Showcase Magazine February 2011

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Neighbor to Neighbor

Mary Edna Sellers with her son Peyton at the Sellers Racing garage

Duke at DRMC. The best care, now in the best place. Mary Edna Sellers likes to stay close to family. Maybe that’s why her home and the family businesses are just steps away from one another. When a heart attack threatened to keep Mary Edna from those she loves, the Duke-affiliated Danville Regional Heart Center was close at hand to help. “Before my operation, the entire surgical team spent time answering my questions,” said Mary Edna. “They made me feel like I was their only patient.” Along with receiving a high level of care, Mary Edna was treated close to home and close to the family she holds dear. That made a difficult time easier. The Duke-affiliated Danville Regional Heart Center at DRMC. Healthcare, neighbor to neighbor.

142 South Main Street Danville, Virginia 24541 434.799.2100

Danville Regional Medical Center Wants You to Have a Healthy Heart

Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as a “man’s disease,” it is the number one killer of women. One in 2.6 female deaths in the United States is from heart disease, compared to one in 30 from breast cancer. In actuality, more U.S. women (38 percent) than men (25 percent) will die from heart disease in a single year. Jamye Wright, RN, BSN, director of cardiopulmonary health services, and her team at Danville Regional Medical Center’s (DRMC) Cardiac Health Center want to educate women in the community on risk factors of heart disease and heart attacks and warn you that it’s never too early to get yourself checked. “Start as soon as possible,” said Wright. “Being more aware of your lifestyle and family history is important in keeping your heart healthy. Some life choices may affect you more than you realize.” Although some risk factors of heart disease among men and women are similar, there are some differences that women need to be aware of, especially if they are at the menopausal age. According to the 2008 report, Heart Disease: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed, menopausal women are at a higher risk for developing heart disease because their bodies produce less estrogen. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are two controllable risk factors that are more common in post-menopausal women than in men at the same age. Women tend to be caregivers, and research suggests out of a sense of duty, they have a hard time justifying behaviors that are “just for me”, such as regular exercise. Another major risk factor among women is birth control pills combined with smoking, which increases the risk of early heart disease by 20-fold. Individually, smoking accounts for a vast majority of heart attacks in women younger than 45 years of age and is a multiplier of risk in women with family histories of heart disease.

It is important that you ask your doctor about other risk factors for heart disease and heart attacks that may affect you. Here are questions to ask that will lead to improving your heart health:

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• What’s my risk for heart disease? • What is my blood pressure? What does it mean, and what do I need to do about it? • What are my cholesterol numbers? What do they mean, and what do I need to do about them? • What are my “body mass index” (BMI) and waist measurement? Do they indicate that I need to lose weight for my health? • What is my blood sugar level, and does it mean I’m at risk for diabetes? • What other screen tests for heart disease do I need? How often should I return for checkups for my heart health?

• What is a heart-healthy eating plan for me? • How much psychical activity do I need to help protect my heart? • How do I tell if I’m having a heart attack? The last question is important because the symptoms women suffer from may not feel like a heart attack. Research has shown that 25 percent of heart attacks go unrecognized and are discovered only later when a resting electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed. “Women need to be aware that the signs of a heart attack include pain in the arms or lower back,” said Wright. “If you experience any squeezing or burning sensations, nausea or pain in the shoulder region or jaw, then seek medical attention.” It is important that you don’t dismiss even minor incidents, added Wright. If you feel uncomfortable and you’re not sure, see a doctor. Treatment for heart attacks has improved dramatically during the past five years. Doctors at DRMC can administer a certain type of stress test, which monitors your heart muscle while your body is resting and when it is in motion. The test compares the two and determines if there is a heart issue. DRMC also started the heart attack initiative with its STEMI (ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction) system of care, which includes a group of separate entities focused on treating heart attack patients. STEMI is referred to as a severe heart attack that carries a substantial risk of death and disability and calls for quick response from emergency medical staff. DRMC is equipped with resources to administer angioplasty, a medical procedure that opens blocked or narrowed coronary arteries. This procedure improves blood flow to the heart muscle and is a common way of treating heart attack patients. According to Wright, patients are placed in cardiac rehab where specialists discuss lifestyle modifications following the heart procedures that help in the recovery process. DRMC offers classes and seminars as well. Wright is presenting a free program for community members on Wednesday, Feb. 23, entitled, “Heart Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention.” Call DRMC Health Referral Health Services (434) 799-WELL to register and receive more information. Women need to be aware that heart disease and heart attacks are a serious matter that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Ask questions and use the available resources to protect yourself. You are in control to make positive changes in your life.




YANCEYVILLE VILLAGE: A Resurgence in the Square By Matt Charles

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LONGEVITY H.W. Brown Florist By Lucy Ella



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COOKING WITH CHEF PAUL Breakfast Brunch Casserole


HE SAID SHE SAID We Said or Yes Dear? By Larry Oldham & Dena Hill


Uncover Hidden Money from Your Insurance By Todd Boaze


Get Healthy Now! Life is Too Short! No Time for Excuses! By Dave Gluhareff


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Cover: Yanceyville Courthouse. Photo by Michelle Dalton Photography 4 SHOWCASE Magazine

| FEBRUARY 2011 |

PAWS FOR A CAUSE By Paulette Dean


Crossword, Word Seach & Sudoku


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Recently, it’s been announced that Danville may be facing a rather large budget deficit and many people have speculated on the best way to make those cuts. Some have compared the local city budget to General Motor’s recent turnaround. A turnaround that was actually made possible by a $30 billion federal infusion of bailout funds. Here, locally, we don’t have the benefit of the federal government handouts. We have to make our way on our own. It serves no purpose to randomly choose city programs and call for their elimination, especially the ones responsible for the quality of life. There are plenty of places where the city can tighten its belt, and with a concerted effort, these can be identified. More efficient and effective methods can be researched and implemented and outdated mandates should be eliminated. The city manager has already stated that services may have to be modified. But, our city is transforming. For the city to be able to continue to even offer basic services, it has to grow its tax base. To grow the tax base, we have to create jobs. To create jobs, Danville has to be attractive to new businesses. For businesses to locate here, one of the primary things they look at is quality of life. And when a city provides a good quality of life, it has to be excellent at marketing itself so that it stands out amongst the other 20,000 cities competing for the same new businesses. Things such as parks, landscaped roads and medians, entertainment and events, activities for families and young adults, shopping and eating options, and so on have a direct effect on quality of life. The “things to do” that every active community needs. The very things that the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department does. The very things that some individuals would choose as the first place to make cuts. The last thing we need is to have the offices of Economic Development bring a prospective business here only for the prospect to find that we don’t invest in our own community. Why would that company want to invest their funds in an atmosphere like that? The answer is simple. They would not. If anything, we should be increasing the budgets of our Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department because getting the community involved in activities will help reduce crime which will reduce the expenses required to police the city, prosecute criminals, house convicts, and track offenders. We should be expanding programs that give petty offenders the opportunity to work off their debt to society, perhaps doing even more of the work on the landscaping programs that some see as unnecessary. An innovative program, itself, which requires corporate partnerships to exist and which has brought quite a bit of character to our city. The Tourism office is responsible for maintaining and staffing the Welcome Center, promoting the town outside of the area, and coordinating all Special Events including Festival in the Park, Harvest Jubilee concerts and events, the Fourth of July celebration, and many others. I asked Lee Davis who is the President of the Festival in the Park, on the board of Harvest Jubilee, and in charge of Fourth of July what would happen if the Tourism office was eliminated. Mr. Davis, who is a volunteer said, “Without the partnership with Tourism and Parks and Recreation, we could not put on any of the events.” Parks and Recreation has made tremendous improvements in our local parks. The Dan Daniel Park complex, the RiverWalk trail, Anglers Park with miles and miles of biking trails, the Crossing Complex, and

