1 minute read
Your Hometown University THIS IS All Averett.
Scene: Plant and Linda converse while Linda sweeps her sun-dappled kitchen floor.)
Plant (curiously): What are you doing?
Linda (tolerantly): Cleaning a living space helps people stay healthy.
P: And organized. Why are you sweeping around those towers of manufactured goods rising up from the floor like staggering geometric islands?
L: The stacks of books, CDs, and DVDs we’ve been meaning to move?
P: To where?
L: You’ve put your best leaf right on the pulse of the problem.
P: Why?
L: These are just some of the unread, unheard, and unviewed stacks in the house.
P: How did they get there?
L: We brought them in.
P: Why unread, unheard, and unviewed?
L: We’re retired so we have copious imaginary time, but in reality, we have none. We’ve structured our time with other tasks.
P: Like what?
L: Like hauling your pot around the block daily in a red wagon for you to have a change of scene.