Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
A New Day for Healthcare in the Region Quality care should always be available
close to home.
Danville Regional has
perhaps commitment
more has
importantly, been
been proud to serve our community with
by every physician, nurse and healthcare
more than 30 medical specialties, for more
than 120 years. Today, we are raising the
to strengthen our ability to provide
bar and welcoming a new day – as we
the right care – right here for years to come.
move forward with even more resources and a greater commitment to quality care.
and a difference that you’ll hear from
Danville Regional is a Duke Medicine
your loved ones, friends and neighbors
Quality Affiliate hospital. Just as our
who receive care at Danville Regional
cardiovascular affiliation with Duke is
Medical Center.
bringing renowned cardiac care to our region, the Quality Affiliation will provide additional resources to enhance patient
Today is a new day for healthcare in the region.
safety and clinical quality hospital-wide.
A Discussion with Eric Deaton, Chief Executive Officer What is the new program with Duke University Health System? It is an expanded relationship with Duke University Health System, formalizing a comprehensive hospital patient safety and quality affiliation program here at Danville Regional Medical Center.
Duke has worked with Danville Regional’s cardiovascular team and the Danville Regional Heart Center for a number of years. With the Heart Affiliation, there has been an ever-increasing focus on quality resulting in measureable improvements in clinical care process measures and outcomes.
Each day, the team at Danville Regional works to improve the quality of care provided to our patients. Affiliating with the renowned quality experts at Duke will take Danville Regional to a new level and continue to move the hospital towards exceeding all of our quality measures.
What changes will the community see as a result of this affiliation?
The end result is that we constantly raise the bar and provide exceptional quality care to our patients.
We look forward to the expanded collaboration. This is an opportunity to better serve patients in the Dan River region.
Why is DRMC affiliation now?
Throughout the country, hospitals are in various stages of evaluating their processes and improving quality standards. We wanted to be proactive and align ourselves with quality experts. Duke is here today because they recognized our focus and dedication to continuous improvement and providing quality healthcare. We appreciate the confidence Duke has placed in our hospital and the services we provide. We believe that with Duke’s affiliation and the focus on each area of the hospital, we will take Danville Regional to a new level. We expect to achieve continuous improvement in quality performance.
One notable change, we will hire a Patient Safety Officer who will report to me. The sole purpose of this position will be to ensure our patients receive quality care.
Please let me know what you think of Danville Regional and our commitment to the region.
Emerge! PUBLISHER A n d r ew S c o t t B ro o k s s c o t t @ e m e r ge va . c o m
Publisher’s Note
Building the Next Level of Leaders
C O N T E N T E D I TO R , P U B L I C R E L AT I O N S, & SALES Selena Lipscomb s e l e n a @ e m e r ge va . c o m 434.429.9795
SALES Larry Oldham l a r r y @ e m e r ge va . c o m 434.728.3713
God in His infinite wisdom Did not make me very wiseSo when my actions are stupid They hardly take God by surprise
- Langston Hughes We need a new breed -- Leaders, Stand Up, Organize Don’t let your children watch television until they know how to read Or else all they’ll know how to do is cuss, fight and breed No child is bad from the beginning... they only imitate their atmosphere If they’re in the company of tourists, alcohol and US history What’s to be expected is 3 minus 3... absolutely nothing
M E E T T H E W R I T E R S - FA L L 2 0 1 1 D e ’ j a L ew i s, D e l b e r t D a v i s, C i n dy M a r t i n , Ro b i n D a b n ey, D e a n a Fo r b e s, A n ge l a H a r r i s, E l a i n e C a m p b e l l , A d r i e n n e To o m e r, S h a l o n d a S t o n - B u r t o n, Jo s e p h G ra ve s, Constance Covington, Larry Campbell, R i Ke ra T h o r n t o n , C ra f t S u t t o n , D r. T i f f a ny B a i l ey L a s h , D r. Ta s h n i - A n n D u b roy, D e l a wa r e C l a r k , G y S G T D a r r e l l G u n t e r, C h e ’ C h a n ey - M i t c h e l l , Jo h n n i e F u l l e r w i n d e r, Pe t r i n a C a r t e r, J e r r y W i l s o n , L a s h e e ra L e e, K i t t y C h a n ey, W i n s t o n C h a n ey, T i m M a l o n e, S e l e n a L i p s c o m b, I m ma n u e l M a r t i n P RO O F R E A D E R Tra c y Ja c o b s P H OTO G R A P H E R C a t h e r i n e H a r i s t o n - Fo r b e s
- Prince
AC C O U N T I N G C i n dy A s t i n c i n dy @ e m e r ge va . c o m
Songwriters and poets through history have recognized that “the children are our future.” It is our obligation to “teach them well and let them lead the way.” But, even as we look to the future, we must learn from the successes and mistakes of the past. In this issue of Emerge, we take a look at the youth and how they will help lead us into the future.
e m e r g e \ i h - m u r g \ ve rb 1 . t o c o m e fo r t h i n t o v i ew 2. to come up or arise 3 . t o c o m e i n t o ex i s t e n c e
We’ve spent a little extra time on this issue trying to make sure that we can continue to improve. But, ultimately, for this community magazine to find its way, we need you to help guide us. Please send us your story ideas. Let us share your writings and photographs. And please support our advertisers. The advertisers are who make this all possible. Let them know that you saw them in Emerge. And if your employer or place of business isn’t advertising in Emerge, ask them why they aren’t. Thank you for your continued support.
Andrew Scott Brooks P U B L I S H ER
Cover photo taken by Askia Jones of Plaid Park Branding Agency. EmErgE
D I R E C TO R O F G R A P H I C S & D E S I G N M e l v i n Ja c o b s m e l v i n @ e m e r ge va . c o m
! | Fall
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Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
E d i t o r i a l Po l i c i e s : D a n R i ve r E m e rg e ! i s a q u a r t e r l y m a ga z i n e co ve r i n g a l l a s p e c t s o f l i f e i n t h e D a n R i ve r r e g i o n a s s e e n f ro m a n A f r i c a n - A m e r i c a n p e r s p e c t i ve. We p r i n t a n d d i s t r i b u t e f r e e o f c h a r ge, d u e e n t i r e l y t o t h e b a c k i n g o f o u r a d ve r t i s e r s. W i t h i n o u r p a ge s a p p e a r v i ew s f ro m a c ro s s t h e s o c i a l s p e c t r u m . A l t h o u g h t h e v i ew s ex p r e s s e d m ay n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h e v i ew s o f t h e p u b l i s h e r, e d i t o r, o r s t a f f, we a l l s u p p o r t t h e f r e e d o m o f ex p r e s s i o n . I ro n i c a l l y, we r e s e r ve t h e r i g h t t o a c c e p t , reject, and edit all submissions and a d ve r t i s e m e n t s. D a n R i ve r E m e rg e ! M a g a z i n e 753 Main Street #3 D a n v i l l e, V i r g i n i a 2 4 5 4 1 877.638.8685 w w w. e m e r ge va . c o m © 2 0 1 1 - A n d r ew B ro o k s M e d i a G ro u p - A l l R i g h t s Re s e r ve d Re p ro d u c t i o n s o r u s e i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t i n a ny m e d i u m w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e p u b l i s h e r i s s t r i c t ly p ro h i b i t e d . We e n c o u ra ge yo u t o ex p r e s s yo u r s e l f. P l e a s e e m a i l t o s u b m i s s i o n s @ e m e r ge va . c o m w i t h s t o r y i d e a s, p o e t r y, f i c t i o n , a n d a ny t y p e o f c o n t e n t yo u m ay f e e l l e d t o s h a r e. T h i s i s a l a b o r o f l o ve. Fo r t h e W i n t e r E d i t i o n , t h e d e a d l i n e fo r s u b m i s s i o n s i s D e c e m b e r 1 5 t h . T h e a d ve r t i s i n g d e a d l i n e i s Ja n u a r y 1 5 t h .
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Fall 2011 ! e g r e m E
It is not only important that we build a strong community but we must also build a healthy and intelligent one also. In this issue you will be introduced to programs and people that are
dedicated to empowering our future decision makers and leaders. Meet our new Emerge! Personal Trainer with tips on getting and staying fit. Catch the new Emerge! Beauty Buzz from Tea and Honey Blends. We will also bring you up to speed on what is happening in Danville with the legendary Wendell Scott Pit Crew, in our exclusive interview with the Wendell Scott Foundation.
Everyone is reading
Another One Bites the Dust
Book Bags 101: The Quest
Lessons from the Storm
Urban Teens Read
Reaching Out | Faces of Our Children
Making a Wish
Home for the Holidays
Patricia Daniel: Everybody’s Big Sister
BEAUTY BUZZ: Tea & Honey & Hair
Art & Poetry
Camp Grove Community Garden
Education Beyond High School
I Want to Be Like Mike
Emerge Get’s Fit
The Dancing Angel
BOOK REVIEW: Imani’s Heart
The Music & Life of Shaun “Witness” Woods
Danville’s Homeboy: Winston Chaney
Danville’s Homegirl: Kitty Chaney
The Fountain of Youth
Thank You to our Advertisers! 2 Danville Regional Medical Center 5 Highlander Restaurant 7 Woodall Automotive 10 Organo Gold 13 Abe Koplen Clothing Company 13 Negril 19 Piedmont Credit Union 19 Beyond Accessories
21 21 21 29 30 35 35 37
Denim Stax Stayhood Productions Catherine L Harris Photography Goodwill Industries Danville Regional Foundation Adult Care Options Yates Home Sales Gold Star Mortgage
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37 Martinizing Dry Cleaning 37 Piedmont Preferred Women’s Healthcare Associates 40 Piedmont Hematology & Oncology 40 Danville Community College 43 Danville Toyota 44 URW Community Federal Credit Union
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Preparing the Next
Upward Bound
“To enable opportunities in education among low-income, first generation students facing adversity and disadvantaged circumstances in hopes of overcoming their challenges for access to higher education” - Robin M. Dabney, EdS. Upward Bound Programs are federally funded programs designed to assist high school students prepare and attend college immediately after high school graduation. Program services include 2 main components; Academic Year Component and a Summer Component. Academic year services structures academic performance while increasing proficiency levels in core subjects such as math (Algebra 1 – Pre-Calculus); Writing; Reading; foreign language; Science as well as offer Focus Workshops on building Study Skills and Time Management techniques. Additional workshops offered are financial aid and scholarships; college placement preparation and test registration for PSAT, SAT, and ACT; personal budgeting; and Cultural/Career Awareness. Upward Bound’s Summer Component is a six-week residential component, exposing students to college-life while living on a college campus. Students attend classes based on their upcoming school schedule.
Class subjects include Math (Algebra 1 – Pre-Calculus); Science; Foreign Language; Financial Literacy; PSAT & SAT Test Preparation; Reading and Writing Concepts. While living the college experience, students learn to build positive relationships with peers and teachers to further advance in their educational experiences. Teachers are hired from the Danville/Pittsylvania County Public Schools to facilitate academic support in core areas. While 9th – 12th grade students experience a summer residential component, graduating high school seniors are enrolled in a Summer Bridge/WorkStudy Program offered by DCC Upward Bound Program. Graduating seniors attend Danville Community College (DCC) during the summer term in support of their upcoming college enrollment. Participating students earn up to 6- college credit hours that will transfer to their attending college in the Fall. Summer Bridge students also earn money while attending DCC through a Work-study program. Work-study services place students in a workenvironment based on their college major or career interest and pay students throughout their summer enrollment at DCC.