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over 2,000 programs annually provide an outlet for our citizens. We should be proud of these award-winning programs and parks. These should be expanded and promoted as reasons to visit Danville or locate a business here, not eliminated. As a person of conviction, I feel strongly in smaller government. I’m all for cutting budgets and lowering taxes, especially on a national and state level. But, in Danville, cutting quality of life services is the wrong approach to offsetting the budget deficit. I am also one who believes that you shouldn’t call out a problem without offering up at least one possible solution and opening the floor for others to contribute as well. So, here are some possible solutions. Increase the budgets of the Tourism and Economic Development offices thereby attracting more visitors and businesses to the area. With the local portion of the sales tax, 1% of every dollar spent by visitors goes directly to the city’s revenue. If we could double the number of visitors to Danville, including those who live nearby, but who may shop in Greensboro, Roanoke, Lynchburg, or Durham, we could generate another $700,000 or so in local revenue. (Based on $71 million spent locally by visitors in 2009.) The Economic Developers are tasked with recruiting companies to locate here. Every new job created locally puts people to work and gives them money to spend, which in turn fuels the economy and generates revenue for the city. Real revenue for the city. For every 100 jobs created for local residents who spend their money locally, a minimum of $25,000 a year is contributed to the city in sales tax alone. Not to mention the taxes paid by the business itself. With double-digit unemployment, the city could surely use another 6,000 jobs or so. And one final solution. Shop locally. Every time you spend a hundred dollars dining in Greensboro, or buying something on the internet, you keep $1 from going into the local treasury. Do you really think Greensboro, or Roanoke, or Raleigh would ever fire their public relations team and give up the dollars being generated from outof-town shoppers? Never.

SHOWCASE – M A G A Z I N E – FEBRUARY 2011 STAFF Publisher Andrew Scott Brooks, Editor Paul Seiple, Creative Designer Kim Demont, Vaden & Associates Finance Manager Cindy Astin, Circulation Manager Joann Brooks, ADVERTISING 1.877.638.8685 Larry Oldham, Director of Sales and Marketing, 434.728.3713 Moriah Davis, Account Executive Selena Lipscomb, Account Executive, 434.429.9795 Sara Spissu, Account Executive CUSTOMER SERVICE Subscribe to Home Delivery for $24 per year 753 Main Street #3 | Danville, VA 24541 Phone 1.877.638.8685 | Fax 434.483.4344 FEBRUARY 2011 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Paul Farrar | Larry Oldham | Dena Hill | Todd Boaze Matt Charles | Lucy Ella | Torrey Blackwell Paulette Dean | Dave Gluhareff CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS | Michelle Dalton

There’s always a kicker, and here it is. Check out this simple, almost unbelievable fact: $4 trillion was spent buying online in 2008 in the United States. Per capita, that’s about $500 million spent online by local residents and businesses. That’s $5 million in potential lost local revenue from sales tax alone, not to mention the revenue lost from the jobs it would create locally. As a long-time, local retailer, I believe you could probably find a local business willing to match an Internet price when the alternative is losing the sale. Obviously, these are all extreme examples and not all achievable in one year, but a little of each of them will add up. So, instead of throwing in the towel and giving up, let’s invest in ourselves. Instead of shuttering our windows, let’s plant flowers in our window boxes. Instead of firing our public relations team, let’s give them the resources they need to promote our town. Instead of complaining and pointing fingers, we should chip in and do our part. It’s the least we can do. Join the discussion and make a difference. Be the change.


| FEBRUARY 2011 |

See the February issue of EVINCE Magazine featuring Kathryn & John St. Peter

THANK YOU to the ADVERTISERS who make this publication possible. Please be generous in supporting our local businesses. 2 3 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 13 13 13

Danville Regional Medical Center Danville Regional Medical Center Gretna Health & Rehabilition Center Yates Home Sales Danville Regional Foundation Bertil Roos Racing School Invitation Destination Michelle Dalton Photography Karen’s Hallmark Shop Dr. Bryam Spurrier & Dr. Edward Snyder M&M Furniture Gold Star Mortgage Services Dietz Nutritional Consulting, LLC Piney Forest Healthcare Center Cindy Zook-Prudential Real Estate EQUS, Inc. Spencer Penn Centre

17 Danville Regional Foundation 19 Zinc Total Salon 20 Harris, Harvey, Neal & Co., LLP 21 URW Community Federal Credit Union 21 Medo’s II Pizzeria 21 Blackwell Dodge, Kia, Chrysler, Jeep 27 New York Live Insurance Company 27 Danville Historical Society 27 Riverview Rotary 30 Medtronic 31 Epiphany Episcopal School 31 Fitness First 31 Stratford House 31 Goodwill Industries 33 Danville ENT Hearing Center 33 Martinsville Henry Co., VA 33 Brosville Station: Nuestra Hacienda & Victoria Catherine 35 Emerge 35 Daniel Builders LLC BK Danville Toyota Scion

| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 7


Cooking with Chef Paul

Breakfast Brunch Casserole 6 each Sliced Bread (Whole Grain) 1 lb. sausage cooked & drained 1 1/2 cup Sharp Cheddar cheese 6 eggs 2 cups Milk 1 tsp. dry mustard 1 tsp. salt Pepper to taste In a 9x13 baking dish, place bread slices on bottom. Place last six ingredients in large bowl; whip together until eggs are well mixed. Pour over bread, cover, and place in refrigerator overnight. To cook, place in a cold oven, set temperature to 350 degrees. Bake 30-35 minutes or until tooth pick inserted in center comes out clean. Enjoy. For a fun, informative talk on hospitality, at your next meeting or function, contact Chef Paul at 276.732.2089 (C) or 276.957.3210 (H).

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We Said or Yes Dear? Larry Oldham & Dena Hill


He Said... She Said...

He Said...

Be sure to read She Said He Said in Evince.

Well, it finally happened. After meeting you 46 years ago, dating you for 12 years, being engaged for 10 years, you finally agreed to marry me on Christmas Eve. (Did you choose that date so I would remember our anniversary?!) What is going to change for our readers? Well, I don’t know about our readers but things sure have changed for me. When I was single, I could just about get away with anything. Now, I’ve got to answer to you without ending up in the dog house. (Wait a minute. Sophie gets treated like royalty so maybe that wouldn’t be too bad.) After our ceremony, I was given a list of things that I can’t write about. I have been told there are certain limits to just about any and everything that I do now. I am not saying that marriage stagnates me, but let’s just say I am not the same man I was last month. You’re not the same person either. I walked in the bedroom the other morning and was scared to death. What were those orange juice looking cans on your head? I’ve never seen hair rollers like that! You always looked so pretty when we went out that I never thought about what it took to make you look that way. But this is February and love is in the air. I still love you even at your worst. And speaking of’ve done a great job in overlooking my messy housekeeping but I had no idea you would be so tidy. I got up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water and when I came back, you had my half of the bed made. This marriage thing is going to take some getting used to, but I’m the man... I can take it. By the way, do you think we should change the name of the column to “YES, DEAR”?

She Said...

What do I think? I think that from last month to this month everything is the same except now we can wear the rings that we bought ten years ago. You locked them in your bank deposit box and I’m thinking it was a Freudian slip that you lost the key. We could have had a nice dinner out if you hadn’t had to have the box drilled open by an out-of-state company. But it was nice to see my ring again after so many years. I had forgotten what it looked like. Getting married to you in a private ceremony was the only way I could figure to keep you from cutting up during the wedding. The time was right, the mood was right, and honestly I had run out of excuses. Now that we’re married, I have not given you any new rules. You never did abide by the old ones. But if you can’t follow them now, you may be writing this column with your sister. Seriously, you are a good man, albeit somewhat misguided at times and I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful husband. You’re a pretty quick study normally so why has it taken me ten years to train you? You offered more resistance than I expected and a couple of times you failed your exam. But you made up for it with extra points in other categories, so I guess I’ll let you pass. I want you to realize how lucky you are to have someone who will put up with your lifestyle (always busy), your habits (let’s not go there), your stories(if I have to hear about that 1966 Fastback Mustang one more time I’ll croak) and your picky eating habits (a little ice in orange juice and a lot of ice in soda). So now I inherit all your peccadillo’s and you just get little plain old me who never complains, is always there for you, and loves living only for you. I think instead of changing the title to “YES, DEAR” for the column, we should just name it “Dena’s Folly” and that way everything can still be all about you.

