1 minute read
Skill and Dedication
by Paul Seiple


Because she and I taught together at the Community College in rooms almost across from each other, we shared many thoughts about writers we appreciated as well as issues regarding what she and I wrote. Although Ms. Eichman-Dorr and I discussed writing a book together, we never had a chance to bring that idea to fruition.
After you read her answers, you’ll understand why I regret that we never collaborated…
Barry Koplen: When did you know you wanted to be or happened to be a writer?
Noel Eichman-Dorr: It was out of utilitarian purposes. I was a young mother looking for a creative outlet, a way to enjoy work while making some money. I took a couple of writing classes, correspondence, before there was online. I submitted an article to our local paper and was hired to freelance a weekly column on everything from social justice, politics, to raising kids. I’m a republican, so I grew thick skin quickly.
BK: Was there a story you wanted to tell?
NE-D: Yes. One day I happened to walk past the television when Geraldo Rivera had KKK members on his show; they were railing and popping off biblical scripture to support their stand against interracial marriage. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They had it all wrong. I joined a great writer’s group run by the late Leonard Bishop, who wrote one of