What is a leader?
“The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.”
“Since my employment with Danville Community College’s Upward Bound Program, I’ve witnessed numerous students from hardship circumstances and lack of proficiency levels not only graduate from high school on-time, but the inspiration and support of this program motivated their capabilities to enable them to attend college immediately after high school graduation. College is not just an unreached dream for them; it becomes a reality. Witnessing this keeps me enthusiastic and eager to continue working in opportunities for higher education.” - Robin M. Dabney, EdS. Deja Lewis Upward Bound Participant
One simple quote by Henry Kissinger means more than what we would assume. Kissinger’s meaning of leadership is to get someone to do something that they haven’t done before or isn’t sure is even possible. That is a true leader. In our community, there are plenty of talented citizens who have big dreams but are not motivated to pursue them. The challenge is finding strong, positive leaders who can really drive our community to success and give us the motivation we need. Leaders should do all these, but most of all they should be a friend. They should be the person who we trust the most to help get through anything from school to work to home. If we had more positive leaders in our community then we can see our society through brighter eyes.
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Chatham Boys and Girls Club by CINDY MARTIN
School’s back in session and every afternoon, a little after 3 o’clock, kids burst through the front door of the Chatham Community Center, the facility that houses the Boys & Girls Club in Chatham. Although coming to the club is “old school” for many of the returning kids, you can still feel their happiness and excitement as they enter the club. Why? Because they have fun! They get to play and hang out with their friends. But there is another aspect to the club’s environment, learning. The staff at the Chatham Club realizes that, like any “club,” it has to be fun – or the kids won’t come. They also realize that their mission is to help the kids grow, make sensible, prudent choices and be able to take on responsibility as they get older.
The Cardinal Village Youth Center Located at 1004 Bonner Ave recently won a 2nd place award and recognition in the category of “Group Effort of the Year”. The award was given at the Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference,
Each Club member is asked to take part in a community service project. So you may see kids at the local park, picking up trash, or at the humane society, helping wash dogs! Let’s talk about one young member, Quandra Tunstall. Quandra is a second grader at Chatham Elementary School. She participated in the “Get Fit-Stay Fit” curriculum through the Healthy and Life Skills program. This took some of her excess weight off, and she participated in Basketball Camp in an effort to stay active. Quandra volunteers on a weekly basis, helping clean up at the Club, helping at sign-in and collecting trash. She also participated in nursing home visits as well as caroling at Christmas. She spread her cheer and happy attitude further by taking part in arts and crafts and playing Bingo at Chatham Health and Rehabilitation. When she started coming to the club, she was a very shy girl, but through the staff ’s mentoring, and the various programs, she became more confident, more active, and even at her young age began to understand which was held in Williamsburg, Virginia on September 22-23, 2011. This group of residents and volunteers strives daily to enhance the quality of life for the children and residents of their community. They meet Monday – Wednesday from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. to assist the youth of their community with homework and school projects. Their goal is to make learning interesting and fun. The group is best known for their tea parties, fun days, exercise sessions, spa days, princess parties, Read 2 Me story telling sessions, tutorial sessions
about giving back and helping others. Another child in Quandra’s family joined the club because of her enthusiastic attitude. Quandra is only one example of many kids that come to the Club and find their “place.”
Quandra Tunstall
and community garden. Every program offered is designed to motivate and inspire participants, as they are taught lessons and life skills. This group is a hidden educational asset in our city and in the public housing community. Residents and volunteers are encouraged to stop on by and share their talents and knowledge with their children. The Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, along with the management staff of Cardinal Village, provide encouragement and support all programs offered to the residents. Our volunteers: Christine Brooks, Brenda Jones, Josephine Davis, Frankie and Janice Jackson, Dumetris Monroe and Renee Stone are the reason the program offered by the Cardinal Village Youth Center are so successful and most deserving of this award. Constance H. Covington Youth Center Director Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Another One Bites the Dust by DEANA FORBES
Before I knew it I had bitten that little boy on the butt. I don’t know what made me choose such a spot. Perhaps it was just the closest body part to me. When my teacher heard his agonizing scream she immediately hopped up and said “Deana!...What did you do to him? Go to time out!”
Deana Forbes is a student at George Washington High School So there I was at Head Start with my skinny little arms folded, eyebrows raised, and feet dangling back and forth in a timeout chair that was too big for me. All I could think was, Oh well…shoot he shouldn’t have messed with us. It all started when my teacher was reading us a story about the infamous three little pigs. My best friend and I always sat side by side on the story-telling carpet. This was a time that we dreaded, not because the stories were boring, but because of this bald-headed, trouble-making little boy who picked on us every single day at story time. My teacher was in the middle of the story when the little boy decided he wanted to pull my friend’s ponytail. The only thing I remember was my frustration level was through the roof. I was going to stand up for my best friend, and my teeth clenched together so that all I heard was “ahhhhhhh!”
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
I really did not care because he had it coming one way or another if you ask me. I just knew that my parents would be furious, but surprisingly their reaction was not what I expected . My parents had always taught me to keep my hands to myself… but they didn’t say anything about teeth. When my mother came later on that afternoon, I was still in time-out. My teacher called me over and told me to tell my mother what I had done. As I recounted, my mother’s eyes widened as she tried with all her might to keep a serious face, but once we made our way to the car it was all over. She laughed so hard I’m sure she got a headache. When my daddy found out he couldn’t help but laugh either. To them it was hilarious, but when it came down to reality they let me know that it is very important to control your temper no matter what the situation may be. Even when you are down to your last nerve you still have to stay calm. Acting out of anger could result in terrible consequences, but in his case terrible pain, such as a bite mark on a butt. To this day, I have learned to control my temper because strong teeth can be an unfair advantage. E
Bookbags that were given away at Feeding the Children
My story is a simple one or so I thought. It is about a mother, a boy, and his book bag. A story that once you begin to read it, I am almost certain you will be able to relate to my quest for the perfect book bag. First, lets’ talk about the good years, when the hardest thing about selecting a book bag was deciding between Sponge Bob, Spider-Man, or Blues Clues. Those were the years when his bag was basically used as a means of transporting papers that needed to be signed and returned to his teacher and of course the occasional check for lunch money. Oh, how I long for the days when the only other things he would carry in his bag were a pencil, some broken crayons, and a half-eaten Little Debbie snack cake. The bag usually lasted the entire school year. The only reason for a new bag the following school year was because my son had out grown Sponge Bob. No worries, the bag was quickly sold at a yard sale I had prior to the start of the new school year .The cost for these giant baby sacks were minimal…they did not cause me to grimace or bend over in pain…small beads of sweat did not form on my brow and I did not need to take out a second mortgage to purchase one. Like his baby teeth those days are long gone. Fast forward to the middle school years and my hour of gnashing of teeth, pulling
The Quest
hair, and a general all around meltdown. The only saving grace in this quest of mine for the perfect bag was the fact that I was not alone. I entered the doors of the abyss and wandered over to the aisle of hanging book bags. I saw other mothers with the same glazed look on their face. We exchanged a knowing glance and a forced smile as we looked at the wall covered with BOOK BAGS. Which one should I choose, the one with wide straps, the one with wide straps and padding, the one with three pockets or five pockets, the black one, the green one, the one with wheels, or the one with the built-in GPS to help my son find his class. I felt like I was trapped in a Dr. Seuss story surrounded by the residents of Whoville as they chanted buy this one…buy this one. I stood there dazed, and in disbelief not only because of the variety of choice, but the range in prices. I was suddenly brought back to some level of consciousness by a familiar voice, “Mom do you like this one or this one?” I ,being the responsible parent that I am, managed to utter what I thought was the best response I could, given the mounting anxiety I was feeling at the moment. I replied, “Since you have to carry so many books, I would choose the one with the wide, padded straps.” It was over, we came, we conquered and we survived the book bag nightmare. WRONG! Three months into the school year my son tells me he needs a new book bag because the strap is broken. I reply, “Can’t you make it last until the end of the year?” He then informs me there is also a huge hole in the bag. So off we go in our innocence to buy a new book bag, only to find there
Angela Harris is a self-published author of two books, Night Light and Tabby’s Great Adventure. She turned her first book Night Light into a mini-interactive play, which she enjoys performing at local elementary schools. She also likes to write poetry and some of her poems have been published in various literary journals. To learn more about Harris or to request a visit go to www.angelacreativeworks.com aren’t any bags in any of the stores. After the fourth store I explain our dilemma to the customer service associate. He replies, “We sell out of them pretty fast and we will not be getting any more in until June or July.” He then directs me to a store on the first floor. He says, “I think I saw one in there last night.” At this point I am tired of looking, so upon entering the store I head straight for the clerk and ask if he has any book bags left. He replies, “We don’t have any book bags per say, but some people use these to carry books in.” He holds the bag up and says, “They are pretty sturdy.” I consulted with my son for a few minutes and we decided to purchase the imitation book bag. As we dragged ourselves to the car with the newly acquired bag we hoped for the best. In the years to follow we experienced broken zippers, holes the size of the Grand Canyon, and of course more broken straps. We could not seem to find a bag strong enough to make it through an entire school year. I was sharing my mishaps concerning my book bag woes continued on page 13
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Lessons from the
ecently, I spent the day in Richmond, Virginia enjoying the fellowship of some dear relatives. Upon arriving in South Boston toward the end of the day, I was roughly some 40 miles from the city of Danville and anticipating my return home. While standing outside chatting with those relatives; I was now faced with a dilemma because I could hear the thunder in the distance. Trying to make up my mind as to if I could make it back to Danville before the storm began. As we chatted, they advised me which route to take, which one not to take and why, since I was now determined to begin the journey. I took their advice and proceeded to travel back to the city. As I looked overhead, a huge, dark cloud began to form. One of the things I did notice was that the cloud covered only a certain area. Therefore I began to say to myself, “If I can just make it beyond the cloud”, for there was a bright spot beyond the cloud. About ten minutes into my drive, I was tremendously glad I had taken the advice of my dear loved ones. Even though the route I was now traveling was the longer route, in finality, it was the better and safest one during the storm. You see, I was traveling alone, a long distance, in a terrible storm. The storm was so fierce, I could barely see beyond the windshield.
Had I gone the other route, I would have had to contend with the wind, the rain, much debris from the trees, curvy, winding roads, the thunder, the lightning, possible fallen trees, and the like.
Lesson #1 : On this life’s journey,
There were moments when fear started to take control, “stop”, “pull over”,” you can’t do this”, “you can barely see,” were the negative options that began to play in my mind. But from the positive, I began to think beyond the cloud and was determined to hold on to the fact that the storm wouldn’t last. The sun would eventually shine again. I was fully persuaded in whom I believed and that my Heavenly Father has taken me through every other storm in my life and that He was still there to see me through this one. I was not alone.
Lesson #2 : We are all headed
On that exhilarating note, I began to take courage, sing a song, and kept driving. As suddenly as the storm had begun, it was over. I was now ten miles from home, the rain was down to a light drizzle, the sun was partially shining, and the rays of a beautiful rainbow began to form in the distance.
we will all need advice from someone, so make sure whomever those people are, they have your best interest at heart.
somewhere on life’s journey and taking the shortcut is not always the best or safest route. There are those things we must glean from every mile. Taking the shortcut may cause us to miss some vital lessons. Go ahead and strap in for the longer route.
Lesson #3 :At any given moment, we will find dark clouds over our heads. Take courage, sing a song, pull on your faith for we are never alone.
Lesson #4 :Our situations can be
ever so grim, but if you take time to search for the positives in the circumstance, you’ll come to better understand your journey.
Lesson #5 : Always remember that
there is a bright spot beyond the cloud and whatever the situation, the sun will shine again. (II Corinthians 4:9) E
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
BOOKBAGS101 continued from page 11
with another mother. She also had similar problems trying to find a bag that was durable. Her solution, she purchased two book bags at the beginning of the school year. Move to the present. My son is starting high school this year and I was determined we would find a bag that would last him the entire year. I put on my mega-mom suit and announced to my son we were going to start looking early this year. No stone would go unturned, we would do some research and we would find the Hummer of book bags. Since we had planned a trip to Washington D.C. to visit family, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to find a book bag. If you have never been to Union Station, I highly recommend it. The food court is amazing, they have something for everyone. You can step back in time and order an old-fashioned milk shake at Johnny Rockets or cruise on over to Jamaica if you are feeling a little adventurous. Located on the upper level are more restaurants and shops. We had satisfied our palates now it was time to look for a book bag, so we took the escalator to the second floor. There was no real pressure because it was only June. So we casually strolled from shop to shop. Normally, my son would rather stick pins in his eyes than go shopping, but he was being a good sport about the whole thing. As we rounded the corner I saw a sign that read Oakley. The sign looked like it was glowing and I heard the most beautiful music, almost angelic, calling me, pulling me, guiding me….OK….OK… I’m exaggerating. When we walked in the store the first thing we saw hanging on the wall were book bags. They were not your run of the mill everyday book bags; these were top of the line, the Cadillac of book bags. The sales lady asked if we needed any help. I told her about our past experiences with book bags and she assured me that I would not be disappointed if I purchased one of these bags. The Oakley bags were designed for the sports enthusiast, so not only are they sturdy, they also had a memory. Yes, you heard me right, the bag has a memory. The sales girl proceeded to punch a hole in the bag with a pencil. Next, she rubbed on the hole and it magically closed right before our eyes. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie. I was sold! My quest was over; I had found the perfect book bag. E Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Holiday Walking Tour
by SHALONDA STONE-BURTON Holbrook Street Walking Tour The Danville Historic Society added to their current tour on July 21, 2011 the area of Holbrook-Ross Historic District. This area is known as the first neighborhood in Danville for African- American Professionals. Many prominent African Americans from Danville, Virginia were proud to call this area their home. It was through the combined efforts of Paula Martin Smith, who grew up in this neighborhood and Joyce Wilburn of the Danville Historic Society that this addition to the tour became a reality. During a recent walk through this neighborhood with the two ladies, Paula Smith was able to point out many different houses and churches in the neighborhood where well-known people either visited or had lived. Joyce Wilburn guided us to the Murray Street and Holbrook
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Street intersection, where she informed us that this imaginary marker was used to divide the “White side of Holbrook St. from the Black side.” As we continued our walk we were shown the house of Irvin & Marie Taylor. “Mr. Taylor was an African-American principal in Pittsylvania County and Danville Public Schools from 1905-1942. “I.W. Taylor School, on Piney Forest Road, was named after him in 1953”, commented Joyce Wilburn. Calvary Baptist Church, another site which is located at 218 Holbrook Street, was attended by many African-American professionals. Camilla Ella Williams, a famous opera singer and the first AfricanAmerican singer to receive a contract with a major American opera company, also worshiped there. The “Pringle Blue Room” located at 358 Holbrook Street was a restaurant inside the house of George and Ruth Pringle. This was
a place, where professional African Americans could go and have dinner, since they weren’t allowed in the white restaurants in Danville. The “Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority House”, which is currently located at 320 Holbrook Street, was once known as a tourist home for traveling African Americans because they were unable to stay in the “white” hotels throughout the city. There are many other very important landmarks of this tour such as Loyal Baptist Church, and the Grove Street Cemetery. At the end of this tour, filled with rich history of Danville, Joyce Wilburn asked Paula Smith if she would be interested in being a tour guide. Paula, commented, “Maybe, if it becomes a riding tour”.
THOMAS DAY & COSBY HOUSE TOURS November 19-20 Walk where Thomas Day made his furniture, and into houses where he personally designed and supervised the construction of his expressive and unique architectural elements. Walk around and in the buildings the Cosbys designed, made bricks for, and had their brick masons and carpenters build. The work of both of these artisans was in high demand in the mid-nineteenth century and remains so today throughout Virginia and North Carolina. The Halifax County Historical Society in cooperation with the Thomas Day House in Milton, NC is sponsoring tours of the Day museum, five Day houses, and seven Cosby houses and buildings. The “Fall Foliage House Tours” will take place in Halifax County, Virginia, and Milton, NC, on the fall weekend of November 19 and 20. The Thomas Day House/Union Tavern Restoration, Inc. and the Day houses will be open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, November 19. The Cosby houses and buildings will be open from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Sunday, November 20. The Thomas Day House will be free to the public on Saturday, November 19 (at other times there is a charge). For the tours of the Day houses and Cosby houses and buildings there will be a charge of $20.00 for the two-day event with a one day ticket costing $15.00. The house tours are a fund-raiser for the Historical Society to help cover publication costs of their upcoming Architectural History of Halifax County. For an additional charge of $12.00 a box lunch will be available Saturday at the Oak Tree Tavern on the grounds of the Virginia International Raceway for those who
reserve one in advance. Tuesday, November 15, is the cut off date for box lunch reservations. Oak Tree Tavern also known as the plantation house “Southbend” contains Day architectural elements and will be a part of the home tour. Saturday, November 19, will feature the architectural elements and furniture of the famous cabinet-maker and free person of color, Thomas Day (1801 – 1861). Day ran his very successful shop from 1823 to 1860. The majority of his clientele was composed of the planters, merchants, and professional people along the Dan River basin stretching from Eden, North Carolina to Clarksville, Virginia. Four homes in Halifax County that contain Thomas Day work will be on the tour. A handmade historically accurate reproduction of a nineteenth century cabinet maker’s workbench stocked with period tools will be dedicated at the Thomas Day House/Union Tavern. Cabinet makers will be on hand to demonstrate the use of the workbench and tools. Sunday, November 20, will feature the work of the famous house builders and brick manufactures Dabney Cosby, Sr., Dabney Cosby, Jr., and Howard Cosby. Eight buildings will be on the tour including government and professional buildings, a church, and homes that were built by the Cosbys. Their brick architecture will be featured. Home owners and docents will be at each location to explain the history and distinctive elements for each structure. Light refreshments will be served at one of the Sunday tour stops. continued on page 16
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Holiday Walking Tour For additional information: Visit www.halifaxcountyhistoricalsociety.org Email QMCGRAVES@HOTMAIL.COM Call (434) 822-8967 Write Halifax County Historical Society, PO BOX 601, South Boston, VA 24592
(Send checks for tickets and lunch reservations to address above)
Thomas Day & Cosby House Tours Date: 11/19/2011 – 11/20/2011 Time: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM Location: Halifax County Halifax County Historical Society PO BOX 601, South Boston, VA 24592 *Tickets on sale Sept. 24 - Nov. 20, 2011 *Cut off date for box lunch ticket sales - Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011
Cost: $20.00 for two day ticket $15.00 for one day ticket $12.00 separate box lunch ticket
Sale locations: Electric Service – South Boston, VA Triangle Florist – Halifax, VA Chamber of Commerce – South Boston, VA
By mail (checks payable to): Halifax County Historical Society PO BOX 601, South Boston, VA 24592 E
Are you a parent trying to interest your teenager in a positive and educational online community? Are you a teen trying to find books with the African-American teen in mind? Well, let me introduce parents and teens to Urban Teens Read. Urban Teens Read is an online literary community that targets African-American teens. Nakea Murray founded the program to promote African-American Young Adult Literature for teens. She observed too many teens reading material that was not age appropriate. Therefore, she wanted to inform teens of material that is available in their age bracket. In addition, she meet many African-American teens who were not reading, because they could not find reading material that was relevant to their lives. Ms. Murray wanted to create an environment that showcases the best in teen literature. Urban Teens Read gives teens the opportunity to connect with other likeminded teens. In this online community young adults are able to discuss books, writing, and authors; teens are also treated to a monthly chat with an author. Teens will also be able to participate in book giveaways and other fun activities. This fall, Nakea Murray will be introducing Urban Teens Write as another component to the program. Teens will have the opportunity to have their written stories published. You can connect to Urban Teens Read by searching for the page on facebook. You can also contact Ms. Murray at urbanteensread@gmail.com In addition, one of Ms. Murray’s projects, Breakup Diaries Volume 11, will be in stores in October.
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Do you enjoy reading but don’t have the time? Perhaps you just don’t have the funds to purchase the books you want. Well, I have a way to cure both of those ills. Let me introduce you to achapteramonth.com. Achapteramonth. com gives you the opportunity to electronically purchase chapters, from your favorite authors, for 99 cents a month. You do not need an electronic reader to access the writings. All you need is your computer or smartphone. Achapteramonth is the brainchild of award-winning author Victoria Christopher Murray. She wanted to find a method to inexpensively connect talented authors to their fans. Readers will have the chance of engaging in chats and forums with authors and readers. Readers are also given the opportunity to connect with their favorite authors through live streaming, video, etc. In addition, readers are given the chance to share with the authors their ideas about the storyline. As Victoria states, “If African Americans want their stories told, they must continue to support African-American authors.” In addition, achapteramonth also has designed a writing workshop for writers to expand their craft. The workshop is conducted by nationally published authors who give aspiring authors suggestions and advice on writing. Achapteramonth will have a grand electronic opening in September. There will be giveaways etc. Visit www.emerge. com for details on Chapter a Month. E
Feeding the Children
It is often said that a child’s smile is one of life’s greatest blessing. Well, many people were blessed to witness the smiles on countless number of children’s faces during the 2011 Feed the Children event held on August 13th. Feed the Children is a program developed and implemented through the ENC Foundation. Feed the Children program is the vision of Pastor Rufus Fuller III. Pastor Fuller is concerned about the needs of the Danville Region. He realizes parents are having a hard time providing for their families. He
wants to alleviate their struggle by giving them essential school supplies. Therefore, he also seeks partnership with God’s Pit Crew, Blessed Hope Baptist Church and Danville Regional Foundation to help fulfill his mission.
of school. Volunteers worked to provide and serve free popcorn, hotdogs, and beverages to participants. The ENC Foundation Feed the Children Coordinator, Kimberly Walker and committee sponsors fundraising activities all year. Please call (434) 793-6778 if you would like to make a child smile in 2012. E
The event was full of fun and purpose. Emcee Minister Michel Bethel kept the crowd engaged and pumped. Local praise and worship teams ushered songs of praise. There were barbers, stylists, and nail technicians on hand to make the children looked their best on the first day
FACT More than 72,000
by ADRIENNE TOOMER Faces of Our Children Inc. Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness, support and funding for the fight against sickle cell disease worldwide in cooperation with the Howard University Center for Sickle Cell Disease through the development and delivery of educational programs and materials via the internet and mass media, at work sites and schools and through community based organizations that will help effectuate progressive public policy and increase both government and corporate funding in order to significantly improve the lives of families with sickle cell disease and ultimately eliminate this
deadly disease that afflicts not only people of color but people from southern India, Greece, Italy, the middle East, South and central America, and the Carribean Islands. The Arnett Boulevard office will serve as the headquarters for the nonprofit organization which focuses on educating people about Sickle Cell Anemia.
people in America suffer from Sickle Cell Anemia. On inherited blood disorder that causes red blood cells to become stiff and sickle shaped, therefore unable to pass through blood vessels. As a result blood flow is blocked. The major sponsor United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Donald L. Cash, Founder Foster Stringer, Treasurer
Donald Cash, founder of Faces of our Children also plans to use his connections in the community to help solve whatever problems the area’s young people might be facing.
Phone: 866-FACES11 Email: director@facesofourchildren.org Web: www.facesfourchildren.org
Education, Advocacy, and Support
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Making a
This month we celebrate our youth and we want to support their activities planned.
give up on wishing at all. As a result, all our sensible practicality goes to waste. Are we actually in touch with reality?
I remember being in the presence of a young person having a birthday party and the parent said “make a wish” before blowing out the candles. The young girl was seriously thinking the possibility of her wish coming true and she believed that it would if she would follow the right procedure.
We are competent and skilled, but many times we don’t have any reason to use our skills. Without wishes, we end up working to satisfy someone else’s wishes.
I was struck by the refreshing naïve innocence of her belief. There was no doubt in her mind that wish would come true. We “seasoned” adults feel that merely wishing for something does not make it happen without hard work, but there was something captivating about this young girl. For children, anything is possible. Life and youth seems to be eternal. Their young minds have not yet learned about limitations. In fact, their minds are very open and free. Hearing them talk made me wonder how many of our limits are real and how many are self-imposed? Children can see things that we can’t, simply because they’re not blinded by years of experiences or failures. When we don’t get our way, time after time, when the things we wish for don’t ever happen, experience then begins to tell us that wishes can’t come true. Then something very tragic happens. We stop making those wishes.
The sad thing is that just about the time when we have the resources and the abilities to make our own wishes come true, we
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We all know of the importance of goals. Goals begin with wishes, they are basically wishes that are written and remembered. It is impossible to develop effective goals without desire. Oh, you can stick a lot of tired expressions together and call them goals. Real, meaningful, effective goals come from desire that means wishing and wondering. There is a whole universe out there waiting to be discovered. You’ve only seen a tiny fraction of it. A lifetime worth of wonder awaits you. Wonder is an essential part of childhood, but it’s not just for children. Anyone, at any age, can add joy and meaning to any day by experiencing the sense of wonder that comes with each new discovery. Don’t be afraid of wishes. Seek them out and then formalize them as goals. Don’t set goals just to look good, or because you think you should have what everyone else has. Look inside of yourself and really want it so much that you’d do anything to get it. That’s the kind of wish that will give you the focus and determination you need to move forward in your life. To our youth, I want you to know that you can be anything positive you wish to be! E
Home for the
Holidays by RiKERA THORNTON Being that this is my senior year in high school and I’m preparing for college, everything is bittersweet. Yes, I am so glad this is my last year of high school, but at the same time I am nervous about leaving my family. Considering that we are so close, the holidays are really going to be hard for me. My family and I spend a lot of our time together. I have never been away from my family for a long period of time. Knowing that I am going off to college next year, is really hitting home, and not being able to have that support system right next to me is a little scary. Now I have to fend for myself and this worries me. As a little girl I did not think much of the holidays. I just saw this as a vacation from school and being able to eat; not really looking at the big picture. Now that I am older and have matured, I finally realize that the holidays are about allowing you to spend every possible minute with your family members. It is not all about the gifts or the food; it is about being together and coming together as one. Just being able to see my family over the holidays, knowing that everyone is healthy and that my family circle is not broken is the best gift I could never ask for.
Growing up I did not look at things in that prospective, I thought holidays were about getting as many gifts as possible and hanging out with my friends. I knew I could see my family anytime, however, if I did not have a chance to see them, it did not matter. Not even realizing that this moment in my life was coming. Now, it is all about spending time with my family. To be honest, my greatest fear is that the time I choose to go out with a friend is the time one of my family members could leave this earth. I can now appreciate the holidays and being around my family, knowing that next year I will be away at college and I will not be able to see them as often as I do now. This holiday season as I thank God for the many blessings He has given me, I thank him most of all for the gift of love wrapped up in my family. E
RiKERA THORNTON is a Senior at Barlett Yancey High School Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Patricia Daniel
Everybody’s Big Sister by CRAFT SUTTON A woman of grace, faith and joy is who I met in Patricia Daniel. A native of Danville is leading the charge in helping the children of Danville see outside of the box they live in. Patricia’s start began here in Danville at the historic Winslow Hospital; with an ironic twist of events, she was delivered by a Caucasian doctor. Patricia began receiving her education at Westmoreland School before it was integrated; she moved on to Langston Junior High School and then graduated from George Washington High School with honors. As well as Patricia did in her education she also gave back to her community, this was more so of a foreshadowing for her future. Patricia started volunteering early on in her youth at 12-13 years of age. Working with Danville Parks & Recreation she helped in summer recreation programs assisting children with special needs. This one endeavor was not enough for young Patricia, Head Start attracted her attention. It, too, was a means to “give back to the community” of Danville which would become a reoccurring theme for her. Patricia’s education would not stop with just a high school diploma, it would
continue at Virginia Tech where she would again graduate with honors. The ideals that Pat held would eventually lead her to the membership in the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Pat has played pivotal roles in seeing that other distinguished women are inducted into the bond of this sisterhood by helping charter a graduate chapter of the sorority in Atlanta. It would be a special calling, which was recognized by another, that would lead her to Virginia Union University to gain the certificates that would later make her an ordained clergyman. The career path Pat took would continue to keep her on the move, doing what it was that she did well… help others. Entering into Corporate America, she worked for a school supply company where she would come in contact with familiar areas, Head Start programs. Eventually she would leave Corporate America to pursue what was meant for her to do …help those who needed it
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most. After leaving United Way in 1984, Pat would return,24 years later, as the Match Specialist. moving up to her current position as Program Director. The current project being headed up is the “Mentoring Children of Prisoners” which began in the fall of 2010. This current initiative, a collaborative with the Department of Health and Human Services matches mentors with “littles” who have one or both parents in federal or state penitentiaries. The goal for the program is to see lives improved in a oneon-one relationship; focusing on social skills, community interest, educational improvement, and respect for self and others. With Pat being ordained clergy she finds her fulfillment comes from “helping the whole person not just giving a service.” The program has already matched 22 mentees or “littles” ages 614, but is looking to match 60 in the near future. Mentors do not need to have any specific requirements except a positive attitude and time to spare. E
Beauty Buzz
Tea and Honey and Hair by Pierce Stone North Carolina State alums, Dr. Tiffany Bailey Lash and Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy are bringing a natural solution to African American hair. Their company, Tea and Honey Blends, LLC is based out of Raleigh, NC, but their products are sold all over the Eastern United States. In fact, they were 2011 participants in the Macy’s Vendor Development Workshop. Dr. Lash’s mother is a native of Danville and many of her family members still live here. Danville roots grow strong trees and although that is a metaphor for family, it is also the basis for Tea and Honey Blends’ products: Nature, Beauty, Healthy.
BEAUTY TIPS from DR. TIFFANY BAILEY LASH & DR. TASHNI-ANN DUBROY When the body is healthy, it adequately provides hair with food from the blood stream. Tiny blood vessels at the base of every follicle feed the hair’s root to keep it growing. The opposite occurs when the hair papillae is weakened and is inadequately nourished. Hair growth differs between age, races and even between sexes. Nutrition is also a factor in achieving a healthy head of hair. One must maintain a well balanced diet that is rich in nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals. Treat your body right and your hair will follow along. In tune with this philosophy, Tea and Honey Blends manufactures and retail natural hair care products that are replete with
tea extracts and honey. Super antioxidants such as Goji Berry are incorporated into their products to provide nourishment for dry, thirsty hair. These antioxidants protect the hair shaft from heat damage and breakage that result from over exposure to the sun’s rays. Tea and Honey Blends equips its customers with the shampoos, conditioners and styling aids they need to achieve a healthy hairstyle. Whether hair is chemically treated or untreated, it is important to use high quality products to facilitate a healthy hairstyle. Adult hair is negatively charged due to age, excessive brushing and chemical treatments. The effect of this negative charge is dry, damaged hair that locks dull and lacks shine. While healthy eating will help to alleviate some damage, a topical treatment is often needed to speed up the repair process. The company’s founders met while pursuing doctoral degrees in Chemistry. They realized that they had a common vision to formulate hair care products to enhance the beauty of ethnic hair without using harsh chemicals. After years of formulating the right blend of natural ingredients, the ladies took their vision to the consumer market. Dr. Bailey Lash is also a licensed natural hair specialist.
catherine L. hairston professional photographer
To learn more about Tea and Honey Blends visit www. teaandhoneyblends.com.
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Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
For years Wendell Scott he never thought of youth as being at risk. He never looked at anyone as being other than a human being. He would provide them a landing spot or safe zone. for those that needed and alternative than just hanging out on the streets. He would spend hours teaching them about how to work on cars. A lot of his crew members where young men that were having problems at home, Wendell began a mentorship program long before it was defined by society. His family is dedicated to keep that legacy alive.