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Finding additional funds can change your financial position permanently for the better. But, without changing spending habits first you will never begin to uncover money that you can take advantage of for future investment opportunities.

Uncover Hidden Money from Your Insurance


Before I continue with the insurance buried treasure, the first thing you must do is to reduce any existing debt. You may often achieve a higher return by reducing debt than by committing funds to new investments.

By Todd Boaze Money management tips, small business strategies and a variety of other financial concepts. Facts and information contained is not intended to provide specific legal, financial or tax advice, or any other advice for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard.

The interest rates are quite high on funds borrowed through charge accounts, credit cards, or consumer finance companies. It is seldom less than 15 percent and often 20 percent or more. You will want to reduce or eliminate these debts before committing to investments with lower expected yields. The general practice is simple: Pay down or eliminate existing debt whenever the interest cost saved is above the prospective gain on the alternative. If the prospective returns are only slightly above the cost of the debt, you may still prefer to reduce the debt. The interest saved is a certain gain, the prospective return is not!

Look Deep Into Your Insurance

Whole life insurance policies and a few others allow you to build up a sizable cash value that you can put money into for efficient use. The insurance company will lend most of the cash value to you at an attractive interest rate. You can then invest that money, earning a much higher return than any interest the insurance lender charges. Currently, the U.S. tax law states that the interest expense on a loan from your life insurance policy may be considered consumer interest and not deductible. If you can’t borrow the cash value on your life insurance policy, take another hard look at the policy. Eliminate unneeded coverage to reduce your premiums, and use the savings for other investments. But, it’s the same story as with bankers: Insurance agents will not tell you that you need less coverage. This initiative must be yours. To do this, simply increase deductible limits for auto and home loans $250 - $1,000. The higher premiums you pay every year that has a low deductible is not worth the few extra hundred dollars you would get with your claim in the unlikely event of damage or loss of property. What is amazing to know, people do not even make a claim for less than a large damage loss, because they fear their premiums will increase. 12 SHOWCASE Magazine

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You can make an even larger savings by raising the deductible on your health insurance plan. This is of course unless your employer pays for your coverage. The so-called “first dollar” coverage is the most expensive health insurance you can buy, and the price tag for having the insurer pay for routine doctor visits and occasional prescriptions may be greater than it’s worth. A policy with a $250 or $1,000 deductible generally will cost hundreds of dollars a year or less. If your vehicle is over five-years-old, take the maximum deductibles on comprehensive collision coverage. You may also want to eliminate this coverage altogether if the repair/reimbursement will be relatively low due to the vehicle’s age. Some insurance companies allow you to insure against the damage to your vehicle with a few dollars premium that applies only if you don’t carry regular collision coverage and the damage is proven to be the fault of the other driver. To go even deeper, discuss your policies with your insurance agent to be sure you are receiving all discounts to which you are entitled. Make sure any changes in status since you bought your coverage are reflected in your policies. Some of the things for which auto owners can get premium discounts include: a Having two or more cars on the same policy. b) Having student drivers in the family take driver’s ed class. c) Installing a security system. d) Having a driving record free of accidents or violations. e) Living in low risk - low accident area. Homeowners can benefit on their insurance, which include: a) b) c) d) e) f)

Being non-smokers. Having smoke detectors. Living near a fire station. Having a home security system. Living above the ground floor. Often by using same insurance company for car and home.

Depending on your insurance company, these factors can make you eligible for premiums lower than those that you started with. If they do not, then consider changing companies and find one that will listen and work with you. You may also want to compare larger reputable companies. This may allow you to save hundreds of dollars each year on auto, life, and homeowner policies. After all, you are entitled to the full value of what you pay for.

| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 13

by Matt Charles



A Resurgence in th The Piedmont of North Carolina boasts many communities dating to the Revolutionary War. These towns, ancient by American standards, were built primarily upon tobacco. As demand for the golden leaf waned, the prosperity of many areas of commerce declined. However, some have been able to reinvent themselves through restaurants and cultural tourism. Appointed the county seat of Caswell County in 1792, Yanceyville is the epitome of this evolution. As the grandson of a local tobacco farmer, I witnessed the change firsthand. The town square has transformed itself from a congregation area for local tobacco farmers to a place for people from all walks of life to convene. Photos by Michelle Dalton Photography 14 SHOWCASE Magazine

The Richmond-Miles Museum, Historic County Courthouse, Yancey House Restaurant and

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Gallery, Caswell County Civic Center, and Steaks on the Square Restaurant exemplify this catering to locals and travelers alike. In May of 2010, Yanceyville started “First Fridays on the Square,” highlighting local musical acts. With the success of the inaugural event, the first Friday of every fair weather month since has been the hot destination spot of Caswell County. On a recent Friday evening at Azariah’s Olde Storehouse, the diverse meld of people could not have been more clear. Farmers dined beside a museum director and his guests. The nostalgic country store was in full effect. Owners Charlie and Christina Ward named the country store and restaurant for local businessman and lawyer, Azariah Graves, who constructed the building in 1817.

he Square The former software engineers from Massachusetts were searching for a change of life when they were relocated to the Research Triangle in spring 2007. “We found a small farm we really loved,” said Charlie. “Then we found this building that needed a huge amount of work, and well, here we go. We were just drawn to it. Anyway, what do you want for dinner?” “Anything you order will be excellent,” one patron barked to me. A huger grin beamed across Charlie’s eternally smiling face, “What can I say, the food rocks.” Nestled in a comfortable dining room overlooking the square, and surrounded by works of local artists and historic photographs Continued to page 16

Azariah’s Olde Storehouse, located on the Square.

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Continued from Page 15


from Yanceyville’s storied past, my wife and I enjoyed the best shrimp and grits I have had outside of Charleston, South Carolina and chicken quesadilla east of California, where we lived for four years. If you are in the mood for an evening of the Arts, visit the Caswell County Civic Center located next to Barlett Yancey High School just outside of Downtown Yanceyville. Since 1979, this 912-seat auditorium has hosted professional theatre and musical performances. There are also facilities for event space to service a crowd of up to 500 and an art gallery for people who wish to take a quick perusal before a show. For those who have relocated to the Northern Piedmont wishing to audit some classes that they never had an opportunity to take in college, or for teens wishing to enroll in coursework, Piedmont Community College is a jewel of the North Carolina Community College system. This Yanceyville institution offers a one of a kind Film and Video Production Technology program. It provides hands on, applicationbased training with many students finding professional work in such burgeoning film industry hubs as Wilmington, North Carolina, and Los Angeles, North Carolina. The new Yanceyville is definitely a far cry from what I remember as a kid.

