt tu o sh o Y sa n y h d ll h o s g to Lin actua g Story S it Me Wit mera wa and tryin r. Which ight. Lon to see n the ca group: “H ing loud togethe ere (whe a HUGE as happy got it stra s cool! e is sing w s e a n a e o w w s w t t g ry u a e n so b h v , so y f four. I w .T rk o o rg o ck s e tw p w n lu u time, e e r d d f e e ro o o p g ll arn go f pa a: We le judges in d to be fu wish everybody e kind o Carmell sang for suppose e to som ey ited. We me out to t to audition du We were when th xc . e ca a r h s s. e a d rk h n th a . . ood. So ra ok co ge Sp ut I was for 30 se : Jordin ve the lo to even ot very g b a a n g g h ic s, n in re t u n o e o sa o o g n w e rv m e w e id sn’t Sha wasn’t n e, but I d next to m dges and ght I wa y ic u ll ju le o o a v p m o th re g o I I e n d , : p e azi Kristy udition two ran dition, d an am ther thre front of r me to a that I ha er the au all. The o h. of four in n it came time fo ation aft the table ition wit ve it my st t d a a u g V a T d le n p ld e rk a o u h o Y W wo o pe t up there y a New Ryland: . up that I y the tw iewed b ng. I wen ot down 0! ith my as told b in my gro get interv Number 49 of 5 turn to si happy w de it. I w we got sh y Lindsay id , a d m e m I n s t s a o u u y w . f b still very .B o it ry s e h e e d a n g ll n n u w a O o a I o : g , n , n t ie re e a ork less Robb wasn’t ok. own the know th e New Y one the at we crown! It a: I got d ey let us not the lo under th group th ing for. N Carmell sash and e table th ve the voice, just Web site ere look told the ty e th s n w e u th y to g o e n d C p o th u ju ia is . e an I ha hat called us y picture me 100% . Well, th -Pittsylv eren’t w g for. So pported Danville rapher. M oices, we just w red to be re lookin as too ti e who su l photog my Miss v they we s go up. o w m d I re o o Id o h o e se w t g u a th n y V rating all nd eca : I eve taken by ll had re ake the T ith me a s at all b to a u w m o e o Lindsay h re w to rv p e t e y le a n th p ’t th o ple o got m y group lent. crazy pe t. I wasn had peo and I als e told m had no ta nnie Rait g for the r what, I The Judg ple who u” by Bo the re lookin o matte o o a n e Y y t p e e a v k o th th ic L – Ryland: p eeing all d e ew Make M tinued to this roun t place. S rial, and and I kn n a ’t n in n th co t io a n it C y in d e le u e u o th ta b a ut for g “Y emo creepy to ing for, b looking . e wall m ica: I san ere look y aren’t , though as almost rn candles by th Shamon that the ing. It w rience it at they w u e w h b lm o xp w e to e h sh ’t s n to e rw u t still e s to I v n o e o g ti d were o I n n g ry a d e co , st la V e g on ro. urch : But it ju there. I’m ith some ne. A ch round Ze Lindsay split it w ce down ll had do visited G I had to ue to pla at they a . n time and h n ti w e st n se la te co r a e ci ve ple r th h I had e me appre that peo e city fo al Visits sandwic y made flowers ack to th NYC Fin d me reall and see e biggest ti e went b g eing vote t th W a in : e rn th y b u g sa b to rin ill ded up b Lind That had s lost du ink it en ething st e . v li th m li e I f l so D o lo e ie s eg ing name real to se d up orst sing as at Carn it feel so ays ende do the w t night w it made hich alw (w ho could stop tha s w st f ib o la L r d st u O Ma nte ughing. Robbie: lol), and e had co f mine. ing out la good at ained, w eat all o was bust as really es entert I couldn’t w . lv . d e . n rs h la u g y o p ou (which R s. To kee ice job th ome contests as alway s ha-ha n p Back H d singing was fun a song wa b t ck a a s, b e th Road Tri k t ip a tr h . Just s, jo he road g for me cott. n know w filled with storie Kristy: T le rootin ing for S on’t eve p o d y o I g a ew e . d n p . id n d f . d e o h fu e t in it a w I had a lo back as I have ga Ryland w e trip home was ortunity. s coming ad Rules. p e Th o p : R m o a ti e w ll y e o m n ti sh ma Carm -in-a-life the MTV -forget early as kward). as a once like we were on never-to to stop n being aw s truly a d! This w lt a n’t have rl happy w fe o id s d It It a w . . e w e e I ip W n tr o nd in th Robbie: amazing rience, a ave every nything e is a le as one r th xp e to fo e n m d o g it o te h gs zin de lent. I ha , and hu uly ama ldn’t tra returned u t ta rs tr o u a e a b v w s te r a a d h ts s, ta n w ke . It on’t ough me a e Supers smiles, jo ’t ever be again Final Th n that I d a great ti eloped. Southsid y laughs, not mea ica: I had that dev ants from ably won ere man it, does b st e w ro te k Shamon p n a re d e of family m co n h k I got s a ’t T se a , in . n n d fe ft id th n se li I d le e I e y d e n n m a th .W ,a in because ories! e most is talented s come to brothers like this m a th d e w h ce n d e a n m fe in e g a d m ri m , n n ti e y azi ers life friends a en an exp er moth s out in m all so am trip of a never be uple oth uly stick ey were Well, the ers, a co g that tr I did. Th here has st t in T Ryland: . a si th e th w e m n le r fe o p a o at I know ce fo rget. The up of pe aughter, eople th experien l never fo h the gro ained a d m this, p il g it o I w w r. Words fr I d e it n le ce a p rm re n o r, o e e pe g to sha as a perf an experi e’s moth mazing ole thin n ch a is o u t It a ry m . e e re e y. h v g il so . e m y . T wh e big fam edible ti isty was ence this elped m t so man anything cr ri M h e r e in s . m fo it n xp W e a e it d v e n d I’ e a to rg ha ad eo for me. lad I got ha -ha )) Aaron: I ouldn’t tr dreds named G I am so g xperience g all teary eyed ence. I w and hun ed a son AZING e trip, and g experi gained, ttin M is s Tim gain e in A g th n in ce n a a n m o g e s I’ . s a ri a nw xpe now ely in-law at friend taken, e s definit so you k mpetitio a fathersome gre f this wa chances and just er Star co : I made fact that For all o s made, ou . . . (( . y side Sup ip ip r th tr sh fo u d Lindsay o rk n re just the S o e e like I e New Y make it, at it. Fri nd be th he whole a ’t th p T n r e it. I felt : m lp k y id fo e a ju d st h I m m ri ld t a to u ’t K a I ing o n l g th w id in fu I d ct t g I th te a y t fa a ra n a e th th ely ain oa ly g my mind sly. Not for th re than the fact s definit would d . extreme u a in d o w t w ri te b o it u h se t in o u o e Y b o p ad scrib YBOD ed me m ely disap ally was, ere isn’t can’t de iss EVER ily crush as definit what it re again, th zing. I m ver. ll my fam ce to go ore than aking. I w re n te m a re y fo b ll g was ama s ch a rt u in e a tu h e ct th n it xpe If given e to eve mostly H will be w . I was e Robbie: ould hav ing, and this trip just hurt s taken, g, Annoy g that I w thing. It in in re ir w ry tu T o e , ic v n g p e k n f d o o in an g, L port me ifferent rustratin they sup g to be d Kristy: F n though was goin e v it e t , h n g w u I tho body do it back. ing every n’t take . was lett e. I would I had ever taken m r fo ce ip experien e best tr th s a w is Th Robbie: