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February Calendar
February 2020 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Abbreviation Key • AU=Averett University, 434.791.5600 www.averett.edu • DMFAH=Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History, 975 Main St. 434.793.5644 www.danvillemuseum.org • DSC=Danville Science Center, 677 Craghead St. 434.791.5160 www.dsc.smv.org • PA=Piedmont Arts, 215 Starling Ave, Martinsville 276.632.3221 www.PiedmontArts.org • The Prizery=700 Bruce St., South Boston, 434.572.8339, www.prizery.com
Ongoing Guided Walking Tours: Millionaires Row, Holbrook Street and Tobacco Warehouse District. Danville Historical Society. www.danvillehistory. org. 434.770.1974. DMFAH: self-guided audio tours. Brosville Library: 11948 Martinsville Highway www.pcplib.org 434.685.1285 Danville Public Library: 511 Patton St. readdanvilleva.org 434.799.5195 DPL Westover Branch: 94 Clifton St. www.readdanvilleva.org 434.799.5152 Gretna Library: 207 A Coffey Street, www.pcplib.org 434.656.2579 Gunn Memorial, Caswell County Public Library: 118 Main St, Yanceyville, NC www.caswellcounty. gov/library 336.694.6241 Halifax County Public Library: 177 South Main St. halifaxcountylibrary.org 434.476.3357 History Research Center and Library: 340 Whitehead St,, Chatham www.pcplib.org 434.432.8931 Mt. Hermon Library: 4058 Franklin Turnpike www.pcplib.org 434.835.0326 Pittsylvania County Public Main Library: 24 Military Drive, Chatham www.pcplib.org 434.432.3271 South Boston Public Library: 509 Broad St. 434.5575.4228 www.halifaxcountylibrary.org Ongoing From Virginia to Parliament: Photos and commentary celebrate the 100th anniversary of Danvillian Lady Nancy Langhorne Astor’s election to the British Parliament. Langhorne House Museum, 117 Broad St. Danville free 2-5pm Saturdays or by appointment 434.793.6472 February 1 (thru May 24) Camilla Williams Exhibit: Williams was born in Danville and
became the first African American to sing in a major American opera company in NYC. Exhibit will feature her opera costumes including Madame Butterfly. DMFAH February 1 (thru March 28) Winter Market: Farmers’ Market Danville Community Market 629 Craghead St. Saturdays 9am-1pm February 1 Annual Story Telling Festival: DMFAH 10am-2pm free February 4 Travis Williams Presentation: Chief Flight Instructor at AU; free and open to the public AU multipurpose room in the Student Center 204 Woodland Dr. second floor February 5 Healthy Eating for Healthy Living: presented by Jennifer Dietz a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator; The Wednesday Club, 1002 Main St. Danville free + open to the public 3:45pm www.TheWedClubDanvilleVa.org February 8 & 9 Free Admission Weekend: DMFAH February 11 Welcome to Medicare Educational Seminar: This seminar explains Medicare and the coverage options available including: supplements, Advantage Plans and Part D prescription drug coverage. Seminar and refreshment sponsored by Humana. 5:30pm Ballou Park Sr. Center, 760 West Main St. Danville Call 434799.5216 to register. February 12 Meet & Greet Danville Police: presented by Chief Scott Booth The Wednesday Club, 102 Main St. Danville free 3:15 coffee/3:45 program www. TheWedClubDanvilleVa.org February 14 Valentine’s Day Show: The Little Theatre of Danville DMFAH 8pm Riverview Rotary Valentine’s Dance: Stratford Conference Center, 149 Old Piney Forest Road, Danville 8pm-midnight $35 person; heavy hors d’oeuvres 434.251.6078
February 15 Cars & Coffee: Social time with classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, etc. Crema & Vine, 1009 Main St. Danville 9-10:30am 434.548.9862 Crossing of the Dan Commemoration: Halifax County Historical Society free 10am The Prizery 434.579.0083 Barks & Kisses: fundraiser for SPCA of Pittsylvania County; The Community Center of Chatham, Main St. live music by the Laura Ellis Group, heavy hors d’oeuvres, raffle, cash bar $25 advance/$20 at the door 8-11pm 434.724.7519 February 16 Gal-entine’s Day: celebrate lady friends 1-3pm Crema & Vine, 1009 Main St. Danville free February 19 Books on Life for the Young & Old: a presentation by author Hunter Darden The Wednesday Club, 1002 Main St. Danville 3:15pm coffee/3:45 program free www. TheWedClubDanvilleVa.org February 20 The National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine: Danville Concert Association GWHS Auditorium, 107 Broad St. Danville 7:30pm $25 adult/$10 youth www.danvilleconcert. org 434.792.9242 February 24 (thru March 30) Forms in Clay: pottery class on Mondays 6:30-9pm $95 for DMFAH members/$105 for others Call 434.792.5355 to register. February 26 Tickling Ivory in All Genres: presented by Telly Tucker free The Wednesday Club, 1002 Main St. Danville 3:15pm coffee/3:45pm program www.TheWedClubDanvilleVa.org
February 28 Empty Bowls: This is a fundraiser for God’s Storehouse in Danville and an international grassroots effort to fight hunger. Tickets include a simple meal of soup, bread and water. A bowl made by local artisans at GWHS or the DMFAH can be kept as a reminder of all the empty bowls in our community. Tickets are $20 or $25 after Feb. 21 at God’s Storehouse, Karen’s Hallmark, Commonwealth Home Health Care on Piney Forest Rd. www.godsstorehouse. org, Facebook, 434.493.3663
Plan Ahead

March 3 Socks in the Frying Pan: A multiawards winning trio from County Clare on the West Coast of Ireland, their dynamic vocal harmonies, virtuosic musical ability and on stage wit make them one of the most sought-after groups in Irish music today. $8-$28 The Prizery 7:30pm March 4 Smokestack Theatre Company Presents: a program at The Wednesday Club, 1002 Main St. Danville free open to the public 3:15pm coffee/3:45pm program www.TheWedClubDanvilleVa.org

March 7 Danville Symphony Winter Pops Concert: A Tribute to John Williams: Star Wars, E.T. Adventures, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones and more. 7:30 p.m. George Washington H.S Auditorium, 701 Broad St. Danville free www.danvillesymphony.net
January 12 - May 24, 2020

Museum Hours: Tuesday - Saturday • 10am - 5pm Sunday • 2 - 5pm
Admission: Ticket price includes full access to museum and other exhibits. Adults / $10 • Seniors (62+) / $8 Students / $4 • Age 7- College Children 6 and under / Free Members, Military, DoC / Free
The Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History would like to announce the Camilla Williams exhibition, made possible through a generous Make More Happen Grant from the Danville Regional Foundation. The Camilla Williams exhibition highlights the relationship this New York City Opera diva had with her hometown Danville, and explores the difficult path to fame in a racially divided South during the Civil Rights protests.
For more information call: 434-793-5644, or email: C.B. Maddox: cb@danvillemuseum.org www.danvillemuseum.org • Sincere thanks to our sponsors: