Evince July 2013

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Stephanie Weiss

Promoting Agriculture at Home and at Work Page 3

Julia Sparks

New Car Leads to Successful Career Page 6

July 2013 Photo by Michelle Dalton Photography

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Editor’s Note

This magazine has been evincing— giving evidence of—the good events and people in the Danville area since July 1996. In celebration of our 17th anniversary, our writers examine the evidence found in their lives and in the community and convict themselves of a few bad habits and some excellent attributes.

July Contents


Editor’s Note


Stephanie Weiss Promoting Agriculture at Home and at Work by Joyce Wilburn


She Said He Said / A Man’s Barbie Doll Collection by Dena Hill & Larry Oldham


The Voice of Readers


Julia Sparks / New Car Leads to Successful Career by Joyce Wilburn


We Want Your Opinion


Second Thoughts / Door-to-Door Trouble by Kim Clifton

13 Fireworks: Yes Fire: No / Be Prepared by Peter Eales 14 Honeysuckle / Fiction by Telisha Moore Leigg

What about the evidence of bad habits? What can be done about that? Annelle Williams is eliminating an unhealthy habit and taking another stab at losing weight with a recipe for grilled salmon on page 27. Linda Lemery is acknowledging that there is evidence of aging in her life. How she is coping is always amusing. See page 21. Dr. Jeff Smith lists several pieces of evidence confirming that Danville is a compassionate animal-loving city. See his column on page 22. Kim Clifton finds evidence every month that calamity follows her wherever she goes. This month is no exception. Read her hilarious story, Door-toDoor Trouble on page 9. Suzanne Stowe read my mind when she wrote the article on page 22. To paraphrase: it’s not enough to describe yourself in glowing terms, is there enough evidence to convict you?

22 Evidence of a Healthy or Unhealthy Life? by Suzanne Stowe & Dave Gluhareff

Evince thanks our loyal advertisers who have made this free publication possible and we thank our readers for supporting them. We want to continue to evince all that is positive about our community and its citizens. Tell us how we can best do that by completing the survey on page 8. As always, we look forward to hearing from you.


CEO / Publisher Andrew Scott Brooks President Larry Oldham (434.728.3713) larry@evincemagazine.com Editor Joyce Wilburn (434.799.3160) joycewilburn@gmail.com Associate Editors Larry G. Aaron (434.792.8695) larry.aaron@gmail.com Jeanette Taylor Intern Lindsey Kreger

11 Customer Service / Has It Been Exceptional? by H. Lynnette Lawson

Good qualities worth imitating can be found in the stories of Stephanie Weiss (page 3) and Julia Sparks (page 6), both featured on the front cover. Their names join the list of 70+ exceptional customer service winners on page 11. Are you and your business on the list? If so, congratulations! If not, make it a goal for next year.


Contributing Writers

Kristina Barkhouser, Cara Burton, Kim Clifton, Peter Eales, Dave Gluhareff, Gary Grant, Dena Hill, Sarah Latham, H. Lynnette Lawson, Telisha Moore Leigg, Linda Lemery, Chris MacNeill, Larry Oldham, Mackenzie Osadchuk, Judith Ostrowski, Jeff Smith, Suzanne Stowe, Allen Thompson, Melanie Vaughan, Joann Verostko, Dustin Whittle, Joyce Wilburn, Annelle Williams, Mack Williams, Sonya Wolen

Business Manager Paul Seiple(1.877.638.8685) paul@evincemagazine.com

16 Calendar Clips 17 Performance Points by Kristina Barkhouser 18 Calendar

Director of Sales & Marketing Larry Oldham (434.728.3713) larry@evincemagazine.com

21 Reflecting Forward / The Voice of Evidence by Linda Lemery

Sales Associate Kim Demont (434.792.0612) demontdesign@verizon.net

Dr. Jeff The Family Vet Past 20 Years Sees Danville Community Shine by Dr. Jeff Smith Ask Dr. Judith / Will I lose my hearing as I get older? by Judith Ostrowski 24 Where Can I Find an Evince? 25 If Today You Hear God’s Voice... It Might Be Don Webb by Mack Williams 26 Book Clubbing Leadership Lessons: Avoiding the Pitfalls of King Saul a review by Rev. Allen Thompson 27 Around the Table / Another Stab at Losing Weight by Annelle Williams

On the Cover:

Photos of Stephanie Weiss and Julia Sparks by Michelle Dalton Photography. See stories on page 3 and 6.

Meet Some of Our Writers

Art & Production Director Demont Design (Kim Demont) evince\i-’vin(t)s\ 1: to constitute outward evidence of 2: to display clearly: reveal syn see SHOW Deadline for submission of August stories, articles, ads, and calendar items is on Saturday, July 20, at 5 p.m. Submit stories and articles to: joyce@evincemagazine.com. Submit calendar items to: calendar@evincemagazine.com. For ad information contact a sales associate or sales manager above.

Editorial Policies:

eVince is a monthly news magazine covering the arts, entertainment, education, economic development, and lifestyle in Danville and the surrounding areas. We print and distribute eVince free of charge due entirely to the generosity of our advertisers. In our pages appear views from across the social spectrum. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. We reserve the right to accept, reject, and edit all submissions and advertisements.

EVINCE MAGAZINE 753 Main Street Suite 3 Danville, VA 24541 www.evincemagazine.com © 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in whole or in part in any medium without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.


Credits: Hair: Amber Wilson; Skin Care & Makeup: Catherine Saunders; Nails: Janelle Gammon; Genesis Day Spa & Salon, 695 Park Avenue, Danville

H. Lynnette Lawson is the Program Manager for the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce.

Peter Eales is an Area Forester with the Virginia Department of Forestry serving the counties of Charlotte, Halifax and Pittsylvania in the Dan River Work Area.

Rev. Allen Thompson is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church. He is a Virginia native who returned from Atlanta with his wife, Kelsey. They love living in Danville.

Dustin Whittle is the Membership and Marketing Director at the Danville Family YMCA.

We now accept Visa, MC, and Discover for ad payments

For Subscriptions, call 1.877.638.8685 ext. 6.

Evince Magazine

Page 3

give credit where it is due and to deflect it away from herself, Stephanie mentions the hardworking all-volunteer Board of Directors of the ODA Foundation who represent every county that touches Pittsylvania. She explains, “The Board attributes the success of this project to the fact that no one person receives credit for it.”

Stephanie Weiss

Promoting Agriculture at Home and at ODAC by Joyce Wilburn


tephanie Weiss and her sister grew up toiling under the hot summer sun in the fields of a three-generation family tobacco farm in Rondo, “the heart of God’s Country,” in Pittsylvania County. As an adult, she continues working with farmers and animals, but the setting is a little more comfortable in an air-conditioned office inside the multi-purpose Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex (ODAC) a few miles north of Chatham. “I credit my parents with teaching me to work as hard as the boys on the farm,” says the youthful ODAC Facilities Director and mother of two pre-teens, adding, “That’s where I learned my work ethic. My sister and I did everything with tobacco that was asked of us all summer long until we graduated from high school.” That attitude has carried over to the job that she’s held since the Complex opened in 2010. “If I

see something that needs to be done, whether it’s sweeping the floor or meeting with the governor, I do what’s needed,” she says and quickly adds, “and everyone in this organization does.” As Facilities Director, Stephanie describes her job as never repetitious. A typical day might find her making arrangements for a wedding reception or dinner party in the spacious James T. Emerson Education & Conference Center; organizing a farm meeting in one of the three classrooms or welcoming 500 people and 200 head of cattle for a show and field day in the 53,000 square foot arena. “We just finished the construction of a 200 tie-out cow barn and a 69-stall horse barn,” notes Stephanie, mentally anticipating other events that might be added to the calendar. On a quick tour through the facility, Stephanie points out a unique

feature that would appeal to history lovers—an exhibit on permanent loan from the closed National Tobacco-Textile Museum. She stops in front of a display case to admire one of her favorite items. “I love this purse made from Camel cigarette packs,” she says and glances at an arrangement of tobacco planting tools, “and I remember using one of these.” A few steps away is a pipe given to the Museum by the late Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat, another donated by former Vice-President Gerald Ford, and one presented to the Museum by John Warner when he visited Danville with his wife, Elizabeth Taylor. “You can see his teeth marks on it,” Stephanie notes while chuckling. An hour or two could be spent reading the banners and signs, looking at old photos and examining historic items that occupy the wide hallway running the length of the main building, but it’s almost closing time. On the walk back to her office, Stephanie comments with justifiable pride on the success of the ODAC and its frequent use by the community, “It has far surpassed our expectations and is having a very positive economic impact on the region. Our Conference Center is almost completely booked until the end of the year.” Always ready to

Stephanie’s career of promoting agriculture blends well with her background in farming and the current task of helping to raise 20 head of cattle with her husband— something she probably never anticipated as a teenager on those long hot summer days in the tobacco fields. • Stephanie Weiss was presented the Danville Pittsylvania Chamber of Commerce and Evince Spotting Exceptional Customer Service Award in March 2013. • The Olde Dominion Agricultural Foundation was presented the Chamber’s 2013 Pinnacle Award for their outstanding achievements that serve as a model for success. • ODAC is located two miles north of Chatham at 19783 US Highway 29. For more information, call 434.432.8026 or visit www.theodac.com. • The ODAC Farmers’ Market is open on Saturdays during the summer from 8:00 a.m. until noon selling locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Meats, eggs, jams, jellies, honey and specialty items are also available. • The Tobacco Exhibit is open to the public during normal business hours Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • On July 27-28, the public is invited to attend the Virginia Angus Breeder’s Show & Field Day. Check the website for details. • The following offices are housed at the ODAC: Pittsylvania County Farm Bureau; Farm Service Agency; Natural Resources Conservation Service; Pittsylvania County Soil and Water Conservation District; Pittsylvania County Agriculture Development Director; Virginia Cooperative Extension; Olde Dominion Agricultural Foundation and Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Service.

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July 2013



by Larry Oldham

by Dena Hill

A Man’s Barbie Doll Collection Thinking about all the rough times I’ve given you about your junk (I mean your treasures) has made me realize that maybe in some cases I have jumped the gun. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not wrong in all cases just some of them. I still think it’s weird for a grown man to collect Barbie Dolls and Hot Wheels. Why don’t you collect deer heads, or shotguns or vintage cars? On second thought, forget about the guns and deer heads. I hate hunting and guns. The reason I bring all this to mind is the fact that I started my new project this summer, well actually I have started several, but this one project pertains to you, sort of.

Well I guess you have gotten a little taste of your own medicine. Up until now, none of my treasures were important to you. But when you found items in the basement that you had an emotional attachment for, it brought out the same feelings I experience each time I visit my treasures at the U-Haul storage. I had noticed in the basement stacks of clothes and piles of what I would call junk arranged in neat rows. I went through most of them while you were upstairs. I understand now why you call my stuff junk, because every pile in the basement looked like it should have Goodwill stamped on it. Don’t get me wrong, I shop at Goodwill and as the old saying goes, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure,” so all that junk probably means something to some other man.

She said He Said

I started cleaning out the basement and this is where you come in. I ran across my three children’s childhood toys . Now I understand Photo by I am glad you your idea about Michelle Dalton Photography. experienced treasures. the feeling All of the of nostalgia, but I hate to burst your memories that the wooden blocks, bubble. The grandchildren are probably Nancy Drew mysteries and Hardy Boys going to want you to give them an iPad books reminded me of something instead of some wooden blocks. Those that I just can’t describe. I got excited books you described were great for our about the idea of giving these to my kids, but more than likely their parents grandchildren, reading these books to will be reading those same stories on them and teaching them numbers and their own Kindle. I guess our time has their ABCs with those blocks. passed, but we still have the memories. We still have the old blocks and books So in a way I understand your wanting and we can remember an innocent to keep the marbles from your time when we were happy playing with childhood or your collection of yo-yos. Jack Rocks, Pick Up Sticks, and Lincoln I still don’t understand the Barbie dolls Logs. Maybe they will experience the unless you played with dolls as a child. same thing but in an electronic moment That might be a valid reason for still instead of a touchy feely moment. Each wanting them, but that’s your business. generation creates their own memories. Maybe I’ll be less inclined to judge you We still have each other and we still as I’ve done in the past. But at least my have the old wooden blocks and books memories are related to the happiness and real Tonka trucks, so at least our I’ve experienced in raising my children. lives are filled with happy childhood I doubt if your boys played with Barbie memories. Perhaps once in a while our dolls while they were growing up. I grandchildren will want to come and will tell you this though, we have no play with our artifacts just to humor more room in the inn, so don’t even us. You’re probably right about one think about starting to collect anything thing though. I doubt that my two boys else unless you have a better plan for will ever want to inherit my Barbie doll storage collection. He Said / She Said can be found in Showcase Magazine.

Evince Magazine

The Voice of Readers Dear Editor: I am 72, a part-time student at Averett University and a reluctant traveler. That said, I want to let people know that the Averett University Alumni and Friends Tour of Central Europe that was advertised in Evince last November and occurred this June, was a ball. Fourteen people with ties to Averett University made this journey. We visited Budapest, Hungry; Vienna, Austria; Bratislava, Slovakia; and Prague, Czech Republic. During our stay in Vienna we traveled into the “mini Alps” and enjoyed an Austrian country dinner. My lovely wife, Linda, plotted with the other people in the Averett group and the other people on the tour to throw my very first birthday party at a country dinner. Danville is lucky to have Averett University. Not only do they periodically sponsor these trips, they offer lectures by noted authors, bring in music artists to provide free concerts for the

cake. That’s also him holding the AU flag with his traveling buddies. Thanks for letting us know how Evince helped to make this fun experience happen.

To the editor: I thoroughly enjoyed the feature story (Lindsey Kreger: Love Mema, XOXO June 2013 page 3) and wondered if her grandfather was Jimmy Kreger. He was my longtime auto mechanic and a class act. You could rely on him to be fair and honest and never do any more to your vehicle than was required. He also would tell you if the expense to repair it was worth the cost and charged a fair price for his labor.

community and the students present many theatrical performances throughout the school year. I want to especially thank retired Professor Larry Wilburn and Professor William Trakas who put this trip together and Evince magazine for publicizing the trip. It was because of the November article my wife and I decided to take the trip. Please keep up the good work and keep the good people of Danville informed about mindexpanding opportunities. Sincerely, Robert L. Weir I love the picture (below) taken a moment before Bob extinguished the huge candle on his birthday

If he was her grandfather, it dawned on me that he had qualities that can be hard to find these days. Again, a wonderful story and I believe your intern has a promising writing future! Gerald Adcock We checked with Lindsey Kreger and Jimmy Kreger was her grandfather. We agree 100% that Lindsey has a great future ahead. We are proud that she is working with us.

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Tell us what you think. Email your comments to joyce@evincemagazine.com or send mail to Evince Editor, 753 Main Street, Suite 3, Danville, VA 24541. Letters might be edited for space or style. Submission constitutes permission to use. To read past issues of Evince, visit www.evincemagazine.com.

Averett University Alumni and Friends pose at Fisherman’s Bastion overlooking the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary. Bob Weir is holding the AU flag. Front row: Dave Slayton, Janet Holley, Larry Wilburn, John Hoffman, Joyce Wilburn, Jeanette Taylor, Jimmy New, Linda Weir, Marilyn Booth, Darlene Watson. Top Row: Martha Athey, Valerie Hoffman, Patsie New.

Robert Weir celebrates his birthday during the recent trip with Averett University Alumni and Friends.

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July 2013 “everything felt right.” Two days later, Julia was in the classroom learning about the history of the company and its products and the different departments at the dealership. Hands-on experience was gained while driving the cars and training with the car’s technology. Most importantly, she was taught how to listen to customers and respond to their needs. “At almost every meeting we have, the managers tell us that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason, so we can listen twice as much as we talk,” Julia says while smiling from ear-to-ear.

Julia Sparks

New Car Leads to Successful Career by Joyce Wilburn

Photos by Michelle Dalton Photography

Not that it would ever matter to her, but Julia Sparks, car sales consultant, is the sole female in a traditionally maledominated field at Danville Toyota Scion. This month the Reidsville resident celebrates over ten years at the business on Piedmont Place—a career that started in 1997 when her car (not a Toyota), loaded with children, died in the middle of a busy intersection. “It was a wagon that I drove to college and later used to pick up the kids at school,” she says referring to her student days at Rockingham Community College and her now adult son and daughter. Knowing that the car couldn’t be resurrected, Julia started looking for a replacement. “I went to several different dealerships and wasn’t waited on,” she remembers with amazement still in her voice and then continues, “At one place, the salesman kept pushing me toward a particular car that I didn’t want.” He was advocating for a red sporty vehicle; she wanted a gray conservative one. Later that day, after complaining

to the dealership owner about the customer service she’d received, he invited her to return. What happened next came as a shock-he offered her a job waiting on female customers! She accepted and a career was born. A few years later near the end

of a medical leave, Julia started searching in Danville for a new place to work. “I walked onto a Riverside Drive lot. A salesperson came out, offered me his hand and said ‘Good morning, welcome to Danville Toyota,’” she recalls. That cordial reception alerted Julia that she had found a place where

Like any career, Julia’s has had its ups and downs, its battles, tears and frustration, but a customer’s satisfied smile can erase all that from memory. “It’s gratifying when things all come together and the customer is happy,” says the most tenured member of the sales team, who counts men and women among her clientele. After more than two decades in a successful career that started with a malfunctioning vehicle, Julia no longer worries about her car dying in the middle of an intersection or feeling unwelcomed on a car lot –and her customers don’t either. • Julia Sparks was presented the May 2008 Spotting Exceptional Customer Service Award presented by the Danville Pittsylvania Chamber of Commerce and Evince.

Evince Magazine

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July 2013

We Want Your Opinion Please take a moment to fill in this survey. We value your opinion on every topic, but today we would like to know what you like and dislike about Evince magazine. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. Bring or mail the survey to Larry Oldham, Brooks Media Group, 753 Main Street, Suite 3, Danville, VA 24541, or complete the survey online at www.evincemagazine.com. Please mark your answers with an X. 1. How often do you read Evince? ____ every issue ____ occasionally 2. What ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

do you like best about Evince? Ads Articles Calendar Clips Calendar of Events Columns Cover Feature Stories

3. Do you find most of the featured stories appealing ? ____Yes ____ No 4. What is your favorite monthly column? Please rate these on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best and 1 being you did not read it. ____ Around the Table ____ Book Clubbing ____ Fiction by Telisha Moore Leigg ____ Reflecting Forward ____ Second Thoughts ____ She Said He Said ____ Spotting Exceptional Customer Service 5. What would you like to see featured in Evince each month? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 6. What ____ ____ ____

would you like to see on the cover each month? People Scenes Combination

7. Would you like to see more photos in Evince? ______Yes ______ No 8. Where do you usually pick up Evince each month? _______________________________________________________________ Please tell us your age: ___ Under 35 ___ 40s ___ 50s ___ 60s or older ________ Male

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Other comments: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Evince Magazine

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were so hurried that that we stuffed the bags without rhyme or reason making them look like the work of a blindfolded cashier.

Second Thoughts by Kim Clifton ©2013

Door-to-Door Trouble Trouble is my middle name. Regardless of where I go, trouble always seems to find me. If you’ve read my pieces before, this isn’t news nor is it uncommon for me to get ahead of myself. So, let’s start with a little back story of how Trouble and I recently walked handin-hand. My sister, Diane, and I had gone to Duke University Hospital for our mother’s kidney surgery, which would likely involve a week’s stay. Thankfully, we found a hotel within walking distance of the medical center, providing us quick access to her room. One afternoon, while Mom napped, we decided to run back and grab a few things we had left behind that morning. “There’s a light on our phone,” Diane said as she flopped in a chair. This was more than a red light. It was more like a red flag. Even with repeated assistance from the operator, the entire message couldn’t be fully retrieved. All I could make out were the words “electricity” and “water.” Seems that we would be without either if we continued our

stay in room 407. “We can move you up to 614,” the front desk attendant told me. I groaned at the thought. Packing for a trip is exciting. Packing to go home is tiring. To do both in the middle of a trip is downright aggravating. The first thing I needed was a luggage cart. This lobby had more people coming and going than a concourse at Atlanta International, so the chances of finding one were about as realistic as spotting a dress shop in a nudist colony. I rode the elevator floor by floor in search of a buggy while Diane started packing. As I returned to the room empty-handed, a frantic reservations clerk ran up behind me. She’d found us a room on our same hall, but breathlessly told us that housekeeping needed us to move out within the next 20 minutes. I have never won a game of beat-the-clock. As I looked around our current room, I was certain my losing streak would remain unblemished. Hoarders organize their homes better than we had done and they stash less than we brought. Simply clearing the bathroom vanity would easily take up our allotted time. We’ve reached

an age where it takes an inordinate amount of ointments and aerosols to get through the day and night. We had more tubes and bottles strewn across that counter than the health and beauty section at CVS. This launched Diane’s master plan. Don’t pack it up. Bag it up. Before admitting Mom, we had taken her for dinner and a shopping spree, so we had tons of bags. Even though the sacks weren’t designed for heavy items, we figured it’d be quicker than fitting our gear into suitcases. We

What I dreaded the most was the closet. I have a system that I use when I travel, dividing my outfits into three sections. There’s the I only wore these to dinner and they might still be clean enough to wear again clothes. The I am not deciding when to wear these until I know where we’re going sets and the I really don’t want to mess these up unless I have to ensembles. Since sorting them again would be too complicated, Diane wrapped her arms around everything, lifted all off the rod and headed to the new room. Against my better judgment, I tried to carry more than I should have. I piled bags too high and dangled several off my wrists. When the handles split halfway down the hall, the carpet was littered with assorted hair and hygiene sprays. Ahead of me, I could see Diane wavering under the weight of the garments, but wanting to help. I didn’t have a free hand to pick up anything, so I hollered, “Save yourself!” and kicked the cans the rest of the way. Arms trembling, my sister burst into our new room, her vision blinded by the armload of clothes. As she tossed them on the bed, I don’t know who was more startled–Diane or the man who was now lying under them. Turns out our room had been double-booked. Mortified, we went back to our original one and camped until the hotel found us another. I shouldn’t be surprised when things like that happen to us because they always do. Next time I’m going to make it easier on fate, so it doesn’t have to work so hard to find us. I’ll just pack up Trouble in my old kit bag and smile, smile, smile.

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July 2013

Evince Magazine

Customer Service

Has It Been Exceptional? by H. Lynnette Lawson Six years ago in August, the Dan River Hospitality and Travel Committee of the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce had a phenomenal idea. They recognized that people who work on the frontlines of businesses become the face of the Dan River Region, yet their outstanding efforts often go unnoticed and unappreciated. The committee wanted to reward those who went the extra mile or took an extra unexpected step just to satisfy a customer. They also wanted to encourage our community to celebrate great customer service wherever they saw it. Shortly after that goal was set, a perfect partner was found in Evince and the Spotting Exceptional Customer Service Award was born. This award has recognized and celebrated everything from desperate, last-minute holiday purchases to the rescue of a cat that happened to share the same name as the gentleman who rescued him! Over the past few years, the Dan River Hospitality and Travel Committee has morphed into the Chamber’s Business Development Committee, but the commitment to celebrate exceptional customer service has not wavered. Often visitors to the region see no one other than frontline staff. These award winners are vital to our economic well-being and to the way others view our region and how we as residents view our region. Each year at Southside Show Biz, the trade show for Danville and Pittsylvania County, the past year’s winners are recognized during the VIP Reception and receive a framed copy of the nomination as it appeared in Evince. The Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce believes that the Dan River Region has an exceptional workforce. It is with great pleasure and pride that we celebrate and thank these honorees from the past seven years. Your service has been exceptional. • The 2013 Southside Show Biz will be held at Averett University’s North Campus, 707 Mount Cross Road. The VIP Reception for exhibitors and chamber members will be on Thursday, October 10, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. It is open to the public on Friday, October 11, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information, visit www.dpchamber.org or call 434.836.6990. • To nominate someone for exceptional customer service, email joycewilburn@gmail.com or visit www.dpchamber.org. Under Business Development, click on Customer Service Nomination.

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Congratulations to these businesses and their employees who were given Spotting Exceptional Customer Service Awards between August 2007 and June 2013. Business names are listed alphabetically. Business Employee A-1 Travel ........................................................................ Carley Douglas American National Bank .................................................... Susan Chaney Animal Medical Center ..................................................... Mandi Merricks Averett Book Store ...............................................................Dana Nelson B Dalton .......................................................................... Regina Shively Barkhouser Ford ............................................................... Tommy Taylor Ben David Jewelers ................................................................ Leon David Berry Hill Resort & Conference Center ................................ Travis Hogue Bojangles- Blairs..................................................................... Nancy Doll Checkered Pig .................................................................... Randy Bowles Chick-fil-A Riverside ......................................................................... Staff Commonwealth Pharmacy/Piney Forest Road ........................ Jeff Rodden Courtyard by Marriott ..........................................................Mary Ryerson Danville Appliance ................................................................. Ed Whitlow Danville Braves ................................................................. Bob Kitzmiller Danville Paint & Supply .................................................Robin Crutchfield Danville Regional Foundation ....................................Allison Shackelford Danville Toyota .....................................................................Julia Sparks Danville Tree Care ...........................................................Philip Winstead Danville VEC Workforce ................................................... Front desk staff DMV ................................................................................. Elaine McGuire El Vallarta ....................................................................... Alex Hernandez Fenders Wine Bar & Bistro ................................................... Chris Woods First Citizens Bank ................................................................ Katie Smith Foster Insurance Co. .............................................................. Matt Foster Ginger Bread House ...................................................Pat & Barry Brown Gretna Theatre..................................................................... Marie Young Hobby Lobby........................................................................ Theresa Hall Hobby Lobby......................................................................... Ann Farmer Home & Wall Décor ................................................................Jeff Dalton Home Depot .........................................................................Steve Harris IALR .................................................................................. Theresa Lewis Isabel’s Pizza, Pasta & Subs .............................................Melissa Haynes Joe & Mimma’s .................................................................Sharon Sheets K Mart ................................................................................Troy Reynolds LifeWay Christian Store .........................................................Kasey White Los Tres Magueyes .............................................................. Betty Ochoa Main Street Coffee Emporium ...............................................Bill Leopold Main Street Coffee Emporium ..................................... Jennifer Codispoti McDonald’s .................................................................... Shelby Haymore Office Max ..........................................................................Shevon Welch Office Plus Business .........Debra Jones, Vickie Moore, Lynn Haynesworth Old Dutch Super Market ..........................................................Pat Gibson Old Dutch Supermarket ......................................................... Rick Powell Olde Dominion Ag Complex ........................................... Stephanie Weiss One Stop Cellular..............................................................Frannie Wrenn Performance Heating & AC .............................................. Robert Stevens Piedmont Health & Wellness ....................................... David Hungerland PIP Printing ...................................................................................... Staff Players Unlimited ................................................................ Larry Stamps Residents of Danville ............................................... Paul & Marjory Leipe Rippe’s .......................................................................................Lisa Kerr Riverside Hardware ......................................................... David Stephens Ryan’s Grill, Buffet & Bakery ..............................................Kenneth Knox Sherwood House........................................................... Ernest Fitzgerald Shipping Connection .............................................................. Gail Rising Shoe Carnival......................................................................Darien Crews Sounds Unlimited ............................................................. Chad Plemons Southern Hills Golf Course ................................................. Mark Hopkins Toys R Us ....................................................................... Destiny Williams URW Community Federal Credit Union .......................... Front office staff Vaden & Associates ....................................... Dan Vaden & Kim Demont Verizon Retail Store .........................................................Ernest Burchell Wachovia Riverside .........................................................Anne Satterfield Wal-Mart ............................................................................ James Walker Wal-Mart ................................................................................Judy Maxey Wal-Mart Pharmacy ...........................................................Vicky Coleman White Oak Contractors ....................................................... David Reagan Woodall Automall .................................................................. Vic Romano Woodson Marathon ................................................... Lawrence Woodson

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July 2013

Evince Magazine

Fireworks: Yes Fires: No Be Prepared by Peter Eales Legal fireworks and sparklers are a popular part of July 4th celebrations. Unfortunately, they could become a cause of wildfires. “One spark is all it takes for a wildfire to start,” says Fred Turck, Assistant Director for Wildfire Prevention and Education with the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF), adding, “Fireworks that have finished burning are still extremely hot and they can smolder in dry grass or leaves before a fire ignites.” Turck recommends keeping a bucket of water, wet towel and a fullycharged garden hose nearby. Children and pets should also be kept a safe distance away from igniting and spent fireworks. Forestry officials say that it’s not just public pyrotechnic shows that pose a threat. Personal use of fireworks, cookouts and bonfires could start fires that would spread rapidly in dry conditions.

The VDOF recommends following these safety tips: • Buy from reliable fireworks sellers and use only those that are legal for use in Virginia and your locality. • To detonate fireworks, find a flat surface away from buildings, dry leaves and grass. • Have water, a rake and shovel on hand in case of a fire. • Insist on adult supervision when buying or setting off fireworks. • Read and follow label directions, warnings and instructions. • Be sure other people are out of range before lighting fireworks. • Light only one firework at a time. • Never try to re-light fireworks that have not detonated. • Never give fireworks to small children; even sparklers can cause serious burns. • Keep all pets especially dogs away from fireworks

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July 2013

Honeysuckle fiction by Telisha Moore Leigg


im thought it was a mistake to cut back the honeysuckle vines from the wedding arbor, but his ex-wife’s family insisted. Clarisse, his ex, said nothing. Tim looked at her as long as he could before he looked back to the honeysuckle. He understood how some folks could think things bloomed there were weeds and want them gone. Everybody wants what’s bad gone, wants the starched tablecloth and the good wine that ain’t been spilt on it. But while Tim Knox thought God kept the key to the kingdom, got the goods on grace, Tim knew he wasn’t getting into heaven, wasn’t getting any of that grace, not with what he had done. “Lord, ain’t this one hot mess?” Dorothy Ann Potts, Clarisse’s third cousin once removed, loud-whispered to her friend behind her handkerchief. She then cleaned her nose with supposed delicacy before squashing the handkerchief back into her purse. Even as he kept on setting up the white wedding chairs, Tim Knox let the old biddy’s comment go. He worked on the garland and flowers by twisting the pale green and lilac faux-silk fabric, securing them to the chairs. He had paid someone to do set-up, but did it anyway to keep his hands busy. If you cut back the honeysuckle, Tim thought, the hummingbirds won’t come. Folks didn’t think about that when they cut back, how you can’t take nothing that don’t cost you something else. Certainly, nothing he ever got was free. That first night of stolen lust got him years later: a boy dead, his little girl cutting strokes through his heart with the ones on her wrists and arms, Clarisse looking at him like some moon, cold and deep within the night, her eyes down on him like the film on top of dirty dishwater. And then there was his new woman and her kids, those stumbling lumps looking to him for light. But he knew he won’t no sun set to shine, maybe he was before, but

no more. Sometimes, what you paid for your pleasure, well, the cost was a drought released, and the downpour all you could stand before you drowned. “Lord, look,” Dorothy Ann Potts continued now tickled and barely whispering, “I heard the daddy of the bride done brought his mess of a woman with him and his wife right there, too. Lord, these brothers think they can do anything nowadays.” Tim didn’t even look up, but Darla, “the mess of a woman,” uncomfortable and rustling in mint green taffeta, stiffened at the insult, yet still handed him cloth roses, adjusting her heels as they sunk in the early morning earth. Because of comments like that, Darla would not leave his side, would not go into the recreation center that would serve as the reception site, wouldn’t face the other women. She stayed out in the morning dew watching the men putting up tents. Tim put his shoulder into securing one of the posts holding the canopy where his daughter and her fiancé would stand. He made sure the post was tight, festooned in flowers, double anchored with wire before going inside the recreation center to get more decorations. He left Darla standing deep in the shade of a mulberry bush drinking bottled water in cautious sips. Tim went inside to the restroom and banged with a fist the first wall he could find, cursing under his breath old Dorothy Ann Potts. Among the recently cleaned toilets and a far-right dripping sink, he was thinking of his soon-to-bemarried little girl, Laurel. Somehow he saw another face behind the veil, his ex-wife Clarisse. He hurried from the bathroom. It was the hummingbirds Tim most mourned, even though in truth, they never lived long. When he was 16, two things happened in the same week. The first was that his Aunt Eula, who raised him after his mother left him for

drugs and dreams, went and died of a heart attack, died in the noon heat, in the red clay where she grew corn and green beans. He had been at school. Aunt Eula had been old when he came to her. Pastor Jones, who was also the local undertaker, gave the eulogy. Tim buried her using the little insurance money she left him and lived in the house she willed to him out in Pulsar County. No one came to raise him after that. At the funeral and after, remaining family shucked their eyes and the responsibility of him, so he went to work, became a man.

son, still he could not speak. Quickly, his eyes found Darla again, still huddled in the leaves and berries looking at him. And then there was Dorothy Ann Potts, punching her friend with her elbow, about to fall out of her seat to see what would happen next.

When he saw his Clarisse standing by the entrance to the reception center he stopped. From the distance, for a second he thought he was looking into his Laurel’s eyes. And soon neither would be his anymore. Clarisse’s new man, Marco, was here but not with her at the moment.

But it wasn’t dead, the humming bird. Years later, Tim knew now that it was torpor, that the hummingbird was just asleep and couldn’t wake fast enough, breathe fast enough for notice. And Tim hadn’t known to wait, so he buried it in the backyard near the honeysuckle.

The second thing that happened when he was 16 was a dead hummingbird. The hummingbird was dead when he found it. That’s what he thought anyway when he found it in the doorway of that old country house his Aunt Eula left him.

“Tim,” Clarisse called again as he moved toward the shade where Darla waited. And folks were watching. And Tim’s hands were shaking. Time was running out before the wedding started. And he couldn’t turn back to her and make it.

Clarisse spoke to him. She had always been kind that way, but he couldn’t answer her just then. His tongue wouldn’t move even though he had the excuse of their daughter’s wedding, even though they had the grieved custody of the dead

“Clarisse,” he said roughly. He cleared his throat to say something, anything in the moment with Clarisse’s eyes on him without the disdain she usually had for him these days. He thought then of Pastor Jones’ sermon that “Grace is pain pulled up to light.”

And it died there waking, hungry wings buried from the nectar and light. It was a terrible way to die. The author welcomes your reactions at telishamooreleigg@gmail.com.

Evince Magazine

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Page 16

July 2013

Calendar Clips Clip it. Post it. Do it.

For more activities, see the calendar on page 18-19.

Monday, July 1 – Monday, September 2 Raise the Roof

The newest exhibit at the Danville Science Center, 677 Craghead Street, takes a lively look at structure. Handson activities, interactive components and vivid images challenge visitors of all ages to examine the foundations of architecture and engineering. Before leaving, be sure to look through the lobby window at the construction of the $3.4 million digital dome theater that is expected to be finished by the end of the year. (submitted by Sonya Wolen)

Thursday, July 4th

Celebration in Danville

This year’s celebration includes a full day of activities including a trail run in the morning and a patriotic concert, children’s area, magic show and fireworks in the evening. Admission is free for all evening activities. Centra Medical Group Patriot Challenge on Anglers Ridge Mountain Bike Trails starts at 8:00 a.m. followed by an ice cream social for participants. Gates open at the Carrington Pavilion at 6:00 p.m. for arts, crafts, magic by Marlo the Magician and amusement rides (small fee for rides). At 7:30 p.m. the Danville Symphony Orchestra will play. Food concessionaires will be available. Fireworks display starts after dark. For more info, call 434.793.4626 or visit www.PlayDanvilleVa.com.

Thursday, July 11

Emma Edmunds Presentation

UVA researcher and project director for Mapping Local Knowledge, Emma Edmunds, will be at the Danville Public Library, 511 Patton Street, at 5:30 p.m. to present a program on events that happened in Danville from January 1 to July 21, 1963. After the presentation, anyone wishing to share their own photographs and stories of those turbulent days are invited to do so. The DPL will be hosting an exhibit from the Mapping Local Knowledge project--ten panels with photographs and text that examine the 1963 Danville civil rights movement through the perspectives of ten participants. For more information, call 434-799-5195, ext. 3. (submitted by Joann Verostko)

Saturday, July 13

DHS Best Party in Town

The Danville Historical Society will be hosting the best party in Danville beginning at 8:00 p.m. in the historic Elks Lodge on Main Street. The theme is USO Night and costumes are encouraged but optional. The 16-piece Starmont Band will be playing big band and patriotic music. Cost is $25 per person or $45 per couple. For more information, visit www.danvillehistory.org or call 434.799.2323. (submitted by Sarah Latham)

Saturday, July 13

The Amazing Kreskin

With a showman’s flair, a comedian’s wit and the capacities of a bona fide mentalist or thought reader, The Amazing Kreskin has for 5 decades dramatized the unique facets of the human mind, his own! His very name has become an integral part of pop culture throughout the world, invoked in comedy clubs, comic strips, print stories and TV shows. When Johnny Carson played the character, Carnac the Magnificent, on the Tonight Show, he was spoofing the Amazing Kreskin. Kreskin, a favorite guest on Johnny’s show and Merv Griffin, has also been a regular on Howard Stern, David Letterman, and Regis & Kathy Lee. Currently he makes frequent appearances on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. For his performance at the theatre, Kreskin asks that his check be hidden by the audience somewhere in the theater during the show. He will attempt to find it and if he fails, he will forfeit his fee. Amazing Kreskin also offers $1,000,000.00 to anybody who proves that he employs paid secret assistants in any phase of his program to help him perform his mentalist effects. Tickets are $25 to $10. Visit www.thenorththeatre.com or call 434-793.SHOW(7469). (submitted by Chris MacNeill)

Thursday, July 18 Keeping Well in Mind, Body and Spirit

This free program series for those concerned with cancer prevention and survivorship is presented by the Cancer Resource Center of Southern Virginia with the support of Danville’s Cancer Task Force. From noon until 1:00 p.m. at the Ballou Recreation Center, corner of West Main and Park Avenue, lower level, learn about PATHS Medical Center: An overview of services and available cancer screening methods. Do you know PATHS offers patient navigation? A medical center pharmacy? A dental clinic? A pediatrician? Bring your lunch and a friend. Boxed lunches are available for $6.00. Drinks and dessert will be provided. For reservations, call 434.766.6650 or email cllitzenberg@vcu.edu. (submitted by Melanie Vaughan)

Friday, July 19 & Saturdays, July 20 & 27 Danville Revisited Meet-the-Authors and Book Signing

The brainchild of local historian, Clara Fountain, Danville Revisited is set for release mid-July by Arcadia Press under its “Images of America” imprint. Inspired by a cache of heretofore unknown earlytwentieth-century Danville photographs she purchased at an estate sale, Mrs. Fountain and Gary Grant organized these and other vintage images, most never-before seen, in this handsome 128-page volume, complete with descriptive captions and supporting text. In these views, candids and studio portraits, the book depicts the rich panorama of Danville history from the Civil War era into the 1960s—from the point of view, “behind the lens,” of the photographers themselves. Copies will be available for purchase at meet-the-authors events on Friday, July 19, 2-5 p.m., at The Attic Hound, 531 Main Street: on Saturday, July 20, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at Karen’s Hallmark in Piedmont Mall; and on Saturday, July 27, 2-4 p.m. at JR.’s Cheap Books & Stuff, 764 Westover Drive. (submitted by Gary Grant)

Saturday, July 20

Annual Crab Feast

The Danville Family YMCA is hosting this fundraiser, featuring all-you-can eat Chesapeake Blue Crab, hamburgers, hotdogs and corn on the cob. Beer and wine will be sold. Roy and Jerry from Dirt Road Scholars will provide

Evince Magazine music. This fun event will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Danville Community Market, 629 Craghead Street. Cost is $35 for adults; $10 for ages 6-12. Kids 5 and under are free. All proceeds will go towards scholarships. To purchase tickets, visit the YMCA at 810 Main Street. For more information, call 434.792.0621 or visit www.ymcadanville.org. (submitted by Dustin Whittle)

Monday, July 22 – Friday, August 16 The Mansion Mourns

The Sutherlin Mansion at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History, 975 Main Street, will follow 19th century funerary customs to commemorate Major William T. Sutherlin’s death on July 22, 1893. Black wreaths and crepe will be placed on the front doors; mirrors will be covered in black. Exhibits will include Edwardian mourning dress and hair jewelry. Visitors will learn the significance of these and other displays to the grieving Victorians. Major Sutherlin was a major tobacco baron and businessman whose skills made him a valuable quartermaster during the Civil War, even though he was reluctant to secede from the Union. A Danville mayor and alderman, he was also a proponent of education. The DMFAH is open Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Closed on Monday. New admission rates are in effect. Visit www.danvillemuseum.org or call 434.793.5644 for details. (submitted by Cara Burton)

Upcoming Friday, August 2

Due Date for 3rd Round of the Danville Calendar Contest

Submit a color photo of a Danville event, scenic or historic place or favorite snapshot of life in the city. Photos of all seasons are encouraged and will be judged on the basis of originality, creativity and the quality of reproduction. Your submission could be included in the 2014 Danville calendar. Limit one submission per person for each deadline. The fourth round deadline is November 1. For more information, visit www.discoverdanville.com or call 434.793.1753. (submitted by Mackenzie Osadchuk)

Page 17

Page 18

July 2013

July Calendar Ongoing

Guided Walking Tour – Millionaires Row & Holbrook Street. See ad page 24. Classes at the Centre – Chair Aerobics, Aerobics, Zumba & Yoga. Times/Days Vary. Spencer-Penn Centre (SPC) – 276.957.5757. www.thecentreatspencerpenn.com. In The Know. 10am. SPC – 276.957.5757. Summertime Bingo - Bring a gift to exchange, blood pressure & body mass index checked and enjoy playing Bingo. Ages 50+. MTUW. Times/Location Vary. 434.799.5216. Boogie Mondays - Learn new dances, make new friends, and have loads of fun. 7-8:30pm. Ballou Center - 434.799.5216. Prime Time Fitness - Low-impact aerobics workout with a mix of various fun dance steps. MTH 9:30-11am/Ballou Rec Center; 5:30-7pm/Pepsi Building. 434.797.8848. Cardio Step Class – Up-tempo, high energy class. TTH 8:15-9:15am. City Auditorium. 434.797.8848. Baby Boomer Style Work Out – Walking, cardio activity & weight training designed for older adults. TTH 9-10:30am. City Auditorium. 434.797.8848. Ladies, It’s Time to Work It Out. TTH 10am-12pm. City Auditorium. 434.797.8848. Zumba with Jennifer - Hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program. TTH 7pm. Coates Rec Center. 434.797.8848. African Rhythms by Nguzo Saba – Learning West African dance technique to live drumming. W 7pm. City Auditorium. 434.797.8848. Kuumba-West African Dance Co. – Live drumming and energetic dancing. Must pre-register. TH Kuumba Kids 6pm; Adults 6:30pm-7:45pm. City Auditorium. 434.797.8848. Tai Chi - A slow moving exercise to enhance breathing, calm the mind and improve movement. TH 6pm. Coates Rec Center. 434.797.8848. Karate. All ages. TU 5:30-6:30pm. Community Center, Chatham. 434.250.2311. Belly Dancing. 6:30-7:30pm. Community Center. Chatham, VA. 434.713.9076. Book Swap - Take a book or two to read and bring a book or two to leave. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216.

Through July 15

Averett Library Book Sale - Fiction, genealogy, history, religion & general Interest. Daily, except Saturdays. Averett University. 434.791.5690.

Through August 25

Dinosaurs Exhibit. Virginia Museum of Natural History (VMNH) – 276.634.4185.

Through August 25

DMFAH Exhibits – Linda Mitchell Exhibition - Truth in Animals. Richly colored mixed media paintings populated by real and imagined animals

who are often stand-ins for humans. Robert Friedman Exhibition - Danville Photographs 2007-2012. Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History (DMFAH) – 434.793.5644.

Through September 1

Summer Discovery – Enjoy Sunday openings, discounted new VMNH Memberships, and behind-the-scenes tours. 1-5pm. VMNH – 276.634.4185.

Through October 12

Butterfly Station & Garden. Danville Science Center (DSC) – 434.791.5160.

July 1

Braves vs Bluefield. Legion Field, DDMP – 434.797.3792. See ad page 23.

July 1 (thru 3)

Kayak Camp I - Learn the basic skills of operating a kayak on flat and moving water. Ages 12-15. 434. 799.5150.

July 1 (thru 16)

Bingo. Times/locations vary. 434.799.5216.

July 1 (thru 23)

Art with Judie – Learn how to paint with oil or watercolor. M/TU - Times vary. Ballou Annex. 434.797.8848.

July 1 (thru 29)

Get Moving in the Summer 2013 Low impact exercise class. MTH 11:30am-12:30pm. Coates Rec Center. 434.797.8848. Anime Club – Come watch anime, talk manga, and enjoy things Japanese. Ages 12+. M 4-6pm. Danville Public Library (DPL) – 434.799.5195.

served while watching the movie. Ages 13+. 2-4pm. DPL – 434.799.5195.

July 3

Eric Holmgren Concert – Nashville recording artist performs classic country. 12-4pm. Ballou Rec. Center. 434.799.5216. Fossil Finds – With the Danville Science Center. Learn about the animals that roamed the earth long ago and how they survived by examining prehistoric shark teeth to ocean creatures as large as a school bus. Ages 3-5. 11-11:45am. DPL – 434.799.5195. Gardening Fun. 3:30-4:30pm. DPL-Westover – 434.799.5195. Braves vs Burlington. Fireworks. Legion Field, DDMP – 434.797.3792. See ad page 23. Fireworks At The Speedway. 8pm. South Boston Speedway – 434.572.4947.

July 3 (thru 31)

Wee Storytime – Dance, sing, listen and have fun. Ages up to 2. 10-10:45am. DPL – 434.799.5195. Senior Bowling Tournament. 10am. Riverside Lanes. 434.791.2695.

July 4

Patriot Challenge. 5k/10k, Fun Run for childen and ice cream social. 8am. Anglers Park Mountain Bike Trail. 434.793.4636. See page 16. Fourth of July Celebration. See page 16. Roxboro Parade & Fireworks – Parade, uptown at 10am; Fireworks around 9pm. 336.599.8333.

July 2013 S

M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29

T 2 9 16 23 30

W 3 10 17 24 31

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27

July 8 (thru 11)

Basic Woodworking for Children – Class involves safety skills, measurement skills, and use of small hand tools. Ages 9+. 9am-12pm. SPC – 276.957.5757.

July 8 (thru 29)

Tai Chi - Increase strength, balance, flexibility and explore your inner self. M 11:15-12:30pm. Ballou Rec. Center. 434.799.5216.

July 8 (thru 12)

Junior Ace of Cakes Camp – Learn to mix, bake, and create cakes and become an Ace of Cakes. Ages 10-14. 8:30-11:30am. Artisan Center – 276.656.5461. Architectural Model & Design Camp – Learn to use AutoDesk Revit Architecture 2012 software and Building Animation software. Ages 10-14. 8:30-11:30am. PHCC – 276.656.5461. Playground Sports - Learn new techniques to become an all-star at school. Ages 5-12. 9am-12pm. Squire Rec. Center. 434.799.5214. Camp Creepy Crawlies – Learn about Arthropods and explore the lives of things that creep and crawl. Ages 3–5, 9:30am–12pm; Ages 5–7, 1:30–4pm. DSC – 434.791.5160.

July 9 (thru 11)

Trip to New York City - Visit the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Ground Zero, Upper & Lower Manhattan and more. 7am. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216.

July 10

July 4 (thru 7)

Prizery Summer Theatre - Red, White And Broadway. See ad page 12.

Art with Flo – Wet-on-wet technique. W. Times/Location vary. 434.797.8848. Kookie Creatures. 3:30-4:30pm. DPLWestover – 434.799.5195.

Blood Pressure & Body Mass Index Checks. Times/Locations Vary. 434.799.5216.

July 5

July 10 & 11

July 1 (thru August 9)

July 5 (thru 26)

July 1 (thru 31)

Specialty Camp - Enjoy activities focused on science, technology, food, nutrition, character building and more. 7:30am-6 pm. Glenwood Rec. Center. 434.799.5150.

First Friday Art Walk. 5-7pm. Studio 107, Martinsville. 276.638.2107.

Raise the Roof Exhibit. Danville Science Center See. page 16.

Preschool Story Time – Share stories and songs with a set theme. Ages 3-5. 11-11:45am. DPL – 434.799.5195. Game Show Fridays – An afternoon of your favorite game shows. 1:30-3pm. Ballou Park. 434.799.5215. Friday Night Dances - Live music by the City Limits Band. Ages 50+. 7:30-10:30 pm. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216.

July 2

July 6

July 1 (thru September 2)

Ballou Choir Rehearsal - Ages 50+. 11am-12:30pm. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216. African Violet Club - Learn about garden tending, pest control and more. Meetings include a covered dish meal. Ages 50+. 12-1:30pm. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216.

July 2 (thru 30)

Hand and Foot – Play the fastest growing card game around. TU 1-4:30pm. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216. Beneath the Surface Teen Movie Night – Popcorn and lemonade will be

If you’d like to submit an item for the Evince calendar, email it to calendar@evincemagazine.com. The deadline for the August issue is Monday, July 15, at 5:00 p.m. Please send just the basic information following the format on these pages.

Canoe/Kayak Tour. 9am-1pm. Mayo Lake, Roxboro. 336.597.7806. DRBA First Saturday Outing - 4-mile scenic paddle on beautiful Philpott Lake. 10am. 540.570.3511. Bob Ross Painting Class - Complete a painting, Just Before the Storm, in one day. 10:30am–3:30pm. Ballou Annex . 434.797.8848. Play Days in the Park - Stimulate kids than an afternoon of games and activities for the whole family. 2-5pm. White Rock Park. 434.799.5215.

July 6 & 7

Halifax Co. Truck & Tractor Pull. Halifax Co. Fairgrounds. 434.579.3083.

July 6 (thru 27)

Disney Classic Movie Marathon – Movies, popcorn & lemonade. Sat 10:30am-12:30pm. DPL – 434.799.5195.

Fun Glass Fusing for Kids – Necklace & Suncatcher. Students learn the process of creating fused glass ornaments to take home. 9am-3:30pm. PAA – 276.632.3221.

July 10 (thru 12)

Doodle Bugs Summer Camp – Buggy Basics. Ages 3-5. 9:30-11:30am. VMNH – 276.634.4185.

July 10 & 24

Intro to Musical Theatre Workshop – Children learn spacial awareness, reading comprehension, theatre terminology and following direction. 2-3pm. DPL – 434.799.5195.

July 10 (thru 15)

Braves vs Kingport/Princeton. Legion Field, DDMP – 434.797.3792. See ad page 23.

July 10 (thru August 7)

Quilting 101 – Learn how to start and finish a quilt, new tips and tricks for piecing, hand sewing and machine quilting. 5:30-8:30pm. Artisan Center – 276.656.5461.

July 10 (thru August 8)

Advanced Quilting Techniques – Open lab for experienced quilter to complete assignments or individual designs and to work in a self-paced, supportive and creative environment. 5:30-8:30pm. Artisan Center – 276.656.5461.

Evince Magazine

July 11

Bob Ross Technique Workshop – Just Before the Storm. 9am-3:30pm. PAA – 276.632.3221. Mapping Local Knowledge Presentation by Emma Edmunds. See story page 16.

July 11 (thru 25 )

Ballou Jammers - An acoustic musical jamboree. Bring a stringed instrument or just sit and listen. TH 3pm. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216. Pajama Storytime – Dress in PJs and share stories and songs with a set theme. 6:30-7:15pm. DPL – 434.799.5195.

July 11 (thru 21)

Prizery Summer Theatre - Legally Blonde. See ad page 12.

July 12

Music Night - Zephyr Lightning Bolts; Carolina Breeze; Travis Frye and Blue Mountain; The Old Dominion Cloggers. Open Mic 5:30pm. Bands 6:20pm. SPC276.957.5757. Magic of the Masters Close-Up Magic Show – Starring celebrity magician and World Champion Illusionist Wayne Alan. 8pm. North Theatre – 434.793.7469.

July 12 & 26

Movies in the Park – Relax under a canopy of stars while being entertained by popular family movies. 7/12-Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax; 7/26-Brave. 9-11pm. Ballou Park. 434.799.5215.

July 12 (thru 14)

North American Road Racing – Featuring USGTC & Radical Cup Series. 8am-5pm. VIRginia International Raceway – 434.822.7700.

July 13

Junior Naturalist Summer Adventure Camp – Investigate important topics in nature and the environment. Ages 9-11. 9-4pm. VMNH – 276.634.4185. Homes Camp – Learn about anthills to skyscrapers, build a nest, use building blocks to design people homes, and explore the outdoors to find evidence of animal dwellings. Ages 3–5, 9:30am– 12pm; Ages 5–7, 1:30–4pm. DSC – 434.791.5160.

July 16

Summer Camp Fun Day - Crafts, games, water activities and entertainment. Ages 3-13. 10am-3pm. Crossing at the Dan. 434.799.5214.

July 17

Pyramids. 3:30-4:30pm. DPL-Westover – 434.799.5195.

July 18

Skydiving - Experience for the ultimate daredevil. 9am-5pm. Glenwood Community Center. 434.799.5150. Senior Movie Day - Skyfall. 11am. DPL – 434.799.5195. Keeping Well in Body, Mind, Spirit. See page 16. Senior Citizens Club – Monthly meeting and covered dish luncheon. Ages 50+. 12-1:30pm. Ballou Rec Center. 434.799.5216. Organic Gardening - Share information and have questions answered about gardening topics and more. 6-7:30pm. City Auditorium. 434.797.8848. Enchanted Evenings - Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy music by Lauren Light. 6:30-8:30pm. Ballou Park. 434.799.5216. Mid-Summer Night Wine Tasting – Join Danville Museum members for a pre-Margaritaville kick-off party on the front porch of their new Research Center. 5-7pm. DMFAH - 434.793-5644.

Firearm Safety Class - Learn the laws in VA that regulate concealed carry permits, basic design of handguns, handgun safety and marksmanship. 9am-2pm. Glenwood Community Center. 434.799.5150. Canoe & Kayak Race. 10am. Mayo Lake, Roxboro. 336.597.7806. Ride the Wind Summer Zip Line – Experience the thrill of the new 400-foot Zip Line. 3-4:30pm. Dan Daniel Memorial Park. 434.799.5215. The Best Party in Town. See page 16. The Amazing Kreskin. North Theatre. See page 16.

July 19

July 15 & 16

July 20

Boating Safety Education. 6-9:30pm. Ballou Nature Center. 434.799.5215.

July 15 (thru 18)

Lego Building – Students will learn basics of Lego construction and explore the foundations of robotics by designing experiments in construction engineering. 9am-12pm. SPC – 276.957.5757.

July 15 (thru 19)

Entrepreneurship Camp – Introduce entrepreneurship as a viable career option. Ages 10-14. 8:3011:30am. Artisan Center, Martinsville. 276.656.5461. CADD Engineering Modeling and Design Camp – Students will use AutoDesk Inventor 2012 Adapteve Modeling Software and create sophisticated engineering part models, drawings, assemblies and assembly animations. Ages 10-14. 8:30-11:30am. Patric Henry Community College (PHCC), Martinsville. 276.656.5461. Sutherlin Guard Civil War Camp – Soldier drills, camp life, medical practices with Surgeon Major Lester Snyder. Ages 7-12 years. 9am-12pm. DMFAH – 434.793.5644. Football Camp - Learn the basic to advanced skills in football. Ages 5-12. 9am-12pm. Squire Rec. Center. 434.799.5214.

Just Everyday Women Walking by Faith - A non-denominational Christian women’s group. Speaker Anne Burke will share her testimony and music. 11am1pm. Mary’s Diner. 434.793.1075 or 434.836.9113. Larsens’ Amazing World of Reptiles – Intro to a wide variety of reptiles. 2-3pm. DPL – 434.799.5195.

July 19, 20 & 28

Danville Revisited Meet-the-Authors and Book Signing. See page 16. Nature Hike. 9-10am. Mayo Lake, Roxboro. 336.597.7806. Indoor Skydiving - Trip to Sky Venture. 9am-5pm. Glenwood Community Center. 434.799.5150. Creek Crawl - Discover the varieties of aquatic like and explore these vital environments. 6:30-8:30pm. Anglers Park. 434.799.5215. YMCA Crab Feast. See page 16. Danville Area Humane Society Dog Wash. 9am-12pm. Danville Farmer’s Market. 434.799.0843.

July 22 (thru August 26)

Belly Dance - Techniques and Drills - Learn basic belly dance techniques. Ballou Rec. Center. M 5:30-6:30pm. 434.797.8848. Outdoor Adventure Camp III Climbing, canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, zip lining, hiking, survival skills, treasure hunting, crafts and more. Ages 10-14. 9am-12pm. 434.799.5214.

July 22 (thru 26)

Innovation Station Product Design Camp – Students will learn to conceptualize, design, and prototype ideas for new products, use various Fabrication Lab equipment including but not limited to plasma cutters, laser cutters, and 3D printers to design

and produce a tangible product. Ages 10-14. 8:30-11:30am. Artisan Center – 276.656.5461. Video Game Design & Development – Design video games and learn other computer applications. Ages 10-14. 8:30-11:30am. PHCC. 276.656.5461. Summer Art Camp – Create beautiful works of art, including crafts made from recycled items. Ages 5-8. 9am-12pm. PAA – 276.632.3221. Past Blasters Summer Adventure Camp – Explore historic sites, examine real documents, and uncover objects like an archaeologist would. Ages 9-11. 9am4pm. VMNH – 276.634.4185. Oodles of Doodles - Ignite your child’s creativity with art, games, songs. Ages 46. 10-11:30am. DMFAH – 434.793.5644. Dan River Camp – Explore the river that runs through town. Ages 3–5, 9:30am–12pm; Ages 5–7, 1:30–4pm. DSC – 434.791.5160. Summer Science Extravaganza – From roller coasters to rockets, explore the most popular science games and activities. Ages 8–13, 1–4pm. DSC – 434.791.5160.

July 22 (Thru August 16)

Mansion in Mourning. The Sutherlin Mansion. See page 17.

July 23

Basket-Making – Construct a small round basket on a wooden base and decorate with beads and ribbons and bows. 9am-12pm. SPC – 276.957.5757.

July 23 (thru 27)

Braves vs Bluefield/Burlington. Legion Field, DDMP – 434.797.3792. See ad page 23.

July 23 (thru August 27)

Urban Style Line Dance - Learn a new urban line dance each week such as the Wobble or the Chuck Baby. 6pm. Pepsi Building. 434.797.8848.

July 24

Pharaoh Masks. 3:30-4:30pm. DPL-Westover – 434.799.5195.

July 24 (thru August 28)

Tribal Fitness - The aerobic properties of West African Dance fused with the core strengthening principles of Middle Eastern Belly Dance. W 6pm. Pepsi Building. 434.797.8848.

July 25

Kayaking - Sun set paddle. 6:30-8:30pm. Abreu-Grogan Park to Turpin’s Lake. 434.799.5215.

July 26

TGIF Concert Series – Music by The Broken Glass Band. Food and beverages available. 7-10:30pm. Uptown Farmers’ Market, Martinsville - 276.632.5688.

July 26 (thru 28)

Drawing Historical Downtown Buildings - Choice of pencil, ink, watercolor, or oil. DMFAH 434.793.5644. allaparsons@yahoo.com.

July 27

Staunton River Kayak - Calm sections to class II rapids. 8am-6pm. 434.799.5215. Scotty McCreery Concert. Carrington Pavilion. See ad page 26.

July 29 (thru 31)

Kayak Camp II - Learn the basic skills of operating a kayak on flat and moving water. Ages 12-15. 434. 799.5150.

July 29 (thru August 2)

Junior Top Chef - Hands-on experience using kid-friendly recipes. Ages 10-14. 8:30-11:30am. Artisan Center – 276.656.5461. Advanced Video Game Design & Development – Expand existing

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knowledge of basic video game design. Ages 10-14. 8:30-11:30am. PHCC – 276.656.5461. The Green Team Summer Adventure Camp – Campers will explore the natural world of water, plants and animals with fun games, activities, and crafts. Ages 6-8. 9-4pm. VMNH – 276.634.4185. Elements of Art - Includes drawing, printmaking, collage, and collagraph. Ages 7-12. 10am-1pm. DMFAH. – 434.793.5644.

July 31

Summer Reading Finale Party – Celebrate the great books read and pick up prizes. 2-3pm. DPL – 434.799.5195.

July 31 (thru August 2)

Doodle Bugs Summer Camp – Water Wonders. Ages 3-5. 9:30-11:30am. VMNH – 276.634.4185.

Upcoming Events: August 1 (thru 4)

Braves vs Pulaski/Burlington. Legion Field, DDMP – 434.797.3792. See ad page 23.

August 2

Danville Calendar Contest Due Date. See page 17.

August 2 (thru 4)

Damn Yankees. Performance by Gretna Little Theatre. 8/2 & 3, 7:30pm; 8/4, 2:30pm. Gretna Movie Theatre. 434.228.1778. Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr. – The story of Ariel, the beautiful young mermaid. 7:30pm; 3pm. Kirby Theatre, Roxboro. 336.597.1709.

August 3

Bug Day on the Riverwalk – Net some of the unique creatures of the wild and take a closer look at techniques for capturing and observing the bugs along the river. 9-10:30am. Riverwalk Trail at Dan Daniel Park. 434.799.5215. River District Rhythms at the Market Parrot Head Night featuring B2B. Escape the workweek by gathering with family and friends. 6-10:30pm. The Crossing at the Dan. 434.793.4636. See ad page 24.

August 5 (Thru 9)

Outdoor Adventure Camp IV Climbing, canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, zip lining, hiking, survival skills, treasure hunting, crafts and more. Ages 10-14. 9am-12pm. 434.799.5214. Summer Theatre Camp – With an emphasis of fun, campers will learn basic and advanced stagecraft techniques and skills, stage direction, building sustainable believable characters, improvisation, introduction to backstage and more. North Theatre – 434.793.7469.

August 6 & 7

NASCAR Truck Open Test Days – See the biggest names in NASCAR trucks as they test in preparation for NASCAR’s road race circuits. VIRginia International Raceway – 434.822.7700.

August 9

Movies in the Park – Relax under a canopy of stars while being entertained by Secondhand Lions. 9-11pm. Ballou Park. 434.799.5215.

July 9 (thru 14)

Braves vs Bristol/Elizabethton. Legion Field, DDMP – 434.797.3792. See ad page 23.

August 17

Museum Meets Margaritaville. 5-9pm. Community Market. DMFAH – 434.793.5644.

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July 2013

The true building blocks of our hospital are pictured below. We have great history and amazing technology, but it’s people that form our foundation.

Bonnie Turner Director, Medical, Surgical, & Women and Children’s Director of the Year

Christine Tanner Radiology May 2013

Curtis Bridgen Respiratory Care November 2012

Brian Compton Nurse, RN, ICU April 2013

Emma Long Nurse, RN Legacy Hospice of the Piedmont

October 2012

Majida Zaher Clinical Manager, 5A Legend of the Year

Joy Kendrick Women’s & Children’s Services

March 2013

Wanda Turner Nurse, RN Outpatient Procedures

September 2012

Velma Sykes-Niblett RN, Case Management February 2013

Robert Pritchett Plant Operations January 2013

Brittany Francis Nurse, RN, 4A December 2012

Khaleelah Muhammad Human Resources August 2012

Megan Tuck Admitting July 2012

Ella Faye Cameron Psychiatry June 2012

DRMC Heroes Embrace Our C.A.R.E. Values C - Customer is always first A - Actions speak louder than words

Khaleelah Muhammad Human Resources 2013 Mercy Award Winner


R - Respect equals the ‘golden rule’ E - Excellence is our standard

Evince Magazine

Reflecting Forward The Voice of Evidence by Linda Lemery Last year we donated our old furniture for the unfurnished apartment that son Dave would be living in for the college year. We bought a utility trailer and drove it 800+ miles across country, pulling it behind a minivan with 200,000+ miles on it, looking like the Beverly Hillbillies’ Clampetts, complete with duct tape holding a tarp together that was flapping and waving over the heaped-up and bungee-corded down utility trailer. We gave Dave strict instructions to get rid of everything after the year ended. Once we made it home, the utility trailer didn’t budge out of the carport, probably because it was as tired as we were. We’re getting too old for this, we thought ... until this spring when we hitched the trailer to the van, now with 214,000+ miles on it and took to the road again. Dave had decided that he wanted to keep most of the stuff we’d donated. The theme of this month’s Evince is the Voice of Evidence. It’s indisputable that all of us, mechanical and human, are aging. The van has never yet died completely. Just like in the virtual gaming world, there are levels of died. We apply some form of vehicular resuscitation paddle and the van comes right back to life. But in the case of people, we ignore the long-term evidence of aging as we march blindly through our short-term daily traces, including routines for work and home and other repeating activities as we try to do what we have to do in the short term. It’s when we deviate from our normal routines that we’re faced with the evidence of that aging--evidence that we can’t ignore. Let’s take the recent wild ride cross country to retrieve Dave and his stuff, for example. We had to pack for it. Now, my packing skills were never strong, and they’ve deteriorated and gone off-road. What’s the first thing I think of now? Home medic equipment: wrist brace, back brace, pills, neck pillow, painkillers, vitamins, first aid kit. Only after I’ve gathered all that do I move on to essentials like wrinkle cream, coverup, under-the-eye bag make-up and other things to hide the effects of aging. Then I think about clothes. While I know I need one good outfit

for whatever event I attend, I dither way too long over everything else and end up bringing way too much. Since I don’t have an e-reader Photo by (because if Steve Lemery the electronics die, I won’t have books, which will make me crazy), I bring way too many books. My husband doesn’t help me keep my train of thought on the linear critical thinking tracks. He keeps interrupting, asking for physical help, like for shifting the 70 pound sandbags we use to reduce the empty utility trailer bounce as it’s pulled along behind the car. Back in a dimly remembered past when I was still organized, I had separate packing lists for flying, driving, business, pleasure. Now I just fling stuff in a travel bag and hope I’ve got enough. My seasoned traveler buddy from across the street says to pack like this: 1. Lay everything you want to take on the bed. 2. Put half of it back. 3. Make sure what’s left will mix and match. 4. Remember there will probably be clothes in whatever country you’re visiting so you can buy whatever you need. See the evidence piling up above? Back in the day, I once packed a small gym bag for a 6-week crosscountry camping trip. I can’t plan that well anymore. I have to compensate. And we stop at a lot more rest areas; our bodies need the physical breaks. We’re aging and our thinking and physical processes, as well as our baggage, reflect that. The evidence seems to evince support for compensatory mechanisms kicking into play. Let me leave you with this thought: Evince is evidence minus the de in the middle (de-DE’d). Indeed, dear readers, I’ll leave you to connect that to the article and then cogitate on it and what it means to you. Start with the facts and launch your trip from there. And don’t bring along excess stuff. About the Author: When she’s not flightily thinking about deteriorating capacities, Linda Lemery llemery@averett.edu works as Circulation Manager at Averett University’s Mary B. Blount Library in Danville. She welcomes your comments.