Wendell Scott Foundation By Selena Lipscomb
Emerge: Hello Warrick, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to do this interview with Emerge! Warrick Scott: No problem, I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with you. EM: Will you introduce yourself to our readers? Do you mind letting readers know how old you are? WS: My name is Warrick Ferron Scott SR. I am a devoted husband and father of two children - Talasjah, 11 and Warrick Jr, 2. I’m 34 years old, CEO of the Wendell Scott Foundation and I own 1st choice Tax Services with my Clinique. EM: Were you born in Danville? Where did you attend school? WS: I was born at what once was Danville Memorial Hospital and grew up in Danville all my life. I actually attended schools in Danville‌ GLH Johnson, I.W. Taylor
and Woodlawn Academy in Chatham. I graduated from Laurel Park High School in Martinsville, Virginia; I went to the same school where my dad worked. I went on to play college basketball at Johnson C Smith. Played and graduated from Shaw Universtiy. EM: How often do you get to come back to Danville? WS: I come a lot, every week actually. I am a member of North New Hope Baptist Church; I don’t miss many Sundays. I still have many friends and family there so I come here quite often. My family and I reside in Raleigh, NC, so it’s a short drive home, I enjoy it! EM: What was it like growing up in such a diverse family with Wendell Scott as its patriarch? WS: You know I never really felt a big expectation over me when my grandfather was alive… I was just his grandson. He passed when I was 13. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents growing up
because both of my parents were teachers and coaches; my mom at Chatham High school and my dad at Dan River then Laurel Park. They relied on my grandparents; my papa would take me to school in the mornings and grandma would pick me up. I grew up in a culture of giving; Papa was always helping people, working on their cars, even if they couldn’t pay. He worked rain, sleet and snow, sun down to sun up. Ironically, we would ride around town running errands and it seemed as though every 30 seconds someone was honking their horn, waving or asking for an autograph. I was about in the 5th grade when I realized my granddad was special. I was with my grandparents, one afternoon, when a van pulled up to their house with a family of 5 that had driven all the way from Ohio to meet my grandparents. This is long before email or cell phones. The gentlemen said he wanted his children to meet his role model! My grandparents always welcomed fans with open arms so they were able to come inside and look at his trophy room and fellowship. When I got to school the
next day and looked at a map on the wall, I realized how far they drove for a chance encounter! EM: Some people refer to your grandfather as their role model. Is he one of yours and why? Who else would you identify as your role model? WS: He definitely is my role model! In the 13 years I had with him, I see as an adult the seeds he planted in me growing up. To consider the things that he had to endure just to provide for his family. Just to think about him winning a race and the Ku Klux Klan possibly being there to try to attack our family on the way home. I saw my grandfather pick up hitchhikers; sometimes provide them somewhere to stay. He would give them mechanic work to do until they got up on their feet. I saw him break a hot dog in half and give it to a homeless person. It gave me a perspective on how to treat people, regardless of their economic status or their exterior. I also hold my mother in the highest esteem. continued on page 24
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continued from page 23
I’ve been asked this question before and between her and my dad, it’s a tie. My dad, his entire life, since he was 7-years-old has put his family first. God blessed me enough not to have to look outside of my family for a role model. EM: Can you tell us about the relationship between your grandfather and your father? I understand that he was part of your grandfather’s pit crew? What is your father doing now? WS: My father was with my grandpa every step of the way; he learned how to work on cars at an early age. During my grandfather’s racing career, he was the body and paint man. In addition to that, he worked on the differentials and suspensions, assembled and replaced engines, and helped manage road trips etc. My father just retired, as principal, from Dillard Middle School in Yanceyville, North Carolina. He had 41 combined years in education! Not just my father but my uncles as well were instrumental in my grandfather’s success in racing. There is a documentary where my grandfather says that he had his sons turning wrenches long before they should have. EM: I am sure that in your lifetime you have met a lot of famous people but who is the most famous person you have had the chance of meeting? WS: That’s a good one, let me see, Richard Petty is the most famous. He and papa had a mutual respect for each other that developed into a friendship. If you look at some of the documentaries on my papa, he says some really thoughtful things about him. I have met several famous people, but Richard Petty sticks out. Growing up the entire Petty family has always been very close. He would always tell me of how great my grandfather was.
EM: There was a movie that depicted the life of your grandfather, Greased Lighting, how close was that movie to the real life of your grandfather? WS: The movie was loosely based on his life. It definitely wasn’t a comedy, but it did a great job of documenting his beginning as a soldier, taxi company owner, and of course the moonshine. I can tell you he was not proud of the liquor running, but he was able to put that behind him and make a huge difference in his community. To the youth, reading this, they should take that from his legacy. Make a change and then make a difference, that’s what keeps the change sincere and relevant. EM: What was the relationship, if any, with your grandfather and Richard Pryor? WS: He had great respect and admiration for papa. Greased Lighting was Richard Pryor’s first starring role in a movie. He was guest star and co-star in lots of classic movies, but never the lead , and he was amazed and respected my papa’s story. They stayed in contact over the years. They were able to spend some
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time together while the filming of Critical Condition was being done because it took place in Winston-Salem, NC. Greased Lightning is shown in every television market globally; just think a movie about Danville in Russia, Japan, Australia and Africa. EM: Was your grandfather close to any other celebrities such as Bill Cosby? WS: In 1977 he was inducted into the Black Athletes Hall of Fame and Bill Cosby presented him. He expressed a deep respect for my papa, but the respect was mutual… they shared the same values about family. EM: What about civil rights activist such as Dr. Martin Luther King, who came to Danville quite often during the Civil Rights Movement? WS: To my knowledge they never meet, although they were often within miles of each other. You don’t hear much about my granddad in reference to Civil Rights and we aim to change that. He is often compared to Jackie Robinson, but many
WS: The first time I saw Greased Lightning was on a Saturday morning when I was about 6 or 7 years old; it was on the TNT Network. Currently, when I see him on TV it gives me good feelings. Those interviews and documentaries, for me, are like being in a time machine because I can remember being outside playing or in the other room watching TV when they would film. So, to see it on TV years later and to know I was there helps me hold on to memories I have of him. To see a loved one talk, breathe, move, after they have deceased is a surreal feeling. It makes me think about the fact that we had just had a hot dog thirty minutes before filming that show, or that news station came over. It all begins to come back. believe that what Papa endured was a far greater struggle. Papa had no financial backing and they traveled as a family back then so his children were always in the line of fire. My grandfather is one of the foremost building blocks of the Civil Rights movement. First, his racing career started in 1947, years before the movement. He is the first African American to be a member of Nascar, the first African-American team owner in Nascar and the only ever to win in Nascar, the Jacksonville 200 …a race where he was denied his trophy at the end of the race! That is the same year Dr. King gave his, “I Have A Dream” speech. My family penetrated the Jim Crow South and “laid their lives on the line,” to be accepted into an all-white sport with no sponsorship. The belief and courage they must have had is astonishing. EM: Growing up in Danville I know, for me, every year during Black History Month I would watch a Wendell Scott documentary. Watching this, could make that connect to Danville, but how was it for you seeing your grandfather on television during Black History Month?
EM: Now Warrick, we see your grandfather on the big screen and on the Internet, but I have not heard his story told in the classrooms. Maybe locally, but certainly not nationally, is that correct? WS: That is correct. The number one initiative for the WSF is to support and create educational programs through math science and technology. In addition, mentoring under-privileged, underserved youth is equally important. The Foundation has developed a curriculum that can be used in all facets of education… for elementary to college. We are in the process of solidifying schools and organizations where it can implemented. We also raise scholarship money because we want to serve as a portal for success for youth. EM: I know you probably get this question often. Do you think your grandfather will ever be inducted into the NASCAR HALL OF FAME? Why has it taken so long? WS: That’s a loaded question! My family does not believe in can’t or never so we definitely believe he will be inducted.
My prayer is that it will happen in my grandmother’s lifetime as well as my aunt’s and uncle’s; they have endured so much over the years and have been completely gracious in doing so. It will happen on God’s time and that is what I carry with me. I will say, personally, I am not pleased with his exclusion thus far. EM: Do you or any of your family members still have a relationship with any other of the famous race car drivers? WS: We are just as much NASCAR as any of the other families and we have good relationships with drivers and their families. All of the former drivers and currents ones start with one goal in mind, “taking care of their families.”Over the years, that’s the tie that binds. EM: What impact do you think your grandfather had on the City of Danville? WS: He felt he had a huge impact on Danville, wherever his name has been Danville has been right there. I hope, in the future, the WSF and the City can continue to build on his pioneering legacy then provide more opportunities for the youth of Danville. That’s what he would want. EM: Do you feel that the City has reciprocated the favor in representing your grandfather’s legacy? WS: I definitely feel the City has always honored my papa. I hope to be able to do an annual Music Festival in Danville, to honor his legacy on a national level with Danville as the destination. Danville Museum, Danville Register and Bee, Wall of Fame in Piedmont Mall, the street that has been named after him, the community the formerly Keens Mill Road just to name a few. EM: Now Warrick, tell me about the Wendell Scott Foundation. continued on page 26
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WS: We are a Non-Profit Organization. The nurturing and educating of our communities’ youth is the backdrop to what the foundation stands for. It is the essence of the Wendell Scott brand and underlines the sacrifices and the challenges he went through to open doors for those that are under-served and under-privileged. Our community- based initiatives are designed to go into underserved communities and provide at-risk youth exposure to sports and activities that they would normally be unable to learn in or participate in such as NASCAR and racing. In addition, we serve as a cultural enrichment tool, regardless of race we hold fast to my grandfather’s dream of diversity. EM: Where will it be located? Is this a local foundation or a national initiative? WS: I hope to headquarter the foundation in Danville; this is where my heart is. It is important for the WSF to be in Danville simply because the name Wendell Scott and Danville are simultaneous. I also hope that it will boost the local interest and place a national spotlight on our city. We are currently located in Raleigh, NC, where I reside but the foundation is a global initiative. As I said earlier, Greased Lighting helped introduce my grandfather’s legacy to the world, years ago. With social media and the presence of the web, it makes our mission more efficient and allows us to reach farther than ever before. EM: Can anyone become involved? WS: Yes, we are in the process of setting up mentoring networks, in various communities, so there will be an opportunity for people to be involved with the rebuilding of the under-served, less frequented, communities.
Warrick Scott and Richard Petty (pictured above)
EM: What are your goals? WS: My goals is to see the WSF grow into a major agency for change, diversity, and education. I would like to see him inducted into the Hall of Fame. Hopefully, we can begin to have his life infused into school curricula. That is important because the youth must know what took place in the past; it will help them perceive their future. I’m pushing for resurgence in his legacy. We will always highlight his remarkable achievements and by doing so it can serve as a driving force to put more pride in today’s youth. EM: One last question and I will let you go. I understand your grandmother is still living… WS: My grandmother is doing well! I see her quite often, especially at church. She is a beautiful woman, and I love her. She has always been a shining example of love and dedication. She and grandpa were really close; she is now a great- grandma, so she enjoys that as well. E Contact: warrick@wendellscott.org and www.wendellscott.org Scholarship: www.motorsportsstudent.com/nascar-announces-college-
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Artand Poetry Mirrors by Che’ Chaney-Mitchell Mirrors! Mirrors! Staring into them is like a blur. I see an awkward teen like a funny Picasso mural. Self-esteem varies from high to low, with acne, glasses, and sometimes I don’t like my nose. Through these imperfections I love myself dearly. I am unique, fearfully and wonderfully made. I am this way because God created me. Whether skinny or fat, short or tall, hobbies are the library or the mall,I am happy to be me. As far as my flaws I love them all!
“A Little Black Boy’s Letter to Daddy”
by DeMarcus Morrison
Ages 2-11. Why I need you Daddy? Because I need to be your little shadow, mommy tries hard but her voice is like a foreign language to me. I need you to teach me why it’s important to keep my head held high, to speak firmly, & to look a person in the eyes. I need you to make me take showers, tie my tie for church, and take me to ball games. I need you to ask me how my grades are; I need to know why it’s important to learn to read, write, spell & do math. Yes Daddy, without you during this time I will
develop what’s called the “I don’t care syndrome.” Yes, without you there isn’t anyone to shield me from life. Constantly I’m faced with confusion, anger, stress and low self-esteem. I’ve always wanted you here but there is another guy here that teaches me things. Should I listen, Daddy? Ages 12-15. Well I don’t know if I’m right or wrong because you didn’t answer. The guy I was telling you about taught me not to speak first, act as if other males weren’t there if they didn’t speak, pound with my right hand, & never smile at a man I didn’t know. See Daddy, I’ve learned a game called Craps (life of chances)! No it’s not like when I was little making a big mess. I
make money & I use it when I see that girl in that little black dress. See Daddy, I’m a man I’ve been exposed to The Game (The Hood). It seemed like the right path to take at the time, so I took it, and I took everything that followed. To make a long story short, I took on the respect of the streets. I became somebody everybody in the neighborhood had best at least heard of. To read the conclusion of “A Little Black Boy’s Letter to Daddy,” visit www.emergeva.com.
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Camp Grove
Camp Grove Neighborhood Educational Opportunity Center is a non-profit organization that serves as fiscal agent for a joint project involving Camp Grove Baptist Church. The building in which the Camp Grove Neighborhood Educational Opportunity Center is housed is owned by Camp Grove Baptist Church. The Camp Grove Neighborhood Educational Opportunity Center has an eight member Advisory Board. Camp Grove Neighborhood Opportunity Center serves as fiscal agent for the “Make It Happen!” Grant. The Danville Regional Foundation awards the grant for the purpose of engaging more people and organizations in the transformation of the Dan River Region. The goal is for more residents to be involved in making this a community of “bright spots and success stories.”
The Camp Grove Neighborhood Educational Opportunity Center was awarded the $10,000.00 “Make It Happen” Grant in January of 2011. With this grant we were able to make a substantial impact in the community. We were able to break ground on a 5000 square foot plot of land near the Camp Grove Baptist Church in late January 2011 and also a 4000 square foot plot in June of 2011. The mission of the garden is to act as a pilot project to be an example to other communities and church congregations.
Project Description Summary: Camp Grove
Neighborhood Educational Opportunity Center and Camp Grove Baptist Church partnered to (1) provide educational opportunities related to health and wellness and (2) improve the quality of life in the Camp Grove Community.
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The building in which the center is housed is owned by Camp Grove Baptist Church. The Camp Grove N.E.O Center has an eight member Advisory Board. Camp Grove N.E.O Center serves as fiscal agent for the “Make It Happen!” Grant. The Danville Regional Foundation awards the grant for the purpose of engaging more people and organizations in the transformation of the Dan River Region. The goal is for more residents to be involved in making this a community of “bright spots and success stories.”
10 hours of light gardening
Gardening and Weight Loss:
burns 2727 kcal & 100 hours will burn 27270 kcal.
(Statistics compiled by Sharon V. Diggs)
Several garden plots are located in the neighborhood to provide opportunities for residents to plant, grow, harvest, and consume local produce.
Evaluation: At the end of the
growing season, evaluation will be based on survey results regarding community perception of project success, number of participants in training, gardening, and celebration events.
Theoretically, gardening contributes to weight loss as a result of individuals increasing their levels of physical activity above normal daily energy expenditures. It is estimated that the ten individuals who provided leadership (and manpower) for Camp Grove Neighborhood Garden #1, collectively logged about 300 work hours tending in the garden. The variety of necessary tasks (activities) associated with gardening requires different levels of intensity to perform. To calculate the probable weight loss for this group (using an average weight of 200lb male), time was equally divided into three categories – light, moderate and heavy activities.
10 hours of moderate gardening burns 3636 kcal & 100 hours will burn 36360 kcal.
10 hours of heavy gardening burns 5455 kcal & 100 hours will burn 54550 kcal.
Total 300 hours = 118,180 kcals
Because 3500 kcal equals about 1 lb. of fat, the gardeners would need to burn 3500 kcal more than they consume to lose 1 pound. After calculating the total calorie expenditure, the average weight loss per gardener was 3.37 pounds. From observations, individual gardeners had visual weight loss.
Sustainability: Our thanks are extended to the
Danville Regional Foundation for providing us this wonderful opportunity with the awarding of the $10,000.00 “Make It Happen” Grant. After the assistance from DRF with initial start-up costs during this first year, the project is expected to be self-sustaining and we anticipate having three gardens in the Camp Grove Neighborhood in the year 2012.
Partners: Danville Regional Foundation, Virginia
Cooperative Extension Agency, USDA Food and Nutrition Agency, Obesity Task Force, Dan River Partnership for a Healthy Community, Virginia Tech, Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Exercise, Parks and Recreation.
Garden Outcome: We had 10 participants working
in the garden for a total of 280 hours combined in the 120-day period given us by Danville Regional Foundation. From the garden we were able to provide 36 people with fresh vegetables including those who worked in the garden. Virginia Tech, Department of Human Nutrition, Blacksburg, Virginia provided us with scales and logs were also kept. From the first garden more than 180 pounds of produce was harvested. Fall crops are being planted in the first and second garden.
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Education Beyond HIGH SCHOOL
Has Become essential by JOHNNIE M. FULLERWINDER
As the United States continues to increase the scope of its shores and merges into an ever expanding global society, we can no longer ignore the inevitability of changes in the way we live and do business. Even the borders of many states are becoming increasingly blurred as the residents cross back and forth for employment, business transactions, entertainment and shopping. In today’s society, waking up from a peaceful night’s sleep, one can find a previously serene and secure financial life suddenly in shambles. A job held for years has disappeared as the company makes major changes to downsize or close. Products manufactured over a long period of time are no longer marketable and jobs are being sent overseas, forcing different requirements for eligibility of new employment. Change is occurring rapidly! Marriage and the addition of children to a family can create a need for additional income. Then, the sadness of death of a spouse or unexpected divorce can create major financial burdens forcing a partner to return to the work force years beyond high school graduation. With the constant factor of change, we must become a nation of lifelong learners to successfully compete in the job market at home and abroad. A high school education will no longer be sufficient for a secure future. Although there have been exceptions, this is and will no longer be the norm. Advanced education and training have become necessary tools to compete for the fewer available jobs in one’s city, state or the broader national community.
Contrary to a common misconception, education beyond high school does not specifically require attendance at a four year college. Opportunities for post high school educational training are varied. In addition to four year college or university programs leading to a degree, community colleges, technical schools and even Adult continuing Education Programs for a GED are available. Each of these post- high school educational choices has advantages. Many offer online classes that can be completed at home.
Four Year Colleges or Universities provide students with a broad base of knowledge in addition to a bachelor’s degree in specific areas. Access to this offering has become easier with the addition of many online courses. Research from the U.S. Census Bureau reveals individuals with advanced degrees earn four times more than a high school diploma.
Community Colleges provide training in specific trades in addition to awarding a two-year associate of arts degree that enables an individual to transfer to a four year college. Flexibility in scheduling can accommodate diverse age groups; classes are offered early mornings to late evenings and some are also online.
Technical or Vocational Schools offer hands-on training in specialized skills. Certification qualifies an individual for direct entry into the job market. Training is usually less than two years.
Adult and Continuing Education programs can help individuals who failed to obtain a diploma, still gain a competitive edge in the job market. In addition to earning the equivalent of a diploma (GED), completion of this educational offering can prepare an individual for enrollment at a community college or four year institution. Students with a diploma, but lack proficiency in basic skills that impede their job search efforts can also benefit through enrollment. At the apex of all choices is Graduate School. Individuals seeking advanced degrees beyond the bachelors’ degree for higher paying jobs opportunities or change in careers can enroll in a graduate school. In the increasingly scientific and technological society of the 21st Century, other choices will undoubtedly surface; therefore, it is wise to complement any choice with the consistent engagement in independent readings. Reading will keep an individual abreast of changes in employment trends and required job skills as well as keep him/her intelligently informed of important local and national issues that may impact one’s quality of life. Whether choosing to pursue formal postsecondary educational choices or engage in informal sources, one fact exists with almost certainty…education can no longer end when one receives a high school diploma. E
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
I Want to Be Like
by PETRINA CARTER Director of Career Services, Averett University
degree today is equivalent to a high school diploma thirty years ago.
to Michael Jordan’s expertise on the basketball court which afforded him the opportunity to live in luxury. What many forgot was that Mike worked hard to achieve his dream. He completed three years of college before being drafted into the NBA.
Employers expect you to have a degree, and if you don’t, then it is expected that you have some kind of post- high school training. We hear many squawking about the cost of higher education. My belief is if you want an education there will always be a way to attain it. There are so many scholarships available, but many go unused each year, because no one takes time to even apply for them. Some individuals choose to attend community college prior to entering a four year college/university. This is an enormous savings, and with North Carolina having approximately 58 community colleges and Virginia having approximately 23, you are sure to find one near you.
Like many of you today, I remember saying “I can’t wait to graduate from high school…I’m never going back to school”!! I said this and many of your parents probably said it. The reality is though many of us did actually return to school. Today the need to return to school is greater than ever before. The question does not even seem to be “will you return”; but rather “when you will return”? Colleges and universities across the country have seen an explosion in their adult population in recent years, returning to start and/or complete a degree program. Many will offer that a bachelor’s
Life will evolve into many different paths, some will marry; some will not. Some will choose to have children others will choose not to. The same will be for education, there is not a one size fits all solution to education. It is important that youth understand a four year college education is not for everyone; but more than likely if you want to advance your career, some sort of higher educational attainment will be necessary. My suggestion to all youth, whether you are planning to go to college or not; is to go through high school as if you are planning on going to college. It is better to be prepared and not go than not
Growing up many young people would say “I want to be like Mike”. They referred
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
prepare and in your senior year decide you want to go, but can’t get in because you don’t meet the qualifications necessary to attend. Everyone is not going to be the next Michael Jordan or Beyonce’. I never want to stop anyone from dreaming, but what is your back-up plan. Better yet what is your overall plan? I have a daughter who states she is going to be America’s Next Top Model. That is wonderful and I believe she can do it, but I encouraged her to go and get her degree in business. Then she can read and understand her own contracts and won’t be a victim to someone else. Life does not have to be either –or!!! If you take the time to formulate a plan that will work for you, and give you the direction needed to advance forward, I say go for it. Study hard now and you will have the ability to play even harder later!!! E
Emerge get’s fit
by Sgt. Darrell Gunter 4th Recon BN I&I Staff-USMC
Sgt. Darrell Gunter
Kina Y Gunter
Emerge Work Out & Meal Plan
Training and Diet Program
My wife and I could not really afford a personal trainer so we took matters into our own hands. We started
off researching online, using Google and searching for a workout and nutrition plan to follow. After much research, we discovered bodybuilding and body-space.com! I searched through the transformation section and found someone that had a similar body type as me and the same as my wife with the results we wanted to achieve and followed their diet and training to the T! As far as results, the first month was rough! The scale only dropped 6 pounds from me and 4 pounds from my wife; I felt like our hard work wasn’t paying off. But when I looked at body-fat, I had lost 5% and she had dropped 4%. This was encouraging, and from then on I decided to stop worrying about the scale and pay attention to body fat instead. By the second month, we got stricter with our diet and body-fat began to decrease. My wife went on to enter her first bodybuilding contest and won first place. The key to reaching any goal you set is your diet. I’ve provided a sample meal plan for you to follow. You can reach me at guntgunz@yahoo.com for free workout/meal plans. E
Cardio should be done 1st thing on an empty stomach for 30-45 minutes per session four times a week. Walk on the treadmill at an 8-15 degree incline and gradually increase the incline and speed as your condition allows. The stationary bike can be used but I think walking would be more effective for you.
