1 minute read
GettinG Settled into a new home
Get Your Utilities Set Up
Having heat and lights as soon as you arrive is a priority:
• Electricity
• Water and sewer
• Wi-Fi and internet does this impact your email address?
• Garbage pick up service
• Television whether cable or streaming
Mailing Addresses Before And After The Move
Before: Fill out change of address forms with the US Post Office so your mail will forward.
Change your address with your bank, credit cards, online retailers, PayPal, and other businesses you want to continue doing business with.
Unpacking Tips
• If you moved major appliances such as a washer, dryer, refrigerator, etc., plug them in right away and run them to ensure they work. If not, you may need to file an insurance claim or talk to your movers about compensation.
• Save your receipts for tax purposes as many expenses related to moving for a job are deductible.
• Check that all boxes are fully empty and break them down for recycling. Offer your boxes and packing materials to others for use when you are done through OfferUp or Craigslist. Recycle any that are unusable.
• In the throes of packing, you probably kept items you didn’t really want in the interest of time. Now as you unpack, make sure you truly want the items you are unpacking before you put them in your home. Start a box for a local charity or to have a garage sale in the near future so you can meet your new neighbors.