For more information on Yanceyville, NC, visit To check out Caswell County Civic Center click on To research coursework at Piedmont Community College, go to

Photo top right: Yancey House Restaurant & Gallery. Photo bottom left: Yanceville Drug Store, located on the Square. 16 SHOWCASE Magazine

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Azariah’s Olde Storehouse is located at 28 W. Main Street Yanceyville, NC. Visit their website at

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| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 17

H.W. Brown Florist


Ever wonder how cities were created? They do not just come to life on their own. They are made by local citizens, daily. In 1882, H.W. Brown relocated with his wife from Keswick to Danville. His pilgrimage may not seem arduous, but it began years earlier in England. H.W. Brown and his wife wed in 1871 in London. Upon saying, “I Do” they immediately boarded for the New World. From Richmond, to Keswick, to Danville, Brown knew he wanted a business of his own. He heard that the Mill was going to Danville, abundant opportunity awaited, so off they went. The Browns started their floral shop in the basement of their home on the corner of Green and Chestnut Street. As business boomed, Brown built the establishment that still stands today on Chestnut. H.W. Brown’s is a gorgeous floral shop complete with a greenhouse, light, life, and a lot of love. Brown is a Danville Founding Father. His legacy has connections throughout the city’s rich history- the Old 97, bringing the telephone wiring system to Danville, seven children, grand and great-grandchildren, many of them veterans, prominent business leaders, parents, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Brown may not have been citizens, but they helped create the land on which we celebrate. Take a stroll downtown on Chestnut. Meander into H.W. Brown’s and you will find Terry, or maybe his mother, Myrtle, who has been with

H.W. Brown’s for 60 years. Terry’s father, Tommy, who retired after 65 years greeted me upon entering the shop. With a chuckle, Tommy told me “Myrtle at first did not like coming into the shop, now you can’t pull her way.” After returning from Washington and Lee, Terry joined the shop full-time. He felt like he owed it to the family to see if he would like it. He did not want to have any regrets about the business. More than 30 years later, Terry is obviously satisfied. The pride wells up as he elaborates, “ A piece of me is with my customer when they pick up an arrangement I’ve created. I love getting to work with brides on creating their special day. They bring photos of flowers they’ve seen, their dress, and their bridesmaids’ dresses. We work together, getting to know one another. I am so grateful to be a part of such a memorable time in their lives. The similarities to other industries are surprising. The bulk of Brown’s flowers come from South America. The flowers are packaged and shipped within hours of picking. Much like the food we consume, refrigeration “boxes” align the crop which is handled with great care transported, and delivered within hours to their destination. Technology has helped on other ways as well, Continued to Page 20

By Lucy Ella

Pictured from left to right: Sam Brown, H.W. Brown, Dudley Brown, William Brown, Harry Brown, Mrs Brown (Sarah), Sarah (Sallie) Brown Shadrick, Myrtle Brown and Violet Brown. 18 SHOWCASE Magazine

| FEBRUARY 2011 |


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Continued from Page 18


conversation. I know exactly what they want and how to help them,” Terry said.

Photo L to R: Terry, Myrtle & Tommy 85 percent of Terry’s business is over the phone. “Being affiliated with floral networks like Teleflora and FTD has been extremely helpful. Florists share a great network to better serve our local customers. If a customer comes into my shop, but wants to order something for a friend in California, we discuss what they want. They can even pay me. Then I contact one of our colleagues out there. I get my customer a trusted florist and it is all taken care of. There are no worries about the flowers, delivery, etcetera. Having the Internet has been a huge asset. Customers call and tell me exactly what they are looking at. There are no wires crossed in the

20 SHOWCASE Magazine

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As Valentine’s Day approaches Terry gets in high gear for his busiest day of they year. “We add five drivers for the one day to deliver the topselling flower, red roses. Christmas is the busiest season. Mother’s Day is the busiest week. But, on Valentine’s Day , we are on the go from morning to night.” Valentine’s Day is on a Monday this year. So, if you can think to place your orders sooner it definitely helps. Flowers, like wine, are experiencing a new type of consumer, a discerning palette. One who might not want a traditional bouquet, but something more delicate and rare. A stem or two of lilies, an elegant way to show appreciation that is slightly less common than its floral predecessors. But, when pressed for the top three blooms in demand- roses, lilies, and daisies, they convey almost any point at every price. Regardless of your message, “I love you,” Thank you,” “I’m sorry,” or “Have a great day,” you can say it with a bud. Drop by H.W. Brown’s. Terry and Myrtle will happily collaborate with you to brighten the recipient’s day.


Ponderings by Torrey Blackwel

“The Dealer for the People”

Torrey Blackwell is a Christian businessman and consumer advocate. He has spent his life fighting the negative stigma that plagues car dealers around the world. He does this by fighting for the consumer as a car dealer that advises people and helps them get the quality vehicle they want and deserve in a positive and safe environment.

So you have credit problems. Who doesn’t? More than 90% of American’s have less than perfect credit. You’re not alone. There is something you can do to improve your situation, though. You don’t have to stand by and wait for things to change. But most dealerships are too busy trying to sell a car to actually slow down and help somebody become a better buyer. This FREE report features simple steps you can take today to get back the credit you want, need and deserve. Just go to my website, click on my consumer guide

“How to Legally Improve Your Credit” then just enter your name, email and phone number in the form and I’ll send you this FREE report which includes: • How To Find Out What’s REALLY On Your Credit Report • How To Eliminate False Negative Information That Lowers Your Score • How To Buy A Car Even With Less Than Perfect Credit

Why Am I Giving All This Away? I’m not like other car dealers. I believe an educated buyer will become my customer for life. But I also know there’s more to buying a car and getting a great deal than color, features, prices and payments...but that’s all other dealers seem to want to talk about. I’m on a mission to put the fun back into buying a car and bring respect and responsibility back to the car business...and giving you free information like this will hopefully be just the beginning of an amazing value-based relationship between us.

| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 21

the essentials

The Drive-By Truckers Go-Go Boots (Music) Indie, alt-country legends The Drive-By Truckers return with their 11th album. After recording nearly 40 tracks last year, the Truckers released The Big To-Do, which singer Patterson Hood refers to as the “rock” record. The remaining tracks surface on February 15 when Go-Go Boots hits the shelves. Hood calls GoGo Boots, the band’s country, soul, and murder ballad album. Let Me In (DVD) Matt Reeves, writer and director of Cloverfield tackles the Americanization of the Swedish vampire classic Let the Right One In. Reeves does a valiant effort at recreating the spookiness of the original as his story follows Owen, a bullied boy who strikes up a friendship with Abby, a neighborhood girl with a secret - a thirst for blood. Author of Let the Right One In, John Ajvide Lindqvist calls Let Me In “a dark and violent love story, a beautiful piece of cinema and a respectful rendering of my novel for which I am grateful.” MGM : Hollywood’s Greatest Backlot (Books) A fascinating look at the behindthe-scenes of one of Hollywood’s storied movie studios. MGM: Hollywood’s Greatest Backlot is an in-depth history of the lot that produced legendary films such as Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz as well as classic shorts like the Our Gang series. Chock-full of candid, previously unpublished photos and exclusive interviews with actors and staff, MGM:Hollywood’s Greatest Backlot takes the reader back to the golden age of Hollywood. The Eagle (Theatrical) Kevin Macdonald’s historical epic follows a young centurion, Marcus Aquila (Channing Tatum) on his search to uncover the mystery of the missing Ninth Legion. It’s been 15 years since the Ninth Legion disappeared. The quest is personal for Aquila since his father was the commander of the Ninth. It won’t

24 SHOWCASE Magazine

releases DVDS • 0211 2/1

Let Me In Conviction The Tillman Story Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2


Paranormal Activity 2 Life As We Know It You Again For Colored Girls


You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger Waiting For Superman



The Secret Soldier - Alex Berenson Known and Unknown: A Memoir Donald Rumsfield True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself Janet Jackson I Beat the Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blindside, and Beyond Michael Oher The Rules According to JWOWW Jwoww


Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution Michelle Moran Undisputed: How to Become the World Champion in 1,372 Easy Steps Chris Jericho MGM: Hollywood’s Greatest Backlot - Steve Bingen, Michael Troyan, Stephen X. Sylvester


Treachery in Death - J.D. Robb The Silent Sea - Clive Cussler Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years Diarmaid MacCulloch

Get Low Weeds (Season 6) Nurse Jackie (Season 2) Ice Road Truckers: The Complete Season Four

Books • 0211 2/1

The Sookie Stackhouse Companion: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel Charlaine Harris In the Blink of an Eye: Dale, Daytona, and the Day That Changed Everything Michael Waltrip

| FEBRUARY 2011 |


be easy for Aquila as he is faced with treacherous surrounds, powerful enemies, and the ghost of his father’s memory. Mario Sports Mix Wii (Video Games) Nintendo’s poster boy Mario returns to tackle classic sports the only way he knows how- with outrageous antics that only Mario and his band of cohorts can offer. You can shrink opponents in a friendly game of dodgeball, spike shells and bananas during a heated game of volleyball, but be careful basketballstealing ghosts when you shoot hops in Luigi’s mansion. Mario Sport Mix has four main sports and numerous mini-games that will keep you occupied for hours.

The Pet Lover’s Guide to a Positive Life By Dr. Joey Faucette reviewed by Larry Oldham

CD Releases • 0211


Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (Comedy) - Martin Lawrence I Am Number Four (Thriller) Timothy Olyphant Unknown (Thriller) - Liam Neeson


Drive Angry (Action) - Nicolas Cage Hall Pass (Comedy) - Owen Wilson Shelter (Horror) - Julianne Moore


Hymns From the Hills Joe Mullins Live Forever: The Stanley Theater, Pittsburgh, Pa, September 23, 1980 - Bob Marley


Truth of Touch - Yanni Pomp & Pout - Elvis Costello


Soul Prescription - Bigg Robb Covering - Stryper Let England Shake - p.j. harvey The People’s Key - Bright Eyes Go-Go Boots - The Drive-By Truckers

Video Games • 0211

21 - Adele


Theatrical Releases • 0211 2/4

The Roommate (Thriller) Leighton Meester Sanctum (Thriller) Richard Roxburgh


The Eagle (Action) - Channing Tatum Gnomeo & Juliet (Animation) Emily Blunt Just Go With It (Romantic Comedy) Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston



Rock Band: Country Track Pack 2 (X,P,W)


Mario Sports Mix (W)


Test Drive Unlimited 2 (X,P) You Don’t Know Jack (X,P,W)


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of the Worlds (X,P) Brunswick Pro Bowling (X) The Conduit (W) Dance Paradise (X)


BulletStorm (X,P) Killzone 3 (P)


Gun Loco (X)

Listen to Life With Your Pet is the fourth book in Dr. Joey Faucette’s Listen to Life series. At first I was a bit skeptical thinking about listening to life with my pet and my pet making a difference in my life as a pet coach. But, Dr. Faucette makes a harmonious correlation by taking a simple everyday occurrence in the life of a pet and turns it into a real life-changing aspect of human life. From the perspective of a pet owner, I found Listen to Life With Your Pet a very entertaining read. It’s a detailed manual on how humans can learn from pets. I do not have a cat or a horse as a pet, but found those stories just as captivating as the dog stories. Dr. Faucette offers the readers an unusual way of discovering the unique qualities of pets and how they relate to our everyday life. You do not have to be a pet owner to take something positive away from Listen to Life With Your Pet. I would recommend this book to everyone. You can listen to life through these pet stories and hear something even if you do not have a dog, cat, or horse.

in review

Listen to Life With Your Pet

Listen to Life With Your Pet can be purchased at Leggett Town and Country, Karen’s Hallmark, World of Pets,, and

| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 25

A Better You


Get Healthy Now! Life is Too Short! No Time for Excuses!

For some unknown reason many of us constantly procrastinate. I am guilty of this sometimes as well. We tend to put things off till tomorrow that we should be doing today. Maybe it’s laziness, lack of motivation, fatigue, loss of inspiration, or maybe even hereditary. Well, for whatever reason, many of us have, do, and will procrastinate about things in our lives. After procrastinating about something we fall under pressure and usually get stressed trying to catch up on the things we have put off. Enough is enough! We have to break this procrastination cycle, especially when it comes to our health and well-being.

Our health is too important. As I have said before, “Our lives hinge on our health!” Everything we do hinges on whether our health is good or not. If we are tired, fatigued, obese, diabetic, or suffer from another preventable health problem we will not be productive people. We will not give our best as an employee, as a business owner, as a family member, as a friend, or as a servant of God. We are given a body which helps us reach out and touch people’s lives through family, friends, and work. We have a duty to take care of our bodies. In turn, this helps us to become more productive citizens, family members, friends, and workers. If you are an obese, diabetic, and tired missionary for your church weighing 400 pounds, you are limited to how you can reach out to people. If you are a CEO that suffers from sleep apnea due to excess body fat and you have to use a breathing machine at night to keep from dying, then you are shorting yourself, your employees, your family, and your friends from a better, more productive YOU! If you are an employee that eats junk food all day, gets no exercise, and has blood pressure, sugar, obesity, or cholesterol problems which leads to you missing a lot of work, then you are shorting yourself and your company. Life is too short! There really is no more time for excuses. I get calls, emails, and messages all the time from prospective clients. I hear the same crappy excuses which do nothing but hurt these people and enable them to keep on killing themselves with their own bad habits. Listen – there is no good excuse for being hugely obese. There is no good excuse for eating high-sugar junk all day with little activity or exercise and becoming diabetic. There is no excuse for us becoming a world of preventable diseases and a huge health mess. The days of excuses and procrastination about getting healthy need to exit your mind. We need to stand up to obesity, stand up to high blood pressure , stand up to high cholesterol, stand up to acid reflux, stand up to osteoporosis, stand up to diabetes, stand up to sleep apnea, and stand up for our own health and well-being.

No More Diets!

Too many times we want to go on a drastic diet 26 SHOWCASE Magazine

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because we have let our weight get out of control. Why do we do this? Shouldn’t we just clean up our eating and exercise in the first place? It is like trying to get a tutor to help your kid with their grades in a class they aren’t even enrolled in!

If we are eating high-calorie junk foods and chugging gallons of sugary sodas then shouldn’t we just cut out the junk first? I hear it time and time again, someone calls me for personal trainer help and wants to know what diet I will put them on. I do not do diets. My clients do not do diets. We learn how to make healthy food choices throughout the day and how to troubleshoot cookouts, travel snacks, special events, etcetera. We all get the same high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugar, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, acid reflux, aches, pains, fatigue, and stresses when we do not take care of our bodies and gain a lot of body fat. Whether I speak to a business, women’s group, a senior citizens’ church group, a men’s group, or a high school group, the same health problems stemming from being overweight are present. When we get out of control with our Exercise, Nutrition, and Rest schedules, our bodies also get out of whack and all systems spin out of control. We need to take care of our bodies by exercising regularly, making the correct nutritional choices, and getting plenty of rest and recovery time. Now is the time to stop making excuses and do something positive about your health. Anyone who truly has the desire to get healthy, can and will be healthy. Remember, Age, Race, Religious Beliefs, Occupation, or Gender will not stop you if you really want to reach your healthy goals. “Our Weight Don’t Discriminate!” No more diets. They do not work. All we need is good old-fashioned exercise, healthy eating, and plenty of rest.

In the late 1990’s David Gluhareff lost over 100 pounds. Dave then became a certified personal trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) and began his career as a personal trainer. In March of 2009 David earned the elite status of Master of Fitness Sciences (MFS) by the ISSA, their highest level of personal training qualifications. As a personal trainer, Dave has been helping people take charge of their physiques to help them feel, look, and move better through life. Personal training with Dave Gluhareff is set-up in the following ways: One-on-One, Small Group, Bootcamp Fitness (www. or online via the Internet and phone.

by Paulette Dean Executive Director, Danville Humane Society There is a sugar bowl on my desk. It is obviously from the 1950s or 1960s, and I keep it as a reminder of serving with a pure heart. Every spring, we have a yard sale that nets us about $1,800. This is a fun fundraiser that, beyond some simple advertising costs, does not cost anything. It also gives people a chance to help the animals in a very simple way – by donating gently used items to us to sell. About three years ago, as I was leaving the shelter to run an errand, I saw a woman get in her car. She had been in the front office and said she had brought something for us to sell at the yard sale. She and her husband have been loyal friends of the animals and the Danville Area Humane Society. They have adopted several animals from us throughout the years, and have supported the work through donations. I knew that, with illnesses and loss of employment, they were struggling. She said they could not donate much, but they wanted to help. When I went back into the shelter, I saw what they had donated to the yard sale – one sugar bowl. People come to yard sales expecting to buy for very low prices, but I decided right then that I was going to buy that sugar bowl and I was going to pay ten times what we would have priced it for. I did that because I wanted that sugar bowl on my desk to remind me of their service and devotion to the animals. Many years ago, an elementary school in Pittsylvania County held a collection drive for us. When I went to the school to give a little presentation and to pick up the donations, a teacher came up to me with a small sandwich bag filled with dry cat food. She said that a young boy from a family with very little resources wanted to give the humane society something, so he put some of his cat’s food in a little baggie. I don’t remember much of what everyone else gave, but I’ve never forgotten that gift. There is something for each one of us to learn or to remember from the sugar bowl and the bag of dry cat food. We may not have much to give, but that should not stop us from giving something. We cannot do everything, but we can do something. People apologize to us when they send us a small amount of money, or when all they have to contribute is used towels. Sometimes, people even apologize when they call us to complain about a neglected animal. They feel bad because all they can do is make a telephone call. From small things, great things can happen.


Roscoe is a 1 year old chihuahua mix that came to us as a stray. He is very sweet, but also is a little timid. He needs a quiet home with people who will give him lots of attention.

For more information, please contact Danville Humane Society, 434.799.0843

| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 27




ACROSS 1 Bro.’s sibling 4 Romp 9 Brim 12 Volcano 14 Mush up 15 Prank 16 Supper 17 Objects 18 Long time 19 Embeds 21 Weakly 23 Tinge 24 Aye 25 Bridge support 28 Electroencephalograph (abbr.) 31 Tale 34 African country 36 Truck 38 Promissory note 40 Waves 41 Take in 43 Wood cutting tools 44 Choose 45 What a nurse gives 46 Eddies 48 Sports channel 51 Energy unit 53 Long time periods 54 Moray 56 Sticky black substance

58 61 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Slim Careening Mr. Disney First letter in Hebrew alphabet Off-Broadway award Evils Childhood disease Typesetting measurement “To the right!” Relating to the sun Danish krone (abbr.)

DOWN 1 Partial 2 Object 3 Join together 4 Spiky 5 Leg covering 6 Mined metals 7 Rock group 8 Feisty 9 Legal claim to property 10 Movie star 11 Cayuse 13 Every 15 Donald’s girlfriend 20 Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (abbr.) 22 Border

25 26 27 29 30 32 33 34 35 37 39 42 43 47 49 50 52 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 68

Open __ and raves Nervous system Expel Petrol Jeweled headdress Barks whiningly Flying saucer Ornament Latest Ship initials Loose gown worn at mass Mr. Garlic Rains buckets Tulle Ideal place Vaults Detest Quick drink Glen Women’s magazine Cured Prune As previously cited Chip Hiking equipment Toilet


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28 SHOWCASE Magazine

| FEBRUARY 2011 |



February ‘11

DON’T MISS... Danville

25 – Gospel and Choral Extravaganza: DCC: 7pm: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419.


13 – A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Martinsville HS Aud.: 7:30--9:30pm: 276.632.3221:

North Carolina

10– Wine, Women & Chocolate: Union Plaza, Roxboro: 6-10pm: 336.599.8333.

DANVILLE Arts/Exhibits

Thru March 31 – Mill Safety and Life Lessons: Danville Science Center: Free/$6/$5: M-S 9:30am–5pm: Sun 1–5pm: 434.791.5160: Thru March – Danville Museum Exhibits Please Be Seated & The Life and Times of Harry Wooding. Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History: 434.793.5644: Thru September 5 – DSC Exhibits - Tech City and Sonic Sensation & Sonic Sensation: Danville Science Center: Free/$6/$5: M-S 9:30am–5pm: Sun 1–5pm: 434.791.5160: 5 – Bob Ross Painting Class: Ballou Park Annex Building: 10:30am-3:30pm: 434.797.8848: 7-March 1 – Art with Judie: Ballou Park Annex: M/Tu, Times Vary: 434.797.8848: 23 – I Know You Can Draw Class: Ballou Rec Center: 12-1:45pm: 434.799.5216: 23-March 30 – Art with Flo: Weds. Location/Times Vary: 434.797.8848:


1,15 – Coffee and Crayons: City Auditorium: 9-10pm: 434.797.8848: 1,8,15,22 – Passport to the World: Pepsi Building: 11-11:45am: 434.797.8848: 1-23 – Koates Kids: Coates Rec. Center: Ages 3-5: Tue/Wed 9:30am-12pm: 434.797.8848: 2,9,16,23 – Youth Adventure Series: Ballou Nature Center: W 3:30-5pm: 434.799.5215: 3 – Fine Arts Evening: Sacred Heart: Showcase-6:15pm. Program-7pm.: 434.793.2656. 3,17 – Mom’s Afternoon Out: Coates Rec. Center: 12:30-2:30pm: 434.797.8848: 3,17 – EES Open House: Epiphany Episcopal School: 6pm: 434.792.4334.

3,10,17,24 – Curiosity Corner Play Days: Coates Rec. Center: 9:30am-12:30pm: 434.797.8848: 5-March 26 – Historical Arts & Crafts Classes: YWCA: Boys-9am; Girls-11am: 434.792.1522. 8 – Polliwogs & Science Stars: Danville Science Center: Polliwogs, Ages 3–5, 1–2pm; Science Stars, Ages 5-7, 3:30–4:30pm: $3/$6: 434.791.5160: 11 –Valentine’s Day Dance: Glenwood: Grades K-5: 7-9pm: 434.799.6469: 12 – Valentine’s Scavenger Hunt: Glenwood: Ages 3-5: 9-11am: 434.799.6469: 15-March 10 – Swimming Adventures for Beginners:YMCA: Tu/Th 3:30-4:15pm: 434.799.5215: 17 – Tiny Tot Bike Rodeo: Glenwood: Ages 2-5: 11am–12pm: 434.799.6469: 19 – WintergreenTubing Trip: Ages 8-14: 8:30am–5pm: 434.799.6469: 26 – National Engineers Week: Danville Science Center: 11am-3pm: 434.791.5160: 26 – Furry Friends Day: Glenwood: 2-4pm: 434.799.6469:


1 – The Watoto Girls’ Choir: Episcopal Church of the Epiphany: 7pm: 434.792.4321: 2-26 – Live Bands & DJ Music: Back to Bogies: Wed-Sat. Times Vary: 434.791.3444. 3,10,17,24 – 57 Express Bluegrass Concert: Community Center, Chatham: TH, 7pm: 434.432.3115: 4 – D.R.E.A.M: DCC: 6pm: 434.797.8554. 4 – Chinese Children’s Philharmonic Orchestra: GWHS Auditorium: 7pm: 434.548.3053. 4 – Damaris Carbaugh Concert: Trinity UM Church: 7pm: 434.793.4196. 5 – Philharmonic of Poland Concert: GW Auditorium: 7:30pm: 434.792.9242:

9 – The Marimba in History,Technique, & Performance: Wednesday Club: 3:45pm: 434.836.0649. 11 – Valentine Dance: Ballou Rec. Center: 7:30-10:30pm: 434.799.5216: 11 – Riverview Rotary’s Valentines Dance: Stratford Conference Center: 8pm: 434.792.4663. 12 – Open Mic: Community Center, Chatham: 7-10pm: 434.432.3115: 12 – Valentine’s Day Red, Black & White Evening: Mt. Hermon Courtyard: 7pm-12am: 434.250.3659. 13 – The Flautist or Flutist? Concert: Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Chatham: 3pm. 14 – Valentine Dinner, Love Songs, Dancing: Stratford Conference Center: 6:30pm: 434.793.3672. 15 – The Essence of Jazz: DCC: 11am: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419. 15 – Jazz Night: Ballou Rec. Center: 6-8pm: 434.799.5216: 18 – Poetry Café: DCC: 6pm: 434.797.8429. 18-26 – Pride & Prejudice: Gretna Little Theatre: 7:30/2:30pm: 434.228.1778. 20 - The New Hilliards Concert: Moffett Memorial Baptist Church: 7pm: 434.799.5402. 24 – Talent Showcase: DCC: 11am: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419. 24-27 - Arts @ Averett Series - Urinetown: Pritchett Auditorium, Averett: 7:30/2:30pm: 434.791.5711: 25 – Gospel and Choral Extravaganza: DCC: 7pm: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419.