Weight Training
Day 1 Bench Press 4 x 8-10 Incline Bench 4 x 8-10 Dumbbell Hammer Curls 4 x 8-10 Day 2 Leg Press 5 x 10 Squat/Hack Squats 5 x 10 Stiff Leg Dead lifts 5 x 10 Calf Raises 5 x 10 Day 3 Cardio and abs only Day 4 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 x 8-10 Side Laterals 4 x 10 Upright Rows 4 x 10 Dips 4 x 10 Triceps Press downs 2 x 10 Day 5 Lat Pull downs 4 x 6-8 Seated Rows 4 x 6-8 Dumbbell One Arm Rows 4 x 6-8 Light Barbell Curls 4 x 10
Note: For abs you can just work them for 2030 minutes straight and this should be enough. They get worked with the big exercises you do. The reduction of body fat will reveal them. Your abs should show within 2 weeks if you eat right.
Diet Example
You can use this as a time schedule to eat the foods you eat! Meal 1 - 7:00 am 2 packs of instant oatmeal with 1 box of raisins, or 5 egg whites with wheat toast (NO BUTTER). Meal 2 - 9:00 am 5oz turkey, tuna or chicken breast on wheat bread and one piece of fruit. Meal 3 - Lunch Time 11:30 am -1:00 pm 25 gram Protein Shake Meal 4 - 3:00 - 4:00 pm Bowl of fruit or raw veggies Meal 5 - Dinner Time (eat before 9 pm) Chicken/Steak/Fish, 1 cup of rice, 1 cup of vegetables. Meal 6 - Bed Time 25 gram Protein Shake Note: You must drink no less than a gallon of water a day. Take a multivitamin with morning meal. Use protein shake if you will not be able to eat a meal. It’s going to seem as if you are eating a lot and you’ll feel stuffed. But after a week or 2 your body will start to expect the meals. Because you’ll be burning it off with your workouts.
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
The Dancing by Jerry Wilson
“Every child today is a gift for our tomorrow” Founder and CEO of Imani’s Heart, Inc a 501©(3) nonprofit organization, Jerry Langston Wilson a native of Danville, Virginia is continuing his dream of helping children and families with the mission to provide information, awareness and assistance to promote a healthy lifestyle for youth through art, education and health awareness. The vision of Imani’s Heart Inc is to assist youth and their families obtain positive opportunities to reach their full potential without barriers. We are “life advocates” and believe that through the children is the beginning, according to Jerry L. Wilson. Jerry and Carlene Wilson have endured what every parent hopes they will never have to, the loss of a child. Born with a leaking aorta and not expected to live more than three days, Imani Wilson, their daughter lived her 12 years as a child of unusual compassion and startling wisdom. Her death sent her parents, Jerry & Carlene Wilson into an agonizing despair. But their tragedy was abruptly interrupted by unusual signs and omens that could not be ignored. And so began an unexpected journey. As Jerry explained, “My wife and I are on a quest to discover our daughter’s purpose – so we can help complete her purpose.” But all they had as guideposts was the certainty that the numbers, 7 and 12 must mean something, and the growing conviction that their daughter indeed was (and is) an Angel. Imani was in the 7th
grade and 12 years old when she passed away. Eventually, although they set out in search of their daughter’s purpose, Jerry and Carlene find a purpose of their own. In this journey they have published a children’s book, Imani’s Heart: the Dancing Angel, the book is a powerful read for anyone, but it hits even harder in homes familiar with the subject matter. The character of the book is about a young girl trying to come to grips with the death of her friend. Her mother tells her a story of how her friend came to Earth to fill people’s heart with joy. “It is a subtle, quiet reminder of what we have, and what we might lose” according to the judges of the Eric Hoffer Awards honoring the book in the category of LEGACY FICTION as a 2009 honorable mention.www.erichoffer. org
Angel footage of her parents’ quest make this a highly visual 1-hour program. It features an impressive cast including doctors, teachers, and artists. The tone of this documentary is philosophical, spiritual, and intimate. It subtly explores the theme of searching for meaning in life when faced with great loss. And as Jerry and Carlene discover, that meaning is found within. Jerry and Carlene plans to continue their work through the non-profit organization to promoting arts, education and health. Their transformative journey has taken them to a place where they can now be a resource for others. And their faith in Imani’s presence as an Angel in their lives grows ever stronger. E
Jerry and Carlene are affiliated with a premier full-service speaker’s bureau sharing their story. The book is available at the Danville Memorial Library. Fund raising efforts are underway to make the story a live stage production. The Wilson’s are also involved in the production of a documentary called Imani: A Story of Faith and it is an inspiring tale of love, loss, and finding meaning. It focuses on two parallel stories: The parents’ quest for the purpose of their daughter’s life, and the story of Imani herself – recounted through a tapestry of memories, dreams, and visions. Extensive use of home movies & paintings of Imani, plus contemporary
34 Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Jerry and Carlene Wilson
BOOK REVIEW: Imani’s Heart
by LaSHEERA LEE Appropriate for Youth and adults of all ages Sometimes we are so busy complaining that we truly forget how blessed we are. Imani’s Heart is a book that will make you count all of your blessings. Imani Wilson was a young woman who touched the hearts of many. Imani left this earth at the young age of twelve. However, her life was full of purpose and destiny. This touching story guides us through the grieving process from the eyes of a child and a parent. Imani’s heart captures your attention with the wisdom and energy crafted by the magnetic words yielded in the book. The pictures utilized will engage the imagination of younger children. Imani’s Heart is a book that has the ability to make the reader on a journey of self discovery and healing. The book really makes you take stock of what is really important in your life. I would recommend this book to all readers. The book deserves 5 stars. E Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
The Music & Life of Shaun “Witness” Woods Myth: Rap is a genre of hate and evil. Truth: Rap is defined as a way to communicate with others. Reaching All People What happens when a passionate rap artist gives his life to Christ and becomes a believer? What happens when that rapper is torn between the two genres of music? When you first think of Rap and Hip Hop artist the last thing to cross your mind is Gospel music. However Shaun “Witness” Woods has managed to find a way to combine his passions and his belief in the genre of Gospel Rap. Shaun admits that when he gave his life to Christ he was torn between continuing to rap or not. His love for secular rap and music artist such as NAS, Outkast, Jay Z, and Prince versus his new love for Christ made it hard to decide how he could stay true to what he loved. The twenty-seven-year-old husband and father told Emerge! that as his lifestyle changed, it became easier to produce a flow of lyrics that expressed his new love for God. Being able to find that new flow has paid off for Shaun. It is evident with his new CD entitled 4Righteousness Sake, The Process, produced by MAJESTIX Records, which has taken him four years to produce. Shaun is currently working on his next CD. Shaun’s journey began as a shy elevenyear-old little boy who found a way to
express all the hurt and other stressors that he had in his life by writing poetry. At age sixteen he found another way to express his feelings by rapping. From ages sixteen to twenty-four Shaun lived a life that he once rapped about. A life of drinking, smoking, selling drugs, and sex. He says that it was not until he realized that this lifestyle held no future for him. He made a decision to cry out to God for help and he found himself in church. Now torn between what he describes as “the best decision” he ever made in choosing salvation and the ten songs he had been working on for his secular rap album, he felt like not rapping anymore. He says he thought about Gospel Rap because he was familiar with Gospel Rap artists such as The Truth, LeCrae, Malimusic, Hillsong, Kari Jobe, but Shaun could not visualize how he was going to do it. One day while in rehearsal with his pastor Bishop Charles “Ricky” Walker and the Electrifying Mass Choir, he was asked to add some freestyle lyrics to a song they were practicing. “It was at that moment that God spoke to me and told me to continue rapping.” He says once he realized that all he had to do was add scripture-based lyrics to the feelings in his heart the process was easy. He came to see that this was just a different form of delivering the same message. He wants people who have a misconception of Gospel Rap to get past the preference and see the purpose to tell people about the same God, teach the same scriptures, from the same Bible. Shaun feels that there are people who
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
may not come to church at first, but hear his music, hear music from The Truth and from hearing them, come to church to find out more about God. He says if that takes five to ten years and just one person is saved then his process was worth it and purpose have been filled. Shaun “Witness” Woods future goals do not end with producing other music projects, currently he is working towards starting a non-profit organization. Fighters Against Misery In Lost Youth (F.A.M.I.L.Y) an organization that will focus on helping youth deal with crisis situations. E To purchase this CD is available on itunes. com, cdbaby.com, or True Holiness Apostolic Church, 502 South Hampton St.
Has your heavy period been keeping you away? If you’re like 1 in 5 women with heavy periods, you want to get back to life. NovaSure is a one-time, five-minute procedure that can lighten or end your heavy period. No pills. No hormonal side effects. For 90% of women, menstrual bleeding is dramatically reduced or stopped. It’s a simple procedure that can be done in your doctor’s office, usually for the cost of a copay. Talk to your doctor about stepping back into life with NovaSure. Life will be there to welcome you back.