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July 2013


Evidence of a Healthy or Unhealthy Life? by Dave Gluhareff TrainWithDave.com

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Q: Will I lose my hearing as I get older? loss that develops with aging is A: Hearing called presbycusis. Not everyone develops presbycusis. 30 to 35 percent of people between 65 and 75 years old have hearing loss. For people over 75, 40 to 50 percent have hearing loss. Some hearing loss is expected as we age because sensory cells die. Noise exposure speeds up cell death. There are families who are “genetically hardwired” to develop hearing loss as they age. It is so varied from family to family that all causes of familial age-related hearing loss have not been discovered. In many cases the presbycusis is due to health problems. High blood pressure, diabetes and certain medications that are prescribed to address age-related health problems contribute to decreased hearing. Research has shown that if a person has diabetes AND high blood pressure their risk of developing hearing loss is even greater. Some common medications that can contribute to hearing loss are loop diuretics for congestive heart failure and NSAIDS, only when taken in high dosage. The extent of age-related hearing loss can be lessened by avoiding noise exposure and taking good care of health. You may be able to avoid hearing loss as you age. ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������

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Is your body evidence of bad health? I’m not talking being a few pounds overweight or even body fat, I’m referring to bad posture, fatigue, aches, rashes from stress, gaunt appearance from poor nutrition, limping, moving slowly, grimacing from pain and trouble rising from a sitting position. Or, is your body evidence of good health? Do you walk with a spring in your step, hop out of a chair, have great posture, high energy, minimal pain, healthy skin and a vibrant glow? You and I are charged with putting our healthy eating and fitness goals at the very top of our priority list and making sure it’s evident to all that we take care of our health. by Suzanne Stowe TrainWithSuzanne.com Evidence: an act or process of showing that something is true. If someone investigated your life, what evidence would be found to match what you say or believe? Do you believe in building confidence in your kids? Do you think words are powerful? Do you believe in helping those who are less fortunate? Do you promote forgiveness? Do you believe it’s never too late to begin again? What about goals and dreams? Would you tell someone else to take a chance, yet you have given up on your own? Do you talk

about healthy eating and fitness goals but do not hold yourself to them? Where in your life do your decisions and actions line up as proof or evidence of what you say you believe? As a young mother, I found myself focusing on certain tasks more than on the experience of nurturing relationships and laughing through each day--things I would have said I believed were important. Clothes were ready for the next day; book bags were packed the night before school; homework was done before any playtime; eating was not allowed in the car and... you get it. If a task becomes the focus and those around you do not feel loved, it is meaningless and will leave you without memories of laughter and a foundation of love and security. When we lived in Virginia Beach, I recognized one evening my need to lighten up. A proper dinner at the table became a sunset picnic dinner on the beach as I tossed it all in a basket. The house was filled with squeals when I said, “someone grab a blanket.” The cost of a table setting, cotillion classes and dinner for seven-about $425.00. The memories of a picnic dinner, smiles, sandcastles and almost falling asleep on the blanket...priceless. If you believe in love and second chances, building confidence in your kids, if you think words are powerful, if you promote helping others, don’t let it be assumed or implied, let your life be the evidence and lighten up while you are at it. If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy, but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate...If I give everything I own to the poor...but don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, or what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. 1 Corinthians 13.

Evince Magazine

Select July Promotions �������




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July 2013

Where Can I Find an Evince ? At over 100 locations including:

Riverside Drive/ Piedmont Drive/ Marketplace Area: Buffalo Wild Wings Checkered Pig Danview Restaurant on Danview Drive El Vallarta on Westover Drive Goodwill on Westover Drive H. W. Brown Florist (they deliver an Evince with your order) Hibachi Grill on Executive Court Joe & Mimma’s Karen’s Hallmark @ Piedmont Mall Los Tres Magueyes Ruben’s Shorty’s Bakery @ Coleman Marketplace The Highlander URW Credit Union Western Sizzlin

Memorial Drive Frank’s Pizza Gingerbread House

Piney Forest Road Area Commonwealth Pharmacy ERA Holley & Gibson Realty Company Mary’s Diner Piedmont Credit Union

Franklin Turnpike Area Ruben’s Too Village’s Pizza

Other Danville Welcome Center on River Park Drive

Main Street/ Downtown/Tobacco Warehouse Area American National Bank Comcast on Patton Street Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History Danville Public Library on Patton Street Danville Regional Medical Center on South Main Street Danville Science Center on Craghead Street Jake’s on Main Main Street Coffee Emporium Midtown Market on Chambers Street 316 Cibo YMCA

In Chatham Chatham Community Center Chatham Health Center Chathamooca Frank’s Pizza Pittsylvania County Public Library

In Yanceyville, NC Caswell County Civic Center Gunn Memorial Public Library The Drug Store

In South Boston Berry Hill Resort Distinct Impressions Ernie’s Restaurant O Sol Mio on Bill Tuck Hwy. Prizery Southern Virginia Higher Education Toot’s Creek Antiques

Evince Magazine Sometimes while walking down West Main Street, I encounter a particular person also walking, the sight of whom brings back a time in the late 1970s and early 1980s when several of Danville’s Main Street churches would pool their choirs to produce an impressive musical program for the community. That other walker is Don Webb. I always connect him to his portrayal of the Voice of God in the 1984 Danville production of Noye’s Fludde (Noah’s Flood). The work was by British composer Benjamin Britten; and its unique spelling is that of Middle English (methinks). That combined-choir production was given at Danville’s First Presbyterian Church. One unique take on the original story was the inclusion of a group of gossiping women (but such a tendency is not gender-specific) poking fun at Noah while he builds the ark. My late wife, Diane, was one of the gossips, whose ring-leader was portrayed by Jean Harper Vernon (my late wife was never gossipy, nor is Jean). The choristers processed down the aisle wearing costume animal heads. I was

can you tread water?” Neither did Noah inquire of Don, “What’s a cubit?”

If Today You Hear God’s Voice...

So even today when I see Don Webb, walking and wearing his headphones, I remember when he was God’s voice. President Kennedy said that we are God’s hands in this world, so why can’t someone be His voice? God doesn’t have to look like the late George Burns. He could resemble a baby boomer like Don and like us baby boomers, He may also be walking for His health. If wearing headphones, God may be listening to the music of the spheres and just like Don (but unlike a few of the other people I’ve run into), He wouldn’t let that keep Him from smiling and saying, “Hello.”

It Might Be Don Webb by Mack Williams

a rhinoceros and my daughter, Rachel, was a dachshund—because there are rhinos and dachshunds today, we can be sure that both species were once, brief biblical seafarers. It was decided that Don Webb would play God’s voice and his

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projected dialogue rang out from First Presbyterian’s loft (where heaven was for our production and who knows, may actually be). His voice boomed with the power of the late George Beverly Shea, but Don’s words were spoken, not sung. Don stuck to the biblical script, not asking Noah, “How long

Don Webb is Director of Communications at Epiphany Episcopal. He was an on-air personality, Operations Manager and General Manager at WYPR Radio (Whipper) in Danville from 1972-1981. During his college days, he worked at Virginia Tech’s WUVT.

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July 2013

Book Clubbing A review by Rev. Allen Thompson

Leadership Lessons:

Avoiding the Pitfalls of King Saul Ralph K. Hawkins and Richard L. Parrott

In Christian ministry, I often remind people, “Jesus is a person, not a principle.” While we naturally seek rules and codes by which to live our lives, the reality is that we learn much more—and grow much more—through our relationships with people. The Bible is full of people and that is one reason it is so fascinating. This book by Ralph K. Hawkins, Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Averett University, and Richard Leslie Parrott, explores leadership through the life of one of those Biblical people, King Saul. If you are familiar with Saul, then you know that his life is not to be modeled. Yet as Hawkins and Parrott demonstrate, Saul’s rise and fall provide many lessons to consider. By tracing Saul’s story and citing today’s prominent works on leadership, the authors provide a concise set of lessons embodied in the experiences of one person. The focus on Saul as a foil is helpful both in application and in reflecting upon the reader’s own experiences. Each chapter closes with a set of questions to facilitate learning. This format makes the book an excellent resource not only for individuals, but also for small groups, classes and team building. With Bible references throughout, it could even serve as devotional reading. As someone relatively new to a position of executive leadership, I have found Leadership Lessons to be a worthwhile accountability tool that takes me deeper into the themes and stories of Scripture. More experienced leaders will find it helpful in refreshing practices and purpose. Regardless of our experience, however, we are all susceptible to the pitfalls of Saul. I am grateful to Drs. Hawkins and Parrott for their approach and I recommend Leadership Lessons to anyone hungering for insight into leadership, the Bible, or both. • Author Ralph Hawkins will be signing books at Main Street Coffee Emporium, 547 Main Street, on Saturday, July 27, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Books can be purchased that day or at the Schoolfield House Booksellers at Averett University, 354 West Main Street. Send information about what you or your book club is reading to joycewilburn@gmail.com.

Evince Magazine

Another Stab at Losing Weight by Annelle Williams

Sometimes a change is in order. I’ve been trying for years to lose weight, but with no long-term success. Finally, I decided that I needed more than a new diet—maybe an attitude adjustment was in order. Several years ago I spent a long weekend with my daughter and daughter-in-law at Yogaville, Virginia, a peaceful yoga retreat. It seemed like a good place to begin my search and there it was, a Peaceful Weight-Loss Program. I signed up and spent six days eating like the yogis—all vegan. Nothing fancy, but there were lots of good fresh vegetables and salad greens, beans, rice and pasta. More importantly, I was not shopping and preparing for myself or others for a few days—not having the kitchen beckoning me. I was being fed, and hopefully, breaking a cycle. The program was much more about why we eat and it included more than food. The goal was to nourish ourselves with good sleep, meditation if we chose, gentle yoga every day and learning to schedule shopping, menus and lives. Combining these things to lessen anxiety and stress should eliminate anxious eating and eating anything in sight because the right foods aren’t available. So far, so good. I feel better physically and mentally and that makes me think more clearly about what I am eating. Think about nourishing yourself. It’s a good exercise and does lead to better eating. Here’s one of the recipes I’ve added to my repertoire. If you’re grilling on July 4th, this would be a great addition to your menu.

Cedar Plank Salmon with Rosemary Orange Sauce Adapted from a recipe of Guy Fieri, host of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives 2 T oil 1 jalapeño, discard seeds and cut into rings 1 T garlic, minced 1/2 cup white wine 3 T whole-grain mustard 1 cup orange marmalade

2 large or 4 smaller cedar plank pieces 4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets, skinned and boned 2 tsp. sea salt 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 4 (3-inch) fresh rosemary sprigs zest of one lime

Soak planks in water for about an hour. Prepare grill for medium-high heat. Heat oil in a small sauté pan over medium heat. When hot, add jalapeño and sauté until caramelized. Add garlic. Before it begins to brown, deglaze with white wine. Next add mustard and orange marmalade and bring to a simmer. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Cool. Lightly salt and pepper salmon. Place the planks on the grill. When they begin to pop, turn them over and place salmon on planks. Place a rosemary sprig on each fillet. Liberally apply cooled orange marmalade mixture. Cover grill and cook for 20-25 minutes until salmon is done. Garnish with lime zest. For more pictures and recipes, visit my blog: http://aroundannellestable.blogspot.com.

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