1 – Motivational Speaker Lenora Billings-Harris: DCC: 11am/5:30pm: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419. 2 – Wednesday Club Speaker: 10:30am: 434.799.2723. 2,9,16,23 – Lighten Up for Life!: Ballou Rec. Center: 9-11am: 434.799.5216: 3 – Budgeting to Live Within Your Means: City Auditorium: 5:30pm: 434.797.8848:

| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 29

Area EVENTS Guide 3 – Guide to Home Heating & Cooling Class: Coates Rec. Center: 5:30pm: 434.797.8848: 3 – The Year of the Rabbit Celebration: The Center: 6-8pm: 434.822.0007. 5 – Storytelling Festival: Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History: 10am-2pm: 434.793.5644: 5 - Wondering How to Pay for College Workshop: Institute for Advanced Learning and Research: 10am: 6-March 27 – Ancient History & Languages Classes: YWCA: Sun, 7-9pm: 434.792.1522. 7 – Making Sense of Retirement: Coates Rec. Center: 6:30pm: 434.797.8848: 7-March 30 – Discovery Classes: YWCA: M/W: SAT Prep Classes-6pm; Foreign Language Classes-7pm: 434.792.1522. 7,21,28 – Bike Maintenance Series: Ballou Nature Center: 6-7:30pm: 434.799.5215: 8 – Walking Back in History: DCC: 11am: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419. 8 – Jupiter, the Great Gas Planet: Danville Science Center: 6:30pm: 434.791.5160: 9,23 – Lunch & Learn Program: DRMC: 11:30am-12: 30pm: 434.799.WELL. 10 – Book Discussion: Pittsylvania County Public Library: 4pm: 434.432.3271. 10 – Understanding Your Credit Report: City Auditorium: 5:30pm: 434.797.8848. 10 – How to Weatherize Your Home: Coates Rec. Center: 5:30pm: 434.797.8848:

30 SHOWCASE Magazine

14 – H.A.D. - Health Awareness Day: DCC: 10am: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419. 14 – Focus on Fixed Income: Coates Rec. Center: 6:30pm: 434.797.8848: 15 – Making Sense of Nutritional Information: Danville Public Library: 1pm: 434.797.8848: 17 – How to Prepare to Buy A Home: City Auditorium: 5:30pm: 434.797.8848: 17 – Windows, Doors and & Home Insulation: Coates Rec. Center: 5:30pm: 434.797.8848: 19,26 – Reiki II: The Center: 9:30am-12:30pm: 434.822.0007. 23 – The Difference Five Words Made: Averett University: 3:45pm: 434.799.2723. 24 – Native Trees, Wildlife and Future Threats: Danville Science Center: 6:30pm: 434.791.5160: 26 – How to Get Started at the Danville Farmers’ Market: Pepsi Building: 10am–1pm: 434.797.8961. 27 – US Pony Club Speaker: Ballou Park Community Center: 3pm: 434.793.2987. 28 – Smart Choices in Retirement: Coates Rec. Center: 6:30pm: 434.797.8848: 28 – Authors on Campus Series: Averett University: 7:30pm: 434.791.5836. 28-April 11 –Canine Good Citizenship: Glenwood: 6:30-7:30pm: 434.799.6469:


1 – Cooking Demonstrations: Ballou Rec. Center: 6:30-8:30pm: 434.799.5216: 1,8,15,22 – Kuumba-West African Dance: City

| FEBRUARY 2011 |

1,8,15,22 – African Dance Ensemble: Pepsi Building: 6:30pm: 434.797.8848: 1,8,15,22 – Tai Chi & Tae Kwon Do Fitness: Community Center, Chatham: 7pm: 434.432.3115: 1-24 – Chicks w/Sticks: City Armory: T/TH, 11:30am 1pm: 434.797.8848: 1-31 – Onging Programs/Classes:YWCA: Bible Speaks, Domestic Violence Advocacy Program and Labyrinth walk. Fitness: Better Health for Pre-Teens, Aikido, PowerKatz Martial Arts, Belly Dancing, Zumba, Swimming lessons for children and Aquatic program: Day/Times Vary: 434.792.1522. 1-March 11 – Shamrock 5K Run/Walk Early Registration: 434.251.2237. 2 – Senior Bowling Tournament: Riverside Lanes: 10am-12pm: 434.791.2695: 2 – Valentine Tea/Crafts Class: Ballou Rec. Center: 12-1:45pm: 434.799.5216: 2-28 – Step-Aerobics: Community Center, Chatham: MW 5:15pm: 434.432.3115: 2,16 – The Tao of Harmony: City Auditorium: 5:30–6:30pm: 434.797.8848: 2,9,16,23 – Guitar Basics: City Auditorium: 5:30pm: 434.797.8848: 3 – Tunstall HS Band Booster Fundraiser: Wendys Piney Forest Rd: 5-8pm: 434.710.4408. 3,10 – The Zen of Chocolate: Pepsi Building: 6-8:30pm: 434.797.8848: 3,10,17,24 – Aquacize:YWCA: 8:15am: 434.797.8848: 3,10,17,24 – Cake Decorating: Ballou Rec. Center: 6pm: 434.797.8848: 5 – Community Book, Game & DVD Swap: Coates Rec. Center: 10am–12pm: 434.799.6469: 5 – Ice Bowl Disc Golf Tournament: Ballou Park Disc Golf Course: 10am-2pm: 434.799.5215:

Information Sessions for Interested Parents Thursday, February 3, 6 pm Thursday, February 17, 6 pm Please mark your calenday to attend one of our two information sessions in February. These sessions are held to provide interested parents with a great deal of information about our Pre-K, kindergarten, and grades 1-8 for our next school year — September 2011 through May 2012.

Please call Corrine Lohan at


for additional infomation.



| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 31

Area EVENTS Guide 5,12,19,26 – Zumba Class: Community Center, Chatham: 10am: 434.432.3115: 8 – Trip to Greensboro: Ballou Rec. Center: 12-6pm: 434.799.5216: 8-March 11 – A Stitch in Time w/ Kitty: Coates Rec. Center: Tues. 6:30-8:30pm: 434.797.8848: 11,18,25 – Fundraiser Dinners: American Legion Dan River Post 1097: 5:30pm: 434.836.8101 or 434.793.7531. 10 – Intro to Kayaking: Ballou Nature Center: 6-7:30pm: 434.799.5215: 11 – Easy Soap Making Recipes: Ballou Rec. Center: 2-4pm: 434.799.5216: 14-March 7 – Hand Sewn Quilts Class: City Auditorium: 6-8pm: 434.797.8848: 16 – Pass the Pasta Cooking Class: Ballou Rec. Center: 12:30-1:30pm: 434.799.5216: 17 – Sky Watchers: Danville Science Center: Nightfall: 434.791.5160: 17-March 17 – Aqua Zumba:YWCA: MW 5:306:30pm: 434.797.8848: 19 – Night in the Tropics Pool Party: YWCA: 6:30pm: 434.792.1522. 21-March 2 – Kayak Roll Classes:YMCA: MW 7:30-9pm: 434.799.5215: 21-March 21 – Middle Eastern Belly Dance Class: Pepsi Building: Intermediate-5:30pm; Beginning-6:45pm: 434.797.8848: 21-March 28 – Shag Classes: Ballou Rec. Center: 7-8pm/8-9pm: 434.799.5216: 22 – Black Heritage Trivia Game: DCC: 11am: 434.797.8554 or 434.797.8419. 22,24 – Boater Safety Class: Ballou Nature Center: 6-9pm: 434.799.5215: 26 – Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People: Ballou Annex: 9am-12pm: 434.797.8848: 27-April 4 – Zumba Classes: Times/Locations Vary: 434.797.8848:


Thru Feb. 26 – Finishing History Exbibit: Piedmont Arts: 276.632.3221: 3 – Bob Ross Technique Workshop: Piedmont Arts: 10am-3:30pm: 276.632.3221: 4 – First Friday Art Walk: Studio 107: 5-7pm: 276.638.2107: 14-March 14 – Intro to Woodworking Hand Tools: Southern VA Artisan Center: 6:30-8:30pm: 276.656.0260: 15-March 8 – Beginning Knitting: Southern VA Artisan Center: 5:30-8:30pm: 276.656.0260: 16-March 16 – Elements of Design: Southern VA Artisan Center: 5:30-8:30pm: 276.656.0260: 17-March 17 – Ceramics I: Southern VA Artisan Center: 5:30-8:30pm: 276.656.0260:


5,12,26 – Special Saturdays:Virginia Museum of Natural History: Ages Vary:10am-12pm: 276.634.4185: 9 – Homeschool Wednesdays: Life cycles: Ages 6-10 & 11-18:Virginia Museum of Natural History: 10-11:15am: 276.634.4185: 18 – Jammy Jams:Virginia Museum of Natural History: Ages 3-5: 6-9pm: 276.634.4185: 23 – Doodle Bugs - Scrumpdidlyumptious:Virginia Museum of Natural History: Ages 3-5: 10am & 3pm: 276.634.4185:


3 – Pickin’ and Singin: Spencer-Penn Centre: 10am: 276.957.5757: 11 – Music Night: Spencer-Penn Centre: 5:30pm: 276.957.5757: 13 – A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Martinsville HS Auditorium: 7:30--9:30pm: 276.632.3221:

Indrya, Zumba: Spencer-Penn Centre: Days/Times Vary: 276.957.5757: 3 – Photography Club: Spencer-Penn Centre: 6:30pm: 276.957.5757: 5 – Big Country Buffet Breakfast: Spencer-Penn Centre: 6-10am: 276.957.5757: 4 – DRBA First Saturday Outing: Reynolds Homestead: 10am: 276.694.4449: 10,17 – Seniors in the Know: Community Kitchen & Learn to Play Canasta: Spencer-Penn Centre: 10am: 276.957.5757: 17 – Photography: Spencer-Penn Centre: 6-8pm: 276.957.5757: 17 – Book Discussion Group: Spencer-Penn Centre: 7pm: 276.957.5757: 19 – Basket-making: Spencer-Penn Centre: 9:30am12pm: 276.957.5757: 24 – The Constitution: Spencer-Penn Centre: 7-9pm: 276.957.5757:

NORTH CAROLINA Entertainment

10– Wine, Women & Chocolate: Union Plaza, Roxboro: 6-10pm: 336.599.8333. 12 – Chairmen of the Board Concert: Kirby Theater, Roxboro: 7:30pm: 336.597.1709: 24,25,26 – Red Stocking Revue: Roxboro: 336.504.9182.

SOUTH BOSTON Entertainment

4 – Sleepover Theatre Camp: The Prizery: 6:30pm: 434.572.8339: 12 – East Side Big Band Valentine Dance: The Prizery: 8pm: 434.572.8339: 17,18,19 – Commemoration Of The Crossing Of The Dan: The Prizery: Times Vary: 434.572.8339: 18-26 – Almost, Maine: The Prizery: Days Vary: 8pm/3pm: 434.572.8339:


1-28 – Classes at the Centre: Open Computer Class, Chair/Family Aerobics, Belly Dancing with


32 SHOWCASE SHOWCASE Magazine Magazine


| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 33

The idea for EMERGE began when, over a span of a few months, Scott Brooks, our publisher and CEO, researched and oversaw the publication of Our Town – Danville and Pittsylvania County and simultaneously ran for the Virginia Senate seat vacated by Robert Hurt. Producing Our Town gave Brooks the opportunity to converse with many local leaders and businesspeople. While his sidetrack into politics gave him a taste of just who pushes political agendas forward. As a latecomer to the race, he did not win, but he had the opportunity to meet with several groups and community leaders, most of whom were African-American. Having grown up in an African-American neighborhood, Brooks sees everyone as the same. But, during these meetings, he found himself inspired to get involved in being a force for positive change. He truly felt embraced by those present, because of their compassionate candor. He realized that there is a need within the Dan River Region for a public dialog that explicates, respects, and affirms the various perspectives held by individuals within the African-American community, regarding how to make our area better, richer, and more equal. Given his unique position as the owner of a media company that operates locally, he determined that he could help to provide that outlet, and set his sights on doing just that. At this point, he realized that his most significant challenge in the accomplishment of this goal would be his own racial background. He knew that, should this project be a success, the production and editing of the magazine (at that point tentatively titled Unity) would have to be done entirely by African-American community members, and that Brooks Media Group would merely serve as the conduit through which this magazine would become a reality. Thus, he and his staff set out to recruit prominent leaders within this community who could assist with the project. The response was great. Many local African-American leaders, from diverse fields such as business, government, social services, art, education, and faith came together to develop the groundwork for the magazine. Sharon Leigg, a Japanese and Journalism teacher at George Washington whose class produces the award-winning Euantes, will serve as the initial editor for EMERGE. Many of you will recognize her for the fiction series she writes in Evince under the pen name “Telisha Moore.” A few potent meetings later, we now have an advisory board in place, a new title, and gripping articles in the works for a stellar premiere issue, coming out in late March. The EMERGE team is taking their time and making

sure to get it right with the first issue. EMERGE is off to an excellent start, and is attracting and generating a lot of energy and excitement. There is, however, a degree of controversy surrounding the project. Some examples are “Why does there need to be a separate publication for African Americans? Would it not be more ideal to incorporate more African-American perspectives into Evince and Showcase?” Another goes: “Can a white-owned company really do a good job of producing an AfricanAmerican magazine?” Scott Brooks sums it up from his perspective, “We are providing the resources and pulling together the most intelligent and talented people in the area to create something that the area really needs. The proof will be in the pudding.” For every negative comment, there are at least ten positive reactions. The community is excited about this idea, and many people are offering to volunteer their time and talents to help produce it. Furthermore, we have made a commitment within our company to do exactly what has been suggested to us. Although we try to be as inclusive as possible, Scott Brooks has mandated that Evince and Showcase make a more concerted effort to more accurately reflect the community as a whole by embracing our strongest asset, our multicultural community. Sharon Leigg states, “I’m very honored to be involved with EMERGE because it is a fantastic movement of expression, a way to showcase achievement and talent in the African-American community and in the larger Danville Community as a whole. I’m excited because being a part of a project that shares and celebrates positive cultural expression in one group always leads to greater understanding, harmony, and positive expression for all groups.” We believe in the concept of a magazine made by and for African Americans because it will allow for the wide diversity of perspectives within the African-American community to share a platform. Additionally, we are working to make our staff more reflective of the community. Selena Lipscomb and Jeffrey Jackson, both African-American, have joined the small staff at Brooks Media Group. But, ultimately, the success of EMERGE and of Brooks Media Group will be determined by our readers, our contributors, and our community. We cannot accomplish what we have set out to do without the participation of this community and the support of advertisers. Rather than supply the answers to the questions that have been raised, we would prefer to provide a forum in which the various notions can play themselves out, and produce real and sustainable solutions. We welcome constructive criticism and input regarding how to become a better company and produce the publication that will best serve this need. It is our heartfelt belief that, if enough people take the time and expend the effort necessary to engage their community and participate in its public conversations, the right course of action will organically and inevitably, EMERGE.

A Brooks Media

Brooks Media Group, the people who bring you Showcase and Evince every month, is pleased to announce that a new publication will become part of our family this year: EMERGE: An African-American Voice for the Dan River Region. The magazine will be the region’s only printed publication that is entirely produced by and for local African Americans. Our intention is to provide a high-quality forum through which issues that are important to the African-American community can come to light, and have a real impact on local policymaking and the culture-at-large.


Brooks Media Proudly Announces

Positive cultural expression in one group always leads to greater understanding, harmony, and positive expression for all groups.

| FEBRUARY 2011 | SHOWCASE Magazine 35

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