Call Piedmont Preferred Women’s Healthcare about NovaSure or visit www.novasure.com for more information. Piedmont Preferred Women’s Healthcare 6890 Greensboro Road Ridgeway, VA 24148 276-956-1013 www.mypiedmontobgyn.com IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: NovaSure is for premenopausal women with heavy periods due to benign causes who are finished childbearing. Pregnancy following NovaSure can be dangerous. NovaSure is not for those who have or suspect uterine cancer, have an active genital, urinary or pelvic infection, an IUD or a metal uterine implant. NovaSure is not a sterilization procedure. Rare but serious risks include but are not limited to thermal injury, perforation and infection. Temporary side effects may include cramping, nausea, vomiting, discharge and spotting. ADS-00400-001-A Rev. 001
Homeboy Winston
by Winston Chaney I was born in my hometown of Danville, Virginia during what we call the Baby Boom era, in 1954 to the proud Parents... Winston “Dick Chaney” & Nancy Chaney. With one brother and two younger sisters, the household was diverse with different lifestyles and personalities. I grew up in the Projects of Danville, better known as Cedar Place. Not realizing until years later, growing up in the projects prepared me for a lot of great things to come in life. Growing up in the projects had me around people all the time, and I mean all the time, that helped develop my personality and gave me a drive to become something in life. High School was a great time for me that I’ll never forget. I was in the class of 1972 which gave me a chance to attend both of Danville’s High Schools John M. Langston for two years and George Washington for two years. Becoming a High School Basketball Star at an early age was nothing but positive for me, as it still is today, 40 years later. I attended college two years in Statesville, N.C., and two years in Richmond, VA. While in Richmond, I got my start in Radio at an AM station called WKIE 1540 working part-time and really getting my feet wet. This aided me in preparing stage for life in radio in a bigger city and bigger market. I moved to Washington, D.C. in 1980. Three months living in the Nation’s Capital, I acquired a job at WYCB-1340 AM. Four years later, I was called to do “The Morning Show”, which I am still doing, and have been for the past 27 years. I’ve been referred to as the voice of
have imagined after growing morning radio up in the Projects of, homein the Washtown, Danville. I’ve done ington, D.C’s everything from broadcastmetropolitan ing live at the Million Man area. AffectionMarch, alongside NBC, ABC, ately known as CBS, and CNN to name a “The Morning few; to working the 25th Man,” I host Anniversary of the March “The Mornon Washington. I was able to ing Show,” the interview, celebrities’, politimost popular cians, athletes of the NFL, broadcast NBA and Major League on WYCB Baseball, musicians and perAM-1340; a sons from all walks of life. I member of still credit my radio-personalthe Radio-One ity with growing up in the Network, the projects of Danville, VA. largest minority-owned radio Whenever someone asks me broadcast system Whenever someone where I’m from, I proudly in the nation. asks me where I’m from, respond that Danville, VA Working for a I proudly respond that is my home and always will big conglomerate Danville, VA is my home be, while Washington, D.C is as Radio-One, and always will be” only a temporary assignment. having multiple I am saved, sanctified, and stations in the filled with the Holy Ghost; I am a member same building at the same time, gives one of the Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church in numerous opportunities. I was called on Washington, DC. Bishop Alfred A. Owens is years ago to host the Sunday Morning the pastor who, by the way, has parental ties Show on 93.9 FM-WKYS; but the Corto Danville. I am on the Deacon Board and porate Office decided to experiment with member of the Male Chorus. I am married to syndication. I have also been called on Julia Chaney, a minister at Great Mt. Calvary. to work part-time at sister station WPRS Praise 104.1 FM, while still holding down “The Morning Show” on WYCB 1340 and Some of my other hobbies include: sports, photography, traveling, and of course, a love broadcasting worldwide on “myspiritdc. of music. I always leave my radio-audience com”. with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., when I say, “We’re all tied together in a The world of radio has given me unlimsingle garment of destiny, and that destiny is ited opportunities that even I could not King Jesus!” E
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
A Letter From Kitty Reflection is a beautiful thing, one of God’s gifts. The reflection of the sun on clouds; the moon on a lake; a child’s smile in the mirror or two people’s faces sharing love. The reflection that moves about in our hearts, minds and spirits is the most powerful, though. It can inspire us. This past July 4th, at the Cedar Place Reunion, I had the opportunity to experience true reflection. Some call it, “Takin’ it back,” others refers to it as “Reminiscin’.” Whatever the name, it moved me. As I drove into town, it crept into my spirit in such an overwhelming way, the smells, colors and sounds that make Danville what it is. I thought back to soft served ice cream from the Chuck Wagon and summer evenings when parents sat on porches. I could vividly hear our voices as we played games like “red light, green light,” “hide-and-seek,” “Mother may I?” and one of my favorites, “knocking on doors and running.” Danville would also not be Danville back then without sleighing down the hill in the snow on cardboard boxes or tin pans. My name is Kitty Chaney and I have been away from Danville since August 1974 when I went off to Virginia State College
Kitty Chaney
(College in the ‘70s?...Oh Jesus!) That is 37 years; a period that gave us Jim Jones, three Middle East wars, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the stock market crash, a crumbling mortgage industry and our first Black President. When I set my eyes on my old home and neighborhood, it brought a swell to them and a churn in my stomach. God, my family and Danville have fashioned me into the woman I am today. During it all, my journey has been one of excitement, happiness, hurt and pain; all the “real stuff ” our parents hope to prepare us to face. Now living in Washington, DC, I have spent the bulk of my career in the homebuilding, mortgage, investment banking and bank regulatory arenas while serving God. For the last 19 years, I have worked with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in various capacities. I’m currently a Financial Analyst, a Corporate Recruiter and a Culture Change Council Liaison. I make it a point to share my life experiences and journey with folks but young people in particular. I let them know had it not been for God, firm roots in my family and a belief in me, none of what I have accomplished would have been possible. I site examples of becoming a member of and achieving in organizations such as Toastmasters International, the National Council of Negro Women, Inc.; or serving with the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding.
Because other people’s needs are my passion and ministry, I had the opportunity to participate in the historic march across the Crescent City Connection Bridge in New Orleans with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other civil rights leaders. I can only imagine what it was like in the ‘60s. On Sundays, God uses my training from Greater Mt. Calvary Bible College to lead members of the First Baptist Church (Randolph Street) who are looking to gain a greater understanding of God’s Word. Even though technology has brought us closer together, we still live in a vast world and God continues to bless me to have wonderful experiences. One such experience and one of my fondest memories was a tour of South Africa where I was able to visit Capetown, Johannesburg, Soweto, Nelson Mandela Museum and Krueger National Park. If you have never been there, I urge you to put it on your “bucket list.” I hope by reading this letter, you realize God has blessed me. I not only want to share my story, my journey with those I love but I want to inspire you to reflect on how great the foundation of Danville has been to all of us. We have something that the world, day by day, shrugs off as less important but with God’s mercy and grace, we will get it back... We are family. I love you Danville and I love you Emerge.
Kitty Chaney
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
The Fountain of
What is the Fountain of Youth? One
explanation is a legendary spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks of its waters. Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, searched SUPPORT LIVE MUSIC, TIMOTHY LAMAR MALONE what is now Photo Courtesy of Von Wellington Photography Florida and that has been associated with the fountain. along with The Boy’s and Girl’s Club, The explorer in all of us would love to soccer,and volleyball. find that location. From Disney World The Young and the Restless are also to Dollywood, on thru Mr. Roger’s interested in music, art, athletics and neighborhood, Mayberry, then up and theatre. Theatre is alive and well judging down the yellow brick road we go, only to by the activity downtown on all of discover “there’s no place like home.” Union Street, particularly the new Union Which brings me to Danville, a town that Street Theater created by Melissa Bryant has no public swimming pool, and one Charles, the timing couldn’t be any better. huge river that is as dangerous as Niagra Creative expression is what will restore Falls and as mysterious as the Nile! Our the longevity of any city, person or any fountain, perhaps? Our keys to longevity? building. We must now all drink from the How about a long time coming? One fountain of youth and strive to create an can argue that the river is the key to our impressive oasis for our own purpose as vibrancy and our image, therefore our well as attract visitors, future citizens, and future. businesses to Danville. Marvin Gaye’s Timeless classic says it best, “What’s I recently saw the detailed plan of the Going On?” city’s New River District. It centers on the gateway to downtown, with the focal point Art galleries are popping up , Spin bicycle being, you guessed it, a fountain. I wonder shop is on Craghead Street, so is Showcase what our youth thought of this plan, Martial Arts Academy, warehouses are so I asked many that I knew personally. now apartments for families, and Averett Many were not interested in a fountain University will teach students downtown downtown .They were however excited as soon as the paint dries. This vision about the new YMCA facility that will is way ahead of the proposed water soon grace the banks of the Dan River, fountain that could be added at the
intersection. There is The Venue on Main which hosts poets and performers who inspire our youth and young at heart. There is Jake’s on Main, a nice restaurant with great food, also an antique shop that must remain forever. Soon there will be another music spot that has always kept the downtown area on the map. I hope the city auditorium is in the “plan of all plans” as the barbershop reporters put it, our youth can use the auditorium daily for meetings and assembly. New life can come in many forms and the so-called Fountain of Youth is that creative inspiration that pours out of our hearts and minds through a collective effort of those who love the City’s downtown area and the convenient River District. It takes a village to rise up a depressed downtown. Our mindset must be focused on using what we got to get what we want. No community should be without its forever young spirit or its fountain of opportunity. My ideal fountain is flowing with the dream of a music venue in an intimate setting that brings the musician, the artist, and the music lover into an environment that says our youth has yet to be discovered, so you can stay here forever until it begins. Be creative, be inspired, and be encouraged that the fountain of youth is located in Danville. E
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
Selenadipitous The Game of Life by Selena Lipscomb
This summer I thought about my favorite childhood games growing up and the many life lessons that I learned by playing them. The reflection process was so profound I made Immanuel put down the PSP to come outside and play some of the games with me. It dawned on me that it was my responsibility to teach him how to play those games. My grandmother, Grandma Kat would sit at the end her sidewalk and teach not only my cousins and me all those games but every kid on Dan’s Hill. Most of us are parents now and so we must take on the task of passing on the legacy. When I was a child we would start playing as soon as the sun came up until the street lights came on. The street lights were our clue to make your way home; not cell phone calls… God forbid if your mother had to stand on her porch and call you to come home. That might mean you were stuck in the house the next day for punishment.
you make it to the winner’s circle of life. Mother May I? taught you how to listen to leadership and work your way into that same position. All you had to do was pay attention, respond by a simple “may I “and before you knew it you were the next leader. I explained to Immanuel that, what I loved about this was everyone had the same opportunities to become the next leader. That still holds true today. Every day we are all given the same 24 hours, if you are blessed to wake up. What you do within those 24 hours is up to you. After we played Mother May I?, we played Simon Says, another game all about following directions. In Simon Says you don’t have to respond by words but by action. I told Immanuel that just listening and following directions can get you a long way in this game of life.
Before I knew it my yard was full. It was as if I had put out a Let’s Play sign. My We use to play a game called Mother May nieces and a few other relatives had come I?, one of my favorites. Grandma Kat over. What perfect timing! Of course, would sit at one end of the sidewalk and now with more players the choosing of tell all of us to line up at the other end. We who would be the leader was determined then all became her pawns, one by one she by the ever popular screening process of would tell us something to do such as take Bubble Gum Bubble Gum in the Dish. three bunny hops forward, or some other We then played Red Rover Red Rover, whimsical movement and the only way a game about team work and strategy. I we could move was by asking permission mother may I? She then would either grant explained to them all that life presents challenges that will make us have to band or deny the request with a “Yes, you may” together as a family and not let others or “No, you may not”. break that bond but instead join the bond. I explained to Immanuel how games like Today, so many people are busy fighting this prepared you for life. In life you are against one another and not standing with going to have to listen to instructions one another. from someone and saying phrases like We moved on to Red Light Green Light, May I, Please, and Thank you can help which taught them how to be quick and
42 Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
keep their eyes and ears on the leader. Far too often we move too quickly and knock ourselves out of positions. In explaining this game I told them that it is important for the leader to pay close attention to the players. There are people that want your position and while you are spinning around in a daze they can easily run up on you and take it if you are not careful. Before I knew it the street lights were coming on, and I could not help but smile as my mind strolled down memory lane. It had never dawned on me that parents and grandparents were tricking us into learning while we were supposed to be in anti-learning mode. It was summer all we were supposed to be doing was playing and having fun. I am so grateful, however, that they did and boy did we have FUN! E
Man Man’s Me Moment By Immanuel Martin What my mom said was awesome, but let me break it down for you! First kids, it is important to play with your parents… they need the exercise and it can actually be fun. Second, manners and respect can get you what money cannot buy. Third, it is not always who wins the game but how you play it that counts. And last, but not least, listen to others, especially adults, and you just might learn something.
Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com
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